path: root/old/moon_authz/tests
diff options
authorThomas Duval <thomas.duval@orange.com>2020-06-03 10:06:52 +0200
committerThomas Duval <thomas.duval@orange.com>2020-06-03 10:06:52 +0200
commit7bb53c64da2dcf88894bfd31503accdd81498f3d (patch)
tree4310e12366818af27947b5e2c80cb162da93a4b5 /old/moon_authz/tests
parentcbea4e360e9bfaa9698cf7c61c83c96a1ba89b8c (diff)
Update to new version 5.4HEADstable/jermamaster
Signed-off-by: Thomas Duval <thomas.duval@orange.com> Change-Id: Idcd868133d75928a1ffd74d749ce98503e0555ea
Diffstat (limited to 'old/moon_authz/tests')
5 files changed, 877 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/conftest.py b/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6e62078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import pytest
+import requests_mock
+import mock_pods
+import os
+from utilities import CONTEXT
+def context():
+ return CONTEXT
+def set_env_variables():
+ os.environ['UUID'] = "1111111111"
+ os.environ['TYPE'] = "authz"
+ os.environ['PORT'] = "8081"
+ os.environ['PDP_ID'] = "b3d3e18abf3340e8b635fd49e6634ccd"
+ os.environ['META_RULE_ID'] = "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0"
+ os.environ['KEYSTONE_PROJECT_ID'] = CONTEXT['project_id']
+def no_requests(monkeypatch):
+ """ Modify the response from Requests module
+ """
+ set_env_variables()
+ with requests_mock.Mocker(real_http=True) as m:
+ mock_pods.register_pods(m)
+ yield m
diff --git a/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/mock_pods.py b/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/mock_pods.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39223a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/mock_pods.py
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+from utilities import CONF, get_b64_conf, COMPONENTS
+pdp_mock = {
+ "b3d3e18abf3340e8b635fd49e6634ccd": {
+ "description": "test",
+ "security_pipeline": [
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0"
+ ],
+ "name": "pdp_rbac",
+ "keystone_project_id": "a64beb1cc224474fb4badd43173e7101"
+ },
+ "pdp_id1": {
+ "name": "pdp_id1",
+ "security_pipeline": ["policy_id_1", "policy_id_2"],
+ "keystone_project_id": "keystone_project_id1",
+ "description": "...",
+ },
+ "pdp_id12": {
+ "name": "pdp_id2",
+ "security_pipeline": ["policy_id_1", "policy_id_2"],
+ "keystone_project_id": "keystone_project_id2",
+ "description": "...",
+ }
+meta_rules_mock = {
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0": {
+ "subject_categories": [
+ "14e6ae0ba34d458b876c791b73aa17bd"
+ ],
+ "action_categories": [
+ "241a2a791554421a91c9f1bc564aa94d"
+ ],
+ "description": "",
+ "name": "rbac",
+ "object_categories": [
+ "6d48500f639d4c2cab2b1f33ef93a1e8"
+ ]
+ },
+ "meta_rule_id1": {
+ "name": "meta_rule1",
+ "algorithm": "name of the meta rule algorithm",
+ "subject_categories": ["subject_category_id1",
+ "subject_category_id2"],
+ "object_categories": ["object_category_id1"],
+ "action_categories": ["action_category_id1"]
+ },
+ "meta_rule_id2": {
+ "name": "name of the meta rules2",
+ "algorithm": "name of the meta rule algorithm",
+ "subject_categories": ["subject_category_id1",
+ "subject_category_id2"],
+ "object_categories": ["object_category_id1"],
+ "action_categories": ["action_category_id1"]
+ }
+policies_mock = {
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0": {
+ "name": "RBAC policy example",
+ "model_id": "cd923d8633ff4978ab0e99938f5153d6",
+ "description": "test",
+ "genre": "authz"
+ },
+ "policy_id_1": {
+ "name": "test_policy1",
+ "model_id": "model_id_1",
+ "genre": "authz",
+ "description": "test",
+ },
+ "policy_id_2": {
+ "name": "test_policy2",
+ "model_id": "model_id_2",
+ "genre": "authz",
+ "description": "test",
+ }
+subject_mock = {
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0": {
+ "89ba91c18dd54abfbfde7a66936c51a6": {
+ "description": "test",
+ "policy_list": [
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0",
+ "636cd473324f4c0bbd9102cb5b62a16d"
+ ],
+ "name": "testuser",
+ "email": "mail",
+ "id": "89ba91c18dd54abfbfde7a66936c51a6",
+ "extra": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "policy_id_1": {
+ "subject_id": {
+ "name": "subject_name",
+ "keystone_id": "keystone_project_id1",
+ "description": "a description"
+ }
+ },
+ "policy_id_2": {
+ "subject_id": {
+ "name": "subject_name",
+ "keystone_id": "keystone_project_id2",
+ "description": "a description"
+ }
+ }
+subject_assignment_mock = {
+ "826c1156d0284fc9b4b2ddb279f63c52": {
+ "category_id": "14e6ae0ba34d458b876c791b73aa17bd",
+ "assignments": [
+ "24ea95256c5f4c888c1bb30a187788df",
+ "6b227b77184c48b6a5e2f3ed1de0c02a",
+ "31928b17ec90438ba5a2e50ae7650e63",
+ "4e60f554dd3147af87595fb6b37dcb13",
+ "7a5541b63a024fa88170a6b59f99ccd7",
+ "dd2af27812f742029d289df9687d6126"
+ ],
+ "id": "826c1156d0284fc9b4b2ddb279f63c52",
+ "subject_id": "89ba91c18dd54abfbfde7a66936c51a6",
+ "policy_id": "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0"
+ },
+ "7407ffc1232944279b0cbcb0847c86f7": {
+ "category_id": "315072d40d774c43a89ff33937ed24eb",
+ "assignments": [
+ "6b227b77184c48b6a5e2f3ed1de0c02a",
+ "31928b17ec90438ba5a2e50ae7650e63",
+ "7a5541b63a024fa88170a6b59f99ccd7",
+ "dd2af27812f742029d289df9687d6126"
+ ],
+ "id": "7407ffc1232944279b0cbcb0847c86f7",
+ "subject_id": "89ba91c18dd54abfbfde7a66936c51a6",
+ "policy_id": "3e65256389b448cb9897917ea235f0bb"
+ }
+object_mock = {
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0": {
+ "9089b3d2ce5b4e929ffc7e35b55eba1a": {
+ "name": "vm1",
+ "description": "test",
+ "id": "9089b3d2ce5b4e929ffc7e35b55eba1a",
+ "extra": {},
+ "policy_list": [
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0",
+ "636cd473324f4c0bbd9102cb5b62a16d"
+ ]
+ },
+ },
+ "policy_id_1": {
+ "object_id": {
+ "name": "object_name",
+ "description": "a description"
+ }
+ },
+ "policy_id_2": {
+ "object_id": {
+ "name": "object_name",
+ "description": "a description"
+ }
+ }
+object_assignment_mock = {
+ "201ad05fd3f940948b769ab9214fe295": {
+ "object_id": "9089b3d2ce5b4e929ffc7e35b55eba1a",
+ "assignments": [
+ "030fbb34002e4236a7b74eeb5fd71e35",
+ "06bcb8655b9d46a9b90e67ef7c825b50",
+ "34eb45d7f46d4fb6bc4965349b8e4b83",
+ "4b7793dbae434c31a77da9d92de9fa8c"
+ ],
+ "id": "201ad05fd3f940948b769ab9214fe295",
+ "category_id": "6d48500f639d4c2cab2b1f33ef93a1e8",
+ "policy_id": "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0"
+ },
+ "90c5e86f8be34c0298fbd1973e4fb043": {
+ "object_id": "67b8008a3f8d4f8e847eb628f0f7ca0e",
+ "assignments": [
+ "a098918e915b4b12bccb89f9a3f3b4e4",
+ "06bcb8655b9d46a9b90e67ef7c825b50",
+ "7dc76c6142af47c88b60cc2b0df650ba",
+ "4b7793dbae434c31a77da9d92de9fa8c"
+ ],
+ "id": "90c5e86f8be34c0298fbd1973e4fb043",
+ "category_id": "33aece52d45b4474a20dc48a76800daf",
+ "policy_id": "3e65256389b448cb9897917ea235f0bb"
+ }
+action_mock = {
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0": {
+ "cdb3df220dc05a6ea3334b994827b068": {
+ "name": "boot",
+ "description": "test",
+ "id": "cdb3df220dc04a6ea3334b994827b068",
+ "extra": {},
+ "policy_list": [
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0",
+ "636cd473324f4c0bbd9102cb5b62a16d"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cdb3df220dc04a6ea3334b994827b068": {
+ "name": "stop",
+ "description": "test",
+ "id": "cdb3df220dc04a6ea3334b994827b068",
+ "extra": {},
+ "policy_list": [
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0",
+ "636cd473324f4c0bbd9102cb5b62a16d"
+ ]
+ },
+ "9f5112afe9b34a6c894eb87246ccb7aa": {
+ "name": "start",
+ "description": "test",
+ "id": "9f5112afe9b34a6c894eb87246ccb7aa",
+ "extra": {},
+ "policy_list": [
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0",
+ "636cd473324f4c0bbd9102cb5b62a16d"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "policy_id_1": {
+ "action_id": {
+ "name": "action_name",
+ "description": "a description"
+ }
+ },
+ "policy_id_2": {
+ "action_id": {
+ "name": "action_name",
+ "description": "a description"
+ }
+ }
+action_assignment_mock = {
+ "2128e3ffbd1c4ef5be515d625745c2d4": {
+ "category_id": "241a2a791554421a91c9f1bc564aa94d",
+ "action_id": "cdb3df220dc05a6ea3334b994827b068",
+ "policy_id": "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0",
+ "id": "2128e3ffbd1c4ef5be515d625745c2d4",
+ "assignments": [
+ "570c036781e540dc9395b83098c40ba7",
+ "7fe17d7a2e3542719f8349c3f2273182",
+ "015ca6f40338422ba3f692260377d638",
+ "23d44c17bf88480f83e8d57d2aa1ea79"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cffb98852f3a4110af7a0ddfc4e19201": {
+ "category_id": "4a2c5abaeaf644fcaf3ca8df64000d53",
+ "action_id": "cdb3df220dc04a6ea3334b994827b068",
+ "policy_id": "3e65256389b448cb9897917ea235f0bb",
+ "id": "cffb98852f3a4110af7a0ddfc4e19201",
+ "assignments": [
+ "570c036781e540dc9395b83098c40ba7",
+ "7fe17d7a2e3542719f8349c3f2273182",
+ "015ca6f40338422ba3f692260377d638",
+ "23d44c17bf88480f83e8d57d2aa1ea79"
+ ]
+ }
+models_mock = {
+ "cd923d8633ff4978ab0e99938f5153d6": {
+ "name": "RBAC",
+ "meta_rules": [
+ "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0"
+ ],
+ "description": "test"
+ },
+ "model_id_1": {
+ "name": "test_model",
+ "description": "test",
+ "meta_rules": ["meta_rule_id1"]
+ },
+ "model_id_2": {
+ "name": "test_model",
+ "description": "test",
+ "meta_rules": ["meta_rule_id2"]
+ },
+rules_mock = {
+ "policy_id": "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0",
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "policy_id": "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0",
+ "rule": [
+ "24ea95256c5f4c888c1bb30a187788df",
+ "030fbb34002e4236a7b74eeb5fd71e35",
+ "570c036781e540dc9395b83098c40ba7"
+ ],
+ "enabled": True,
+ "id": "0201a2bcf56943c1904dbac016289b71",
+ "instructions": [
+ {
+ "decision": "grant"
+ }
+ ],
+ "meta_rule_id": "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0"
+ },
+ {
+ "policy_id": "ecc2451c494e47b5bca7250cd324a360",
+ "rule": [
+ "54f574cd2043468da5d65e4f6ed6e3c9",
+ "6559686961a3490a978f246ac9f85fbf",
+ "ac0d1f600bf447e8bd2f37b7cc47f2dc"
+ ],
+ "enabled": True,
+ "id": "a83fed666af8436192dfd8b3c83a6fde",
+ "instructions": [
+ {
+ "decision": "grant"
+ }
+ ],
+ "meta_rule_id": "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0"
+ }
+ ]
+def register_pods(m):
+ """ Modify the response from Requests module
+ """
+ register_consul(m)
+ register_pdp(m)
+ register_meta_rules(m)
+ register_policies(m)
+ register_models(m)
+ register_orchestrator(m)
+ register_policy_subject(m, "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0")
+ # register_policy_subject(m, "policy_id_2")
+ register_policy_object(m, "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0")
+ # register_policy_object(m, "policy_id_2")
+ register_policy_action(m, "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0")
+ # register_policy_action(m, "policy_id_2")
+ register_policy_subject_assignment(m, "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0", "89ba91c18dd54abfbfde7a66936c51a6")
+ register_policy_subject_assignment_list(m, "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0")
+ register_policy_subject_assignment(m, "policy_id_2", "subject_id")
+ # register_policy_subject_assignment_list(m1, "policy_id_2")
+ register_policy_object_assignment(m, "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0", "9089b3d2ce5b4e929ffc7e35b55eba1a")
+ register_policy_object_assignment_list(m, "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0")
+ register_policy_object_assignment(m, "policy_id_2", "object_id")
+ # register_policy_object_assignment_list(m1, "policy_id_2")
+ register_policy_action_assignment(m, "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0", "cdb3df220dc05a6ea3334b994827b068")
+ register_policy_action_assignment_list(m, "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0")
+ register_policy_action_assignment(m, "policy_id_2", "action_id")
+ # register_policy_action_assignment_list(m1, "policy_id_2")
+ register_rules(m, "f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0")
+ register_rules(m, "policy_id_1")
+ register_rules(m, "policy_id_2")
+def register_consul(m):
+ for component in COMPONENTS:
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://consul:8500/v1/kv/{}'.format(component),
+ json=[{'Key': component, 'Value': get_b64_conf(component)}]
+ )
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://consul:8500/v1/kv/components_port_start',
+ json=[
+ {
+ "LockIndex": 0,
+ "Key": "components_port_start",
+ "Flags": 0,
+ "Value": "MzEwMDE=",
+ "CreateIndex": 9,
+ "ModifyIndex": 9
+ }
+ ],
+ )
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'PUT', 'http://consul:8500/v1/kv/components_port_start',
+ json=[],
+ )
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://consul:8500/v1/kv/plugins?recurse=true',
+ json=[
+ {
+ "LockIndex": 0,
+ "Key": "plugins/authz",
+ "Flags": 0,
+ "Value": "eyJjb250YWluZXIiOiAid3Vrb25nc3VuL21vb25fYXV0aHo6djQuMyIsICJwb3J0IjogODA4MX0=",
+ "CreateIndex": 14,
+ "ModifyIndex": 656
+ }
+ ],
+ )
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://consul:8500/v1/kv/components?recurse=true',
+ json=[
+ {"Key": key, "Value": get_b64_conf(key)} for key in COMPONENTS
+ ],
+ )
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://consul:8500/v1/kv/plugins/authz',
+ json=[
+ {
+ "LockIndex": 0,
+ "Key": "plugins/authz",
+ "Flags": 0,
+ "Value": "eyJjb250YWluZXIiOiAid3Vrb25nc3VuL21vb25fYXV0aHo6djQuMyIsICJwb3J0IjogODA4MX0=",
+ "CreateIndex": 14,
+ "ModifyIndex": 656
+ }
+ ],
+ )
+def register_orchestrator(m):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://orchestrator:8083/pods',
+ json={
+ "pods": {
+ "1234567890": [
+ {"name": "wrapper-quiet", "port": 8080,
+ "container": "wukongsun/moon_wrapper:v4.3.1",
+ "namespace": "moon"}]}}
+ )
+def register_pdp(m):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'pdp'),
+ json={'pdps': pdp_mock}
+ )
+def register_meta_rules(m):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'meta_rules'),
+ json={'meta_rules': meta_rules_mock}
+ )
+def register_policies(m):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies'),
+ json={'policies': policies_mock}
+ )
+def register_models(m):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'models'),
+ json={'models': models_mock}
+ )
+def register_policy_subject(m, policy_id):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}/{}/subjects'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies', policy_id),
+ json={'subjects': subject_mock[policy_id]}
+ )
+def register_policy_object(m, policy_id):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}/{}/objects'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies', policy_id),
+ json={'objects': object_mock[policy_id]}
+ )
+def register_policy_action(m, policy_id):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}/{}/actions'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies', policy_id),
+ json={'actions': action_mock[policy_id]}
+ )
+def register_policy_subject_assignment(m, policy_id, subj_id):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}/{}/subject_assignments/{}'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies',
+ policy_id,
+ subj_id),
+ json={'subject_assignments': subject_assignment_mock}
+ )
+def register_policy_subject_assignment_list(m, policy_id):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}/{}/subject_assignments'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies',
+ policy_id),
+ json={'subject_assignments': subject_assignment_mock}
+ )
+def register_policy_object_assignment(m, policy_id, obj_id):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}/{}/object_assignments/{}'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies',
+ policy_id,
+ obj_id),
+ json={'object_assignments': object_assignment_mock}
+ )
+def register_policy_object_assignment_list(m, policy_id):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}/{}/object_assignments'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies',
+ policy_id),
+ json={'object_assignments': object_assignment_mock}
+ )
+def register_policy_action_assignment(m, policy_id, action_id):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}/{}/action_assignments/{}'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies',
+ policy_id,
+ action_id),
+ json={'action_assignments': action_assignment_mock}
+ )
+def register_policy_action_assignment_list(m, policy_id):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}/{}/action_assignments'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies',
+ policy_id),
+ json={'action_assignments': action_assignment_mock}
+ )
+def register_rules(m, policy_id):
+ m.register_uri(
+ 'GET', 'http://{}:{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(CONF['components']['manager']['hostname'],
+ CONF['components']['manager']['port'], 'policies',
+ policy_id, 'rules'),
+ json={'rules': rules_mock}
+ ) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/requirements.txt b/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21975ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+python_moonutilities \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/test_authz.py b/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/test_authz.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2352fe06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/test_authz.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import json
+import pickle
+import pytest
+def get_data(data):
+ return pickle.loads(data)
+def get_json(data):
+ return json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))
+def run(component_data, cache, context):
+ from moon_authz.api.authorization import Authz
+ authz = Authz(component_data=component_data, cache=cache)
+ authz.context = context
+ authz.run()
+def test_authz_true(context):
+ import moon_authz.server
+ from python_moonutilities.context import Context
+ from python_moonutilities.cache import Cache
+ server = moon_authz.server.create_server()
+ client = server.app.test_client()
+ CACHE = Cache()
+ CACHE.update()
+ print(CACHE.pdp)
+ _context = Context(context, CACHE)
+ req = client.post("/authz", data=pickle.dumps(_context))
+ assert req.status_code == 200
+ data = get_data(req.data)
+ assert data
+ assert isinstance(data, Context)
+ policy_id = data.headers[0]
+ assert policy_id
+ assert "effect" in data.pdp_set[policy_id]
+ assert data.pdp_set[policy_id]['effect'] == "grant"
+def test_user_not_allowed(context):
+ import moon_authz.server
+ from python_moonutilities.context import Context
+ from python_moonutilities.cache import Cache
+ server = moon_authz.server.create_server()
+ client = server.app.test_client()
+ CACHE = Cache()
+ CACHE.update()
+ context['subject_name'] = "user_not_allowed"
+ _context = Context(context, CACHE)
+ req = client.post("/authz", data=pickle.dumps(_context))
+ assert req.status_code == 400
+ data = get_json(req.data)
+ assert data
+ assert isinstance(data, dict)
+ assert "message" in data
+ assert data["message"] == "Cannot find subject user_not_allowed"
+def test_object_not_allowed(context):
+ import moon_authz.server
+ from python_moonutilities.context import Context
+ from python_moonutilities.cache import Cache
+ server = moon_authz.server.create_server()
+ client = server.app.test_client()
+ CACHE = Cache()
+ CACHE.update()
+ context['subject_name'] = "testuser"
+ context['object_name'] = "invalid"
+ _context = Context(context, CACHE)
+ req = client.post("/authz", data=pickle.dumps(_context))
+ assert req.status_code == 400
+ data = get_json(req.data)
+ assert data
+ assert isinstance(data, dict)
+ assert "message" in data
+ assert data["message"] == "Cannot find object invalid"
+def test_action_not_allowed(context):
+ import moon_authz.server
+ from python_moonutilities.context import Context
+ from python_moonutilities.cache import Cache
+ server = moon_authz.server.create_server()
+ client = server.app.test_client()
+ CACHE = Cache()
+ CACHE.update()
+ context['subject_name'] = "testuser"
+ context['object_name'] = "vm1"
+ context['action_name'] = "invalid"
+ _context = Context(context, CACHE)
+ req = client.post("/authz", data=pickle.dumps(_context))
+ assert req.status_code == 400
+ data = get_json(req.data)
+ assert data
+ assert isinstance(data, dict)
+ assert "message" in data
+ assert data["message"] == "Cannot find action invalid"
+def test_authz_with_empty_pdp_set(context):
+ from python_moonutilities.context import Context
+ from python_moonutilities.cache import Cache
+ CACHE = Cache()
+ CACHE.update()
+ _context = Context(context, CACHE)
+ component_data = {
+ 'component_id': 'component_id1',
+ 'pdp_id': 'pdp_id1',
+ 'meta_rule_id': 'meta_rule_id1',
+ 'keystone_project_id': 'keystone_project_id1',
+ }
+ with pytest.raises(Exception) as exception_info:
+ run(component_data, CACHE, _context)
+ assert str(exception_info.value) == '400: Pdp Unknown'
diff --git a/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/utilities.py b/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/utilities.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3a111bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/moon_authz/tests/unit_python/utilities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+import base64
+import json
+import pytest
+from uuid import uuid4
+CONF = {
+ "openstack": {
+ "keystone": {
+ "url": "http://keystone:5000/v3",
+ "user": "admin",
+ "check_token": False,
+ "password": "p4ssw0rd",
+ "domain": "default",
+ "certificate": False,
+ "project": "admin"
+ }
+ },
+ "components": {
+ "wrapper": {
+ "bind": "",
+ "port": 8080,
+ "container": "wukongsun/moon_wrapper:v4.3",
+ "timeout": 5,
+ "hostname": "wrapper"
+ },
+ "manager": {
+ "bind": "",
+ "port": 8082,
+ "container": "wukongsun/moon_manager:v4.3",
+ "hostname": "manager"
+ },
+ "port_start": 31001,
+ "orchestrator": {
+ "bind": "",
+ "port": 8083,
+ "container": "wukongsun/moon_orchestrator:v4.3",
+ "hostname": "orchestrator"
+ },
+ "pipeline": {
+ "interface": {
+ "bind": "",
+ "port": 8080,
+ "container": "wukongsun/moon_interface:v4.3",
+ "hostname": "interface"
+ },
+ "authz": {
+ "bind": "",
+ "port": 8081,
+ "container": "wukongsun/moon_authz:v4.3",
+ "hostname": "authz"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "plugins": {
+ "session": {
+ "port": 8082,
+ "container": "asteroide/session:latest"
+ },
+ "authz": {
+ "port": 8081,
+ "container": "wukongsun/moon_authz:v4.3"
+ }
+ },
+ "logging": {
+ "handlers": {
+ "file": {
+ "filename": "/tmp/moon.log",
+ "class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler",
+ "level": "DEBUG",
+ "formatter": "custom",
+ "backupCount": 3,
+ "maxBytes": 1048576
+ },
+ "console": {
+ "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
+ "formatter": "brief",
+ "level": "INFO",
+ "stream": "ext://sys.stdout"
+ }
+ },
+ "formatters": {
+ "brief": {
+ "format": "%(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)-30s"
+ },
+ "custom": {
+ "format": "%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s"
+ }
+ },
+ "root": {
+ "handlers": [
+ "console"
+ ],
+ "level": "ERROR"
+ },
+ "version": 1,
+ "loggers": {
+ "moon": {
+ "handlers": [
+ "console",
+ "file"
+ ],
+ "propagate": False,
+ "level": "DEBUG"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "slave": {
+ "name": None,
+ "master": {
+ "url": None,
+ "login": None,
+ "password": None
+ }
+ },
+ "docker": {
+ "url": "tcp://",
+ "network": "moon"
+ },
+ "database": {
+ "url": "sqlite:///database.db",
+ # "url": "mysql+pymysql://moon:p4sswOrd1@db/moon",
+ "driver": "sql"
+ },
+ "messenger": {
+ "url": "rabbit://moon:p4sswOrd1@messenger:5672/moon"
+ }
+ "project_id": "a64beb1cc224474fb4badd43173e7101",
+ "subject_name": "testuser",
+ "object_name": "vm1",
+ "action_name": "boot",
+ "request_id": uuid4().hex,
+ "interface_name": "interface",
+ "manager_url": "http://{}:{}".format(
+ CONF["components"]["manager"]["hostname"],
+ CONF["components"]["manager"]["port"]
+ ),
+ "cookie": uuid4().hex,
+ "pdp_id": "b3d3e18abf3340e8b635fd49e6634ccd",
+ "security_pipeline": ["f8f49a779ceb47b3ac810f01ef71b4e0"]
+ }
+ "logging",
+ "openstack/keystone",
+ "database",
+ "slave",
+ "components/manager",
+ "components/orchestrator",
+ "components/pipeline",
+ "components/wrapper",
+def get_b64_conf(component=None):
+ if component == "components":
+ return base64.b64encode(
+ json.dumps(CONF["components"]).encode('utf-8')+b"\n").decode('utf-8')
+ elif component in CONF:
+ return base64.b64encode(
+ json.dumps(
+ CONF[component]).encode('utf-8')+b"\n").decode('utf-8')
+ elif not component:
+ return base64.b64encode(
+ json.dumps(CONF).encode('utf-8')+b"\n").decode('utf-8')
+ elif "/" in component:
+ key1, _, key2 = component.partition("/")
+ return base64.b64encode(
+ json.dumps(
+ CONF[key1][key2]).encode('utf-8')+b"\n").decode('utf-8')
+def get_json(data):
+ return json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))