path: root/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py
diff options
authorStuart Mackie <wsmackie@juniper.net>2016-10-07 12:24:58 -0700
committerStuart Mackie <wsmackie@juniper.net>2016-10-07 12:24:58 -0700
commit4faa7f927149a5c4ef7a03523f7bc14523cb9baa (patch)
tree0be55aa0809cc395e45baeae63db660b4e72fe83 /charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py
parent82f1a7eb5535b30a95b1e71ff18c315d40d1e6f0 (diff)
Charms for Contrail 3.1 with Mitaka
Change-Id: Id37f3b9743d1974e31fcd7cd9c54be41bb0c47fb Signed-off-by: Stuart Mackie <wsmackie@juniper.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py')
1 files changed, 926 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py b/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24b998d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,926 @@
+# Copyright 2014-2015 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Common python helper functions used for OpenStack charms.
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from functools import wraps
+import subprocess
+import json
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import six
+import yaml
+from charmhelpers.contrib.network import ip
+from charmhelpers.core import (
+ unitdata,
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ config,
+ log as juju_log,
+ charm_dir,
+ relation_ids,
+ relation_set,
+ status_set,
+ hook_name
+from charmhelpers.contrib.storage.linux.lvm import (
+ deactivate_lvm_volume_group,
+ is_lvm_physical_volume,
+ remove_lvm_physical_volume,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip import (
+ get_ipv6_addr
+from charmhelpers.contrib.python.packages import (
+ pip_create_virtualenv,
+ pip_install,
+from charmhelpers.core.host import lsb_release, mounts, umount
+from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install, apt_cache, install_remote
+from charmhelpers.contrib.storage.linux.utils import is_block_device, zap_disk
+from charmhelpers.contrib.storage.linux.loopback import ensure_loopback_device
+CLOUD_ARCHIVE_URL = "http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu"
+DISTRO_PROPOSED = ('deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ %s-proposed '
+ 'restricted main multiverse universe')
+ ('oneiric', 'diablo'),
+ ('precise', 'essex'),
+ ('quantal', 'folsom'),
+ ('raring', 'grizzly'),
+ ('saucy', 'havana'),
+ ('trusty', 'icehouse'),
+ ('utopic', 'juno'),
+ ('vivid', 'kilo'),
+ ('wily', 'liberty'),
+ ('2011.2', 'diablo'),
+ ('2012.1', 'essex'),
+ ('2012.2', 'folsom'),
+ ('2013.1', 'grizzly'),
+ ('2013.2', 'havana'),
+ ('2014.1', 'icehouse'),
+ ('2014.2', 'juno'),
+ ('2015.1', 'kilo'),
+ ('2015.2', 'liberty'),
+# The ugly duckling
+SWIFT_CODENAMES = OrderedDict([
+ ('1.4.3', 'diablo'),
+ ('1.4.8', 'essex'),
+ ('1.7.4', 'folsom'),
+ ('1.8.0', 'grizzly'),
+ ('1.7.7', 'grizzly'),
+ ('1.7.6', 'grizzly'),
+ ('1.10.0', 'havana'),
+ ('1.9.1', 'havana'),
+ ('1.9.0', 'havana'),
+ ('1.13.1', 'icehouse'),
+ ('1.13.0', 'icehouse'),
+ ('1.12.0', 'icehouse'),
+ ('1.11.0', 'icehouse'),
+ ('2.0.0', 'juno'),
+ ('2.1.0', 'juno'),
+ ('2.2.0', 'juno'),
+ ('2.2.1', 'kilo'),
+ ('2.2.2', 'kilo'),
+ ('2.3.0', 'liberty'),
+ ('2.4.0', 'liberty'),
+# >= Liberty version->codename mapping
+ 'nova-common': OrderedDict([
+ ('12.0.0', 'liberty'),
+ ]),
+ 'neutron-common': OrderedDict([
+ ('7.0.0', 'liberty'),
+ ]),
+ 'cinder-common': OrderedDict([
+ ('7.0.0', 'liberty'),
+ ]),
+ 'keystone': OrderedDict([
+ ('8.0.0', 'liberty'),
+ ]),
+ 'horizon-common': OrderedDict([
+ ('8.0.0', 'liberty'),
+ ]),
+ 'ceilometer-common': OrderedDict([
+ ('5.0.0', 'liberty'),
+ ]),
+ 'heat-common': OrderedDict([
+ ('5.0.0', 'liberty'),
+ ]),
+ 'glance-common': OrderedDict([
+ ('11.0.0', 'liberty'),
+ ]),
+ 'openstack-dashboard': OrderedDict([
+ ('8.0.0', 'liberty'),
+ ]),
+def error_out(msg):
+ juju_log("FATAL ERROR: %s" % msg, level='ERROR')
+ sys.exit(1)
+def get_os_codename_install_source(src):
+ '''Derive OpenStack release codename from a given installation source.'''
+ ubuntu_rel = lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME']
+ rel = ''
+ if src is None:
+ return rel
+ if src in ['distro', 'distro-proposed']:
+ try:
+ rel = UBUNTU_OPENSTACK_RELEASE[ubuntu_rel]
+ except KeyError:
+ e = 'Could not derive openstack release for '\
+ 'this Ubuntu release: %s' % ubuntu_rel
+ error_out(e)
+ return rel
+ if src.startswith('cloud:'):
+ ca_rel = src.split(':')[1]
+ ca_rel = ca_rel.split('%s-' % ubuntu_rel)[1].split('/')[0]
+ return ca_rel
+ # Best guess match based on deb string provided
+ if src.startswith('deb') or src.startswith('ppa'):
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(OPENSTACK_CODENAMES):
+ if v in src:
+ return v
+def get_os_version_install_source(src):
+ codename = get_os_codename_install_source(src)
+ return get_os_version_codename(codename)
+def get_os_codename_version(vers):
+ '''Determine OpenStack codename from version number.'''
+ try:
+ except KeyError:
+ e = 'Could not determine OpenStack codename for version %s' % vers
+ error_out(e)
+def get_os_version_codename(codename, version_map=OPENSTACK_CODENAMES):
+ '''Determine OpenStack version number from codename.'''
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(version_map):
+ if v == codename:
+ return k
+ e = 'Could not derive OpenStack version for '\
+ 'codename: %s' % codename
+ error_out(e)
+def get_os_codename_package(package, fatal=True):
+ '''Derive OpenStack release codename from an installed package.'''
+ import apt_pkg as apt
+ cache = apt_cache()
+ try:
+ pkg = cache[package]
+ except:
+ if not fatal:
+ return None
+ # the package is unknown to the current apt cache.
+ e = 'Could not determine version of package with no installation '\
+ 'candidate: %s' % package
+ error_out(e)
+ if not pkg.current_ver:
+ if not fatal:
+ return None
+ # package is known, but no version is currently installed.
+ e = 'Could not determine version of uninstalled package: %s' % package
+ error_out(e)
+ vers = apt.upstream_version(pkg.current_ver.ver_str)
+ match = re.match('^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)', vers)
+ if match:
+ vers = match.group(0)
+ # >= Liberty independent project versions
+ if (package in PACKAGE_CODENAMES and
+ vers in PACKAGE_CODENAMES[package]):
+ return PACKAGE_CODENAMES[package][vers]
+ else:
+ # < Liberty co-ordinated project versions
+ try:
+ if 'swift' in pkg.name:
+ swift_vers = vers[:5]
+ if swift_vers not in SWIFT_CODENAMES:
+ # Deal with 1.10.0 upward
+ swift_vers = vers[:6]
+ return SWIFT_CODENAMES[swift_vers]
+ else:
+ vers = vers[:6]
+ except KeyError:
+ if not fatal:
+ return None
+ e = 'Could not determine OpenStack codename for version %s' % vers
+ error_out(e)
+def get_os_version_package(pkg, fatal=True):
+ '''Derive OpenStack version number from an installed package.'''
+ codename = get_os_codename_package(pkg, fatal=fatal)
+ if not codename:
+ return None
+ if 'swift' in pkg:
+ vers_map = SWIFT_CODENAMES
+ else:
+ for version, cname in six.iteritems(vers_map):
+ if cname == codename:
+ return version
+ # e = "Could not determine OpenStack version for package: %s" % pkg
+ # error_out(e)
+os_rel = None
+def os_release(package, base='essex'):
+ '''
+ Returns OpenStack release codename from a cached global.
+ If the codename can not be determined from either an installed package or
+ the installation source, the earliest release supported by the charm should
+ be returned.
+ '''
+ global os_rel
+ if os_rel:
+ return os_rel
+ os_rel = (get_os_codename_package(package, fatal=False) or
+ get_os_codename_install_source(config('openstack-origin')) or
+ base)
+ return os_rel
+def import_key(keyid):
+ cmd = "apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 " \
+ "--recv-keys %s" % keyid
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd.split(' '))
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ error_out("Error importing repo key %s" % keyid)
+def configure_installation_source(rel):
+ '''Configure apt installation source.'''
+ if rel == 'distro':
+ return
+ elif rel == 'distro-proposed':
+ ubuntu_rel = lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME']
+ with open('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/juju_deb.list', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(DISTRO_PROPOSED % ubuntu_rel)
+ elif rel[:4] == "ppa:":
+ src = rel
+ subprocess.check_call(["add-apt-repository", "-y", src])
+ elif rel[:3] == "deb":
+ l = len(rel.split('|'))
+ if l == 2:
+ src, key = rel.split('|')
+ juju_log("Importing PPA key from keyserver for %s" % src)
+ import_key(key)
+ elif l == 1:
+ src = rel
+ with open('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/juju_deb.list', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(src)
+ elif rel[:6] == 'cloud:':
+ ubuntu_rel = lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME']
+ rel = rel.split(':')[1]
+ u_rel = rel.split('-')[0]
+ ca_rel = rel.split('-')[1]
+ if u_rel != ubuntu_rel:
+ e = 'Cannot install from Cloud Archive pocket %s on this Ubuntu '\
+ 'version (%s)' % (ca_rel, ubuntu_rel)
+ error_out(e)
+ if 'staging' in ca_rel:
+ # staging is just a regular PPA.
+ os_rel = ca_rel.split('/')[0]
+ ppa = 'ppa:ubuntu-cloud-archive/%s-staging' % os_rel
+ cmd = 'add-apt-repository -y %s' % ppa
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd.split(' '))
+ return
+ # map charm config options to actual archive pockets.
+ pockets = {
+ 'folsom': 'precise-updates/folsom',
+ 'folsom/updates': 'precise-updates/folsom',
+ 'folsom/proposed': 'precise-proposed/folsom',
+ 'grizzly': 'precise-updates/grizzly',
+ 'grizzly/updates': 'precise-updates/grizzly',
+ 'grizzly/proposed': 'precise-proposed/grizzly',
+ 'havana': 'precise-updates/havana',
+ 'havana/updates': 'precise-updates/havana',
+ 'havana/proposed': 'precise-proposed/havana',
+ 'icehouse': 'precise-updates/icehouse',
+ 'icehouse/updates': 'precise-updates/icehouse',
+ 'icehouse/proposed': 'precise-proposed/icehouse',
+ 'juno': 'trusty-updates/juno',
+ 'juno/updates': 'trusty-updates/juno',
+ 'juno/proposed': 'trusty-proposed/juno',
+ 'kilo': 'trusty-updates/kilo',
+ 'kilo/updates': 'trusty-updates/kilo',
+ 'kilo/proposed': 'trusty-proposed/kilo',
+ 'liberty': 'trusty-updates/liberty',
+ 'liberty/updates': 'trusty-updates/liberty',
+ 'liberty/proposed': 'trusty-proposed/liberty',
+ 'mitaka': 'trusty-updates/mitaka',
+ 'mitaka/updates': 'trusty-updates/mitaka',
+ 'mitaka/proposed': 'trusty-proposed/mitaka',
+ }
+ try:
+ pocket = pockets[ca_rel]
+ except KeyError:
+ e = 'Invalid Cloud Archive release specified: %s' % rel
+ error_out(e)
+ src = "deb %s %s main" % (CLOUD_ARCHIVE_URL, pocket)
+ apt_install('ubuntu-cloud-keyring', fatal=True)
+ with open('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloud-archive.list', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(src)
+ else:
+ error_out("Invalid openstack-release specified: %s" % rel)
+def config_value_changed(option):
+ """
+ Determine if config value changed since last call to this function.
+ """
+ hook_data = unitdata.HookData()
+ with hook_data():
+ db = unitdata.kv()
+ current = config(option)
+ saved = db.get(option)
+ db.set(option, current)
+ if saved is None:
+ return False
+ return current != saved
+def save_script_rc(script_path="scripts/scriptrc", **env_vars):
+ """
+ Write an rc file in the charm-delivered directory containing
+ exported environment variables provided by env_vars. Any charm scripts run
+ outside the juju hook environment can source this scriptrc to obtain
+ updated config information necessary to perform health checks or
+ service changes.
+ """
+ juju_rc_path = "%s/%s" % (charm_dir(), script_path)
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(juju_rc_path)):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(juju_rc_path))
+ with open(juju_rc_path, 'wb') as rc_script:
+ rc_script.write(
+ "#!/bin/bash\n")
+ [rc_script.write('export %s=%s\n' % (u, p))
+ for u, p in six.iteritems(env_vars) if u != "script_path"]
+def openstack_upgrade_available(package):
+ """
+ Determines if an OpenStack upgrade is available from installation
+ source, based on version of installed package.
+ :param package: str: Name of installed package.
+ :returns: bool: : Returns True if configured installation source offers
+ a newer version of package.
+ """
+ import apt_pkg as apt
+ src = config('openstack-origin')
+ cur_vers = get_os_version_package(package)
+ if "swift" in package:
+ codename = get_os_codename_install_source(src)
+ available_vers = get_os_version_codename(codename, SWIFT_CODENAMES)
+ else:
+ available_vers = get_os_version_install_source(src)
+ apt.init()
+ return apt.version_compare(available_vers, cur_vers) == 1
+def ensure_block_device(block_device):
+ '''
+ Confirm block_device, create as loopback if necessary.
+ :param block_device: str: Full path of block device to ensure.
+ :returns: str: Full path of ensured block device.
+ '''
+ _none = ['None', 'none', None]
+ if (block_device in _none):
+ error_out('prepare_storage(): Missing required input: block_device=%s.'
+ % block_device)
+ if block_device.startswith('/dev/'):
+ bdev = block_device
+ elif block_device.startswith('/'):
+ _bd = block_device.split('|')
+ if len(_bd) == 2:
+ bdev, size = _bd
+ else:
+ bdev = block_device
+ bdev = ensure_loopback_device(bdev, size)
+ else:
+ bdev = '/dev/%s' % block_device
+ if not is_block_device(bdev):
+ error_out('Failed to locate valid block device at %s' % bdev)
+ return bdev
+def clean_storage(block_device):
+ '''
+ Ensures a block device is clean. That is:
+ - unmounted
+ - any lvm volume groups are deactivated
+ - any lvm physical device signatures removed
+ - partition table wiped
+ :param block_device: str: Full path to block device to clean.
+ '''
+ for mp, d in mounts():
+ if d == block_device:
+ juju_log('clean_storage(): %s is mounted @ %s, unmounting.' %
+ (d, mp), level=INFO)
+ umount(mp, persist=True)
+ if is_lvm_physical_volume(block_device):
+ deactivate_lvm_volume_group(block_device)
+ remove_lvm_physical_volume(block_device)
+ else:
+ zap_disk(block_device)
+is_ip = ip.is_ip
+ns_query = ip.ns_query
+get_host_ip = ip.get_host_ip
+get_hostname = ip.get_hostname
+def get_matchmaker_map(mm_file='/etc/oslo/matchmaker_ring.json'):
+ mm_map = {}
+ if os.path.isfile(mm_file):
+ with open(mm_file, 'r') as f:
+ mm_map = json.load(f)
+ return mm_map
+def sync_db_with_multi_ipv6_addresses(database, database_user,
+ relation_prefix=None):
+ hosts = get_ipv6_addr(dynamic_only=False)
+ kwargs = {'database': database,
+ 'username': database_user,
+ 'hostname': json.dumps(hosts)}
+ if relation_prefix:
+ for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
+ kwargs["%s_%s" % (relation_prefix, key)] = kwargs[key]
+ del kwargs[key]
+ for rid in relation_ids('shared-db'):
+ relation_set(relation_id=rid, **kwargs)
+def os_requires_version(ostack_release, pkg):
+ """
+ Decorator for hook to specify minimum supported release
+ """
+ def wrap(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapped_f(*args):
+ if os_release(pkg) < ostack_release:
+ raise Exception("This hook is not supported on releases"
+ " before %s" % ostack_release)
+ f(*args)
+ return wrapped_f
+ return wrap
+def git_install_requested():
+ """
+ Returns true if openstack-origin-git is specified.
+ """
+ return config('openstack-origin-git') is not None
+requirements_dir = None
+def _git_yaml_load(projects_yaml):
+ """
+ Load the specified yaml into a dictionary.
+ """
+ if not projects_yaml:
+ return None
+ return yaml.load(projects_yaml)
+def git_clone_and_install(projects_yaml, core_project, depth=1):
+ """
+ Clone/install all specified OpenStack repositories.
+ The expected format of projects_yaml is:
+ repositories:
+ - {name: keystone,
+ repository: 'git://git.openstack.org/openstack/keystone.git',
+ branch: 'stable/icehouse'}
+ - {name: requirements,
+ repository: 'git://git.openstack.org/openstack/requirements.git',
+ branch: 'stable/icehouse'}
+ directory: /mnt/openstack-git
+ http_proxy: squid-proxy-url
+ https_proxy: squid-proxy-url
+ The directory, http_proxy, and https_proxy keys are optional.
+ """
+ global requirements_dir
+ parent_dir = '/mnt/openstack-git'
+ http_proxy = None
+ projects = _git_yaml_load(projects_yaml)
+ _git_validate_projects_yaml(projects, core_project)
+ old_environ = dict(os.environ)
+ if 'http_proxy' in projects.keys():
+ http_proxy = projects['http_proxy']
+ os.environ['http_proxy'] = projects['http_proxy']
+ if 'https_proxy' in projects.keys():
+ os.environ['https_proxy'] = projects['https_proxy']
+ if 'directory' in projects.keys():
+ parent_dir = projects['directory']
+ pip_create_virtualenv(os.path.join(parent_dir, 'venv'))
+ # Upgrade setuptools and pip from default virtualenv versions. The default
+ # versions in trusty break master OpenStack branch deployments.
+ for p in ['pip', 'setuptools']:
+ pip_install(p, upgrade=True, proxy=http_proxy,
+ venv=os.path.join(parent_dir, 'venv'))
+ for p in projects['repositories']:
+ repo = p['repository']
+ branch = p['branch']
+ if p['name'] == 'requirements':
+ repo_dir = _git_clone_and_install_single(repo, branch, depth,
+ parent_dir, http_proxy,
+ update_requirements=False)
+ requirements_dir = repo_dir
+ else:
+ repo_dir = _git_clone_and_install_single(repo, branch, depth,
+ parent_dir, http_proxy,
+ update_requirements=True)
+ os.environ = old_environ
+def _git_validate_projects_yaml(projects, core_project):
+ """
+ Validate the projects yaml.
+ """
+ _git_ensure_key_exists('repositories', projects)
+ for project in projects['repositories']:
+ _git_ensure_key_exists('name', project.keys())
+ _git_ensure_key_exists('repository', project.keys())
+ _git_ensure_key_exists('branch', project.keys())
+ if projects['repositories'][0]['name'] != 'requirements':
+ error_out('{} git repo must be specified first'.format('requirements'))
+ if projects['repositories'][-1]['name'] != core_project:
+ error_out('{} git repo must be specified last'.format(core_project))
+def _git_ensure_key_exists(key, keys):
+ """
+ Ensure that key exists in keys.
+ """
+ if key not in keys:
+ error_out('openstack-origin-git key \'{}\' is missing'.format(key))
+def _git_clone_and_install_single(repo, branch, depth, parent_dir, http_proxy,
+ update_requirements):
+ """
+ Clone and install a single git repository.
+ """
+ dest_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, os.path.basename(repo))
+ if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):
+ juju_log('Directory already exists at {}. '
+ 'No need to create directory.'.format(parent_dir))
+ os.mkdir(parent_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
+ juju_log('Cloning git repo: {}, branch: {}'.format(repo, branch))
+ repo_dir = install_remote(repo, dest=parent_dir, branch=branch,
+ depth=depth)
+ else:
+ repo_dir = dest_dir
+ venv = os.path.join(parent_dir, 'venv')
+ if update_requirements:
+ if not requirements_dir:
+ error_out('requirements repo must be cloned before '
+ 'updating from global requirements.')
+ _git_update_requirements(venv, repo_dir, requirements_dir)
+ juju_log('Installing git repo from dir: {}'.format(repo_dir))
+ if http_proxy:
+ pip_install(repo_dir, proxy=http_proxy, venv=venv)
+ else:
+ pip_install(repo_dir, venv=venv)
+ return repo_dir
+def _git_update_requirements(venv, package_dir, reqs_dir):
+ """
+ Update from global requirements.
+ Update an OpenStack git directory's requirements.txt and
+ test-requirements.txt from global-requirements.txt.
+ """
+ orig_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(reqs_dir)
+ python = os.path.join(venv, 'bin/python')
+ cmd = [python, 'update.py', package_dir]
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ package = os.path.basename(package_dir)
+ error_out("Error updating {} from "
+ "global-requirements.txt".format(package))
+ os.chdir(orig_dir)
+def git_pip_venv_dir(projects_yaml):
+ """
+ Return the pip virtualenv path.
+ """
+ parent_dir = '/mnt/openstack-git'
+ projects = _git_yaml_load(projects_yaml)
+ if 'directory' in projects.keys():
+ parent_dir = projects['directory']
+ return os.path.join(parent_dir, 'venv')
+def git_src_dir(projects_yaml, project):
+ """
+ Return the directory where the specified project's source is located.
+ """
+ parent_dir = '/mnt/openstack-git'
+ projects = _git_yaml_load(projects_yaml)
+ if 'directory' in projects.keys():
+ parent_dir = projects['directory']
+ for p in projects['repositories']:
+ if p['name'] == project:
+ return os.path.join(parent_dir, os.path.basename(p['repository']))
+ return None
+def git_yaml_value(projects_yaml, key):
+ """
+ Return the value in projects_yaml for the specified key.
+ """
+ projects = _git_yaml_load(projects_yaml)
+ if key in projects.keys():
+ return projects[key]
+ return None
+def os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None):
+ """
+ Decorator to set workload status based on complete contexts
+ """
+ def wrap(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
+ # Run the original function first
+ f(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Set workload status now that contexts have been
+ # acted on
+ set_os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func)
+ return wrapped_f
+ return wrap
+def set_os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None):
+ """
+ Set workload status based on complete contexts.
+ status-set missing or incomplete contexts
+ and juju-log details of missing required data.
+ charm_func is a charm specific function to run checking
+ for charm specific requirements such as a VIP setting.
+ """
+ incomplete_rel_data = incomplete_relation_data(configs, required_interfaces)
+ state = 'active'
+ missing_relations = []
+ incomplete_relations = []
+ message = None
+ charm_state = None
+ charm_message = None
+ for generic_interface in incomplete_rel_data.keys():
+ related_interface = None
+ missing_data = {}
+ # Related or not?
+ for interface in incomplete_rel_data[generic_interface]:
+ if incomplete_rel_data[generic_interface][interface].get('related'):
+ related_interface = interface
+ missing_data = incomplete_rel_data[generic_interface][interface].get('missing_data')
+ # No relation ID for the generic_interface
+ if not related_interface:
+ juju_log("{} relation is missing and must be related for "
+ "functionality. ".format(generic_interface), 'WARN')
+ state = 'blocked'
+ if generic_interface not in missing_relations:
+ missing_relations.append(generic_interface)
+ else:
+ # Relation ID exists but no related unit
+ if not missing_data:
+ # Edge case relation ID exists but departing
+ if ('departed' in hook_name() or 'broken' in hook_name()) \
+ and related_interface in hook_name():
+ state = 'blocked'
+ if generic_interface not in missing_relations:
+ missing_relations.append(generic_interface)
+ juju_log("{} relation's interface, {}, "
+ "relationship is departed or broken "
+ "and is required for functionality."
+ "".format(generic_interface, related_interface), "WARN")
+ # Normal case relation ID exists but no related unit
+ # (joining)
+ else:
+ juju_log("{} relations's interface, {}, is related but has "
+ "no units in the relation."
+ "".format(generic_interface, related_interface), "INFO")
+ # Related unit exists and data missing on the relation
+ else:
+ juju_log("{} relation's interface, {}, is related awaiting "
+ "the following data from the relationship: {}. "
+ "".format(generic_interface, related_interface,
+ ", ".join(missing_data)), "INFO")
+ if state != 'blocked':
+ state = 'waiting'
+ if generic_interface not in incomplete_relations \
+ and generic_interface not in missing_relations:
+ incomplete_relations.append(generic_interface)
+ if missing_relations:
+ message = "Missing relations: {}".format(", ".join(missing_relations))
+ if incomplete_relations:
+ message += "; incomplete relations: {}" \
+ "".format(", ".join(incomplete_relations))
+ state = 'blocked'
+ elif incomplete_relations:
+ message = "Incomplete relations: {}" \
+ "".format(", ".join(incomplete_relations))
+ state = 'waiting'
+ # Run charm specific checks
+ if charm_func:
+ charm_state, charm_message = charm_func(configs)
+ if charm_state != 'active' and charm_state != 'unknown':
+ state = workload_state_compare(state, charm_state)
+ if message:
+ message = "{} {}".format(message, charm_message)
+ else:
+ message = charm_message
+ # Set to active if all requirements have been met
+ if state == 'active':
+ message = "Unit is ready"
+ juju_log(message, "INFO")
+ status_set(state, message)
+def workload_state_compare(current_workload_state, workload_state):
+ """ Return highest priority of two states"""
+ hierarchy = {'unknown': -1,
+ 'active': 0,
+ 'maintenance': 1,
+ 'waiting': 2,
+ 'blocked': 3,
+ }
+ if hierarchy.get(workload_state) is None:
+ workload_state = 'unknown'
+ if hierarchy.get(current_workload_state) is None:
+ current_workload_state = 'unknown'
+ # Set workload_state based on hierarchy of statuses
+ if hierarchy.get(current_workload_state) > hierarchy.get(workload_state):
+ return current_workload_state
+ else:
+ return workload_state
+def incomplete_relation_data(configs, required_interfaces):
+ """
+ Check complete contexts against required_interfaces
+ Return dictionary of incomplete relation data.
+ configs is an OSConfigRenderer object with configs registered
+ required_interfaces is a dictionary of required general interfaces
+ with dictionary values of possible specific interfaces.
+ Example:
+ required_interfaces = {'database': ['shared-db', 'pgsql-db']}
+ The interface is said to be satisfied if anyone of the interfaces in the
+ list has a complete context.
+ Return dictionary of incomplete or missing required contexts with relation
+ status of interfaces and any missing data points. Example:
+ {'message':
+ {'amqp': {'missing_data': ['rabbitmq_password'], 'related': True},
+ 'zeromq-configuration': {'related': False}},
+ 'identity':
+ {'identity-service': {'related': False}},
+ 'database':
+ {'pgsql-db': {'related': False},
+ 'shared-db': {'related': True}}}
+ """
+ complete_ctxts = configs.complete_contexts()
+ incomplete_relations = []
+ for svc_type in required_interfaces.keys():
+ # Avoid duplicates
+ found_ctxt = False
+ for interface in required_interfaces[svc_type]:
+ if interface in complete_ctxts:
+ found_ctxt = True
+ if not found_ctxt:
+ incomplete_relations.append(svc_type)
+ incomplete_context_data = {}
+ for i in incomplete_relations:
+ incomplete_context_data[i] = configs.get_incomplete_context_data(required_interfaces[i])
+ return incomplete_context_data