path: root/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/
diff options
authorStuart Mackie <>2017-03-23 06:19:54 -0700
committerStuart Mackie <>2017-03-23 06:19:54 -0700
commit88df88a19674ccc0017836941b8ee32eaadf19fb (patch)
treef930c90f75846ec8d8e33cf27325ff8fafc85d5c /charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/
parent9f50a40437477432a21b326b15c343ca6b8fe516 (diff)
Deleted charms with wrong license. Will source them differently in future.
Change-Id: I0fc99ea03c6b6ca4701e63793cb2be60e56c7588 Signed-off-by: Stuart Mackie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 620 deletions
diff --git a/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/ b/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d91bce..0000000
--- a/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of the Cassandra Charm for Juju.
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of
-# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import configparser
-from functools import wraps
-import glob
-import http.server
-from itertools import count
-import logging
-import multiprocessing
-import os
-import socket
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-import unittest
-import uuid
-import warnings
-warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'The blist library is not available')
-import amulet.deployer
-import amulet.helpers
-from cassandra import Unavailable, ConsistencyLevel, AuthenticationFailed
-from cassandra.auth import PlainTextAuthProvider
-from cassandra.cluster import Cluster, NoHostAvailable
-from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement
-import yaml
-import helpers
-from testing.amuletfixture import AmuletFixture
-SERIES = os.environ.get('SERIES', 'trusty')
-WAIT_TIMEOUT = int(os.environ.get('AMULET_TIMEOUT', 3600))
-ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
-class TestDeploymentBase(unittest.TestCase):
- rf = 1
- deployment = None
- common_config = dict(max_heap_size='96M',
- heap_newsize='4M')
- test_config = dict()
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- deployment = AmuletFixture(series=SERIES)
- deployment.setUp()
- cls.deployment = deployment
- deployment.add('cassandra', units=cls.rf,
- constraints=dict(mem="2G"))
- deployment.expose('cassandra') # Tests need client access.
- config = dict()
- config.update(cls.common_config)
- config.update(cls.test_config) # Test subclass overrides
- deployment.configure('cassandra', config)
- deployment.add('storage',
- 'cs:~stub/{}/storage'.format(SERIES))
- deployment.configure('storage', dict(provider='local'))
- # A stub client charm.
- empty_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- os.pardir, 'lib',
- 'testcharms', 'empty'))
- deployment.add('client', empty_path)
- deployment.relate('cassandra:database', 'client:database')
- deployment.relate('cassandra:database-admin', 'client:database-admin')
- # No official trusty branch of the nrpe-external-master charm, yet.
- # This is a problem as it means tests may not be running against
- # the lastest version.
- deployment.add('nrpe',
- 'cs:~stub/{}/nrpe-external-master'
- ''.format(SERIES))
- deployment.relate('cassandra:nrpe-external-master',
- 'nrpe:nrpe-external-master')
- deployment.deploy(timeout=WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- # Silence noise - we are testing the charm, not the Cassandra
- # driver.
- cassandra_log = logging.getLogger('cassandra')
- cassandra_log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
- @classmethod
- def tearDownClass(cls):
- cls.deployment.tearDown()
- cls.deployment = None
- def juju_status(self):
- status_yaml = subprocess.check_output(['juju', 'status',
- '--format=yaml'])
- if not status_yaml.strip():
- return None
- return yaml.safe_load(status_yaml)
- def cluster(self, username=None, password=None, hosts=None, port=9042):
- status = self.juju_status()
- if username is None or password is None:
- # Get some valid credentials - unit's superuser account will do.
- unit = sorted(status['services']['cassandra']['units'].keys())[0]
- cqlshrc_path = helpers.get_cqlshrc_path()
- cqlshrc = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
- cqlshrc.read_string(
- self.deployment.sentry[unit].file_contents(cqlshrc_path))
- username = cqlshrc['authentication']['username']
- password = cqlshrc['authentication']['password']
- auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(username=username,
- password=password)
- if hosts is None:
- # Get the IP addresses
- hosts = []
- for unit, d in status['services']['cassandra']['units'].items():
- hosts.append(d['public-address'])
- cluster = Cluster(hosts, auth_provider=auth_provider, port=port)
- self.addCleanup(cluster.shutdown)
- return cluster
- def session(self):
- '''A session using the server's superuser credentials.'''
- session = self.cluster().connect()
- self.addCleanup(session.shutdown)
- return session
- def client_session(self, relname):
- '''A session using the client's credentials.
- We currently just steal the client's credentials and use
- them from the local machine, but we could tunnel through the
- client with a little more effort.
- '''
- relinfo = self.get_client_relinfo(relname)
- self.assertIn('host', relinfo.keys())
- cluster = self.cluster(relinfo['username'],
- relinfo['password'],
- [relinfo['host']],
- int(relinfo['native_transport_port']))
- session = cluster.connect()
- self.addCleanup(session.shutdown)
- return session
- keyspace_ids = count()
- def new_keyspace(self, session, rf=None):
- if rf is None:
- # We create a keyspace with a replication factor equal
- # to the number of units. This ensures that all records
- # are replicated to all nodes, and we can cofirm that
- # all nodes are working by doing an insert with
- # ConsistencyLevel.ALL.
- rf = self.rf
- keyspace = 'test{}'.format(next(TestDeploymentBase.keyspace_ids))
- q = SimpleStatement(
- 'CREATE KEYSPACE {} WITH REPLICATION ='.format(keyspace) +
- "{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': %s}",
- consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
- session.execute(q, (rf,))
- session.set_keyspace(keyspace)
- return keyspace
- def get_client_relinfo(self, relname):
- # We only need one unit, even if rf > 1
- s = self.deployment.sentry['cassandra'][0]
- relinfo = s.relation(relname, 'client:{}'.format(relname))
- return relinfo
- def is_port_open(self, port):
- status = self.juju_status()
- detail = list(status['services']['cassandra']['units'].values())[0]
- address = detail['public-address']
- rc =['nc', '-z', '-w', '2', address, str(port)])
- return rc == 0
- def reconfigure_cassandra(self, **overrides):
- config = dict()
- config.update(self.common_config)
- config.update(self.test_config)
- config.update(overrides)
- self.deployment.configure('cassandra', config)
- self.deployment.wait()
-class Test1UnitDeployment(TestDeploymentBase):
- """Tests run on both a single node cluster and a 3 node cluster."""
- rf = 1
- test_config = dict(jre='openjdk')
- def test_basics_unit_superuser(self):
- # Basic tests using unit superuser credentials
- session = self.session()
- self.new_keyspace(session)
- self._test_database_basics(session)
- def test_basics_client_relation(self):
- # Create a keyspace using superuser credentials
- super_session = self.session()
- keyspace = self.new_keyspace(super_session)
- # Basic tests using standard client relation credentials.
- session = self.client_session('database')
- session.set_keyspace(keyspace)
- self._test_database_basics(session)
- def test_basics_client_admin_relation(self):
- # Basic tests using administrative client relation credentials.
- session = self.client_session('database-admin')
- self.new_keyspace(session)
- self._test_database_basics(session)
- def _test_database_basics(self, session):
- session.execute('CREATE TABLE Foo (x varchar PRIMARY KEY)')
- # Insert some data, ensuring that it has been stored on
- # all of our juju units. Note that the replication factor
- # of our keyspace has been set to the number of units we
- # deployed. Because it might take a while for the cluster to get
- # its act together, we retry this in a loop with a timeout.
- timeout = time.time() + 120
- while True:
- value = 'hello {}'.format(time.time())
- query = SimpleStatement(
- "INSERT INTO Foo (x) VALUES (%s)",
- consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
- try:
- session.execute(query, (value,))
- break
- except Exception:
- if time.time() > timeout:
- raise
- # We can get the data out again. This isn't testing our charm,
- # but nice to know anyway...
- r = session.execute('SELECT * FROM Foo LIMIT 1')
- self.assertTrue(r[0].x.startswith('hello'))
- def test_external_mount(self):
- # Not only does this test migrating data from local disk to an
- # external mount, it also exercises the rolling restart logic.
- # If rf==1, the restart will happen in the
- # storage-relation-changed hook as soon as the mount is ready.
- # If rf > 1, the restart will happen in the
- # cluster-relation-changed hook once the unit has determined
- # that it is its turn to restart.
- # First, create a keyspace pre-migration so we can confirm the
- # data was migrated rather than being reset to an empty system.
- session = self.session()
- keyspace = self.new_keyspace(session)
- session.execute('CREATE TABLE dat (x varchar PRIMARY KEY)')
- total = self.rf * 50
- q = SimpleStatement('INSERT INTO dat (x) VALUES (%s)')
- for _ in range(0, total):
- session.execute(q, (str(uuid.uuid1()),))
- session.shutdown()
- self.deployment.relate('cassandra:data', 'storage:data')
- self.deployment.wait()
- # Per Bug #1254766 and Bug #1254766, the sentry.wait() above
- # will return before the hooks have actually finished running
- # and data migrated. Instead, keep checking until our condition
- # is met, or a timeout reached.
- timeout = time.time() + 300
- for s in self.deployment.sentry['cassandra']:
- unit =['unit_name']
- unit_num =['unit']
- with self.subTest(unit=unit):
- while True:
- # Attempting to diagnose Amulet failures. I suspect
- # SSH host keys again, per Bug #802117
- try:
- s.directory_contents('/')
- except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
- self.skipTest('sentry[{!r}].directory_contents({!r}) '
- 'failed!'.format(unit, '/'))
- parents = ['/srv', '/srv/cassandra_{}'.format(unit_num),
- '/srv/cassandra_{}/cassandra'.format(unit_num)]
- for path in parents:
- try:
- s.directory_contents('/srv')
- except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
- raise AssertionError('Failed to scan {!r} on {}'
- .format(path, unit))
- try:
- contents = s.directory_contents(
- '/srv/cassandra_{}/cassandra/data'.format(
- unit_num))
- found = set(contents['directories'])
- self.assertIn(keyspace, found)
- self.assertIn('system', found)
- break
- except Exception:
- if time.time() > timeout:
- raise
- time.sleep(5)
- # Confirm no data has been lost, which could happen if we badly
- # shutdown and memtables were not flushed.
- session = self.session()
- session.set_keyspace(keyspace)
- q = SimpleStatement('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dat',
- consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
- results = session.execute(q)
- self.assertEqual(results[0][0], total)
- def test_cluster_ports_closed(self):
- # The internal Cassandra ports are protected by ufw firewall
- # rules, and are closed to everyone except for peers and the
- # force_seed_nodes list. This is required for security, since
- # the protocols are unauthenticated. It also stops rogue nodes
- # on failed units from rejoining the cluster and causing chaos.
- self.assertFalse(self.is_port_open(7000), 'Storage port open')
- self.assertFalse(self.is_port_open(7001), 'SSL Storage port open')
- self.assertFalse(self.is_port_open(7199), 'JMX port open')
- def test_client_ports_open(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.is_port_open(9042), 'Native trans port closed')
- self.assertTrue(self.is_port_open(9160), 'Thrift RPC port closed')
- def test_default_superuser_account_closed(self):
- cluster = self.cluster(username='cassandra', password='cassandra')
- try:
- cluster.connect()
-'Default credentials not reset')
- except NoHostAvailable as x:
- for fail in x.errors.values():
- self.assertIsInstance(fail, AuthenticationFailed)
- def test_cqlsh(self):
- unit = self.deployment.sentry['cassandra'][0].info['unit_name']
- subprocess.check_output(['juju', 'ssh', unit,
- 'sudo -H cqlsh -e exit'],
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- def test_z_add_and_drop_node(self): # 'z' to run this test last.
- # We need to be able to add a node correctly into the ring,
- # without an operator needing to repair keyspaces to ensure data
- # is located on the expected nodes.
- # To test this, first create a keyspace with rf==1 and put enough
- # data in it so each node will have some.
- cluster = self.cluster()
- s = cluster.connect()
- keyspace = self.new_keyspace(s, rf=1)
- q = SimpleStatement('CREATE TABLE dat (x varchar PRIMARY KEY)',
- consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
- s.execute(q)
- total = self.rf * 50
- q = SimpleStatement('INSERT INTO dat (x) VALUES (%s)',
- consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
- for _ in range(0, total):
- s.execute(q, (str(uuid.uuid1()),))
- cluster.shutdown()
- def count(expected):
- until = time.time() + 180
- while True:
- cluster = self.cluster()
- try:
- s = cluster.connect(keyspace)
- results = s.execute(SimpleStatement(
- 'SELECT count(*) FROM dat',
- consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM))
- found = results[0][0]
- if found == expected or time.time() > until:
- return found
- time.sleep(0.2)
- except Unavailable:
- if time.time() > until:
- raise
- finally:
- cluster.shutdown()
- self.assertEqual(count(total), total)
- self.deployment.add_unit('cassandra')
- self.deployment.wait()
- status = self.juju_status()
- unit = sorted(status['services']['cassandra']['units'].keys())[-1]
- try:
- self.assertEqual(count(total), total)
- finally:
- # When a node is dropped, it needs to decommission itself and
- # move its data to the remaining nodes so no data is lost.
- # Alas, per Bug #1417874 we can't yet do this with Juju.
- # First, the node must be manually decommissioned before we
- # remove the unit.
- self._decommission(unit)
- self.deployment.remove_unit(unit)
- self.deployment.wait()
- self.assertEqual(count(total), total)
- def _decommission(self, unit):
- until = time.time() + WAIT_TIMEOUT
- while True:
- try:
- subprocess.check_output(['juju', 'run', '--unit', unit,
- 'nodetool decommission'],
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
- universal_newlines=True)
- break
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- if time.time() > until:
- raise
- until = time.time() + WAIT_TIMEOUT
- while True:
- try:
- cmd = ['juju', 'run', '--unit', unit, 'nodetool netstats']
- raw = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
- universal_newlines=True)
- if 'Mode: DECOMMISSIONED' in raw:
- return
- if time.time() > until:
- raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired(cmd, WAIT_TIMEOUT, raw)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- if time.time() > until:
- raise
- time.sleep(3)
-class Test3UnitDeployment(Test1UnitDeployment):
- """Tests run on a three node cluster."""
- rf = 3
-_jre_url = None
-def _serve(cwd, host, port):
- sys.stderr = open('/dev/null', 'w')
- os.chdir(cwd)
- httpd = http.server.HTTPServer((host, port),
- http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
- httpd.serve_forever()
-_procs = []
-def get_jre_url():
- '''Return the URL to the Oracle Java SE 8 Server Runtime tarball, or None.
- The tarball needs to be placed in ../lib.
- Spawns a web server as a subprocess to serve the file.
- '''
- global _jre_url
- if _jre_url is not None:
- return _jre_url
- jre_dir = os.path.join(ROOT, 'lib')
- jre_tarballs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(jre_dir,
- 'server-jre-?u*.tar.gz')))
- if not jre_tarballs:
- return None
- # Get the local IP address, only available via hackish means and
- # quite possibly incorrect.
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- s.connect(('', 80))
- host = s.getsockname()[0]
- s.close()
- # Get a free port.
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- s.bind((host, 0))
- port = s.getsockname()[1]
- s.close()
- p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_serve, args=(jre_dir, host, port),
- daemon=True)
- p.start()
- _procs.append(p)
- _jre_url = 'http://{}:{}/{}'.format(host, port,
- os.path.basename(jre_tarballs[-1]))
- return _jre_url
-class TestOracleJREDeployment(Test1UnitDeployment):
- """Basic test with the Oracle JRE.
- Unfortunately these tests cannot be run by the automatic test runners,
- as the Oracle JRE is protected from public download by Oracle's
- click-through license agreement.
- """
- rf = 1
- test_config = dict(jre='Oracle', edition='community',
- private_jre_url=get_jre_url())
- @classmethod
- @unittest.skipUnless(get_jre_url(), 'No Oracle JRE tarballs available')
- def setUpClass(cls):
- super(TestOracleJREDeployment, cls).setUpClass()
-class TestDSEDeployment(Test1UnitDeployment):
- """Tests run a single node DataStax Enterprise cluster.
- Unfortunately these tests cannot be run by the automatic test
- runners, as the DSE packages are not available for public download.
- """
- rf = 1
- test_config = dict(
- edition='DSE', # Forces Oracle JRE
- install_sources=yaml.safe_dump([os.environ.get('DSE_SOURCE'),
- 'ppa:stub/cassandra']),
- install_keys=yaml.safe_dump([None, None]),
- private_jre_url=get_jre_url())
- @classmethod
- @unittest.skipUnless(get_jre_url(), 'No Oracle JRE tarballs available')
- @unittest.skipIf('DSE_SOURCE' not in os.environ,
- 'DSE_SOURCE environment variable not configured')
- def setUpClass(cls):
- super(TestDSEDeployment, cls).setUpClass()
-class TestAllowAllAuthenticatorDeployment(Test3UnitDeployment):
- test_config = dict(authenticator='AllowAllAuthenticator')
- def cluster(self, username=None, password=None, hosts=None, port=9042):
- '''A cluster using invalid credentials.'''
- return super(TestAllowAllAuthenticatorDeployment,
- self).cluster(username='wat', password='eva')
- def client_session(self, relname):
- '''A session using invalid credentials.'''
- relinfo = self.get_client_relinfo(relname)
- self.assertIn('host', relinfo.keys())
- cluster = self.cluster('random', 'nonsense',
- [relinfo['host']],
- int(relinfo['native_transport_port']))
- session = cluster.connect()
- self.addCleanup(session.shutdown)
- return session
- test_default_superuser_account_closed = None
-class Test20Deployment(Test1UnitDeployment):
- """Tests run on a single node Apache Cassandra 2.0 cluster.
- """
- rf = 1
- test_config = dict(
- edition='community',
- install_sources=yaml.safe_dump([
- 'ppa:stub/cassandra',
- 'ppa:openjdk-r/ppa',
- 'deb 20x main']),
- install_keys=yaml.safe_dump([None, None, None]))
-class Test21Deployment(Test1UnitDeployment):
- """Tests run on a single node Apache Cassandra 2.1 cluster.
- """
- rf = 1
- test_config = dict(
- edition='community',
- install_sources=yaml.safe_dump([
- 'ppa:stub/cassandra',
- 'ppa:openjdk-r/ppa',
- 'deb 21x main']),
- install_keys=yaml.safe_dump([None, None, None]))
-class Test30Deployment(Test1UnitDeployment):
- """Tests run on a single node Apache Cassandra 3.0 cluster.
- """
- rf = 1
- test_config = dict(
- edition='community',
- install_sources=yaml.safe_dump([
- 'ppa:stub/cassandra',
- 'ppa:openjdk-r/ppa',
- 'deb 30x main']),
- install_keys=yaml.safe_dump([None, None, None]))
-# Bug #1417097 means we need to monkey patch Amulet for now.
-real_juju = amulet.helpers.juju
-def patched_juju(args, env=None):
- args = [str(a) for a in args]
- return real_juju(args, env)
-amulet.helpers.juju = patched_juju
-amulet.deployer.juju = patched_juju
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main(verbosity=2)