path: root/kernel/drivers/misc/eeprom/at24.c
blob: 5d7c0900fa1b129c8bf103d3eddd03cbd92fe80d (plain)

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.highlight .vi { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
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.highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */
.highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::ExternalPort: ../network/ports/external_from_pool.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::InternalApiPort: ../network/ports/internal_api_from_pool.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::StoragePort: ../network/ports/storage_from_pool.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::StorageMgmtPort: ../network/ports/storage_mgmt_from_pool.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::TenantPort: ../network/ports/tenant_from_pool.yaml
  # Management network is optional and disabled by default
  #OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::ManagementPort: ../network/ports/management_from_pool.yaml

  # When using an external loadbalancer set the following in parameter_defaults
  # to control your VIPs (currently one per network)
  # NOTE: we will eventually move to one VIP per service
  ControlFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  PublicVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  InternalApiVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  StorageVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  StorageMgmtVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  RedisVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  EnableLoadBalancer: false
>490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706
 * at24.c - handle most I2C EEPROMs
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 David Brownell
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Wolfram Sang, Pengutronix
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/sysfs.h>
#include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
#include <linux/log2.h>
#include <linux/bitops.h>
#include <linux/jiffies.h>
#include <linux/of.h>
#include <linux/acpi.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/platform_data/at24.h>

 * I2C EEPROMs from most vendors are inexpensive and mostly interchangeable.
 * Differences between different vendor product lines (like Atmel AT24C or
 * MicroChip 24LC, etc) won't much matter for typical read/write access.
 * There are also I2C RAM chips, likewise interchangeable. One example
 * would be the PCF8570, which acts like a 24c02 EEPROM (256 bytes).
 * However, misconfiguration can lose data. "Set 16-bit memory address"
 * to a part with 8-bit addressing will overwrite data. Writing with too
 * big a page size also loses data. And it's not safe to assume that the
 * conventional addresses 0x50..0x57 only hold eeproms; a PCF8563 RTC
 * uses 0x51, for just one example.
 * Accordingly, explicit board-specific configuration data should be used
 * in almost all cases. (One partial exception is an SMBus used to access
 * "SPD" data for DRAM sticks. Those only use 24c02 EEPROMs.)
 * So this driver uses "new style" I2C driver binding, expecting to be
 * told what devices exist. That may be in arch/X/mach-Y/board-Z.c or
 * similar kernel-resident tables; or, configuration data coming from
 * a bootloader.
 * Other than binding model, current differences from "eeprom" driver are
 * that this one handles write access and isn't restricted to 24c02 devices.
 * It also handles larger devices (32 kbit and up) with two-byte addresses,
 * which won't work on pure SMBus systems.

struct at24_data {
	struct at24_platform_data chip;
	struct memory_accessor macc;
	int use_smbus;
	int use_smbus_write;

	 * Lock protects against activities from other Linux tasks,
	 * but not from changes by other I2C masters.
	struct mutex lock;
	struct bin_attribute bin;

	u8 *writebuf;
	unsigned write_max;
	unsigned num_addresses;

	 * Some chips tie up multiple I2C addresses; dummy devices reserve
	 * them for us, and we'll use them with SMBus calls.
	struct i2c_client *client[];

 * This parameter is to help this driver avoid blocking other drivers out
 * of I2C for potentially troublesome amounts of time. With a 100 kHz I2C
 * clock, one 256 byte read takes about 1/43 second which is excessive;
 * but the 1/170 second it takes at 400 kHz may be quite reasonable; and
 * at 1 MHz (Fm+) a 1/430 second delay could easily be invisible.
 * This value is forced to be a power of two so that writes align on pages.
static unsigned io_limit = 128;
module_param(io_limit, uint, 0);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(io_limit, "Maximum bytes per I/O (default 128)");

 * Specs often allow 5 msec for a page write, sometimes 20 msec;
 * it's important to recover from write timeouts.
static unsigned write_timeout = 25;
module_param(write_timeout, uint, 0);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(write_timeout, "Time (in ms) to try writes (default 25)");

#define AT24_SIZE_BYTELEN 5
#define AT24_SIZE_FLAGS 8

#define AT24_BITMASK(x) (BIT(x) - 1)

/* create non-zero magic value for given eeprom parameters */
#define AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(_len, _flags) 		\
	((1 << AT24_SIZE_FLAGS | (_flags)) 		\
	    << AT24_SIZE_BYTELEN | ilog2(_len))

static const struct i2c_device_id at24_ids[] = {
	/* needs 8 addresses as A0-A2 are ignored */
	{ "24c00", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(128 / 8, AT24_FLAG_TAKE8ADDR) },
	/* old variants can't be handled with this generic entry! */
	{ "24c01", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(1024 / 8, 0) },
	{ "24c02", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(2048 / 8, 0) },
	/* spd is a 24c02 in memory DIMMs */
	{ "spd", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(2048 / 8,
	{ "24c04", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(4096 / 8, 0) },
	/* 24rf08 quirk is handled at i2c-core */
	{ "24c08", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(8192 / 8, 0) },
	{ "24c16", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(16384 / 8, 0) },
	{ "24c32", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(32768 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
	{ "24c64", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(65536 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
	{ "24c128", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(131072 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
	{ "24c256", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(262144 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
	{ "24c512", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(524288 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
	{ "24c1024", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(1048576 / 8, AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) },
	{ "at24", 0 },
	{ /* END OF LIST */ }
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, at24_ids);

static const struct acpi_device_id at24_acpi_ids[] = {
	{ "INT3499", AT24_DEVICE_MAGIC(8192 / 8, 0) },
	{ }
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(acpi, at24_acpi_ids);


 * This routine supports chips which consume multiple I2C addresses. It
 * computes the addressing information to be used for a given r/w request.
 * Assumes that sanity checks for offset happened at sysfs-layer.
static struct i2c_client *at24_translate_offset(struct at24_data *at24,
		unsigned *offset)
	unsigned i;

	if (at24->chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) {
		i = *offset >> 16;
		*offset &= 0xffff;
	} else {
		i = *offset >> 8;
		*offset &= 0xff;

	return at24->client[i];

static ssize_t at24_eeprom_read(struct at24_data *at24, char *buf,
		unsigned offset, size_t count)
	struct i2c_msg msg[2];
	u8 msgbuf[2];
	struct i2c_client *client;
	unsigned long timeout, read_time;
	int status, i;

	memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));

	 * REVISIT some multi-address chips don't rollover page reads to
	 * the next slave address, so we may need to truncate the count.
	 * Those chips might need another quirk flag.
	 * If the real hardware used four adjacent 24c02 chips and that
	 * were misconfigured as one 24c08, that would be a similar effect:
	 * one "eeprom" file not four, but larger reads would fail when
	 * they crossed certain pages.

	 * Slave address and byte offset derive from the offset. Always
	 * set the byte address; on a multi-master board, another master
	 * may have changed the chip's "current" address pointer.
	client = at24_translate_offset(at24, &offset);

	if (count > io_limit)
		count = io_limit;

	if (at24->use_smbus) {
		/* Smaller eeproms can work given some SMBus extension calls */
		if (count > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)
			count = I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX;
	} else {
		 * When we have a better choice than SMBus calls, use a
		 * combined I2C message. Write address; then read up to
		 * io_limit data bytes. Note that read page rollover helps us
		 * here (unlike writes). msgbuf is u8 and will cast to our
		 * needs.
		i = 0;
		if (at24->chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16)
			msgbuf[i++] = offset >> 8;
		msgbuf[i++] = offset;

		msg[0].addr = client->addr;
		msg[0].buf = msgbuf;
		msg[0].len = i;

		msg[1].addr = client->addr;
		msg[1].flags = I2C_M_RD;
		msg[1].buf = buf;
		msg[1].len = count;

	 * Reads fail if the previous write didn't complete yet. We may
	 * loop a few times until this one succeeds, waiting at least
	 * long enough for one entire page write to work.
	timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(write_timeout);
	do {
		read_time = jiffies;
		if (at24->use_smbus) {
			status = i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data_or_emulated(client, offset,
									   count, buf);
		} else {
			status = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, msg, 2);
			if (status == 2)
				status = count;
		dev_dbg(&client->dev, "read %zu@%d --> %d (%ld)\n",
				count, offset, status, jiffies);

		if (status == count)
			return count;

		/* REVISIT: at HZ=100, this is sloooow */
	} while (time_before(read_time, timeout));

	return -ETIMEDOUT;

static ssize_t at24_read(struct at24_data *at24,
		char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
	ssize_t retval = 0;

	if (unlikely(!count))
		return count;

	 * Read data from chip, protecting against concurrent updates
	 * from this host, but not from other I2C masters.

	while (count) {
		ssize_t	status;

		status = at24_eeprom_read(at24, buf, off, count);
		if (status <= 0) {
			if (retval == 0)
				retval = status;
		buf += status;
		off += status;
		count -= status;
		retval += status;


	return retval;

static ssize_t at24_bin_read(struct file *filp, struct kobject *kobj,
		struct bin_attribute *attr,
		char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
	struct at24_data *at24;

	at24 = dev_get_drvdata(container_of(kobj, struct device, kobj));
	return at24_read(at24, buf, off, count);

 * Note that if the hardware write-protect pin is pulled high, the whole
 * chip is normally write protected. But there are plenty of product
 * variants here, including OTP fuses and partial chip protect.
 * We only use page mode writes; the alternative is sloooow. This routine
 * writes at most one page.
static ssize_t at24_eeprom_write(struct at24_data *at24, const char *buf,
		unsigned offset, size_t count)
	struct i2c_client *client;
	struct i2c_msg msg;
	ssize_t status = 0;
	unsigned long timeout, write_time;
	unsigned next_page;

	/* Get corresponding I2C address and adjust offset */
	client = at24_translate_offset(at24, &offset);

	/* write_max is at most a page */
	if (count > at24->write_max)
		count = at24->write_max;

	/* Never roll over backwards, to the start of this page */
	next_page = roundup(offset + 1, at24->chip.page_size);
	if (offset + count > next_page)
		count = next_page - offset;

	/* If we'll use I2C calls for I/O, set up the message */
	if (!at24->use_smbus) {
		int i = 0;

		msg.addr = client->addr;
		msg.flags = 0;

		/* msg.buf is u8 and casts will mask the values */
		msg.buf = at24->writebuf;
		if (at24->chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16)
			msg.buf[i++] = offset >> 8;

		msg.buf[i++] = offset;
		memcpy(&msg.buf[i], buf, count);
		msg.len = i + count;

	 * Writes fail if the previous one didn't complete yet. We may
	 * loop a few times until this one succeeds, waiting at least
	 * long enough for one entire page write to work.
	timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(write_timeout);
	do {
		write_time = jiffies;
		if (at24->use_smbus_write) {
			switch (at24->use_smbus_write) {
				status = i2c_smbus_write_i2c_block_data(client,
						offset, count, buf);
				status = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client,
						offset, buf[0]);

			if (status == 0)
				status = count;
		} else {
			status = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, &msg, 1);
			if (status == 1)
				status = count;
		dev_dbg(&client->dev, "write %zu@%d --> %zd (%ld)\n",
				count, offset, status, jiffies);

		if (status == count)
			return count;

		/* REVISIT: at HZ=100, this is sloooow */
	} while (time_before(write_time, timeout));

	return -ETIMEDOUT;

static ssize_t at24_write(struct at24_data *at24, const char *buf, loff_t off,
			  size_t count)
	ssize_t retval = 0;

	if (unlikely(!count))
		return count;

	 * Write data to chip, protecting against concurrent updates
	 * from this host, but not from other I2C masters.

	while (count) {
		ssize_t	status;

		status = at24_eeprom_write(at24, buf, off, count);
		if (status <= 0) {
			if (retval == 0)
				retval = status;
		buf += status;
		off += status;
		count -= status;
		retval += status;


	return retval;

static ssize_t at24_bin_write(struct file *filp, struct kobject *kobj,
		struct bin_attribute *attr,
		char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
	struct at24_data *at24;

	at24 = dev_get_drvdata(container_of(kobj, struct device, kobj));
	return at24_write(at24, buf, off, count);


 * This lets other kernel code access the eeprom data. For example, it
 * might hold a board's Ethernet address, or board-specific calibration
 * data generated on the manufacturing floor.

static ssize_t at24_macc_read(struct memory_accessor *macc, char *buf,
			 off_t offset, size_t count)
	struct at24_data *at24 = container_of(macc, struct at24_data, macc);

	return at24_read(at24, buf, offset, count);

static ssize_t at24_macc_write(struct memory_accessor *macc, const char *buf,
			  off_t offset, size_t count)
	struct at24_data *at24 = container_of(macc, struct at24_data, macc);

	return at24_write(at24, buf, offset, count);


#ifdef CONFIG_OF
static void at24_get_ofdata(struct i2c_client *client,
		struct at24_platform_data *chip)
	const __be32 *val;
	struct device_node *node = client->dev.of_node;

	if (node) {
		if (of_get_property(node, "read-only", NULL))
			chip->flags |= AT24_FLAG_READONLY;
		val = of_get_property(node, "pagesize", NULL);
		if (val)
			chip->page_size = be32_to_cpup(val);
static void at24_get_ofdata(struct i2c_client *client,
		struct at24_platform_data *chip)
{ }
#endif /* CONFIG_OF */

static int at24_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id)
	struct at24_platform_data chip;
	kernel_ulong_t magic = 0;
	bool writable;
	int use_smbus = 0;
	int use_smbus_write = 0;
	struct at24_data *at24;
	int err;
	unsigned i, num_addresses;

	if (client->dev.platform_data) {
		chip = *(struct at24_platform_data *)client->dev.platform_data;
	} else {
		if (id) {
			magic = id->driver_data;
		} else {
			const struct acpi_device_id *aid;

			aid = acpi_match_device(at24_acpi_ids, &client->dev);
			if (aid)
				magic = aid->driver_data;
		if (!magic)
			return -ENODEV;

		chip.byte_len = BIT(magic & AT24_BITMASK(AT24_SIZE_BYTELEN));
		magic >>= AT24_SIZE_BYTELEN;
		chip.flags = magic & AT24_BITMASK(AT24_SIZE_FLAGS);
		 * This is slow, but we can't know all eeproms, so we better
		 * play safe. Specifying custom eeprom-types via platform_data
		 * is recommended anyhow.
		chip.page_size = 1;

		/* update chipdata if OF is present */
		at24_get_ofdata(client, &chip);

		chip.setup = NULL;
		chip.context = NULL;

	if (!is_power_of_2(chip.byte_len))
			"byte_len looks suspicious (no power of 2)!\n");
	if (!chip.page_size) {
		dev_err(&client->dev, "page_size must not be 0!\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	if (!is_power_of_2(chip.page_size))
			"page_size looks suspicious (no power of 2)!\n");

	/* Use I2C operations unless we're stuck with SMBus extensions. */
	if (!i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C)) {
		if (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16)
			return -EPFNOSUPPORT;

		if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
			use_smbus = I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA;
		} else if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
			use_smbus = I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA;
		} else if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
			use_smbus = I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA;
		} else {
			return -EPFNOSUPPORT;

	/* Use I2C operations unless we're stuck with SMBus extensions. */
	if (!i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C)) {
		if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
			use_smbus_write = I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA;
		} else if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
			use_smbus_write = I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA;
			chip.page_size = 1;

	if (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_TAKE8ADDR)
		num_addresses = 8;
		num_addresses =	DIV_ROUND_UP(chip.byte_len,
			(chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) ? 65536 : 256);

	at24 = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, sizeof(struct at24_data) +
		num_addresses * sizeof(struct i2c_client *), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!at24)
		return -ENOMEM;

	at24->use_smbus = use_smbus;
	at24->use_smbus_write = use_smbus_write;
	at24->chip = chip;
	at24->num_addresses = num_addresses;

	 * Export the EEPROM bytes through sysfs, since that's convenient.
	 * By default, only root should see the data (maybe passwords etc)
	at24-> = "eeprom";
	at24->bin.attr.mode = chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_IRUGO ? S_IRUGO : S_IRUSR;
	at24-> = at24_bin_read;
	at24->bin.size = chip.byte_len;

	at24-> = at24_macc_read;

	writable = !(chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_READONLY);
	if (writable) {
		if (!use_smbus || use_smbus_write) {

			unsigned write_max = chip.page_size;

			at24->macc.write = at24_macc_write;

			at24->bin.write = at24_bin_write;
			at24->bin.attr.mode |= S_IWUSR;

			if (write_max > io_limit)
				write_max = io_limit;
			if (use_smbus && write_max > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)
				write_max = I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX;
			at24->write_max = write_max;

			/* buffer (data + address at the beginning) */
			at24->writebuf = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev,
				write_max + 2, GFP_KERNEL);
			if (!at24->writebuf)
				return -ENOMEM;
		} else {
				"cannot write due to controller restrictions.");

	at24->client[0] = client;

	/* use dummy devices for multiple-address chips */
	for (i = 1; i < num_addresses; i++) {
		at24->client[i] = i2c_new_dummy(client->adapter,
					client->addr + i);
		if (!at24->client[i]) {
			dev_err(&client->dev, "address 0x%02x unavailable\n",
					client->addr + i);
			err = -EADDRINUSE;
			goto err_clients;

	err = sysfs_create_bin_file(&client->dev.kobj, &at24->bin);
	if (err)
		goto err_clients;

	i2c_set_clientdata(client, at24);

	dev_info(&client->dev, "%zu byte %s EEPROM, %s, %u bytes/write\n",
		at24->bin.size, client->name,
		writable ? "writable" : "read-only", at24->write_max);
	if (use_smbus == I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA ||
	    use_smbus == I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA) {
		dev_notice(&client->dev, "Falling back to %s reads, "
			   "performance will suffer\n", use_smbus ==
			   I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA ? "word" : "byte");

	/* export data to kernel code */
	if (chip.setup)
		chip.setup(&at24->macc, chip.context);

	return 0;

	for (i = 1; i < num_addresses; i++)
		if (at24->client[i])

	return err;

static int at24_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
	struct at24_data *at24;
	int i;

	at24 = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
	sysfs_remove_bin_file(&client->dev.kobj, &at24->bin);

	for (i = 1; i < at24->num_addresses; i++)

	return 0;


static struct i2c_driver at24_driver = {
	.driver = {
		.name = "at24",
		.acpi_match_table = ACPI_PTR(at24_acpi_ids),
	.probe = at24_probe,
	.remove = at24_remove,
	.id_table = at24_ids,

static int __init at24_init(void)
	if (!io_limit) {
		pr_err("at24: io_limit must not be 0!\n");
		return -EINVAL;

	io_limit = rounddown_pow_of_two(io_limit);
	return i2c_add_driver(&at24_driver);

static void __exit at24_exit(void)

MODULE_AUTHOR("David Brownell and Wolfram Sang");