path: root/moon_gui/static/app/moon.module.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'moon_gui/static/app/moon.module.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 362 deletions
diff --git a/moon_gui/static/app/moon.module.js b/moon_gui/static/app/moon.module.js
deleted file mode 100755
index cc374f24..00000000
--- a/moon_gui/static/app/moon.module.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 Orange
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
- */
-(function() {
- 'use strict';
- var moon = angular
- .module('moon', ['ngResource',
- 'ngRoute',
- 'ui.router',
- 'ngMessages',
- 'ui.bootstrap',
- 'ngTable',
- 'ngCookies',
- 'ngStorage',
- 'pascalprecht.translate',
- 'ngAnimate',
- 'mgcrea.ngStrap',
- 'NgSwitchery',
- 'ui.select',
- 'toaster'])
- .config(configure)
- .run(runner);
- /*
- * configure
- */
- configure.$inject = ['$urlRouterProvider', '$translateProvider', '$stateProvider', 'uiSelectConfig'];
- function configure($urlRouterProvider, $translateProvider, $stateProvider, uiSelectConfig) {
- /*
- * translate
- */
- $translateProvider
- .useStaticFilesLoader({
- prefix: 'assets/i18n/',
- suffix: '.json'
- })
- .preferredLanguage('en')
- .useCookieStorage();
- /*
- * ui-select
- */
- uiSelectConfig.theme = 'selectize';
- /*
- * routes
- */
- $urlRouterProvider.when('', '/model');
- $urlRouterProvider.when('/', '/model');
- $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/404');
- configureDefaultRoutes($stateProvider);
- configureDashboard($stateProvider);
- configureAuthRoutes($stateProvider);
- configureProjectRoutes($stateProvider);
- configureModelRoutes($stateProvider);
- configurePDPRoutes($stateProvider);
- configurePolicyRoutes($stateProvider);
- configureLogsRoutes($stateProvider);
- }
- function configureDefaultRoutes($stateProvider) {
- $stateProvider
- .state('moon', {
- abstract: true,
- template: '<div ui-view></div>'
- })
- .state('moon.404', {
- url: '/404',
- templateUrl: 'html/common/404/404.tpl.html'
- });
- return $stateProvider;
- }
- function configureDashboard($stateProvider){
- $stateProvider
- .state('moon.dashboard',{
- url: '/dashboard',
- templateUrl: 'html/dashboard/dashboard.tpl.html'
- });
- return $stateProvider;
- }
- function configureAuthRoutes($stateProvider){
- $stateProvider
- .state('moon.auth', {
- abstract: true,
- template: '<div ui-view></div>'
- })
- .state('moon.auth.login', {
- url: '/login',
- templateUrl: 'html/authentication/authentication.tpl.html',
- controller: 'AuthenticationController',
- controllerAs: 'auth'
- });
- return $stateProvider;
- }
- function configureModelRoutes($stateProvider) {
- $stateProvider
- .state('moon.model', {
- abstract: true,
- template: '<div ui-view></div>'
- })
- .state('moon.model.list', {
- url: '/model',
- templateUrl: 'html/model/model-list.tpl.html',
- controller: 'ModelListController',
- controllerAs: 'list',
- resolve: {
- models: ['modelService', function(modelService) {
- return modelService.findAll();
- }]
- }
- })
- .state('moon.model.edit', {
- url: '/model/:id',
- templateUrl: 'html/model/edit/model-edit.tpl.html',
- controller: 'ModelEditController',
- controllerAs: 'edit',
- resolve: {
- model: ['$stateParams','modelService', function($stateParams, modelService) {
- return modelService.findOneWithMetaRules($stateParams.id);
- }]
- }
- });
- return $stateProvider;
- }
- function configureProjectRoutes($stateProvider) {
- $stateProvider
- .state('moon.project', {
- abstract: true,
- template: '<div ui-view></div>'
- })
- .state('moon.project.list', {
- url: '/project',
- templateUrl: 'html/project/project-list.tpl.html',
- controller: 'ProjectListController',
- controllerAs: 'list',
- resolve: {
- projects: ['projectService', function(projectService) {
- return projectService.findAll();
- }]
- }
- });
- return $stateProvider;
- }
- function configurePDPRoutes($stateProvider) {
- $stateProvider
- .state('moon.pdp', {
- abstract: true,
- template: '<div ui-view></div>'
- })
- .state('moon.pdp.list', {
- url: '/pdp',
- templateUrl: 'html/pdp/pdp-list.tpl.html',
- controller: 'PDPListController',
- controllerAs: 'list',
- resolve: {
- pdps: ['pdpService', function(pdpService) {
- return pdpService.findAll();
- }]
- }
- })
- .state('moon.pdp.edit', {
- url: '/pdp/:id',
- templateUrl: 'html/pdp/edit/pdp-edit.tpl.html',
- controller: 'PDPEditController',
- controllerAs: 'edit',
- resolve: {
- pdp: ['$stateParams','pdpService', function($stateParams, pdpService) {
- return pdpService.findOne($stateParams.id);
- }]
- }
- });
- return $stateProvider;
- }
- function configurePolicyRoutes($stateProvider) {
- $stateProvider
- .state('moon.policy', {
- abstract: true,
- template: '<div ui-view></div>'
- })
- .state('moon.policy.list', {
- url: '/policy',
- templateUrl: 'html/policy/policy-list.tpl.html',
- controller: 'PolicyListController',
- controllerAs: 'list',
- resolve: {
- policies: ['policyService', function(policyService) {
- return policyService.findAll();
- }]
- }
- })
- .state('moon.policy.edit', {
- url: '/policy/:id',
- templateUrl: 'html/policy/edit/policy-edit.tpl.html',
- controller: 'PolicyEditController',
- controllerAs: 'edit',
- resolve: {
- policy: ['$stateParams','policyService', function($stateParams, policyService) {
- return policyService.findOne($stateParams.id);
- }]
- }
- });
- return $stateProvider;
- }
- function configureLogsRoutes($stateProvider){
- $stateProvider
- .state('moon.logs', {
- url: '/logs',
- templateUrl: 'html/logs/logs.tpl.html',
- controller: 'LogsController',
- controllerAs: 'logs'
- });
- return $stateProvider;
- }
- /*
- * runner
- */
- runner.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$modal', '$translate', 'alertService', 'authenticationService', '$sessionStorage', '$location'];
- function runner($rootScope, $modal, $translate, alertService, authenticationService, $sessionStorage, $location) {
- $rootScope.connected = authenticationService.IsConnected();
- $rootScope.transitionModal = $modal({ scope: $rootScope, template: 'html/common/waiting/waiting.tpl.html', backdrop: 'static', show: false });
- $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', stateChangeStart);
- $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', stateChangeSuccess);
- $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError', stateChangeError);
- $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', locationChangeStart);
- // keep user logged in after page refresh
- if (authenticationService.IsConnected()) {
- authenticationService.SetTokenHeader(authenticationService.GetTokenHeader());
- }
- // redirect to login page if not logged in and trying to access a restricted pages
- function locationChangeStart(event, next, current) {
- var publicPages = ['/login'];
- var restrictedPage = publicPages.indexOf($location.path()) === -1;
- if (restrictedPage && !$sessionStorage.currentUser) {
- $location.path('/login');
- }
- }
- function stateChangeStart() {
- $rootScope.connected = authenticationService.IsConnected();
- $rootScope.transitionModal.$promise.then($rootScope.transitionModal.show);
- }
- function stateChangeSuccess() {
- $rootScope.transitionModal.hide();
- }
- function stateChangeError(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error) {
- var stacktrace = getStacktrace(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error);
- $translate('moon.global.error', { stacktrace: stacktrace }).then(function (translatedValue) {
- alertService.alertError(translatedValue);
- });
- $rootScope.transitionModal.hide();
- }
- function getStacktrace(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error) {
- var stacktrace = {};
- stacktrace.status = error.status;
- stacktrace.message = error.statusText;
- stacktrace.state = toState;
- stacktrace.params = toParams;
- return stacktrace;
- }
- }