path: root/moon_gui/static/app/pdp/pdp.controller.list.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'moon_gui/static/app/pdp/pdp.controller.list.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/moon_gui/static/app/pdp/pdp.controller.list.js b/moon_gui/static/app/pdp/pdp.controller.list.js
deleted file mode 100755
index a831cfe3..00000000
--- a/moon_gui/static/app/pdp/pdp.controller.list.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- * @author arnaud marhin<arnaud.marhin@orange.com>
- */
-(function() {
- 'use strict';
- angular
- .module('moon')
- .controller('PDPListController', PDPListController);
- PDPListController.$inject = [
- '$rootScope',
- '$scope',
- '$filter',
- '$modal',
- 'NgTableParams',
- 'pdps',
- 'projectService'];
- function PDPListController($rootScope,
- $scope,
- $filter,
- $modal,
- NgTableParams,
- pdps,
- projectService) {
- var list = this;
- list.pdps = pdps;
- list.mappings = [];
- list.getPDPs = getPDPs;
- list.hasPDPs = hasPDPs;
- list.getPDPName = getPDPName;
- list.isMapped = isMapped;
- list.getProjectFromPDP = getProjectFromPDP;
- list.getidFromPDP = getidFromPDP;
- list.table = {};
- list.addPDP = addPDP;
- list.deletePDP = deletePDP;
- list.refreshPDPs = refreshPDPs;
- list.updatePDPs = updatePDPs;
- list.getMappedProjectName = getMappedProjectName;
- list.getSecPipelineFromPdp = getSecPipelineFromPdp;
- list.search = { query: '',
- find: searchPDP,
- reset: searchReset };
- list.add = { modal: $modal({ template: 'html/pdp/action/pdp-add.tpl.html', show: false }),
- showModal: showAddModal };
- list.del = { modal: $modal({ template: 'html/pdp/action/pdp-delete.tpl.html', show: false }),
- showModal: showDeleteModal };
- activate();
- function activate(){
- newPDPsTable();
- }
- /*
- * ---- events
- */
- var rootListeners = {
- 'event:pdpCreatedSuccess': $rootScope.$on('event:pdpCreatedSuccess', pdpCreatedSuccess),
- 'event:pdpCreatedError': $rootScope.$on('event:pdpCreatedError', pdpCreatedError),
- 'event:pdpDeletedSuccess': $rootScope.$on('event:pdpDeletedSuccess', pdpDeletedSuccess),
- 'event:pdpDeletedError': $rootScope.$on('event:pdpDeletedError', pdpDeletedError),
- };
- _.each(rootListeners, function(unbind){
- $scope.$on('$destroy', rootListeners[unbind]);
- });
- /*
- *
- */
- /**
- * Function getting an array of PDP JSON
- * @return An array of valid pdp.
- */
- function getPDPs() {
- return (list.pdps) ? list.pdps : [];
- }
- function hasPDPs() {
- return list.getPDPs().length > 0;
- }
- function addPDP(pdp) {
- list.pdps.push(pdp);
- }
- function deletePDP(pdp) {
- list.pdps = _.chain(list.pdps).reject({id: pdp.id}).value();
- }
- function refreshPDPs() {
- list.table.total(list.pdps.length);
- list.table.reload();
- }
- function updatePDPs(pdp) {
- _(_.values(list.getPDPs())).each(function(anPDP) {
- if(anPDP.id === pdp.id) {
- //@todo: Determine what this code should have been designed to do
- anPDP = _.clone(pdp);
- }
- });
- return list.pdps;
- }
- /**
- * Get the id from an PDP
- * @param pdp The inspected pdp
- * @returns {*} Its UUID
- */
- function getidFromPDP(pdp) {
- return pdp.id;
- }
- function getMappedProjectName(pdp) {
- return pdp.tenant.name;
- }
- /**
- * Get the name of the PDP
- * @param pdp The PDP to inspect
- * @returns {*} Its name.
- */
- function getPDPName(pdp) {
- return (pdp) ? pdp.name : '';
- }
- function isMapped(pdp) {
- return !_.isNull(pdp.keystone_project_id);
- }
- /**
- * Prerequisite : before calling this method, isMapped should return true before
- * @param pdp
- * @returns false or {*}, false if the project is currently loading
- */
- function getProjectFromPDP(pdp) {
- if(_.has(pdp, 'project')){
- return pdp.project;
- }
- // if the call has not been made
- if(!_.has(pdp, 'callPdpInProgress')){
- pdp.callPdpInProgress = true;
- projectService.findOne(pdp.keystone_project_id, function(project){
- pdp.callPdpInProgress = false;
- pdp.project = project;
- return pdp.project;
- });
- }
- // if the call is in progress return false
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Generate a table item, directly usable by the rendering engine
- * @returns {{}|*} the table
- */
- function newPDPsTable() {
- list.table = new NgTableParams({
- page: 1, // show first page
- count: 10, // count per page
- }, {
- total: function () { return list.getPDPs().length; }, // length of data
- getData: function($defer, params) {
- var orderedData = params.sorting() ? $filter('orderBy')(list.getPDPs(), params.orderBy()) : list.getPDPs();
- $defer.resolve(orderedData.slice((params.page() - 1) * params.count(), params.page() * params.count()));
- },
- $scope: { $data: {} }
- });
- return list.table;
- }
- /*
- * --- search
- */
- /**
- * Indicate if an pdp having a specified name exists
- * @param pdp Searched name
- * @returns {boolean} True if a corresponding pdp is found, false otherwise
- */
- function searchPDP(pdp){
- return list.getPDPName(pdp).indexOf(list.search.query) !== -1 || list.getSecPipelineFromPdp(pdp).indexOf(list.search.query) !== -1 ;
- }
- function getSecPipelineFromPdp(pdp){
- return (pdp.security_pipeline) ? pdp.security_pipeline : [];
- }
- /**
- * Blank the search field
- */
- function searchReset() {
- list.search.query = '';
- }
- /*
- * ---- add
- */
- function showAddModal() {
- list.add.modal.$promise.then(list.add.modal.show);
- }
- function pdpCreatedSuccess(event, pdp) {
- list.addPDP(pdp);
- list.refreshPDPs();
- list.add.modal.hide();
- }
- function pdpCreatedError(event, pdp) {
- list.add.modal.hide();
- }
- /*
- * ---- delete
- */
- function showDeleteModal(pdp) {
- list.del.modal.$scope.pdp = pdp;
- list.del.modal.$promise.then(list.del.modal.show);
- }
- function pdpDeletedSuccess(event, pdp) {
- list.deletePDP(pdp);
- list.refreshPDPs();
- list.del.modal.hide();
- }
- function pdpDeletedError() {
- list.del.modal.hide();
- }
- }