path: root/framework/src/ant/apache-ant-1.9.6/src/main/org/apache/tools/mail/MailMessage.java
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authorAshlee Young <ashlee@onosfw.com>2015-10-23 10:00:02 -0700
committerAshlee Young <ashlee@onosfw.com>2015-10-23 10:00:02 -0700
commit753a6c60f47f3ac4f270005b65e9d6481de8eb68 (patch)
tree3d0a1ae3b4d994550f6614b417b991eee3eb8911 /framework/src/ant/apache-ant-1.9.6/src/main/org/apache/tools/mail/MailMessage.java
parentc62d20eb3b4620c06d833be06f50b2600d96dd42 (diff)
Adding maven and ant source trees
Change-Id: I0a39b9add833a31b9c3f98d193983ae2f3a5a445 Signed-off-by: Ashlee Young <ashlee@onosfw.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/src/ant/apache-ant-1.9.6/src/main/org/apache/tools/mail/MailMessage.java')
1 files changed, 526 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/framework/src/ant/apache-ant-1.9.6/src/main/org/apache/tools/mail/MailMessage.java b/framework/src/ant/apache-ant-1.9.6/src/main/org/apache/tools/mail/MailMessage.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4173a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/src/ant/apache-ant-1.9.6/src/main/org/apache/tools/mail/MailMessage.java
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * The original version of this class was donated by Jason Hunter,
+ * who wrote the class as part of the com.oreilly.servlet
+ * package for his book "Java Servlet Programming" (O'Reilly).
+ * See http://www.servlets.com.
+ *
+ */
+package org.apache.tools.mail;
+import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.io.PrintStream;
+import java.net.InetAddress;
+import java.net.Socket;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.Vector;
+ * A class to help send SMTP email.
+ * This class is an improvement on the sun.net.smtp.SmtpClient class
+ * found in the JDK. This version has extra functionality, and can be used
+ * with JVMs that did not extend from the JDK. It's not as robust as
+ * the JavaMail Standard Extension classes, but it's easier to use and
+ * easier to install, and has an Open Source license.
+ * <p>
+ * It can be used like this:
+ * <blockquote><pre>
+ * String mailhost = "localhost"; // or another mail host
+ * String from = "Mail Message Servlet &lt;MailMessage@server.com&gt;";
+ * String to = "to@you.com";
+ * String cc1 = "cc1@you.com";
+ * String cc2 = "cc2@you.com";
+ * String bcc = "bcc@you.com";
+ * &nbsp;
+ * MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(mailhost);
+ * msg.setPort(25);
+ * msg.from(from);
+ * msg.to(to);
+ * msg.cc(cc1);
+ * msg.cc(cc2);
+ * msg.bcc(bcc);
+ * msg.setSubject("Test subject");
+ * PrintStream out = msg.getPrintStream();
+ * &nbsp;
+ * Enumeration enum = req.getParameterNames();
+ * while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
+ * String name = (String)enum.nextElement();
+ * String value = req.getParameter(name);
+ * out.println(name + " = " + value);
+ * }
+ * &nbsp;
+ * msg.sendAndClose();
+ * </pre></blockquote>
+ * <p>
+ * Be sure to set the from address, then set the recipient
+ * addresses, then set the subject and other headers, then get the
+ * PrintStream, then write the message, and finally send and close.
+ * The class does minimal error checking internally; it counts on the mail
+ * host to complain if there's any malformatted input or out of order
+ * execution.
+ * <p>
+ * An attachment mechanism based on RFC 1521 could be implemented on top of
+ * this class. In the meanwhile, JavaMail is the best solution for sending
+ * email with attachments.
+ * <p>
+ * Still to do:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Figure out how to close the connection in case of error
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @version 1.1, 2000/03/19, added angle brackets to address, helps some servers
+ * version 1.0, 1999/12/29
+ */
+public class MailMessage {
+ /** default mailhost */
+ public static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost";
+ /** default port for SMTP: 25 */
+ public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 25;
+ /** host name for the mail server */
+ private String host;
+ /** host port for the mail server */
+ private int port = DEFAULT_PORT;
+ /** sender email address */
+ private String from;
+ /** list of email addresses to reply to */
+ private Vector replyto;
+ /** list of email addresses to send to */
+ private Vector to;
+ /** list of email addresses to cc to */
+ private Vector cc;
+ /** headers to send in the mail */
+ private Vector headersKeys;
+ private Vector headersValues;
+ private MailPrintStream out;
+ private SmtpResponseReader in;
+ private Socket socket;
+ private static final int OK_READY = 220;
+ private static final int OK_HELO = 250;
+ private static final int OK_FROM = 250;
+ private static final int OK_RCPT_1 = 250;
+ private static final int OK_RCPT_2 = 251;
+ private static final int OK_DATA = 354;
+ private static final int OK_DOT = 250;
+ private static final int OK_QUIT = 221;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new MailMessage to send an email.
+ * Use localhost as the mail server with port 25.
+ *
+ * @exception IOException if there's any problem contacting the mail server
+ */
+ public MailMessage() throws IOException {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new MailMessage to send an email.
+ * Use the given host as the mail server with port 25.
+ *
+ * @param host the mail server to use
+ * @exception IOException if there's any problem contacting the mail server
+ */
+ public MailMessage(String host) throws IOException {
+ this(host, DEFAULT_PORT);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new MailMessage to send an email.
+ * Use the given host and port as the mail server.
+ *
+ * @param host the mail server to use
+ * @param port the port to connect to
+ * @exception IOException if there's any problem contacting the mail server
+ */
+ public MailMessage(String host, int port) throws IOException {
+ this.port = port;
+ this.host = host;
+ replyto = new Vector();
+ to = new Vector();
+ cc = new Vector();
+ headersKeys = new Vector();
+ headersValues = new Vector();
+ connect();
+ sendHelo();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the port to connect to the SMTP host.
+ * @param port the port to use for connection.
+ * @see #DEFAULT_PORT
+ */
+ public void setPort(int port) {
+ this.port = port;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the from address. Also sets the "From" header. This method should
+ * be called only once.
+ * @param from the from address
+ * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
+ */
+ public void from(String from) throws IOException {
+ sendFrom(from);
+ this.from = from;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the replyto address
+ * This method may be
+ * called multiple times.
+ * @param rto the replyto address
+ *
+ */
+ public void replyto(String rto) {
+ this.replyto.addElement(rto);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the to address. Also sets the "To" header. This method may be
+ * called multiple times.
+ *
+ * @param to the to address
+ * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
+ */
+ public void to(String to) throws IOException {
+ sendRcpt(to);
+ this.to.addElement(to);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the cc address. Also sets the "Cc" header. This method may be
+ * called multiple times.
+ *
+ * @param cc the cc address
+ * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
+ */
+ public void cc(String cc) throws IOException {
+ sendRcpt(cc);
+ this.cc.addElement(cc);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the bcc address. Does NOT set any header since it's a *blind* copy.
+ * This method may be called multiple times.
+ *
+ * @param bcc the bcc address
+ * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
+ */
+ public void bcc(String bcc) throws IOException {
+ sendRcpt(bcc);
+ // No need to keep track of Bcc'd addresses
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the subject of the mail message. Actually sets the "Subject"
+ * header.
+ * @param subj the subject of the mail message
+ */
+ public void setSubject(String subj) {
+ setHeader("Subject", subj);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the named header to the given value. RFC 822 provides the rules for
+ * what text may constitute a header name and value.
+ * @param name name of the header
+ * @param value contents of the header
+ */
+ public void setHeader(String name, String value) {
+ // Blindly trust the user doesn't set any invalid headers
+ headersKeys.add(name);
+ headersValues.add(value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a PrintStream that can be used to write the body of the message.
+ * A stream is used since email bodies are byte-oriented. A writer can
+ * be wrapped on top if necessary for internationalization.
+ * This is actually done in Message.java
+ *
+ * @return a printstream containing the data and the headers of the email
+ * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
+ * @see org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.email.Message
+ */
+ public PrintStream getPrintStream() throws IOException {
+ setFromHeader();
+ setReplyToHeader();
+ setToHeader();
+ setCcHeader();
+ setHeader("X-Mailer", "org.apache.tools.mail.MailMessage (ant.apache.org)");
+ sendData();
+ flushHeaders();
+ return out;
+ }
+ // RFC 822 s4.1: "From:" header must be sent
+ // We rely on error checking by the MTA
+ void setFromHeader() {
+ setHeader("From", from);
+ }
+ // RFC 822 s4.1: "Reply-To:" header is optional
+ void setReplyToHeader() {
+ if (!replyto.isEmpty()) {
+ setHeader("Reply-To", vectorToList(replyto));
+ }
+ }
+ void setToHeader() {
+ if (!to.isEmpty()) {
+ setHeader("To", vectorToList(to));
+ }
+ }
+ void setCcHeader() {
+ if (!cc.isEmpty()) {
+ setHeader("Cc", vectorToList(cc));
+ }
+ }
+ String vectorToList(Vector v) {
+ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+ Enumeration e = v.elements();
+ while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
+ buf.append(e.nextElement());
+ if (e.hasMoreElements()) {
+ buf.append(", ");
+ }
+ }
+ return buf.toString();
+ }
+ void flushHeaders() throws IOException {
+ // RFC 822 s4.1:
+ // "Header fields are NOT required to occur in any particular order,
+ // except that the message body MUST occur AFTER the headers"
+ // (the same section specifies a recommended order, which we ignore)
+ final int size = headersKeys.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ String name = (String) headersKeys.elementAt(i);
+ String value = (String) headersValues.elementAt(i);
+ out.println(name + ": " + value);
+ }
+ out.println();
+ out.flush();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends the message and closes the connection to the server.
+ * The MailMessage object cannot be reused.
+ *
+ * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
+ */
+ public void sendAndClose() throws IOException {
+ try {
+ sendDot();
+ sendQuit();
+ } finally {
+ disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ // Make a limited attempt to extract a sanitized email address
+ // Prefer text in <brackets>, ignore anything in (parentheses)
+ static String sanitizeAddress(String s) {
+ int paramDepth = 0;
+ int start = 0;
+ int end = 0;
+ int len = s.length();
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ char c = s.charAt(i);
+ if (c == '(') {
+ paramDepth++;
+ if (start == 0) {
+ end = i; // support "address (name)"
+ }
+ } else if (c == ')') {
+ paramDepth--;
+ if (end == 0) {
+ start = i + 1; // support "(name) address"
+ }
+ } else if (paramDepth == 0 && c == '<') {
+ start = i + 1;
+ } else if (paramDepth == 0 && c == '>') {
+ end = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (end == 0) {
+ end = len;
+ }
+ return s.substring(start, end);
+ }
+ // * * * * * Raw protocol methods below here * * * * *
+ void connect() throws IOException {
+ socket = new Socket(host, port);
+ out = new MailPrintStream(
+ new BufferedOutputStream(
+ socket.getOutputStream()));
+ in = new SmtpResponseReader(socket.getInputStream());
+ getReady();
+ }
+ void getReady() throws IOException {
+ String response = in.getResponse();
+ int[] ok = {OK_READY};
+ if (!isResponseOK(response, ok)) {
+ throw new IOException(
+ "Didn't get introduction from server: " + response);
+ }
+ }
+ void sendHelo() throws IOException {
+ String local = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
+ int[] ok = {OK_HELO};
+ send("HELO " + local, ok);
+ }
+ void sendFrom(String from) throws IOException {
+ int[] ok = {OK_FROM};
+ send("MAIL FROM: " + "<" + sanitizeAddress(from) + ">", ok);
+ }
+ void sendRcpt(String rcpt) throws IOException {
+ int[] ok = {OK_RCPT_1, OK_RCPT_2};
+ send("RCPT TO: " + "<" + sanitizeAddress(rcpt) + ">", ok);
+ }
+ void sendData() throws IOException {
+ int[] ok = {OK_DATA};
+ send("DATA", ok);
+ }
+ void sendDot() throws IOException {
+ int[] ok = {OK_DOT};
+ send("\r\n.", ok); // make sure dot is on new line
+ }
+ void sendQuit() throws IOException {
+ int[] ok = {OK_QUIT};
+ try {
+ send("QUIT", ok);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new ErrorInQuitException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ void send(String msg, int[] ok) throws IOException {
+ out.rawPrint(msg + "\r\n"); // raw supports <CRLF>.<CRLF>
+ String response = in.getResponse();
+ if (!isResponseOK(response, ok)) {
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected reply to command: "
+ + msg + ": " + response);
+ }
+ }
+ boolean isResponseOK(String response, int[] ok) {
+ // Check that the response is one of the valid codes
+ for (int i = 0; i < ok.length; i++) {
+ if (response.startsWith("" + ok[i])) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void disconnect() throws IOException {
+ if (out != null) {
+ out.close();
+ }
+ if (in != null) {
+ try {
+ in.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ }
+ if (socket != null) {
+ try {
+ socket.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * This PrintStream subclass makes sure that <CRLF>. becomes <CRLF>..
+ * per RFC 821. It also ensures that new lines are always \r\n.
+class MailPrintStream extends PrintStream {
+ private int lastChar;
+ public MailPrintStream(OutputStream out) {
+ super(out, true); // deprecated, but email is byte-oriented
+ }
+ // Mac does \n\r, but that's tough to distinguish from Windows \r\n\r\n.
+ // Don't tackle that problem right now.
+ public void write(int b) {
+ if (b == '\n' && lastChar != '\r') {
+ rawWrite('\r'); // ensure always \r\n
+ rawWrite(b);
+ } else if (b == '.' && lastChar == '\n') {
+ rawWrite('.'); // add extra dot
+ rawWrite(b);
+ } else {
+ rawWrite(b);
+ }
+ lastChar = b;
+ }
+ public void write(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ write(buf[off + i]);
+ }
+ }
+ void rawWrite(int b) {
+ super.write(b);
+ }
+ void rawPrint(String s) {
+ int len = s.length();
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ rawWrite(s.charAt(i));
+ }
+ }