path: root/evc/evcbase/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'evc/evcbase/src')
7 files changed, 881 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/client/EvcClient.java b/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/client/EvcClient.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25fae8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/client/EvcClient.java
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+package com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.client;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.model.Evc;
+import javax.ws.rs.client.Client;
+import javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder;
+import javax.ws.rs.client.Entity;
+import javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Created by steve on 6/8/15.
+ */
+public class EvcClient {
+ private Client client; // provided by Jersey
+ public EvcClient() {
+ client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public Evc create(Evc evc)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ WebTarget target =client.target("http://localhost:9090/evcmgr/webapi/");
+ Response response = target.path("evc")
+ .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ .post(Entity.entity(evc, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
+ if (response.getStatus() != 200 ) // figure out how to use Status.OK
+ {
+ // in production you can be more specific based on reponse code, id, etc
+ throw new RuntimeException(response.getStatus() + ": there was an error on the server.");
+ }
+ return response.readEntity(Evc.class);
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public Evc update(Evc evc)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ WebTarget target =client.target("http://localhost:9090/evcmgr/webapi/");
+ Response response = target.path("evc/"+evc.getId())
+ .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ .put(Entity.entity(evc, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
+ if (response.getStatus() != 200 ) // figure out how to use Status.OK
+ {
+ // in production you can be more specific based on reponse code, id, etc
+ throw new RuntimeException(response.getStatus() + ": there was an error on the server.");
+ }
+ return response.readEntity(Evc.class);
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public Evc get(String evcId)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ // get Evc of specified ID
+ {
+ WebTarget target = client.target("http://localhost:9090/evcmgr/webapi/");
+ Response response = target.path("evc/"+evcId).request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(Response.class);
+ if (response.getStatus() != 200) // figure out how to use Status.OK
+ {
+ // in production you can be more specific based on reponse code, id, etc
+ throw new RuntimeException(response.getStatus() + ": there was an error on the server.");
+ }
+ //return response;
+ return response.readEntity(Evc.class);
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public List<Evc> getAll()
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ // get a list of all Evc instances
+ {
+ WebTarget target = client.target("http://localhost:9090/evcmgr/webapi/");
+ // Can I do this with a Response, so that I can check for errors
+ List<Evc> response = target.path("evc/list")
+ .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ .get(new GenericType<List<Evc>>() {
+ });
+ if (response == null) // figure out how to use Status.OK
+ {
+ // in production you can be more specific based on reponse code, id, etc
+ throw new RuntimeException("there was an error on the server.");
+ }
+ return response;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public void delete(String evcId)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ // delete Evc of specified ID
+ {
+ WebTarget target = client.target("http://localhost:9090/evcmgr/webapi/");
+ Response response = target.path("evc/"+evcId).request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).delete();
+ if (response.getStatus() != 200) // figure out how to use Status.OK
+ {
+ // in production you can be more specific based on reponse code, id, etc
+ throw new RuntimeException(response.getStatus() + ": there was an error on the server.");
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public Evc testGet()
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ // test marshaling of Evc class from server json
+ {
+ WebTarget target = client.target("http://localhost:9090/evcmgr/webapi/");
+ Response response = target.path("evc").request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(Response.class);
+ if (response.getStatus() != 200) // figure out how to use Status.OK
+ {
+ // in production you can be more specific based on reponse code, id, etc
+ throw new RuntimeException(response.getStatus() + ": there was an error on the server.");
+ }
+ //return response;
+ return response.readEntity(Evc.class);
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public String ping()
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ // test connectivity
+ {
+ WebTarget target = client.target("http://localhost:9090/evcmgr/webapi/");
+ Response response = target.path("evc").request(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).get();
+ if (response.getStatus() != 200) // figure out how to use Status.OK
+ {
+ // in production you can be more specific based on reponse code, id, etc
+ throw new RuntimeException(response.getStatus() + ": there was an error on the server.");
+ }
+ return response.readEntity(String.class);
+ }
diff --git a/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/model/Evc.java b/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/model/Evc.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f44af27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/model/Evc.java
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+package com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.model;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.common.Dbg;
+import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Created by steve on 5/24/15.
+ */
+public class Evc
+ // set up so that we can use the ENUM's as strings for REST calls & dbg prints
+ public enum EvcType {
+ private final String s;
+ private EvcType(final String s) {this.s = s;}
+ @Override public String toString() { return s; }
+ }
+ public enum FrameDelivery { // may belong in more general location eventually
+ private final String s;
+ private FrameDelivery(final String s) {this.s = s;}
+ @Override public String toString() { return s; }
+ }
+ private String id;
+ private EvcType evcType;
+ private long maxUnis;
+ private FrameDelivery unicastFrameDelivery;
+ private FrameDelivery multicastFrameDelivery;
+ private FrameDelivery broadcastFrameDelivery;
+ private List<String> uniIdList = null;
+ private List<String> uniIpList = null;
+ private List<String> uniMacList = null;
+ private boolean ceVLanIdPreservation;
+ private boolean ceVlanCosPreservation;
+ private long evcMaxSvcFrameSize; // at least 1522, should be > 1600 byte
+ private String cosId; // CoS Attributes serving as EVCPerformance attr for now
+ //private EvcPerf evcPerf = null;
+ // EVC Perf params
+ private double oneWayFrameDelay; // milliseconds
+ private double oneWayFrameLossRatio; // percentage
+ private double oneWayAvailability; // percentage
+ // zero argument constructor required for JAX-RS
+ public Evc() {
+ id = "unset";
+ evcType = EvcType.UNASSIGNED;
+ maxUnis = -1;
+ unicastFrameDelivery = FrameDelivery.UNASSIGNED;
+ multicastFrameDelivery = FrameDelivery.UNASSIGNED;;
+ broadcastFrameDelivery = FrameDelivery.UNASSIGNED;;
+ uniIdList = null;
+ uniIpList = null;
+ uniMacList = null;
+ ceVLanIdPreservation = false;
+ ceVlanCosPreservation = false;
+ evcMaxSvcFrameSize = -1;
+ cosId = "unset";
+ //evcPerf = new EvcPerf();
+ oneWayFrameDelay = -1.0;
+ oneWayFrameLossRatio = -1.0;
+ oneWayAvailability = -1.0;
+ }
+ // Utility methods
+ public void setAllNonPerfProps(String id, EvcType evcType, long maxUnis,
+ List<String> uniIdList, List<String> uniMacList, List<String> uniIpList,
+ FrameDelivery unicastFrameDelivery,
+ FrameDelivery multicastFrameDelivery,
+ FrameDelivery broadcastFrameDelivery,
+ boolean ceVLanIdPreservation, boolean ceVlanCosPreservation,
+ long evcMaxSvcFrameSize, String cosId) {
+ this.id = id;
+ this.evcType = evcType;
+ this.uniIdList = uniIdList;
+ this.uniMacList = uniMacList;
+ this.uniIpList = uniIpList;
+ this.maxUnis = maxUnis;
+ this.unicastFrameDelivery = unicastFrameDelivery;
+ this.multicastFrameDelivery = multicastFrameDelivery;
+ this.broadcastFrameDelivery = broadcastFrameDelivery;
+ this.ceVLanIdPreservation = ceVLanIdPreservation;
+ this.ceVlanCosPreservation = ceVlanCosPreservation;
+ this.evcMaxSvcFrameSize = evcMaxSvcFrameSize;
+ this.cosId = cosId;
+ }
+ public void setAllPerfProps( double oneWayFrameDelay,
+ double oneWayFrameLossRatio,
+ double oneWayAvailability )
+ {
+ this.oneWayFrameDelay = oneWayFrameDelay;
+ this.oneWayFrameLossRatio = oneWayFrameLossRatio;
+ this.oneWayAvailability = oneWayAvailability;
+ }
+ public void dump() { dump(0); }
+ public void dump(int tab) {
+ Dbg.p(tab, "id: " + this.id);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "cosId: " + this.cosId);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "evcType: " + this.evcType);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "maxUnis: " + this.maxUnis);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "Uni ID List:");
+ for (String uniId : uniIdList)
+ Dbg.p(tab+1, uniId);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "Uni Mac List:");
+ for (String macId : uniMacList)
+ Dbg.p(tab+1, macId);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "Uni IP List:");
+ for (String ipAddr : uniIpList)
+ Dbg.p(tab+1, ipAddr);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "UnicastFrameDelivery: " + this.unicastFrameDelivery);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "MulticastFrameDelivery: " + this.multicastFrameDelivery);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "BroadcastFrameDelivery: " + this.broadcastFrameDelivery);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "CeVLanIdPreservation: " + this.ceVLanIdPreservation);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "CeVlanCosPreservation: " + this.ceVlanCosPreservation);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "EvcMaxSvcFrameSize: " + this.evcMaxSvcFrameSize);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "--- EVC Performance Params");
+ Dbg.p(tab+1, "oneWayFrameDelay: " + this.oneWayFrameDelay);
+ Dbg.p(tab+1, "oneWayFrameLossRatio: " + this.oneWayFrameLossRatio);
+ Dbg.p(tab+1, "oneWayAvailability: " + this.oneWayAvailability);
+ }
+ public static void dumpList(List<Evc> evcList) { dumpList(0, evcList); }
+ public static void dumpList(int tab, List<Evc> evcList) {
+ int numEvc = 0;
+ Dbg.p("----- Evc List : [" + evcList.size() + "] elements");
+ for (Evc curEvc : evcList) {
+ numEvc++;
+ Dbg.p(tab+1, "<Entry " + numEvc+">");
+ curEvc.dump(tab+2);
+ }
+ }
+ // Getters & Setters
+ public String getId() { return id; }
+ public void setId(String id) { this.id = id; }
+ public EvcType getEvcType() { return evcType; }
+ public void setEvcType(EvcType evcType) { this.evcType = evcType; }
+ public long getMaxUnis() { return maxUnis; }
+ public void setMaxUnis(long maxUnis) { this.maxUnis = maxUnis; }
+ public FrameDelivery getUnicastFrameDelivery() { return unicastFrameDelivery; }
+ public void setUnicastFrameDelivery(FrameDelivery unicastFrameDelivery) {
+ this.unicastFrameDelivery = unicastFrameDelivery; }
+ public FrameDelivery getMulticastFrameDelivery() { return multicastFrameDelivery; }
+ public void setMulticastFrameDelivery(FrameDelivery multicastFrameDelivery) {
+ this.multicastFrameDelivery = multicastFrameDelivery; }
+ public FrameDelivery getBroadcastFrameDelivery() { return broadcastFrameDelivery; }
+ public void setBroadcastFrameDelivery(FrameDelivery broadcastFrameDelivery) {
+ this.broadcastFrameDelivery = broadcastFrameDelivery; }
+ public List<String> getUniIdList() { return uniIdList; }
+ public void setUniIdList(List<String> uniIdList) { this.uniIdList = uniIdList; }
+ public List<String> getUniMacList() { return uniMacList; }
+ public void setUniMacList(List<String> uniMacList) { this.uniMacList = uniMacList; }
+ public List<String> getUniIpList() { return uniIpList; }
+ public void setUniIpList(List<String> uniIpList) { this.uniIpList = uniIpList; }
+ public boolean isCeVLanIdPreservation() { return ceVLanIdPreservation; }
+ public void setCeVLanIdPreservation(boolean ceVLanIdPreservation) {
+ this.ceVLanIdPreservation = ceVLanIdPreservation; }
+ public boolean isCeVlanCosPreservation() { return ceVlanCosPreservation; }
+ public void setCeVlanCosPreservation(boolean ceVlanCosPreservation) {
+ this.ceVlanCosPreservation = ceVlanCosPreservation; }
+ public long getEvcMaxSvcFrameSize() { return evcMaxSvcFrameSize; }
+ public void setEvcMaxSvcFrameSize(long evcMaxSvcFrameSize) {
+ this.evcMaxSvcFrameSize = evcMaxSvcFrameSize; }
+ public String getCosId() { return cosId; }
+ public void setCosId(String cosId) { this.cosId = cosId; }
+ public double getOneWayFrameDelay() { return oneWayFrameDelay; }
+ public void setOneWayFrameDelay(double oneWayFrameDelay) { this.oneWayFrameDelay = oneWayFrameDelay; }
+ public double getOneWayFrameLossRatio() { return oneWayFrameLossRatio; }
+ public void setOneWayFrameLossRatio(double oneWayFrameLossRatio) { this.oneWayFrameLossRatio = oneWayFrameLossRatio; }
+ public double getOneWayAvailability() { return oneWayAvailability; }
+ public void setOneWayAvailability(double oneWayAvailability) { this.oneWayAvailability = oneWayAvailability; }
+ // Someday might make sense to put all EVC Perf params in seperate class
+// private class EvcPerf {
+// private long oneWayFrameDelay; // milliseconds
+// private long oneWayFrameDelayRange; // milliseconds
+// public EvcPerf () {
+// this.oneWayFrameDelay = -333;
+// this.oneWayFrameDelayRange = -333;
+// }
+// public void setAllParams (long oneWayFrameDelay, long oneWayFrameDelayRange) {
+// this.oneWayFrameDelay = oneWayFrameDelay;
+// this.oneWayFrameDelayRange = oneWayFrameDelayRange;
+// }
+// public long getOneWayFrameDelay() { return oneWayFrameDelay; }
+// public void setOneWayFrameDelay(long oneWayFrameDelay) {
+// this.oneWayFrameDelay = oneWayFrameDelay; }
+// public long getOneWayFrameDelayRange() { return oneWayFrameDelayRange; }
+// public void setOneWayFrameDelayRange(long oneWayFrameDelayRange) {
+// this.oneWayFrameDelayRange = oneWayFrameDelayRange; }
+// }
diff --git a/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/model/EvcPerformance.java b/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/model/EvcPerformance.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1bd19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/model/EvcPerformance.java
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+package com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.model;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.common.Dbg;
+ * Created by steve on 6/9/15.
+ */
+public class EvcPerformance {
+ private String cosId; // associated CoS
+ private long oneWayFrameDelay; // milliseconds
+ private long oneWayFrameDelayRange; // milliseconds
+ private long oneWayMeanFrameDelay; // milliseconds
+ private long oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation; // milliseconds
+ private double oneWayFrameLossRatio; // percentage
+ private double oneWayAvailability; // percentage
+ private long oneWayResilHighLossIntervals; //count
+ private long oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals; //count
+ // zero argument constructor required for JAX-RS
+ public EvcPerformance() {
+ oneWayFrameDelay = -1;
+ oneWayFrameDelayRange = -1;
+ oneWayMeanFrameDelay = -1;
+ oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation = -1;
+ oneWayFrameLossRatio = -1.0;
+ oneWayAvailability = -1.0;
+ oneWayResilHighLossIntervals = -1;
+ oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals = -1;
+ }
+ public void setAllProps (String cosId, long oneWayFrameDelay, long oneWayFrameDelayRange,
+ long oneWayMeanFrameDelay, long oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation,
+ double oneWayFrameLossRatio, double oneWayAvailability,
+ long oneWayResilHighLossIntervals, long oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals)
+ {
+ this.cosId = cosId;
+ this.oneWayFrameDelay = oneWayFrameDelay;
+ this.oneWayFrameDelayRange = oneWayFrameDelayRange;
+ this.oneWayMeanFrameDelay = oneWayMeanFrameDelay;
+ this.oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation = oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation;
+ this.oneWayFrameLossRatio = oneWayFrameLossRatio;
+ this.oneWayAvailability = oneWayAvailability;
+ this.oneWayResilHighLossIntervals = oneWayResilHighLossIntervals;
+ this.oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals = oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals;
+ }
+ // util fxns
+ public void dump() { dump(0); }
+ public void dump(int tab) {
+ Dbg.p(tab, "cosId: " + this.cosId);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "oneWayFrameDelay: " + this.oneWayFrameDelay);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "oneWayFrameDelayRange: " + this.oneWayFrameDelayRange);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "oneWayMeanFrameDelay: " + this.oneWayMeanFrameDelay);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "oneWayFrameLossRatio: " + this.oneWayFrameLossRatio);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "oneWayAvailability: " + this.oneWayAvailability);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation: " + this.oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "oneWayResilHighLossIntervals: " + this.oneWayResilHighLossIntervals);
+ Dbg.p(tab, "oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals: " + this.oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals);
+ }
+ // Getters and setters
+ public String getCosId() { return cosId; }
+ public void setCosId(String cosId) { this.cosId = cosId; }
+ public long getOneWayFrameDelay() { return oneWayFrameDelay; }
+ public void setOneWayFrameDelay(long oneWayFrameDelay) {
+ this.oneWayFrameDelay = oneWayFrameDelay; }
+ public long getOneWayFrameDelayRange() { return oneWayFrameDelayRange; }
+ public void setOneWayFrameDelayRange(long oneWayFrameDelayRange) {
+ this.oneWayFrameDelayRange = oneWayFrameDelayRange; }
+ public long getOneWayMeanFrameDelay() { return oneWayMeanFrameDelay; }
+ public void setOneWayMeanFrameDelay(long oneWayMeanFrameDelay) {
+ this.oneWayMeanFrameDelay = oneWayMeanFrameDelay; }
+ public long getOneWayInterFrameDelayVariation() { return oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation; }
+ public void setOneWayInterFrameDelayVariation(long oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation) {
+ this.oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation = oneWayInterFrameDelayVariation; }
+ public double getOneWayFrameLossRatio() { return oneWayFrameLossRatio; }
+ public void setOneWayFrameLossRatio(double oneWayFrameLossRatio) {
+ this.oneWayFrameLossRatio = oneWayFrameLossRatio; }
+ public double getOneWayAvailability() { return oneWayAvailability; }
+ public void setOneWayAvailability(double oneWayAvailability) {
+ this.oneWayAvailability = oneWayAvailability; }
+ public long getOneWayResilHighLossIntervals() { return oneWayResilHighLossIntervals; }
+ public void setOneWayResilHighLossIntervals(long oneWayResilHighLossIntervals) {
+ this.oneWayResilHighLossIntervals = oneWayResilHighLossIntervals; }
+ public long getOneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals() { return oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals; }
+ public void setOneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals(long oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals) {
+ this.oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals = oneWayResilConsecHighLossIntervals; }
diff --git a/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/repository/EvcRespository.java b/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/repository/EvcRespository.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80bebc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/repository/EvcRespository.java
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+package com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.repository;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.model.Evc;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Created by steve on 5/25/15.
+ */
+public interface EvcRespository
+ // TODO add exceptions
+ Evc add(Evc evc); // returns null if already exists, otherwise returns stored evc
+ Evc get(String evcId); // returns null if not found, otherwise stored evc
+ Evc update(Evc evc); // returns null if did not exit, otherwise evc as it was previous to update (put in any case)
+ Evc delete(String evcId); // returns null if not found, otherwise evc as it was previous to delete
+ int count(); // number of Evc stored in the repo
+ public void dump(int tab); // print out contents of the repo
+ List<Evc> getAll();
diff --git a/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/repository/EvcRespositoryInMem.java b/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/repository/EvcRespositoryInMem.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..158ae3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evc/evcbase/src/main/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/repository/EvcRespositoryInMem.java
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+package com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.repository;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.common.Dbg;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.model.Evc;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
+ * Created by steve on 5/24/15.
+ */
+ Singleton that contains a hashmap which holds instances of Evc objects, indexed by CiS ID
+ */
+public enum EvcRespositoryInMem implements EvcRespository {
+ INSTANCE; // Singleton
+ private Map<String, Evc> evcDB = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+ @Override
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public Evc add(Evc evc)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ if ( this.get(evc.getId()) != null ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ evcDB.put(evc.getId(), evc );
+ return evc;
+ }
+ @Override
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public Evc get(String evcId) {
+ return evcDB.get(evcId);
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ @Override
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public Evc update(Evc evc)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ // put returns null if evc did not exist, other returns evc as it stood prior to put
+ return evcDB.put(evc.getId(), evc);
+ }
+ @Override
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public Evc delete(String evcId)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ // remove returns null if evc did not exist, other returns evc as it stood prior to remove
+ return evcDB.remove(evcId);
+ }
+ @Override
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public int count() {
+ return evcDB.size();
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ @Override
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public List<Evc> getAll()
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ List<Evc> evcList = new ArrayList<Evc>(evcDB.values());
+ return evcList;
+ }
+ @Override
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ public void dump(int tab)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ Dbg.p(tab, "Evc Repo: " + evcDB.size() + " entrie(s)");
+ int numEvc = 0;
+ for (Evc curEvc : evcDB.values()) {
+ numEvc++;
+ Dbg.p(tab+1, "<Entry " + numEvc+">");
+ curEvc.dump(tab+2);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/evc/evcbase/src/test/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/client/EvcClientTest.java b/evc/evcbase/src/test/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/client/EvcClientTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f62320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evc/evcbase/src/test/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/client/EvcClientTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+package com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.client;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.common.Dbg;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.cos.cosbase.client.CoSClient;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.cos.cosbase.model.CoS;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.model.Evc;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Created by steve on 6/8/15.
+ */
+public class EvcClientTest {
+ @Test
+ public void testAll() throws Exception {
+ // We have to have a CoS for Evc to referece
+ CoSClient coSClient = new CoSClient();
+ // Add gold service to CoS layer
+ CoS gold = new CoS();
+ gold.setAllProps("gold", 100, 0.99, 17.43, 2.43, 0.01);
+ Dbg.p("gold svc being created in CoS");
+ gold = coSClient.create(gold);
+ assertNotNull(gold);
+ Evc evc_1 = new Evc();
+ List<String> uniIdList1 = new ArrayList<String>();
+ uniIdList1.add("unset-id-1");
+ uniIdList1.add("unset-id-1");
+ List<String> uniMacList1 = new ArrayList<String>();
+ uniMacList1.add("11:00:11:11:11:11");
+ uniMacList1.add("11:00:22:22:22:22");
+ List<String> ipList1 = new ArrayList<String>();
+ ipList1.add("");
+ ipList1.add("");
+ evc_1.setAllNonPerfProps("id-unset-1",
+ Evc.EvcType.POINT_TO_POINT, 2, uniIdList1, uniMacList1, ipList1,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ true, true, 1600, gold.getId());
+ EvcClient evcClient = new EvcClient();
+ Dbg.p(evc_1.getId()+" being created via evcmgr");
+ evc_1.dump(1);
+ evc_1 = evcClient.create(evc_1);
+ assertNotNull(evc_1);
+ Evc retrievedEvc = evcClient.get(evc_1.getId());
+ assertNotNull(retrievedEvc);
+ Dbg.p("evc just retrieved from Evc Service");
+ retrievedEvc.dump(1);
+ retrievedEvc = null;
+ evc_1.setBroadcastFrameDelivery(Evc.FrameDelivery.DISCARD);
+ Dbg.p("EVC["+ evc_1.getId()+ "] : about to be updated");
+ evc_1.dump(1);
+ assertNotNull(evcClient.update(evc_1));
+ retrievedEvc = evcClient.get(evc_1.getId());
+ assertNotNull(retrievedEvc);
+ Dbg.p("EVC["+ evc_1.getId()+ "] : retrieved after the update");
+ retrievedEvc.dump(1);
+ Evc evc_2 = new Evc();
+ Evc evc_3 = new Evc();
+ List<String> uniIdList2 = new ArrayList<String>();
+ uniIdList2.add("unset-id-11");
+ uniIdList2.add("unset-id-22");
+ List<String> uniIdList3 = new ArrayList<String>();
+ uniIdList3.add("unset-id-111");
+ uniIdList3.add("unset-id-222");
+ List<String> uniMacList2 = new ArrayList<String>();
+ uniMacList2.add("22:00:11:11:11:11");
+ uniMacList2.add("22:00:22:22:22:22");
+ List<String> uniMacList3 = new ArrayList<String>();
+ uniMacList3.add("33:00:11:11:11:11");
+ uniMacList3.add("33:00:22:22:22:22");
+ List<String> ipList2 = new ArrayList<String>();
+ ipList2.add("");
+ ipList2.add("");
+ List<String> ipList3 = new ArrayList<String>();
+ ipList3.add("");
+ ipList3.add("");
+ evc_2.setAllNonPerfProps("id-unset-2",
+ Evc.EvcType.ROOTED_MULTIPOINT, 2, uniIdList2, uniMacList2, ipList2,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.CONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.CONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.CONDITIONAL,
+ true, false, 1111, gold.getId());
+ evc_3.setAllNonPerfProps("id-unset-3",
+ Evc.EvcType.MULTIPOINT_TO_MULTIPOINT, 2, uniIdList3, uniMacList2, ipList3,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.DISCARD,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.DISCARD,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.DISCARD,
+ false, true, 2222, gold.getId());
+ evc_2 = evcClient.create(evc_2);
+ assertNotNull(evc_2);
+ evc_3 = evcClient.create(evc_3);
+ assertNotNull(evc_3);
+ List<Evc> evcList = evcClient.getAll();
+ assertNotNull(evcList);
+ assertEquals(evcList.size(), 3);
+ Evc.dumpList(evcList);
+ evcClient.delete(evc_3.getId());
+ evcList = evcClient.getAll();
+ assertNotNull(evcList);
+ assertEquals(evcList.size(),2);
+ Evc.dumpList(evcList);
+ evcClient.delete(evc_2.getId());
+ evcList = evcClient.getAll();
+ assertNotNull(evcList);
+ assertEquals(evcList.size(),1);
+ Evc.dumpList(evcList);
+ evcClient.delete(evc_1.getId());
+ evcList = evcClient.getAll();
+ assertNotNull(evcList);
+ assertEquals(evcList.size(),0);
+ Evc.dumpList(evcList);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTestGet() throws Exception {
+ EvcClient evcClient = new EvcClient();
+ Evc evc = evcClient.testGet();
+ evc.dump();;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPing() throws Exception {
+ EvcClient evcClient = new EvcClient();
+ String resp = evcClient.ping();
+ Dbg.p(resp);
+ }
diff --git a/evc/evcbase/src/test/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/repository/EvcRepositoryTest.java b/evc/evcbase/src/test/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/repository/EvcRepositoryTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..402d20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evc/evcbase/src/test/java/com/cablelabs/vcpe/evc/evcbase/repository/EvcRepositoryTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+package com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.repository;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.cos.cosbase.model.CoS;
+import com.cablelabs.vcpe.evc.evcbase.model.Evc;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+ * Created by steve on 5/25/15.
+ */
+public class EvcRepositoryTest
+ @Test
+ public void test() {
+ // First, create a couple of CoS's to reference
+ CoS gold = new CoS();
+ CoS silver = new CoS();
+ CoS bronze = new CoS();
+ // id CIR/MBS avail delay jitter frameloss
+ gold.setAllProps("gold", 100, 0.99, 17.43, 2.43, 0.01);
+ silver.setAllProps("silver", 50, 0.95, 27.43, 2.43, 0.02);
+ bronze.setAllProps("bronze", 25, 0.90, 37.43, 2.43, 0.03);
+ Evc evc_1 = new Evc();
+ Evc evc_2 = new Evc();
+ Evc evc_3 = new Evc();
+ List<String> uniIdList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ uniIdList.add("UNI-1");
+ uniIdList.add("UNI-2");
+ List<String> uniMacList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ uniMacList.add("11:11:11:11:11:11");
+ uniMacList.add("22:22:22:22:22:22");
+ List<String> uniIpList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ uniIpList.add("");
+ uniIpList.add("");
+ evc_1.setAllNonPerfProps("evc_1",
+ Evc.EvcType.POINT_TO_POINT, 2, uniIdList, uniMacList, uniIpList,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ true, true, 1600, gold.getId());
+ evc_2.setAllNonPerfProps("evc_2",
+ Evc.EvcType.POINT_TO_POINT, 2, uniIdList, uniMacList, uniIpList,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ true, true, 1500, silver.getId());
+ evc_3.setAllNonPerfProps("evc_3",
+ Evc.EvcType.POINT_TO_POINT, 2, uniIdList, uniMacList, uniIpList,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ true, true, 1400, bronze.getId());
+ evc_1.dump();
+ evc_2.dump();
+ evc_3.dump();
+ EvcRespository repo = EvcRespositoryInMem.INSTANCE;
+ assertNotNull(repo.add(evc_1));
+ assertNotNull(repo.add(evc_2));
+ assertNotNull(repo.add(evc_3));
+ assertNull(repo.add(evc_3)); // duplicate
+ assertEquals(repo.count(), 3);
+ assertNotNull(repo.get(evc_1.getId()));
+ assertNotNull(repo.get(evc_2.getId()));
+ assertNotNull(repo.get(evc_3.getId()));
+ assertNotNull(repo.delete(evc_2.getId()));
+ assertNull(repo.delete(evc_2.getId()));
+ assertNull(repo.delete("not-in-repo"));
+ assertEquals(repo.count(), 2);
+ assertEquals(repo.get(evc_1.getId()).getEvcMaxSvcFrameSize(), 1600);
+ assertNotEquals(repo.get(evc_3.getId()).getEvcMaxSvcFrameSize(), 1600);
+ Evc evc_4 = new Evc();
+ evc_4.setAllNonPerfProps("evc_4",
+ Evc.EvcType.POINT_TO_POINT, 2, uniIdList, uniMacList, uniIpList,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ true, true, 1200, bronze.getId());
+ assertNull(repo.update(evc_4)); // update non-existent cos
+ assertEquals(repo.count(), 3);
+ assertEquals(repo.get("evc_4").getEvcMaxSvcFrameSize(), 1200);
+ evc_4.setEvcMaxSvcFrameSize(1250);
+ assertNotNull(repo.update(evc_4)); // update existing evc, same object
+ assertEquals(repo.get(evc_4.getId()).getEvcMaxSvcFrameSize(), 1250);
+ evc_4.dump();
+ Evc evc_4_2 = new Evc();
+ evc_4_2.setAllNonPerfProps("evc_4",
+ Evc.EvcType.POINT_TO_POINT, 2, uniIdList, uniMacList, uniIpList,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ Evc.FrameDelivery.UNCONDITIONAL,
+ true, true, 500, bronze.getId());
+ assertNotNull(repo.update(evc_4_2)); // update evc, new object
+ assertEquals(repo.get(evc_4_2.getId()).getEvcMaxSvcFrameSize(), 500);
+ }