path: root/tools/cloudify
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/cloudify')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/tools/cloudify/ b/tools/cloudify/
index f6eaddd..eea953d 100644
--- a/tools/cloudify/
+++ b/tools/cloudify/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#. prereqs: installs prerequisites and configures ubuntu user for kvm use
#. $ ssh -x ubuntu@<k8s-master> bash cloudify/ setup
#. setup: installs cloudify CLI and Manager
-#. $ source ~/models/tools/cloudify/ demo <start|stop> <k8s-master>
+#. $ bash ~/models/tools/cloudify/ demo <start|stop> <k8s-master>
#. demo: control demo blueprint
#. start|stop: start or stop the demo
#. <k8s-master>: IP or hostname of kubernetes master server
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
#. Status: this is a work in progress, under test.
+function fail() {
+ log "$1"
+ exit 1
function log() {
f=$(caller 0 | awk '{print $2}')
l=$(caller 0 | awk '{print $1}')
@@ -156,7 +161,7 @@ function demo() {
if [[ "$1" == "start" ]]; then
log "copy kube config from k8s master for insertion into blueprint"
- scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
+ scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
ubuntu@$manager_ip:/home/ubuntu/.kube/config k8s-hello-world/kube.config
log "package the blueprint"
@@ -165,16 +170,16 @@ function demo() {
log "upload the blueprint"
# CLI: cfy blueprints upload -t default_tenant -b k8s-hello-world ~/cloudify/blueprints/k8s-hello-world.tar.gz
- curl -X PUT -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/blueprints/k8s-hello-world?application_file_name=blueprint.yaml \
- -T /tmp/blueprint.tar | jq
+ curl -s -X PUT -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -o /tmp/json \
+ http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/blueprints/k8s-hello-world?application_file_name=blueprint.yaml \
+ -T /tmp/blueprint.tar
log "create a deployment for the blueprint"
# CLI: cfy deployments create -t default_tenant -b k8s-hello-world k8s-hello-world
- curl -X PUT -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
- -d '{"blueprint_id": "k8s-hello-world", "inputs": {}}' \
+ curl -s -X PUT -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ --header "Content-Type: application/json" -o /tmp/json \
+ -d '{"blueprint_id": "k8s-hello-world", "inputs": {}}' \
sleep 10
@@ -182,77 +187,148 @@ function demo() {
log "install the deployment pod and service"
# CLI: cfy executions start install -d k8s-hello-world
- curl -X POST -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
- -d '{"deployment_id":"k8s-hello-world", "workflow_id":"install"}' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions | jq
+ curl -s -X POST -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
+ -d '{"deployment_id":"k8s-hello-world", "workflow_id":"install"}' \
+ http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions
log "get the service's assigned node_port"
- port=$(curl -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/node-instances | \
- jq -r '.items[0].runtime_properties.kubernetes.spec.ports[0].node_port')
- while [[ "$port" == "null" ]]; do
+ tries=6
+ port=""
+ while [[ "$port" == "" && $tries -gt 0 ]]; do
sleep 10
- port=$(curl -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/node-instances | \
- jq -r '.items[0].runtime_properties.kubernetes.spec.ports[0].node_port')
+ curl -s -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ -o /tmp/json http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/node-instances
+ nis=$(jq -r '.items | length' /tmp/json)
+ for ni in $nis; do
+ if [[ "$(jq -r '.items[0].runtime_properties.kubernetes.kind' /tmp/json)"\
+ == "Service" ]]; then
+ port=$(jq -r '.items[0].runtime_properties.kubernetes.spec.ports[0].node_port' /tmp/json)
+ log "node_port for service is $port"
+ fi
+ done
+ ((tries--))
- log "node_port = $port"
+ if [[ "$port" == "" ]]; then
+ jq -r '.items' /tmp/json
+ fail "node_port not found for service"
+ fi
log "verify service is responding"
- while ! curl http://$manager_ip:$port ; do
+ while ! curl -s http://$manager_ip:$port ; do
log "nginx service is not yet responding at http://$manager_ip:$port, waiting 10 seconds"
sleep 10
log "service is active at http://$manager_ip:$port"
+ # TODO: fix the need for this workaround
+ log "try to first cancel all current executions"
+ curl -s -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ -o /tmp/json http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions
+ i=0
+ exs=$(jq -r '.items[].status' /tmp/json)
+ for status in $exs; do
+ id=$(jq -r ".items[$i].id" /tmp/json)
+ log "execution $id in state $status"
+ if [[ "$status" == "started" ]]; then
+ id=$(curl -s -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions | jq -r ".items[$i].id")
+ curl -s -X POST -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
+ -d '{"deployment_id": "k8s-hello-world", "action": "force-cancel"}' \
+ http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions/$id
+ fi
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ tries=6
+ count=1
+ while [[ $count -gt 0 && $tries -gt 0 ]]; do
+ sleep 10
+ exs=$(curl -s -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions | jq -r '.items[].status')
+ count=0
+ for status in $exs; do
+ if [[ "$status" != "terminated" && "$status" != "cancelled" ]]; then
+ ((count++))
+ fi
+ done
+ ((tries--))
+ log "$count active executions remain"
+ done
+ if [[ $count -gt 0 ]]; then
+ echo "$exs"
+ fail "running executions remain"
+ fi
+ # end workaround
log "uninstall the service"
- curl -X POST -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ curl -s -X POST -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
- -d '{"deployment_id":"k8s-hello-world", "workflow_id":"uninstall", "force": "true"}' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions
+ -d '{"deployment_id":"k8s-hello-world", "workflow_id":"uninstall"}' \
+ -o /tmp/json http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions
+ id=$(jq -r ".id" /tmp/json)
+ status=""
+ tries=1
+ while [[ "$status" != "terminated" && $tries -lt 10 ]]; do
+ sleep 30
+ curl -s -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ -o /tmp/json http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions/$id
+ status=$(jq -r ".status" /tmp/json)
+ log "try $tries of 10: execution $id is $status"
+ ((tries++))
+ done
+ if [[ $tries == 11 ]]; then
+ cat /tmp/json
+ fail "uninstall execution did not complete"
+ fi
+ curl -s -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions/$id | jq
- state=$(curl -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/node-instances | jq -r '.items[0].state')
- while [[ "$state" == "deleting" ]]; do
- if [[ $count > 10 ]]; then
- log "try to cancel all current executions"
- exs=$(curl -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions | jq -r '.items[].status')
- i=0
- for status in $exs; do
- log "checking execution $i in state $status"
- if [[ "$status" == "started" ]]; then
- id=$(curl -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions | jq -r ".items[$i].id")
- curl -X POST -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
- -d '{"deployment_id": "k8s-hello-world", "action": "cancel"}' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/executions/$id
- fi
- ((i++))
- done
- log "force delete deployment via cfy CLI"
- ssh -x -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
- ubuntu@$manager_ip cfy deployment delete -f \
- -t default_tenant k8s-hello-world
- fi
- ((count ++))
- state=$(curl -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/node-instances | jq -r '.items[0].state')
+ state=""
+ tries=6
+ while [[ "$state" != "deleted" && $tries -gt 0 ]]; do
+ sleep 10
+ curl -s -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ -o /tmp/json http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/node-instances
+ state=$(jq -r '.items[0].state' /tmp/json)
+ ((tries--))
+ if [[ "$state" != "deleted" ]]; then
+ jq -r '.items' /tmp/json
+ fail "node-instances delete failed"
+ fi
log "delete the deployment"
- curl -X DELETE -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/deployments/k8s-hello-world
+ curl -s -X DELETE -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ -o /tmp/json http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/deployments/k8s-hello-world
+ log "verify the deployment is deleted"
+ error=$(curl -s -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/deployments/k8s-hello-world | jq -r '.error_code')
+ if [[ "$error" != "not_found_error" ]]; then
+ log "force delete deployment via cfy CLI"
+ ssh -x -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
+ ubuntu@$manager_ip cfy deployment delete -f \
+ -t default_tenant k8s-hello-world
+ error=$(curl -s -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/deployments/k8s-hello-world | jq -r '.error_code')
+ if [[ "$error" != "not_found_error" ]]; then
+ fail "deployment delete failed"
+ fi
+ fi
sleep 10
log "delete the blueprint"
- curl -X DELETE -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/blueprints/k8s-hello-world
+ curl -s -X DELETE -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ -o /tmp/json http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/blueprints/k8s-hello-world
sleep 10
log "verify the blueprint is deleted"
- curl -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
- http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/blueprints | jq
+ error=$(curl -s -u admin:admin --header 'Tenant: default_tenant' \
+ http://$manager_ip/api/v3.1/blueprints/k8s-hello-world | jq -r '.error_code')
+ if [[ "$error" != "not_found_error" ]]; then
+ fail "blueprint delete failed"
+ fi
+ log "blueprint deleted"
# API examples: use '| jq' to format JSON output