path: root/qemu/roms/SLOF/slof/fs/property.fs
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Diffstat (limited to 'qemu/roms/SLOF/slof/fs/property.fs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/qemu/roms/SLOF/slof/fs/property.fs b/qemu/roms/SLOF/slof/fs/property.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index cb99fbe9d..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/SLOF/slof/fs/property.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-\ *****************************************************************************
-\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
-\ * All rights reserved.
-\ * This program and the accompanying materials
-\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
-\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-\ *
-\ *
-\ * Contributors:
-\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
-\ ****************************************************************************/
-\ Properties 5.3.5
-\ Words on the property list for a node are actually executable words,
-\ that return the address and length of the property's data. Special
-\ nodes like /options can have their properties use specialized code to
-\ dynamically generate their data; most nodes just use a 2CONSTANT.
-\ Put the type as byte before the property
-\ { int = 1, bytes = 2, string = 3 }
-\ This is used by .properties for pretty print
-\ Flag for type encoding, encode-* resets, set-property set the flag
-true value encode-first?
-: decode-int over >r 4 /string r> 4c@ swap 2swap swap bljoin ;
-: decode-64 decode-int -rot decode-int -rot 2swap swap lxjoin ;
-: decode-string ( prop-addr1 prop-len1 -- prop-addr2 prop-len2 str len )
- dup 0= IF 2dup EXIT THEN \ string properties with zero length
- over BEGIN dup c@ 0= IF 1+ -rot swap 2 pick over - rot over - -rot 1-
-\ Remove a word from a wordlist.
-: (prune) ( name len head -- )
- dup >r (find) ?dup IF r> BEGIN dup @ WHILE 2dup @ = IF
- >r @ r> ! EXIT THEN @ REPEAT 2drop ELSE r> drop THEN ;
-: prune ( name len -- ) last (prune) ;
-: set-property ( data dlen name nlen phandle -- )
- true to encode-first?
- get-current >r node>properties @ set-current
- 2dup prune $2CONSTANT r> set-current ;
-: delete-property ( name nlen -- )
- get-node get-current >r node>properties @ set-current
- prune r> set-current ;
-: property ( data dlen name nlen -- ) get-node set-property ;
-: get-property ( str len phandle -- true | data dlen false )
- ?dup 0= IF cr cr cr ." get-property for " type ." on zero phandle"
- cr cr true EXIT THEN
- node>properties @ voc-find dup IF link> execute false ELSE drop true THEN ;
-: get-package-property ( str len phandle -- true | data dlen false )
- get-property ;
-: get-my-property ( str len -- true | data dlen false )
- my-self ihandle>phandle get-property ;
-: get-parent-property ( str len -- true | data dlen false )
- my-parent ihandle>phandle get-property ;
-: get-inherited-property ( str len -- true | data dlen false )
- my-self ihandle>phandle
- 3dup get-property 0= IF
- \ Property found
- rot drop rot drop rot drop false EXIT
- parent dup 0= IF
- \ Root node has been reached, but property has not been found
- 3drop true EXIT
-\ Print out properties.
-20 CONSTANT indent-prop
-: .prop-int ( str len -- )
- space
- 400 min 0
- ?DO
- i over + dup ( str act-addr act-addr )
- c@ 2 0.r 1+ dup c@ 2 0.r 1+ dup c@ 2 0.r 1+ c@ 2 0.r ( str )
- i c and c = IF \ check for multipleof 16 bytes
- cr indent @ indent-prop + 1+ 0 \ linefeed + indent
- DO
- space \ print spaces
- space space \ print two spaces
- 4 +LOOP
- drop
-: .prop-bytes ( str len -- )
- 2dup -4 and .prop-int ( str len )
- dup 3 and dup IF ( str len len%4 )
- >r -4 and + r> ( str' len%4 )
- bounds ( str' str'+len%4 )
- DO
- i c@ 2 0.r \ Print last 3 bytes
- 3drop
-: .prop-string ( str len )
- 2dup space type
- cr indent @ indent-prop + 0 DO space LOOP \ Linefeed
- .prop-bytes
-: .propbytes ( xt -- )
- execute dup
- IF
- over cell- @ execute
- 2drop
-: .property ( lfa -- )
- cr indent @ 0
- ?DO
- space
- link> dup >name name>string 2dup type nip ( len )
- indent-prop swap - ( xt 20-len )
- dup 0< IF drop 0 THEN 0 ( xt number-of-space 0 )
- ?DO
- space
- .propbytes
-: (.properties) ( phandle -- )
- node>properties @ cell+ @ BEGIN dup WHILE dup .property @ REPEAT drop ;
-: .properties ( -- )
- get-node (.properties) ;
-: next-property ( str len phandle -- false | str' len' true )
- ?dup 0= IF device-tree @ THEN \ XXX: is this line required?
- node>properties @
- >r 2dup 0= swap 0= or IF 2drop r> cell+ ELSE r> voc-find THEN
- @ dup IF link>name name>string true THEN ;
-\ encode-* words and all helpers
-\ Start a encoded property string
-: encode-start ( -- prop 0 )
- ['] .prop-int compile,
- false to encode-first?
- here 0
-: encode-int ( val -- prop prop-len )
- encode-first? IF
- ['] .prop-int compile, \ Execution token for print
- false to encode-first?
- here swap lbsplit c, c, c, c, /l
-: encode-bytes ( str len -- prop-addr prop-len )
- encode-first? IF
- ['] .prop-bytes compile, \ Execution token for print
- false to encode-first?
- here over 2dup 2>r allot swap move 2r>
-: encode-string ( str len -- prop-addr prop-len )
- encode-first? IF
- ['] .prop-string compile, \ Execution token for print
- false to encode-first?
- encode-bytes 0 c, char+
-: encode+ ( prop1-addr prop1-len prop2-addr prop2-len -- prop-addr prop-len )
- nip + ;
-: encode-int+ encode-int encode+ ;
-: encode-64 xlsplit encode-int rot encode-int+ ;
-: encode-64+ encode-64 encode+ ;
-\ Helpers for common nodes. Should perhaps remove "compatible", as it's
-\ not typically a single string.
-: device-name encode-string s" name" property ;
-: device-type encode-string s" device_type" property ;
-: model encode-string s" model" property ;
-: compatible encode-string s" compatible" property ;