path: root/moon-abe/pbc-0.5.14/include/pbc_pairing.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'moon-abe/pbc-0.5.14/include/pbc_pairing.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 280 deletions
diff --git a/moon-abe/pbc-0.5.14/include/pbc_pairing.h b/moon-abe/pbc-0.5.14/include/pbc_pairing.h
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index 1f127fb1..00000000
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-// Requires:
-// * stdio.h
-// * gmp.h
-// * utils.h
-// * field.h
-// * param.h
-#ifndef __PBC_PAIRING_H__
-#define __PBC_PAIRING_H__
-struct pairing_pp_s {
- struct pairing_s *pairing;
- void *data;
-typedef struct pairing_pp_s pairing_pp_t[1];
-typedef struct pairing_pp_s *pairing_pp_ptr;
-struct pairing_s {
- mpz_t r; // order of G1, G2, GT
- field_t Zr; // the field Z_r
- field_ptr G1, G2;
- field_t GT; // group of rth roots of unity
- mpz_t phikonr;
- // Phi_k(q)/r where Phi_k is the kth cyclotomic polynomial,
- // q as in F_q, is the base field
- void (*phi)(element_ptr out, element_ptr in, struct pairing_s *pairing); //isomorphism G2 --> G1
- void (*map)(element_ptr out, element_ptr in1, element_ptr in2,
- struct pairing_s *p);
- void (*prod_pairings)(element_ptr out, element_t in1[], element_t in2[], int n_prod,
- struct pairing_s *p); //calculate a product of pairings at one time.
- // is_almost coddh returns true given (g, g^x, h, h^x) or (g, g^x, h, h^-x)
- // order is important: a, b are from G1, c, d are from G2
- int (*is_almost_coddh)(element_ptr a, element_ptr b,
- element_ptr c, element_ptr d,
- struct pairing_s *p);
- void (*clear_func)(struct pairing_s *);
- void (*pp_init)(pairing_pp_t p, element_t in1, struct pairing_s *);
- void (*pp_clear)(pairing_pp_t p);
- void (*pp_apply)(element_t out, element_t in2, pairing_pp_t p);
- void (*finalpow)(element_t e);
- void (*option_set)(struct pairing_s *, char *key, char *value);
- void *data;
-typedef struct pairing_s pairing_t[1];
-typedef struct pairing_s *pairing_ptr;
-// TODO: The 'pairing' argument is redundant.
-/*@manual pairing_apply
-Get ready to perform a pairing whose first input is 'in1',
-and store the results of time-saving precomputation in 'p'.
-static inline void pairing_pp_init(pairing_pp_t p, element_t in1, pairing_t pairing) {
- if (element_is0(in1)) {
- p->pairing = NULL;
- return;
- }
- p->pairing = pairing;
- pairing->pp_init(p, in1, pairing);
-/*@manual pairing_apply
-Clear 'p'. This should be called after 'p' is no longer needed.
-static inline void pairing_pp_clear(pairing_pp_t p) {
- if (!p->pairing) {
- // happens when p was initialized with identity
- return;
- }
- p->pairing->pp_clear(p);
-/*@manual pairing_apply
-Compute a pairing using 'in2' and the preprocessed information stored in 'p'
-and store the output in 'out'. The inputs to the pairing are the element
-previously used to initialize 'p' and the element 'in2'.
-static inline void pairing_pp_apply(element_t out, element_t in2, pairing_pp_t p) {
- if (!p->pairing) {
- element_set0(out);
- return;
- }
- if (element_is0(in2)) {
- element_set0(out);
- return;
- }
- p->pairing->pp_apply((element_ptr) out->data, in2, p);
-/*@manual pairing_init
-Initialize pairing from parameters in a ASCIIZ string 'str'
-Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
-int pairing_init_set_str(pairing_t pairing, const char *s);
-/*@manual pairing_init
-Same, but read at most 'len' bytes.
-If 'len' is 0, it behaves as the previous function.
-Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
-int pairing_init_set_buf(pairing_t pairing, const char *s, size_t len);
-/*@manual pairing_init
-Initialize a pairing with pairing parameters 'p'.
-void pairing_init_pbc_param(struct pairing_s *pairing, pbc_param_ptr p);
-/*@manual pairing_init
-Free the space occupied by 'pairing'. Call
-whenever a +pairing_t+ variable is no longer needed.
-Only call this after all elements associated with 'pairing'
-have been cleared, as they need information stored in the 'pairing'
-void pairing_clear(pairing_t pairing);
-static inline void pairing_apply(element_t out, element_t in1, element_t in2,
- pairing_t pairing) {
- PBC_ASSERT(pairing->GT == out->field, "pairing output mismatch");
- PBC_ASSERT(pairing->G1 == in1->field, "pairing 1st input mismatch");
- PBC_ASSERT(pairing->G2 == in2->field, "pairing 2nd input mismatch");
- if (element_is0(in1)) {
- element_set0(out);
- return;
- }
- if (element_is0(in2)) {
- element_set0(out);
- return;
- }
- // TODO: 'out' is an element of a multiplicative subgroup, but the
- // pairing routine expects it to be an element of the full group, hence
- // the 'out->data'. I should make this clearer.
- pairing->map((element_ptr) out->data, in1, in2, pairing);
-/*@manual pairing_apply
-Computes a pairing: 'out' = 'e'('in1', 'in2'),
-where 'in1', 'in2', 'out' must be in the groups G1, G2, GT.
-static inline void element_pairing(element_t out, element_t in1, element_t in2) {
- pairing_ptr pairing = out->field->pairing;
- PBC_ASSERT(pairing != NULL, "pairing output mismatch");
- pairing_apply(out, in1, in2, pairing);
-/*@manual pairing_apply
-Computes the product of pairings, that is
-'out' = 'e'('in1'[0], 'in2'[0]) ... 'e'('in1'[n-1], 'in2'[n-1]).
-The arrays 'in1', 'in2' must have at least 'n' elements belonging to
-the groups G1, G2 respectively, and 'out' must belong to the group GT.
-static inline void element_prod_pairing(
- element_t out, element_t in1[], element_t in2[], int n) {
- pairing_ptr pairing = out->field->pairing;
- int i;
- PBC_ASSERT(pairing->GT == out->field, "pairing output mismatch");
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- PBC_ASSERT(pairing->G1 == in1[i]->field, "pairing 1st input mismatch");
- PBC_ASSERT(pairing->G2 == in2[i]->field, "pairing 2nd input mismatch");
- if (element_is0(in1[i])) {
- element_set0(out);
- return;
- }
- if (element_is0(in2[i])) {
- element_set0(out);
- return;
- }
- }
- pairing->prod_pairings((element_ptr) out->data, in1, in2, n, pairing);
-/*@manual pairing_op
-Returns true if G1 and G2 are the same group.
-static inline int pairing_is_symmetric(pairing_t pairing) {
- return pairing->G1 == pairing->G2;
-/*@manual pairing_op
-Returns the length in bytes needed to represent an element of G1.
-static inline int pairing_length_in_bytes_G1(pairing_t pairing) {
- return pairing->G1->fixed_length_in_bytes;
-/*@manual pairing_op
-Returns the length in bytes needed to represent the x-coordinate of
-an element of G1.
-static inline int pairing_length_in_bytes_x_only_G1(pairing_t pairing) {
- return pairing->G1->fixed_length_in_bytes / 2;
-/*@manual pairing_op
-Returns the length in bytes needed to represent a compressed form of
-an element of G1. There is some overhead in decompressing.
-static inline int pairing_length_in_bytes_compressed_G1(pairing_t pairing) {
- return pairing->G1->fixed_length_in_bytes / 2 + 1;
-/*@manual pairing_op
-Returns the length in bytes needed to represent an element of G2.
-static inline int pairing_length_in_bytes_G2(pairing_t pairing) {
- return pairing->G2->fixed_length_in_bytes;
-/*@manual pairing_op
-Returns the length in bytes needed to represent a compressed form of
-an element of G2. There is some overhead in decompressing.
-static inline int pairing_length_in_bytes_compressed_G2(pairing_t pairing) {
- return pairing->G2->fixed_length_in_bytes / 2 + 1;
-/*@manual pairing_op
-Returns the length in bytes needed to represent the x-coordinate of
-an element of G2.
-static inline int pairing_length_in_bytes_x_only_G2(pairing_t pairing) {
- return pairing->G2->fixed_length_in_bytes / 2;
-/*@manual pairing_op
-Returns the length in bytes needed to represent an element of GT.
-static inline int pairing_length_in_bytes_GT(pairing_t pairing) {
- return pairing->GT->fixed_length_in_bytes;
-/*@manual pairing_op
-Returns the length in bytes needed to represent an element of Zr.
-static inline int pairing_length_in_bytes_Zr(pairing_t pairing) {
- return pairing->Zr->fixed_length_in_bytes;
-static inline int is_almost_coddh(element_t a, element_t b,
- element_t c, element_t d, pairing_t pairing) {
- return pairing->is_almost_coddh(a, b, c, d, pairing);
-/*@manual einit.1
-static inline void element_init_G1(element_t e, pairing_t pairing) {
- element_init(e, pairing->G1);
-/*@manual einit.1
-static inline void element_init_G2(element_t e, pairing_t pairing) {
- element_init(e, pairing->G2);
-/*@manual einit.1
-Initialize 'e' to be an element of the group G1, G2 or GT of 'pairing'.
-static inline void element_init_GT(element_t e, pairing_t pairing) {
- element_init(e, pairing->GT);
-/*@manual einit.1
-Initialize 'e' to be an element of the ring Z_r of 'pairing'.
-r is the order of the groups G1, G2 and GT that are involved in the pairing.
-static inline void element_init_Zr(element_t e, pairing_t pairing) {
- element_init(e, pairing->Zr);
-static inline void pairing_option_set(pairing_t pairing, char *key, char *value) {
- pairing->option_set(pairing, key, value);
-// Initialize GT = group of rth roots of unity in f.
-// Requires pairing->r has been set.
-void pairing_GT_init(pairing_ptr pairing, field_t f);
-#endif //__PBC_PAIRING_H__