path: root/tox.ini
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-10-25Local Documentation BuildsAric Gardner1-4/+12
2018-04-09[NFVBENCH-83] Add option to display status and to cleanupahothan1-1/+1
2017-12-21[NFVBENCH-59] Add Unit Testing of the NDR/PDR convergence algorithm using the...ahothan1-1/+1
2017-10-16NFVBENCH-40 Add pylint to toxKerim Gokarslan1-1/+4
2017-09-19NFVBENCH-28 Set result values for NDR/PDR if they cannot be found within the ...Kerim Gokarslan1-2/+2
2017-09-16Run tox at top levelahothan1-1/+0
2017-07-31Initial code drop from Cisco1.0.0ahothan1-0/+43
157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250
# Copyright (c) 2017 Tim Rozet ( and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

# Common building utilities for undercloud and overcloud

import datetime
import git
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import urllib.parse

import as oc_builder
from apex import build_utils
from import exceptions as exc
from apex.common import constants as con
from apex.common import utils
from apex.virtual import utils as virt_utils

def project_to_path(project):
    Translates project to absolute file path to use in patching
    :param project: name of project
    :return: File path
    if project.startswith('openstack/'):
        project = os.path.basename(project)
    if 'puppet' in project:
        return "/etc/puppet/modules/{}".format(project.replace('puppet-', ''))
    elif 'tripleo-heat-templates' in project:
        return "/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates"
        # assume python.  python patches will apply to a project name subdir.
        # For example, python-tripleoclient patch will apply to the
        # tripleoclient directory, which is the directory extracted during
        # python install into the PYTHONPATH.  Therefore we need to just be
        # in the PYTHONPATH directory to apply a patch
        return "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/"

def project_to_docker_image(project):
    Translates OpenStack project to OOO services that are containerized
    :param project: name of OpenStack project
    :return: List of OOO docker service names
    # Fetch all docker containers in docker hub with tripleo and filter
    # based on project

    hub_output = utils.open_webpage(
        urllib.parse.urljoin(con.DOCKERHUB_OOO, '?page_size=1024'), timeout=10)
        results = json.loads(hub_output.decode())['results']
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error("Unable to parse docker hub output for"
                      "tripleoupstream repository")
        logging.debug("HTTP response from dockerhub:\n{}".format(hub_output))
        raise exc.ApexCommonBuilderException(
            "Failed to parse docker image info from Docker Hub: {}".format(e))
    logging.debug("Docker Hub tripleoupstream entities found: {}".format(
    docker_images = list()
    for result in results:
        if result['name'].startswith("centos-binary-{}".format(project)):
            # add as docker image shortname (just service name)
            docker_images.append(result['name'].replace('centos-binary-', ''))

    return docker_images

def is_patch_promoted(change, branch, docker_image=None):
    Checks to see if a patch that is in merged exists in either the docker
    container or the promoted tripleo images
    :param change: gerrit change json output
    :param branch: branch to use when polling artifacts (does not include
    stable prefix)
    :param docker_image: container this applies to if (defaults to None)
    :return: True if the patch exists in a promoted artifact upstream
    assert isinstance(change, dict)
    assert 'status' in change

    # if not merged we already know this is not closed/abandoned, so we know
    # this is not promoted
    if change['status'] != 'MERGED':
        return False
    assert 'submitted' in change
    # drop microseconds cause who cares
    stime = re.sub('\..*$', '', change['submitted'])
    submitted_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(stime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    # Patch applies to overcloud/undercloud
    if docker_image is None:
        oc_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(
            con.UPSTREAM_RDO.replace('master', branch), 'overcloud-full.tar')
        oc_mtime = utils.get_url_modified_date(oc_url)
        if oc_mtime > submitted_date:
            logging.debug("oc image was last modified at {}, which is"
                          "newer than merge date: {}".format(oc_mtime,
            return True
        # must be a docker patch, check docker tag modified time
        docker_url = con.DOCKERHUB_OOO.replace('tripleomaster',
        url_path = "{}/tags/{}".format(docker_image, con.DOCKER_TAG)
        docker_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(docker_url, url_path)
        logging.debug("docker url is: {}".format(docker_url))
        docker_output = utils.open_webpage(docker_url, 10)
        logging.debug('Docker web output: {}'.format(docker_output))
        hub_mtime = json.loads(docker_output.decode())['last_updated']
        hub_mtime = re.sub('\..*$', '', hub_mtime)
        # docker modified time is in this format '2018-06-11T15:23:55.135744Z'
        # and we drop microseconds
        hub_dtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(hub_mtime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
        if hub_dtime > submitted_date:
            logging.debug("docker image: {} was last modified at {}, which is"
                          "newer than merge date: {}".format(docker_image,
            return True
    return False

def add_upstream_patches(patches, image, tmp_dir,
                         uc_ip=None, docker_tag=None):
    Adds patches from upstream OpenStack gerrit to Undercloud for deployment
    :param patches: list of patches
    :param image: undercloud image
    :param tmp_dir: to store temporary patch files
    :param default_branch: default branch to fetch commit (if not specified
    in patch)
    :param uc_ip: undercloud IP (required only for docker patches)
    :param docker_tag: Docker Tag (required only for docker patches)
    :return: Set of docker services patched (if applicable)
    virt_ops = [{con.VIRT_INSTALL: 'patch'}]
    logging.debug("Evaluating upstream patches:\n{}".format(patches))
    docker_services = set()
    for patch in patches:
        assert isinstance(patch, dict)
        assert all(i in patch.keys() for i in ['project', 'change-id'])
        if 'branch' in patch.keys():
            branch = patch['branch']
            branch = default_branch
        patch_diff = build_utils.get_patch(patch['change-id'],
                                           patch['project'], branch)
        project_path = project_to_path(patch['project'])
        # If docker tag and python we know this patch belongs on docker
        # container for a docker service. Therefore we build the dockerfile
        # and move the patch into the containers directory.  We also assume
        # this builder call is for overcloud, because we do not support
        # undercloud containers
        if docker_tag and 'python' in project_path:
            # Projects map to multiple THT services, need to check which
            # are supported
            ooo_docker_services = project_to_docker_image(patch['project'])
            docker_img = ooo_docker_services[0]
            ooo_docker_services = []
            docker_img = None
        change = build_utils.get_change(con.OPENSTACK_GERRIT,
                                        patch['project'], branch,
        patch_promoted = is_patch_promoted(change,
                                           branch.replace('/stable', ''),

        if patch_diff and not patch_promoted:
            patch_file = "{}.patch".format(patch['change-id'])
            # If we found services, then we treat the patch like it applies to
            # docker only
            if ooo_docker_services:
                os_version = default_branch.replace('stable/', '')
                for service in ooo_docker_services:
                    docker_services = docker_services.union({service})
                    docker_cmds = [
                        "WORKDIR {}".format(project_path),
                        "ADD {} {}".format(patch_file, project_path),
                        "RUN patch -p1 < {}".format(patch_file)
                    src_img_uri = "{}:8787/tripleo{}/centos-binary-{}:" \
                                  "{}".format(uc_ip, os_version, service,
                    oc_builder.build_dockerfile(service, tmp_dir, docker_cmds,
                patch_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'containers',
                patch_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, patch_file)
                    {con.VIRT_UPLOAD: "{}:{}".format(patch_file_path,
                    {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "cd {} && patch -p1 < {}".format(
                        project_path, patch_file)}])
      "Adding patch {} to {}".format(patch_file,
            with open(patch_file_path, 'w') as fh:
  "Ignoring patch:\n{}".format(patch))
    if len(virt_ops) > 1:
        virt_utils.virt_customize(virt_ops, image)
    return docker_services

def add_repo(repo_url, repo_name, image, tmp_dir):
    assert repo_name is not None
    assert repo_url is not None
    repo_file = "{}.repo".format(repo_name)
    repo_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, repo_file)
    content = [
    logging.debug("Creating repo file {}".format(repo_name))
    with open(repo_file_path, 'w') as fh:
        fh.writelines("{}\n".format(line) for line in content)
    logging.debug("Adding repo {} to {}".format(repo_file, image))
        {con.VIRT_UPLOAD: "{}:/etc/yum.repos.d/".format(repo_file_path)}],

def create_git_archive(repo_url, repo_name, tmp_dir,
                       branch='master', prefix=''):
    repo = git.Repo.clone_from(repo_url, os.path.join(tmp_dir, repo_name))
    repo_git = repo.git
    if branch != str(repo.active_branch):
    archive_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "{}.tar".format(repo_name))
    with open(archive_path, 'wb') as fh:
        repo.archive(fh, prefix=prefix)
    logging.debug("Wrote archive file: {}".format(archive_path))
    return archive_path