path: root/src/api/models.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/api/models.py')
1 files changed, 1015 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/api/models.py b/src/api/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f708ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Sawyer Bergeron, Parker Berberian, and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+from django.db import models
+from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
+from django.urls import reverse
+import json
+import uuid
+from booking.models import Booking
+from resource_inventory.models import (
+ Lab,
+ HostProfile,
+ Host,
+ Image,
+ Interface,
+ HostOPNFVConfig,
+ RemoteInfo,
+ OPNFVConfig
+from resource_inventory.idf_templater import IDFTemplater
+from resource_inventory.pdf_templater import PDFTemplater
+class JobStatus(object):
+ NEW = 0
+ CURRENT = 100
+ DONE = 200
+ ERROR = 300
+class LabManagerTracker(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def get(cls, lab_name, token):
+ """
+ Takes in a lab name (from a url path)
+ returns a lab manager instance for that lab, if it exists
+ """
+ try:
+ lab = Lab.objects.get(name=lab_name)
+ except Exception:
+ raise PermissionDenied("Lab not found")
+ if lab.api_token == token:
+ return LabManager(lab)
+ raise PermissionDenied("Lab not authorized")
+class LabManager(object):
+ """
+ This is the class that will ultimately handle all REST calls to
+ lab endpoints.
+ handles jobs, inventory, status, etc
+ may need to create helper classes
+ """
+ def __init__(self, lab):
+ self.lab = lab
+ def update_host_remote_info(self, data, host_id):
+ host = get_object_or_404(Host, labid=host_id, lab=self.lab)
+ info = {}
+ try:
+ info['address'] = data['address']
+ info['mac_address'] = data['mac_address']
+ info['password'] = data['password']
+ info['user'] = data['user']
+ info['type'] = data['type']
+ info['versions'] = json.dumps(data['versions'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"error": "invalid arguement: " + str(e)}
+ remote_info = host.remote_management
+ if "default" in remote_info.mac_address:
+ remote_info = RemoteInfo()
+ remote_info.address = info['address']
+ remote_info.mac_address = info['mac_address']
+ remote_info.password = info['password']
+ remote_info.user = info['user']
+ remote_info.type = info['type']
+ remote_info.versions = info['versions']
+ remote_info.save()
+ host.remote_management = remote_info
+ host.save()
+ booking = Booking.objects.get(resource=host.bundle)
+ self.update_xdf(booking)
+ return {"status": "success"}
+ def update_xdf(self, booking):
+ booking.pdf = PDFTemplater.makePDF(booking)
+ booking.idf = IDFTemplater().makeIDF(booking)
+ booking.save()
+ def get_pdf(self, booking_id):
+ booking = get_object_or_404(Booking, pk=booking_id, lab=self.lab)
+ return booking.pdf
+ def get_idf(self, booking_id):
+ booking = get_object_or_404(Booking, pk=booking_id, lab=self.lab)
+ return booking.idf
+ def get_profile(self):
+ prof = {}
+ prof['name'] = self.lab.name
+ prof['contact'] = {
+ "phone": self.lab.contact_phone,
+ "email": self.lab.contact_email
+ }
+ prof['host_count'] = []
+ for host in HostProfile.objects.filter(labs=self.lab):
+ count = Host.objects.filter(profile=host, lab=self.lab).count()
+ prof['host_count'].append(
+ {
+ "type": host.name,
+ "count": count
+ }
+ )
+ return prof
+ def get_inventory(self):
+ inventory = {}
+ hosts = Host.objects.filter(lab=self.lab)
+ images = Image.objects.filter(from_lab=self.lab)
+ profiles = HostProfile.objects.filter(labs=self.lab)
+ inventory['hosts'] = self.serialize_hosts(hosts)
+ inventory['images'] = self.serialize_images(images)
+ inventory['host_types'] = self.serialize_host_profiles(profiles)
+ return inventory
+ def get_host(self, hostname):
+ host = get_object_or_404(Host, labid=hostname, lab=self.lab)
+ return {
+ "booked": host.booked,
+ "working": host.working,
+ "type": host.profile.name
+ }
+ def update_host(self, hostname, data):
+ host = get_object_or_404(Host, labid=hostname, lab=self.lab)
+ if "working" in data:
+ working = data['working'] == "true"
+ host.working = working
+ host.save()
+ return self.get_host(hostname)
+ def get_status(self):
+ return {"status": self.lab.status}
+ def set_status(self, payload):
+ {}
+ def get_current_jobs(self):
+ jobs = Job.objects.filter(booking__lab=self.lab)
+ return self.serialize_jobs(jobs, status=JobStatus.CURRENT)
+ def get_new_jobs(self):
+ jobs = Job.objects.filter(booking__lab=self.lab)
+ return self.serialize_jobs(jobs, status=JobStatus.NEW)
+ def get_done_jobs(self):
+ jobs = Job.objects.filter(booking__lab=self.lab)
+ return self.serialize_jobs(jobs, status=JobStatus.DONE)
+ def get_job(self, jobid):
+ return Job.objects.get(pk=jobid).to_dict()
+ def update_job(self, jobid, data):
+ {}
+ def serialize_jobs(self, jobs, status=JobStatus.NEW):
+ job_ser = []
+ for job in jobs:
+ jsonized_job = job.get_delta(status)
+ if len(jsonized_job['payload']) < 1:
+ continue
+ job_ser.append(jsonized_job)
+ return job_ser
+ def serialize_hosts(self, hosts):
+ host_ser = []
+ for host in hosts:
+ h = {}
+ h['interfaces'] = []
+ h['hostname'] = host.name
+ h['host_type'] = host.profile.name
+ for iface in host.interfaces.all():
+ eth = {}
+ eth['mac'] = iface.mac_address
+ eth['busaddr'] = iface.bus_address
+ eth['name'] = iface.name
+ eth['switchport'] = {"switch_name": iface.switch_name, "port_name": iface.port_name}
+ h['interfaces'].append(eth)
+ return host_ser
+ def serialize_images(self, images):
+ images_ser = []
+ for image in images:
+ images_ser.append(
+ {
+ "name": image.name,
+ "lab_id": image.lab_id,
+ "dashboard_id": image.id
+ }
+ )
+ return images_ser
+ def serialize_host_profiles(self, profiles):
+ profile_ser = []
+ for profile in profiles:
+ p = {}
+ p['cpu'] = {
+ "cores": profile.cpuprofile.first().cores,
+ "arch": profile.cpuprofile.first().architecture,
+ "cpus": profile.cpuprofile.first().cpus,
+ }
+ p['disks'] = []
+ for disk in profile.storageprofile.all():
+ d = {
+ "size": disk.size,
+ "type": disk.media_type,
+ "name": disk.name
+ }
+ p['disks'].append(d)
+ p['description'] = profile.description
+ p['interfaces'] = []
+ for iface in profile.interfaceprofile.all():
+ p['interfaces'].append(
+ {
+ "speed": iface.speed,
+ "name": iface.name
+ }
+ )
+ p['ram'] = {"amount": profile.ramprofile.first().amount}
+ p['name'] = profile.name
+ profile_ser.append(p)
+ return profile_ser
+class Job(models.Model):
+ """
+ This is the class that is serialized and put into the api
+ """
+ booking = models.OneToOneField(Booking, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True)
+ status = models.IntegerField(default=JobStatus.NEW)
+ complete = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ d = {}
+ j = {}
+ j['id'] = self.id
+ for relation in AccessRelation.objects.filter(job=self):
+ if 'access' not in d:
+ d['access'] = {}
+ d['access'][relation.task_id] = relation.config.to_dict()
+ for relation in SoftwareRelation.objects.filter(job=self):
+ if 'software' not in d:
+ d['software'] = {}
+ d['software'][relation.task_id] = relation.config.to_dict()
+ for relation in HostHardwareRelation.objects.filter(job=self):
+ if 'hardware' not in d:
+ d['hardware'] = {}
+ d['hardware'][relation.task_id] = relation.config.to_dict()
+ for relation in HostNetworkRelation.objects.filter(job=self):
+ if 'network' not in d:
+ d['network'] = {}
+ d['network'][relation.task_id] = relation.config.to_dict()
+ for relation in SnapshotRelation.objects.filter(job=self):
+ if 'snapshot' not in d:
+ d['snapshot'] = {}
+ d['snapshot'][relation.task_id] = relation.config.to_dict()
+ j['payload'] = d
+ return j
+ def get_tasklist(self, status="all"):
+ tasklist = []
+ clist = [
+ HostHardwareRelation,
+ AccessRelation,
+ HostNetworkRelation,
+ SoftwareRelation,
+ SnapshotRelation
+ ]
+ if status == "all":
+ for cls in clist:
+ tasklist += list(cls.objects.filter(job=self))
+ else:
+ for cls in clist:
+ tasklist += list(cls.objects.filter(job=self).filter(status=status))
+ return tasklist
+ def is_fulfilled(self):
+ """
+ This method should return true if all of the job's tasks are done,
+ and false otherwise
+ """
+ my_tasks = self.get_tasklist()
+ for task in my_tasks:
+ if task.status != JobStatus.DONE:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def get_delta(self, status):
+ d = {}
+ j = {}
+ j['id'] = self.id
+ for relation in AccessRelation.objects.filter(job=self).filter(status=status):
+ if 'access' not in d:
+ d['access'] = {}
+ d['access'][relation.task_id] = relation.config.get_delta()
+ for relation in SoftwareRelation.objects.filter(job=self).filter(status=status):
+ if 'software' not in d:
+ d['software'] = {}
+ d['software'][relation.task_id] = relation.config.get_delta()
+ for relation in HostHardwareRelation.objects.filter(job=self).filter(status=status):
+ if 'hardware' not in d:
+ d['hardware'] = {}
+ d['hardware'][relation.task_id] = relation.config.get_delta()
+ for relation in HostNetworkRelation.objects.filter(job=self).filter(status=status):
+ if 'network' not in d:
+ d['network'] = {}
+ d['network'][relation.task_id] = relation.config.get_delta()
+ for relation in SnapshotRelation.objects.filter(job=self).filter(status=status):
+ if 'snapshot' not in d:
+ d['snapshot'] = {}
+ d['snapshot'][relation.task_id] = relation.config.get_delta()
+ j['payload'] = d
+ return j
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+class TaskConfig(models.Model):
+ def to_dict(self):
+ pass
+ def get_delta(self):
+ pass
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ def clear_delta(self):
+ self.delta = '{}'
+class BridgeConfig(models.Model):
+ """
+ Displays mapping between jumphost interfaces and
+ bridges
+ """
+ interfaces = models.ManyToManyField(Interface)
+ opnfv_config = models.ForeignKey(OPNFVConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ d = {}
+ hid = self.interfaces.first().host.labid
+ d[hid] = {}
+ for interface in self.interfaces.all():
+ d[hid][interface.mac_address] = []
+ for vlan in interface.config.all():
+ network_role = self.opnfv_model.networks().filter(network=vlan.network)
+ bridge = IDFTemplater.bridge_names[network_role.name]
+ br_config = {
+ "vlan_id": vlan.vlan_id,
+ "tagged": vlan.tagged,
+ "bridge": bridge
+ }
+ d[hid][interface.mac_address].append(br_config)
+ return d
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+class OpnfvApiConfig(models.Model):
+ installer = models.CharField(max_length=200)
+ scenario = models.CharField(max_length=300)
+ roles = models.ManyToManyField(Host)
+ # pdf and idf are url endpoints, not the actual file
+ pdf = models.CharField(max_length=100)
+ idf = models.CharField(max_length=100)
+ bridge_config = models.OneToOneField(BridgeConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True)
+ delta = models.TextField()
+ opnfv_config = models.ForeignKey(OPNFVConfig, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ d = {}
+ if not self.opnfv_config:
+ return d
+ if self.installer:
+ d['installer'] = self.installer
+ if self.scenario:
+ d['scenario'] = self.scenario
+ if self.pdf:
+ d['pdf'] = self.pdf
+ if self.idf:
+ d['idf'] = self.idf
+ if self.bridge_config:
+ d['bridged_interfaces'] = self.bridge_config.to_dict()
+ hosts = self.roles.all()
+ if hosts.exists():
+ d['roles'] = []
+ for host in hosts:
+ d['roles'].append({
+ host.labid: self.opnfv_config.host_opnfv_config.get(
+ host_config__pk=host.config.pk
+ ).role.name
+ })
+ return d
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ def set_installer(self, installer):
+ self.installer = installer
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['installer'] = installer
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_scenario(self, scenario):
+ self.scenario = scenario
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['scenario'] = scenario
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_xdf(self, booking, update_delta=True):
+ kwargs = {'lab_name': booking.lab.name, 'booking_id': booking.id}
+ self.pdf = reverse('get-pdf', kwargs=kwargs)
+ self.idf = reverse('get-idf', kwargs=kwargs)
+ if update_delta:
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['pdf'] = self.pdf
+ d['idf'] = self.idf
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def add_role(self, host):
+ self.roles.add(host)
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ if 'role' not in d:
+ d['role'] = []
+ d['roles'].append({host.labid: host.config.opnfvRole.name})
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def clear_delta(self):
+ self.delta = '{}'
+ def get_delta(self):
+ if not self.delta:
+ self.delta = self.to_json()
+ self.save()
+ return json.loads(self.delta)
+class AccessConfig(TaskConfig):
+ access_type = models.CharField(max_length=50)
+ user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ revoke = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ context = models.TextField(default="")
+ delta = models.TextField(default="{}")
+ def to_dict(self):
+ d = {}
+ d['access_type'] = self.access_type
+ d['user'] = self.user.id
+ d['revoke'] = self.revoke
+ try:
+ d['context'] = json.loads(self.context)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ return d
+ def get_delta(self):
+ if not self.delta:
+ self.delta = self.to_json()
+ self.save()
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d["lab_token"] = self.accessrelation.lab_token
+ return d
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ def clear_delta(self):
+ d = {}
+ d["lab_token"] = self.accessrelation.lab_token
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_access_type(self, access_type):
+ self.access_type = access_type
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['access_type'] = access_type
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_user(self, user):
+ self.user = user
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['user'] = self.user.id
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_revoke(self, revoke):
+ self.revoke = revoke
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['revoke'] = revoke
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_context(self, context):
+ self.context = json.dumps(context)
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['context'] = context
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+class SoftwareConfig(TaskConfig):
+ """
+ handled opnfv installations, etc
+ """
+ opnfv = models.ForeignKey(OpnfvApiConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ d = {}
+ if self.opnfv:
+ d['opnfv'] = self.opnfv.to_dict()
+ d["lab_token"] = self.softwarerelation.lab_token
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ return d
+ def get_delta(self):
+ d = {}
+ d['opnfv'] = self.opnfv.get_delta()
+ d['lab_token'] = self.softwarerelation.lab_token
+ return d
+ def clear_delta(self):
+ self.opnfv.clear_delta()
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+class HardwareConfig(TaskConfig):
+ """
+ handles imaging, user accounts, etc
+ """
+ image = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="defimage")
+ power = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="off")
+ hostname = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="hostname")
+ ipmi_create = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ delta = models.TextField()
+ def to_dict(self):
+ d = {}
+ d['image'] = self.image
+ d['power'] = self.power
+ d['hostname'] = self.hostname
+ d['ipmi_create'] = str(self.ipmi_create)
+ d['id'] = self.hosthardwarerelation.host.labid
+ return d
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ def get_delta(self):
+ if not self.delta:
+ self.delta = self.to_json()
+ self.save()
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['lab_token'] = self.hosthardwarerelation.lab_token
+ return d
+ def clear_delta(self):
+ d = {}
+ d["id"] = self.hosthardwarerelation.host.labid
+ d["lab_token"] = self.hosthardwarerelation.lab_token
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_image(self, image):
+ self.image = image
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['image'] = self.image
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_power(self, power):
+ self.power = power
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['power'] = power
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_hostname(self, hostname):
+ self.hostname = hostname
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['hostname'] = hostname
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_ipmi_create(self, ipmi_create):
+ self.ipmi_create = ipmi_create
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['ipmi_create'] = ipmi_create
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+class NetworkConfig(TaskConfig):
+ """
+ handles network configuration
+ """
+ interfaces = models.ManyToManyField(Interface)
+ delta = models.TextField()
+ def to_dict(self):
+ d = {}
+ hid = self.hostnetworkrelation.host.labid
+ d[hid] = {}
+ for interface in self.interfaces.all():
+ d[hid][interface.mac_address] = []
+ for vlan in interface.config.all():
+ d[hid][interface.mac_address].append({"vlan_id": vlan.vlan_id, "tagged": vlan.tagged})
+ return d
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ def get_delta(self):
+ if not self.delta:
+ self.delta = self.to_json()
+ self.save()
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['lab_token'] = self.hostnetworkrelation.lab_token
+ return d
+ def clear_delta(self):
+ self.delta = json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ self.save()
+ def add_interface(self, interface):
+ self.interfaces.add(interface)
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ hid = self.hostnetworkrelation.host.labid
+ if hid not in d:
+ d[hid] = {}
+ d[hid][interface.mac_address] = []
+ for vlan in interface.config.all():
+ d[hid][interface.mac_address].append({"vlan_id": vlan.vlan_id, "tagged": vlan.tagged})
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+class SnapshotConfig(TaskConfig):
+ host = models.ForeignKey(Host, null=True, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
+ image = models.IntegerField(null=True)
+ dashboard_id = models.IntegerField()
+ delta = models.TextField(default="{}")
+ def to_dict(self):
+ d = {}
+ if self.host:
+ d['host'] = self.host.labid
+ if self.image:
+ d['image'] = self.image
+ d['dashboard_id'] = self.dashboard_id
+ return d
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ def get_delta(self):
+ if not self.delta:
+ self.delta = self.to_json()
+ self.save()
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ return d
+ def clear_delta(self):
+ self.delta = json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ self.save()
+ def set_host(self, host):
+ self.host = host
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['host'] = host.labid
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_image(self, image):
+ self.image = image
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['image'] = self.image
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def clear_image(self):
+ self.image = None
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d.pop("image", None)
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+ def set_dashboard_id(self, dash):
+ self.dashboard_id = dash
+ d = json.loads(self.delta)
+ d['dashboard_id'] = self.dashboard_id
+ self.delta = json.dumps(d)
+def get_task(task_id):
+ for taskclass in [AccessRelation, SoftwareRelation, HostHardwareRelation, HostNetworkRelation, SnapshotRelation]:
+ try:
+ ret = taskclass.objects.get(task_id=task_id)
+ return ret
+ except taskclass.DoesNotExist:
+ pass
+ from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+ raise ObjectDoesNotExist("Could not find matching TaskRelation instance")
+def get_task_uuid():
+ return str(uuid.uuid4())
+class TaskRelation(models.Model):
+ status = models.IntegerField(default=JobStatus.NEW)
+ job = models.ForeignKey(Job, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ config = models.OneToOneField(TaskConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ task_id = models.CharField(default=get_task_uuid, max_length=37)
+ lab_token = models.CharField(default="null", max_length=50)
+ message = models.TextField(default="")
+ def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.config.delete()
+ return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
+ def type_str(self):
+ return "Generic Task"
+ class Meta:
+ abstract = True
+class AccessRelation(TaskRelation):
+ config = models.OneToOneField(AccessConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ def type_str(self):
+ return "Access Task"
+ def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.config.delete()
+ return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
+class SoftwareRelation(TaskRelation):
+ config = models.OneToOneField(SoftwareConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ def type_str(self):
+ return "Software Configuration Task"
+ def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.config.delete()
+ return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
+class HostHardwareRelation(TaskRelation):
+ host = models.ForeignKey(Host, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ config = models.OneToOneField(HardwareConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ def type_str(self):
+ return "Hardware Configuration Task"
+ def get_delta(self):
+ return self.config.to_dict()
+ def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.config.delete()
+ return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
+class HostNetworkRelation(TaskRelation):
+ host = models.ForeignKey(Host, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ config = models.OneToOneField(NetworkConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ def type_str(self):
+ return "Network Configuration Task"
+ def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.config.delete()
+ return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
+class SnapshotRelation(TaskRelation):
+ snapshot = models.ForeignKey(Image, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ config = models.OneToOneField(SnapshotConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ def type_str(self):
+ return "Snapshot Task"
+ def get_delta(self):
+ return self.config.to_dict()
+ def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.config.delete()
+ return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
+class JobFactory(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def reimageHost(cls, new_image, booking, host):
+ """
+ This method will make all necessary changes to make a lab
+ reimage a host.
+ """
+ job = Job.objects.get(booking=booking)
+ # make hardware task new
+ hardware_relation = HostHardwareRelation.objects.get(host=host, job=job)
+ hardware_relation.config.set_image(new_image.lab_id)
+ hardware_relation.config.save()
+ hardware_relation.status = JobStatus.NEW
+ # re-apply networking after host is reset
+ net_relation = HostNetworkRelation.objects.get(host=host, job=job)
+ net_relation.status = JobStatus.NEW
+ # re-apply ssh access after host is reset
+ for relation in AccessRelation.objects.filter(job=job, config__access_type="ssh"):
+ relation.status = JobStatus.NEW
+ relation.save()
+ hardware_relation.save()
+ net_relation.save()
+ @classmethod
+ def makeSnapshotTask(cls, image, booking, host):
+ relation = SnapshotRelation()
+ job = Job.objects.get(booking=booking)
+ config = SnapshotConfig.objects.create(dashboard_id=image.id)
+ relation.job = job
+ relation.config = config
+ relation.config.save()
+ relation.config = relation.config
+ relation.snapshot = image
+ relation.save()
+ config.clear_delta()
+ config.set_host(host)
+ config.save()
+ @classmethod
+ def makeCompleteJob(cls, booking):
+ hosts = Host.objects.filter(bundle=booking.resource)
+ job = None
+ try:
+ job = Job.objects.get(booking=booking)
+ except Exception:
+ job = Job.objects.create(status=JobStatus.NEW, booking=booking)
+ cls.makeHardwareConfigs(
+ hosts=hosts,
+ job=job
+ )
+ cls.makeNetworkConfigs(
+ hosts=hosts,
+ job=job
+ )
+ cls.makeSoftware(
+ booking=booking,
+ job=job
+ )
+ all_users = list(booking.collaborators.all())
+ all_users.append(booking.owner)
+ cls.makeAccessConfig(
+ users=all_users,
+ access_type="vpn",
+ revoke=False,
+ job=job
+ )
+ for user in all_users:
+ try:
+ cls.makeAccessConfig(
+ users=[user],
+ access_type="ssh",
+ revoke=False,
+ job=job,
+ context={
+ "key": user.userprofile.ssh_public_key.open().read().decode(encoding="UTF-8"),
+ "hosts": [host.labid for host in hosts]
+ }
+ )
+ except Exception:
+ continue
+ @classmethod
+ def makeHardwareConfigs(cls, hosts=[], job=Job()):
+ for host in hosts:
+ hardware_config = None
+ try:
+ hardware_config = HardwareConfig.objects.get(relation__host=host)
+ except Exception:
+ hardware_config = HardwareConfig()
+ relation = HostHardwareRelation()
+ relation.host = host
+ relation.job = job
+ relation.config = hardware_config
+ relation.config.save()
+ relation.config = relation.config
+ relation.save()
+ hardware_config.clear_delta()
+ hardware_config.set_image(host.config.image.lab_id)
+ hardware_config.set_hostname(host.template.resource.name)
+ hardware_config.set_power("on")
+ hardware_config.set_ipmi_create(True)
+ hardware_config.save()
+ @classmethod
+ def makeAccessConfig(cls, users, access_type, revoke=False, job=Job(), context=False):
+ for user in users:
+ relation = AccessRelation()
+ relation.job = job
+ config = AccessConfig()
+ config.access_type = access_type
+ config.user = user
+ config.save()
+ relation.config = config
+ relation.save()
+ config.clear_delta()
+ if context:
+ config.set_context(context)
+ config.set_access_type(access_type)
+ config.set_revoke(revoke)
+ config.set_user(user)
+ config.save()
+ @classmethod
+ def makeNetworkConfigs(cls, hosts=[], job=Job()):
+ for host in hosts:
+ network_config = None
+ try:
+ network_config = NetworkConfig.objects.get(relation__host=host)
+ except Exception:
+ network_config = NetworkConfig.objects.create()
+ relation = HostNetworkRelation()
+ relation.host = host
+ relation.job = job
+ network_config.save()
+ relation.config = network_config
+ relation.save()
+ network_config.clear_delta()
+ for interface in host.interfaces.all():
+ network_config.add_interface(interface)
+ network_config.save()
+ @classmethod
+ def make_bridge_config(cls, booking):
+ if booking.resource.hosts.count() < 2:
+ return None
+ try:
+ jumphost_config = HostOPNFVConfig.objects.filter(
+ role__name__iexact="jumphost"
+ )
+ jumphost = Host.objects.get(
+ bundle=booking.resource,
+ config=jumphost_config.host_config
+ )
+ except Exception:
+ return None
+ br_config = BridgeConfig.objects.create(opnfv_config=booking.opnfv_config)
+ for iface in jumphost.interfaces.all():
+ br_config.interfaces.add(iface)
+ return br_config
+ @classmethod
+ def makeSoftware(cls, booking=None, job=Job()):
+ if not booking.opnfv_config:
+ return None
+ opnfv_api_config = OpnfvApiConfig.objects.create(
+ opnfv_config=booking.opnfv_config,
+ installer=booking.opnfv_config.installer.name,
+ scenario=booking.opnfv_config.scenario.name,
+ bridge_config=cls.make_bridge_config(booking)
+ )
+ opnfv_api_config.set_xdf(booking, False)
+ opnfv_api_config.save()
+ for host in booking.resource.hosts.all():
+ opnfv_api_config.roles.add(host)
+ software_config = SoftwareConfig.objects.create(opnfv=opnfv_api_config)
+ software_relation = SoftwareRelation.objects.create(job=job, config=software_config)
+ return software_relation