path: root/qemu/roms/SLOF/slof/fs/instance.fs
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Diffstat (limited to 'qemu/roms/SLOF/slof/fs/instance.fs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/qemu/roms/SLOF/slof/fs/instance.fs b/qemu/roms/SLOF/slof/fs/instance.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e5c9215e..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/SLOF/slof/fs/instance.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-\ *****************************************************************************
-\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2011 IBM Corporation
-\ * All rights reserved.
-\ * This program and the accompanying materials
-\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
-\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-\ *
-\ *
-\ * Contributors:
-\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
-\ ****************************************************************************/
-\ Support for device node instances.
-0 VALUE my-self
-400 CONSTANT max-instance-size
- /n FIELD instance>node
- /n FIELD instance>parent
- /n FIELD instance>args
- /n FIELD instance>args-len
- /n FIELD instance>size
- /n FIELD instance>#units
- /n FIELD instance>unit1 \ For instance-specific "my-unit"
- /n FIELD instance>unit2
- /n FIELD instance>unit3
- /n FIELD instance>unit4
-CONSTANT /instance-header
-: >instance ( offset -- myself+offset )
- my-self 0= ABORT" No instance!"
- dup my-self instance>size @ >= ABORT" Instance access out of bounds!"
- my-self +
-: (create-instance-var) ( initial-value -- )
- get-node
- dup node>instance-size @ cell+ max-instance-size
- >= ABORT" Instance is bigger than max-instance-size!"
- dup node>instance-template @ ( iv phandle tmp-ih )
- swap node>instance-size dup @ ( iv tmp-ih *instance-size instance-size )
- dup , \ compile current instance ptr
- swap 1 cells swap +! ( iv tmp-ih instance-size )
- + !
-: create-instance-var ( "name" initial-value -- )
- CREATE (create-instance-var) PREVIOUS
-: (create-instance-buf) ( buffersize -- )
- aligned \ align size to multiples of cells
- dup get-node node>instance-size @ + ( buffersize' newinstancesize )
- max-instance-size > ABORT" Instance is bigger than max-instance-size!"
- get-node node>instance-template @ get-node node>instance-size @ +
- over erase \ clear according to IEEE 1275
- get-node node>instance-size @ ( buffersize' old-instance-size )
- dup , \ compile current instance ptr
- + get-node node>instance-size ! \ store new size
-: create-instance-buf ( "name" buffersize -- )
- CREATE (create-instance-buf) PREVIOUS
-VOCABULARY instance-words ALSO instance-words DEFINITIONS
-: VARIABLE 0 create-instance-var DOES> [ here ] @ >instance ;
-: VALUE create-instance-var DOES> [ here ] @ >instance @ ;
-: DEFER 0 create-instance-var DOES> [ here ] @ >instance @ execute ;
-: BUFFER: create-instance-buf DOES> [ here ] @ >instance ;
-\ Save XTs of the above instance-words (put on the stack with "[ here ]")
-CONSTANT <instancebuffer>
-CONSTANT <instancedefer>
-CONSTANT <instancevalue>
-CONSTANT <instancevariable>
-\ check whether a value or a defer word is an
-\ instance word: It must be a CREATE word and
-\ the DOES> part must do >instance as first thing
-: (instance?) ( xt -- xt true|false )
- dup @ <create> = IF
- dup cell+ @ cell+ @ ['] >instance =
- false
-\ This word does instance values in compile mode.
-\ It corresponds to DOTO from
-: (doito) ( value R:*CFA -- )
- r> cell+ dup >r
- @ cell+ cell+ @ >instance !
-' (doito) CONSTANT <(doito)>
-: to ( value wordname<> -- )
- ' (instance?)
- state @ IF
- \ compile mode handling normal or instance value
- IF ['] (doito) ELSE ['] DOTO THEN
- , , EXIT
- IF
- cell+ cell+ @ >instance ! \ interp mode instance value
- cell+ ! \ interp mode normal value
-: behavior ( defer-xt -- contents-xt )
- dup cell+ @ <instancedefer> = IF \ Is defer-xt an INSTANCE DEFER ?
- 2 cells + @ >instance @
- behavior
-: INSTANCE ALSO instance-words ;
-: my-parent my-self instance>parent @ ;
-: my-args my-self instance>args 2@ swap ;
-\ copy args from original instance to new created
-: set-my-args ( old-addr len -- )
- dup IF \ IF len > 0 ( old-addr len )
- dup alloc-mem \ | allocate space for new args ( old-addr len new-addr )
- 2dup my-self instance>args 2! \ | write into instance struct ( old-addr len new-addr )
- swap move \ | and copy the args ( )
- ELSE \ ELSE ( old-addr len )
- my-self instance>args 2! \ | set new args to zero, too ( )
-\ Current node has already been set, when this is called.
-: create-instance-data ( -- instance )
- get-node dup node>instance-template @ ( phandle instance-template )
- swap node>instance-size @ ( instance-template instance-size )
- dup >r
- dup alloc-mem dup >r swap move r> ( instance )
- dup instance>size r> swap ! \ Store size for destroy-instance
- dup instance>#units 0 swap ! \ Use node unit by default
-: create-instance ( -- )
- my-self create-instance-data
- dup to my-self instance>parent !
- get-node my-self instance>node !
-: destroy-instance ( instance -- )
- dup instance>args @ ?dup IF \ Free instance args?
- over instance>args-len @ free-mem
- dup instance>size @ free-mem
-: ihandle>phandle ( ihandle -- phandle )
- dup 0= ABORT" no current instance" instance>node @
-: push-my-self ( ihandle -- ) r> my-self >r >r to my-self ;
-: pop-my-self ( -- ) r> r> to my-self >r ;
-: call-package push-my-self execute pop-my-self ;
-: $call-static ( ... str len node -- ??? )
-\ cr ." call for " 3dup -rot type ." on node " .
- find-method IF execute ELSE -1 throw THEN
-: $call-my-method ( str len -- )
- my-self ihandle>phandle $call-static
-: $call-method ( str len ihandle -- )
- push-my-self
- ['] $call-my-method CATCH ?dup IF
- pop-my-self THROW
- pop-my-self
-0 VALUE calling-child
-: $call-parent
- my-self ihandle>phandle TO calling-child
- my-parent $call-method
- 0 TO calling-child