path: root/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/device/device.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/device/device.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 403 deletions
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/device/device.js b/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/device/device.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b7120fd..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/device/device.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- ONOS GUI -- Device View Module
- */
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- // injected refs
- var $log, $scope, $loc, fs, mast, ps, wss, is, ns, ks;
- // internal state
- var detailsPanel,
- pStartY,
- pHeight,
- top,
- bottom,
- iconDiv,
- wSize,
- editingName = false;
- // constants
- var topPdg = 13,
- ctnrPdg = 24,
- scrollSize = 17,
- portsTblPdg = 50,
- pName = 'device-details-panel',
- detailsReq = 'deviceDetailsRequest',
- detailsResp = 'deviceDetailsResponse',
- nameChangeReq = 'deviceNameChangeRequest',
- nameChangeResp = 'deviceNameChangeResponse',
- propOrder = [
- 'id', 'type', 'masterid', 'chassisid',
- 'mfr', 'hw', 'sw', 'protocol', 'serial'
- ],
- friendlyProps = [
- 'URI', 'Type', 'Master ID', 'Chassis ID',
- 'Vendor', 'H/W Version', 'S/W Version', 'Protocol', 'Serial #'
- ],
- portCols = [
- 'enabled', 'id', 'speed', 'type', 'elinks_dest', 'name'
- ],
- friendlyPortCols = [
- 'Enabled', 'ID', 'Speed', 'Type', 'Egress Links', 'Name'
- ];
- function closePanel() {
- if (detailsPanel.isVisible()) {
- $scope.selId = null;
- detailsPanel.hide();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function addCloseBtn(div) {
- is.loadEmbeddedIcon(div, 'plus', 30);
-'g').attr('transform', 'translate(25, 0) rotate(45)');
- div.on('click', closePanel);
- }
- function exitEditMode(nameH2, name) {
- nameH2.html(name);
- nameH2.classed('editable', true);
- editingName = false;
- ks.enableGlobalKeys(true);
- }
- function editNameSave() {
- var nameH2 ='h2'),
- id = $,
- val,
- newVal;
- if (editingName) {
- val ='input').property('value').trim();
- newVal = val || id;
- exitEditMode(nameH2, newVal);
- $ = newVal;
- wss.sendEvent(nameChangeReq, { id: id, name: val });
- }
- }
- function editNameCancel() {
- if (editingName) {
- exitEditMode('h2'), $;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function editName() {
- var nameH2 ='h2'),
- tf, el;
- if (!editingName) {
- nameH2.classed('editable', false);
- nameH2.html('');
- tf = nameH2.append('input').classed('name-input', true)
- .attr('type', 'text')
- .attr('value', $;
- el = tf[0][0];
- el.focus();
- editingName = true;
- ks.enableGlobalKeys(false);
- }
- }
- function handleEscape() {
- return editNameCancel() || closePanel();
- }
- function setUpPanel() {
- var container, closeBtn, tblDiv;
- detailsPanel.empty();
- container = detailsPanel.append('div').classed('container', true);
- top = container.append('div').classed('top', true);
- closeBtn = top.append('div').classed('close-btn', true);
- addCloseBtn(closeBtn);
- iconDiv = top.append('div').classed('dev-icon', true);
- top.append('h2').classed('editable', true).on('click', editName);
- tblDiv = top.append('div').classed('top-tables', true);
- tblDiv.append('div').classed('left', true).append('table');
- tblDiv.append('div').classed('right', true).append('table');
- top.append('hr');
- bottom = container.append('div').classed('bottom', true);
- bottom.append('h2').classed('ports-title', true).html('Ports');
- bottom.append('table');
- }
- function addProp(tbody, index, value) {
- var tr = tbody.append('tr');
- function addCell(cls, txt) {
- tr.append('td').attr('class', cls).html(txt);
- }
- addCell('label', friendlyProps[index] + ' :');
- addCell('value', value);
- }
- function populateTop(tblDiv, details) {
- var leftTbl ='.left')
- .select('table')
- .append('tbody'),
- rightTbl ='.right')
- .select('table')
- .append('tbody');
- is.loadEmbeddedIcon(iconDiv, details._iconid_type, 40);
- propOrder.forEach(function (prop, i) {
- // properties are split into two tables
- addProp(i < 4 ? leftTbl : rightTbl, i, details[prop]);
- });
- }
- function addPortRow(tbody, port) {
- var tr = tbody.append('tr');
- portCols.forEach(function (col) {
- tr.append('td').html(port[col]);
- });
- }
- function populateBottom(table, ports) {
- var theader = table.append('thead').append('tr'),
- tbody = table.append('tbody'),
- tbWidth, tbHeight;
- friendlyPortCols.forEach(function (col) {
- theader.append('th').html(col);
- });
- ports.forEach(function (port) {
- addPortRow(tbody, port);
- });
- tbWidth = fs.noPxStyle(tbody, 'width') + scrollSize;
- tbHeight = pHeight
- - (fs.noPxStyle(detailsPanel.el()
- .select('.top'), 'height')
- + fs.noPxStyle(detailsPanel.el()
- .select('.ports-title'), 'height')
- + portsTblPdg);
- height: tbHeight + 'px',
- width: tbWidth + 'px',
- overflow: 'auto',
- display: 'block'
- });
- detailsPanel.width(tbWidth + ctnrPdg);
- }
- function populateName(div, name) {
- var lab ='.label'),
- val ='.value');
- lab.html('Friendly Name:');
- val.html(name);
- }
- function populateDetails(details) {
- var nameDiv, topTbs, btmTbl, ports;
- setUpPanel();
- nameDiv ='.name-div');
- topTbs ='.top-tables');
- btmTbl ='table');
- ports = details.ports;
- populateName(nameDiv,;
- populateTop(topTbs, details);
- populateBottom(btmTbl, ports);
- detailsPanel.height(pHeight);
- }
- function respDetailsCb(data) {
- $scope.panelData = data.details;
- $scope.$apply();
- }
- function respNameCb(data) {
- if (data.warn) {
- $log.warn(data.warn,;
- }
- }
- function createDetailsPane() {
- detailsPanel = ps.createPanel(pName, {
- width: wSize.width,
- margin: 0,
- hideMargin: 0
- });
- detailsPanel.el().style({
- position: 'absolute',
- top: pStartY + 'px'
- });
- $scope.hidePanel = function () { detailsPanel.hide(); };
- detailsPanel.hide();
- }
- angular.module('ovDevice', [])
- .controller('OvDeviceCtrl',
- ['$log', '$scope', '$location', 'TableBuilderService', 'FnService',
- 'MastService', 'PanelService', 'WebSocketService', 'IconService',
- 'NavService', 'KeyService',
- function (_$log_, _$scope_, _$location_,
- tbs, _fs_, _mast_, _ps_, _wss_, _is_, _ns_, _ks_) {
- var params,
- handlers = {};
- $log = _$log_;
- $scope = _$scope_;
- $loc = _$location_;
- fs = _fs_;
- mast = _mast_;
- ps = _ps_;
- wss = _wss_;
- is = _is_;
- ns = _ns_;
- ks = _ks_;
- params = $;
- $scope.panelData = {};
- $scope.flowTip = 'Show flow view for selected device';
- $scope.portTip = 'Show port view for selected device';
- $scope.groupTip = 'Show group view for selected device';
- // details panel handlers
- handlers[detailsResp] = respDetailsCb;
- handlers[nameChangeResp] = respNameCb;
- wss.bindHandlers(handlers);
- // query for if a certain device needs to be highlighted
- if (params.hasOwnProperty('devId')) {
- $scope.selId = params['devId'];
- wss.sendEvent(detailsReq, { id: $scope.selId });
- }
- function selCb($event, row) {
- if ($scope.selId) {
- wss.sendEvent(detailsReq, { id: });
- } else {
- $scope.hidePanel();
- }
- $log.debug('Got a click on:', row);
- }
- tbs.buildTable({
- scope: $scope,
- tag: 'device',
- selCb: selCb
- });
- $scope.nav = function (path) {
- if ($scope.selId) {
- ns.navTo(path, { devId: $scope.selId });
- }
- };
- $scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
- wss.unbindHandlers(handlers);
- });
- $log.log('OvDeviceCtrl has been created');
- }])
- .directive('deviceDetailsPanel',
- ['$rootScope', '$window', '$timeout', 'KeyService',
- function ($rootScope, $window, $timeout, ks) {
- return function (scope) {
- var unbindWatch;
- function heightCalc() {
- pStartY = fs.noPxStyle('.tabular-header'), 'height')
- + mast.mastHeight() + topPdg;
- wSize = fs.windowSize(pStartY);
- pHeight = wSize.height;
- }
- function initPanel() {
- heightCalc();
- createDetailsPane();
- }
- // Safari has a bug where it renders the fixed-layout table wrong
- // if you ask for the window's size too early
- if (scope.onos.browser === 'safari') {
- $timeout(initPanel);
- } else {
- initPanel();
- }
- // create key bindings to handle panel
- ks.keyBindings({
- enter: editNameSave,
- esc: [handleEscape, 'Close the details panel'],
- _helpFormat: ['esc']
- });
- ks.gestureNotes([
- ['click', 'Select a row to show device details'],
- ['scroll down', 'See more devices']
- ]);
- // if the panelData changes
- scope.$watch('panelData', function () {
- if (!fs.isEmptyObject(scope.panelData)) {
- populateDetails(scope.panelData);
- }
- });
- // if the window size changes
- unbindWatch = $rootScope.$watchCollection(
- function () {
- return {
- h: $window.innerHeight,
- w: $window.innerWidth
- };
- }, function () {
- if (!fs.isEmptyObject(scope.panelData)) {
- heightCalc();
- populateDetails(scope.panelData);
- }
- }
- );
- scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
- unbindWatch();
- ks.unbindKeys();
- ps.destroyPanel(pName);
- });
- };
- }]);