path: root/keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/audit.py
diff options
authorWuKong <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>2015-07-01 08:54:55 +0200
committerWuKong <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>2015-07-01 08:54:55 +0200
commit03bf0c32a0c656d4b91bebedc87a005e6d7563bb (patch)
tree7ab486ea98c8255bd28b345e9fd5b54d1b31c802 /keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/audit.py
parent53d12675bc07feb552492df2d01fcd298167c363 (diff)
migrate openstack hook to opnfv
Change-Id: I1e828dae38820fdff93966e57691b344af01140f Signed-off-by: WuKong <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/audit.py')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/audit.py b/keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/audit.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f44da80d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystonemiddleware-moon/keystonemiddleware/audit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Build open standard audit information based on incoming requests
+AuditMiddleware filter should be placed after keystonemiddleware.auth_token
+in the pipeline so that it can utilise the information the Identity server
+import ast
+import collections
+import functools
+import logging
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_context import context
+ import oslo.messaging
+ messaging = True
+except ImportError:
+ messaging = False
+from pycadf import cadftaxonomy as taxonomy
+from pycadf import cadftype
+from pycadf import credential
+from pycadf import endpoint
+from pycadf import eventfactory as factory
+from pycadf import host
+from pycadf import identifier
+from pycadf import reason
+from pycadf import reporterstep
+from pycadf import resource
+from pycadf import tag
+from pycadf import timestamp
+from six.moves import configparser
+from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
+import webob.dec
+from keystonemiddleware.i18n import _LE, _LI
+_LOG = None
+def _log_and_ignore_error(fn):
+ @functools.wraps(fn)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ return fn(*args, **kwargs)
+ except Exception as e:
+ _LOG.exception(_LE('An exception occurred processing '
+ 'the API call: %s '), e)
+ return wrapper
+Service = collections.namedtuple('Service',
+ ['id', 'name', 'type', 'admin_endp',
+ 'public_endp', 'private_endp'])
+AuditMap = collections.namedtuple('AuditMap',
+ ['path_kw',
+ 'custom_actions',
+ 'service_endpoints',
+ 'default_target_endpoint_type'])
+class OpenStackAuditApi(object):
+ def __init__(self, cfg_file):
+ """Configure to recognize and map known api paths."""
+ path_kw = {}
+ custom_actions = {}
+ endpoints = {}
+ default_target_endpoint_type = None
+ if cfg_file:
+ try:
+ map_conf = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
+ map_conf.readfp(open(cfg_file))
+ try:
+ default_target_endpoint_type = map_conf.get(
+ 'DEFAULT', 'target_endpoint_type')
+ except configparser.NoOptionError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ custom_actions = dict(map_conf.items('custom_actions'))
+ except configparser.Error:
+ pass
+ try:
+ path_kw = dict(map_conf.items('path_keywords'))
+ except configparser.Error:
+ pass
+ try:
+ endpoints = dict(map_conf.items('service_endpoints'))
+ except configparser.Error:
+ pass
+ except configparser.ParsingError as err:
+ raise PycadfAuditApiConfigError(
+ 'Error parsing audit map file: %s' % err)
+ self._MAP = AuditMap(
+ path_kw=path_kw, custom_actions=custom_actions,
+ service_endpoints=endpoints,
+ default_target_endpoint_type=default_target_endpoint_type)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _clean_path(value):
+ """Clean path if path has json suffix."""
+ return value[:-5] if value.endswith('.json') else value
+ def get_action(self, req):
+ """Take a given Request, parse url path to calculate action type.
+ Depending on req.method:
+ if POST: path ends with 'action', read the body and use as action;
+ path ends with known custom_action, take action from config;
+ request ends with known path, assume is create action;
+ request ends with unknown path, assume is update action.
+ if GET: request ends with known path, assume is list action;
+ request ends with unknown path, assume is read action.
+ if PUT, assume update action.
+ if DELETE, assume delete action.
+ if HEAD, assume read action.
+ """
+ path = req.path[:-1] if req.path.endswith('/') else req.path
+ url_ending = self._clean_path(path[path.rfind('/') + 1:])
+ method = req.method
+ if url_ending + '/' + method.lower() in self._MAP.custom_actions:
+ action = self._MAP.custom_actions[url_ending + '/' +
+ method.lower()]
+ elif url_ending in self._MAP.custom_actions:
+ action = self._MAP.custom_actions[url_ending]
+ elif method == 'POST':
+ if url_ending == 'action':
+ try:
+ if req.json:
+ body_action = list(req.json.keys())[0]
+ action = taxonomy.ACTION_UPDATE + '/' + body_action
+ else:
+ action = taxonomy.ACTION_CREATE
+ except ValueError:
+ action = taxonomy.ACTION_CREATE
+ elif url_ending not in self._MAP.path_kw:
+ action = taxonomy.ACTION_UPDATE
+ else:
+ action = taxonomy.ACTION_CREATE
+ elif method == 'GET':
+ if url_ending in self._MAP.path_kw:
+ action = taxonomy.ACTION_LIST
+ else:
+ action = taxonomy.ACTION_READ
+ elif method == 'PUT' or method == 'PATCH':
+ action = taxonomy.ACTION_UPDATE
+ elif method == 'DELETE':
+ action = taxonomy.ACTION_DELETE
+ elif method == 'HEAD':
+ action = taxonomy.ACTION_READ
+ else:
+ action = taxonomy.UNKNOWN
+ return action
+ def _get_service_info(self, endp):
+ service = Service(
+ type=self._MAP.service_endpoints.get(
+ endp['type'],
+ taxonomy.UNKNOWN),
+ name=endp['name'],
+ id=identifier.norm_ns(endp['endpoints'][0].get('id',
+ endp['name'])),
+ admin_endp=endpoint.Endpoint(
+ name='admin',
+ url=endp['endpoints'][0]['adminURL']),
+ private_endp=endpoint.Endpoint(
+ name='private',
+ url=endp['endpoints'][0]['internalURL']),
+ public_endp=endpoint.Endpoint(
+ name='public',
+ url=endp['endpoints'][0]['publicURL']))
+ return service
+ def _build_typeURI(self, req, service_type):
+ """Build typeURI of target
+ Combines service type and corresponding path for greater detail.
+ """
+ type_uri = ''
+ prev_key = None
+ for key in re.split('/', req.path):
+ key = self._clean_path(key)
+ if key in self._MAP.path_kw:
+ type_uri += '/' + key
+ elif prev_key in self._MAP.path_kw:
+ type_uri += '/' + self._MAP.path_kw[prev_key]
+ prev_key = key
+ return service_type + type_uri
+ def _build_target(self, req, service):
+ """Build target resource."""
+ target_typeURI = (
+ self._build_typeURI(req, service.type)
+ if service.type != taxonomy.UNKNOWN else service.type)
+ target = resource.Resource(typeURI=target_typeURI,
+ id=service.id, name=service.name)
+ if service.admin_endp:
+ target.add_address(service.admin_endp)
+ if service.private_endp:
+ target.add_address(service.private_endp)
+ if service.public_endp:
+ target.add_address(service.public_endp)
+ return target
+ def get_target_resource(self, req):
+ """Retrieve target information
+ If discovery is enabled, target will attempt to retrieve information
+ from service catalog. If not, the information will be taken from
+ given config file.
+ """
+ service_info = Service(type=taxonomy.UNKNOWN, name=taxonomy.UNKNOWN,
+ id=taxonomy.UNKNOWN, admin_endp=None,
+ private_endp=None, public_endp=None)
+ try:
+ catalog = ast.literal_eval(
+ req.environ['HTTP_X_SERVICE_CATALOG'])
+ except KeyError:
+ raise PycadfAuditApiConfigError(
+ 'Service catalog is missing. '
+ 'Cannot discover target information')
+ default_endpoint = None
+ for endp in catalog:
+ admin_urlparse = urlparse.urlparse(
+ endp['endpoints'][0]['adminURL'])
+ public_urlparse = urlparse.urlparse(
+ endp['endpoints'][0]['publicURL'])
+ req_url = urlparse.urlparse(req.host_url)
+ if (req_url.netloc == admin_urlparse.netloc
+ or req_url.netloc == public_urlparse.netloc):
+ service_info = self._get_service_info(endp)
+ break
+ elif (self._MAP.default_target_endpoint_type and
+ endp['type'] == self._MAP.default_target_endpoint_type):
+ default_endpoint = endp
+ else:
+ if default_endpoint:
+ service_info = self._get_service_info(default_endpoint)
+ return self._build_target(req, service_info)
+class ClientResource(resource.Resource):
+ def __init__(self, project_id=None, **kwargs):
+ super(ClientResource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ if project_id is not None:
+ self.project_id = project_id
+class KeystoneCredential(credential.Credential):
+ def __init__(self, identity_status=None, **kwargs):
+ super(KeystoneCredential, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ if identity_status is not None:
+ self.identity_status = identity_status
+class PycadfAuditApiConfigError(Exception):
+ """Error raised when pyCADF fails to configure correctly."""
+class AuditMiddleware(object):
+ """Create an audit event based on request/response.
+ The audit middleware takes in various configuration options such as the
+ ability to skip audit of certain requests. The full list of options can
+ be discovered here:
+ http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystonemiddleware/audit.html
+ """
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_aliases(proj):
+ aliases = {}
+ if proj:
+ # Aliases to support backward compatibility
+ aliases = {
+ '%s.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu' % proj: 'rabbit',
+ '%s.openstack.common.rpc.impl_qpid' % proj: 'qpid',
+ '%s.openstack.common.rpc.impl_zmq' % proj: 'zmq',
+ '%s.rpc.impl_kombu' % proj: 'rabbit',
+ '%s.rpc.impl_qpid' % proj: 'qpid',
+ '%s.rpc.impl_zmq' % proj: 'zmq',
+ }
+ return aliases
+ def __init__(self, app, **conf):
+ self._application = app
+ global _LOG
+ _LOG = logging.getLogger(conf.get('log_name', __name__))
+ self._service_name = conf.get('service_name')
+ self._ignore_req_list = [x.upper().strip() for x in
+ conf.get('ignore_req_list', '').split(',')]
+ self._cadf_audit = OpenStackAuditApi(conf.get('audit_map_file'))
+ transport_aliases = self._get_aliases(cfg.CONF.project)
+ if messaging:
+ self._notifier = oslo.messaging.Notifier(
+ oslo.messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF,
+ aliases=transport_aliases),
+ os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
+ def _emit_audit(self, context, event_type, payload):
+ """Emit audit notification
+ if oslo.messaging enabled, send notification. if not, log event.
+ """
+ if messaging:
+ self._notifier.info(context, event_type, payload)
+ else:
+ _LOG.info(_LI('Event type: %(event_type)s, Context: %(context)s, '
+ 'Payload: %(payload)s'), {'context': context,
+ 'event_type': event_type,
+ 'payload': payload})
+ def _create_event(self, req):
+ correlation_id = identifier.generate_uuid()
+ action = self._cadf_audit.get_action(req)
+ initiator = ClientResource(
+ typeURI=taxonomy.ACCOUNT_USER,
+ id=identifier.norm_ns(str(req.environ['HTTP_X_USER_ID'])),
+ name=req.environ['HTTP_X_USER_NAME'],
+ host=host.Host(address=req.client_addr, agent=req.user_agent),
+ credential=KeystoneCredential(
+ token=req.environ['HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN'],
+ identity_status=req.environ['HTTP_X_IDENTITY_STATUS']),
+ project_id=identifier.norm_ns(req.environ['HTTP_X_PROJECT_ID']))
+ target = self._cadf_audit.get_target_resource(req)
+ event = factory.EventFactory().new_event(
+ eventType=cadftype.EVENTTYPE_ACTIVITY,
+ outcome=taxonomy.OUTCOME_PENDING,
+ action=action,
+ initiator=initiator,
+ target=target,
+ observer=resource.Resource(id='target'))
+ event.requestPath = req.path_qs
+ event.add_tag(tag.generate_name_value_tag('correlation_id',
+ correlation_id))
+ # cache model in request to allow tracking of transistive steps.
+ req.environ['cadf_event'] = event
+ return event
+ @_log_and_ignore_error
+ def _process_request(self, request):
+ event = self._create_event(request)
+ self._emit_audit(context.get_admin_context().to_dict(),
+ 'audit.http.request', event.as_dict())
+ @_log_and_ignore_error
+ def _process_response(self, request, response=None):
+ # NOTE(gordc): handle case where error processing request
+ if 'cadf_event' not in request.environ:
+ self._create_event(request)
+ event = request.environ['cadf_event']
+ if response:
+ if response.status_int >= 200 and response.status_int < 400:
+ result = taxonomy.OUTCOME_SUCCESS
+ else:
+ result = taxonomy.OUTCOME_FAILURE
+ event.reason = reason.Reason(
+ reasonType='HTTP', reasonCode=str(response.status_int))
+ else:
+ result = taxonomy.UNKNOWN
+ event.outcome = result
+ event.add_reporterstep(
+ reporterstep.Reporterstep(
+ reporter=resource.Resource(id='target'),
+ reporterTime=timestamp.get_utc_now()))
+ self._emit_audit(context.get_admin_context().to_dict(),
+ 'audit.http.response', event.as_dict())
+ @webob.dec.wsgify
+ def __call__(self, req):
+ if req.method in self._ignore_req_list:
+ return req.get_response(self._application)
+ self._process_request(req)
+ try:
+ response = req.get_response(self._application)
+ except Exception:
+ self._process_response(req)
+ raise
+ else:
+ self._process_response(req, response)
+ return response
+def filter_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):
+ """Returns a WSGI filter app for use with paste.deploy."""
+ conf = global_conf.copy()
+ conf.update(local_conf)
+ def audit_filter(app):
+ return AuditMiddleware(app, **conf)
+ return audit_filter