path: root/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg
diff options
authorCNlucius <>2016-09-13 11:40:12 +0800
committerCNlucius <>2016-09-13 11:41:53 +0800
commitb731e2f1dd0972409b136aebc7b463dd72c9cfad (patch)
tree5107d7d80c19ad8076c2c97c2b5ef8d1cf3ab903 /framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg
parentee93993458266114c29271a481ef9ce7ce621b2a (diff)
O/S-SFC-ONOS scenario documentation Change-Id: I51ae1cf736ea24ab6680f8edca1b2bf5dd598365 Signed-off-by: CNlucius <>
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1166 deletions
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/geodata-spec.js b/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/geodata-spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ccf4782f..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/geodata-spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- ONOS GUI -- SVG -- GeoData Service - Unit Tests
- */
-describe('factory: fw/svg/geodata.js', function() {
- var $log, $httpBackend, fs, gds, promise;
- beforeEach(module('onosUtil', 'onosSvg'));
- beforeEach(inject(function (_$log_, _$httpBackend_, FnService, GeoDataService) {
- $log = _$log_;
- $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
- fs = FnService;
- gds = GeoDataService;
- gds.clearCache();
- }));
- it('should define GeoDataService', function () {
- expect(gds).toBeDefined();
- });
- it('should define api functions', function () {
- expect(fs.areFunctions(gds, [
- 'clearCache', 'fetchTopoData', 'createPathGenerator'
- ])).toBeTruthy();
- });
- it('should return null when no parameters given', function () {
- promise = gds.fetchTopoData();
- expect(promise).toBeNull();
- });
- it('should augment the id of a bundled map', function () {
- var id = '*foo';
- promise = gds.fetchTopoData(id);
- expect(promise.meta).toBeDefined();
- expect(;
- expect(promise.meta.url).toBe('data/map/foo.json');
- });
- it('should treat an external id as the url itself', function () {
- var id = 'some/path/to/foo';
- promise = gds.fetchTopoData(id);
- expect(promise.meta).toBeDefined();
- expect(;
- expect(promise.meta.url).toBe(id + '.json');
- });
- it('should cache the returned objects', function () {
- var id = 'foo';
- promise = gds.fetchTopoData(id);
- expect(promise).toBeDefined();
- expect(promise.meta.wasCached).toBeFalsy();
- expect(promise.tagged).toBeUndefined();
- promise.tagged = 'I woz here';
- promise = gds.fetchTopoData(id);
- expect(promise).toBeDefined();
- expect(promise.meta.wasCached).toBeTruthy();
- expect(promise.tagged).toEqual('I woz here');
- });
- it('should clear the cache when asked', function () {
- var id = 'foo';
- promise = gds.fetchTopoData(id);
- expect(promise.meta.wasCached).toBeFalsy();
- promise = gds.fetchTopoData(id);
- expect(promise.meta.wasCached).toBeTruthy();
- gds.clearCache();
- promise = gds.fetchTopoData(id);
- expect(promise.meta.wasCached).toBeFalsy();
- });
- it('should log a warning if data fails to load', function () {
- var id = 'foo';
- $httpBackend.expectGET('foo.json').respond(404, 'Not found');
- spyOn($log, 'warn');
- promise = gds.fetchTopoData(id);
- $httpBackend.flush();
- expect(promise.topodata).toBeUndefined();
- expect($log.warn)
- .toHaveBeenCalledWith('Failed to retrieve map TopoJSON data: foo.json',
- 404, 'Not found');
- });
- // --- path generator tests
- function simpleTopology(object) {
- return {
- type: "Topology",
- transform: {scale: [1, 1], translate: [0, 0]},
- objects: {states: object},
- arcs: [
- [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]],
- [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]],
- [[1, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]],
- [[1, 1]],
- [[0, 0]]
- ]
- };
- }
- function simpleLineStringTopo() {
- return simpleTopology({type: "LineString", arcs: [1, 2]});
- }
- it('should use default settings if none are supplied', function () {
- var gen = gds.createPathGenerator(simpleLineStringTopo());
- expect(gen.settings.objectTag).toBe('states');
- expect(gen.settings.logicalSize).toBe(1000);
- expect(gen.settings.mapFillScale).toBe(.95);
- // best we can do for now is test that projection is a function ...
- expect(fs.isF(gen.settings.projection)).toBeTruthy();
- });
- it('should allow us to override default settings', function () {
- var gen = gds.createPathGenerator(simpleLineStringTopo(), {
- mapFillScale: .80
- });
- expect(gen.settings.objectTag).toBe('states');
- expect(gen.settings.logicalSize).toBe(1000);
- expect(gen.settings.mapFillScale).toBe(.80);
- });
- it('should create transformed geodata, and a path generator', function () {
- var gen = gds.createPathGenerator(simpleLineStringTopo());
- expect(fs.isO(gen.settings)).toBeTruthy();
- expect(fs.isO(gen.geodata)).toBeTruthy();
- expect(fs.isF(gen.pathgen)).toBeTruthy();
- });
- // NOTE: we probably should have more unit tests that assert stuff about
- // the transformed data (geo data) -- though perhaps we can rely on
- // the unit testing of TopoJSON? See...
- //
- // and, what about the path generator?, and the computed bounds?
- // In summary, more work should be done here..
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/glyph-spec.js b/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/glyph-spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9709ec73..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/glyph-spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- ONOS GUI -- SVG -- Glyph Service - Unit Tests
- */
-describe('factory: fw/svg/glyph.js', function() {
- var $log, fs, gs, d3Elem, svg;
- var numBaseGlyphs = 42,
- vbBird = '352 224 113 112',
- vbGlyph = '0 0 110 110',
- vbBadge = '0 0 10 10',
- longPrefix = 'M95.8,9.2H14.2c-2.8,0-5,2.2-5,5v81.5c0,2.8,2.2,5,5,' +
- '5h81.5c2.8,0,5-2.2,5-5V14.2C100.8,11.5,98.5,9.2,95.8,9.2z ',
- tablePrefix = 'M15.9,19.1h-8v-13h8V19.1z M90.5,6.1H75.6v13h14.9V6.1' +
- 'z M71.9,6.1H56.9v13h14.9V6.1z M53.2,6.1H38.3v13h14.9V6.1z M34.5,' +
- '6.1H19.6v13h14.9V6.1z M102.2,6.1h-8v13h8V6.1z ',
- prefixLookup = {
- bird: 'M427.7,300.4',
- unknown: 'M35,40a5',
- node: 'M15,100a5',
- switch: 'M10,20a10',
- roadm: 'M10,35l25-',
- endstation: 'M10,15a5,5',
- router: 'M10,55A45,45',
- bgpSpeaker: 'M10,40a45,35',
- chain: 'M60.4,77.6c-',
- crown: 'M99.5,21.6c0,',
- lock: 'M79.4,48.6h',
- topo: 'M97.2,76.3H86.6',
- refresh: 'M102.6,40.8L88.4',
- garbage: 'M94.6,20.2c',
- // navigation specific glyphs
- flowTable: tablePrefix + 'M102.2,23.6H7.9v',
- portTable: tablePrefix + 'M102.6,23.6v78.5H',
- groupTable: 'M16,19.1H8v-13h',
- // toolbar specific glyphs
- summary: longPrefix + 'M16.7',
- details: longPrefix + 'M16.9',
- ports: 'M98,9.2H79.6c',
- map: 'M95.8,9.2H14.2c-2.8,0-5,2.2-5,5v66',
- cycleLabels: 'M72.5,33.9c',
- oblique: 'M80.9,30.2h',
- filters: 'M24.8,13.3L',
- resetZoom: 'M86,79.8L',
- relatedIntents: 'M99.9,43.7',
- nextIntent: 'M88.1,55.7',
- prevIntent: 'M22.5,55.6',
- intentTraffic: 'M14.7,71.5h',
- allTraffic: 'M15.7,64.5h-7v',
- flows: 'M93.8,46.1c',
- eqMaster: 'M100.1,46.9l',
- // badges
- uiAttached: 'M2,2.5a.5,.5',
- checkMark: 'M2.6,4.5c0',
- xMark: 'M9.0,7.2C8.2',
- triangleUp: 'M0.5,6.2c0',
- triangleDown: 'M9.5,4.2c0',
- plus: 'M4,2h2v2h2v2',
- minus: 'M2,4h6v2',
- play: 'M2.5,2l5.5,3',
- stop: 'M2.5,2.5h5',
- cloud: 'M37.6,79.5c-6.9,8.7-20.4,8.6',
- // our test ones..
- triangle: 'M.5,.2',
- diamond: 'M.2,.5'
- },
- glyphIds = [
- 'unknown', 'node', 'switch', 'roadm', 'endstation', 'router',
- 'bgpSpeaker', 'chain', 'crown', 'lock', 'topo', 'refresh',
- 'garbage',
- 'flowTable', 'portTable', 'groupTable',
- 'summary', 'details', 'ports', 'map', 'cycleLabels',
- 'oblique', 'filters', 'resetZoom', 'relatedIntents', 'nextIntent',
- 'prevIntent', 'intentTraffic', 'allTraffic', 'flows', 'eqMaster'
- ],
- badgeIds = [
- 'uiAttached', 'checkMark', 'xMark', 'triangleUp', 'triangleDown',
- 'plus', 'minus', 'play', 'stop'
- ],
- spriteIds = [
- 'cloud'
- ];
- beforeEach(module('onosUtil', 'onosSvg'));
- beforeEach(inject(function (_$log_, FnService, GlyphService) {
- var body ='body');
- $log = _$log_;
- fs = FnService;
- gs = GlyphService;
- d3Elem = body.append('defs').attr('id', 'myDefs');
- svg = body.append('svg').attr('id', 'mySvg');
- }));
- afterEach(function () {
- gs.clear();
- });
- it('should define GlyphService', function () {
- expect(gs).toBeDefined();
- });
- it('should define api functions', function () {
- expect(fs.areFunctions(gs, [
- 'clear', 'init', 'registerGlyphs', 'registerGlyphSet',
- 'ids', 'glyph', 'loadDefs', 'addGlyph'
- ])).toBe(true);
- });
- it('should start with no glyphs loaded', function () {
- expect(gs.ids()).toEqual([]);
- });
- it('should load the base set of glyphs into the cache', function () {
- gs.init();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- });
- it('should remove glyphs from the cache on clear', function () {
- gs.init();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- gs.clear();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(0);
- });
- function verifyGlyphLoadedInCache(id, vbox, expPfxId) {
- var pfxId = expPfxId || id,
- glyph = gs.glyph(id),
- prefix = prefixLookup[pfxId],
- plen = prefix.length;
- expect(fs.contains(gs.ids(), id)).toBe(true);
- expect(glyph).toBeDefined();
- expect(;
- expect(glyph.vb).toEqual(vbox);
- expect(glyph.d.slice(0, plen)).toEqual(prefix);
- }
- it('should be configured with the correct number of glyphs', function () {
- var nGlyphs = 1 + glyphIds.length + badgeIds.length + spriteIds.length;
- expect(nGlyphs).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- });
- it('should load the bird glyph', function() {
- gs.init();
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('bird', vbBird);
- });
- it('should load the regular glyphs', function () {
- gs.init();
- glyphIds.forEach(function (id) {
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache(id, vbGlyph);
- });
- });
- it('should load the badge glyphs', function () {
- gs.init();
- badgeIds.forEach(function (id) {
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache(id, vbBadge);
- });
- });
- it('should load the sprites', function () {
- gs.init();
- spriteIds.forEach(function (id) {
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache(id, vbGlyph);
- });
- });
- // define some glyphs that we want to install
- var testVbox = '0 0 1 1',
- triVbox = '0 0 12 12',
- diaVbox = '0 0 15 15',
- dTriangle = 'M.5,.2l.3,.6,h-.6z',
- dDiamond = 'M.2,.5l.3,-.3l.3,.3l-.3,.3z',
- newGlyphs = {
- _viewbox: testVbox,
- triangle: dTriangle,
- diamond: dDiamond
- },
- dupGlyphs = {
- _viewbox: testVbox,
- router: dTriangle,
- switch: dDiamond
- },
- altNewGlyphs = {
- _triangle: triVbox,
- triangle: dTriangle,
- _diamond: diaVbox,
- diamond: dDiamond
- },
- altDupGlyphs = {
- _router: triVbox,
- router: dTriangle,
- _switch: diaVbox,
- switch: dDiamond
- },
- badGlyphSet = {
- triangle: dTriangle,
- diamond: dDiamond
- },
- warnMsg = 'GlyphService.registerGlyphs(): ',
- warnMsgSet = 'GlyphService.registerGlyphSet(): ',
- idCollision = warnMsg + 'ID collision: ',
- idCollisionSet = warnMsgSet + 'ID collision: ',
- missVbSet = warnMsgSet + 'no "_viewbox" property found',
- missVbCustom = warnMsg + 'Missing viewbox property: ',
- missVbTri = missVbCustom + '"_triangle"',
- missVbDia = missVbCustom + '"_diamond"';
- it('should install new glyphs as a glyph-set', function () {
- gs.init();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- spyOn($log, 'warn');
- var ok = gs.registerGlyphSet(newGlyphs);
- expect(ok).toBe(true);
- expect($log.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs + 2);
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('triangle', testVbox);
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('diamond', testVbox);
- });
- it('should not overwrite glyphs (via glyph-set) with dup IDs', function () {
- gs.init();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- spyOn($log, 'warn');
- var ok = gs.registerGlyphSet(dupGlyphs);
- expect(ok).toBe(false);
- expect($log.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(idCollisionSet + '"switch"');
- expect($log.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(idCollisionSet + '"router"');
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- // verify original glyphs still exist...
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('router', vbGlyph);
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('switch', vbGlyph);
- });
- it('should replace glyphs (via glyph-set) if asked nicely', function () {
- gs.init();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- spyOn($log, 'warn');
- var ok = gs.registerGlyphSet(dupGlyphs, true);
- expect(ok).toBe(true);
- expect($log.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- // verify glyphs have been overwritten...
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('router', testVbox, 'triangle');
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('switch', testVbox, 'diamond');
- });
- it ('should complain if missing _viewbox in a glyph-set', function () {
- gs.init();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- spyOn($log, 'warn');
- var ok = gs.registerGlyphSet(badGlyphSet);
- expect(ok).toBe(false);
- expect($log.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(missVbSet);
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- });
- it('should install new glyphs', function () {
- gs.init();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- spyOn($log, 'warn');
- var ok = gs.registerGlyphs(altNewGlyphs);
- expect(ok).toBe(true);
- expect($log.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs + 2);
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('triangle', triVbox);
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('diamond', diaVbox);
- });
- it('should not overwrite glyphs with dup IDs', function () {
- gs.init();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- spyOn($log, 'warn');
- var ok = gs.registerGlyphs(altDupGlyphs);
- expect(ok).toBe(false);
- expect($log.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(idCollision + '"switch"');
- expect($log.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(idCollision + '"router"');
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- // verify original glyphs still exist...
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('router', vbGlyph);
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('switch', vbGlyph);
- });
- it('should replace glyphs if asked nicely', function () {
- gs.init();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- spyOn($log, 'warn');
- var ok = gs.registerGlyphs(altDupGlyphs, true);
- expect(ok).toBe(true);
- expect($log.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- // verify glyphs have been overwritten...
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('router', triVbox, 'triangle');
- verifyGlyphLoadedInCache('switch', diaVbox, 'diamond');
- });
- it ('should complain if missing custom viewbox', function () {
- gs.init();
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- spyOn($log, 'warn');
- var ok = gs.registerGlyphs(badGlyphSet);
- expect(ok).toBe(false);
- expect($log.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(missVbTri);
- expect($log.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(missVbDia);
- expect(gs.ids().length).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- });
- function verifyPathPrefix(elem, prefix) {
- var plen = prefix.length,
- d ='path').attr('d');
- expect(d.slice(0, plen)).toEqual(prefix);
- }
- function verifyLoadedInDom(id, vb, expPfxId) {
- var pfxId = expPfxId || id,
- symbol ='#' + id);
- expect(symbol.size()).toEqual(1);
- expect(symbol.attr('viewBox')).toEqual(vb);
- verifyPathPrefix(symbol, prefixLookup[pfxId]);
- }
- it('should load base glyphs into the DOM', function () {
- gs.init();
- gs.loadDefs(d3Elem);
- expect(d3Elem.selectAll('symbol').size()).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs);
- verifyLoadedInDom('bgpSpeaker', vbGlyph);
- });
- it('should load custom glyphs into the DOM', function () {
- gs.init();
- gs.registerGlyphSet(newGlyphs);
- gs.loadDefs(d3Elem);
- expect(d3Elem.selectAll('symbol').size()).toEqual(numBaseGlyphs + 2);
- verifyLoadedInDom('diamond', testVbox);
- });
- it('should load only specified glyphs into the DOM', function () {
- gs.init();
- gs.loadDefs(d3Elem, ['crown', 'chain', 'node']);
- expect(d3Elem.selectAll('symbol').size()).toEqual(3);
- verifyLoadedInDom('crown', vbGlyph);
- verifyLoadedInDom('chain', vbGlyph);
- verifyLoadedInDom('node', vbGlyph);
- });
- it('should add a glyph with default size', function () {
- gs.init();
- var retval = gs.addGlyph(svg, 'crown');
- var what = svg.selectAll('use');
- expect(what.size()).toEqual(1);
- expect(what.attr('width')).toEqual('40');
- expect(what.attr('height')).toEqual('40');
- expect(what.attr('xlink:href')).toEqual('#crown');
- expect(what.classed('glyph')).toBeTruthy();
- expect(what.classed('overlay')).toBeFalsy();
- // check a couple on retval, which should be the same thing..
- expect(retval.attr('xlink:href')).toEqual('#crown');
- expect(retval.classed('glyph')).toBeTruthy();
- });
- it('should add a glyph with given size', function () {
- gs.init();
- gs.addGlyph(svg, 'crown', 37);
- var what = svg.selectAll('use');
- expect(what.size()).toEqual(1);
- expect(what.attr('width')).toEqual('37');
- expect(what.attr('height')).toEqual('37');
- expect(what.attr('xlink:href')).toEqual('#crown');
- expect(what.classed('glyph')).toBeTruthy();
- expect(what.classed('overlay')).toBeFalsy();
- });
- it('should add a glyph marked as overlay', function () {
- gs.init();
- gs.addGlyph(svg, 'crown', 20, true);
- var what = svg.selectAll('use');
- expect(what.size()).toEqual(1);
- expect(what.attr('width')).toEqual('20');
- expect(what.attr('height')).toEqual('20');
- expect(what.attr('xlink:href')).toEqual('#crown');
- expect(what.classed('glyph')).toBeTruthy();
- expect(what.classed('overlay')).toBeTruthy();
- });
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/icon-spec.js b/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/icon-spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 99d7bc38..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/icon-spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- ONOS GUI -- SVG -- Icon Service - Unit Tests
- */
-describe('factory: fw/svg/icon.js', function() {
- var is, d3Elem;
- var viewBox = '0 0 50 50',
- glyphSize = '50',
- iconSize = '20';
- beforeEach(module('onosSvg'));
- beforeEach(inject(function (IconService) {
- is = IconService;
- d3Elem ='body').append('div').attr('id', 'myDiv');
- }));
- afterEach(function () {
- });
- it('should define IconService', function () {
- expect(is).toBeDefined();
- });
- function checkElemSize(elem, dim) {
- expect(elem.attr('width')).toEqual(dim);
- expect(elem.attr('height')).toEqual(dim);
- }
- function verifyIconStructure(iconClass, useHref, iSize, vBox, gSize) {
- var isz = iSize || iconSize,
- vbx = vBox || viewBox,
- gsz = gSize || glyphSize;
- var svg = d3Elem.selectAll('svg');
- expect(svg.size()).toBe(1);
- checkElemSize(svg, isz);
- expect(svg.attr('viewBox')).toEqual(vbx);
- var g = svg.selectAll('g');
- expect(g.size()).toBe(1);
- expect(g.classed('icon')).toBeTruthy();
- expect(g.classed(iconClass)).toBeTruthy();
- var rect ='rect');
- expect(rect.size()).toBe(1);
- checkElemSize(rect, gsz);
- expect(rect.attr('rx')).toEqual('5');
- if (useHref) {
- var use ='use');
- expect(use.classed('glyph')).toBeTruthy();
- expect(use.attr('xlink:href')).toEqual(useHref);
- checkElemSize(use, gsz);
- }
- }
- it('should load an icon into a div', function () {
- expect(d3Elem.html()).toEqual('');
- is.loadIconByClass(d3Elem, 'active');
- verifyIconStructure('active', '#checkMark');
- });
- it('should allow us to specify the icon size', function () {
- expect(d3Elem.html()).toEqual('');
- is.loadIconByClass(d3Elem, 'inactive', 32);
- verifyIconStructure('inactive', '#xMark', '32');
- });
- it('should verify triangleUp icon', function () {
- expect(d3Elem.html()).toEqual('');
- is.loadIconByClass(d3Elem, 'upArrow', 10);
- verifyIconStructure('upArrow', '#triangleUp', '10');
- });
- it('should verify triangleDown icon', function () {
- expect(d3Elem.html()).toEqual('');
- is.loadIconByClass(d3Elem, 'downArrow', 10);
- verifyIconStructure('downArrow', '#triangleDown', '10');
- });
- it('should verify no icon is displayed', function () {
- expect(d3Elem.html()).toEqual('');
- is.loadIconByClass(d3Elem, 'tableColSortNone', 10);
- verifyIconStructure('tableColSortNone', null, '10');
- });
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/map-spec.js b/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/map-spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 27848d1a..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/map-spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- ONOS GUI -- SVG -- Map Service - Unit Tests
- */
-describe('factory: fw/svg/map.js', function() {
- var $log, $httpBackend, fs, ms, d3Elem, promise;
- beforeEach(module('onosUtil', 'onosSvg'));
- beforeEach(inject(function (_$log_, _$httpBackend_, FnService, MapService) {
- $log = _$log_;
- $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
- fs = FnService;
- ms = MapService;
- //ms.clearCache();
- d3Elem ='body').append('svg').append('g').attr('id', 'mapLayer');
- }));
- afterEach(function () {
- });
- it('should define MapService', function () {
- expect(ms).toBeDefined();
- });
- it('should define api functions', function () {
- expect(fs.areFunctions(ms, [
- 'loadMapInto'
- ])).toBeTruthy();
- });
- var fakeMapId = '../tests/app/fw/svg/fake-map-data',
- fakeMapUrl = fakeMapId + '.json';
- var fakeMapData = {
- "type": "Topology",
- "objects": {
- "states": {
- "type": "GeometryCollection",
- "geometries": [
- { "type": "Polygon", "arcs": [[0, 1]]},
- { "type": "Polygon", "arcs": [[2, 3]]}
- ]
- }
- },
- "arcs": [
- [ [6347, 2300], [ -16, -9], [ -22, 1], [ -5, 3], [ 9, 6], [ 27, 7], [ 7, -8]],
- [ [6447, 2350], [ -4, -4], [ -19, -41], [ -66, -14], [ 4, 9], [ 14, 2]],
- [ [6290, 2347], [ -2, 83], [ -2, 76], [ -2, 75], [ -2, 76], [ -2, 76], [ -2, 75]],
- [ [6329, 4211], [ -3, 6], [ -2, 4], [ 2, 1], [ 28, -1], [ 28, 0]]
- ],
- "transform": {
- "scale": [0.005772872856602365, 0.0024829805705001468],
- "translate": [-124.70997774915153, 24.542349340056283]
- }
- };
- it('should load map into layer', function () {
- $httpBackend.expectGET(fakeMapUrl).respond(fakeMapData);
- var obj = ms.loadMapInto(d3Elem, fakeMapId);
- //$httpBackend.flush();
- // TODO: figure out how to test this function as a black box test.
- expect(obj).toBeTruthy();
- // todo: assert that paths are added to map layer element
- });
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/svgUtil-spec.js b/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/svgUtil-spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ab2bfa3e..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/svgUtil-spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- ONOS GUI -- SVG -- SVG Util Service - Unit Tests
- */
-describe('factory: fw/svg/svgUtil.js', function() {
- var $log, fs, sus, svg, defs, force;
- var noop = function () {};
- beforeEach(module('onosUtil', 'onosSvg'));
- beforeEach(inject(function (_$log_, FnService, SvgUtilService) {
- $log = _$log_;
- fs = FnService;
- sus = SvgUtilService;
- svg ='body').append('svg').attr('id', 'mySvg');
- defs = svg.append('defs');
- force = d3.layout.force();
- }));
- afterEach(function () {
- });
- it('should define SvgUtilService', function () {
- expect(sus).toBeDefined();
- });
- it('should define api functions', function () {
- expect(fs.areFunctions(sus, [
- 'createDragBehavior', 'loadGlowDefs', 'cat7',
- 'translate', 'scale', 'skewX', 'rotate',
- 'stripPx', 'safeId', 'visible'
- ])).toBeTruthy();
- });
- // === createDragBehavior
- // TODO: break up drag into separate functions for testing
- // d3 needs better testing support...
- // Note: just checking to see if error message was called
- // because jasmine spy isn't catching the right newline char
- it('should complain if function given no parameters', function () {
- spyOn($log, 'error');
- expect(sus.createDragBehavior()).toBeNull();
- expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it('should complain if function is not given clickEnabled', function () {
- spyOn($log, 'error');
- expect(sus.createDragBehavior(force, noop, noop, noop)).toBeNull();
- expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it('should complain if function is not given dragEnabled', function () {
- spyOn($log, 'error');
- expect(sus.createDragBehavior(force, noop, noop)).toBeNull();
- expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it('should complain if function is not given atDragEnd', function () {
- spyOn($log, 'error');
- expect(sus.createDragBehavior(force, noop)).toBeNull();
- expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it('should complain if function is not given selectCb', function () {
- spyOn($log, 'error');
- expect(sus.createDragBehavior(force)).toBeNull();
- expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- // === loadGlowDefs
- function checkAttrs(glow, r, g, b) {
- var filterEffects, feColor, feBlur, feMerge, feMergeNodes;
- // filter attrs
- expect(glow.attr('x')).toBe('-50%');
- expect(glow.attr('y')).toBe('-50%');
- expect(glow.attr('width')).toBe('200%');
- expect(glow.attr('height')).toBe('200%');
- filterEffects = d3.selectAll(glow.node().childNodes);
- expect(filterEffects.size()).toBe(3);
- // Note: d3 didn't recognize 'feColorMatrix' and others as valid selectors
- // this is a work around
- feColor =[0].shift());
- feBlur =[0].shift());
- feMerge =[0].shift());
- // feColorMatrix attrs
- expect(feColor.empty()).toBe(false);
- expect(feColor.attr('type')).toBe('matrix');
- expect(feColor.attr('values')).toBe(
- '0 0 0 0 ' + r + ' ' +
- '0 0 0 0 ' + g + ' ' +
- '0 0 0 0 ' + b + ' ' +
- '0 0 0 1 0 '
- );
- // feGuassianBlur attrs
- expect(feBlur.empty()).toBe(false);
- expect(feBlur.attr('stdDeviation')).toBe('3');
- expect(feBlur.attr('result')).toBe('coloredBlur');
- // feMerge attrs
- feMergeNodes = d3.selectAll(feMerge.node().childNodes);
- expect(feMergeNodes.size()).toBe(2);
- expect([0][0]).attr('in')).toBe('coloredBlur');
- expect([0][1]).attr('in')).toBe('SourceGraphic');
- }
- it('should load glow definitions', function () {
- var blue, yellow;
- sus.loadGlowDefs(defs);
- expect(defs.empty()).toBe(false);
- expect((defs.selectAll('filter')).size()).toBe(2);
- // blue-glow specific
- blue ='#blue-glow');
- expect(blue.empty()).toBe(false);
- checkAttrs(blue, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7);
- // yellow-glow specific
- yellow ='#yellow-glow');
- expect(yellow.empty()).toBe(false);
- checkAttrs(yellow, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3);
- });
- // === cat7
- it('should define two methods on the api', function () {
- var cat7 = sus.cat7();
- expect(fs.areFunctions(cat7, [
- 'testCard', 'getColor'
- ])).toBeTruthy();
- });
- it('should provide a certain shade of blue', function () {
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('foo', false, 'light')).toEqual('#3E5780');
- });
- it('should not matter what the ID really is for shade of blue', function () {
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('bar', false, 'light')).toEqual('#3E5780');
- });
- it('should provide different shade of blue for muted', function () {
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('foo', true, 'light')).toEqual('#A8B8CC');
- });
- it('should provide an alternate (dark) shade of blue', function () {
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('foo', false, 'dark')).toEqual('#304860');
- });
- it('should provide an alternate (dark) shade of blue for muted', function () {
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('foo', true, 'dark')).toEqual('#304860');
- });
- it('should iterate across the colors', function () {
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('foo', false, 'light')).toEqual('#3E5780');
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('bar', false, 'light')).toEqual('#78533B');
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('baz', false, 'light')).toEqual('#CB4D28');
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('goo', false, 'light')).toEqual('#018D61');
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('zoo', false, 'light')).toEqual('#8A2979');
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('pip', false, 'light')).toEqual('#006D73');
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('sdh', false, 'light')).toEqual('#56AF00');
- // and cycle back to the first color for item #8
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('bri', false, 'light')).toEqual('#3E5780');
- // and return the same color for the same ID
- expect(sus.cat7().getColor('zoo', false, 'light')).toEqual('#8A2979');
- });
- // === translate(), scale(), skewX(), rotate()
- it('should translate from two args', function () {
- expect(sus.translate(1,2)).toEqual('translate(1,2)');
- });
- it('should translate from an array', function () {
- expect(sus.translate([3,4])).toEqual('translate(3,4)');
- });
- it('should scale', function () {
- expect(sus.scale(1.5,2.5)).toEqual('scale(1.5,2.5)');
- });
- it('should skewX', function () {
- expect(sus.skewX(3.14)).toEqual('skewX(3.14)');
- });
- it('should rotate', function () {
- expect(sus.rotate(45)).toEqual('rotate(45)');
- });
- // === stripPx()
- it('should not affect a number', function () {
- expect(sus.stripPx('4')).toEqual('4');
- });
- it('should remove trailing px', function () {
- expect(sus.stripPx('4px')).toEqual('4');
- });
- // === visible()
- it('should hide and show an element', function () {
- var r = svg.append('rect');
- sus.visible(r, false);
- expect('visibility')).toEqual('hidden');
- expect(sus.visible(r)).toBe(false);
- sus.visible(r, true);
- expect('visibility')).toEqual('visible');
- expect(sus.visible(r)).toBe(true);
- });
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/zoom-spec.js b/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/zoom-spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d70c87fb..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/tests/app/fw/svg/zoom-spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- ONOS GUI -- SVG -- Zoom Service - Unit Tests
- */
-describe('factory: fw/svg/zoom.js', function() {
- var $log, fs, zs, svg, zoomLayer, zoomer;
- var cz = 'ZoomService.createZoomer(): ',
- d3s = ' (D3 selection) property defined';
- beforeEach(module('onosUtil', 'onosSvg'));
- beforeEach(inject(function (_$log_, FnService, ZoomService) {
- $log = _$log_;
- fs = FnService;
- zs = ZoomService;
- svg ='body').append('svg').attr('id', 'mySvg');
- zoomLayer = svg.append('g').attr('id', 'myZoomlayer');
- }));
- afterEach(function () {
- // Note: since zoomLayer is a child of svg, it should be removed also
- });
- it('should define ZoomService', function () {
- expect(zs).toBeDefined();
- });
- it('should define api functions', function () {
- expect(fs.areFunctions(zs, ['createZoomer'])).toBeTruthy();
- });
- function verifyZoomerApi() {
- expect(fs.areFunctions(zoomer, [
- 'panZoom', 'reset', 'translate', 'scale', 'scaleExtent'
- ])).toBeTruthy();
- }
- it('should fail gracefully with no option object', function () {
- spyOn($log, 'error');
- zoomer = zs.createZoomer();
- expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(cz + 'No "svg" (svg tag)' + d3s);
- expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(cz + 'No "zoomLayer" (g tag)' + d3s);
- expect(zoomer).toBeNull();
- });
- it('should complain if we miss required options', function () {
- spyOn($log, 'error');
- zoomer = zs.createZoomer({});
- expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(cz + 'No "svg" (svg tag)' + d3s);
- expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(cz + 'No "zoomLayer" (g tag)' + d3s);
- expect(zoomer).toBeNull();
- });
- it('should work with minimal parameters', function () {
- spyOn($log, 'error');
- zoomer = zs.createZoomer({
- svg: svg,
- zoomLayer: zoomLayer
- });
- expect($log.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- verifyZoomerApi();
- });
- it('should start at scale 1 and translate 0,0', function () {
- zoomer = zs.createZoomer({
- svg: svg,
- zoomLayer: zoomLayer
- });
- verifyZoomerApi();
- expect(zoomer.translate()).toEqual([0,0]);
- expect(zoomer.scale()).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('should allow programmatic pan/zoom', function () {
- zoomer = zs.createZoomer({
- svg: svg,
- zoomLayer: zoomLayer
- });
- verifyZoomerApi();
- expect(zoomer.translate()).toEqual([0,0]);
- expect(zoomer.scale()).toEqual(1);
- zoomer.panZoom([20,30], 3);
- expect(zoomer.translate()).toEqual([20,30]);
- expect(zoomer.scale()).toEqual(3);
- });
- it('should provide default scale extent', function () {
- zoomer = zs.createZoomer({
- svg: svg,
- zoomLayer: zoomLayer
- });
- expect(zoomer.scaleExtent()).toEqual([0.25, 10]);
- });
- it('should allow us to override the minimum zoom', function () {
- zoomer = zs.createZoomer({
- svg: svg,
- zoomLayer: zoomLayer,
- zoomMin: 1.23
- });
- expect(zoomer.scaleExtent()).toEqual([1.23, 10]);
- });
- it('should allow us to override the maximum zoom', function () {
- zoomer = zs.createZoomer({
- svg: svg,
- zoomLayer: zoomLayer,
- zoomMax: 13
- });
- expect(zoomer.scaleExtent()).toEqual([0.25, 13]);
- });
- // TODO: test zoomed() where we fake out the d3.event.sourceEvent etc...
- // need to check default enabled (true) and custom enabled predicate
- // need to check that the callback is invoked also
- it('should invoke the callback on programmatic pan/zoom', function () {
- var foo = { cb: function () {} };
- spyOn(foo, 'cb');
- zoomer = zs.createZoomer({
- svg: svg,
- zoomLayer: zoomLayer,
- zoomCallback: foo.cb
- });
- zoomer.panZoom([0,0], 2);
- expect(foo.cb).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });