path: root/docs/submodules/opera
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-10-18Update git submodulesHarry Huang1-0/+0
2017-05-04Update git submoduleshuangxiangyu1-0/+0
2017-04-12Update git submoduleshuangxiangyu1-0/+0
2017-03-31Update git submodulesHarry Huang1-0/+0
2017-03-30Update git submodulesShubhamRathi1-0/+0
2017-03-30Update git submodulesHarry Huang1-0/+0
2017-03-30Update git submodulesYingjun Li1-0/+0
2017-03-30Update git submodulesHarry Huang1-0/+0
2017-03-27Update git submodulesHarry Huang1-0/+0
2017-03-25Update git submodulesHarry Huang1-0/+0
2017-03-23Updating HEAD's of submodulesShubhamRathi1-0/+0
2017-03-17Adding opera submoduleAric Gardner1-0/+0
2017-03-17Revert "Add Opera submodule"Aric Gardner1-0/+0
2017-03-17Add Opera submoduleSofia Wallin1-0/+0
a id='n295' href='#n295'>295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. (c) OPNFV, Intel Corporation, AT&T and others.

vSwitchPerf test suites userguide


VSPERF requires a traffic generators to run tests, automated traffic gen
support in VSPERF includes:

- IXIA traffic generator (IxNetwork hardware) and a machine that runs the IXIA
  client software.
- Spirent traffic generator (TestCenter hardware chassis or TestCenter virtual
  in a VM) and a VM to run the Spirent Virtual Deployment Service image,
  formerly known as "Spirent LabServer".
- Xena Network traffic generator (Xena hardware chassis) that houses the Xena
  Traffic generator modules.
- Moongen software traffic generator. Requires a separate machine running
  moongen to execute packet generation.
- T-Rex software traffic generator. Requires a separate machine running T-Rex
  Server to execute packet generation.

If you want to use another traffic generator, please select the :ref:`trafficgen-dummy`

VSPERF Installation

To see the supported Operating Systems, vSwitches and system requirements,
please follow the `installation instructions <vsperf-installation>`.

Traffic Generator Setup

Follow the `Traffic generator instructions <trafficgen-installation>` to
install and configure a suitable traffic generator.

Cloning and building src dependencies

In order to run VSPERF, you will need to download DPDK and OVS. You can
do this manually and build them in a preferred location, OR you could
use vswitchperf/src. The vswitchperf/src directory contains makefiles
that will allow you to clone and build the libraries that VSPERF depends
on, such as DPDK and OVS. To clone and build simply:

.. code-block:: console

    $ cd src
    $ make

VSPERF can be used with stock OVS (without DPDK support). When build
is finished, the libraries are stored in src_vanilla directory.

The 'make' builds all options in src:

* Vanilla OVS
* OVS with vhost_user as the guest access method (with DPDK support)

The vhost_user build will reside in src/ovs/
The Vanilla OVS build will reside in vswitchperf/src_vanilla

To delete a src subdirectory and its contents to allow you to re-clone simply

.. code-block:: console

     $ make clobber

Configure the ``./conf/10_custom.conf`` file

The ``10_custom.conf`` file is the configuration file that overrides
default configurations in all the other configuration files in ``./conf``
The supplied ``10_custom.conf`` file **MUST** be modified, as it contains
configuration items for which there are no reasonable default values.

The configuration items that can be added is not limited to the initial
contents. Any configuration item mentioned in any .conf file in
``./conf`` directory can be added and that item will be overridden by
the custom configuration value.

Further details about configuration files evaluation and special behaviour
of options with ``GUEST_`` prefix could be found at :ref:`design document

Using a custom settings file

If your ``10_custom.conf`` doesn't reside in the ``./conf`` directory
of if you want to use an alternative configuration file, the file can
be passed to ``vsperf`` via the ``--conf-file`` argument.

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf --conf-file <path_to_custom_conf> ...

Note that configuration passed in via the environment (``--load-env``)
or via another command line argument will override both the default and
your custom configuration files. This "priority hierarchy" can be
described like so (1 = max priority):

1. Testcase definition section ``Parameters``
2. Command line arguments
3. Environment variables
4. Configuration file(s)

Further details about configuration files evaluation and special behaviour
of options with ``GUEST_`` prefix could be found at :ref:`design document

.. _overriding-parameters-documentation:

Referencing parameter values

It is possible to use a special macro ``#PARAM()`` to refer to the value of
another configuration parameter. This reference is evaluated during
access of the parameter value (by ``settings.getValue()`` call), so it
can refer to parameters created during VSPERF runtime, e.g. NICS dictionary.
It can be used to reflect DUT HW details in the testcase definition.


.. code:: python

        "Name": "testcase",
        "Parameters" : {
            "TRAFFIC" : {
                'l2': {
                    # set destination MAC to the MAC of the first
                    # interface from WHITELIST_NICS list
                    'dstmac' : '#PARAM(NICS[0]["mac"])',

Overriding values defined in configuration files

The configuration items can be overridden by command line argument
``--test-params``. In this case, the configuration items and
their values should be passed in form of ``item=value`` and separated
by semicolon.


.. code:: console

    $ ./vsperf --test-params "TRAFFICGEN_DURATION=10;TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(128,);" \
                             "GUEST_LOOPBACK=['testpmd','l2fwd']" pvvp_tput

The ``--test-params`` command line argument can also be used to override default
configuration values for multiple tests. Providing a list of parameters will apply each
element of the list to the test with the same index. If more tests are run than
parameters provided the last element of the list will repeat.

.. code:: console

    $ ./vsperf --test-params "['TRAFFICGEN_DURATION=10;TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(128,)',"
                             "'TRAFFICGEN_DURATION=10;TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(64,)']" \
                             pvvp_tput pvvp_tput

The second option is to override configuration items by ``Parameters`` section
of the test case definition. The configuration items can be added into ``Parameters``
dictionary with their new values. These values will override values defined in
configuration files or specified by ``--test-params`` command line argument.


.. code:: python

    "Parameters" : {'TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES' : (128,),
                    'TRAFFICGEN_DURATION' : 10,
                    'GUEST_LOOPBACK' : ['testpmd','l2fwd'],

**NOTE:** In both cases, configuration item names and their values must be specified
in the same form as they are defined inside configuration files. Parameter names
must be specified in uppercase and data types of original and new value must match.
Python syntax rules related to data types and structures must be followed.
For example, parameter ``TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES`` above is defined as a tuple
with a single value ``128``. In this case trailing comma is mandatory, otherwise
value can be wrongly interpreted as a number instead of a tuple and vsperf
execution would fail. Please check configuration files for default values and their
types and use them as a basis for any customized values. In case of any doubt, please
check official python documentation related to data structures like tuples, lists
and dictionaries.

**NOTE:** Vsperf execution will terminate with runtime error in case, that unknown
parameter name is passed via ``--test-params`` CLI argument or defined in ``Parameters``
section of test case definition. It is also forbidden to redefine a value of
``TEST_PARAMS`` configuration item via CLI or ``Parameters`` section.


VSPERF uses a VM image called vloop_vnf for looping traffic in the deployment
scenarios involving VMs. The image can be downloaded from

Please see the installation instructions for information on :ref:`vloop-vnf`

.. _l2fwd-module:

l2fwd Kernel Module

A Kernel Module that provides OSI Layer 2 Ipv4 termination or forwarding with
support for Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT) for both the MAC and
IP addresses. l2fwd can be found in <vswitchperf_dir>/src/l2fwd

Executing tests

All examples inside these docs assume, that user is inside the VSPERF
directory. VSPERF can be executed from any directory.

Before running any tests make sure you have root permissions by adding
the following line to /etc/sudoers:

.. code-block:: console

    username ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

username in the example above should be replaced with a real username.

To list the available tests:

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf --list

To run a single test:

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf $TESTNAME

Where $TESTNAME is the name of the vsperf test you would like to run.

To run a test multiple times, repeat it:

.. code-block:: console


To run a group of tests, for example all tests with a name containing

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf --conf-file=<path_to_custom_conf>/10_custom.conf --tests="RFC2544"

To run all tests:

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf --conf-file=<path_to_custom_conf>/10_custom.conf

Some tests allow for configurable parameters, including test duration
(in seconds) as well as packet sizes (in bytes).

.. code:: bash

    $ ./vsperf --conf-file \
        --tests RFC2544Tput \
        --test-params "TRAFFICGEN_DURATION=10;TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(128,)"

To specify configurable parameters for multiple tests, use a list of
parameters. One element for each test.

.. code:: console

    $ ./vsperf --conf-file \
        --test-params "['TRAFFICGEN_DURATION=10;TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(128,)',"\
        phy2phy_cont phy2phy_cont

If the ``CUMULATIVE_PARAMS`` setting is set to True and there are different parameters
provided for each test using ``--test-params``, each test will take the parameters of
the previous test before appyling it's own.
With ``CUMULATIVE_PARAMS`` set to True the following command will be equivalent to the
previous example:

.. code:: console

    $ ./vsperf --conf-file \
        --test-params "['TRAFFICGEN_DURATION=10;TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(128,)',"\
        "'TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(64,)']" \
        phy2phy_cont phy2phy_cont

For all available options, check out the help dialog:

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf --help

Executing Vanilla OVS tests

1. If needed, recompile src for all OVS variants

   .. code-block:: console

       $ cd src
       $ make distclean
       $ make

2. Update your ``10_custom.conf`` file to use Vanilla OVS:

   .. code-block:: python

       VSWITCH = 'OvsVanilla'

3. Run test:

   .. code-block:: console

       $ ./vsperf --conf-file=<path_to_custom_conf>

   Please note if you don't want to configure Vanilla OVS through the
   configuration file, you can pass it as a CLI argument.

   .. code-block:: console

       $ ./vsperf --vswitch OvsVanilla

Executing tests with VMs

To run tests using vhost-user as guest access method:

1. Set VSWITCH and VNF of your settings file to:

   .. code-block:: python

       VSWITCH = 'OvsDpdkVhost'
       VNF = 'QemuDpdkVhost'

2. If needed, recompile src for all OVS variants

   .. code-block:: console

       $ cd src
       $ make distclean
       $ make

3. Run test:

   .. code-block:: console

       $ ./vsperf --conf-file=<path_to_custom_conf>/10_custom.conf

**NOTE:** By default vSwitch is acting as a server for dpdk vhost-user sockets.
In case, that QEMU should be a server for vhost-user sockets, then parameter
``VSWITCH_VHOSTUSER_SERVER_MODE`` should be set to ``False``.

Executing tests with VMs using Vanilla OVS

To run tests using Vanilla OVS:

1. Set the following variables:

   .. code-block:: python

       VSWITCH = 'OvsVanilla'
       VNF = 'QemuVirtioNet'

       VANILLA_TGEN_PORT1_IP = n.n.n.n
       VANILLA_TGEN_PORT1_MAC = nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn

       VANILLA_TGEN_PORT2_IP = n.n.n.n
       VANILLA_TGEN_PORT2_MAC = nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn

       VANILLA_BRIDGE_IP = n.n.n.n

   or use ``--test-params`` option

   .. code-block:: console

       $ ./vsperf --conf-file=<path_to_custom_conf>/10_custom.conf \
                  --test-params "VANILLA_TGEN_PORT1_IP=n.n.n.n;" \
                                "VANILLA_TGEN_PORT1_MAC=nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn;" \
                                "VANILLA_TGEN_PORT2_IP=n.n.n.n;" \

2. If needed, recompile src for all OVS variants

   .. code-block:: console

       $ cd src
       $ make distclean
       $ make

3. Run test:

   .. code-block:: console

       $ ./vsperf --conf-file<path_to_custom_conf>/10_custom.conf

.. _vpp-test:

Executing VPP tests

Currently it is not possible to use standard scenario deployments for execution of
tests with VPP. It means, that deployments ``p2p``, ``pvp``, ``pvvp`` and in general any
:ref:`pxp-deployment` won't work with VPP. However it is possible to use VPP in
:ref:`step-driven-tests`. A basic set of VPP testcases covering ``phy2phy``, ``pvp``
and ``pvvp`` tests are already prepared.

List of performance tests with VPP support follows:

* phy2phy_tput_vpp:              VPP: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
* phy2phy_cont_vpp:              VPP: Phy2Phy Continuous Stream
* phy2phy_back2back_vpp:         VPP: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.BackToBackFrames
* pvp_tput_vpp:                  VPP: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
* pvp_cont_vpp:                  VPP: PVP Continuous Stream
* pvp_back2back_vpp:             VPP: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.BackToBackFrames
* pvvp_tput_vpp:                 VPP: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
* pvvp_cont_vpp:                 VPP: PVP Continuous Stream
* pvvp_back2back_vpp:            VPP: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.BackToBackFrames

In order to execute testcases with VPP it is required to:

* install VPP manually, see :ref:`vpp-installation`
* configure ``WHITELIST_NICS``, with two physical NICs connected to the traffic generator
* configure traffic generator, see :ref:`trafficgen-installation`

After that it is possible to execute VPP testcases listed above.

For example:

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf --conf-file=<path_to_custom_conf> phy2phy_tput_vpp

.. _vfio-pci:

Using vfio_pci with DPDK

To use vfio with DPDK instead of igb_uio add into your custom configuration
file the following parameter:

.. code-block:: python

    PATHS['dpdk']['src']['modules'] = ['uio', 'vfio-pci']

**NOTE:** In case, that DPDK is installed from binary package, then please
set ``PATHS['dpdk']['bin']['modules']`` instead.

**NOTE:** Please ensure that Intel VT-d is enabled in BIOS.

**NOTE:** Please ensure your boot/grub parameters include
the following:

**NOTE:** In case of VPP, it is required to explicitly define, that vfio-pci
DPDK driver should be used. It means to update dpdk part of VSWITCH_VPP_ARGS
dictionary with uio-driver section, e.g. VSWITCH_VPP_ARGS['dpdk'] = 'uio-driver vfio-pci'

.. code-block:: console

    iommu=pt intel_iommu=on

To check that IOMMU is enabled on your platform:

.. code-block:: console

    $ dmesg | grep IOMMU
    [    0.000000] Intel-IOMMU: enabled
    [    0.139882] dmar: IOMMU 0: reg_base_addr fbffe000 ver 1:0 cap d2078c106f0466 ecap f020de
    [    0.139888] dmar: IOMMU 1: reg_base_addr ebffc000 ver 1:0 cap d2078c106f0466 ecap f020de
    [    0.139893] IOAPIC id 2 under DRHD base  0xfbffe000 IOMMU 0
    [    0.139894] IOAPIC id 0 under DRHD base  0xebffc000 IOMMU 1
    [    0.139895] IOAPIC id 1 under DRHD base  0xebffc000 IOMMU 1
    [    3.335744] IOMMU: dmar0 using Queued invalidation
    [    3.335746] IOMMU: dmar1 using Queued invalidation

.. _SRIOV-support:

Using SRIOV support

To use virtual functions of NIC with SRIOV support, use extended form
of NIC PCI slot definition:

.. code-block:: python

    WHITELIST_NICS = ['0000:05:00.0|vf0', '0000:05:00.1|vf3']

Where 'vf' is an indication of virtual function usage and following
number defines a VF to be used. In case that VF usage is detected,
then vswitchperf will enable SRIOV support for given card and it will
detect PCI slot numbers of selected VFs.

So in example above, one VF will be configured for NIC '0000:05:00.0'
and four VFs will be configured for NIC '0000:05:00.1'. Vswitchperf
will detect PCI addresses of selected VFs and it will use them during
test execution.

At the end of vswitchperf execution, SRIOV support will be disabled.

SRIOV support is generic and it can be used in different testing scenarios.
For example:

* vSwitch tests with DPDK or without DPDK support to verify impact
  of VF usage on vSwitch performance
* tests without vSwitch, where traffic is forwarded directly
  between VF interfaces by packet forwarder (e.g. testpmd application)
* tests without vSwitch, where VM accesses VF interfaces directly
  by PCI-passthrough_ to measure raw VM throughput performance.

.. _PCI-passthrough:

Using QEMU with PCI passthrough support

Raw virtual machine throughput performance can be measured by execution of PVP
test with direct access to NICs by PCI pass-through. To execute VM with direct
access to PCI devices, enable vfio-pci_. In order to use virtual functions,
SRIOV-support_ must be enabled.

Execution of test with PCI pass-through with vswitch disabled:

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf --conf-file=<path_to_custom_conf>/10_custom.conf \
               --vswitch none --vnf QemuPciPassthrough pvp_tput

Any of supported guest-loopback-application_ can be used inside VM with
PCI pass-through support.

Note: Qemu with PCI pass-through support can be used only with PVP test

.. _guest-loopback-application:

Selection of loopback application for tests with VMs

To select the loopback applications which will forward packets inside VMs,
the following parameter should be configured:

.. code-block:: python

     GUEST_LOOPBACK = ['testpmd']

or use ``--test-params`` CLI argument:

.. code-block:: console

        $ ./vsperf --conf-file=<path_to_custom_conf>/10_custom.conf \
              --test-params "GUEST_LOOPBACK=['testpmd']"

Supported loopback applications are:

.. code-block:: console

     'testpmd'       - testpmd from dpdk will be built and used
     'l2fwd'         - l2fwd module provided by Huawei will be built and used
     'linux_bridge'  - linux bridge will be configured
     'buildin'       - nothing will be configured by vsperf; VM image must
                       ensure traffic forwarding between its interfaces

Guest loopback application must be configured, otherwise traffic
will not be forwarded by VM and testcases with VM related deployments
will fail. Guest loopback application is set to 'testpmd' by default.

**NOTE:** In case that only 1 or more than 2 NICs are configured for VM,
then 'testpmd' should be used. As it is able to forward traffic between
multiple VM NIC pairs.

**NOTE:** In case of linux_bridge, all guest NICs are connected to the same
bridge inside the guest.

Mergable Buffers Options with QEMU

Mergable buffers can be disabled with VSPerf within QEMU. This option can
increase performance significantly when not using jumbo frame sized packets.
By default VSPerf disables mergable buffers. If you wish to enable it you
can modify the setting in the a custom conf file.

.. code-block:: python


Then execute using the custom conf file.

.. code-block:: console

        $ ./vsperf --conf-file=<path_to_custom_conf>/10_custom.conf

Alternatively you can just pass the param during execution.

.. code-block:: console

        $ ./vsperf --test-params "GUEST_NIC_MERGE_BUFFERS_DISABLE=[False]"

Selection of dpdk binding driver for tests with VMs

To select dpdk binding driver, which will specify which driver the vm NICs will
use for dpdk bind, the following configuration parameter should be configured:

.. code-block:: console

     GUEST_DPDK_BIND_DRIVER = ['igb_uio_from_src']

The supported dpdk guest bind drivers are:

.. code-block:: console

    'uio_pci_generic'      - Use uio_pci_generic driver
    'igb_uio_from_src'     - Build and use the igb_uio driver from the dpdk src
    'vfio_no_iommu'        - Use vfio with no iommu option. This requires custom
                             guest images that support this option. The default
                             vloop image does not support this driver.

Note: uio_pci_generic does not support sr-iov testcases with guests attached.
This is because uio_pci_generic only supports legacy interrupts. In case
uio_pci_generic is selected with the vnf as QemuPciPassthrough it will be
modified to use igb_uio_from_src instead.

Note: vfio_no_iommu requires kernels equal to or greater than 4.5 and dpdk
16.04 or greater. Using this option will also taint the kernel.

Please refer to the dpdk documents at for more
information on these drivers.

Guest Core and Thread Binding

VSPERF provides options to achieve better performance by guest core binding and
guest vCPU thread binding as well. Core binding is to bind all the qemu threads.
Thread binding is to bind the house keeping threads to some CPU and vCPU thread to
some other CPU, this helps to reduce the noise from qemu house keeping threads.

.. code-block:: python


**NOTE** By default the GUEST_THREAD_BINDING will be none, which means same as
the GUEST_CORE_BINDING, i.e. the vcpu threads are sharing the physical CPUs with
the house keeping threads. Better performance using vCPU thread binding can be
achieved by enabling affinity in the custom configuration file.

For example, if an environment requires 32,33 to be core binded and 29,30&31 for
guest thread binding to achieve better performance.

.. code-block:: python

   GUEST_CORE_BINDING = [('32','33')]
   GUEST_THREAD_BINDING = [('29', '30', '31')]

Qemu CPU features

QEMU default to a compatible subset of performance enhancing cpu features.
To pass all available host processor features to the guest.

.. code-block:: python

   GUEST_CPU_OPTIONS = ['host,migratable=off']

**NOTE** To enhance the performance, cpu features tsc deadline timer for guest,
the guest PMU, the invariant TSC can be provided in the custom configuration file.

Multi-Queue Configuration

VSPerf currently supports multi-queue with the following limitations:

1.  Requires QEMU 2.5 or greater and any OVS version higher than 2.5. The
    default upstream package versions installed by VSPerf satisfies this

2.  Guest image must have ethtool utility installed if using l2fwd or linux
    bridge inside guest for loopback.

3.  If using OVS versions 2.5.0 or less enable old style multi-queue as shown
    in the ''02_vswitch.conf'' file.

    .. code-block:: python

        OVS_OLD_STYLE_MQ = True

To enable multi-queue for dpdk modify the ''02_vswitch.conf'' file.

.. code-block:: python


**NOTE:** you should consider using the switch affinity to set a pmd cpu mask
that can optimize your performance. Consider the numa of the NIC in use if this
applies by checking /sys/class/net/<eth_name>/device/numa_node and setting an
appropriate mask to create PMD threads on the same numa node.

When multi-queue is enabled, each dpdk or dpdkvhostuser port that is created
on the switch will set the option for multiple queues. If old style multi queue
has been enabled a global option for multi queue will be used instead of the
port by port option.

To enable multi-queue on the guest modify the ''04_vnf.conf'' file.

.. code-block:: python


Enabling multi-queue at the guest will add multiple queues to each NIC port when
qemu launches the guest.

In case of Vanilla OVS, multi-queue is enabled on the tuntap ports and nic
queues will be enabled inside the guest with ethtool. Simply enabling the
multi-queue on the guest is sufficient for Vanilla OVS multi-queue.

Testpmd should be configured to take advantage of multi-queue on the guest if
using DPDKVhostUser. This can be done by modifying the ''04_vnf.conf'' file.

.. code-block:: python

    GUEST_TESTPMD_PARAMS = ['-l 0,1,2,3,4  -n 4 --socket-mem 512 -- '
                            '--burst=64 -i --txqflags=0xf00 '
                            '--nb-cores=4 --rxq=2 --txq=2 '

**NOTE:** The guest SMP cores must be configured to allow for testpmd to use the
optimal number of cores to take advantage of the multiple guest queues.

In case of using Vanilla OVS and qemu virtio-net you can increase performance
by binding vhost-net threads to cpus. This can be done by enabling the affinity
in the ''04_vnf.conf'' file. This can be done to non multi-queue enabled
configurations as well as there will be 2 vhost-net threads.

.. code-block:: python


    VSWITCH_VHOST_CPU_MAP = [4,5,8,11]

**NOTE:** This method of binding would require a custom script in a real

**NOTE:** For optimal performance guest SMPs and/or vhost-net threads should be
on the same numa as the NIC in use if possible/applicable. Testpmd should be
assigned at least (nb_cores +1) total cores with the cpu mask.

Jumbo Frame Testing

VSPERF provides options to support jumbo frame testing with a jumbo frame supported
NIC and traffic generator for the following vswitches:

1.  OVSVanilla

2.  OvsDpdkVhostUser

3.  TestPMD loopback with or without a guest

**NOTE:** There is currently no support for SR-IOV or VPP at this time with jumbo

All packet forwarding applications for pxp testing is supported.

To enable jumbo frame testing simply enable the option in the conf files and set the
maximum size that will be used.

.. code-block:: python


To enable jumbo frame testing with OVSVanilla the NIC in test on the host must have
its mtu size changed manually using ifconfig or applicable tools:

.. code-block:: console

    ifconfig eth1 mtu 9000 up

**NOTE:** To make the setting consistent across reboots you should reference the OS
documents as it differs from distribution to distribution.

To start a test for jumbo frames modify the conf file packet sizes or pass the option
through the VSPERF command line.

.. code-block:: python


.. code-block:: python

    ./vsperf --test-params "TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=2000,9000"

It is recommended to increase the memory size for OvsDpdkVhostUser testing from the default
1024. Your size required may vary depending on the number of guests in your testing. 4096
appears to work well for most typical testing scenarios.

.. code-block:: python

    DPDK_SOCKET_MEM = ['4096', '0']

**NOTE:** For Jumbo frames to work with DpdkVhostUser, mergable buffers will be enabled by
default. If testing with mergable buffers in QEMU is desired, disable Jumbo Frames and only
test non jumbo frame sizes. Test Jumbo Frames sizes separately to avoid this collision.

Executing Packet Forwarding tests

To select the applications which will forward packets,
the following parameters should be configured:

.. code-block:: python

    VSWITCH = 'none'
    PKTFWD = 'TestPMD'

or use ``--vswitch`` and ``--fwdapp`` CLI arguments:

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf phy2phy_cont --conf-file \
               --vswitch none \
               --fwdapp TestPMD

Supported Packet Forwarding applications are:

.. code-block:: console

    'testpmd'       - testpmd from dpdk

1. Update your ''10_custom.conf'' file to use the appropriate variables
   for selected Packet Forwarder:

   .. code-block:: python

      # testpmd configuration
      TESTPMD_ARGS = []
      # packet forwarding mode supported by testpmd; Please see DPDK documentation
      # for comprehensive list of modes supported by your version.
      # e.g. io|mac|mac_retry|macswap|flowgen|rxonly|txonly|csum|icmpecho|...
      # Note: Option "mac_retry" has been changed to "mac retry" since DPDK v16.07
      TESTPMD_FWD_MODE = 'csum'
      # checksum calculation layer: ip|udp|tcp|sctp|outer-ip
      # checksum calculation place: hw (hardware) | sw (software)
      TESTPMD_CSUM_CALC = 'sw'
      # recognize tunnel headers: on|off

2. Run test:

   .. code-block:: console

      $ ./vsperf phy2phy_tput --conf-file <path_to_settings_py>

Executing Packet Forwarding tests with one guest

TestPMD with DPDK 16.11 or greater can be used to forward packets as a switch to a single guest using TestPMD vdev
option. To set this configuration the following parameters should be used.

    .. code-block:: python

        VSWITCH = 'none'
        PKTFWD = 'TestPMD'

or use ``--vswitch`` and ``--fwdapp`` CLI arguments:

    .. code-block:: console

        $ ./vsperf pvp_tput --conf-file \
                   --vswitch none \
                   --fwdapp TestPMD

Guest forwarding application only supports TestPMD in this configuration.

    .. code-block:: python

        GUEST_LOOPBACK = ['testpmd']

For optimal performance one cpu per port +1 should be used for TestPMD. Also set additional params for packet forwarding
application to use the correct number of nb-cores.

    .. code-block:: python

        DPDK_SOCKET_MEM = ['1024', '0']
        VSWITCHD_DPDK_ARGS = ['-l', '46,44,42,40,38', '-n', '4']
        TESTPMD_ARGS = ['--nb-cores=4', '--txq=1', '--rxq=1']

For guest TestPMD 3 VCpus should be assigned with the following TestPMD params.

    .. code-block:: python

        GUEST_TESTPMD_PARAMS = ['-l 0,1,2 -n 4 --socket-mem 1024 -- '
                                '--burst=64 -i --txqflags=0xf00 '
                                '--disable-hw-vlan --nb-cores=2 --txq=1 --rxq=1']

Execution of TestPMD can be run with the following command line

    .. code-block:: console

        ./vsperf pvp_tput --vswitch=none --fwdapp=TestPMD --conf-file <path_to_settings_py>

**NOTE:** To achieve the best 0% loss numbers with rfc2544 throughput testing, other tunings should be applied to host
and guest such as tuned profiles and CPU tunings to prevent possible interrupts to worker threads.

VSPERF modes of operation

VSPERF can be run in different modes. By default it will configure vSwitch,
traffic generator and VNF. However it can be used just for configuration
and execution of traffic generator. Another option is execution of all
components except traffic generator itself.

Mode of operation is driven by configuration parameter -m or --mode

.. code-block:: console

    -m MODE, --mode MODE  vsperf mode of operation;
            "normal" - execute vSwitch, VNF and traffic generator
            "trafficgen" - execute only traffic generator
            "trafficgen-off" - execute vSwitch and VNF
            "trafficgen-pause" - execute vSwitch and VNF but wait before traffic transmission

In case, that VSPERF is executed in "trafficgen" mode, then configuration
of traffic generator can be modified through ``TRAFFIC`` dictionary passed to the
``--test-params`` option. It is not needed to specify all values of ``TRAFFIC``
dictionary. It is sufficient to specify only values, which should be changed.
Detailed description of ``TRAFFIC`` dictionary can be found at

Example of execution of VSPERF in "trafficgen" mode:

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf -m trafficgen --trafficgen IxNet --conf-file vsperf.conf \
        --test-params "TRAFFIC={'traffic_type':'rfc2544_continuous','bidir':'False','framerate':60}"

Performance Matrix

The ``--matrix`` command line argument analyses and displays the performance of
all the tests run. Using the metric specified by ``MATRIX_METRIC`` in the conf-file,
the first test is set as the baseline and all the other tests are compared to it.
The ``MATRIX_METRIC`` must always refer to a numeric value to enable comparision.
A table, with the test ID, metric value, the change of the metric in %, testname
and the test parameters used for each test, is printed out as well as saved into the
results directory.

Example of 2 tests being compared using Performance Matrix:

.. code-block:: console

    $ ./vsperf --conf-file \
        --test-params "['TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(64,)',"\
        "'TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(128,)']" \
        phy2phy_cont phy2phy_cont --matrix

Example output:

.. code-block:: console

    |   ID | Name         |   throughput_rx_fps |   Change | Parameters, CUMULATIVE_PARAMS = False |
    |    0 | phy2phy_cont |        23749000.000 |        0 | 'TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES': [64]          |
    |    1 | phy2phy_cont |        16850500.000 |  -29.048 | 'TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES': [128]         |

Code change verification by pylint

Every developer participating in VSPERF project should run
pylint before his python code is submitted for review. Project
specific configuration for pylint is available at 'pylint.rc'.

Example of manual pylint invocation:

.. code-block:: console

          $ pylint --rcfile ./pylintrc ./vsperf


Custom image fails to boot

Using custom VM images may not boot within VSPerf pxp testing because of
the drive boot and shared type which could be caused by a missing scsi
driver inside the image. In case of issues you can try changing the drive
boot type to ide.

.. code-block:: python


OVS with DPDK and QEMU

If you encounter the following error: "before (last 100 chars):
'-path=/dev/hugepages,share=on: unable to map backing store for
hugepages: Cannot allocate memory\r\n\r\n" during qemu initialization,
check the amount of hugepages on your system:

.. code-block:: console

    $ cat /proc/meminfo | grep HugePages

By default the vswitchd is launched with 1Gb of memory, to  change
this, modify --socket-mem parameter in conf/02_vswitch.conf to allocate
an appropriate amount of memory:

.. code-block:: python

    DPDK_SOCKET_MEM = ['1024', '0']
    VSWITCHD_DPDK_ARGS = ['-c', '0x4', '-n', '4']
        'dpdk-init' : 'true',
        'dpdk-lcore-mask' : '0x4',
        'dpdk-socket-mem' : '1024,0',

Note: Option ``VSWITCHD_DPDK_ARGS`` is used for vswitchd, which supports ``--dpdk``
parameter. In recent vswitchd versions, option ``VSWITCHD_DPDK_CONFIG`` will be
used to configure vswitchd via ``ovs-vsctl`` calls.

More information

For more information and details refer to the rest of vSwitchPerfuser documentation.