path: root/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/
diff options
authorStuart Mackie <>2017-03-23 06:19:54 -0700
committerStuart Mackie <>2017-03-23 06:19:54 -0700
commit88df88a19674ccc0017836941b8ee32eaadf19fb (patch)
treef930c90f75846ec8d8e33cf27325ff8fafc85d5c /charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/
parent9f50a40437477432a21b326b15c343ca6b8fe516 (diff)
Deleted charms with wrong license. Will source them differently in future.
Change-Id: I0fc99ea03c6b6ca4701e63793cb2be60e56c7588 Signed-off-by: Stuart Mackie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1466 deletions
diff --git a/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/ b/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 92fa1e8..0000000
--- a/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1466 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of the Cassandra Charm for Juju.
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of
-# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-from collections import namedtuple
-import errno
-import functools
-from itertools import repeat
-import os.path
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-from textwrap import dedent
-import unittest
-from unittest.mock import ANY, call, MagicMock, patch, sentinel
-from cassandra import AuthenticationFailed, ConsistencyLevel
-from cassandra.cluster import NoHostAvailable
-import yaml
-from charmhelpers import fetch
-from charmhelpers.core import hookenv, host
-from tests.base import TestCaseBase
-import helpers
-patch = functools.partial(patch, autospec=True)
-class TestHelpers(TestCaseBase):
- @patch('time.sleep')
- def test_backoff(self, sleep):
- i = 0
- for _ in helpers.backoff('foo to bar'):
- i += 1
- if i == 10:
- break
- sleep.assert_has_calls([
- call(2), call(4), call(8), call(16), call(32),
- call(60), call(60), call(60), call(60)])
- i = 0
- for _ in helpers.backoff('foo to bar', max_pause=10):
- i += 1
- if i == 10:
- break
- sleep.assert_has_calls([
- call(2), call(4), call(8), call(10), call(10),
- call(10), call(10), call(10), call(10)])
- def test_autostart_disabled(self):
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- prc = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'policy-rc.d')
- prc_backup = prc + '-orig'
- with helpers.autostart_disabled(_policy_rc=prc):
- # No existing policy-rc.d, so no backup made.
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(prc_backup))
- # A policy-rc.d file has been created that will disable
- # package autostart per spec (ie. returns a 101 exit code).
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(prc))
- self.assertEqual([prc]), 101)
- with helpers.autostart_disabled(_policy_rc=prc):
- # A second time, we have a backup made.
- # policy-rc.d still works
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(prc_backup))
- self.assertEqual([prc]), 101)
- # Backup removed, and policy-rc.d still works.
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(prc_backup))
- self.assertEqual([prc]), 101)
- # Neither backup nor policy-rc.d exist now we are out of the
- # context manager.
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(prc_backup))
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(prc))
- def test_autostart_disabled_partial(self):
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- prc = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'policy-rc.d')
- prc_backup = prc + '-orig'
- with helpers.autostart_disabled(['foo', 'bar'], _policy_rc=prc):
- # No existing policy-rc.d, so no backup made.
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(prc_backup))
- # A policy-rc.d file has been created that will disable
- # package autostart per spec (ie. returns a 101 exit code).
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(prc))
- self.assertEqual([prc, 'foo']), 101)
- self.assertEqual([prc, 'bar']), 101)
- self.assertEqual([prc, 'baz']), 0)
- # Neither backup nor policy-rc.d exist now we are out of the
- # context manager.
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(prc_backup))
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(prc))
- @patch('helpers.autostart_disabled')
- @patch('charmhelpers.fetch.apt_install')
- def test_install_packages(self, apt_install, autostart_disabled):
- packages = ['a_pack', 'b_pack']
- helpers.install_packages(packages)
- # All packages got installed, and hook aborted if package
- # installation failed.
- apt_install.assert_called_once_with(['a_pack', 'b_pack'], fatal=True)
- # The autostart_disabled context manager was used to stop
- # package installation starting services.
- autostart_disabled().__enter__.assert_called_once_with()
- autostart_disabled().__exit__.assert_called_once_with(None, None, None)
- @patch('helpers.autostart_disabled')
- @patch('charmhelpers.fetch.apt_install')
- def test_install_packages_extras(self, apt_install, autostart_disabled):
- packages = ['a_pack', 'b_pack']
- hookenv.config()['extra_packages'] = 'c_pack d_pack'
- helpers.install_packages(packages)
- # All packages got installed, and hook aborted if package
- # installation failed.
- apt_install.assert_called_once_with(['a_pack', 'b_pack',
- 'c_pack', 'd_pack'], fatal=True)
- # The autostart_disabled context manager was used to stop
- # package installation starting services.
- autostart_disabled().__enter__.assert_called_once_with()
- autostart_disabled().__exit__.assert_called_once_with(None, None, None)
- @patch('helpers.autostart_disabled')
- @patch('charmhelpers.fetch.apt_install')
- def test_install_packages_noop(self, apt_install, autostart_disabled):
- # Everything is already installed. Nothing to do.
- fetch.filter_installed_packages.side_effect = lambda pkgs: []
- packages = ['a_pack', 'b_pack']
- hookenv.config()['extra_packages'] = 'c_pack d_pack'
- helpers.install_packages(packages)
- # All packages got installed, and hook aborted if package
- # installation failed.
- self.assertFalse(apt_install.called)
- # Autostart wasn't messed with.
- self.assertFalse(autostart_disabled.called)
- @patch('subprocess.Popen')
- def test_ensure_package_status(self, popen):
- for status in ['install', 'hold']:
- with self.subTest(status=status):
- popen.reset_mock()
- hookenv.config()['package_status'] = status
- helpers.ensure_package_status(['a_pack', 'b_pack'])
- selections = 'a_pack {}\nb_pack {}\n'.format(
- status, status).encode('US-ASCII')
- self.assertEqual(
- [call(['dpkg', '--set-selections'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE),
- call().communicate(input=selections)], popen.mock_calls)
- popen.reset_mock()
- hookenv.config()['package_status'] = 'invalid'
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError,
- helpers.ensure_package_status, ['a_pack', 'b_back'])
- self.assertFalse(popen.called)
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.leader_get')
- def test_get_seed_ips(self, leader_get):
- leader_get.return_value = ','
- self.assertSetEqual(helpers.get_seed_ips(), set(['',
- '']))
- @patch('helpers.read_cassandra_yaml')
- def test_actual_seed_ips(self, read_yaml):
- read_yaml.return_value = yaml.load(dedent('''\
- seed_provider:
- - class_name: blah
- parameters:
- - seeds: a,b,c
- '''))
- self.assertSetEqual(helpers.actual_seed_ips(),
- set(['a', 'b', 'c']))
- @patch('relations.StorageRelation')
- def test_get_database_directory(self, storage_relation):
- storage_relation().mountpoint = None
- # Relative paths are relative to /var/lib/cassandra
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_database_directory('bar'),
- '/var/lib/cassandra/bar')
- # If there is an external mount, relative paths are relative to
- # it. Note the extra 'cassandra' directory - life is easier
- # if we store all our data in a subdirectory on the external
- # mount rather than in its root.
- storage_relation().mountpoint = '/srv/foo'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_database_directory('bar'),
- '/srv/foo/cassandra/bar')
- # Absolute paths are absolute and passed through unmolested.
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_database_directory('/bar'), '/bar')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('relations.StorageRelation')
- def test_get_all_database_directories(self, storage_relation, ver):
- ver.return_value = '2.2'
- storage_relation().mountpoint = '/s'
- self.assertDictEqual(
- helpers.get_all_database_directories(),
- dict(data_file_directories=['/s/cassandra/data'],
- commitlog_directory='/s/cassandra/commitlog',
- saved_caches_directory='/s/cassandra/saved_caches'))
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('relations.StorageRelation')
- def test_get_all_database_directories_30(self, storage_relation, ver):
- ver.return_value = '3.0'
- storage_relation().mountpoint = '/s'
- self.assertDictEqual(
- helpers.get_all_database_directories(),
- dict(data_file_directories=['/s/cassandra/data'],
- commitlog_directory='/s/cassandra/commitlog',
- saved_caches_directory='/s/cassandra/saved_caches',
- hints_directory='/s/cassandra/hints'))
- @patch('helpers.recursive_chown')
- @patch('')
- @patch('helpers.get_database_directory')
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- def test_ensure_database_directory(self, is_running, get_db_dir, mkdir,
- recursive_chown):
- absdir = '/an/absolute/dir'
- is_running.return_value = False
- get_db_dir.return_value = absdir
- # ensure_database_directory() returns the absolute path.
- self.assertEqual(helpers.ensure_database_directory(absdir), absdir)
- # The directory will have been made.
- mkdir.assert_has_calls([
- call('/an'),
- call('/an/absolute'),
- call('/an/absolute/dir',
- owner='cassandra', group='cassandra', perms=0o750)])
- # The ownership of the contents has not been reset. Rather than
- # attempting to remount an existing database, which requires
- # resetting permissions, it is better to use sstableloader to
- # import the data into the cluster.
- self.assertFalse(recursive_chown.called)
- @patch('')
- @patch('os.path.isdir')
- @patch('subprocess.check_output')
- def test_set_io_scheduler(self, check_output, isdir, write_file):
- # Normal operation, the device is detected and the magic
- # file written.
- check_output.return_value = 'foo\n/dev/sdq 1 2 3 1% /foo\n'
- isdir.return_value = True
- helpers.set_io_scheduler('fnord', '/foo')
- write_file.assert_called_once_with('/sys/block/sdq/queue/scheduler',
- b'fnord', perms=0o644)
- # Some OSErrors we log warnings for, and continue.
- for e in (errno.EACCES, errno.ENOENT):
- with self.subTest(errno=e):
- write_file.side_effect = repeat(OSError(e, 'Whoops'))
- hookenv.log.reset_mock()
- helpers.set_io_scheduler('fnord', '/foo')
- hookenv.log.assert_has_calls([call(ANY),
- call(ANY, hookenv.WARNING)])
- # Other OSErrors just fail hard.
- write_file.side_effect = iter([OSError(errno.EFAULT, 'Whoops')])
- self.assertRaises(OSError, helpers.set_io_scheduler, 'fnord', '/foo')
- # If we are not under lxc, nothing happens at all except a log
- # message.
- helpers.is_lxc.return_value = True
- hookenv.log.reset_mock()
- write_file.reset_mock()
- helpers.set_io_scheduler('fnord', '/foo')
- self.assertFalse(write_file.called)
- hookenv.log.assert_called_once_with(ANY) # A single INFO message.
- @patch('shutil.chown')
- def test_recursive_chown(self, chown):
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'a', 'bb', 'ccc'))
- with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'top file'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('top file')
- with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'a', 'bb', 'midfile'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('midfile')
- helpers.recursive_chown(tmpdir, 'un', 'gn')
- chown.assert_has_calls(
- [call(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'a'), 'un', 'gn'),
- call(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'a', 'bb'), 'un', 'gn'),
- call(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'a', 'bb', 'ccc'), 'un', 'gn'),
- call(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'top file'), 'un', 'gn'),
- call(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'a', 'bb', 'midfile'), 'un', 'gn')],
- any_order=True)
- def test_maybe_backup(self):
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- # Our file is backed up to a .orig
- path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'foo.conf')
- host.write_file(path, b'hello', perms=0o644)
- helpers.maybe_backup(path)
- path_orig = path + '.orig'
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path_orig))
- with open(path_orig, 'rb') as f:
- self.assertEqual(, b'hello')
- # Safe permissions
- self.assertEqual(os.lstat(path_orig).st_mode & 0o777, 0o600)
- # A second call, nothing happens as the .orig is already
- # there.
- host.write_file(path, b'second')
- helpers.maybe_backup(path)
- with open(path_orig, 'rb') as f:
- self.assertEqual(, b'hello')
- @patch('charmhelpers.fetch.apt_cache')
- def test_get_package_version(self, apt_cache):
- version = namedtuple('Version', 'ver_str')('1.0-foo')
- package = namedtuple('Package', 'current_ver')(version)
- apt_cache.return_value = dict(package=package)
- ver = helpers.get_package_version('package')
- self.assertEqual(ver, '1.0-foo')
- @patch('charmhelpers.fetch.apt_cache')
- def test_get_package_version_not_found(self, apt_cache):
- version = namedtuple('Version', 'ver_str')('1.0-foo')
- package = namedtuple('Package', 'current_ver')(version)
- apt_cache.return_value = dict(package=package)
- self.assertIsNone(helpers.get_package_version('notfound'))
- @patch('charmhelpers.fetch.apt_cache')
- def test_get_package_version_not_installed(self, apt_cache):
- package = namedtuple('Package', 'current_ver')(None)
- apt_cache.return_value = dict(package=package)
- self.assertIsNone(helpers.get_package_version('package'))
- def test_get_jre(self):
- hookenv.config()['jre'] = 'opEnjdk' # Case insensitive
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_jre(), 'openjdk')
- hookenv.config()['jre'] = 'oRacle' # Case insensitive
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_jre(), 'oracle')
- def test_get_jre_unknown(self):
- hookenv.config()['jre'] = 'OopsJDK'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_jre(), 'openjdk')
- # An error was logged.
- hookenv.log.assert_called_once_with(ANY, hookenv.ERROR)
- def test_get_jre_dse_override(self):
- hookenv.config()['edition'] = 'dse'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_jre(), 'oracle')
- def test_get_cassandra_edition(self):
- hookenv.config()['edition'] = 'community'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_edition(), 'community')
- hookenv.config()['edition'] = 'DSE' # Case insensitive
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_edition(), 'dse')
- self.assertFalse(hookenv.log.called)
- hookenv.config()['edition'] = 'typo' # Default to community
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_edition(), 'community')
- hookenv.log.assert_any_call(ANY, hookenv.ERROR) # Logs an error.
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_edition')
- def test_get_cassandra_service(self, get_edition):
- get_edition.return_value = 'whatever'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_service(), 'cassandra')
- get_edition.return_value = 'dse'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_service(), 'dse')
- def test_get_cassandra_service_dse_override(self):
- hookenv.config()['edition'] = 'dse'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_service(), 'dse')
- @patch('helpers.get_package_version')
- def test_get_cassandra_version(self, get_package_version):
- # Return cassandra package version if it is installed.
- get_package_version.return_value = '1.2.3-2~64'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_version(), '1.2.3-2~64')
- get_package_version.assert_called_with('cassandra')
- @patch('helpers.get_package_version')
- def test_get_cassandra_version_uninstalled(self, get_package_version):
- # Return none if the main cassandra package is not installed
- get_package_version.return_value = None
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_version(), None)
- get_package_version.assert_called_with('cassandra')
- @patch('helpers.get_package_version')
- def test_get_cassandra_version_dse(self, get_package_version):
- # Return the cassandra version equivalent if using dse.
- hookenv.config()['edition'] = 'dse'
- get_package_version.return_value = '4.7-beta2~88'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_version(), '2.1')
- get_package_version.assert_called_with('dse-full')
- @patch('helpers.get_package_version')
- def test_get_cassandra_version_dse_uninstalled(self, get_package_version):
- # Return the cassandra version equivalent if using dse.
- hookenv.config()['edition'] = 'dse'
- get_package_version.return_value = None
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_version(), None)
- get_package_version.assert_called_with('dse-full')
- def test_get_cassandra_config_dir(self):
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_config_dir(),
- '/etc/cassandra')
- hookenv.config()['edition'] = 'dse'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_config_dir(),
- '/etc/dse/cassandra')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_config_dir')
- def test_get_cassandra_yaml_file(self, get_cassandra_config_dir):
- get_cassandra_config_dir.return_value = '/foo'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_yaml_file(),
- '/foo/cassandra.yaml')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_config_dir')
- def test_get_cassandra_env_file(self, get_cassandra_config_dir):
- get_cassandra_config_dir.return_value = '/foo'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_env_file(),
- '/foo/')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_config_dir')
- def test_get_cassandra_rackdc_file(self, get_cassandra_config_dir):
- get_cassandra_config_dir.return_value = '/foo'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_rackdc_file(),
- '/foo/')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_edition')
- def test_get_cassandra_pid_file(self, get_edition):
- get_edition.return_value = 'whatever'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_pid_file(),
- '/var/run/cassandra/')
- get_edition.return_value = 'dse'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_pid_file(),
- '/var/run/dse/')
- def test_get_cassandra_packages(self):
- # Default
- self.assertSetEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_packages(),
- set(['cassandra', 'ntp', 'run-one',
- 'netcat', 'openjdk-8-jre-headless']))
- def test_get_cassandra_packages_oracle_jre(self):
- # Oracle JRE
- hookenv.config()['jre'] = 'oracle'
- self.assertSetEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_packages(),
- set(['cassandra', 'ntp', 'run-one', 'netcat']))
- def test_get_cassandra_packages_dse(self):
- # DataStax Enterprise, and implicit Oracle JRE.
- hookenv.config()['edition'] = 'dsE' # Insensitive.
- self.assertSetEqual(helpers.get_cassandra_packages(),
- set(['dse-full', 'ntp', 'run-one', 'netcat']))
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_service')
- @patch('')
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- def test_stop_cassandra(self, is_cassandra_running,
- service_stop, get_service):
- get_service.return_value = sentinel.service_name
- is_cassandra_running.side_effect = iter([True, False])
- helpers.stop_cassandra()
- service_stop.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.service_name)
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_service')
- @patch('')
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- def test_stop_cassandra_noop(self, is_cassandra_running,
- service_stop, get_service):
- get_service.return_value = sentinel.service_name
- is_cassandra_running.return_value = False
- helpers.stop_cassandra()
- self.assertFalse(service_stop.called)
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.status_set')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_service')
- @patch('')
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- def test_stop_cassandra_failure(self, is_cassandra_running,
- service_stop, get_service, status_set):
- get_service.return_value = sentinel.service_name
- is_cassandra_running.side_effect = iter([True, True])
- self.assertRaises(SystemExit, helpers.stop_cassandra)
- service_stop.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.service_name)
- status_set.assert_called_once_with('blocked',
- 'Cassandra failed to shut down')
- @patch('helpers.actual_seed_ips')
- @patch('time.sleep')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_service')
- @patch('')
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- def test_start_cassandra(self, is_cassandra_running,
- service_start, get_service, sleep, seed_ips):
- get_service.return_value = sentinel.service_name
- seed_ips.return_value = set([''])
- is_cassandra_running.return_value = True
- helpers.start_cassandra()
- self.assertFalse(service_start.called)
- is_cassandra_running.side_effect = iter([False, False, False, True])
- helpers.start_cassandra()
- service_start.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.service_name)
- # A side effect of starting cassandra is storing the current live
- # seed list, so we can tell when it has changed.
- self.assertEqual(hookenv.config()['configured_seeds'], [''])
- @patch('os.chmod')
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- @patch('relations.StorageRelation')
- def test_remount_cassandra(self, storage, is_running, chmod):
- config = hookenv.config()
- storage().needs_remount.return_value = True
- storage().mountpoint = '/srv/foo'
- is_running.return_value = False
- config['data_file_directories'] = '/srv/ext/data1 data2'
- config['bootstrapped_into_cluster'] = True
- helpers.remount_cassandra()
- storage().migrate.assert_called_once_with('/var/lib/cassandra',
- 'cassandra')
- chmod.assert_called_once_with('/srv/foo/cassandra', 0o750)
- self.assertEqual(config['bootstrapped_into_cluster'], False)
- @patch('os.chmod')
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- @patch('relations.StorageRelation')
- def test_remount_cassandra_noop(self, storage, is_running, chmod):
- storage().needs_remount.return_value = False
- storage().mountpoint = None
- is_running.return_value = False
- helpers.remount_cassandra()
- self.assertFalse(storage().migrate.called)
- self.assertFalse(chmod.called)
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- @patch('relations.StorageRelation')
- def test_remount_cassandra_unmount(self, storage, is_running):
- storage().needs_remount.return_value = True
- storage().mountpoint = None # Reverting to local disk.
- is_running.return_value = False
- hookenv.config()['data_file_directories'] = '/srv/ext/data1 data2'
- helpers.remount_cassandra()
- # We cannot migrate data back to local disk, as by the time our
- # hooks are called the data is gone.
- self.assertFalse(storage().migrate.called)
- # We warn in this case, as reverting to local disk may resurrect
- # old data (if the cluster was ever time while using local
- # disk).
- hookenv.log.assert_any_call(ANY, hookenv.WARNING)
- @patch('helpers.ensure_database_directory')
- @patch('helpers.get_all_database_directories')
- def test_ensure_database_directories(self, get_all_dirs, ensure_dir):
- get_all_dirs.return_value = dict(
- data_file_directories=[sentinel.data_file_dir_1,
- sentinel.data_file_dir_2],
- commitlog_directory=sentinel.commitlog_dir,
- saved_caches_directory=sentinel.saved_caches_dir)
- helpers.ensure_database_directories()
- ensure_dir.assert_has_calls([
- call(sentinel.data_file_dir_1),
- call(sentinel.data_file_dir_2),
- call(sentinel.commitlog_dir),
- call(sentinel.saved_caches_dir)], any_order=True)
- @patch('cassandra.cluster.Cluster')
- @patch('cassandra.auth.PlainTextAuthProvider')
- @patch('helpers.superuser_credentials')
- @patch('helpers.read_cassandra_yaml')
- def test_connect(self, yaml, creds, auth_provider, cluster):
- # host and port are pulled from the current active
- # cassandra.yaml file, rather than configuration, as
- # configuration may not match reality (if for no other reason
- # that we are running this code in order to make reality match
- # the desired configuration).
- yaml.return_value = dict(rpc_address='',
- native_transport_port=666)
- creds.return_value = ('un', 'pw')
- auth_provider.return_value = sentinel.ap
- cluster().connect.return_value = sentinel.session
- cluster.reset_mock()
- with helpers.connect() as session:
- auth_provider.assert_called_once_with(username='un',
- password='pw')
- cluster.assert_called_once_with([''], port=666,
- auth_provider=sentinel.ap)
- self.assertIs(session, sentinel.session)
- self.assertFalse(cluster().shutdown.called)
- cluster().shutdown.assert_called_once_with()
- @patch('cassandra.cluster.Cluster')
- @patch('cassandra.auth.PlainTextAuthProvider')
- @patch('helpers.superuser_credentials')
- @patch('helpers.read_cassandra_yaml')
- def test_connect_with_creds(self, yaml, creds, auth_provider, cluster):
- # host and port are pulled from the current active
- # cassandra.yaml file, rather than configuration, as
- # configuration may not match reality (if for no other reason
- # that we are running this code in order to make reality match
- # the desired configuration).
- yaml.return_value = dict(rpc_address='',
- native_transport_port=666)
- auth_provider.return_value = sentinel.ap
- with helpers.connect(username='explicit', password='boo'):
- auth_provider.assert_called_once_with(username='explicit',
- password='boo')
- @patch('time.sleep')
- @patch('time.time')
- @patch('cassandra.cluster.Cluster')
- @patch('helpers.superuser_credentials')
- @patch('helpers.read_cassandra_yaml')
- def test_connect_badauth(self, yaml, creds, cluster, time, sleep):
- # host and port are pulled from the current active
- # cassandra.yaml file, rather than configuration, as
- # configuration may not match reality (if for no other reason
- # that we are running this code in order to make reality match
- # the desired configuration).
- yaml.return_value = dict(rpc_address='',
- native_transport_port=666)
- time.side_effect = [0, 7, 99999]
- creds.return_value = ('un', 'pw')
- x = NoHostAvailable('whoops', {'': AuthenticationFailed()})
- cluster().connect.side_effect = x
- self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, helpers.connect().__enter__)
- # Authentication failures are retried, but for a shorter time
- # than other connection errors which are retried for a few
- # minutes.
- self.assertEqual(cluster().connect.call_count, 2)
- self.assertEqual(cluster().shutdown.call_count, 2)
- @patch('time.sleep')
- @patch('time.time')
- @patch('cassandra.cluster.Cluster')
- @patch('helpers.superuser_credentials')
- @patch('helpers.read_cassandra_yaml')
- def test_connect_timeout(self, yaml, creds, cluster, time, sleep):
- yaml.return_value = dict(rpc_address='',
- native_transport_port=666)
- time.side_effect = [0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 30, 40, 99999]
- creds.return_value = ('un', 'pw')
- x = NoHostAvailable('whoops', {'': sentinel.exception})
- cluster().connect.side_effect = x
- self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, helpers.connect().__enter__)
- # Authentication failures fail immediately, unlike other
- # connection errors which are retried.
- self.assertEqual(cluster().connect.call_count, 5)
- self.assertEqual(cluster().shutdown.call_count, 5)
- self.assertEqual(sleep.call_count, 4)
- @patch('cassandra.query.SimpleStatement')
- def test_query(self, simple_statement):
- simple_statement.return_value = sentinel.s_statement
- session = MagicMock()
- session.execute.return_value = sentinel.results
- self.assertEqual(helpers.query(session, sentinel.statement,
- sentinel.consistency, sentinel.args),
- sentinel.results)
- simple_statement.assert_called_once_with(
- sentinel.statement, consistency_level=sentinel.consistency)
- session.execute.assert_called_once_with(simple_statement(''),
- sentinel.args)
- @patch('cassandra.query.SimpleStatement')
- @patch('helpers.backoff')
- def test_query_retry(self, backoff, simple_statement):
- backoff.return_value = repeat(True)
- simple_statement.return_value = sentinel.s_statement
- session = MagicMock()
- session.execute.side_effect = iter([RuntimeError(), sentinel.results])
- self.assertEqual(helpers.query(session, sentinel.statement,
- sentinel.consistency, sentinel.args),
- sentinel.results)
- self.assertEqual(session.execute.call_count, 2)
- @patch('time.time')
- @patch('cassandra.query.SimpleStatement')
- @patch('helpers.backoff')
- def test_query_timeout(self, backoff, simple_statement, time):
- backoff.return_value = repeat(True)
- # Timeout is 600
- time.side_effect = iter([0, 1, 2, 3, 500, 700, RuntimeError()])
- simple_statement.return_value = sentinel.s_statement
- session = MagicMock()
- class Whoops(Exception):
- pass
- session.execute.side_effect = repeat(Whoops('Fail'))
- self.assertRaises(Whoops, helpers.query, session, sentinel.statement,
- sentinel.consistency, sentinel.args)
- self.assertEqual(session.execute.call_count, 4)
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('helpers.query')
- def test_ensure_user(self, query, ver):
- ver.return_value = '2.1'
- helpers.ensure_user(sentinel.session,
- sentinel.username, sentinel.pwhash,
- superuser=sentinel.supflag)
- query.assert_has_calls([
- call(sentinel.session,
- 'INSERT INTO system_auth.users (name, super) VALUES (%s, %s)',
- ConsistencyLevel.ALL, (sentinel.username, sentinel.supflag)),
- call(sentinel.session,
- 'INSERT INTO system_auth.credentials (username, salted_hash) '
- 'VALUES (%s, %s)',
- ConsistencyLevel.ALL,
- (sentinel.username, sentinel.pwhash))])
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('helpers.query')
- def test_ensure_user_22(self, query, ver):
- ver.return_value = '2.2'
- helpers.ensure_user(sentinel.session,
- sentinel.username, sentinel.pwhash,
- superuser=sentinel.supflag)
- query.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.session,
- 'INSERT INTO system_auth.roles (role, '
- 'can_login, is_superuser, salted_hash) '
- 'VALUES (%s, TRUE, %s, %s)',
- ConsistencyLevel.ALL,
- (sentinel.username, sentinel.supflag,
- sentinel.pwhash))
- @patch('helpers.ensure_user')
- @patch('helpers.encrypt_password')
- @patch('helpers.nodetool')
- @patch('helpers.reconfigure_and_restart_cassandra')
- @patch('helpers.connect')
- @patch('helpers.superuser_credentials')
- def test_create_unit_superuser_hard(self, creds, connect, restart,
- nodetool, encrypt_password,
- ensure_user):
- creds.return_value = (sentinel.username, sentinel.password)
- connect().__enter__.return_value = sentinel.session
- connect().__exit__.return_value = False
- connect.reset_mock()
- encrypt_password.return_value = sentinel.pwhash
- helpers.create_unit_superuser_hard()
- # Cassandra was restarted twice, first with authentication
- # disabled and again with the normal configuration.
- restart.assert_has_calls([
- call(dict(authenticator='AllowAllAuthenticator',
- rpc_address='localhost')),
- call()])
- # A connection was made as the superuser, which words because
- # authentication has been disabled on this node.
- connect.assert_called_once_with()
- # The user was created.
- encrypt_password.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.password)
- ensure_user.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.session,
- sentinel.username,
- sentinel.pwhash,
- superuser=True)
- # Local Cassandra was flushed. This is probably unnecessary.
- nodetool.assert_called_once_with('flush')
- def test_cqlshrc_path(self):
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_cqlshrc_path(),
- '/root/.cassandra/cqlshrc')
- def test_superuser_username(self):
- self.assertEqual(hookenv.local_unit(), 'service/1')
- self.assertEqual(helpers.superuser_username(), 'juju_service_1')
- @patch('helpers.superuser_username')
- @patch('helpers.get_cqlshrc_path')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('')
- def test_superuser_credentials_20(self, pwgen, get_cassandra_version,
- get_cqlshrc_path, get_username):
- get_cassandra_version.return_value = '2.0'
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dotcassandra_dir:
- cqlshrc_path = os.path.join(dotcassandra_dir, 'cqlshrc')
- get_cqlshrc_path.return_value = cqlshrc_path
- get_username.return_value = 'foo'
- pwgen.return_value = 'secret'
- hookenv.config()['rpc_port'] = 666
- hookenv.config()['native_transport_port'] = 777
- # First time generates username & password.
- username, password = helpers.superuser_credentials()
- self.assertEqual(username, 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(password, 'secret')
- # Credentials are stored in the cqlshrc file.
- expected_cqlshrc = dedent('''\
- [authentication]
- username = foo
- password = secret
- [connection]
- hostname =
- port = 666
- ''').strip()
- with open(cqlshrc_path, 'r') as f:
- self.assertEqual(, expected_cqlshrc)
- # If the credentials have been stored, they are not
- # regenerated.
- pwgen.return_value = 'secret2'
- username, password = helpers.superuser_credentials()
- self.assertEqual(username, 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(password, 'secret')
- with open(cqlshrc_path, 'r') as f:
- self.assertEqual(, expected_cqlshrc)
- @patch('helpers.superuser_username')
- @patch('helpers.get_cqlshrc_path')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('')
- def test_superuser_credentials(self, pwgen, get_cassandra_version,
- get_cqlshrc_path, get_username):
- # Cassandra 2.1 or higher uses native protocol in its cqlshrc
- get_cassandra_version.return_value = '2.1'
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dotcassandra_dir:
- cqlshrc_path = os.path.join(dotcassandra_dir, 'cqlshrc')
- get_cqlshrc_path.return_value = cqlshrc_path
- get_username.return_value = 'foo'
- pwgen.return_value = 'secret'
- hookenv.config()['rpc_port'] = 666
- hookenv.config()['native_transport_port'] = 777
- # First time generates username & password.
- username, password = helpers.superuser_credentials()
- self.assertEqual(username, 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(password, 'secret')
- # Credentials are stored in the cqlshrc file.
- expected_cqlshrc = dedent('''\
- [authentication]
- username = foo
- password = secret
- [connection]
- hostname =
- port = 777
- ''').strip()
- with open(cqlshrc_path, 'r') as f:
- self.assertEqual(, expected_cqlshrc)
- @patch('subprocess.check_output')
- def test_nodetool(self, check_output):
- check_output.return_value = 'OK'
- self.assertEqual(helpers.nodetool('status', 'system_auth'), 'OK')
- # The expected command was run against the local node.
- check_output.assert_called_once_with(
- ['nodetool', 'status', 'system_auth'],
- universal_newlines=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=119)
- # The output was emitted.
- helpers.emit.assert_called_once_with('OK')
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- @patch('helpers.backoff')
- @patch('subprocess.check_output')
- def test_nodetool_CASSANDRA_8776(self, check_output, backoff, is_running):
- is_running.return_value = True
- backoff.return_value = repeat(True)
- check_output.side_effect = iter(['ONE Error: stuff', 'TWO OK'])
- self.assertEqual(helpers.nodetool('status'), 'TWO OK')
- # The output was emitted.
- helpers.emit.assert_called_once_with('TWO OK')
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- @patch('helpers.backoff')
- @patch('subprocess.check_output')
- def test_nodetool_retry(self, check_output, backoff, is_running):
- backoff.return_value = repeat(True)
- is_running.return_value = True
- check_output.side_effect = iter([
- subprocess.CalledProcessError([], 1, 'fail 1'),
- subprocess.CalledProcessError([], 1, 'fail 2'),
- subprocess.CalledProcessError([], 1, 'fail 3'),
- subprocess.CalledProcessError([], 1, 'fail 4'),
- subprocess.CalledProcessError([], 1, 'fail 5'),
- 'OK'])
- self.assertEqual(helpers.nodetool('status'), 'OK')
- # Later fails and final output was emitted.
- helpers.emit.assert_has_calls([call('fail 5'), call('OK')])
- @patch('helpers.get_bootstrapped_ips')
- def test_num_nodes(self, bootstrapped_ips):
- bootstrapped_ips.return_value = ['', '']
- self.assertEqual(helpers.num_nodes(), 2)
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_yaml_file')
- def test_read_cassandra_yaml(self, get_cassandra_yaml_file):
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w') as f:
- f.write('a: one')
- f.flush()
- get_cassandra_yaml_file.return_value =
- self.assertDictEqual(helpers.read_cassandra_yaml(),
- dict(a='one'))
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_yaml_file')
- def test_write_cassandra_yaml(self, get_cassandra_yaml_file):
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
- get_cassandra_yaml_file.return_value =
- helpers.write_cassandra_yaml([1, 2, 3])
- with open(, 'r') as f2:
- self.assertEqual(, '[1, 2, 3]\n')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_yaml_file')
- @patch('helpers.get_seed_ips')
- @patch('')
- def test_configure_cassandra_yaml_20(self, write_file, seed_ips, yaml_file,
- get_cassandra_version):
- get_cassandra_version.return_value = '2.0'
- hookenv.config().update(dict(num_tokens=128,
- cluster_name='test_cluster_name',
- partitioner='test_partitioner'))
- seed_ips.return_value = ['', '', '']
- existing_config = '''
- seed_provider:
- - class_name: blah.SimpleSeedProvider
- parameters:
- - seeds: # Comma separated list.
- '''
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- yaml_config = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'c.yaml')
- yaml_file.return_value = yaml_config
- with open(yaml_config, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
- f.write(existing_config)
- helpers.configure_cassandra_yaml()
- self.assertEqual(write_file.call_count, 2)
- new_config = write_file.call_args[0][1]
- expected_config = dedent('''\
- cluster_name: test_cluster_name
- authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator
- num_tokens: 128
- partitioner: test_partitioner
- listen_address:
- rpc_address:
- rpc_port: 9160
- native_transport_port: 9042
- storage_port: 7000
- ssl_storage_port: 7001
- authorizer: AllowAllAuthorizer
- seed_provider:
- - class_name: blah.SimpleSeedProvider
- parameters:
- # No whitespace in seeds is important.
- - seeds: ',,'
- endpoint_snitch: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
- data_file_directories:
- - /var/lib/cassandra/data
- commitlog_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog
- saved_caches_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches
- compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec: 16
- stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec: 200
- tombstone_warn_threshold: 1000
- tombstone_failure_threshold: 100000
- start_rpc: true
- ''')
- self.maxDiff = None
- self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(new_config),
- yaml.safe_load(expected_config))
- # Confirm we can use an explicit cluster_name too.
- write_file.reset_mock()
- hookenv.config()['cluster_name'] = 'fubar'
- helpers.configure_cassandra_yaml()
- new_config = write_file.call_args[0][1]
- self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(new_config)['cluster_name'],
- 'fubar')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_yaml_file')
- @patch('helpers.get_seed_ips')
- @patch('')
- def test_configure_cassandra_yaml_22(self, write_file, seed_ips, yaml_file,
- get_cassandra_version):
- get_cassandra_version.return_value = '2.0'
- hookenv.config().update(dict(num_tokens=128,
- cluster_name='test_cluster_name',
- partitioner='test_partitioner'))
- seed_ips.return_value = ['', '', '']
- existing_config = '''
- seed_provider:
- - class_name: blah.SimpleSeedProvider
- parameters:
- - seeds: # Comma separated list.
- start_rpc: false # Defaults to False starting 2.2
- '''
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- yaml_config = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'c.yaml')
- yaml_file.return_value = yaml_config
- with open(yaml_config, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
- f.write(existing_config)
- helpers.configure_cassandra_yaml()
- self.assertEqual(write_file.call_count, 2)
- new_config = write_file.call_args[0][1]
- expected_config = dedent('''\
- start_rpc: true
- cluster_name: test_cluster_name
- authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator
- num_tokens: 128
- partitioner: test_partitioner
- listen_address:
- rpc_address:
- rpc_port: 9160
- native_transport_port: 9042
- storage_port: 7000
- ssl_storage_port: 7001
- authorizer: AllowAllAuthorizer
- seed_provider:
- - class_name: blah.SimpleSeedProvider
- parameters:
- # No whitespace in seeds is important.
- - seeds: ',,'
- endpoint_snitch: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
- data_file_directories:
- - /var/lib/cassandra/data
- commitlog_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog
- saved_caches_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches
- compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec: 16
- stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec: 200
- tombstone_warn_threshold: 1000
- tombstone_failure_threshold: 100000
- ''')
- self.maxDiff = None
- self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(new_config),
- yaml.safe_load(expected_config))
- # Confirm we can use an explicit cluster_name too.
- write_file.reset_mock()
- hookenv.config()['cluster_name'] = 'fubar'
- helpers.configure_cassandra_yaml()
- new_config = write_file.call_args[0][1]
- self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(new_config)['cluster_name'],
- 'fubar')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_yaml_file')
- @patch('helpers.get_seed_ips')
- @patch('')
- def test_configure_cassandra_yaml(self, write_file, seed_ips,
- yaml_file, get_cassandra_version):
- get_cassandra_version.return_value = '2.1'
- hookenv.config().update(dict(num_tokens=128,
- cluster_name='test_cluster_name',
- partitioner='test_partitioner'))
- seed_ips.return_value = ['', '', '']
- existing_config = '''
- seed_provider:
- - class_name: blah.SimpleSeedProvider
- parameters:
- - seeds: # Comma separated list.
- '''
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- yaml_config = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'c.yaml')
- yaml_file.return_value = yaml_config
- with open(yaml_config, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
- f.write(existing_config)
- helpers.configure_cassandra_yaml()
- self.assertEqual(write_file.call_count, 2)
- new_config = write_file.call_args[0][1]
- expected_config = dedent('''\
- cluster_name: test_cluster_name
- authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator
- num_tokens: 128
- partitioner: test_partitioner
- listen_address:
- rpc_address:
- broadcast_rpc_address:
- start_rpc: true
- rpc_port: 9160
- native_transport_port: 9042
- storage_port: 7000
- ssl_storage_port: 7001
- authorizer: AllowAllAuthorizer
- seed_provider:
- - class_name: blah.SimpleSeedProvider
- parameters:
- # No whitespace in seeds is important.
- - seeds: ',,'
- endpoint_snitch: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
- data_file_directories:
- - /var/lib/cassandra/data
- commitlog_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog
- saved_caches_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches
- compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec: 16
- stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec: 200
- tombstone_warn_threshold: 1000
- tombstone_failure_threshold: 100000
- ''')
- self.maxDiff = None
- self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(new_config),
- yaml.safe_load(expected_config))
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_yaml_file')
- @patch('helpers.get_seed_ips')
- @patch('')
- def test_configure_cassandra_yaml_overrides(self, write_file, seed_ips,
- yaml_file, version):
- version.return_value = '2.1'
- hookenv.config().update(dict(num_tokens=128,
- cluster_name=None,
- partitioner='my_partitioner'))
- seed_ips.return_value = ['', '', '']
- existing_config = dedent('''\
- seed_provider:
- - class_name: blah.blah.SimpleSeedProvider
- parameters:
- - seeds: # Comma separated list.
- ''')
- overrides = dict(partitioner='overridden_partitioner')
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- yaml_config = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'c.yaml')
- yaml_file.return_value = yaml_config
- with open(yaml_config, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
- f.write(existing_config)
- helpers.configure_cassandra_yaml(overrides=overrides)
- self.assertEqual(write_file.call_count, 2)
- new_config = write_file.call_args[0][1]
- self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(new_config)['partitioner'],
- 'overridden_partitioner')
- def test_get_pid_from_file(self):
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w') as pid_file:
- pid_file.write(' 42\t')
- pid_file.flush()
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_pid_from_file(, 42)
- pid_file.write('\nSome Noise')
- pid_file.flush()
- self.assertEqual(helpers.get_pid_from_file(, 42)
- for invalid_pid in ['-1', '0', 'fred']:
- with self.subTest(invalid_pid=invalid_pid):
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w') as pid_file:
- pid_file.write(invalid_pid)
- pid_file.flush()
- self.assertRaises(ValueError,
- helpers.get_pid_from_file,
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- self.assertRaises(OSError, helpers.get_pid_from_file,
- os.path.join(tmpdir, ''))
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_pid_file')
- def test_is_cassandra_running_not_running(self, get_pid_file):
- # When Cassandra is not running, the pidfile does not exist.
- get_pid_file.return_value = 'does not exist'
- self.assertFalse(helpers.is_cassandra_running())
- @patch('os.path.exists')
- @patch('helpers.get_pid_from_file')
- def test_is_cassandra_running_invalid_pid(self, get_pid_from_file, exists):
- # get_pid_from_file raises a ValueError if the pid is illegal.
- get_pid_from_file.side_effect = repeat(ValueError('Whoops'))
- exists.return_value = True # The pid file is there, just insane.
- # is_cassandra_running() fails hard in this case, since we
- # cannot safely continue when the system is insane.
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, helpers.is_cassandra_running)
- @patch('os.kill')
- @patch('os.path.exists')
- @patch('helpers.get_pid_from_file')
- def test_is_cassandra_running_missing_process(self, get_pid_from_file,
- exists, kill):
- # get_pid_from_file raises a ValueError if the pid is illegal.
- get_pid_from_file.return_value = sentinel.pid_file
- exists.return_value = True # The pid file is there
- kill.side_effect = repeat(ProcessLookupError()) # The process isn't
- self.assertFalse(helpers.is_cassandra_running())
- @patch('os.kill')
- @patch('os.path.exists')
- @patch('helpers.get_pid_from_file')
- def test_is_cassandra_running_wrong_user(self, get_pid_from_file,
- exists, kill):
- # get_pid_from_file raises a ValueError if the pid is illegal.
- get_pid_from_file.return_value = sentinel.pid_file
- exists.return_value = True # The pid file is there
- kill.side_effect = repeat(PermissionError()) # But the process isn't
- self.assertRaises(PermissionError, helpers.is_cassandra_running)
- @patch('time.sleep')
- @patch('os.kill')
- @patch('helpers.get_pid_from_file')
- @patch('')
- def test_is_cassandra_running_starting_up(self, call, get_pid_from_file,
- kill, sleep):
- sleep.return_value = None # Don't actually sleep in unittests.
- os.kill.return_value = True # There is a running pid.
- get_pid_from_file.return_value = 42
- = iter([3, 2, 1, 0]) # 4th time the charm
- self.assertTrue(helpers.is_cassandra_running())
- @patch('helpers.backoff')
- @patch('os.kill')
- @patch('')
- @patch('helpers.get_pid_from_file')
- def test_is_cassandra_running_shutting_down(self, get_pid_from_file,
- call, kill, backoff):
- # If Cassandra is in the process of shutting down, it might take
- # several failed checks before the pid file disappears.
- backoff.return_value = repeat(True)
- os.kill.return_value = None # The process is running
- call.return_value = 1 # But nodetool is not succeeding.
- # Fourth time, the pid file is gone.
- get_pid_from_file.side_effect = iter([42, 42, 42,
- FileNotFoundError('Whoops')])
- self.assertFalse(helpers.is_cassandra_running())
- @patch('os.kill')
- @patch('')
- @patch('os.path.exists')
- @patch('helpers.get_pid_from_file')
- def test_is_cassandra_running_failsafe(self, get_pid_from_file,
- exists, subprocess_call, kill):
- get_pid_from_file.return_value = sentinel.pid_file
- exists.return_value = True # The pid file is there
- subprocess_call.side_effect = repeat(RuntimeError('whoops'))
- # Weird errors are reraised.
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, helpers.is_cassandra_running)
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('helpers.query')
- def test_get_auth_keyspace_replication(self, query, ver):
- ver.return_value = '2.2'
- query.return_value = [('{"json": true}',)]
- settings = helpers.get_auth_keyspace_replication(sentinel.session)
- self.assertDictEqual(settings, dict(json=True))
- query.assert_called_once_with(
- sentinel.session, dedent('''\
- SELECT strategy_options FROM system.schema_keyspaces
- WHERE keyspace_name='system_auth'
- '''), ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('helpers.query')
- def test_get_auth_keyspace_replication_30(self, query, ver):
- ver.return_value = '3.0'
- query.return_value = [({"json": True},)] # Decoded under 3.0
- settings = helpers.get_auth_keyspace_replication(sentinel.session)
- self.assertDictEqual(settings, dict(json=True))
- query.assert_called_once_with(
- sentinel.session, dedent('''\
- SELECT replication FROM system_schema.keyspaces
- WHERE keyspace_name='system_auth'
- '''), ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
- @patch('helpers.status_set')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.status_get')
- @patch('helpers.query')
- def test_set_auth_keyspace_replication(self, query,
- status_get, status_set):
- status_get.return_value = ('active', '')
- settings = dict(json=True)
- helpers.set_auth_keyspace_replication(sentinel.session, settings)
- query.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.session,
- 'ALTER KEYSPACE system_auth '
- ConsistencyLevel.ALL, (settings,))
- @patch('helpers.status_set')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.status_get')
- @patch('helpers.nodetool')
- def test_repair_auth_keyspace(self, nodetool, status_get, status_set):
- status_get.return_value = (sentinel.status, '')
- helpers.repair_auth_keyspace()
- status_set.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.status,
- 'Repairing system_auth keyspace')
- # The repair operation may still fail, and I am currently regularly
- # seeing 'snapshot creation' errors. Repair also takes ages with
- # Cassandra 2.0. So retry until success, up to 1 hour.
- nodetool.assert_called_once_with('repair', 'system_auth', timeout=3600)
- def test_is_bootstrapped(self):
- self.assertFalse(helpers.is_bootstrapped())
- helpers.set_bootstrapped()
- self.assertTrue(helpers.is_bootstrapped())
- @patch('helpers.get_node_status')
- def test_is_decommissioned(self, get_node_status):
- get_node_status.return_value = 'DECOMMISSIONED'
- self.assertTrue(helpers.is_decommissioned())
- get_node_status.return_value = 'LEAVING'
- self.assertTrue(helpers.is_decommissioned())
- get_node_status.return_value = 'NORMAL'
- self.assertFalse(helpers.is_decommissioned())
- @patch('helpers.nodetool')
- def test_emit_describe_cluster(self, nodetool):
- helpers.emit_describe_cluster()
- nodetool.assert_called_once_with('describecluster')
- @patch('helpers.nodetool')
- def test_emit_status(self, nodetool):
- helpers.emit_status()
- nodetool.assert_called_once_with('status')
- @patch('helpers.nodetool')
- def test_emit_netstats(self, nodetool):
- helpers.emit_netstats()
- nodetool.assert_called_once_with('netstats')
- def test_week_spread(self):
- # The first seven units run midnight on different days.
- for i in range(0, 7): # There is no unit 0
- with self.subTest(unit=i):
- self.assertTupleEqual(helpers.week_spread(i), (i, 0, 0))
- # The next seven units run midday on different days.
- for i in range(7, 14):
- with self.subTest(unit=i):
- self.assertTupleEqual(helpers.week_spread(i), (i - 7, 12, 0))
- # And the next seven units at 6 am on different days.
- for i in range(14, 21):
- with self.subTest(unit=i):
- self.assertTupleEqual(helpers.week_spread(i), (i - 14, 6, 0))
- # This keeps going as best we can, subdividing the hours.
- self.assertTupleEqual(helpers.week_spread(811), (6, 19, 18))
- # The granularity is 1 minute, so eventually we wrap after about
- # 7000 units.
- self.assertTupleEqual(helpers.week_spread(0), (0, 0, 0))
- for i in range(1, 7168):
- with self.subTest(unit=i):
- self.assertNotEqual(helpers.week_spread(i), (0, 0, 0))
- self.assertTupleEqual(helpers.week_spread(7168), (0, 0, 0))
- def test_local_plugins_dir(self):
- self.assertEqual(helpers.local_plugins_dir(),
- '/usr/local/lib/nagios/plugins')
- def test_update_hosts_file_new_entry(self):
- org = dedent("""\
- localhost
- existing
- """)
- new = dedent("""\
- localhost
- existing
- newname
- """)
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as f:
- f.write(org)
- f.flush()
- m = {'': 'newname'}
- helpers.update_hosts_file(, m)
- self.assertEqual(new.strip(), open(, 'r').read().strip())
- def test_update_hosts_file_changed_entry(self):
- org = dedent("""\
- localhost
- existing
- """)
- new = dedent("""\
- localhost
- existing
- """)
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as f:
- f.write(org)
- f.flush()
- m = {'': 'existing'}
- helpers.update_hosts_file(, m)
- self.assertEqual(new.strip(), open(, 'r').read().strip())
-class TestIsLxc(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_is_lxc(self):
- # Test the function runs under the current environmnet.
- # Unfortunately we can't sanely test that it is returning the
- # correct value
- helpers.is_lxc()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main(verbosity=2)