# Copyright (c) 2016 Dan Radez (Red Hat)
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
import sys
from test_apex_ip_utils import get_default_gateway_linux
from apex_python_utils import main
from apex_python_utils import get_parser
from apex_python_utils import parse_net_settings
from apex_python_utils import parse_deploy_settings
from apex_python_utils import find_ip
from apex_python_utils import build_nic_template
from nose.tools import assert_equal
from nose.tools import assert_raises
net_sets = '../config/network/network_settings.yaml'
net_env = '../build/network-environment.yaml'
deploy_sets = '../config/deploy/deploy_settings.yaml'
nic_template = '../build/nics-template.yaml.jinja2'
class TestCommonUtils(object):
def setup_class(klass):
"""This method is run once for each class before any tests are run"""
klass.parser = get_parser()
klass.iface_name = get_default_gateway_linux()
def teardown_class(klass):
"""This method is run once for each class _after_ all tests are run"""
def setUp(self):
"""This method is run once before _each_ test method is executed"""
def teardown(self):
"""This method is run once after _each_ test method is executed"""
def test_main(self):
sys.argv = ['apex_python_utils', '-l', '/dev/null']
assert_raises(SystemExit, main)
sys.argv = ['apex_python_utils', '--debug', '-l', '/dev/null']
assert_raises(SystemExit, main)
sys.argv = ['apex_python_utils', '-l', '/dev/null',
'-f', deploy_sets]
assert_equal(main(), None)
def test_parse_net_settings(self):
args = self.parser.parse_args(['parse-net-settings',
'-s', net_sets,
'-i', 'True',
'-e', net_env])
assert_equal(parse_net_settings(args), None)
def test_parse_deploy_settings(self):
args = self.parser.parse_args(['parse-deploy-settings',
'-f', deploy_sets])
assert_equal(parse_deploy_settings(args), None)
def test_find_ip(self):
args = self.parser.parse_args(['find-ip',
'-i', self.iface_name])
assert_equal(find_ip(args), None)
def test_build_nic_template(self):
args = self.parser.parse_args(['nic-template',
'-s', net_sets,
'-r', 'compute',
'-t', nic_template,
'-n', 'admin_network'])
assert_equal(build_nic_template(args), None)