blob: 5c9ee54613b2aa0ea931698ffce864d3b393b8d6 (
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* linux/arch/arm/mach-footbridge/personal-pci.c
* PCI bios-type initialisation for PCI machines
* Bits taken from various places.
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <asm/mach/pci.h>
#include <asm/mach-types.h>
static int irqmap_personal_server[] __initdata = {
IRQ_IN0, IRQ_IN1, IRQ_IN2, IRQ_IN3, 0, 0, 0,
static int __init personal_server_map_irq(const struct pci_dev *dev, u8 slot,
u8 pin)
unsigned char line;
pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, &line);
if (line > 0x40 && line <= 0x5f) {
/* line corresponds to the bit controlling this interrupt
* in the footbridge. Ignore the first 8 interrupt bits,
* look up the rest in the map. IN0 is bit number 8
return irqmap_personal_server[(line & 0x1f) - 8];
} else if (line == 0) {
/* no interrupt */
return 0;
} else
return irqmap_personal_server[(line - 1) & 3];
static struct hw_pci personal_server_pci __initdata = {
.map_irq = personal_server_map_irq,
.nr_controllers = 1,
.ops = &dc21285_ops,
.setup = dc21285_setup,
.preinit = dc21285_preinit,
.postinit = dc21285_postinit,
static int __init personal_pci_init(void)
if (machine_is_personal_server())
return 0;