path: root/docs/requirements/use_cases/l3vpn_hub_and_spoke.rst
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authorGeorg Kunz <>2016-10-31 22:24:52 +0100
committerGeorg Kunz <>2016-11-05 09:01:12 +0000
commit12542964182af4da4daeb58219377a5d1f697ecf (patch)
treebb08b395e1339a5f4b3c794019413e321bd4b0f1 /docs/requirements/use_cases/l3vpn_hub_and_spoke.rst
parentf29faf9e0f22dccfe0e4ad32ccff733341d43e4d (diff)
Formatting changes and fixing of build warnings
Applying a different sphinx rendering theme to make the document more readable (in my opinion). The Sphinx config file is based on the config file of the Copper project. Moreover, this change fixes a few build-time warnings. Change-Id: I78f5268436edcfa8c71b8e85a99c7caa54a0e099 Signed-off-by: Georg Kunz <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/requirements/use_cases/l3vpn_hub_and_spoke.rst')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/docs/requirements/use_cases/l3vpn_hub_and_spoke.rst b/docs/requirements/use_cases/l3vpn_hub_and_spoke.rst
index ca58f67..e98bd25 100644
--- a/docs/requirements/use_cases/l3vpn_hub_and_spoke.rst
+++ b/docs/requirements/use_cases/l3vpn_hub_and_spoke.rst
@@ -108,20 +108,24 @@ by creating a dedicated Neutron network with two subnets for each VRF in the
Hub-and-Spoke topology.
1. Create Neutron network "hub"
``neutron net-create --tenant-id Blue hub``
2. Create a separate Neutron network for every "spoke"
``neutron net-create --tenant-id Blue spoke-i``
3. For every network (hub and spokes), create two subnets
``neutron subnet-create <hub/spoke-i UUID> --tenant-id Blue``
``neutron subnet-create <hub/spoke-i UUID> --tenant-id Blue``
4. Create the Neutron ports in the corresponding networks
``neutron port-create --tenant-id Blue --name vFW(H) --fixed-ip subnet_id=<hub UUID>,ip_address=``
``neutron port-create --tenant-id Blue --name VNF1(S) --fixed-ip subnet_id=<spoke-i UUID>,ip_address=``
@@ -133,19 +137,23 @@ Hub-and-Spoke topology.
5. Create a BGPVPN object (VRF) for the hub network with the corresponding import
and export targets
``neutron bgpvpn-create --name hub-vrf --import-targets <RT-hub RT-spoke> --export-targets <RT-hub>``
6. Create a BGPVPN object (VRF) for every spoke network with the corresponding import
and export targets
``neutron bgpvpn-create --name spoke-i-vrf --import-targets <RT-hub> --export-targets <RT-spoke>``
7. Associate the hub network with the hub VRF
``bgpvpn-net-assoc-create hub --network <hub network-UUID>``
8. Associate each spoke network with the corresponding spoke VRF
``bgpvpn-net-assoc-create spoke-i --network <spoke-i network-UUID>``
@@ -191,64 +199,61 @@ OpenStack provided by [BGPVPN]_ project and [NETWORKING-SFC]_ project,
we identify the following gaps:
-[L3VPN-HS-GAP1] No means to disable layer 2 semantic of Neutron networks
+* **[L3VPN-HS-GAP1] No means to disable layer 2 semantic of Neutron networks**
-Neutron networks were originally designed to represent layer 2 broadcast
-domains. As such, all ports connected to a network are in principle
-inter-connected on layer 2 (not considering security rules here). In contrast,
-in order to realize L3VPN use cases such as the hub-and-spoke topology,
-connectivity among ports must be controllable on a per port basis on layer 3.
+ Neutron networks were originally designed to represent layer 2 broadcast
+ domains. As such, all ports connected to a network are in principle
+ inter-connected on layer 2 (not considering security rules here). In contrast,
+ in order to realize L3VPN use cases such as the hub-and-spoke topology,
+ connectivity among ports must be controllable on a per port basis on layer 3.
-There are ongoing efforts to relax this design assumption, for instance by means
-of routed networks ([NEUTRON-ROUTED-NETWORKS]_). In a routed network, a Neutron network
-is a layer 3 domain which is composed of multiple layer 2 segments. A routed
-network only provides layer 3 connectivity across segments, but layer 2
-connectivity across segments is **optional**. This means, depending on the
-particular networking backend and segmentation technique used, there might be
-layer 2 connectivity across segments or not. A new flag ``l2_adjacency``
-indicates whether or not a user can expect layer 2 connectivity or not across
+ There are ongoing efforts to relax this design assumption, for instance by means
+ of routed networks ([NEUTRON-ROUTED-NETWORKS]_). In a routed network, a Neutron network
+ is a layer 3 domain which is composed of multiple layer 2 segments. A routed
+ network only provides layer 3 connectivity across segments, but layer 2
+ connectivity across segments is **optional**. This means, depending on the
+ particular networking backend and segmentation technique used, there might be
+ layer 2 connectivity across segments or not. A new flag ``l2_adjacency``
+ indicates whether or not a user can expect layer 2 connectivity or not across
+ segments.
-This flag, however, is ready-only and cannot be used to overwrite or disable the
-layer 2 semantics of a Neutron network.
+ This flag, however, is ready-only and cannot be used to overwrite or disable the
+ layer 2 semantics of a Neutron network.
-[L3VPN-HS-GAP2] No port-association available in the BGPVPN project yet
+* **[L3VPN-HS-GAP2] No port-association available in the BGPVPN project yet**
-Due to gap [L3VPN-HS-GAP1], the [BGPVPN]_ project was not yet able to implement
-the concept of a port association. A port association would allow to associate
-individual ports with VRFs and thereby control layer 3 connectivity on a per
-port basis.
+ Due to gap [L3VPN-HS-GAP1], the [BGPVPN]_ project was not yet able to implement
+ the concept of a port association. A port association would allow to associate
+ individual ports with VRFs and thereby control layer 3 connectivity on a per
+ port basis.
-The workflow described above intents to mimic port associations by means of
-separate Neutron networks. Hence, the resulting workflow is overly complicated
-and not intuitive by requiring to create additional Neutron entities (networks)
-which are not present in the target topology. Moreover, creating large numbers
-of Neutron networks limits scalability.
+ The workflow described above intents to mimic port associations by means of
+ separate Neutron networks. Hence, the resulting workflow is overly complicated
+ and not intuitive by requiring to create additional Neutron entities (networks)
+ which are not present in the target topology. Moreover, creating large numbers
+ of Neutron networks limits scalability.
-Port associations are on the road map of the [BGPVPN]_ project, however, no
-design that overcomes the problems outlined above has been specified yet.
-Consequently, the time-line for this feature is unknown.
+ Port associations are on the road map of the [BGPVPN]_ project, however, no
+ design that overcomes the problems outlined above has been specified yet.
+ Consequently, the time-line for this feature is unknown.
-As a result, creating a clean Hub-and-Spoke topology is current not yet
-supported by the [BGPVPN]_ API.
+ As a result, creating a clean Hub-and-Spoke topology is current not yet
+ supported by the [BGPVPN]_ API.
-[L3VPN-HS-GAP3] No support for static routes in the BGPVPN project yet
+* **[L3VPN-HS-GAP3] No support for static routes in the BGPVPN project yet**
-In order to realize the hub-and-spoke use case, a static route is needed to
-attract the traffic at the hub to the corresponding VNF (direct traffic to the
-firewall). Support for static routes in the BGPVPN project is available for the
-router association by means of the Neutron router extra routes feature. However,
-there is no support for static routes for network and port associations yet.
+ In order to realize the hub-and-spoke use case, a static route is needed to
+ attract the traffic at the hub to the corresponding VNF (direct traffic to the
+ firewall). Support for static routes in the BGPVPN project is available for the
+ router association by means of the Neutron router extra routes feature. However,
+ there is no support for static routes for network and port associations yet.
-Design work for supporting static routes for network associations has started,
-but no final design has been proposed yet.
+ Design work for supporting static routes for network associations has started,
+ but no final design has been proposed yet.
-.. [L3VPN-HS-GAP4] Creating a clean hub-and-spoke topology is current not yet supported by the NETWORKING-SFC API.
+.. L3VPN-HS-GAP4 Creating a clean hub-and-spoke topology is current not yet supported by the NETWORKING-SFC API.
.. [Georg: We need to look deeper into SFC before we can substantiate our claim]