path: root/keystone-moon/keystone/resource/backends/ldap.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'keystone-moon/keystone/resource/backends/ldap.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/resource/backends/ldap.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/resource/backends/ldap.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 566adc5d..00000000
--- a/keystone-moon/keystone/resource/backends/ldap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import uuid
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_log import log
-from oslo_log import versionutils
-from keystone.common import clean
-from keystone.common import driver_hints
-from keystone.common import ldap as common_ldap
-from keystone.common import models
-from keystone import exception
-from keystone.i18n import _
-from keystone.identity.backends import ldap as ldap_identity
-from keystone import resource
-CONF = cfg.CONF
-LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
-class Resource(resource.ResourceDriverV8):
- @versionutils.deprecated(
- versionutils.deprecated.LIBERTY,
- remove_in=+1,
- what='ldap resource')
- def __init__(self):
- super(Resource, self).__init__()
- self.LDAP_URL = CONF.ldap.url
- self.LDAP_USER = CONF.ldap.user
- self.LDAP_PASSWORD = CONF.ldap.password
- self.suffix = CONF.ldap.suffix
- # This is the only deep dependency from resource back to identity.
- # This is safe to do since if you are using LDAP for resource, it is
- # required that you are using it for identity as well.
- self.user = ldap_identity.UserApi(CONF)
- self.project = ProjectApi(CONF)
- def default_assignment_driver(self):
- return 'ldap'
- def _set_default_parent_project(self, ref):
- """If the parent project ID has not been set, set it to None."""
- if isinstance(ref, dict):
- if 'parent_id' not in ref:
- ref = dict(ref, parent_id=None)
- return ref
- elif isinstance(ref, list):
- return [self._set_default_parent_project(x) for x in ref]
- else:
- raise ValueError(_('Expected dict or list: %s') % type(ref))
- def _set_default_is_domain_project(self, ref):
- if isinstance(ref, dict):
- return dict(ref, is_domain=False)
- elif isinstance(ref, list):
- return [self._set_default_is_domain_project(x) for x in ref]
- else:
- raise ValueError(_('Expected dict or list: %s') % type(ref))
- def _validate_parent_project_is_none(self, ref):
- """If a parent_id different from None was given,
- raises InvalidProjectException.
- """
- parent_id = ref.get('parent_id')
- if parent_id is not None:
- raise exception.InvalidParentProject(parent_id)
- def _validate_is_domain_field_is_false(self, ref):
- is_domain = ref.pop('is_domain', None)
- if is_domain:
- raise exception.ValidationError(_('LDAP does not support projects '
- 'with is_domain flag enabled'))
- def _set_default_attributes(self, project_ref):
- project_ref = self._set_default_domain(project_ref)
- project_ref = self._set_default_is_domain_project(project_ref)
- return self._set_default_parent_project(project_ref)
- def get_project(self, tenant_id):
- return self._set_default_attributes(
- self.project.get(tenant_id))
- def list_projects(self, hints):
- return self._set_default_attributes(
- self.project.get_all_filtered(hints))
- def list_projects_in_domain(self, domain_id):
- # We don't support multiple domains within this driver, so ignore
- # any domain specified
- return self.list_projects(driver_hints.Hints())
- def list_projects_in_subtree(self, project_id):
- # We don't support projects hierarchy within this driver, so a
- # project will never have children
- return []
- def list_project_parents(self, project_id):
- # We don't support projects hierarchy within this driver, so a
- # project will never have parents
- return []
- def is_leaf_project(self, project_id):
- # We don't support projects hierarchy within this driver, so a
- # project will always be a root and a leaf at the same time
- return True
- def list_projects_from_ids(self, ids):
- return [self.get_project(id) for id in ids]
- def list_project_ids_from_domain_ids(self, domain_ids):
- # We don't support multiple domains within this driver, so ignore
- # any domain specified
- return [x.id for x in self.list_projects(driver_hints.Hints())]
- def get_project_by_name(self, tenant_name, domain_id):
- self._validate_default_domain_id(domain_id)
- return self._set_default_attributes(
- self.project.get_by_name(tenant_name))
- def create_project(self, tenant_id, tenant):
- self.project.check_allow_create()
- self._validate_parent_project_is_none(tenant)
- self._validate_is_domain_field_is_false(tenant)
- tenant['name'] = clean.project_name(tenant['name'])
- data = tenant.copy()
- if 'id' not in data or data['id'] is None:
- data['id'] = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
- if 'description' in data and data['description'] in ['', None]:
- data.pop('description')
- return self._set_default_attributes(
- self.project.create(data))
- def update_project(self, tenant_id, tenant):
- self.project.check_allow_update()
- tenant = self._validate_default_domain(tenant)
- self._validate_is_domain_field_is_false(tenant)
- if 'name' in tenant:
- tenant['name'] = clean.project_name(tenant['name'])
- return self._set_default_attributes(
- self.project.update(tenant_id, tenant))
- def delete_project(self, tenant_id):
- self.project.check_allow_delete()
- if self.project.subtree_delete_enabled:
- self.project.deleteTree(tenant_id)
- else:
- # The manager layer will call assignments to delete the
- # role assignments, so we just have to delete the project itself.
- self.project.delete(tenant_id)
- def create_domain(self, domain_id, domain):
- if domain_id == CONF.identity.default_domain_id:
- msg = _('Duplicate ID, %s.') % domain_id
- raise exception.Conflict(type='domain', details=msg)
- raise exception.Forbidden(_('Domains are read-only against LDAP'))
- def get_domain(self, domain_id):
- self._validate_default_domain_id(domain_id)
- return resource.calc_default_domain()
- def update_domain(self, domain_id, domain):
- self._validate_default_domain_id(domain_id)
- raise exception.Forbidden(_('Domains are read-only against LDAP'))
- def delete_domain(self, domain_id):
- self._validate_default_domain_id(domain_id)
- raise exception.Forbidden(_('Domains are read-only against LDAP'))
- def list_domains(self, hints):
- return [resource.calc_default_domain()]
- def list_domains_from_ids(self, ids):
- return [resource.calc_default_domain()]
- def get_domain_by_name(self, domain_name):
- default_domain = resource.calc_default_domain()
- if domain_name != default_domain['name']:
- raise exception.DomainNotFound(domain_id=domain_name)
- return default_domain
-# TODO(termie): turn this into a data object and move logic to driver
-class ProjectApi(common_ldap.ProjectLdapStructureMixin,
- common_ldap.EnabledEmuMixIn, common_ldap.BaseLdap):
- model = models.Project
- def create(self, values):
- data = values.copy()
- if data.get('id') is None:
- data['id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
- return super(ProjectApi, self).create(data)
- def update(self, project_id, values):
- old_obj = self.get(project_id)
- return super(ProjectApi, self).update(project_id, values, old_obj)
- def get_all_filtered(self, hints):
- query = self.filter_query(hints)
- return super(ProjectApi, self).get_all(query)