ofs | hex dump | ascii |
0000 | 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 06 d2 00 00 03 f9 08 06 00 00 00 8b af bb | .PNG........IHDR................ |
0020 | 69 00 00 00 01 73 52 47 42 00 ae ce 1c e9 00 00 00 04 67 41 4d 41 00 00 b1 8f 0b fc 61 05 00 00 | i....sRGB.........gAMA......a... |
0040 | 00 09 70 48 59 73 00 00 12 74 00 00 12 74 01 de 66 1f 78 00 00 ff a5 49 44 41 54 78 5e ec 7d 09 | ..pHYs...t...t..f.x....IDATx^.}. |
0060 | 98 16 c5 d1 ff fe bf 24 e6 fa 72 7c 09 2b 26 4a 8c 47 a2 88 51 44 0d 88 0a a2 72 a8 20 2a 46 10 | .......$..r|.+&J.G..QD....r..*F. |
0080 | 15 45 45 41 89 a8 28 28 08 c8 e5 82 8b 72 a9 cb b9 dc 2c f7 22 b0 a0 b2 88 ee 82 c0 22 e0 72 2e | .EEA..((.....r....,.".......".r. |
00a0 | e7 72 9f 02 72 83 a8 f5 ef 5f 55 f7 4c cf bc f3 ee 05 2a 6a f7 f3 fc 9e be aa ab aa 6b 7a 66 7a | .r..r...._U.L.....*j........kzfz |
00c0 | ba de ee 37 81 12 12 c8 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 | ...7............................ |
00e0 | c1 c1 21 08 76 a4 1d 3f 7e 5c e3 04 9d 50 31 e0 95 9d d0 b0 ca a4 fe 84 55 26 ed a4 2e 58 6e d2 | ..!.v..?~\...P1.........U&...Xn. |
0100 | 27 c2 7c 4e 58 74 5c 6e d1 72 1a 3c a5 cc e3 8d 36 0c dd ce d4 79 bc 4c 8c 32 ab 5d 80 4f 1c da | '.|NXt\n.r.<....6....y.L.2.].O.. |
0120 | 80 6e 7e db 40 9a e1 6c e4 e5 a3 d2 0c 67 23 2f 1f 95 66 38 1b 79 f9 a8 34 c3 d9 c8 cb 47 a5 19 | .n~.@..l.....g#/..f8.y..4....G.. |
0140 | ce 46 5e 3e 2a cd 70 36 f2 f2 51 69 86 b3 91 97 8f 4a 33 9c 8d bc 7c 54 9a e1 6c e4 e5 a3 d2 0c | .F^>*.p6..Qi.....J3...|T..l..... |
0160 | 67 23 2f 1f 95 66 38 1b 79 f9 a8 34 c3 d9 c8 cb 47 a5 19 ce 46 5e 3e 2a cd 70 36 f2 f2 51 69 86 | g#/..f8.y..4....G...F^>*.p6..Qi. |
0180 | b3 91 97 8f 4a 33 9c 8d bc 7c 54 9a e1 6c e4 e5 a3 d2 0c 67 23 2f 1f 95 66 38 1b 79 f9 a8 34 c3 | ....J3...|T..l.....g#/..f8.y..4. |
01a0 | d9 c8 cb 47 a5 19 ce 46 5e 3e 2a cd 70 36 f2 f2 51 69 c6 4f d7 46 9e 23 ed d8 b1 e3 74 0c 85 88 |
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.highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
* This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
* License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
* for more details.
* Copyright (C) 1985 MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 1994, 95, 99, 2003 by Ralf Baechle
* Copyright (C) 1990 - 1992, 1999 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wind River Systems,
* written by Ralf Baechle <ralf@linux-mips.org>
#ifndef _ASM_REGDEF_H
#define _ASM_REGDEF_H
#include <asm/sgidefs.h>
* Symbolic register names for 32 bit ABI
#define zero $0 /* wired zero */
#define AT $1 /* assembler temp - uppercase because of ".set at" */
#define v0 $2 /* return value */
#define v1 $3
#define a0 $4 /* argument registers */
#define a1 $5
#define a2 $6
#define a3 $7
#define t0 $8 /* caller saved */
#define t1 $9
#define t2 $10
#define t3 $11
#define t4 $12
#define ta0 $12
#define t5 $13
#define ta1 $13
#define t6 $14
#define ta2 $14
#define t7 $15
#define ta3 $15
#define s0 $16 /* callee saved */
#define s1 $17
#define s2 $18
#define s3 $19
#define s4 $20
#define s5 $21
#define s6 $22
#define s7 $23
#define t8 $24 /* caller saved */
#define t9 $25
#define jp $25 /* PIC jump register */
#define k0 $26 /* kernel scratch */
#define k1 $27
#define gp $28 /* global pointer */
#define sp $29 /* stack pointer */
#define fp $30 /* frame pointer */
#define s8 $30 /* same like fp! */
#define ra $31 /* return address */
#endif /* _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI32 */
#define zero $0 /* wired zero */
#define AT $at /* assembler temp - uppercase because of ".set at" */
#define v0 $2 /* return value - caller saved */
#define v1 $3
#define a0 $4 /* argument registers */
#define a1 $5
#define a2 $6
#define a3 $7
#define a4 $8 /* arg reg 64 bit; caller saved in 32 bit */
#define ta0 $8
#define a5 $9
#define ta1 $9
#define a6 $10
#define ta2 $10
#define a7 $11
#define ta3 $11
#define t0 $12 /* caller saved */
#define t1 $13
#define t2 $14
#define t3 $15
#define s0 $16 /* callee saved */
#define s1 $17
#define s2 $18
#define s3 $19
#define s4 $20
#define s5 $21
#define s6 $22
#define s7 $23
#define t8 $24 /* caller saved */
#define t9 $25 /* callee address for PIC/temp */
#define jp $25 /* PIC jump register */
#define k0 $26 /* kernel temporary */
#define k1 $27
#define gp $28 /* global pointer - caller saved for PIC */
#define sp $29 /* stack pointer */
#define fp $30 /* frame pointer */
#define s8 $30 /* callee saved */
#define ra $31 /* return address */
#endif /* _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI64 || _MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_NABI32 */
#endif /* _ASM_REGDEF_H */