path: root/ansible/roles/install_image_dependencies
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-03-21TC042 bug fixliyin1-0/+1
2017-11-17update docker version to 16.04Ace Lee1-0/+3
2017-10-17Added required ubuntu packages to run IxLoad clientMaciej Skrocki1-0/+3
2017-09-19Fixed few gaps when running on a minimal version of systemMaciej Skrocki1-1/+1
2017-09-05Introduced ansible playbook to setup NSB.Maciej Skrocki1-2/+0
2017-08-31Introduced default values and remove unnecessary ones from ansible code image...Maciej Skrocki1-2/+2
2017-08-08yardstick setup ansible, including load_imagesMalanik Jan4-0/+100
164' href='#n164'>164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0

OPNFV Testing Overview


Testing is one of the key activities in OPNFV and includes unit, feature,
component, system level testing for development, automated deployment,
performance characterization and stress testing.

Test projects are dedicated to provide frameworks, tooling and test-cases categorized as
functional, performance or compliance testing. Test projects fulfill different roles such as
verifying VIM functionality, benchmarking components and platforms or analysis of measured
KPIs for OPNFV release scenarios.

Feature projects also provide their own test suites that either run independently or within a
test project.

This document details the OPNFV testing ecosystem, describes common test components used
by individual OPNFV projects and provides links to project specific documentation.

The OPNFV Testing Ecosystem

The OPNFV testing projects are represented in the following diagram:

.. figure:: ../../images/OPNFV_testing_working_group.png
   :align: center
   :alt: Overview of OPNFV Testing projects

The major testing projects are described in the table below:

|  Project       |   Description                                           |
| Bottlenecks    | This project aims to find system bottlenecks by testing |
|                | and verifying OPNFV infrastructure in a staging         |
|                | environment before committing it to a production        |
|                | environment. Instead of debugging a deployment in       |
|                | production environment, an automatic method for         |
|                | executing benchmarks which plans to validate the        |
|                | deployment during staging is adopted. This project      |
|                | forms a staging framework to find bottlenecks and to do |
|                | analysis of the OPNFV infrastructure.                   |
| CPerf          | SDN Controller benchmarks and performance testing,      |
|                | applicable to controllers in general. Collaboration of  |
|                | upstream controller testing experts, external test tool |
|                | developers and the standards community. Primarily       |
|                | contribute to upstream/external tooling, then add jobs  |
|                | to run those tools on OPNFV's infrastructure.           |
| Dovetail       | This project intends to define and provide a set of     |
|                | OPNFV related validation criteria/tests that will       |
|                | provide input for the OPNFV Complaince Verification     |
|                | Program.  The Dovetail project is executed with the     |
|                | guidance and oversight of the Complaince and            |
|                | Certification (C&C) committee and work to secure the    |
|                | goals of the C&C committee for each release. The        |
|                | project intends to incrementally define qualification   |
|                | criteria that establish the foundations of how one is   |
|                | able to measure the ability to utilize the OPNFV        |
|                | platform, how the platform itself should behave, and    |
|                | how applications may be deployed on the platform.       |
| Functest       | This project deals with the functional testing of the   |
|                | VIM and NFVI. It leverages several upstream test suites |
|                | (OpenStack, ODL, ONOS, etc.) and can be used by feature |
|                | project to launch feature test suites in CI/CD.         |
|                | The project is used for scenario validation.            |
| NFVbench       | NFVbench is a compact and self contained data plane     |
|                | performance measurement tool for OpensStack based NFVi  |
|                | platforms. It is agnostic of the NFVi distribution,     |
|                | Neutron networking implementation and hardware.         |
|                | It runs on any Linux server with a DPDK compliant       |
|                | NIC connected to the NFVi platform data plane and       |
|                | bundles a highly efficient software traffic generator.  |
|                | Provides a fully automated measurement of most common   |
|                | packet paths at any level of scale and load using       |
|                | RFC-2544. Available as a Docker container with simple   |
|                | command line and REST interfaces.                       |
|                | Easy to use as it takes care of most of the guesswork   |
|                | generally associated to data plane benchmarking.        |
|                | Can run in any lab or in production environments.       |
| QTIP           | QTIP as the project for "Platform Performance           |
|                | Benchmarking" in OPNFV aims to provide user a simple    |
|                | indicator for performance, supported by comprehensive   |
|                | testing data and transparent calculation formula.       |
|                | It provides a platform with common services for         |
|                | performance benchmarking which helps users to build     |
|                | indicators by themselves with ease.                     |
| StorPerf       | The purpose of this project is to provide a tool to     |
|                | measure block and object storage performance in an NFVI.|
|                | When complemented with a characterization of typical VF |
|                | storage performance requirements, it can provide        |
|                | pass/fail thresholds for test, staging, and production  |
|                | NFVI environments.                                      |
| VSPERF         | VSPERF is an OPNFV project that provides an automated   |
|                | test-framework and comprehensive test suite based on    |
|                | Industry Test Specifications for measuring NFVI         |
|                | data-plane performance. The data-path includes switching|
|                | technologies with physical and virtual network          |
|                | interfaces. The VSPERF architecture is switch and       |
|                | traffic generator agnostic and test cases can be easily |
|                | customized. Software versions and configurations        |
|                | including the vSwitch (OVS or VPP) as well as the       |
|                | network topology are controlled by VSPERF (independent  |
|                | of OpenStack). VSPERF is used as a development tool for |
|                | optimizing switching technologies, qualification of     |
|                | packet processing components and for pre-deployment     |
|                | evaluation of the NFV platform data-path.               |
| Yardstick      | The goal of the Project is to verify the infrastructure |
|                | compliance when running VNF applications. NFV Use Cases |
|                | described in ETSI GS NFV 001 show a large variety of    |
|                | applications, each defining specific requirements and   |
|                | complex configuration on the underlying infrastructure  |
|                | and test tools.The Yardstick concept decomposes typical |
|                | VNF work-load performance metrics into a number of      |
|                | characteristics/performance vectors, which each of them |
|                | can be represented by distinct test-cases.              |

Testing Working Group Resources

Test Results Collection Framework

Any test project running in the global OPNFV lab infrastructure and is
integrated with OPNFV CI can push test results to the community Test Database
using a common Test API. This database can be used to track the evolution of
testing and analyse test runs to compare results across installers, scenarios
and between technically and geographically diverse hardware environments.

Results from the databse are used to generate a dashboard with the current test
status for each testing project. Please note that you can also deploy the Test
Database and Test API locally in your own environment.

Overall Test Architecture

The management of test results can be summarized as follows::

  +-------------+    +-------------+    +-------------+
  |             |    |             |    |             |
  |   Test      |    |   Test      |    |   Test      |
  | Project #1  |    | Project #2  |    | Project #N  |
  |             |    |             |    |             |
  +-------------+    +-------------+    +-------------+
           |               |               |
           V               V               V
       |                                             |
       |           Test Rest API front end           |
       |    http://testresults.opnfv.org/test        |
       |                                             |
           ^                |                     ^
           |                V                     |
           |     +-------------------------+      |
           |     |                         |      |
           |     |    Test Results DB      |      |
           |     |         Mongo DB        |      |
           |     |                         |      |
           |     +-------------------------+      |
           |                                      |
           |                                      |
     +----------------------+        +----------------------+
     |                      |        |                      |
     | Testing Dashboards   |        |  Test Landing page   |
     |                      |        |                      |
     +----------------------+        +----------------------+

The Test Database
A Mongo DB Database was introduced for the Brahmaputra release.
The following collections are declared in this database:
 * pods: the list of pods used for production CI
 * projects: the list of projects providing test cases
 * test cases: the test cases related to a given project
 * results: the results of the test cases
 * scenarios: the OPNFV scenarios tested in CI

This database can be used by any project through the Test API.
Please note that projects may also use additional databases. The Test
Database is mainly use to collect CI test results and generate scenario
trust indicators. The Test Database is also cloned for OPNFV Plugfests in
order to provide a private datastore only accessible to Plugfest participants.

Test API description
The Test API is used to declare pods, projects, test cases and test results.
Pods correspond to a cluster of machines (3 controller and 2 compute nodes in
HA mode) used to run the tests and are defined in the Pharos project.
The results pushed in the database are related to pods, projects and test cases.
Trying to push results generated from a non-referenced pod will return an error
message by the Test API.

The data model is very basic, 5 objects are available:
  * Pods
  * Projects
  * Test cases
  * Results
  * Scenarios

For detailed information, please go to http://artifacts.opnfv.org/releng/docs/testapi.html

The code of the Test API is hosted in the releng repository `[TST2]`_.
The static documentation of the Test API can be found at `[TST3]`_.
The Test API has been dockerized and may be installed locally in your lab.

The deployment of the Test API has been automated.
A jenkins job manages:

  * the unit tests of the Test API
  * the creation of a new docker file
  * the deployment of the new Test API
  * the archive of the old Test API
  * the backup of the Mongo DB

Test API Authorization

PUT/DELETE/POST operations of the TestAPI now require token based authorization. The token needs
to be added in the request using a header 'X-Auth-Token' for access to the database.



The value of the header i.e the token can be accessed in the jenkins environment variable
*TestApiToken*. The token value is added as a masked password.

.. code-block:: python

    headers['X-Auth-Token'] = os.environ.get('TestApiToken')

The above example is in Python. Token based authentication has been added so
that only CI pods running Jenkins jobs can access the database. Please note
that currently token authorization is implemented but is not yet enabled.

Test Project Reporting
The reporting page for the test projects is http://testresults.opnfv.org/reporting/

.. figure:: ../../images/reporting_page.png
   :align: center
   :alt: Testing group reporting page

This page provides reporting per OPNFV release and per testing project.

.. figure:: ../../images/reportingMaster.png
   :align: center
   :alt: Testing group Euphrates reporting page

An evolution of the reporting page is planned to unify test reporting by creating
a landing page that shows the scenario status in one glance (this information was
previously consolidated manually on a wiki page). The landing page will be displayed
per scenario and show:

 * the status of the deployment
 * the score from each test suite. There is no overall score, it is determined
 by each test project.
 * a trust indicator

Test Case Catalog
Until the Colorado release, each testing project managed the list of its
test cases. This made it very hard to have a global view of the available test
cases from the different test projects. A common view was possible through the API
but it was not very user friendly.
Test cases per project may be listed by calling:


with project_name: bottlenecks, functest, qtip, storperf, vsperf, yardstick

A test case catalog has now been realized `[TST4]`_. Roll over the project then
click to get the list of test cases, and then click on the case to get more details.

.. figure:: ../../images/TestcaseCatalog.png
   :align: center
   :alt: Testing group testcase catalog

Test Dashboards

The Test Dashboard is used to provide a consistent view of the results collected in CI.
The results shown on the dashboard are post processed from the Database, which only
contains raw results.
The dashboard can be used in addition to the reporting page (high level view) to allow
the creation of specific graphs according to what the test owner wants to show.

In Brahmaputra, a basic dashboard was created in Functest.
In Colorado, Yardstick used Grafana (time based graphs) and ELK (complex
Since Danube, the OPNFV testing community decided to adopt the ELK framework and to
use Bitergia for creating highly flexible dashboards `[TST5]`_.

.. figure:: ../../images/DashboardBitergia.png
   :align: center
   :alt: Testing group testcase catalog

.. include:: ./energy-monitoring.rst

OPNFV Test Group Information

For more information or to participate in the OPNFV test community please see the

wiki: https://wiki.opnfv.org/testing

mailing list: test-wg@lists.opnfv.org

IRC channel: #opnfv-testperf

weekly meeting (https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/TestPerf):
 * Usual time: Every Thursday 15:00-16:00 UTC / 7:00-8:00 PST
 * APAC time: 2nd Wednesday of the month 8:00-9:00 UTC

Reference Documentation

|  Project       |   Documentation links                                   |
| Bottlenecks    | https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/bottlenecks/Bottlenecks  |
| CPerf          | https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/cperf                    |
| Dovetail       | https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/dovetail                 |
| Functest       | https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/                |
| NFVbench       | https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/nfvbench/                |
| QTIP           | https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/qtip                     |
| StorPerf       | https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/storperf/Storperf        |
| VSPERF         | https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/vsperf                   |
| Yardstick      | https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/yardstick/Yardstick      |

`[TST1]`_: OPNFV web site

`[TST2]`_: Test utils in Releng

`[TST3]`_: TestAPI autogenerated documentation

`[TST4]`_: Testcase catalog

`[TST5]`_: Testing group dashboard

.. _`[TST1]`: http://www.opnfv.org
.. _`[TST2]`: https://git.opnfv.org/functest/tree/releng/utils/tests
.. _`[TST3]`: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/releng/docs/testapi.html
.. _`[TST4]`: http://testresults.opnfv.org/testing/index.html#!/select/visual
.. _`[TST5]`: https://opnfv.biterg.io:443/goto/283dba93ca18e95964f852c63af1d1ba