path: root/qemu/roms/openbios/forth/device/terminal.fs
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Diffstat (limited to 'qemu/roms/openbios/forth/device/terminal.fs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/forth/device/terminal.fs b/qemu/roms/openbios/forth/device/terminal.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 24b2d10c9..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/openbios/forth/device/terminal.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-\ tag: terminal emulation
-\ this code implements IEEE 1275-1994 ANNEX B
-\ Copyright (C) 2003 Stefan Reinauer
-\ See the file "COPYING" for further information about
-\ the copyright and warranty status of this work.
-0 value (escseq)
-10 buffer: (sequence)
-: (match-number) ( x y [1|2] [1|2] -- x [z] )
- 2dup = if \ 1 1 | 2 2
- drop exit
- then
- 2dup > if
- 2drop drop 1 exit
- then
- 2drop 0
- ;
-: (esc-number) ( maxchar -- ?? ?? num )
- >r depth >r ( R: depth maxchar )
- 0 (sequence) 2+ (escseq) 2- ( 0 seq+2 seqlen-2 )
- \ if numerical, scan until non-numerical
- 0 ?do
- ( 0 seq+2 )
- dup i + c@ a
- digit if
- ( 0 ptr n )
- rot a * + ( ptr val )
- swap
- else
- ( 0 ptr asc )
- ascii ; = if
- 0 swap
- else
- drop leave
- then
- then
- loop
- depth r> - r>
- 0 to (escseq)
- (match-number)
- ;
-: (match-seq)
- (escseq) 1- (sequence) + c@ \ get last character in sequence
- \ dup draw-character
- case
- ascii A of \ CUU - cursor up
- 1 (esc-number)
- 0> if
- 1 max
- else
- 1
- then
- negate line# +
- 0 max to line#
- endof
- ascii B of \ CUD - cursor down
- 1 (esc-number)
- 0> if
- 1 max
- line# +
- #lines 1- min to line#
- then
- endof
- ascii C of \ CUF - cursor forward
- 1 (esc-number)
- 0> if
- 1 max
- column# +
- #columns 1- min to column#
- then
- endof
- ascii D of \ CUB - cursor backward
- 1 (esc-number)
- 0> if
- 1 max
- negate column# +
- 0 max to column#
- then
- endof
- ascii E of \ Cursor next line (CNL)
- \ FIXME - check agains ANSI3.64
- 1 (esc-number)
- 0> if
- 1 max
- line# +
- #lines 1- min to line#
- then
- 0 to column#
- endof
- ascii f of
- 2 (esc-number)
- case
- 2 of
- 1- #columns 1- min to column#
- 1- #lines 1- min to line#
- endof
- 1 of
- 0 to column#
- 1- #lines 1- min to line#
- endof
- 0 of
- 0 to column#
- 0 to line#
- drop
- endof
- endcase
- endof
- ascii H of
- 2 (esc-number)
- case
- 2 of
- 1- #columns 1- min to column#
- 1- #lines 1- min to line#
- endof
- 1 of
- 0 to column#
- 1- #lines 1- min to line#
- endof
- 0 of
- 0 to column#
- 0 to line#
- drop
- endof
- endcase
- endof
- ascii J of
- 0 to (escseq)
- #columns column# - delete-characters
- #lines line# - delete-lines
- endof
- ascii K of
- 0 to (escseq)
- #columns column# - delete-characters
- endof
- ascii L of
- 1 (esc-number)
- 0> if
- 1 max
- insert-lines
- then
- endof
- ascii M of
- 1 (esc-number)
- 1 = if
- 1 max
- delete-lines
- then
- endof
- ascii @ of
- 1 (esc-number)
- 1 = if
- 1 max
- insert-characters
- then
- endof
- ascii P of
- 1 (esc-number)
- 1 = if
- 1 max
- delete-characters
- then
- endof
- ascii m of
- 1 (esc-number)
- 1 = if
- 7 = if
- true to inverse?
- else
- false to inverse?
- then
- then
- endof
- ascii p of \ normal text colors
- 0 to (escseq)
- inverse-screen? if
- false to inverse-screen?
- inverse? 0= to inverse?
- invert-screen
- then
- endof
- ascii q of \ inverse text colors
- 0 to (escseq)
- inverse-screen? not if
- true to inverse-screen?
- inverse? 0= to inverse?
- invert-screen
- then
- endof
- ascii s of
- \ Resets the display device associated with the terminal emulator.
- 0 to (escseq)
- reset-screen
- endof
- endcase
- ;
-: (term-emit) ( char -- )
- toggle-cursor
- (escseq) 0> if
- (escseq) 10 = if
- 0 to (escseq)
- ." overflow in esc" cr
- drop
- then
- (escseq) 1 = if
- dup ascii [ = if \ not a [
- (sequence) 1+ c!
- 2 to (escseq)
- else
- 0 to (escseq) \ break out of ESC sequence
- ." out of ESC" cr
- drop \ don't print breakout character
- then
- toggle-cursor exit
- else
- (sequence) (escseq) + c!
- (escseq) 1+ to (escseq)
- (match-seq)
- toggle-cursor exit
- then
- then
- case
- 0 of \ NULL
- toggle-cursor exit
- endof
- 7 of \ BEL
- blink-screen
- s" /screen" s" ring-bell"
- execute-device-method
- endof
- 8 of \ BS
- column# 0<> if
- column# 1- to column#
- toggle-cursor exit
- then
- endof
- 9 of \ TAB
- column# dup #columns = if
- drop
- else
- 8 + -8 and ff and to column#
- then
- toggle-cursor exit
- endof
- a of \ LF
- line# 1+ to line#
- 0 to column#
- line# #lines >= if
- 0 to line#
- 1 delete-lines
- #lines 1- to line#
- toggle-cursor exit
- then
- endof
- b of \ VT
- line# 0<> if
- line# 1- to line#
- then
- toggle-cursor exit
- endof
- c of \ FF
- 0 to column# 0 to line#
- erase-screen
- endof
- d of \ CR
- 0 to column#
- toggle-cursor exit
- endof
- 1b of \ ESC
- 1b (sequence) c!
- 1 to (escseq)
- endof
- \ draw character and advance position
- column# #columns >= if
- 0 to column#
- line# 1+ to line#
- line# #lines >= if
- 0 to line#
- 1 delete-lines
- #lines 1- to line#
- then
- then
- dup draw-character
- column# 1+ to column#
- endcase
- toggle-cursor
- ;
-['] (term-emit) to fb-emit