path: root/framework/src/suricata/src/util-cuda.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'framework/src/suricata/src/util-cuda.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/framework/src/suricata/src/util-cuda.h b/framework/src/suricata/src/util-cuda.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e544fd0..00000000
--- a/framework/src/suricata/src/util-cuda.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Open Information Security Foundation
- *
- * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
- * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
- * Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- * \file
- *
- * \author Anoop Saldanha <anoopsaldanha@gmail.com>
- */
-#ifndef __UTIL_CUDA__H__
-#define __UTIL_CUDA__H__
-#ifdef __SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__
-#include <cuda.h>
-typedef struct SCCudaDevice_ {
- /* device id */
- CUdevice device;
- /* device name */
- /* device compute capability */
- int major_rev;
- int minor_rev;
- /* device properties */
- CUdevprop prop;
- /* device total memory */
- size_t bytes;
- /* device attributes. We could have used a fixed int array table to hold
- * the attributes, but it is better we specify it exclusively this way,
- * since the usage would be less error prone */
- int attr_max_threads_per_block;
- int attr_max_block_dim_x;
- int attr_max_block_dim_y;
- int attr_max_block_dim_z;
- int attr_max_grid_dim_x;
- int attr_max_grid_dim_y;
- int attr_max_grid_dim_z;
- int attr_max_shared_memory_per_block;
- int attr_total_constant_memory;
- int attr_warp_size;
- int attr_max_pitch;
- int attr_max_registers_per_block;
- int attr_clock_rate;
- int attr_texture_alignment;
- int attr_gpu_overlap;
- int attr_multiprocessor_count;
- int attr_kernel_exec_timeout;
- int attr_integrated;
- int attr_can_map_host_memory;
- int attr_compute_mode;
-} SCCudaDevice;
-typedef struct SCCudaDevices_ {
- int count;
- SCCudaDevice **devices;
-} SCCudaDevices;
-int SCCudaInit(unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaDriverGetVersion(int *driver_version);
-int SCCudaDeviceComputeCapability(int *major, int *minor, CUdevice dev);
-int SCCudaDeviceGet(CUdevice *device, int ordinal);
-int SCCudaDeviceGetAttribute(int *pi, CUdevice_attribute attrib,
- CUdevice dev);
-int SCCudaDeviceGetCount(int *count);
-int SCCudaDeviceGetName(char *name, int len, CUdevice dev);
-int SCCudaDeviceGetProperties(CUdevprop *prop, CUdevice dev);
-int SCCudaDeviceTotalMem(size_t *bytes, CUdevice dev);
-void SCCudaPrintDeviceList(SCCudaDevices *);
-void SCCudaPrintBasicDeviceInfo(SCCudaDevices *);
-SCCudaDevices *SCCudaGetDeviceList(void);
-int SCCudaCtxCreate(CUcontext *pctx, unsigned int flags, CUdevice dev);
-int SCCudaCtxDestroy(CUcontext ctx);
-int SCCudaCtxGetApiVersion(CUcontext ctx, unsigned int *version);
-int SCCudaCtxGetCacheConfig(CUfunc_cache *pconfig);
-int SCCudaCtxGetCurrent(CUcontext *pctx);
-int SCCudaCtxGetDevice(CUdevice *device);
-int SCCudaCtxGetLimit(size_t *pvalue, CUlimit limit);
-int SCCudaCtxPopCurrent(CUcontext *pctx);
-int SCCudaCtxPushCurrent(CUcontext ctx);
-int SCCudaCtxSetCacheConfig(CUfunc_cache config);
-int SCCudaCtxSetCurrent(CUcontext ctx);
-int SCCudaCtxSetLimit(CUlimit limit, size_t value);
-int SCCudaCtxSynchronize(void);
-int SCCudaCtxAttach(CUcontext *pctx, unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaCtxDetach(CUcontext ctx);
-int SCCudaModuleGetFunction(CUfunction *hfunc, CUmodule hmod,
- const char *name);
-int SCCudaModuleGetGlobal(CUdeviceptr *dptr, size_t *bytes, CUmodule hmod,
- const char *name);
-int SCCudaModuleGetSurfRef(CUsurfref *p_surf_ref, CUmodule hmod,
- const char *name);
-int SCCudaModuleGetTexRef(CUtexref *p_tex_ref, CUmodule hmod,
- const char *name);
-int SCCudaModuleLoad(CUmodule *module, const char *fname);
-int SCCudaModuleLoadData(CUmodule *module, const void *image);
-int SCCudaModuleLoadDataEx(CUmodule *module, const void *image,
- unsigned int num_options, CUjit_option *options,
- void **option_values);
-int SCCudaModuleLoadFatBinary(CUmodule *module, const void *fat_cubin);
-int SCCudaModuleUnload(CUmodule hmod);
-int SCCudaArray3DCreate(CUarray *p_handle,
- const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *p_allocate_array);
-int SCCudaArray3DGetDescriptor(CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *p_array_descriptor,
- CUarray h_array);
-int SCCudaArrayCreate(CUarray *p_handle,
- const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *p_allocate_array);
-int SCCudaArrayDestroy(CUarray h_array);
-int SCCudaArrayGetDescriptor(CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *p_array_descriptor,
- CUarray h_array);
-int SCCudaDeviceGetByPCIBusId(CUdevice *dev, char *pci_bus_id);
-int SCCudaDeviceGetPCIBusId(char *pci_bus_id, int len, CUdevice dev);
-int SCCudaIpcCloseMemHandle(CUdeviceptr dptr);
-int SCCudaIpcGetEventHandle(CUipcEventHandle *p_handle, CUevent event);
-int SCCudaIpcGetMemHandle(CUipcMemHandle *p_handle, CUdeviceptr dptr);
-int SCCudaIpcOpenEventHandle(CUevent *ph_event, CUipcEventHandle handle);
-int SCCudaIpcOpenMemHandle(CUdeviceptr *pdptr, CUipcMemHandle handle,
- unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaMemAlloc(CUdeviceptr *dptr, size_t byte_size);
-int SCCudaMemAllocHost(void **pp, size_t byte_size);
-int SCCudaMemAllocPitch(CUdeviceptr *dptr, size_t *p_pitch,
- size_t width_in_bytes,
- size_t height,
- unsigned int element_size_bytes);
-int SCCudaMemcpy(CUdeviceptr dst, CUdeviceptr src, size_t byte_count);
-int SCCudaMemcpy2D(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *p_copy);
-int SCCudaMemcpy2DAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *p_copy, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemcpy2DUnaligned(const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *p_copy);
-int SCCudaMemcpy3D(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *p_copy);
-int SCCudaMemcpy3DAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *p_copy, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemcpy3DPeer(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *p_copy);
-int SCCudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync(const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *p_copy,
- CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemcpyAsync(CUdeviceptr dst, CUdeviceptr src, size_t byte_count,
- CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemcpyAtoA(CUarray dst_array, size_t dst_offset,
- CUarray src_array, size_t src_offset,
- size_t byte_count);
-int SCCudaMemcpyAtoD(CUdeviceptr dst_device, CUarray src_array,
- size_t src_offset, size_t byte_count);
-int SCCudaMemcpyAtoH(void *dst_host, CUarray src_array, size_t src_offset,
- size_t byte_count);
-int SCCudaMemcpyAtoHAsync(void *dst_host, CUarray src_array,
- size_t src_offset, size_t byte_count,
- CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemcpyDtoA(CUarray dst_array, size_t dst_offset,
- CUdeviceptr src_device, size_t byte_count);
-int SCCudaMemcpyDtoD(CUdeviceptr dst_device, CUdeviceptr src_device,
- size_t byte_count);
-int SCCudaMemcpyDtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr dst_device, CUdeviceptr src_device,
- size_t byte_count, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemcpyDtoH(void *dst_host, CUdeviceptr src_device,
- size_t byte_count);
-int SCCudaMemcpyDtoHAsync(void *dst_host, CUdeviceptr src_device,
- size_t byte_count, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemcpyHtoA(CUarray dst_array, size_t dst_offset,
- const void *src_host, size_t byte_count);
-int SCCudaMemcpyHtoAAsync(CUarray dst_array, size_t dst_offset,
- const void *src_host, size_t byte_count,
- CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemcpyHtoD(CUdeviceptr dst_device, const void *src_host,
- size_t byte_count);
-int SCCudaMemcpyHtoDAsync(CUdeviceptr dst_device, const void *src_host,
- size_t byte_count, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemcpyPeer(CUdeviceptr dst_device, CUcontext dst_context,
- CUdeviceptr src_device, CUcontext src_context,
- size_t byte_count);
-int SCCudaMemcpyPeerAsync(CUdeviceptr dst_device, CUcontext dst_context,
- CUdeviceptr src_device, CUcontext src_context,
- size_t byte_count, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemFree(CUdeviceptr dptr);
-int SCCudaMemFreeHost(void *p);
-int SCCudaMemGetAddressRange(CUdeviceptr *pbase, size_t *psize,
- CUdeviceptr dptr);
-int SCCudaMemGetInfo(size_t *free, size_t *total);
-int SCCudaMemHostAlloc(void **pp, size_t byte_size, unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaMemHostGetDevicePointer(CUdeviceptr *pdptr, void *p,
- unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaMemHostGetFlags(unsigned int *p_flags, void *p);
-int SCCudaMemHostRegister(void *p, size_t byte_size, unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaMemHostUnregister(void *p);
-int SCCudaMemsetD16(CUdeviceptr dst_device, unsigned short us, size_t n);
-int SCCudaMemsetD16Async(CUdeviceptr dst_device, unsigned short us,
- size_t n, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemsetD2D16(CUdeviceptr dst_device, size_t dst_pitch,
- unsigned short us, size_t width,
- size_t height);
-int SCCudaMemsetD2D16Async(CUdeviceptr dst_device, size_t dst_pitch,
- unsigned short us, size_t width,
- size_t height, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemsetD2D32(CUdeviceptr dst_device, size_t dst_pitch,
- unsigned int ui, size_t width, size_t height);
-int SCCudaMemsetD2D32Async(CUdeviceptr dst_device, size_t dst_pitch,
- unsigned int ui, size_t width, size_t height,
- CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemsetD2D8(CUdeviceptr dst_device, size_t dst_pitch,
- unsigned char uc, size_t width, size_t height);
-int SCCudaMemsetD2D8Async(CUdeviceptr dst_device, size_t dst_pitch,
- unsigned char uc, size_t width, size_t height,
- CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemsetD32(CUdeviceptr dst_device, unsigned int ui, size_t n);
-int SCCudaMemsetD32Async(CUdeviceptr dst_device, unsigned int ui,
- size_t n, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaMemsetD8(CUdeviceptr dst_device, unsigned char uc, size_t n);
-int SCCudaMemsetD8Async(CUdeviceptr dst_device, unsigned char uc,
- size_t n, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaPointerGetAttribute(void *data, CUpointer_attribute attribute,
- CUdeviceptr ptr);
-int SCCudaStreamCreate(CUstream *ph_stream, unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaStreamDestroy(CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaStreamQuery(CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaStreamSynchronize(CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaStreamWaitEvent(CUstream h_stream, CUevent h_event,
- unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaEventCreate(CUevent *ph_event, unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaEventDestroy(CUevent h_event);
-int SCCudaEventElapsedTime(float *p_milli_seconds, CUevent h_start,
- CUevent h_end);
-int SCCudaEventQuery(CUevent h_event);
-int SCCudaEventRecord(CUevent h_event, CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaEventSynchronize(CUevent h_event);
-int SCCudaFuncGetAttribute(int *pi, CUfunction_attribute attrib,
- CUfunction hfunc);
-int SCCudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CUfunction hfunc, CUfunc_cache config);
-int SCCudaLaunchKernel(CUfunction f, unsigned int grid_dim_x,
- unsigned int grid_dim_y, unsigned int grid_dim_z,
- unsigned int block_dim_x, unsigned int block_dim_y,
- unsigned int block_dim_z, unsigned int shared_mem_bytes,
- CUstream h_stream, void **kernel_params, void **extra);
-int SCCudaFuncSetBlockShape(CUfunction hfunc, int x, int y, int z);
-int SCCudaFuncSetSharedSize(CUfunction hfunc, unsigned int bytes);
-int SCCudaLaunch(CUfunction f);
-int SCCudaLaunchGrid(CUfunction f, int grid_width, int grid_height);
-int SCCudaLaunchGridAsync(CUfunction f, int grid_width, int grid_height,
- CUstream h_stream);
-int SCCudaParamSetf(CUfunction h_func, int offset, float value);
-int SCCudaParamSeti(CUfunction h_func, int offset, unsigned int value);
-int SCCudaParamSetSize(CUfunction h_func, unsigned int num_bytes);
-int SCCudaParamSetTexRef(CUfunction h_func, int tex_unit, CUtexref h_tex_ref);
-int SCCudaParamSetv(CUfunction h_func, int offset, void *ptr,
- unsigned int num_bytes);
-int SCCudaTexRefCreate(CUtexref *p_tex_ref);
-int SCCudaTexRefDestroy(CUtexref h_tex_ref);
-int SCCudaTexRefGetAddress(CUdeviceptr *pdptr, CUtexref h_tex_ref);
-int SCCudaTexRefGetAddressMode(CUaddress_mode *pam, CUtexref h_tex_ref,
- int dim);
-int SCCudaTexRefGetArray(CUarray *ph_array, CUtexref h_tex_ref);
-int SCCudaTexRefGetFilterMode(CUfilter_mode *pfm, CUtexref h_tex_ref);
-int SCCudaTexRefGetFlags(unsigned int *p_flags, CUtexref h_tex_ref);
-int SCCudaTexRefGetFormat(CUarray_format *p_format, int *p_num_channels,
- CUtexref h_tex_ref);
-int SCCudaTexRefSetAddress(size_t *byte_offset, CUtexref h_tex_ref,
- CUdeviceptr dptr, unsigned int bytes);
-int SCCudaTexRefSetAddress2D(CUtexref h_tex_ref,
- CUdeviceptr dptr, unsigned int pitch);
-int SCCudaTexRefSetAddressMode(CUtexref h_tex_ref, int dim, CUaddress_mode am);
-int SCCudaTexRefSetArray(CUtexref h_tex_ref, CUarray h_array,
- unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaTexRefSetFilterMode(CUtexref h_tex_ref, CUfilter_mode fm);
-int SCCudaTexRefSetFlags(CUtexref h_tex_ref, unsigned int flags);
-int SCCudaTexRefSetFormat(CUtexref h_tex_ref, CUarray_format fmt,
- int num_packed_components);
-int SCCudaInitCudaEnvironment(void);
-void SCCudaListCards(void);
-int SCCudaIsCudaDeviceIdValid(int cuda_device_id);
-void SCCudaRegisterTests(void);
-#endif /* __SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__ */
-#endif /* __UTIL_CUDA_H__ */