path: root/moonv4/moon_orchestrator/conf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'moonv4/moon_orchestrator/conf')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/moonv4/moon_orchestrator/conf/moon.conf b/moonv4/moon_orchestrator/conf/moon.conf
index c0d1d14c..af059c28 100644
--- a/moonv4/moon_orchestrator/conf/moon.conf
+++ b/moonv4/moon_orchestrator/conf/moon.conf
@@ -1,87 +1,82 @@
-# proxy URL
+ url: mysql+pymysql://moon:p4sswOrd1@db/moon
+ driver: sql
+ url: rabbit://moon:p4sswOrd1@messenger:5672/moon
+ url: tcp://
+ network: moon
+ name:
+ master:
+ url:
+ login:
+ password:
+ keystone:
+ url: http://keystone:5000/v3
+ user: admin
+ password: p4ssw0rd
+ domain: default
+ project: admin
+ check_token: false
+ certificate: false
+ authz: wukongsun/moon_authz:v4.1_dev
+ session: asteroide/session:latest
+ interface:
+ port: 8081
+ hostname: interface
+ bind:
+ container: wukongsun/moon_interface:v4.1_dev
+ router:
+ container: wukongsun/moon_router:v4.1_dev
+ hostname: router
+ manager:
+ container: wukongsun/moon_manager:v4.1_dev
+ hostname: manager
+ orchestrator:
+ container: wukongsun/moon_orchestrator:v4.1_dev
+ hostname: orchestrator
+ port_start: 38001
+ version: 1
+ formatters:
+ brief:
+ format: "%(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)-30s"
+ custom:
+ format: "%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s"
+ handlers:
+ console:
+ class : logging.StreamHandler
+ formatter: brief
+ level : INFO
+ stream : ext://sys.stdout
+ file:
+ class : logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
+ formatter: custom
+ level : DEBUG
+ filename: /tmp/moon.log
+ maxBytes: 1048576
+ backupCount: 3
+ loggers:
+ moon:
+ level: DEBUG
+ handlers: [console, file]
+ propagate: no
+ root:
+ level: ERROR
+ handlers: [console]
-# directory where the python packages can be found
-# name of the slave
-# example slave_name=slave1
-# URL of the RabbitMQ bus of the Master
-# example: master_url=rabbit://moon:p4sswOrd1@master_messenger:5672/moon
-# login name of the master administrator
-# example: master_login=admin
-# password of the master administrator
-# example: master_password=p4ssw0rd
-# Database for that server (may be different from master to slave)
-# Database for configuration elements (may be different from master to slave)
-# Name of the container to download (if empty build from scratch)
-# example: container=moon/moon_secrouter:latest
-# Name of the container to download (if empty build from scratch)
-# example: container=moon/moon_manager:latest
-# Name of the container to download (if empty build from scratch)
-# example: container=moon/moon_interface:latest
-# Name of the container to download (if empty build from scratch)
-# example: container=moon/moon_secfunction:latest