path: root/charms/trusty/cassandra/scripts
diff options
authorStuart Mackie <>2016-11-22 14:00:39 -0800
committerStuart Mackie <>2016-11-22 14:00:39 -0800
commit5de4c9f0c126b984da72128a3ca084eda6b4087a (patch)
tree0be55aa0809cc395e45baeae63db660b4e72fe83 /charms/trusty/cassandra/scripts
parentf02da72993eb8e5a34ed049bad442c6d6db4701a (diff)
Add local cassandra charm from Tony Liu's machine
Change-Id: I56478233f7498861f95a0c12be983f9a1307853e Signed-off-by: Stuart Mackie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'charms/trusty/cassandra/scripts')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/charms/trusty/cassandra/scripts/ b/charms/trusty/cassandra/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3af8ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charms/trusty/cassandra/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# Author: JuanJo Ciarlante <>
+# Copyright: Canonical Ltd. 2012
+# License: GPLv2
+# juju storage common shell library
+# Returns a mount point from passed vol-id, e.g. /srv/juju/vol-000012345
+# @param $1 volume id
+# @echoes mntpoint-path eg /srv/juju/vol-000012345
+_mntpoint_from_volid() {
+ local volid=${1?missing volid}
+ [[ ${volid} != "" ]] && echo /srv/juju/${volid} || echo ""
+# Assert that passed mount points hold different filesystems
+# @param $1 mntpoint1
+# @param $2 mntpoint2
+# @return 0 different FS
+# 1 same FS
+_assert_diff_fs() {
+ local mnt1="${1:?missing mntpoint1}"
+ local mnt2="${2:?missing mntpoint2}"
+ local fsid1 fsid2
+ fsid1=$(stat --file-system -c '%i' "${mnt1}" 2>/dev/null)
+ fsid2=$(stat --file-system -c '%i' "${mnt2}" 2>/dev/null)
+ [[ ${fsid1} != ${fsid2} ]]
+ return $?
+# Initialize volume (sfdisk, mkfs.ext4) IFF NOT already, mount it at
+# /srv/juju/<volume-id>
+# @param $1 volume-id, can be any arbitrary string, better if
+# equal to EC2/OS vol-id name (just for consistency)
+# @return 0 success
+# 1 nil volid/etc
+# 2 error while handling the device (non-block device, sfdisk error, etc)
+volume_init_and_mount() {
+ ## Find 1st unused device (reverse sort /dev/vdX)
+ local volid=${1:?missing volid}
+ local dev_regexp
+ local dev found_dev=
+ local label="${volid}"
+ local func=${FUNCNAME[0]}
+ dev_regexp=$(config-get volume-dev-regexp) || return 1
+ mntpoint=$(_mntpoint_from_volid ${volid})
+ [[ -z ${mntpoint} ]] && return 1
+ if mount | egrep -qw "${mntpoint}";then
+ _assert_diff_fs "/" "${mntpoint}" || {
+ juju-log "ERROR: returning from ${func} with '${mntpoint}' still at '/' filesystem"
+ return 1
+ }
+ juju-log "NOTICE: mntpoint=${mntpoint} already mounted, skipping volume_init_and_mount"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # Sanitize
+ case "${dev_regexp?}" in
+ # Careful: this is glob matching against an regexp -
+ # quite narrowed
+ /dev/*|/dev/disk/by-*)
+ ;; ## Ok
+ *)
+ juju-log "ERROR: invalid 'volume-dev-regexp' specified"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Assume udev will create only existing devices
+ for dev in $(ls -rd1 /dev/* | egrep "${dev_regexp}" | egrep -v "[1-9]$" 2>/dev/null);do
+ ## Check it's not already mounted
+ mount | egrep -q "${dev}[1-9]?" || { found_dev=${dev}; break;}
+ done
+ [[ -n "${found_dev}" ]] || {
+ juju-log "ERROR: ${func}: coult not find an unused device for regexp: ${dev_regexp}"
+ return 1
+ }
+ partition1_dev=${found_dev}1
+ juju-log "INFO: ${func}: found_dev=${found_dev}"
+ [[ -b ${found_dev?} ]] || {
+ juju-log "ERROR: ${func}: ${found_dev} is not a blockdevice"
+ return 2
+ }
+ # Run next set of "dangerous" commands as 'set -e', in a subshell
+ (
+ set -e
+ # Re-read partition - will fail if already in use
+ blockdev --rereadpt ${found_dev}
+ # IFF not present, create partition with full disk
+ if [[ -b ${partition1_dev?} ]];then
+ juju-log "INFO: ${func}: ${partition1_dev} already present - skipping sfdisk."
+ else
+ juju-log "NOTICE: ${func}: ${partition1_dev} not present at ${found_dev}, running: sfdisk ${found_dev} ..."
+ # Format partition1_dev as max sized
+ echo ",+," | sfdisk ${found_dev}
+ fi
+ # Create an ext4 filesystem if NOT already present
+ # use e.g. LABEl=vol-000012345
+ if file -s ${partition1_dev} | egrep -q ext4 ; then
+ juju-log "INFO: ${func}: ${partition1_dev} already formatted as ext4 - skipping mkfs.ext4."
+ ## Check e2label - log if it has changed (e.g. already used / initialized with a diff label)
+ local curr_label=$(e2label "${partition1_dev}")
+ if [[ ${curr_label} != ${label} ]]; then
+ juju-log "WARNING: ${func}: ${partition1_dev} had label=${curr_label}, overwritting with label=${label}"
+ e2label ${partition1_dev} "${label}"
+ fi
+ else
+ juju-log "NOTICE: ${func}: running: mkfs.ext4 -L ${label} ${partition1_dev}"
+ mkfs.ext4 -L "${label}" ${partition1_dev}
+ fi
+ # Mount it at e.g. /srv/juju/vol-000012345
+ [[ -d "${mntpoint}" ]] || mkdir -p "${mntpoint}"
+ mount | fgrep -wq "${partition1_dev}" || {
+ local files_below_mntpoint="$(cd ${mntpoint}; ls -1A |wc -l )"
+ if [[ ${files_below_mntpoint} -ne 0 ]]; then
+ juju-log "ERROR: *not* doing 'mount "${partition1_dev}" "${mntpoint}"' because there are already ${files_below_mntpoint} files/dirs beneath '${mntpoint}'"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ## should always fsck before mounting (e.g. fsck after max time (-i) / max mounts (-c) )
+ fsck "${partition1_dev}"
+ mount "${partition1_dev}" "${mntpoint}"
+ juju-log "INFO: ${func}: mounted as: '$(mount | fgrep -w ${partition1_dev})'"
+ }
+ # Add it to fstab is not already there
+ fgrep -wq "LABEL=${label}" /etc/fstab || {
+ echo "LABEL=${label} ${mntpoint} ext4 defaults,nobootwait,comment=${volid}" | tee -a /etc/fstab
+ juju-log "INFO: ${func}: LABEL=${label} added to /etc/fstab"
+ }
+ )
+ # Final assertion: mounted filesystem id is different from '/' (effectively mounted)
+ _assert_diff_fs "/" "${mntpoint}" || {
+ juju-log "ERROR: returning from ${func} with '${mntpoint}' still at '/' filesystem (couldn't mount new volume)"
+ ## try to rmdir mntpoint directory - should not be 'mistakenly' used
+ rmdir ${mntpoint}
+ return 1
+ }
+ return $?
+# Get volume-id from juju config "volume-map" dictionary as
+# volume-map[JUJU_UNIT_NAME]
+# @return 0 if volume-map value found ( does echo volid or ""), else:
+# 1 if not found or None
+volume_get_volid_from_volume_map() {
+ local volid=$(config-get "volume-map"|python -c$'import sys;import os;from yaml import load;from itertools import chain; volume_map = load(sys.stdin)\nif volume_map: print volume_map.get(os.environ["JUJU_UNIT_NAME"])')
+ [[ $volid == None ]] && return 1
+ echo "$volid"
+# Returns true if permanent storage (considers --ephemeral)
+# @returns 0 if volid set and not --ephemeral, else:
+# 1
+volume_is_permanent() {
+ local volid=${1:?missing volid}
+ [[ -n ${volid} && ${volid} != --ephemeral ]] && return 0 || return 1
+ local volid=${1:?missing volid}
+ if volume_is_permanent "${volid}";then
+ echo "/srv/juju/${volid}"
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# Do we have a valid storage state?
+# @returns 0 does echo $volid (can be "--ephemeral")
+# 1 config state is invalid - we should not serve
+volume_get_volume_id() {
+ local ephemeral_storage
+ local volid
+ ephemeral_storage=$(config-get volume-ephemeral-storage) || return 1
+ volid=$(volume_get_volid_from_volume_map) || return 1
+ if [[ $ephemeral_storage == True ]];then
+ # Ephemeral -> should not have a valid volid
+ if [[ $volid != "" ]];then
+ juju-log "ERROR: volume-ephemeral-storage is True, but $JUJU_UNIT_NAME maps to volid=${volid}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ else
+ # Durable (not ephemeral) -> must have a valid volid for this unit
+ if [[ $volid == "" ]];then
+ juju-log "ERROR: volume-ephemeral-storage is False, but no volid found for: $JUJU_UNIT_NAME"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "$volid"
+ return 0
+case "$1" in
+ ## allow non SHELL scripts to call helper functions
+ call)
+ : ${JUJU_UNIT_NAME?} ## Must be called in juju environment
+ shift;
+ function="${1:?usage: ${0##*/} call function arg1 arg2 ...}"
+ shift;
+ ${function} "$@" && exit 0 || exit 1