path: root/moonv4/moon_gui/static/app/policy/edit/parameter/data/data.list.dir.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'moonv4/moon_gui/static/app/policy/edit/parameter/data/data.list.dir.js')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/moonv4/moon_gui/static/app/policy/edit/parameter/data/data.list.dir.js b/moonv4/moon_gui/static/app/policy/edit/parameter/data/data.list.dir.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07afd1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moonv4/moon_gui/static/app/policy/edit/parameter/data/data.list.dir.js
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+(function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ angular
+ .module('moon')
+ .directive('moonDataList', moonDataList);
+ moonDataList.$inject = [];
+ function moonDataList() {
+ return {
+ templateUrl : 'html/policy/edit/parameter/data/data-list.tpl.html',
+ bindToController : true,
+ controller : moonDataListController,
+ controllerAs : 'list',
+ scope : {
+ policy: '=',
+ editMode : '='
+ },
+ restrict : 'E',
+ replace : true
+ };
+ }
+ angular
+ .module('moon')
+ .controller('moonDataListController', moonDataListController);
+ moonDataListController.$inject = ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'dataService', '$translate', 'alertService', 'policyService', 'DATA_CST', 'utilService', 'metaDataService'];
+ function moonDataListController($scope, $rootScope, dataService, $translate, alertService, policyService, DATA_CST, utilService, metaDataService){
+ var list = this;
+ list.policy = $scope.list.policy;
+ list.editMode = $scope.list.editMode;
+ list.typeOfSubject = DATA_CST.TYPE.SUBJECT;
+ list.typeOfObject = DATA_CST.TYPE.OBJECT;
+ list.typeOfAction = DATA_CST.TYPE.ACTION;
+ list.unMapSub = unMapSub;
+ list.unMapObj = unMapObj;
+ list.unMapAct = unMapAct;
+ list.deleteSub = deleteSub;
+ list.deleteObj = deleteObj;
+ list.deleteAct = deleteAct;
+ list.getSubjects = getSubjects;
+ list.getObjects = getObjects;
+ list.getActions = getActions;
+ list.getCategoryFromData = getCategoryFromData;
+ activate();
+ function activate(){
+ manageSubjects();
+ manageObjects();
+ manageActions();
+ }
+ var rootListeners = {
+ 'event:deleteDataFromDataAddSuccess': $rootScope.$on('event:deleteDataFromDataAddSuccess', deletePolicy)
+ };
+ for (var unbind in rootListeners) {
+ $scope.$on('$destroy', rootListeners[unbind]);
+ }
+ function manageSubjects(){
+ list.loadingSub = true;
+ dataService.subject.findAllFromPolicyWithCallback(list.policy.id, function(data){
+ console.log('subjects');
+ console.log(data);
+ list.subjects = data;
+ list.loadingSub = false;
+ });
+ }
+ function manageObjects(){
+ list.loadingObj = true;
+ dataService.object.findAllFromPolicyWithCallback(list.policy.id, function(data){
+ console.log('objects');
+ console.log(data);
+ list.objects = data;
+ list.loadingObj = false;
+ });
+ }
+ function manageActions(){
+ list.loadingAct = true;
+ dataService.action.findAllFromPolicyWithCallback(list.policy.id, function(data){
+ console.log('actions');
+ console.log(data);
+ list.actions = data;
+ list.loadingAct = false;
+ });
+ }
+ function getCategoryFromData(data, type) {
+ if(_.has(data, 'category')){
+ return data.category;
+ }
+ // if the call has not been made
+ if(!_.has(data, 'callCategoryInProgress')){
+ data.callCategoryInProgress = true;
+ switch(type){
+ metaDataService.subject.findOne(data.category_id, setCategoryToData);
+ break;
+ metaDataService.object.findOne(data.category_id, setCategoryToData);
+ break;
+ metaDataService.action.findOne(data.category_id, setCategoryToData);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // if the call is in progress return false
+ return false;
+ function setCategoryToData(category){
+ data.callCategoryInProgress = false;
+ data.category = category;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * UnMap
+ */
+ function unMapSub(subject){
+ subject.loader = true;
+ var policyToSend = angular.copy(list.policy);
+ policyToSend.subject_categories = _.without(policyToSend.subject_categories, subject.id);
+ policyService.update(policyToSend, updatePolicySuccess, updatePolicyError);
+ function updatePolicySuccess(data){
+ $translate('moon.policy.metarules.update.success', { policyName: list.policy.name }).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertSuccess(translatedValue);
+ });
+ list.policy = policyService.findDataFromPolicy(utilService.transformOne(data, 'meta_rules'));
+ activate();
+ subject.loader = false;
+ }
+ function updatePolicyError(reason){
+ $translate('moon.policy.metarules.update.error', { policyName: list.policy.name, reason: reason.message}).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertError(translatedValue);
+ });
+ subject.loader = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function unMapObj(object){
+ object.loader = true;
+ var policyToSend = angular.copy(list.policy);
+ policyToSend.object_categories = _.without(policyToSend.object_categories, object.id);
+ policyService.update(policyToSend, updatePolicySuccess, updatePolicyError);
+ function updatePolicySuccess(data){
+ $translate('moon.policy.metarules.update.success', { policyName: list.policy.name }).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertSuccess(translatedValue);
+ });
+ list.policy = policyService.findDataFromPolicy(utilService.transformOne(data, 'meta_rules'));
+ activate();
+ object.loader = false;
+ }
+ function updatePolicyError(reason){
+ $translate('moon.policy.metarules.update.error', { policyName: list.policy.name, reason: reason.message}).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertError(translatedValue);
+ });
+ object.loader = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function unMapAct(action){
+ action.loader = true;
+ var policyToSend = angular.copy(list.policy);
+ policyToSend.action_categories = _.without(policyToSend.action_categories, action.id);
+ policyService.update(policyToSend, updatePolicySuccess, updatePolicyError);
+ function updatePolicySuccess(data){
+ $translate('moon.policy.metarules.update.success', { policyName: list.policy.name }).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertSuccess(translatedValue);
+ });
+ list.policy = policyService.findDataFromPolicy(utilService.transformOne(data, 'meta_rules'));
+ activate();
+ action.loader = false;
+ }
+ function updatePolicyError(reason){
+ $translate('moon.policy.metarules.update.error', { policyName: list.policy.name, reason: reason.message}).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertError(translatedValue);
+ });
+ action.loader = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete
+ */
+ function deleteSub(subject){
+ subject.loader = true;
+ dataService.subject.delete(subject, deleteSubSuccess, deleteSubError);
+ function deleteSubSuccess(data){
+ $translate('moon.policy.perimeter.subject.delete.success', { subjectName: subject.name }).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertSuccess(translatedValue);
+ });
+ removeSubFromSubList(subject);
+ subject.loader = false;
+ }
+ function deleteSubError(reason){
+ $translate('moon.policy.perimeter.subject.delete.error', { subjectName: subject.name, reason: reason.message}).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertError(translatedValue);
+ });
+ subject.loader = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function deleteObj(object){
+ object.loader = true;
+ dataService.object.delete(object, deleteObjSuccess, deleteObjError);
+ function deleteObjSuccess(data){
+ $translate('moon.policy.perimeter.object.delete.success', { objectName: object.name }).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertSuccess(translatedValue);
+ });
+ removeObjFromObjList(object);
+ object.loader = false;
+ }
+ function deleteObjError(reason){
+ $translate('moon.policy.perimeter.object.delete.error', { objectName: object.name, reason: reason.message}).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertError(translatedValue);
+ });
+ object.loader = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function deleteAct(action){
+ action.loader = true;
+ dataService.action.delete(action, deleteActSuccess, deleteActError);
+ function deleteActSuccess(data){
+ $translate('moon.policy.perimeter.action.delete.success', { actionName: action.name }).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertSuccess(translatedValue);
+ });
+ removeActFromActList(action);
+ action.loader = false;
+ }
+ function deleteActError(reason){
+ $translate('moon.policy.perimeter.action.delete.error', { actionName: action.name, reason: reason.message}).then( function(translatedValue) {
+ alertService.alertError(translatedValue);
+ });
+ action.loader = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function getSubjects(){
+ return list.subjects ? list.subjects : [];
+ }
+ function getObjects(){
+ return list.objects ? list.objects : [];
+ }
+ function getActions(){
+ return list.actions ? list.actions : [];
+ }
+ function removeSubFromSubList(subject){
+ list.subjects = _.without(list.subjects, subject);
+ }
+ function removeObjFromObjList(object){
+ list.objects = _.without(list.objects, object);
+ }
+ function removeActFromActList(action){
+ list.actions = _.without(list.actions, action);
+ }
+ function deletePolicy( event, policy){
+ list.policy = policy;
+ activate();
+ }
+ }
+})(); \ No newline at end of file