path: root/framework/src/onos/core/common/src/test/java/org/onosproject/store/trivial/
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Diffstat (limited to 'framework/src/onos/core/common/src/test/java/org/onosproject/store/trivial/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 482 deletions
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/core/common/src/test/java/org/onosproject/store/trivial/ b/framework/src/onos/core/common/src/test/java/org/onosproject/store/trivial/
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- * Copyright 2014-2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Optional;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
-import org.onlab.packet.MplsLabel;
-import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
-import org.onosproject.core.DefaultApplicationId;
-import org.onosproject.core.GroupId;
- * Test of the simple DeviceStore implementation.
- */
-public class SimpleGroupStoreTest {
- private SimpleGroupStore simpleGroupStore;
- private final ApplicationId appId =
- new DefaultApplicationId(2, "org.groupstore.test");
- public static final DeviceId D1 = deviceId("of:1");
- @Before
- public void setUp() throws Exception {
- simpleGroupStore = new SimpleGroupStore();
- simpleGroupStore.activate();
- }
- @After
- public void tearDown() throws Exception {
- simpleGroupStore.deactivate();
- }
- private class InternalGroupStoreDelegate
- implements GroupStoreDelegate {
- private GroupId createdGroupId = null;
- private GroupKey createdGroupKey;
- private GroupBuckets createdBuckets;
- private GroupEvent.Type expectedEvent;
- public InternalGroupStoreDelegate(GroupKey key,
- GroupBuckets buckets,
- GroupEvent.Type expectedEvent) {
- this.createdBuckets = buckets;
- this.createdGroupKey = key;
- this.expectedEvent = expectedEvent;
- }
- @Override
- public void notify(GroupEvent event) {
- assertEquals(expectedEvent, event.type());
- assertEquals(Group.Type.SELECT, event.subject().type());
- assertEquals(D1, event.subject().deviceId());
- assertEquals(createdGroupKey, event.subject().appCookie());
- assertEquals(createdBuckets.buckets(), event.subject().buckets().buckets());
- if (expectedEvent == GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_ADD_REQUESTED) {
- createdGroupId = event.subject().id();
- assertEquals(Group.GroupState.PENDING_ADD,
- event.subject().state());
- } else if (expectedEvent == GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_ADDED) {
- createdGroupId = event.subject().id();
- assertEquals(Group.GroupState.ADDED,
- event.subject().state());
- } else if (expectedEvent == GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_UPDATED) {
- createdGroupId = event.subject().id();
- assertEquals(true,
- event.subject().buckets().
- buckets().containsAll(createdBuckets.buckets()));
- assertEquals(true,
- createdBuckets.buckets().
- containsAll(event.subject().buckets().buckets()));
- for (GroupBucket bucket:event.subject().buckets().buckets()) {
- Optional<GroupBucket> matched = createdBuckets.buckets()
- .stream()
- .filter((expected) -> expected.equals(bucket))
- .findFirst();
- assertEquals(matched.get().packets(),
- bucket.packets());
- assertEquals(matched.get().bytes(),
- bucket.bytes());
- }
- assertEquals(Group.GroupState.ADDED,
- event.subject().state());
- } else if (expectedEvent == GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_UPDATE_REQUESTED) {
- assertEquals(Group.GroupState.PENDING_UPDATE,
- event.subject().state());
- } else if (expectedEvent == GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_REMOVE_REQUESTED) {
- assertEquals(Group.GroupState.PENDING_DELETE,
- event.subject().state());
- } else if (expectedEvent == GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_REMOVED) {
- createdGroupId = event.subject().id();
- assertEquals(Group.GroupState.PENDING_DELETE,
- event.subject().state());
- } else if (expectedEvent == GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_ADD_FAILED) {
- createdGroupId = event.subject().id();
- assertEquals(Group.GroupState.PENDING_ADD,
- event.subject().state());
- } else if (expectedEvent == GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_UPDATE_FAILED) {
- createdGroupId = event.subject().id();
- assertEquals(Group.GroupState.PENDING_UPDATE,
- event.subject().state());
- } else if (expectedEvent == GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_REMOVE_FAILED) {
- createdGroupId = event.subject().id();
- assertEquals(Group.GroupState.PENDING_DELETE,
- event.subject().state());
- }
- }
- public void verifyGroupId(GroupId id) {
- assertEquals(createdGroupId, id);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Tests group store operations. The following operations are tested:
- * a)Tests device group audit completion status change
- * b)Tests storeGroup operation
- * c)Tests getGroupCount operation
- * d)Tests getGroup operation
- * e)Tests getGroups operation
- * f)Tests addOrUpdateGroupEntry operation from southbound
- * g)Tests updateGroupDescription for ADD operation from northbound
- * h)Tests updateGroupDescription for REMOVE operation from northbound
- * i)Tests deleteGroupDescription operation from northbound
- * j)Tests removeGroupEntry operation from southbound
- */
- @Test
- public void testGroupStoreOperations() {
- // Set the Device AUDIT completed in the store
- simpleGroupStore.deviceInitialAuditCompleted(D1, true);
- // Testing storeGroup operation
- GroupKey newKey = new DefaultGroupKey("group1".getBytes());
- testStoreAndGetGroup(newKey);
- // Testing addOrUpdateGroupEntry operation from southbound
- GroupKey currKey = newKey;
- testAddGroupEntryFromSB(currKey);
- // Testing updateGroupDescription for ADD operation from northbound
- newKey = new DefaultGroupKey("group1AddBuckets".getBytes());
- testAddBuckets(currKey, newKey);
- // Testing updateGroupDescription for REMOVE operation from northbound
- currKey = newKey;
- newKey = new DefaultGroupKey("group1RemoveBuckets".getBytes());
- testRemoveBuckets(currKey, newKey);
- // Testing addOrUpdateGroupEntry operation from southbound
- currKey = newKey;
- testUpdateGroupEntryFromSB(currKey);
- // Testing deleteGroupDescription operation from northbound
- testDeleteGroup(currKey);
- // Testing removeGroupEntry operation from southbound
- testRemoveGroupFromSB(currKey);
- }
- // Testing storeGroup operation
- private void testStoreAndGetGroup(GroupKey key) {
- PortNumber[] ports = {PortNumber.portNumber(31),
- PortNumber.portNumber(32)};
- List<PortNumber> outPorts = new ArrayList<>();
- outPorts.addAll(Arrays.asList(ports));
- List<GroupBucket> buckets = new ArrayList<>();
- for (PortNumber portNumber: outPorts) {
- TrafficTreatment.Builder tBuilder = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
- tBuilder.setOutput(portNumber)
- .setEthDst(MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:00:00:00:02"))
- .setEthSrc(MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:00:00:00:01"))
- .pushMpls()
- .setMpls(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(106));
- buckets.add(DefaultGroupBucket.createSelectGroupBucket(
- }
- GroupBuckets groupBuckets = new GroupBuckets(buckets);
- GroupDescription groupDesc = new DefaultGroupDescription(
- D1,
- Group.Type.SELECT,
- groupBuckets,
- key,
- null,
- appId);
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate checkStoreGroupDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(key,
- groupBuckets,
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(checkStoreGroupDelegate);
- // Testing storeGroup operation
- simpleGroupStore.storeGroupDescription(groupDesc);
- // Testing getGroupCount operation
- assertEquals(1, simpleGroupStore.getGroupCount(D1));
- // Testing getGroup operation
- Group createdGroup = simpleGroupStore.getGroup(D1, key);
- checkStoreGroupDelegate.verifyGroupId(;
- // Testing getGroups operation
- Iterable<Group> createdGroups = simpleGroupStore.getGroups(D1);
- int groupCount = 0;
- for (Group group:createdGroups) {
- checkStoreGroupDelegate.verifyGroupId(;
- groupCount++;
- }
- assertEquals(1, groupCount);
- simpleGroupStore.unsetDelegate(checkStoreGroupDelegate);
- }
- // Testing addOrUpdateGroupEntry operation from southbound
- private void testAddGroupEntryFromSB(GroupKey currKey) {
- Group existingGroup = simpleGroupStore.getGroup(D1, currKey);
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate addGroupEntryDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(currKey,
- existingGroup.buckets(),
- GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_ADDED);
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(addGroupEntryDelegate);
- simpleGroupStore.addOrUpdateGroupEntry(existingGroup);
- simpleGroupStore.unsetDelegate(addGroupEntryDelegate);
- }
- // Testing addOrUpdateGroupEntry operation from southbound
- private void testUpdateGroupEntryFromSB(GroupKey currKey) {
- Group existingGroup = simpleGroupStore.getGroup(D1, currKey);
- int totalPkts = 0;
- int totalBytes = 0;
- List<GroupBucket> newBucketList = new ArrayList<>();
- for (GroupBucket bucket:existingGroup.buckets().buckets()) {
- StoredGroupBucketEntry newBucket =
- (StoredGroupBucketEntry)
- DefaultGroupBucket.createSelectGroupBucket(bucket.treatment());
- newBucket.setPackets(10);
- newBucket.setBytes(10 * 256 * 8);
- totalPkts += 10;
- totalBytes += 10 * 256 * 8;
- newBucketList.add(newBucket);
- }
- GroupBuckets updatedBuckets = new GroupBuckets(newBucketList);
- Group updatedGroup = new DefaultGroup(,
- existingGroup.deviceId(),
- existingGroup.type(),
- updatedBuckets);
- ((StoredGroupEntry) updatedGroup).setPackets(totalPkts);
- ((StoredGroupEntry) updatedGroup).setBytes(totalBytes);
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate updateGroupEntryDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(currKey,
- updatedBuckets,
- GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_UPDATED);
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(updateGroupEntryDelegate);
- simpleGroupStore.addOrUpdateGroupEntry(updatedGroup);
- simpleGroupStore.unsetDelegate(updateGroupEntryDelegate);
- }
- // Testing updateGroupDescription for ADD operation from northbound
- private void testAddBuckets(GroupKey currKey, GroupKey addKey) {
- Group existingGroup = simpleGroupStore.getGroup(D1, currKey);
- List<GroupBucket> buckets = new ArrayList<>();
- buckets.addAll(existingGroup.buckets().buckets());
- PortNumber[] newNeighborPorts = {PortNumber.portNumber(41),
- PortNumber.portNumber(42)};
- List<PortNumber> newOutPorts = new ArrayList<>();
- newOutPorts.addAll(Collections.singletonList(newNeighborPorts[0]));
- List<GroupBucket> toAddBuckets = new ArrayList<>();
- for (PortNumber portNumber: newOutPorts) {
- TrafficTreatment.Builder tBuilder = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
- tBuilder.setOutput(portNumber)
- .setEthDst(MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:00:00:00:03"))
- .setEthSrc(MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:00:00:00:01"))
- .pushMpls()
- .setMpls(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(106));
- toAddBuckets.add(DefaultGroupBucket.createSelectGroupBucket(
- }
- GroupBuckets toAddGroupBuckets = new GroupBuckets(toAddBuckets);
- buckets.addAll(toAddBuckets);
- GroupBuckets updatedGroupBuckets = new GroupBuckets(buckets);
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate updateGroupDescDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(addKey,
- updatedGroupBuckets,
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(updateGroupDescDelegate);
- simpleGroupStore.updateGroupDescription(D1,
- currKey,
- UpdateType.ADD,
- toAddGroupBuckets,
- addKey);
- simpleGroupStore.unsetDelegate(updateGroupDescDelegate);
- }
- // Testing updateGroupDescription for REMOVE operation from northbound
- private void testRemoveBuckets(GroupKey currKey, GroupKey removeKey) {
- Group existingGroup = simpleGroupStore.getGroup(D1, currKey);
- List<GroupBucket> buckets = new ArrayList<>();
- buckets.addAll(existingGroup.buckets().buckets());
- List<GroupBucket> toRemoveBuckets = new ArrayList<>();
- // There should be 4 buckets in the current group
- toRemoveBuckets.add(buckets.remove(0));
- toRemoveBuckets.add(buckets.remove(1));
- GroupBuckets toRemoveGroupBuckets = new GroupBuckets(toRemoveBuckets);
- GroupBuckets remainingGroupBuckets = new GroupBuckets(buckets);
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate removeGroupDescDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(removeKey,
- remainingGroupBuckets,
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(removeGroupDescDelegate);
- simpleGroupStore.updateGroupDescription(D1,
- currKey,
- UpdateType.REMOVE,
- toRemoveGroupBuckets,
- removeKey);
- simpleGroupStore.unsetDelegate(removeGroupDescDelegate);
- }
- // Testing deleteGroupDescription operation from northbound
- private void testDeleteGroup(GroupKey currKey) {
- Group existingGroup = simpleGroupStore.getGroup(D1, currKey);
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate deleteGroupDescDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(currKey,
- existingGroup.buckets(),
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(deleteGroupDescDelegate);
- simpleGroupStore.deleteGroupDescription(D1, currKey);
- simpleGroupStore.unsetDelegate(deleteGroupDescDelegate);
- }
- // Testing removeGroupEntry operation from southbound
- private void testRemoveGroupFromSB(GroupKey currKey) {
- Group existingGroup = simpleGroupStore.getGroup(D1, currKey);
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate removeGroupEntryDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(currKey,
- existingGroup.buckets(),
- GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_REMOVED);
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(removeGroupEntryDelegate);
- simpleGroupStore.removeGroupEntry(existingGroup);
- // Testing getGroup operation
- existingGroup = simpleGroupStore.getGroup(D1, currKey);
- assertEquals(null, existingGroup);
- assertEquals(0, Iterables.size(simpleGroupStore.getGroups(D1)));
- assertEquals(0, simpleGroupStore.getGroupCount(D1));
- simpleGroupStore.unsetDelegate(removeGroupEntryDelegate);
- }
- @Test
- public void testGroupOperationFailure() {
- simpleGroupStore.deviceInitialAuditCompleted(D1, true);
- ApplicationId appId =
- new DefaultApplicationId(2, "org.groupstore.test");
- GroupKey key = new DefaultGroupKey("group1".getBytes());
- PortNumber[] ports = {PortNumber.portNumber(31),
- PortNumber.portNumber(32)};
- List<PortNumber> outPorts = new ArrayList<>();
- outPorts.add(ports[0]);
- outPorts.add(ports[1]);
- List<GroupBucket> buckets = new ArrayList<>();
- for (PortNumber portNumber: outPorts) {
- TrafficTreatment.Builder tBuilder = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
- tBuilder.setOutput(portNumber)
- .setEthDst(MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:00:00:00:02"))
- .setEthSrc(MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:00:00:00:01"))
- .pushMpls()
- .setMpls(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(106));
- buckets.add(DefaultGroupBucket.createSelectGroupBucket(
- }
- GroupBuckets groupBuckets = new GroupBuckets(buckets);
- GroupDescription groupDesc = new DefaultGroupDescription(
- D1,
- Group.Type.SELECT,
- groupBuckets,
- key,
- null,
- appId);
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate checkStoreGroupDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(key,
- groupBuckets,
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(checkStoreGroupDelegate);
- // Testing storeGroup operation
- simpleGroupStore.storeGroupDescription(groupDesc);
- simpleGroupStore.unsetDelegate(checkStoreGroupDelegate);
- // Testing Group add operation failure
- Group createdGroup = simpleGroupStore.getGroup(D1, key);
- checkStoreGroupDelegate.verifyGroupId(;
- GroupOperation groupAddOp = GroupOperation.
- createAddGroupOperation(,
- createdGroup.type(),
- createdGroup.buckets());
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate checkGroupAddFailureDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(key,
- groupBuckets,
- GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_ADD_FAILED);
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(checkGroupAddFailureDelegate);
- simpleGroupStore.groupOperationFailed(D1, groupAddOp);
- // Testing Group modify operation failure
- simpleGroupStore.unsetDelegate(checkGroupAddFailureDelegate);
- GroupOperation groupModOp = GroupOperation.
- createModifyGroupOperation(,
- createdGroup.type(),
- createdGroup.buckets());
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate checkGroupModFailureDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(key,
- groupBuckets,
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(checkGroupModFailureDelegate);
- simpleGroupStore.groupOperationFailed(D1, groupModOp);
- // Testing Group modify operation failure
- simpleGroupStore.unsetDelegate(checkGroupModFailureDelegate);
- GroupOperation groupDelOp = GroupOperation.
- createDeleteGroupOperation(,
- createdGroup.type());
- InternalGroupStoreDelegate checkGroupDelFailureDelegate =
- new InternalGroupStoreDelegate(key,
- groupBuckets,
- simpleGroupStore.setDelegate(checkGroupDelFailureDelegate);
- simpleGroupStore.groupOperationFailed(D1, groupDelOp);
- }