path: root/src/booking/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/booking/')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/booking/ b/src/booking/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e0cc5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/booking/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Parker Berberian, Sawyer Bergeron, and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+import json
+import uuid
+import re
+from django.db.models import Q
+from datetime import timedelta
+from django.utils import timezone
+from account.models import Lab
+from resource_inventory.models import (
+ Installer,
+ Image,
+ GenericResourceBundle,
+ ConfigBundle,
+ Host,
+ HostProfile,
+ HostConfiguration,
+ GenericResource,
+ GenericHost,
+ GenericInterface,
+ OPNFVRole,
+ OPNFVConfig,
+ Network,
+ NetworkConnection,
+ NetworkRole,
+ HostOPNFVConfig,
+from resource_inventory.resource_manager import ResourceManager
+from resource_inventory.pdf_templater import PDFTemplater
+from notifier.manager import NotificationHandler
+from booking.models import Booking
+from dashboard.exceptions import (
+ InvalidHostnameException,
+ ResourceAvailabilityException,
+ ModelValidationException,
+ BookingLengthException
+from api.models import JobFactory
+# model validity exceptions
+class IncompatibleInstallerForOS(Exception):
+ pass
+class IncompatibleScenarioForInstaller(Exception):
+ pass
+class IncompatibleImageForHost(Exception):
+ pass
+class ImageOwnershipInvalid(Exception):
+ pass
+class ImageNotAvailableAtLab(Exception):
+ pass
+class LabDNE(Exception):
+ pass
+class HostProfileDNE(Exception):
+ pass
+class HostNotAvailable(Exception):
+ pass
+class NoLabSelectedError(Exception):
+ pass
+class OPNFVRoleDNE(Exception):
+ pass
+class NoRemainingPublicNetwork(Exception):
+ pass
+class BookingPermissionException(Exception):
+ pass
+def parse_host_field(host_json):
+ lab, profile = (None, None)
+ lab_dict = host_json['lab']
+ for lab_info in lab_dict.values():
+ if lab_info['selected']:
+ lab = Lab.objects.get(lab_user__id=lab_info['id'])
+ host_dict = host_json['host']
+ for host_info in host_dict.values():
+ if host_info['selected']:
+ profile = HostProfile.objects.get(pk=host_info['id'])
+ if lab is None:
+ raise NoLabSelectedError("No lab was selected")
+ if profile is None:
+ raise HostProfileDNE("No Host was selected")
+ return lab, profile
+def check_available_matching_host(lab, hostprofile):
+ available_host_types = ResourceManager.getInstance().getAvailableHostTypes(lab)
+ if hostprofile not in available_host_types:
+ # TODO: handle deleting generic resource in this instance along with grb
+ raise HostNotAvailable('Requested host type is not available. Please try again later. Host availability can be viewed in the "Hosts" tab to the left.')
+ hostset = Host.objects.filter(lab=lab, profile=hostprofile).filter(booked=False).filter(working=True)
+ if not hostset.exists():
+ raise HostNotAvailable("Couldn't find any matching unbooked hosts")
+ return True
+def generate_grb(owner, lab, common_id):
+ grbundle = GenericResourceBundle(owner=owner)
+ grbundle.lab = lab
+ = "grbundle for quick booking with uid " + common_id
+ grbundle.description = "grbundle created for quick-deploy booking"
+ return grbundle
+def generate_gresource(bundle, hostname):
+ if not re.match(r"(?=^.{1,253}$)(^([A-Za-z0-9-_]{1,62}\.)*[A-Za-z0-9-_]{1,63})$", hostname):
+ raise InvalidHostnameException("Hostname must comply to RFC 952 and all extensions to it until this point")
+ gresource = GenericResource(bundle=bundle, name=hostname)
+ return gresource
+def generate_ghost(generic_resource, host_profile):
+ ghost = GenericHost()
+ ghost.resource = generic_resource
+ ghost.profile = host_profile
+ return ghost
+def generate_config_bundle(owner, common_id, grbundle):
+ cbundle = ConfigBundle()
+ cbundle.owner = owner
+ = "configbundle for quick booking with uid " + common_id
+ cbundle.description = "configbundle created for quick-deploy booking"
+ cbundle.bundle = grbundle
+ return cbundle
+def generate_opnfvconfig(scenario, installer, config_bundle):
+ opnfvconfig = OPNFVConfig()
+ opnfvconfig.scenario = scenario
+ opnfvconfig.installer = installer
+ opnfvconfig.bundle = config_bundle
+ return opnfvconfig
+def generate_hostconfig(generic_host, image, config_bundle):
+ hconf = HostConfiguration()
+ = generic_host
+ hconf.image = image
+ hconf.bundle = config_bundle
+ hconf.is_head_node = True
+ return hconf
+def generate_hostopnfv(hostconfig, opnfvconfig):
+ config = HostOPNFVConfig()
+ role = None
+ try:
+ role = OPNFVRole.objects.get(name="Jumphost")
+ except Exception:
+ role = OPNFVRole.objects.create(
+ name="Jumphost",
+ description="Single server jumphost role"
+ )
+ config.role = role
+ config.host_config = hostconfig
+ config.opnfv_config = opnfvconfig
+ return config
+def generate_resource_bundle(generic_resource_bundle, config_bundle): # warning: requires cleanup
+ try:
+ resource_manager = ResourceManager.getInstance()
+ resource_bundle = resource_manager.convertResourceBundle(generic_resource_bundle, config=config_bundle)
+ return resource_bundle
+ except ResourceAvailabilityException:
+ raise ResourceAvailabilityException("Requested resources not available")
+ except ModelValidationException:
+ raise ModelValidationException("Encountered error while saving grbundle")
+def check_invariants(request, **kwargs):
+ installer = kwargs['installer']
+ image = kwargs['image']
+ scenario = kwargs['scenario']
+ lab = kwargs['lab']
+ host_profile = kwargs['host_profile']
+ length = kwargs['length']
+ # check that image os is compatible with installer
+ if installer in image.os.sup_installers.all():
+ # if installer not here, we can omit that and not check for scenario
+ if not scenario:
+ raise IncompatibleScenarioForInstaller("An OPNFV Installer needs a scenario to be chosen to work properly")
+ if scenario not in installer.sup_scenarios.all():
+ raise IncompatibleScenarioForInstaller("The chosen installer does not support the chosen scenario")
+ if image.from_lab != lab:
+ raise ImageNotAvailableAtLab("The chosen image is not available at the chosen hosting lab")
+ if image.host_type != host_profile:
+ raise IncompatibleImageForHost("The chosen image is not available for the chosen host type")
+ if not image.public and image.owner != request.user:
+ raise ImageOwnershipInvalid("You are not the owner of the chosen private image")
+ if length < 1 or length > 21:
+ raise BookingLengthException("Booking must be between 1 and 21 days long")
+def configure_networking(grb, config):
+ # create network
+ net = Network.objects.create(name="public", bundle=grb, is_public=True)
+ # connect network to generic host
+ grb.getHosts()[0].generic_interfaces.first().connections.add(
+ NetworkConnection.objects.create(network=net, vlan_is_tagged=False)
+ )
+ # asign network role
+ role = NetworkRole.objects.create(name="public", network=net)
+ opnfv_config = config.opnfv_config.first()
+ if opnfv_config:
+ opnfv_config.networks.add(role)
+def create_from_form(form, request):
+ quick_booking_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ host_field = form.cleaned_data['filter_field']
+ purpose_field = form.cleaned_data['purpose']
+ project_field = form.cleaned_data['project']
+ users_field = form.cleaned_data['users']
+ hostname = form.cleaned_data['hostname']
+ length = form.cleaned_data['length']
+ image = form.cleaned_data['image']
+ scenario = form.cleaned_data['scenario']
+ installer = form.cleaned_data['installer']
+ lab, host_profile = parse_host_field(host_field)
+ data = form.cleaned_data
+ data['lab'] = lab
+ data['host_profile'] = host_profile
+ check_invariants(request, **data)
+ # check booking privileges
+ if Booking.objects.filter(owner=request.user, >= 3 and not request.user.userprofile.booking_privledge:
+ raise BookingPermissionException("You do not have permission to have more than 3 bookings at a time.")
+ check_available_matching_host(lab, host_profile) # requires cleanup if failure after this point
+ grbundle = generate_grb(request.user, lab, quick_booking_id)
+ gresource = generate_gresource(grbundle, hostname)
+ ghost = generate_ghost(gresource, host_profile)
+ cbundle = generate_config_bundle(request.user, quick_booking_id, grbundle)
+ hconf = generate_hostconfig(ghost, image, cbundle)
+ # if no installer provided, just create blank host
+ opnfv_config = None
+ if installer:
+ opnfv_config = generate_opnfvconfig(scenario, installer, cbundle)
+ generate_hostopnfv(hconf, opnfv_config)
+ # construct generic interfaces
+ for interface_profile in host_profile.interfaceprofile.all():
+ generic_interface = GenericInterface.objects.create(profile=interface_profile, host=ghost)
+ configure_networking(grbundle, cbundle)
+ # generate resource bundle
+ resource_bundle = generate_resource_bundle(grbundle, cbundle)
+ # generate booking
+ booking = Booking.objects.create(
+ purpose=purpose_field,
+ project=project_field,
+ lab=lab,
+ owner=request.user,
+ + timedelta(days=int(length)),
+ resource=resource_bundle,
+ config_bundle=cbundle,
+ opnfv_config=opnfv_config
+ )
+ booking.pdf = PDFTemplater.makePDF(booking)
+ for collaborator in users_field: # list of UserProfiles
+ booking.collaborators.add(collaborator.user)
+ # generate job
+ JobFactory.makeCompleteJob(booking)
+ NotificationHandler.notify_new_booking(booking)
+ return booking
+def drop_filter(user):
+ installer_filter = {}
+ for image in Image.objects.all():
+ installer_filter[] = {}
+ for installer in image.os.sup_installers.all():
+ installer_filter[][] = 1
+ scenario_filter = {}
+ for installer in Installer.objects.all():
+ scenario_filter[] = {}
+ for scenario in installer.sup_scenarios.all():
+ scenario_filter[][] = 1
+ images = Image.objects.filter(Q(public=True) | Q(owner=user))
+ image_filter = {}
+ for image in images:
+ image_filter[] = {}
+ image_filter[]['lab'] = 'lab_' + str(
+ image_filter[]['host_profile'] = 'host_' + str(
+ image_filter[]['name'] =
+ return {'installer_filter': json.dumps(installer_filter),
+ 'scenario_filter': json.dumps(scenario_filter),
+ 'image_filter': json.dumps(image_filter)}