path: root/keystone-moon/keystone/token/providers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'keystone-moon/keystone/token/providers/')
1 files changed, 709 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/token/providers/ b/keystone-moon/keystone/token/providers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..717e1495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/token/providers/
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
+from oslo_utils import timeutils
+import six
+from six.moves.urllib import parse
+from keystone.common import controller as common_controller
+from keystone.common import dependency
+from keystone.contrib import federation
+from keystone import exception
+from keystone.i18n import _, _LE
+from keystone.openstack.common import versionutils
+from keystone import token
+from keystone.token import provider
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+@dependency.requires('catalog_api', 'resource_api')
+class V2TokenDataHelper(object):
+ """Creates V2 token data."""
+ def v3_to_v2_token(self, token_id, v3_token_data):
+ token_data = {}
+ # Build v2 token
+ v3_token = v3_token_data['token']
+ token = {}
+ token['id'] = token_id
+ token['expires'] = v3_token.get('expires_at')
+ token['issued_at'] = v3_token.get('issued_at')
+ token['audit_ids'] = v3_token.get('audit_ids')
+ if 'project' in v3_token:
+ # v3 token_data does not contain all tenant attributes
+ tenant = self.resource_api.get_project(
+ v3_token['project']['id'])
+ token['tenant'] = common_controller.V2Controller.filter_domain_id(
+ tenant)
+ token_data['token'] = token
+ # Build v2 user
+ v3_user = v3_token['user']
+ user = common_controller.V2Controller.v3_to_v2_user(v3_user)
+ # Set user roles
+ user['roles'] = []
+ role_ids = []
+ for role in v3_token.get('roles', []):
+ # Filter role id since it's not included in v2 token response
+ role_ids.append(role.pop('id'))
+ user['roles'].append(role)
+ user['roles_links'] = []
+ token_data['user'] = user
+ # Get and build v2 service catalog
+ token_data['serviceCatalog'] = []
+ if 'tenant' in token:
+ catalog_ref = self.catalog_api.get_catalog(
+ user['id'], token['tenant']['id'])
+ if catalog_ref:
+ token_data['serviceCatalog'] = self.format_catalog(catalog_ref)
+ # Build v2 metadata
+ metadata = {}
+ metadata['roles'] = role_ids
+ # Setting is_admin to keep consistency in v2 response
+ metadata['is_admin'] = 0
+ token_data['metadata'] = metadata
+ return {'access': token_data}
+ @classmethod
+ def format_token(cls, token_ref, roles_ref=None, catalog_ref=None,
+ trust_ref=None):
+ audit_info = None
+ user_ref = token_ref['user']
+ metadata_ref = token_ref['metadata']
+ if roles_ref is None:
+ roles_ref = []
+ expires = token_ref.get('expires', provider.default_expire_time())
+ if expires is not None:
+ if not isinstance(expires, six.text_type):
+ expires = timeutils.isotime(expires)
+ token_data = token_ref.get('token_data')
+ if token_data:
+ token_audit = token_data.get(
+ 'access', token_data).get('token', {}).get('audit_ids')
+ audit_info = token_audit
+ if audit_info is None:
+ audit_info = provider.audit_info(token_ref.get('parent_audit_id'))
+ o = {'access': {'token': {'id': token_ref['id'],
+ 'expires': expires,
+ 'issued_at': timeutils.strtime(),
+ 'audit_ids': audit_info
+ },
+ 'user': {'id': user_ref['id'],
+ 'name': user_ref['name'],
+ 'username': user_ref['name'],
+ 'roles': roles_ref,
+ 'roles_links': metadata_ref.get('roles_links',
+ [])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if 'bind' in token_ref:
+ o['access']['token']['bind'] = token_ref['bind']
+ if 'tenant' in token_ref and token_ref['tenant']:
+ token_ref['tenant']['enabled'] = True
+ o['access']['token']['tenant'] = token_ref['tenant']
+ if catalog_ref is not None:
+ o['access']['serviceCatalog'] = V2TokenDataHelper.format_catalog(
+ catalog_ref)
+ if metadata_ref:
+ if 'is_admin' in metadata_ref:
+ o['access']['metadata'] = {'is_admin':
+ metadata_ref['is_admin']}
+ else:
+ o['access']['metadata'] = {'is_admin': 0}
+ if 'roles' in metadata_ref:
+ o['access']['metadata']['roles'] = metadata_ref['roles']
+ if and trust_ref:
+ o['access']['trust'] = {'trustee_user_id':
+ trust_ref['trustee_user_id'],
+ 'id': trust_ref['id'],
+ 'trustor_user_id':
+ trust_ref['trustor_user_id'],
+ 'impersonation':
+ trust_ref['impersonation']
+ }
+ return o
+ @classmethod
+ def format_catalog(cls, catalog_ref):
+ """Munge catalogs from internal to output format
+ Internal catalogs look like::
+ {$REGION: {
+ {$SERVICE: {
+ $key1: $value1,
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ The legacy api wants them to look like::
+ [{'name': $SERVICE[name],
+ 'type': $SERVICE,
+ 'endpoints': [{
+ 'tenantId': $tenant_id,
+ ...
+ 'region': $REGION,
+ }],
+ 'endpoints_links': [],
+ }]
+ """
+ if not catalog_ref:
+ return []
+ services = {}
+ for region, region_ref in six.iteritems(catalog_ref):
+ for service, service_ref in six.iteritems(region_ref):
+ new_service_ref = services.get(service, {})
+ new_service_ref['name'] = service_ref.pop('name')
+ new_service_ref['type'] = service
+ new_service_ref['endpoints_links'] = []
+ service_ref['region'] = region
+ endpoints_ref = new_service_ref.get('endpoints', [])
+ endpoints_ref.append(service_ref)
+ new_service_ref['endpoints'] = endpoints_ref
+ services[service] = new_service_ref
+ return services.values()
+@dependency.requires('assignment_api', 'catalog_api', 'federation_api',
+ 'identity_api', 'resource_api', 'role_api', 'trust_api')
+class V3TokenDataHelper(object):
+ """Token data helper."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Keep __init__ around to ensure dependency injection works.
+ super(V3TokenDataHelper, self).__init__()
+ def _get_filtered_domain(self, domain_id):
+ domain_ref = self.resource_api.get_domain(domain_id)
+ return {'id': domain_ref['id'], 'name': domain_ref['name']}
+ def _get_filtered_project(self, project_id):
+ project_ref = self.resource_api.get_project(project_id)
+ filtered_project = {
+ 'id': project_ref['id'],
+ 'name': project_ref['name']}
+ filtered_project['domain'] = self._get_filtered_domain(
+ project_ref['domain_id'])
+ return filtered_project
+ def _populate_scope(self, token_data, domain_id, project_id):
+ if 'domain' in token_data or 'project' in token_data:
+ # scope already exist, no need to populate it again
+ return
+ if domain_id:
+ token_data['domain'] = self._get_filtered_domain(domain_id)
+ if project_id:
+ token_data['project'] = self._get_filtered_project(project_id)
+ def _get_roles_for_user(self, user_id, domain_id, project_id):
+ roles = []
+ if domain_id:
+ roles = self.assignment_api.get_roles_for_user_and_domain(
+ user_id, domain_id)
+ if project_id:
+ roles = self.assignment_api.get_roles_for_user_and_project(
+ user_id, project_id)
+ return [self.role_api.get_role(role_id) for role_id in roles]
+ def _populate_roles_for_groups(self, group_ids,
+ project_id=None, domain_id=None,
+ user_id=None):
+ def _check_roles(roles, user_id, project_id, domain_id):
+ # User was granted roles so simply exit this function.
+ if roles:
+ return
+ if project_id:
+ msg = _('User %(user_id)s has no access '
+ 'to project %(project_id)s') % {
+ 'user_id': user_id,
+ 'project_id': project_id}
+ elif domain_id:
+ msg = _('User %(user_id)s has no access '
+ 'to domain %(domain_id)s') % {
+ 'user_id': user_id,
+ 'domain_id': domain_id}
+ # Since no roles were found a user is not authorized to
+ # perform any operations. Raise an exception with
+ # appropriate error message.
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
+ roles = self.assignment_api.get_roles_for_groups(group_ids,
+ project_id,
+ domain_id)
+ _check_roles(roles, user_id, project_id, domain_id)
+ return roles
+ def _populate_user(self, token_data, user_id, trust):
+ if 'user' in token_data:
+ # no need to repopulate user if it already exists
+ return
+ user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user(user_id)
+ if and trust and 'OS-TRUST:trust' not in token_data:
+ trustor_user_ref = (self.identity_api.get_user(
+ trust['trustor_user_id']))
+ try:
+ self.identity_api.assert_user_enabled(trust['trustor_user_id'])
+ except AssertionError:
+ raise exception.Forbidden(_('Trustor is disabled.'))
+ if trust['impersonation']:
+ user_ref = trustor_user_ref
+ token_data['OS-TRUST:trust'] = (
+ {
+ 'id': trust['id'],
+ 'trustor_user': {'id': trust['trustor_user_id']},
+ 'trustee_user': {'id': trust['trustee_user_id']},
+ 'impersonation': trust['impersonation']
+ })
+ filtered_user = {
+ 'id': user_ref['id'],
+ 'name': user_ref['name'],
+ 'domain': self._get_filtered_domain(user_ref['domain_id'])}
+ token_data['user'] = filtered_user
+ def _populate_oauth_section(self, token_data, access_token):
+ if access_token:
+ access_token_id = access_token['id']
+ consumer_id = access_token['consumer_id']
+ token_data['OS-OAUTH1'] = ({'access_token_id': access_token_id,
+ 'consumer_id': consumer_id})
+ def _populate_roles(self, token_data, user_id, domain_id, project_id,
+ trust, access_token):
+ if 'roles' in token_data:
+ # no need to repopulate roles
+ return
+ if access_token:
+ filtered_roles = []
+ authed_role_ids = jsonutils.loads(access_token['role_ids'])
+ all_roles = self.role_api.list_roles()
+ for role in all_roles:
+ for authed_role in authed_role_ids:
+ if authed_role == role['id']:
+ filtered_roles.append({'id': role['id'],
+ 'name': role['name']})
+ token_data['roles'] = filtered_roles
+ return
+ if and trust:
+ token_user_id = trust['trustor_user_id']
+ token_project_id = trust['project_id']
+ # trusts do not support domains yet
+ token_domain_id = None
+ else:
+ token_user_id = user_id
+ token_project_id = project_id
+ token_domain_id = domain_id
+ if token_domain_id or token_project_id:
+ roles = self._get_roles_for_user(token_user_id,
+ token_domain_id,
+ token_project_id)
+ filtered_roles = []
+ if and trust:
+ for trust_role in trust['roles']:
+ match_roles = [x for x in roles
+ if x['id'] == trust_role['id']]
+ if match_roles:
+ filtered_roles.append(match_roles[0])
+ else:
+ raise exception.Forbidden(
+ _('Trustee has no delegated roles.'))
+ else:
+ for role in roles:
+ filtered_roles.append({'id': role['id'],
+ 'name': role['name']})
+ # user has no project or domain roles, therefore access denied
+ if not filtered_roles:
+ if token_project_id:
+ msg = _('User %(user_id)s has no access '
+ 'to project %(project_id)s') % {
+ 'user_id': user_id,
+ 'project_id': token_project_id}
+ else:
+ msg = _('User %(user_id)s has no access '
+ 'to domain %(domain_id)s') % {
+ 'user_id': user_id,
+ 'domain_id': token_domain_id}
+ LOG.debug(msg)
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
+ token_data['roles'] = filtered_roles
+ def _populate_service_catalog(self, token_data, user_id,
+ domain_id, project_id, trust):
+ if 'catalog' in token_data:
+ # no need to repopulate service catalog
+ return
+ if and trust:
+ user_id = trust['trustor_user_id']
+ if project_id or domain_id:
+ service_catalog = self.catalog_api.get_v3_catalog(
+ user_id, project_id)
+ # TODO(ayoung): Enforce Endpoints for trust
+ token_data['catalog'] = service_catalog
+ def _populate_service_providers(self, token_data):
+ if 'service_providers' in token_data:
+ return
+ service_providers = self.federation_api.get_enabled_service_providers()
+ if service_providers:
+ token_data['service_providers'] = service_providers
+ def _populate_token_dates(self, token_data, expires=None, trust=None,
+ issued_at=None):
+ if not expires:
+ expires = provider.default_expire_time()
+ if not isinstance(expires, six.string_types):
+ expires = timeutils.isotime(expires, subsecond=True)
+ token_data['expires_at'] = expires
+ token_data['issued_at'] = (issued_at or
+ timeutils.isotime(subsecond=True))
+ def _populate_audit_info(self, token_data, audit_info=None):
+ if audit_info is None or isinstance(audit_info, six.string_types):
+ token_data['audit_ids'] = provider.audit_info(audit_info)
+ elif isinstance(audit_info, list):
+ token_data['audit_ids'] = audit_info
+ else:
+ msg = (_('Invalid audit info data type: %(data)s (%(type)s)') %
+ {'data': audit_info, 'type': type(audit_info)})
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.UnexpectedError(msg)
+ def get_token_data(self, user_id, method_names, extras=None,
+ domain_id=None, project_id=None, expires=None,
+ trust=None, token=None, include_catalog=True,
+ bind=None, access_token=None, issued_at=None,
+ audit_info=None):
+ if extras is None:
+ extras = {}
+ if extras:
+ versionutils.deprecated(
+ what='passing token data with "extras"',
+ as_of=versionutils.deprecated.KILO,
+ in_favor_of='well-defined APIs')
+ token_data = {'methods': method_names,
+ 'extras': extras}
+ # We've probably already written these to the token
+ if token:
+ for x in ('roles', 'user', 'catalog', 'project', 'domain'):
+ if x in token:
+ token_data[x] = token[x]
+ if and trust:
+ if user_id != trust['trustee_user_id']:
+ raise exception.Forbidden(_('User is not a trustee.'))
+ if bind:
+ token_data['bind'] = bind
+ self._populate_scope(token_data, domain_id, project_id)
+ self._populate_user(token_data, user_id, trust)
+ self._populate_roles(token_data, user_id, domain_id, project_id, trust,
+ access_token)
+ self._populate_audit_info(token_data, audit_info)
+ if include_catalog:
+ self._populate_service_catalog(token_data, user_id, domain_id,
+ project_id, trust)
+ self._populate_service_providers(token_data)
+ self._populate_token_dates(token_data, expires=expires, trust=trust,
+ issued_at=issued_at)
+ self._populate_oauth_section(token_data, access_token)
+ return {'token': token_data}
+@dependency.requires('catalog_api', 'identity_api', 'oauth_api',
+ 'resource_api', 'role_api', 'trust_api')
+class BaseProvider(provider.Provider):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(BaseProvider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.v3_token_data_helper = V3TokenDataHelper()
+ self.v2_token_data_helper = V2TokenDataHelper()
+ def get_token_version(self, token_data):
+ if token_data and isinstance(token_data, dict):
+ if 'token_version' in token_data:
+ if token_data['token_version'] in token.provider.VERSIONS:
+ return token_data['token_version']
+ # FIXME(morganfainberg): deprecate the following logic in future
+ # revisions. It is better to just specify the token_version in
+ # the token_data itself. This way we can support future versions
+ # that might have the same fields.
+ if 'access' in token_data:
+ return token.provider.V2
+ if 'token' in token_data and 'methods' in token_data['token']:
+ return token.provider.V3
+ raise exception.UnsupportedTokenVersionException()
+ def issue_v2_token(self, token_ref, roles_ref=None,
+ catalog_ref=None):
+ metadata_ref = token_ref['metadata']
+ trust_ref = None
+ if and metadata_ref and 'trust_id' in metadata_ref:
+ trust_ref = self.trust_api.get_trust(metadata_ref['trust_id'])
+ token_data = self.v2_token_data_helper.format_token(
+ token_ref, roles_ref, catalog_ref, trust_ref)
+ token_id = self._get_token_id(token_data)
+ token_data['access']['token']['id'] = token_id
+ return token_id, token_data
+ def _is_mapped_token(self, auth_context):
+ return (federation.IDENTITY_PROVIDER in auth_context and
+ federation.PROTOCOL in auth_context)
+ def issue_v3_token(self, user_id, method_names, expires_at=None,
+ project_id=None, domain_id=None, auth_context=None,
+ trust=None, metadata_ref=None, include_catalog=True,
+ parent_audit_id=None):
+ # for V2, trust is stashed in metadata_ref
+ if ( and not trust and metadata_ref and
+ 'trust_id' in metadata_ref):
+ trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(metadata_ref['trust_id'])
+ token_ref = None
+ if auth_context and self._is_mapped_token(auth_context):
+ token_ref = self._handle_mapped_tokens(
+ auth_context, project_id, domain_id)
+ access_token = None
+ if 'oauth1' in method_names:
+ access_token_id = auth_context['access_token_id']
+ access_token = self.oauth_api.get_access_token(access_token_id)
+ token_data = self.v3_token_data_helper.get_token_data(
+ user_id,
+ method_names,
+ auth_context.get('extras') if auth_context else None,
+ domain_id=domain_id,
+ project_id=project_id,
+ expires=expires_at,
+ trust=trust,
+ bind=auth_context.get('bind') if auth_context else None,
+ token=token_ref,
+ include_catalog=include_catalog,
+ access_token=access_token,
+ audit_info=parent_audit_id)
+ token_id = self._get_token_id(token_data)
+ return token_id, token_data
+ def _handle_mapped_tokens(self, auth_context, project_id, domain_id):
+ def get_federated_domain():
+ return (CONF.federation.federated_domain_name or
+ federated_domain = get_federated_domain()
+ user_id = auth_context['user_id']
+ group_ids = auth_context['group_ids']
+ idp = auth_context[federation.IDENTITY_PROVIDER]
+ protocol = auth_context[federation.PROTOCOL]
+ token_data = {
+ 'user': {
+ 'id': user_id,
+ 'name': parse.unquote(user_id),
+ federation.FEDERATION: {
+ 'identity_provider': {'id': idp},
+ 'protocol': {'id': protocol}
+ },
+ 'domain': {
+ 'id': federated_domain,
+ 'name': federated_domain
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if project_id or domain_id:
+ roles = self.v3_token_data_helper._populate_roles_for_groups(
+ group_ids, project_id, domain_id, user_id)
+ token_data.update({'roles': roles})
+ else:
+ token_data['user'][federation.FEDERATION].update({
+ 'groups': [{'id': x} for x in group_ids]
+ })
+ return token_data
+ def _verify_token_ref(self, token_ref):
+ """Verify and return the given token_ref."""
+ if not token_ref:
+ raise exception.Unauthorized()
+ return token_ref
+ def _assert_is_not_federation_token(self, token_ref):
+ """Make sure we aren't using v2 auth on a federation token."""
+ token_data = token_ref.get('token_data')
+ if (token_data and self.get_token_version(token_data) ==
+ token.provider.V3):
+ if 'OS-FEDERATION' in token_data['token']['user']:
+ msg = _('Attempting to use OS-FEDERATION token with V2 '
+ 'Identity Service, use V3 Authentication')
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
+ def _assert_default_domain(self, token_ref):
+ """Make sure we are operating on default domain only."""
+ if (token_ref.get('token_data') and
+ self.get_token_version(token_ref.get('token_data')) ==
+ token.provider.V3):
+ # this is a V3 token
+ msg = _('Non-default domain is not supported')
+ # user in a non-default is prohibited
+ if (token_ref['token_data']['token']['user']['domain']['id'] !=
+ CONF.identity.default_domain_id):
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
+ # domain scoping is prohibited
+ if token_ref['token_data']['token'].get('domain'):
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(
+ _('Domain scoped token is not supported'))
+ # project in non-default domain is prohibited
+ if token_ref['token_data']['token'].get('project'):
+ project = token_ref['token_data']['token']['project']
+ project_domain_id = project['domain']['id']
+ # scoped to project in non-default domain is prohibited
+ if project_domain_id != CONF.identity.default_domain_id:
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
+ # if token is scoped to trust, both trustor and trustee must
+ # be in the default domain. Furthermore, the delegated project
+ # must also be in the default domain
+ metadata_ref = token_ref['metadata']
+ if and 'trust_id' in metadata_ref:
+ trust_ref = self.trust_api.get_trust(metadata_ref['trust_id'])
+ trustee_user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user(
+ trust_ref['trustee_user_id'])
+ if (trustee_user_ref['domain_id'] !=
+ CONF.identity.default_domain_id):
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
+ trustor_user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user(
+ trust_ref['trustor_user_id'])
+ if (trustor_user_ref['domain_id'] !=
+ CONF.identity.default_domain_id):
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
+ project_ref = self.resource_api.get_project(
+ trust_ref['project_id'])
+ if (project_ref['domain_id'] !=
+ CONF.identity.default_domain_id):
+ raise exception.Unauthorized(msg)
+ def validate_v2_token(self, token_ref):
+ try:
+ self._assert_is_not_federation_token(token_ref)
+ self._assert_default_domain(token_ref)
+ # FIXME(gyee): performance or correctness? Should we return the
+ # cached token or reconstruct it? Obviously if we are going with
+ # the cached token, any role, project, or domain name changes
+ # will not be reflected. One may argue that with PKI tokens,
+ # we are essentially doing cached token validation anyway.
+ # Lets go with the cached token strategy. Since token
+ # management layer is now pluggable, one can always provide
+ # their own implementation to suit their needs.
+ token_data = token_ref.get('token_data')
+ if (not token_data or
+ self.get_token_version(token_data) !=
+ token.provider.V2):
+ # token is created by old v2 logic
+ metadata_ref = token_ref['metadata']
+ roles_ref = []
+ for role_id in metadata_ref.get('roles', []):
+ roles_ref.append(self.role_api.get_role(role_id))
+ # Get a service catalog if possible
+ # This is needed for on-behalf-of requests
+ catalog_ref = None
+ if token_ref.get('tenant'):
+ catalog_ref = self.catalog_api.get_catalog(
+ token_ref['user']['id'],
+ token_ref['tenant']['id'])
+ trust_ref = None
+ if and 'trust_id' in metadata_ref:
+ trust_ref = self.trust_api.get_trust(
+ metadata_ref['trust_id'])
+ token_data = self.v2_token_data_helper.format_token(
+ token_ref, roles_ref, catalog_ref, trust_ref)
+ trust_id = token_data['access'].get('trust', {}).get('id')
+ if trust_id:
+ # token trust validation
+ self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id)
+ return token_data
+ except exception.ValidationError as e:
+ LOG.exception(_LE('Failed to validate token'))
+ raise exception.TokenNotFound(e)
+ def validate_v3_token(self, token_ref):
+ # FIXME(gyee): performance or correctness? Should we return the
+ # cached token or reconstruct it? Obviously if we are going with
+ # the cached token, any role, project, or domain name changes
+ # will not be reflected. One may argue that with PKI tokens,
+ # we are essentially doing cached token validation anyway.
+ # Lets go with the cached token strategy. Since token
+ # management layer is now pluggable, one can always provide
+ # their own implementation to suit their needs.
+ trust_id = token_ref.get('trust_id')
+ if trust_id:
+ # token trust validation
+ self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id)
+ token_data = token_ref.get('token_data')
+ if not token_data or 'token' not in token_data:
+ # token ref is created by V2 API
+ project_id = None
+ project_ref = token_ref.get('tenant')
+ if project_ref:
+ project_id = project_ref['id']
+ issued_at = token_ref['token_data']['access']['token']['issued_at']
+ audit = token_ref['token_data']['access']['token'].get('audit_ids')
+ token_data = self.v3_token_data_helper.get_token_data(
+ token_ref['user']['id'],
+ ['password', 'token'],
+ project_id=project_id,
+ bind=token_ref.get('bind'),
+ expires=token_ref['expires'],
+ issued_at=issued_at,
+ audit_info=audit)
+ return token_data