path: root/keystone-moon/keystone/federation/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'keystone-moon/keystone/federation/')
1 files changed, 615 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/federation/ b/keystone-moon/keystone/federation/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..494d58b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/federation/
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import datetime
+import os
+import uuid
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log
+from oslo_utils import fileutils
+from oslo_utils import importutils
+from oslo_utils import timeutils
+import saml2
+from saml2 import client_base
+from saml2 import md
+from saml2.profile import ecp
+from saml2 import saml
+from saml2 import samlp
+from saml2.schema import soapenv
+from saml2 import sigver
+xmldsig = importutils.try_import("saml2.xmldsig")
+if not xmldsig:
+ xmldsig = importutils.try_import("xmldsig")
+from keystone.common import environment
+from keystone.common import utils
+from keystone import exception
+from keystone.i18n import _, _LE
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+class SAMLGenerator(object):
+ """A class to generate SAML assertions."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.assertion_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ def samlize_token(self, issuer, recipient, user, user_domain_name, roles,
+ project, project_domain_name, expires_in=None):
+ """Convert Keystone attributes to a SAML assertion.
+ :param issuer: URL of the issuing party
+ :type issuer: string
+ :param recipient: URL of the recipient
+ :type recipient: string
+ :param user: User name
+ :type user: string
+ :param user_domain_name: User Domain name
+ :type user_domain_name: string
+ :param roles: List of role names
+ :type roles: list
+ :param project: Project name
+ :type project: string
+ :param project_domain_name: Project Domain name
+ :type project_domain_name: string
+ :param expires_in: Sets how long the assertion is valid for, in seconds
+ :type expires_in: int
+ :returns: XML <Response> object
+ """
+ expiration_time = self._determine_expiration_time(expires_in)
+ status = self._create_status()
+ saml_issuer = self._create_issuer(issuer)
+ subject = self._create_subject(user, expiration_time, recipient)
+ attribute_statement = self._create_attribute_statement(
+ user, user_domain_name, roles, project, project_domain_name)
+ authn_statement = self._create_authn_statement(issuer, expiration_time)
+ signature = self._create_signature()
+ assertion = self._create_assertion(saml_issuer, signature,
+ subject, authn_statement,
+ attribute_statement)
+ assertion = _sign_assertion(assertion)
+ response = self._create_response(saml_issuer, status, assertion,
+ recipient)
+ return response
+ def _determine_expiration_time(self, expires_in):
+ if expires_in is None:
+ expires_in = CONF.saml.assertion_expiration_time
+ now = timeutils.utcnow()
+ future = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=expires_in)
+ return utils.isotime(future, subsecond=True)
+ def _create_status(self):
+ """Create an object that represents a SAML Status.
+ <ns0:Status xmlns:ns0="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
+ <ns0:StatusCode
+ Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success" />
+ </ns0:Status>
+ :returns: XML <Status> object
+ """
+ status = samlp.Status()
+ status_code = samlp.StatusCode()
+ status_code.value = samlp.STATUS_SUCCESS
+ status_code.set_text('')
+ status.status_code = status_code
+ return status
+ def _create_issuer(self, issuer_url):
+ """Create an object that represents a SAML Issuer.
+ <ns0:Issuer
+ xmlns:ns0="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"
+ Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity">
+ :returns: XML <Issuer> object
+ """
+ issuer = saml.Issuer()
+ issuer.format = saml.NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY
+ issuer.set_text(issuer_url)
+ return issuer
+ def _create_subject(self, user, expiration_time, recipient):
+ """Create an object that represents a SAML Subject.
+ <ns0:Subject>
+ <ns0:NameID>
+ <ns0:SubjectConfirmation
+ Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">
+ <ns0:SubjectConfirmationData
+ NotOnOrAfter="2014-08-19T11:53:57.243106Z"
+ Recipient="" />
+ </ns0:SubjectConfirmation>
+ </ns0:Subject>
+ :returns: XML <Subject> object
+ """
+ name_id = saml.NameID()
+ name_id.set_text(user)
+ subject_conf_data = saml.SubjectConfirmationData()
+ subject_conf_data.recipient = recipient
+ subject_conf_data.not_on_or_after = expiration_time
+ subject_conf = saml.SubjectConfirmation()
+ subject_conf.method = saml.SCM_BEARER
+ subject_conf.subject_confirmation_data = subject_conf_data
+ subject = saml.Subject()
+ subject.subject_confirmation = subject_conf
+ subject.name_id = name_id
+ return subject
+ def _create_attribute_statement(self, user, user_domain_name, roles,
+ project, project_domain_name):
+ """Create an object that represents a SAML AttributeStatement.
+ <ns0:AttributeStatement>
+ <ns0:Attribute Name="openstack_user">
+ <ns0:AttributeValue
+ xsi:type="xs:string">test_user</ns0:AttributeValue>
+ </ns0:Attribute>
+ <ns0:Attribute Name="openstack_user_domain">
+ <ns0:AttributeValue
+ xsi:type="xs:string">Default</ns0:AttributeValue>
+ </ns0:Attribute>
+ <ns0:Attribute Name="openstack_roles">
+ <ns0:AttributeValue
+ xsi:type="xs:string">admin</ns0:AttributeValue>
+ <ns0:AttributeValue
+ xsi:type="xs:string">member</ns0:AttributeValue>
+ </ns0:Attribute>
+ <ns0:Attribute Name="openstack_project">
+ <ns0:AttributeValue
+ xsi:type="xs:string">development</ns0:AttributeValue>
+ </ns0:Attribute>
+ <ns0:Attribute Name="openstack_project_domain">
+ <ns0:AttributeValue
+ xsi:type="xs:string">Default</ns0:AttributeValue>
+ </ns0:Attribute>
+ </ns0:AttributeStatement>
+ :returns: XML <AttributeStatement> object
+ """
+ def _build_attribute(attribute_name, attribute_values):
+ attribute = saml.Attribute()
+ = attribute_name
+ for value in attribute_values:
+ attribute_value = saml.AttributeValue()
+ attribute_value.set_text(value)
+ attribute.attribute_value.append(attribute_value)
+ return attribute
+ user_attribute = _build_attribute('openstack_user', [user])
+ roles_attribute = _build_attribute('openstack_roles', roles)
+ project_attribute = _build_attribute('openstack_project', [project])
+ project_domain_attribute = _build_attribute(
+ 'openstack_project_domain', [project_domain_name])
+ user_domain_attribute = _build_attribute(
+ 'openstack_user_domain', [user_domain_name])
+ attribute_statement = saml.AttributeStatement()
+ attribute_statement.attribute.append(user_attribute)
+ attribute_statement.attribute.append(roles_attribute)
+ attribute_statement.attribute.append(project_attribute)
+ attribute_statement.attribute.append(project_domain_attribute)
+ attribute_statement.attribute.append(user_domain_attribute)
+ return attribute_statement
+ def _create_authn_statement(self, issuer, expiration_time):
+ """Create an object that represents a SAML AuthnStatement.
+ <ns0:AuthnStatement xmlns:ns0="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"
+ AuthnInstant="2014-07-30T03:04:25Z" SessionIndex="47335964efb"
+ SessionNotOnOrAfter="2014-07-30T03:04:26Z">
+ <ns0:AuthnContext>
+ <ns0:AuthnContextClassRef>
+ urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password
+ </ns0:AuthnContextClassRef>
+ <ns0:AuthenticatingAuthority>
+ </ns0:AuthenticatingAuthority>
+ </ns0:AuthnContext>
+ </ns0:AuthnStatement>
+ :returns: XML <AuthnStatement> object
+ """
+ authn_statement = saml.AuthnStatement()
+ authn_statement.authn_instant = utils.isotime()
+ authn_statement.session_index = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ authn_statement.session_not_on_or_after = expiration_time
+ authn_context = saml.AuthnContext()
+ authn_context_class = saml.AuthnContextClassRef()
+ authn_context_class.set_text(saml.AUTHN_PASSWORD)
+ authn_authority = saml.AuthenticatingAuthority()
+ authn_authority.set_text(issuer)
+ authn_context.authn_context_class_ref = authn_context_class
+ authn_context.authenticating_authority = authn_authority
+ authn_statement.authn_context = authn_context
+ return authn_statement
+ def _create_assertion(self, issuer, signature, subject, authn_statement,
+ attribute_statement):
+ """Create an object that represents a SAML Assertion.
+ <ns0:Assertion
+ ID="35daed258ba647ba8962e9baff4d6a46"
+ IssueInstant="2014-06-11T15:45:58Z"
+ Version="2.0">
+ <ns0:Issuer> ... </ns0:Issuer>
+ <ns1:Signature> ... </ns1:Signature>
+ <ns0:Subject> ... </ns0:Subject>
+ <ns0:AuthnStatement> ... </ns0:AuthnStatement>
+ <ns0:AttributeStatement> ... </ns0:AttributeStatement>
+ </ns0:Assertion>
+ :returns: XML <Assertion> object
+ """
+ assertion = saml.Assertion()
+ = self.assertion_id
+ assertion.issue_instant = utils.isotime()
+ assertion.version = '2.0'
+ assertion.issuer = issuer
+ assertion.signature = signature
+ assertion.subject = subject
+ assertion.authn_statement = authn_statement
+ assertion.attribute_statement = attribute_statement
+ return assertion
+ def _create_response(self, issuer, status, assertion, recipient):
+ """Create an object that represents a SAML Response.
+ <ns0:Response
+ Destination=""
+ ID="c5954543230e4e778bc5b92923a0512d"
+ IssueInstant="2014-07-30T03:19:45Z"
+ Version="2.0" />
+ <ns0:Issuer> ... </ns0:Issuer>
+ <ns0:Assertion> ... </ns0:Assertion>
+ <ns0:Status> ... </ns0:Status>
+ </ns0:Response>
+ :returns: XML <Response> object
+ """
+ response = samlp.Response()
+ = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ response.destination = recipient
+ response.issue_instant = utils.isotime()
+ response.version = '2.0'
+ response.issuer = issuer
+ response.status = status
+ response.assertion = assertion
+ return response
+ def _create_signature(self):
+ """Create an object that represents a SAML <Signature>.
+ This must be filled with algorithms that the signing binary will apply
+ in order to sign the whole message.
+ Currently we enforce X509 signing.
+ Example of the template::
+ <Signature xmlns="">
+ <SignedInfo>
+ <CanonicalizationMethod
+ Algorithm=""/>
+ <SignatureMethod
+ Algorithm=""/>
+ <Reference URI="#<Assertion ID>">
+ <Transforms>
+ <Transform
+ Algorithm=""/>
+ <Transform Algorithm=""/>
+ </Transforms>
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
+ <DigestValue />
+ </Reference>
+ </SignedInfo>
+ <SignatureValue />
+ <KeyInfo>
+ <X509Data />
+ </KeyInfo>
+ </Signature>
+ :returns: XML <Signature> object
+ """
+ canonicalization_method = xmldsig.CanonicalizationMethod()
+ canonicalization_method.algorithm = xmldsig.ALG_EXC_C14N
+ signature_method = xmldsig.SignatureMethod(
+ algorithm=xmldsig.SIG_RSA_SHA1)
+ transforms = xmldsig.Transforms()
+ envelope_transform = xmldsig.Transform(
+ algorithm=xmldsig.TRANSFORM_ENVELOPED)
+ c14_transform = xmldsig.Transform(algorithm=xmldsig.ALG_EXC_C14N)
+ transforms.transform = [envelope_transform, c14_transform]
+ digest_method = xmldsig.DigestMethod(algorithm=xmldsig.DIGEST_SHA1)
+ digest_value = xmldsig.DigestValue()
+ reference = xmldsig.Reference()
+ reference.uri = '#' + self.assertion_id
+ reference.digest_method = digest_method
+ reference.digest_value = digest_value
+ reference.transforms = transforms
+ signed_info = xmldsig.SignedInfo()
+ signed_info.canonicalization_method = canonicalization_method
+ signed_info.signature_method = signature_method
+ signed_info.reference = reference
+ key_info = xmldsig.KeyInfo()
+ key_info.x509_data = xmldsig.X509Data()
+ signature = xmldsig.Signature()
+ signature.signed_info = signed_info
+ signature.signature_value = xmldsig.SignatureValue()
+ signature.key_info = key_info
+ return signature
+def _sign_assertion(assertion):
+ """Sign a SAML assertion.
+ This method utilizes ``xmlsec1`` binary and signs SAML assertions in a
+ separate process. ``xmlsec1`` cannot read input data from stdin so the
+ prepared assertion needs to be serialized and stored in a temporary
+ file. This file will be deleted immediately after ``xmlsec1`` returns.
+ The signed assertion is redirected to a standard output and read using
+ subprocess.PIPE redirection. A ``saml.Assertion`` class is created
+ from the signed string again and returned.
+ Parameters that are required in the CONF::
+ * xmlsec_binary
+ * private key file path
+ * public key file path
+ :returns: XML <Assertion> object
+ """
+ xmlsec_binary = CONF.saml.xmlsec1_binary
+ idp_private_key = CONF.saml.keyfile
+ idp_public_key = CONF.saml.certfile
+ # xmlsec1 --sign --privkey-pem privkey,cert --id-attr:ID <tag> <file>
+ certificates = '%(idp_private_key)s,%(idp_public_key)s' % {
+ 'idp_public_key': idp_public_key,
+ 'idp_private_key': idp_private_key
+ }
+ command_list = [xmlsec_binary, '--sign', '--privkey-pem', certificates,
+ '--id-attr:ID', 'Assertion']
+ file_path = None
+ try:
+ # NOTE(gyee): need to make the namespace prefixes explicit so
+ # they won't get reassigned when we wrap the assertion into
+ # SAML2 response
+ file_path = fileutils.write_to_tempfile(assertion.to_string(
+ nspair={'saml': saml2.NAMESPACE,
+ 'xmldsig': xmldsig.NAMESPACE}))
+ command_list.append(file_path)
+ subprocess = environment.subprocess
+ stdout = subprocess.check_output(command_list, # nosec : The contents
+ # of the command list are coming from
+ # a trusted source because the
+ # executable and arguments all either
+ # come from the config file or are
+ # hardcoded. The command list is
+ # initialized earlier in this function
+ # to a list and it's still a list at
+ # this point in the function. There is
+ # no opportunity for an attacker to
+ # attempt command injection via string
+ # parsing.
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = _LE('Error when signing assertion, reason: %(reason)s%(output)s')
+ LOG.error(msg,
+ {'reason': e,
+ 'output': ' ' + e.output if hasattr(e, 'output') else ''})
+ raise exception.SAMLSigningError(reason=e)
+ finally:
+ try:
+ if file_path:
+ os.remove(file_path)
+ except OSError: # nosec
+ # The file is already gone, good.
+ pass
+ return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(saml.Assertion, stdout)
+class MetadataGenerator(object):
+ """A class for generating SAML IdP Metadata."""
+ def generate_metadata(self):
+ """Generate Identity Provider Metadata.
+ Generate and format metadata into XML that can be exposed and
+ consumed by a federated Service Provider.
+ :returns: XML <EntityDescriptor> object.
+ :raises keystone.exception.ValidationError: If the required
+ config options aren't set.
+ """
+ self._ensure_required_values_present()
+ entity_descriptor = self._create_entity_descriptor()
+ entity_descriptor.idpsso_descriptor = (
+ self._create_idp_sso_descriptor())
+ return entity_descriptor
+ def _create_entity_descriptor(self):
+ ed = md.EntityDescriptor()
+ ed.entity_id = CONF.saml.idp_entity_id
+ return ed
+ def _create_idp_sso_descriptor(self):
+ def get_cert():
+ try:
+ return sigver.read_cert_from_file(CONF.saml.certfile, 'pem')
+ except (IOError, sigver.CertificateError) as e:
+ msg = _('Cannot open certificate %(cert_file)s. '
+ 'Reason: %(reason)s')
+ msg = msg % {'cert_file': CONF.saml.certfile, 'reason': e}
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise IOError(msg)
+ def key_descriptor():
+ cert = get_cert()
+ return md.KeyDescriptor(
+ key_info=xmldsig.KeyInfo(
+ x509_data=xmldsig.X509Data(
+ x509_certificate=xmldsig.X509Certificate(text=cert)
+ )
+ ), use='signing'
+ )
+ def single_sign_on_service():
+ idp_sso_endpoint = CONF.saml.idp_sso_endpoint
+ return md.SingleSignOnService(
+ binding=saml2.BINDING_URI,
+ location=idp_sso_endpoint)
+ def organization():
+ name = md.OrganizationName(lang=CONF.saml.idp_lang,
+ text=CONF.saml.idp_organization_name)
+ display_name = md.OrganizationDisplayName(
+ lang=CONF.saml.idp_lang,
+ text=CONF.saml.idp_organization_display_name)
+ url = md.OrganizationURL(lang=CONF.saml.idp_lang,
+ text=CONF.saml.idp_organization_url)
+ return md.Organization(
+ organization_display_name=display_name,
+ organization_url=url, organization_name=name)
+ def contact_person():
+ company = md.Company(text=CONF.saml.idp_contact_company)
+ given_name = md.GivenName(text=CONF.saml.idp_contact_name)
+ surname = md.SurName(text=CONF.saml.idp_contact_surname)
+ email = md.EmailAddress(text=CONF.saml.idp_contact_email)
+ telephone = md.TelephoneNumber(
+ text=CONF.saml.idp_contact_telephone)
+ contact_type = CONF.saml.idp_contact_type
+ return md.ContactPerson(
+ company=company, given_name=given_name, sur_name=surname,
+ email_address=email, telephone_number=telephone,
+ contact_type=contact_type)
+ def name_id_format():
+ return md.NameIDFormat(text=saml.NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT)
+ idpsso = md.IDPSSODescriptor()
+ idpsso.protocol_support_enumeration = samlp.NAMESPACE
+ idpsso.key_descriptor = key_descriptor()
+ idpsso.single_sign_on_service = single_sign_on_service()
+ idpsso.name_id_format = name_id_format()
+ if self._check_organization_values():
+ idpsso.organization = organization()
+ if self._check_contact_person_values():
+ idpsso.contact_person = contact_person()
+ return idpsso
+ def _ensure_required_values_present(self):
+ """Ensure idp_sso_endpoint and idp_entity_id have values."""
+ if CONF.saml.idp_entity_id is None:
+ msg = _('Ensure configuration option idp_entity_id is set.')
+ raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
+ if CONF.saml.idp_sso_endpoint is None:
+ msg = _('Ensure configuration option idp_sso_endpoint is set.')
+ raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
+ def _check_contact_person_values(self):
+ """Determine if contact information is included in metadata."""
+ # Check if we should include contact information
+ params = [CONF.saml.idp_contact_company,
+ CONF.saml.idp_contact_name,
+ CONF.saml.idp_contact_surname,
+ CONF.saml.idp_contact_email,
+ CONF.saml.idp_contact_telephone]
+ for value in params:
+ if value is None:
+ return False
+ # Check if contact type is an invalid value
+ valid_type_values = ['technical', 'other', 'support', 'administrative',
+ 'billing']
+ if CONF.saml.idp_contact_type not in valid_type_values:
+ msg = _('idp_contact_type must be one of: [technical, other, '
+ 'support, administrative or billing.')
+ raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
+ return True
+ def _check_organization_values(self):
+ """Determine if organization information is included in metadata."""
+ params = [CONF.saml.idp_organization_name,
+ CONF.saml.idp_organization_display_name,
+ CONF.saml.idp_organization_url]
+ for value in params:
+ if value is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+class ECPGenerator(object):
+ """A class for generating an ECP assertion."""
+ @staticmethod
+ def generate_ecp(saml_assertion, relay_state_prefix):
+ ecp_generator = ECPGenerator()
+ header = ecp_generator._create_header(relay_state_prefix)
+ body = ecp_generator._create_body(saml_assertion)
+ envelope = soapenv.Envelope(header=header, body=body)
+ return envelope
+ def _create_header(self, relay_state_prefix):
+ relay_state_text = relay_state_prefix + uuid.uuid4().hex
+ relay_state = ecp.RelayState(actor=client_base.ACTOR,
+ must_understand='1',
+ text=relay_state_text)
+ header = soapenv.Header()
+ header.extension_elements = (
+ [saml2.element_to_extension_element(relay_state)])
+ return header
+ def _create_body(self, saml_assertion):
+ body = soapenv.Body()
+ body.extension_elements = (
+ [saml2.element_to_extension_element(saml_assertion)])
+ return body