path: root/testcases
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2016-03-18Add criteria and version when pushing the results into test DBMorgan Richomme9-165/+258
JIRA: FUNCTEST-151 Change-Id: Iac36f28db5f2203d7b2977a2bb973534fe167bac Signed-off-by: Morgan Richomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com>
2016-03-15Add exception handling for output processingJuha Kosonen1-2/+9
Handle the exception if parsed result in report cannot be converted to a numeric value. JIRA: FUNCTEST-149 Change-Id:
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an class='deletions'>-53/+50 project onboarded in Functest to push their results Change-Id: I3a065e6ce82b1a87bbd07810f13df7d146655933 Signed-off-by: Morgan Richomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com> 2016-02-11Merge "Push results without extra formating"Morgan Richomme1-5/+7 2016-02-11Push results without extra formatingMorgan Richomme1-5/+7 Change-Id: I70713a30cec556ca7cd32122b9c10cf4c1732c3f Signed-off-by: Morgan Richomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com> 2016-02-11Enadled --serial option for run_tests.shViktor Tikkanen1-2/+11 It could be useful to execute e.g. Tempest test cases in a single thread in order to troubleshoot possible concurrency problems. Change-Id: I5e5fc190fb4483ff075a8f837a8d4116ece90c80 Signed-off-by: Viktor Tikkanen <viktor.tikkanen@nokia.com> 2016-02-10Add -n|--no-clean flag to vPing,Tempest,Rally,vIMS scriptsjose.lausuch6-0/+36 Use --no-clean flag in run_tests.sh to tell the test scripts to cleanup or not the resources Change-Id: I597eca5199e1eaf16b1f03a223222d33e4adf170 Signed-off-by: jose.lausuch <jose.lausuch@ericsson.com> 2016-02-10Rename the vPing scripts proplery and adapt documentationjose.lausuch4-6/+9 Change-Id: Idb498eb7cefd938006661f42f1bf1772395d9d47 Signed-off-by: jose.lausuch <jose.lausuch@ericsson.com> 2016-02-10Create Rally summary report also for verbose modejose.lausuch1-24/+36 Also: - Fix percentage format of summary - Get the percentage from the row 'total' JIRA: FUNCTEST-134 Change-Id: Ifb45523921b4096c3242578cf4ddc6b084e8bbb2 Signed-off-by: jose.lausuch <jose.lausuch@ericsson.com> 2016-02-10Push rally summary results into DBMorgan Richomme2-49/+53 json produced by Rally are pushed to rally_details Change-Id: I2f057093307cb395f5c5ffd42c3d228b05133a09 Signed-off-by: Morgan Richomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com> 2016-02-09Merge "Remove obsolete public network definitions"Morgan Richomme2-11/+10 2016-02-09Create Rally output summary at the end of the testsjose.lausuch1-8/+85 Added template to start pushing results to DB JIRA: FUNCTEST-134 Change-Id: Ibc04eae8478827146947df2bcf3460b8c7ef0bc7 Signed-off-by: jose.lausuch <jose.lausuch@ericsson.com> 2016-02-09Remove obsolete public network definitionsJuha Kosonen2-11/+10 Use functest_utils.py routines in run_rally-cert.py to retrive external network name instead of static definition in config_functest.yaml. Also change the network name and id setting in task arguments. Change-Id: Iced9e9a28e79d6ac6ddd2f9f593481949f5fc8a0 Signed-off-by: Juha Kosonen <juha.kosonen@nokia.com> 2016-02-09doctor: adds loggerRyota MIBU1-7/+23 Change-Id: Idc9c0f17049b9e6d2d7a0b8dc2bf35778d3c29dd Signed-off-by: Ryota MIBU <r-mibu@cq.jp.nec.com> 2016-02-08Used sed instead of crudini for updating regexViktor Tikkanen2-3/+2 It seems that crudini has limitations regarding quotation marks so sed tool is used instead in order to replace ssh_user_regex parameter into tempest.conf file. Change-Id: I8587b3e6b0c15930407ab90bf05f00086348edf6 Signed-off-by: Viktor Tikkanen <viktor.tikkanen@nokia.com> 2016-02-08Merge "enable doctor test scenario"Morgan Richomme1-2/+2 2016-02-08Merge "Added configuration of ssh_user_regex parameter"Morgan Richomme2-0/+7 2016-02-08Added configuration of ssh_user_regex parameterViktor Tikkanen2-0/+7 Some Rally versions don't set correctly SSH user name into tempest.conf file so that e.g. test_server_basicops test case of Tempest suite fails with "Please login as 'cirros' user, not as root" error. This change ensures that correct SSH user info will be used for Cirros images created by Rally. Change-Id: I90dcad0024f2034ef3ed20d2c6981e675213558d Signed-off-by: Viktor Tikkanen <viktor.tikkanen@nokia.com> 2016-02-08enable doctor test scenarioRyota MIBU1-2/+2 Change-Id: If0e050e979d886fff436daa384a97a651a56aaa5 Signed-off-by: Ryota MIBU <r-mibu@cq.jp.nec.com> 2016-02-05Reduce the number of iterations to ten in rally scenariosJuha Kosonen11-95/+98 Change-Id: Ibefc3f5eeb57ff6a1daa0be26f482ed0376a0d40 Signed-off-by: Juha Kosonen <juha.kosonen@nokia.com> 2016-02-04Import request python module for promise test casejose.lausuch1-0/+1 Change-Id: I437766fe1c595a60a82af3c49a5eb29974e0da33 Signed-off-by: jose.lausuch <jose.lausuch@ericsson.com> 2016-02-04Merge "Fix success status parsing of rally results"Morgan Richomme1-8/+6 2016-02-04Fix success status parsing of rally resultsJuha Kosonen1-8/+6 Change-Id: I6053bce6cc919af7ac34a16843b2583e45f01ac2 Signed-off-by: Juha Kosonen <juha.kosonen@nokia.com> 2016-02-03Use python json parser to get the results form the Promise json reportjose.lausuch1-30/+33 JIRA: FUNCTEST-68 Also, add sleep to let the promise instances terminate, otherwise, clean_openstack will detect them while they are still being removed and will fail. Change-Id: I7a5543143758483eb1d7e06dbe4922e9f1e05cfb Signed-off-by: jose.lausuch <jose.lausuch@ericsson.com> 2016-02-03Revert "bug fix: get installer using functest_utils"Morgan Richomme1-1/+1 This reverts commit a6a3af39986e61f5f7c9094befec41fd753610d5. Change-Id: I33d5d77ce166a324582a8f5ca11d75c5d9628c14 2016-02-03bug fix: get installer using functest_utilsMorgan Richomme1-1/+1 JIRA: FUNCTEST-68 Change-Id: I0b4847f28ca77e171ca525b301b7bfa6cf366e94 Signed-off-by: Morgan Richomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com> 2016-02-03FIX: sleep 3 second to release create_venv.sh from chmod commandgrakiss1-0/+1 sometimes vIMS failed to create venv for "Text file busy",it should be a side effect of last command "chmod +x ..." Change-Id: I6a94b644e89988efa92afc46e9fbdeb8564db89e Signed-off-by: grakiss <grakiss.wanglei@huawei.com> 2016-02-03Merge "Show Promise results output and push results to DB"Morgan Richomme1-18/+45 2016-02-02Show Promise results output and push results to DBjose.lausuch1-18/+45 JIRA: FUNCTEST-68 Change-Id: Iecb1becee1fc788a7c854227a8c3ea2252898eba Signed-off-by: jose.lausuch <jose.lausuch@ericsson.com> 2016-02-02Consider volumes and floatingips as defaults in clean_openstackjose.lausuch2-18/+56 Change-Id: I3ffc864768a7c474ee1063eecee1e2085de807b5 Signed-off-by: jose.lausuch <jose.lausuch@ericsson.com> 2016-02-02Merge "Create security groups with ICMP and SSH rules for vPing tests"jose.lausuch2-17/+112 2016-02-02bug fix to run tempest and minor display error in run_test.shMorgan Richomme2-1/+2 Change-Id: Ic30bdd1c514aa8dcab37ba91de2f8879729a80a2 Signed-off-by: Morgan Richomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com> 2016-02-02Create security groups with ICMP and SSH rules for vPing testsjose.lausuch2-17/+112 JIRA: FUNCTEST-133 Some installers don't allow icmp and TCP port 22 (SSH) in the default security group. To avoid any dependency with the installer, vPing will create its own security group with those rules and delete it afterwards. Change-Id: I6f31f21c240d80eed8bead638af51aa7e1e92aad Signed-off-by: jose.lausuch <jose.lausuch@ericsson.com> 2016-02-02Report vPing timeouts to the DB with duration = 0 and test status=NOKjose.lausuch2-37/+38 JIRA: FUNCTEST-132 Change-Id: Ida0c485504fd07db29b0c33ac59da6944da303a9 Signed-off-by: jose.lausuch <jose.lausuch@ericsson.com>