path: root/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/test_actions.py
diff options
authorStuart Mackie <wsmackie@juniper.net>2017-03-23 06:19:54 -0700
committerStuart Mackie <wsmackie@juniper.net>2017-03-23 06:19:54 -0700
commit88df88a19674ccc0017836941b8ee32eaadf19fb (patch)
treef930c90f75846ec8d8e33cf27325ff8fafc85d5c /charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/test_actions.py
parent9f50a40437477432a21b326b15c343ca6b8fe516 (diff)
Deleted charms with wrong license. Will source them differently in future.
Change-Id: I0fc99ea03c6b6ca4701e63793cb2be60e56c7588 Signed-off-by: Stuart Mackie <wsmackie@juniper.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/test_actions.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1156 deletions
diff --git a/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/test_actions.py b/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/test_actions.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f97df0c..0000000
--- a/charms/trusty/cassandra/tests/test_actions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1156 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of the Cassandra Charm for Juju.
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of
-# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import errno
-from itertools import repeat
-import os.path
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-from textwrap import dedent
-import unittest
-from unittest.mock import ANY, call, patch, sentinel
-import yaml
-import cassandra
-from charmhelpers.core import hookenv
-from tests.base import TestCaseBase
-import actions
-from coordinator import coordinator
-import helpers
-class TestActions(TestCaseBase):
- def test_action_wrapper(self):
- @actions.action
- def somefunc(*args, **kw):
- return 42, args, kw
- hookenv.hook_name.return_value = 'catch-fire'
- # The wrapper stripts the servicename argument, which we have no
- # use for, logs a message and invokes the wrapped function.
- hookenv.remote_unit.return_value = None
- self.assertEqual(somefunc('sn', 1, foo=4), (42, (1,), dict(foo=4)))
- hookenv.log.assert_called_once_with('** Action catch-fire/somefunc')
- # Different log message if there is a remote unit.
- hookenv.log.reset_mock()
- os.environ['JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT'] = 'foo'
- self.assertEqual(somefunc('sn', 1, foo=4), (42, (1,), dict(foo=4)))
- hookenv.log.assert_called_once_with(
- '** Action catch-fire/somefunc (foo)')
- def test_revert_unchangeable_config(self):
- config = hookenv.config()
- self.assertIn('datacenter', actions.UNCHANGEABLE_KEYS)
- # In the first hook, revert does nothing as there is nothing to
- # revert too.
- config['datacenter'] = 'mission_control'
- self.assertTrue(config.changed('datacenter'))
- actions.revert_unchangeable_config('')
- self.assertEqual(config['datacenter'], 'mission_control')
- config.save()
- config.load_previous()
- config['datacenter'] = 'orbital_1'
- actions.revert_unchangeable_config('')
- self.assertEqual(config['datacenter'], 'mission_control') # Reverted
- hookenv.log.assert_any_call(ANY, hookenv.ERROR) # Logged the problem.
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- def test_leader_only(self, is_leader):
- @actions.leader_only
- def f(*args, **kw):
- return args, kw
- is_leader.return_value = False
- self.assertIsNone(f(1, foo='bar'))
- is_leader.return_value = True
- self.assertEqual(f(1, foo='bar'), ((1,), dict(foo='bar')))
- def test_set_proxy(self):
- # NB. Environment is already mocked.
- os.environ['http_proxy'] = ''
- os.environ['https_proxy'] = ''
- actions.set_proxy('')
- self.assertEqual(os.environ['http_proxy'], '')
- self.assertEqual(os.environ['https_proxy'], '')
- hookenv.config()['http_proxy'] = 'foo'
- actions.set_proxy('')
- self.assertEqual(os.environ['http_proxy'], 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(os.environ['https_proxy'], 'foo')
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- def test_preinstall(self, check_call):
- # Noop if there are no preinstall hooks found running the
- # install hook.
- hookenv.hook_name.return_value = 'install'
- actions.preinstall('')
- self.assertFalse(check_call.called)
- hookenv.log.assert_any_call('No preinstall hooks found')
- # If preinstall hooks are found running the install hook,
- # the preinstall hooks are run.
- hook_dirs = []
- hook_files = []
- for i in range(1, 3):
- hook_dirs.append(os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(),
- 'exec.d', str(i)))
- hook_files.append(os.path.join(hook_dirs[-1], 'charm-pre-install'))
- os.makedirs(hook_dirs[-1])
- with open(hook_files[-1], 'w') as f1:
- print('mocked', file=f1)
- os.chmod(hook_files[-1], 0o755)
- check_call.reset_mock()
- actions.preinstall('')
- calls = [call(['sh', '-c', f2]) for f2 in hook_files]
- check_call.assert_has_calls(calls)
- # If a preinstall hook is not executable, a warning is raised.
- hook_dir = os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), 'exec.d', '55')
- hook_file = os.path.join(hook_dir, 'charm-pre-install')
- os.makedirs(hook_dir)
- with open(hook_file, 'w') as f1:
- print('whoops', file=f1)
- os.chmod(hook_file, 0o644)
- check_call.reset_mock()
- hookenv.log.reset_mock()
- actions.preinstall('')
- check_call.assert_has_calls(calls) # Only previous hooks run.
- hookenv.log.assert_has_calls([
- call(ANY),
- call(ANY),
- call(ANY, hookenv.WARNING)])
- # Nothing happens if the install hook is not being run.
- hookenv.hook_name.return_value = 'config-changed'
- check_call.reset_mock()
- actions.preinstall('')
- self.assertFalse(check_call.called)
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- def test_swapoff(self, check_call):
- fstab = (
- b'UUID=abc / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1\n'
- b'/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0')
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
- f.write(fstab)
- f.flush()
- actions.swapoff('', f.name)
- f.seek(0)
- self.assertTrue(b'swap' not in f.read())
- check_call.assert_called_once_with(['swapoff', '-a'])
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- def test_swapoff_fails(self, check_call):
- check_call.side_effect = RuntimeError()
- actions.swapoff('', '')
- # A warning is generated if swapoff fails.
- hookenv.log.assert_any_call(ANY, hookenv.WARNING)
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- def test_swapoff_lxc(self, check_call):
- # Under LXC, the swapoff action does nothing except log.
- helpers.is_lxc.return_value = True
- actions.swapoff('')
- self.assertFalse(check_call.called)
- @patch('charmhelpers.fetch.configure_sources')
- def test_configure_sources(self, configure_sources):
- config = hookenv.config()
- # fetch.configure_sources called the first time
- actions.configure_sources('')
- configure_sources.assert_called_once_with(True)
- # fetch.configure_sources not called if relevant config is unchanged.
- config.save()
- config.load_previous()
- configure_sources.reset_mock()
- actions.configure_sources('')
- self.assertFalse(configure_sources.called)
- # Changing install_sources causes fetch.configure_sources to be
- # called.
- config.save()
- config.load_previous()
- configure_sources.reset_mock()
- config['install_sources'] = 'foo'
- actions.configure_sources('')
- configure_sources.assert_called_once_with(True)
- # Changing install_keys causes fetch.configure_sources to be
- # called.
- config.save()
- config.load_previous()
- configure_sources.reset_mock()
- config['install_keys'] = 'foo'
- actions.configure_sources('')
- configure_sources.assert_called_once_with(True)
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.charm_dir')
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- def test_add_implicit_package_signing_keys(self, check_call, charm_dir):
- charm_dir.return_value = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- os.pardir)
- actions.add_implicit_package_signing_keys('')
- keys = ['apache', 'datastax']
- self.assertEqual(check_call.call_count, len(keys))
- for k in keys:
- with self.subTest(key=k):
- path = os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(),
- 'lib', '{}.key'.format(k))
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path))
- check_call.assert_any_call(['apt-key', 'add', path],
- stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL)
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.write_file')
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- def test_reset_sysctl(self, check_call, write_file):
- actions.reset_sysctl('')
- ctl_file = '/etc/sysctl.d/99-cassandra.conf'
- # Magic value per Cassandra best practice.
- write_file.assert_called_once_with(ctl_file,
- b"vm.max_map_count = 131072\n")
- check_call.assert_called_once_with(['sysctl', '-p',
- '/etc/sysctl.d/99-cassandra.conf'])
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.write_file')
- def test_reset_sysctl_expected_fails(self, write_file, check_call):
- check_call.side_effect = repeat(OSError(errno.EACCES,
- 'Permission Denied'))
- actions.reset_sysctl('')
- # A warning is generated if permission denied was raised.
- hookenv.log.assert_any_call(ANY, hookenv.WARNING)
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.write_file')
- def test_reset_sysctl_fails_badly(self, write_file, check_call):
- # Other OSErrors are reraised since we don't know how to handle
- # them.
- check_call.side_effect = repeat(OSError(errno.EFAULT, 'Whoops'))
- self.assertRaises(OSError, actions.reset_sysctl, '')
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- def test_reset_sysctl_lxc(self, check_call):
- helpers.is_lxc.return_value = True
- actions.reset_sysctl('')
- self.assertFalse(check_call.called)
- hookenv.log.assert_any_call('In an LXC. '
- 'Leaving sysctl unchanged.')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_packages')
- @patch('helpers.ensure_package_status')
- def test_ensure_cassandra_package_status(self, ensure_package_status,
- get_cassandra_packages):
- get_cassandra_packages.return_value = sentinel.cassandra_packages
- actions.ensure_cassandra_package_status('')
- ensure_package_status.assert_called_once_with(
- sentinel.cassandra_packages)
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- @patch('helpers.get_jre')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_packages')
- @patch('helpers.install_packages')
- def test_install_cassandra_packages(self, install_packages,
- get_cassandra_packages,
- get_jre, check_call):
- get_cassandra_packages.return_value = sentinel.cassandra_packages
- get_jre.return_value = 'openjdk'
- actions.install_cassandra_packages('')
- install_packages.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.cassandra_packages)
- check_call.assert_called_once_with(['update-java-alternatives',
- '--jre-headless', '--set',
- 'java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64'])
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- @patch('helpers.get_jre')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_packages')
- @patch('helpers.install_packages')
- def test_install_cassandra_packages_oracle(self, install_packages,
- get_cassandra_packages,
- get_jre, check_call):
- get_cassandra_packages.return_value = sentinel.cassandra_packages
- get_jre.return_value = 'oracle'
- actions.install_cassandra_packages('')
- install_packages.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.cassandra_packages)
- # No alternatives selected, as the Oracle JRE installer method
- # handles this.
- self.assertFalse(check_call.called)
- @patch('actions._install_oracle_jre_tarball')
- @patch('actions._fetch_oracle_jre')
- def test_install_oracle_jre(self, fetch, install_tarball):
- fetch.return_value = sentinel.tarball
- actions.install_oracle_jre('')
- self.assertFalse(fetch.called)
- self.assertFalse(install_tarball.called)
- hookenv.config()['jre'] = 'oracle'
- actions.install_oracle_jre('')
- fetch.assert_called_once_with()
- install_tarball.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.tarball)
- @patch('helpers.status_set')
- @patch('urllib.request')
- def test_fetch_oracle_jre(self, req, status_set):
- config = hookenv.config()
- url = 'https://foo.example.com/server-jre-7u42-linux-x64.tar.gz'
- expected_tarball = os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), 'lib',
- 'server-jre-7u42-linux-x64.tar.gz')
- config['private_jre_url'] = url
- # Create a dummy tarball, since the mock urlretrieve won't.
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(expected_tarball))
- with open(expected_tarball, 'w'):
- pass # Empty file
- self.assertEqual(actions._fetch_oracle_jre(), expected_tarball)
- req.urlretrieve.assert_called_once_with(url, expected_tarball)
- def test_fetch_oracle_jre_local(self):
- # Create an existing tarball. If it is found, it will be used
- # without needing to specify a remote url or actually download
- # anything.
- expected_tarball = os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), 'lib',
- 'server-jre-7u42-linux-x64.tar.gz')
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(expected_tarball))
- with open(expected_tarball, 'w'):
- pass # Empty file
- self.assertEqual(actions._fetch_oracle_jre(), expected_tarball)
- @patch('helpers.status_set')
- def test_fetch_oracle_jre_notfound(self, status_set):
- with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as x:
- actions._fetch_oracle_jre()
- self.assertEqual(x.code, 0)
- status_set.assert_called_once_with('blocked', ANY)
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.mkdir')
- @patch('os.path.isdir')
- def test_install_oracle_jre_tarball(self, isdir, mkdir, check_call):
- isdir.return_value = False
- dest = '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle'
- actions._install_oracle_jre_tarball(sentinel.tarball)
- mkdir.assert_called_once_with(dest)
- check_call.assert_has_calls([
- call(['tar', '-xz', '-C', dest,
- '--strip-components=1', '-f', sentinel.tarball]),
- call(['update-alternatives', '--install',
- '/usr/bin/java', 'java',
- os.path.join(dest, 'bin', 'java'), '1']),
- call(['update-alternatives', '--set', 'java',
- os.path.join(dest, 'bin', 'java')]),
- call(['update-alternatives', '--install',
- '/usr/bin/javac', 'javac',
- os.path.join(dest, 'bin', 'javac'), '1']),
- call(['update-alternatives', '--set', 'javac',
- os.path.join(dest, 'bin', 'javac')])])
- @patch('os.path.exists')
- @patch('subprocess.check_call')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.mkdir')
- @patch('os.path.isdir')
- def test_install_oracle_jre_tarball_already(self, isdir,
- mkdir, check_call, exists):
- isdir.return_value = True
- exists.return_value = True # jre already installed
- # Store the version previously installed.
- hookenv.config()['oracle_jre_tarball'] = sentinel.tarball
- dest = '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle'
- actions._install_oracle_jre_tarball(sentinel.tarball)
- self.assertFalse(mkdir.called) # The jvm dir already existed.
- exists.assert_called_once_with('/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java')
- # update-alternatives done, but tarball not extracted.
- check_call.assert_has_calls([
- call(['update-alternatives', '--install',
- '/usr/bin/java', 'java',
- os.path.join(dest, 'bin', 'java'), '1']),
- call(['update-alternatives', '--set', 'java',
- os.path.join(dest, 'bin', 'java')]),
- call(['update-alternatives', '--install',
- '/usr/bin/javac', 'javac',
- os.path.join(dest, 'bin', 'javac'), '1']),
- call(['update-alternatives', '--set', 'javac',
- os.path.join(dest, 'bin', 'javac')])])
- @patch('subprocess.check_output')
- def test_emit_java_version(self, check_output):
- check_output.return_value = 'Line 1\nLine 2'
- actions.emit_java_version('')
- check_output.assert_called_once_with(['java', '-version'],
- universal_newlines=True)
- hookenv.log.assert_has_calls([call(ANY),
- call('JRE: Line 1'),
- call('JRE: Line 2')])
- @patch('helpers.configure_cassandra_yaml')
- def test_configure_cassandra_yaml(self, configure_cassandra_yaml):
- # actions.configure_cassandra_yaml is just a wrapper around the
- # helper.
- actions.configure_cassandra_yaml('')
- configure_cassandra_yaml.assert_called_once_with()
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_env_file')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.write_file')
- def test_configure_cassandra_env(self, write_file, env_file):
- def _wf(path, contents, perms=None):
- with open(path, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(contents)
- write_file.side_effect = _wf
- # cassandra-env.sh is a shell script that unfortunately
- # embeds configuration we need to change.
- existing_config = dedent('''\
- Everything is ignored
- unless a regexp matches
- #JMX_PORT="1234"
- And done
- ''')
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
- cassandra_env = os.path.join(tempdir, 'c.sh')
- env_file.return_value = cassandra_env
- with open(cassandra_env, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
- f.write(existing_config)
- overrides = dict(
- max_heap_size=re.compile('^MAX_HEAP_SIZE=(.*)$', re.M),
- heap_newsize=re.compile('^HEAP_NEWSIZE=(.*)$', re.M))
- for key in overrides:
- hookenv.config()[key] = ''
- # By default, the settings will be commented out.
- actions.configure_cassandra_env('')
- with open(cassandra_env, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
- generated_env = f.read()
- for config_key, regexp in overrides.items():
- with self.subTest(override=config_key):
- self.assertIsNone(regexp.search(generated_env))
- # Settings can be overridden.
- for config_key, regexp in overrides.items():
- hookenv.config()[config_key] = '{} val'.format(config_key)
- actions.configure_cassandra_env('')
- with open(cassandra_env, 'r') as f:
- generated_env = f.read()
- for config_key, regexp in overrides.items():
- with self.subTest(override=config_key):
- match = regexp.search(generated_env)
- self.assertIsNotNone(match)
- # Note the value has been shell quoted.
- self.assertTrue(
- match.group(1).startswith(
- "'{} val'".format(config_key)))
- # Settings can be returned to the defaults.
- for config_key, regexp in overrides.items():
- hookenv.config()[config_key] = ''
- actions.configure_cassandra_env('')
- with open(cassandra_env, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
- generated_env = f.read()
- for config_key, regexp in overrides.items():
- with self.subTest(override=config_key):
- self.assertIsNone(regexp.search(generated_env))
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_rackdc_file')
- def test_configure_cassandra_rackdc(self, rackdc_file):
- hookenv.config()['datacenter'] = 'test_dc'
- hookenv.config()['rack'] = 'test_rack'
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as rackdc:
- rackdc_file.return_value = rackdc.name
- actions.configure_cassandra_rackdc('')
- with open(rackdc.name, 'r') as f:
- self.assertEqual(f.read().strip(),
- 'dc=test_dc\nrack=test_rack')
- @patch('helpers.connect')
- @patch('helpers.get_auth_keyspace_replication')
- @patch('helpers.num_nodes')
- def test_needs_reset_auth_keyspace_replication(self, num_nodes,
- get_auth_ks_rep,
- connect):
- num_nodes.return_value = 4
- connect().__enter__.return_value = sentinel.session
- connect().__exit__.return_value = False
- get_auth_ks_rep.return_value = {'another': '8'}
- self.assertTrue(actions.needs_reset_auth_keyspace_replication())
- @patch('helpers.connect')
- @patch('helpers.get_auth_keyspace_replication')
- @patch('helpers.num_nodes')
- def test_needs_reset_auth_keyspace_replication_false(self, num_nodes,
- get_auth_ks_rep,
- connect):
- config = hookenv.config()
- config['datacenter'] = 'mydc'
- connect().__enter__.return_value = sentinel.session
- connect().__exit__.return_value = False
- num_nodes.return_value = 3
- get_auth_ks_rep.return_value = {'another': '8',
- 'mydc': '3'}
- self.assertFalse(actions.needs_reset_auth_keyspace_replication())
- @patch('helpers.set_active')
- @patch('helpers.repair_auth_keyspace')
- @patch('helpers.connect')
- @patch('helpers.set_auth_keyspace_replication')
- @patch('helpers.get_auth_keyspace_replication')
- @patch('helpers.num_nodes')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- def test_reset_auth_keyspace_replication(self, is_leader, num_nodes,
- get_auth_ks_rep,
- set_auth_ks_rep,
- connect, repair, set_active):
- is_leader.return_value = True
- num_nodes.return_value = 4
- coordinator.grants = {}
- coordinator.requests = {hookenv.local_unit(): {}}
- coordinator.grant('repair', hookenv.local_unit())
- config = hookenv.config()
- config['datacenter'] = 'mydc'
- connect().__enter__.return_value = sentinel.session
- connect().__exit__.return_value = False
- get_auth_ks_rep.return_value = {'another': '8'}
- self.assertTrue(actions.needs_reset_auth_keyspace_replication())
- actions.reset_auth_keyspace_replication('')
- set_auth_ks_rep.assert_called_once_with(
- sentinel.session,
- {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'another': '8', 'mydc': 4})
- repair.assert_called_once_with()
- set_active.assert_called_once_with()
- def test_store_unit_private_ip(self):
- hookenv.unit_private_ip.side_effect = None
- hookenv.unit_private_ip.return_value = sentinel.ip
- actions.store_unit_private_ip('')
- self.assertEqual(hookenv.config()['unit_private_ip'], sentinel.ip)
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.service_start')
- @patch('helpers.status_set')
- @patch('helpers.actual_seed_ips')
- @patch('helpers.get_seed_ips')
- @patch('relations.StorageRelation.needs_remount')
- @patch('helpers.is_bootstrapped')
- @patch('helpers.is_cassandra_running')
- @patch('helpers.is_decommissioned')
- def test_needs_restart(self, is_decom, is_running, is_bootstrapped,
- needs_remount, seed_ips, actual_seeds,
- status_set, service_start):
- is_decom.return_value = False
- is_running.return_value = True
- needs_remount.return_value = False
- seed_ips.return_value = set([''])
- actual_seeds.return_value = set([''])
- config = hookenv.config()
- config['configured_seeds'] = list(sorted(seed_ips()))
- config.save()
- config.load_previous() # Ensure everything flagged as unchanged.
- self.assertFalse(actions.needs_restart())
- # Decommissioned nodes are not restarted.
- is_decom.return_value = True
- self.assertFalse(actions.needs_restart())
- is_decom.return_value = False
- self.assertFalse(actions.needs_restart())
- # Nodes not running need to be restarted.
- is_running.return_value = False
- self.assertTrue(actions.needs_restart())
- is_running.return_value = True
- self.assertFalse(actions.needs_restart())
- # If we have a new mountpoint, we need to restart in order to
- # migrate data.
- needs_remount.return_value = True
- self.assertTrue(actions.needs_restart())
- needs_remount.return_value = False
- self.assertFalse(actions.needs_restart())
- # Certain changed config items trigger a restart.
- config['max_heap_size'] = '512M'
- self.assertTrue(actions.needs_restart())
- config.save()
- config.load_previous()
- self.assertFalse(actions.needs_restart())
- # A new IP address requires a restart.
- config['unit_private_ip'] = 'new'
- self.assertTrue(actions.needs_restart())
- config.save()
- config.load_previous()
- self.assertFalse(actions.needs_restart())
- # If the seeds have changed, we need to restart.
- seed_ips.return_value = set([''])
- actual_seeds.return_value = set([''])
- self.assertTrue(actions.needs_restart())
- is_running.side_effect = iter([False, True])
- helpers.start_cassandra()
- is_running.side_effect = None
- is_running.return_value = True
- self.assertFalse(actions.needs_restart())
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- @patch('helpers.is_bootstrapped')
- @patch('helpers.ensure_database_directories')
- @patch('helpers.remount_cassandra')
- @patch('helpers.start_cassandra')
- @patch('helpers.stop_cassandra')
- @patch('helpers.status_set')
- def test_maybe_restart(self, status_set, stop_cassandra, start_cassandra,
- remount, ensure_directories, is_bootstrapped,
- is_leader):
- coordinator.grants = {}
- coordinator.requests = {hookenv.local_unit(): {}}
- coordinator.relid = 'cluster:1'
- coordinator.grant('restart', hookenv.local_unit())
- actions.maybe_restart('')
- stop_cassandra.assert_called_once_with()
- remount.assert_called_once_with()
- ensure_directories.assert_called_once_with()
- start_cassandra.assert_called_once_with()
- @patch('helpers.stop_cassandra')
- def test_stop_cassandra(self, helpers_stop_cassandra):
- actions.stop_cassandra('ignored')
- helpers_stop_cassandra.assert_called_once_with()
- @patch('helpers.start_cassandra')
- def test_start_cassandra(self, helpers_start_cassandra):
- actions.start_cassandra('ignored')
- helpers_start_cassandra.assert_called_once_with()
- @patch('os.path.isdir')
- @patch('helpers.get_all_database_directories')
- @patch('helpers.set_io_scheduler')
- def test_reset_all_io_schedulers(self, set_io_scheduler, dbdirs, isdir):
- hookenv.config()['io_scheduler'] = sentinel.io_scheduler
- dbdirs.return_value = dict(
- data_file_directories=[sentinel.d1, sentinel.d2],
- commitlog_directory=sentinel.cl,
- saved_caches_directory=sentinel.sc)
- isdir.return_value = True
- actions.reset_all_io_schedulers('')
- set_io_scheduler.assert_has_calls([
- call(sentinel.io_scheduler, sentinel.d1),
- call(sentinel.io_scheduler, sentinel.d2),
- call(sentinel.io_scheduler, sentinel.cl),
- call(sentinel.io_scheduler, sentinel.sc)],
- any_order=True)
- # If directories don't exist yet, nothing happens.
- set_io_scheduler.reset_mock()
- isdir.return_value = False
- actions.reset_all_io_schedulers('')
- self.assertFalse(set_io_scheduler.called)
- def test_config_key_lists_complete(self):
- # Ensure that we have listed all keys in either
- # is maintained as new config items are added over time.
- config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir,
- 'config.yaml')
- with open(config_path, 'r') as f:
- config = yaml.safe_load(f)
- combined = actions.RESTART_REQUIRED_KEYS.union(
- for key in config['options']:
- with self.subTest(key=key):
- self.assertIn(key, combined)
- @patch('actions._publish_database_relation')
- def test_publish_database_relations(self, publish_db_rel):
- actions.publish_database_relations('')
- publish_db_rel.assert_called_once_with('database:1', superuser=False)
- @patch('actions._publish_database_relation')
- def test_publish_database_admin_relations(self, publish_db_rel):
- actions.publish_database_admin_relations('')
- publish_db_rel.assert_called_once_with('database-admin:1',
- superuser=True)
- @patch('helpers.leader_ping')
- @patch('helpers.ensure_user')
- @patch('helpers.connect')
- @patch('helpers.get_service_name')
- @patch('helpers.encrypt_password')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.pwgen')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- @patch('actions._client_credentials')
- def test_publish_database_relation_leader(self, client_creds, is_leader,
- pwgen, encrypt_password,
- get_service_name,
- connect, ensure_user,
- leader_ping):
- is_leader.return_value = True # We are the leader.
- client_creds.return_value = (None, None) # No creds published yet.
- get_service_name.return_value = 'cservice'
- pwgen.side_effect = iter(['secret1', 'secret2'])
- encrypt_password.side_effect = iter(['crypt1', 'crypt2'])
- connect().__enter__.return_value = sentinel.session
- config = hookenv.config()
- config['native_transport_port'] = 666
- config['rpc_port'] = 777
- config['cluster_name'] = 'fred'
- config['datacenter'] = 'mission_control'
- config['rack'] = '01'
- actions._publish_database_relation('database:1', superuser=False)
- ensure_user.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.session,
- 'juju_cservice', 'crypt1',
- False)
- leader_ping.assert_called_once_with() # Peers woken.
- hookenv.relation_set.assert_has_calls([
- call('database:1',
- username='juju_cservice', password='secret1',
- host='', native_transport_port=666, rpc_port=777,
- cluster_name='fred', datacenter='mission_control',
- rack='01')])
- @patch('helpers.leader_ping')
- @patch('helpers.ensure_user')
- @patch('helpers.connect')
- @patch('helpers.get_service_name')
- @patch('helpers.encrypt_password')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.pwgen')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- @patch('actions._client_credentials')
- def test_publish_database_relation_super(self, client_creds, is_leader,
- pwgen, encrypt_password,
- get_service_name,
- connect, ensure_user,
- leader_ping):
- is_leader.return_value = True # We are the leader.
- client_creds.return_value = (None, None) # No creds published yet.
- get_service_name.return_value = 'cservice'
- pwgen.side_effect = iter(['secret1', 'secret2'])
- encrypt_password.side_effect = iter(['crypt1', 'crypt2'])
- connect().__enter__.return_value = sentinel.session
- config = hookenv.config()
- config['native_transport_port'] = 666
- config['rpc_port'] = 777
- config['cluster_name'] = 'fred'
- config['datacenter'] = 'mission_control'
- config['rack'] = '01'
- actions._publish_database_relation('database:1', superuser=True)
- ensure_user.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.session,
- 'juju_cservice_admin', 'crypt1',
- True)
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.write_file')
- def test_install_maintenance_crontab(self, write_file):
- # First 7 units get distributed, one job per day.
- hookenv.local_unit.return_value = 'foo/0'
- actions.install_maintenance_crontab('')
- write_file.assert_called_once_with('/etc/cron.d/cassandra-maintenance',
- ANY)
- contents = write_file.call_args[0][1]
- # Not the complete command, but includes all the expanded
- # variables.
- expected = (b'\n0 0 * * 0 cassandra run-one-until-success '
- b'nodetool repair -pr')
- self.assertIn(expected, contents)
- # Next 7 units distributed 12 hours out of sync with the first
- # batch.
- hookenv.local_unit.return_value = 'foo/8'
- actions.install_maintenance_crontab('')
- contents = write_file.call_args[0][1]
- expected = (b'\n0 12 * * 1 cassandra run-one-until-success '
- b'nodetool repair -pr')
- self.assertIn(expected, contents)
- # Later units per helpers.week_spread()
- hookenv.local_unit.return_value = 'foo/411'
- actions.install_maintenance_crontab('')
- contents = write_file.call_args[0][1]
- expected = (b'\n37 8 * * 5 cassandra run-one-until-success '
- b'nodetool repair -pr')
- self.assertIn(expected, contents)
- @patch('helpers.emit_netstats')
- @patch('helpers.emit_status')
- @patch('helpers.emit_describe_cluster')
- def test_emit_cluster_info(self, emit_desc, emit_status, emit_netstats):
- actions.emit_cluster_info('')
- emit_desc.assert_called_once_with()
- emit_status.assert_called_once_with()
- emit_netstats.assert_called_once_with()
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.relations_of_type')
- @patch('actions.ufw')
- def test_configure_firewall(self, ufw, rel_of_type):
- rel_of_type.side_effect = iter([[{'private-address': ''},
- {'private-address': ''}],
- []])
- actions.configure_firewall('')
- # Confirm our mock provided the expected data.
- rel_of_type.assert_has_calls([call('cluster'), call('database-admin')])
- ufw.enable.assert_called_once_with(soft_fail=True) # Always enabled.
- # SSH and the client protocol ports are always fully open.
- ufw.service.assert_has_calls([call('ssh', 'open'),
- call('nrpe', 'open'),
- call('rsync', 'open'),
- call(9042, 'open'),
- call(9160, 'open')])
- # This test is running for the first time, so there are no
- # previously applied rules to remove. It opens necessary access
- # to peers and other related units. The 1.1.* addresses are
- # peers, and they get storage (7000), ssl_storage (7001),
- # JMX (7199), Thrift (9160) and native (9042). The remaining
- # addresses are clients, getting just Thrift and native.
- ufw.grant_access.assert_has_calls([call('', 'any', 7000),
- call('', 'any', 7001),
- call('', 'any', 7000),
- call('', 'any', 7001)],
- any_order=True)
- # If things change in a later hook, unwanted rules are removed
- # and new ones added.
- config = hookenv.config()
- config.save()
- config.load_previous()
- config['native_transport_port'] = 7777 # 9042 -> 7777
- config['storage_port'] = 7002 # 7000 -> 7002
- config['open_client_ports'] = True
- ufw.reset_mock()
- rel_of_type.side_effect = iter([[],
- [{'private-address': ''},
- {'private-address': ''}]])
- actions.configure_firewall('')
- # Three ports now globally open. Yes, having the globally open
- # native and Thrift ports does make the later more specific
- # rules meaningless, but we add the specific rules anyway.
- ufw.service.assert_has_calls([call('ssh', 'open'),
- call('nrpe', 'open'),
- call(9042, 'close'),
- call(7777, 'open'),
- call(9160, 'open')], any_order=True)
- ufw.revoke_access.assert_has_calls([call('', 'any', 7000),
- call('', 'any', 7000)],
- any_order=True)
- ufw.grant_access.assert_has_calls([call('', 'any', 7001),
- call('', 'any', 7002),
- call('', 'any', 7001),
- call('', 'any', 7002)],
- any_order=True)
- @patch('helpers.mountpoint')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.write_file')
- @patch('charmhelpers.contrib.charmsupport.nrpe.NRPE')
- @patch('helpers.local_plugins_dir')
- def test_nrpe_external_master_relation(self, local_plugins_dir, nrpe,
- write_file, cassandra_version,
- mountpoint):
- mountpoint.side_effect = os.path.dirname
- cassandra_version.return_value = '2.2'
- # The fake charm_dir() needs populating.
- plugin_src_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- os.pardir, 'files')
- shutil.copytree(plugin_src_dir,
- os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), 'files'))
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
- local_plugins_dir.return_value = d
- actions.nrpe_external_master_relation('')
- # The expected file was written to the expected filename
- # with required perms.
- with open(os.path.join(plugin_src_dir, 'check_cassandra_heap.sh'),
- 'rb') as f:
- write_file.assert_called_once_with(
- os.path.join(d, 'check_cassandra_heap.sh'), f.read(),
- perms=0o555)
- nrpe().add_check.assert_has_calls([
- call(shortname='cassandra_heap',
- description='Check Cassandra Heap',
- check_cmd='check_cassandra_heap.sh localhost 80 90'),
- call(description=('Check Cassandra Disk '
- '/var/lib/cassandra'),
- shortname='cassandra_disk_var_lib_cassandra',
- check_cmd=('check_disk -u GB -w 50% -c 25% -K 5% '
- '-p /var/lib/cassandra'))],
- any_order=True)
- nrpe().write.assert_called_once_with()
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.write_file')
- @patch('os.path.exists')
- @patch('charmhelpers.contrib.charmsupport.nrpe.NRPE')
- def test_nrpe_external_master_relation_no_local(self, nrpe, exists,
- write_file, ver):
- ver.return_value = '2.2'
- # If the local plugins directory doesn't exist, we don't attempt
- # to write files to it. Wait until the subordinate has set it
- # up.
- exists.return_value = False
- actions.nrpe_external_master_relation('')
- self.assertFalse(write_file.called)
- @patch('helpers.mountpoint')
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('os.path.exists')
- @patch('charmhelpers.contrib.charmsupport.nrpe.NRPE')
- def test_nrpe_external_master_relation_disable_heapchk(self, nrpe, exists,
- ver, mountpoint):
- ver.return_value = '2.2'
- exists.return_value = False
- mountpoint.side_effect = os.path.dirname
- # Disable our checks
- config = hookenv.config()
- config['nagios_heapchk_warn_pct'] = 0 # Only one needs to be disabled.
- config['nagios_heapchk_crit_pct'] = 90
- actions.nrpe_external_master_relation('')
- exists.assert_called_once_with(helpers.local_plugins_dir())
- nrpe().add_check.assert_has_calls([
- call(shortname='cassandra_disk_var_lib_cassandra',
- description=ANY, check_cmd=ANY)], any_order=True)
- @patch('helpers.get_cassandra_version')
- @patch('os.path.exists')
- @patch('charmhelpers.contrib.charmsupport.nrpe.NRPE')
- def test_nrpe_external_master_relation_disable_diskchk(self, nrpe,
- exists, ver):
- ver.return_value = '2.2'
- exists.return_value = False
- # Disable our checks
- config = hookenv.config()
- config['nagios_disk_warn_pct'] = 0 # Only one needs to be disabled.
- config['magios_disk_crit_pct'] = 50
- actions.nrpe_external_master_relation('')
- exists.assert_called_once_with(helpers.local_plugins_dir())
- nrpe().add_check.assert_called_once_with(shortname='cassandra_heap',
- description=ANY,
- check_cmd=ANY)
- @patch('helpers.get_bootstrapped_ips')
- @patch('helpers.get_seed_ips')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.leader_set')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- def test_maintain_seeds(self, is_leader, leader_set,
- seed_ips, bootstrapped_ips):
- is_leader.return_value = True
- seed_ips.return_value = set([''])
- bootstrapped_ips.return_value = set(['', '',
- '', ''])
- actions.maintain_seeds('')
- leader_set.assert_called_once_with(seeds=',,')
- @patch('helpers.get_bootstrapped_ips')
- @patch('helpers.get_seed_ips')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.leader_set')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- def test_maintain_seeds_start(self, is_leader, leader_set,
- seed_ips, bootstrapped_ips):
- seed_ips.return_value = set()
- bootstrapped_ips.return_value = set()
- actions.maintain_seeds('')
- # First seed is the first leader, which lets is get everything
- # started.
- leader_set.assert_called_once_with(seeds=hookenv.unit_private_ip())
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.pwgen')
- @patch('helpers.query')
- @patch('helpers.set_unit_superusers')
- @patch('helpers.ensure_user')
- @patch('helpers.encrypt_password')
- @patch('helpers.superuser_credentials')
- @patch('helpers.connect')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.leader_set')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.leader_get')
- def test_reset_default_password(self, leader_get, leader_set, is_leader,
- connect, sup_creds, encrypt_password,
- ensure_user, set_sups, query, pwgen):
- is_leader.return_value = True
- leader_get.return_value = None
- connect().__enter__.return_value = sentinel.session
- connect().__exit__.return_value = False
- connect.reset_mock()
- sup_creds.return_value = (sentinel.username, sentinel.password)
- encrypt_password.return_value = sentinel.pwhash
- pwgen.return_value = sentinel.random_password
- actions.reset_default_password('')
- # First, a superuser account for the unit was created.
- connect.assert_called_once_with('cassandra', 'cassandra',
- timeout=120, auth_timeout=120)
- encrypt_password.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.password)
- ensure_user.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.session,
- sentinel.username,
- sentinel.pwhash,
- superuser=True)
- set_sups.assert_called_once_with([hookenv.local_unit()])
- # After that, the default password is reset.
- query.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.session,
- 'ALTER USER cassandra WITH PASSWORD %s',
- cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.ALL,
- (sentinel.random_password,))
- # Flag stored to avoid attempting this again.
- leader_set.assert_called_once_with(default_admin_password_changed=True)
- @patch('helpers.connect')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.leader_get')
- def test_reset_default_password_noop(self, leader_get, is_leader, connect):
- leader_get.return_value = True
- is_leader.return_value = True
- actions.reset_default_password('') # noop
- self.assertFalse(connect.called)
- @patch('helpers.get_seed_ips')
- @patch('helpers.status_set')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.status_get')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- def test_set_active(self, is_leader, status_get, status_set, seed_ips):
- is_leader.return_value = False
- status_get.return_value = ('waiting', '')
- seed_ips.return_value = set()
- actions.set_active('')
- status_set.assert_called_once_with('active', 'Live node')
- @patch('helpers.get_seed_ips')
- @patch('helpers.status_set')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.status_get')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- def test_set_active_seed(self, is_leader,
- status_get, status_set, seed_ips):
- is_leader.return_value = False
- status_get.return_value = ('waiting', '')
- seed_ips.return_value = set([hookenv.unit_private_ip()])
- actions.set_active('')
- status_set.assert_called_once_with('active', 'Live seed')
- @patch('helpers.num_nodes')
- @patch('helpers.get_seed_ips')
- @patch('helpers.service_status_set')
- @patch('helpers.status_set')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.status_get')
- @patch('charmhelpers.core.hookenv.is_leader')
- def test_set_active_service(self, is_leader,
- status_get, status_set, service_status_set,
- seed_ips, num_nodes):
- status_get.return_value = ('waiting', '')
- is_leader.return_value = True
- seed_ips.return_value = set([hookenv.unit_private_ip()])
- num_nodes.return_value = 1
- actions.set_active('')
- service_status_set.assert_called_once_with('active',
- 'Single node cluster')
- service_status_set.reset_mock()
- num_nodes.return_value = 6
- actions.set_active('')
- service_status_set.assert_called_once_with('active',
- '6 node cluster')
- @patch('helpers.encrypt_password')
- @patch('helpers.superuser_credentials')
- @patch('helpers.peer_relid')
- def test_request_unit_superuser(self, peer_relid, sup_creds, crypt):
- peer_relid.return_value = sentinel.peer_relid
- sup_creds.return_value = (sentinel.username, sentinel.password)
- crypt.return_value = sentinel.pwhash
- hookenv.relation_get.return_value = dict()
- actions.request_unit_superuser('')
- hookenv.relation_set.assert_called_once_with(
- sentinel.peer_relid,
- username=sentinel.username, pwhash=sentinel.pwhash)
- @patch('helpers.update_hosts_file')
- @patch('socket.gethostname')
- def test_update_etc_hosts(self, gethostname, update_hosts_file):
- gethostname.return_value = sentinel.hostname
- actions.update_etc_hosts('')
- update_hosts_file.assert_called_once_with(
- '/etc/hosts', {'': sentinel.hostname})
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main(verbosity=2)