path: root/keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/auth_token/_memcache_crypt.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/auth_token/_memcache_crypt.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/auth_token/_memcache_crypt.py b/keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/auth_token/_memcache_crypt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e45571f..00000000
--- a/keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/auth_token/_memcache_crypt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010-2013 OpenStack Foundation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied.
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Utilities for memcache encryption and integrity check.
-Data should be serialized before entering these functions. Encryption
-has a dependency on the pycrypto. If pycrypto is not available,
-CryptoUnavailableError will be raised.
-This module will not be called unless signing or encryption is enabled
-in the config. It will always validate signatures, and will decrypt
-data if encryption is enabled. It is not valid to mix protection
-import base64
-import functools
-import hashlib
-import hmac
-import math
-import os
-import six
-import sys
-from keystonemiddleware.i18n import _
-# make sure pycrypto is available
- from Crypto.Cipher import AES
-except ImportError:
- AES = None
-HASH_FUNCTION = hashlib.sha384
-DIGEST_LENGTH_B64 = 4 * int(math.ceil(DIGEST_LENGTH / 3.0))
-class InvalidMacError(Exception):
- """raise when unable to verify MACed data.
- This usually indicates that data had been expectedly modified in memcache.
- """
- pass
-class DecryptError(Exception):
- """raise when unable to decrypt encrypted data.
- """
- pass
-class CryptoUnavailableError(Exception):
- """raise when Python Crypto module is not available.
- """
- pass
-def assert_crypto_availability(f):
- """Ensure Crypto module is available."""
- @functools.wraps(f)
- def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
- if AES is None:
- raise CryptoUnavailableError()
- return f(*args, **kwds)
- return wrapper
-if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
- constant_time_compare = hmac.compare_digest
- def constant_time_compare(first, second):
- """Returns True if both string inputs are equal, otherwise False.
- This function should take a constant amount of time regardless of
- how many characters in the strings match.
- """
- if len(first) != len(second):
- return False
- result = 0
- if six.PY3 and isinstance(first, bytes) and isinstance(second, bytes):
- for x, y in zip(first, second):
- result |= x ^ y
- else:
- for x, y in zip(first, second):
- result |= ord(x) ^ ord(y)
- return result == 0
-def derive_keys(token, secret, strategy):
- """Derives keys for MAC and ENCRYPTION from the user-provided
- secret. The resulting keys should be passed to the protect and
- unprotect functions.
- As suggested by NIST Special Publication 800-108, this uses the
- first 128 bits from the sha384 KDF for the obscured cache key
- value, the second 128 bits for the message authentication key and
- the remaining 128 bits for the encryption key.
- This approach is faster than computing a separate hmac as the KDF
- for each desired key.
- """
- digest = hmac.new(secret, token + strategy, HASH_FUNCTION).digest()
- return {'CACHE_KEY': digest[:DIGEST_SPLIT],
- 'ENCRYPTION': digest[2 * DIGEST_SPLIT:],
- 'strategy': strategy}
-def sign_data(key, data):
- """Sign the data using the defined function and the derived key."""
- mac = hmac.new(key, data, HASH_FUNCTION).digest()
- return base64.b64encode(mac)
-def encrypt_data(key, data):
- """Encrypt the data with the given secret key.
- Padding is n bytes of the value n, where 1 <= n <= blocksize.
- """
- iv = os.urandom(16)
- cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
- padding = 16 - len(data) % 16
- return iv + cipher.encrypt(data + six.int2byte(padding) * padding)
-def decrypt_data(key, data):
- """Decrypt the data with the given secret key."""
- iv = data[:16]
- cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
- try:
- result = cipher.decrypt(data[16:])
- except Exception:
- raise DecryptError(_('Encrypted data appears to be corrupted.'))
- # Strip the last n padding bytes where n is the last value in
- # the plaintext
- return result[:-1 * six.byte2int([result[-1]])]
-def protect_data(keys, data):
- """Given keys and serialized data, returns an appropriately
- protected string suitable for storage in the cache.
- """
- if keys['strategy'] == b'ENCRYPT':
- data = encrypt_data(keys['ENCRYPTION'], data)
- encoded_data = base64.b64encode(data)
- signature = sign_data(keys['MAC'], encoded_data)
- return signature + encoded_data
-def unprotect_data(keys, signed_data):
- """Given keys and cached string data, verifies the signature,
- decrypts if necessary, and returns the original serialized data.
- """
- # cache backends return None when no data is found. We don't mind
- # that this particular special value is unsigned.
- if signed_data is None:
- return None
- # First we calculate the signature
- provided_mac = signed_data[:DIGEST_LENGTH_B64]
- calculated_mac = sign_data(
- keys['MAC'],
- signed_data[DIGEST_LENGTH_B64:])
- # Then verify that it matches the provided value
- if not constant_time_compare(provided_mac, calculated_mac):
- raise InvalidMacError(_('Invalid MAC; data appears to be corrupted.'))
- data = base64.b64decode(signed_data[DIGEST_LENGTH_B64:])
- # then if necessary decrypt the data
- if keys['strategy'] == b'ENCRYPT':
- data = decrypt_data(keys['ENCRYPTION'], data)
- return data
-def get_cache_key(keys):
- """Given keys generated by derive_keys(), returns a base64
- encoded value suitable for use as a cache key in memcached.
- """
- return base64.b64encode(keys['CACHE_KEY'])