path: root/qemu/docs/qapi-code-gen.txt
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+= How to use the QAPI code generator =
+Copyright IBM Corp. 2011
+Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Red Hat, Inc.
+This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or
+later. See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+== Introduction ==
+QAPI is a native C API within QEMU which provides management-level
+functionality to internal and external users. For external
+users/processes, this interface is made available by a JSON-based wire
+format for the QEMU Monitor Protocol (QMP) for controlling qemu, as
+well as the QEMU Guest Agent (QGA) for communicating with the guest.
+The remainder of this document uses "Client JSON Protocol" when
+referring to the wire contents of a QMP or QGA connection.
+To map Client JSON Protocol interfaces to the native C QAPI
+implementations, a JSON-based schema is used to define types and
+function signatures, and a set of scripts is used to generate types,
+signatures, and marshaling/dispatch code. This document will describe
+how the schemas, scripts, and resulting code are used.
+== QMP/Guest agent schema ==
+A QAPI schema file is designed to be loosely based on JSON
+( with changes for quoting style
+and the use of comments; a QAPI schema file is then parsed by a python
+code generation program. A valid QAPI schema consists of a series of
+top-level expressions, with no commas between them. Where
+dictionaries (JSON objects) are used, they are parsed as python
+OrderedDicts so that ordering is preserved (for predictable layout of
+generated C structs and parameter lists). Ordering doesn't matter
+between top-level expressions or the keys within an expression, but
+does matter within dictionary values for 'data' and 'returns' members
+of a single expression. QAPI schema input is written using 'single
+quotes' instead of JSON's "double quotes" (in contrast, Client JSON
+Protocol uses no comments, and while input accepts 'single quotes' as
+an extension, output is strict JSON using only "double quotes"). As
+in JSON, trailing commas are not permitted in arrays or dictionaries.
+Input must be ASCII (although QMP supports full Unicode strings, the
+QAPI parser does not). At present, there is no place where a QAPI
+schema requires the use of JSON numbers or null.
+Comments are allowed; anything between an unquoted # and the following
+newline is ignored. Although there is not yet a documentation
+generator, a form of stylized comments has developed for consistently
+documenting details about an expression and when it was added to the
+schema. The documentation is delimited between two lines of ##, then
+the first line names the expression, an optional overview is provided,
+then individual documentation about each member of 'data' is provided,
+and finally, a 'Since: x.y.z' tag lists the release that introduced
+the expression. Optional fields are tagged with the phrase
+'#optional', often with their default value; and extensions added
+after the expression was first released are also given a '(since
+x.y.z)' comment. For example:
+ ##
+ # @BlockStats:
+ #
+ # Statistics of a virtual block device or a block backing device.
+ #
+ # @device: #optional If the stats are for a virtual block device, the name
+ # corresponding to the virtual block device.
+ #
+ # @stats: A @BlockDeviceStats for the device.
+ #
+ # @parent: #optional This describes the file block device if it has one.
+ #
+ # @backing: #optional This describes the backing block device if it has one.
+ # (Since 2.0)
+ #
+ # Since: 0.14.0
+ ##
+ { 'struct': 'BlockStats',
+ 'data': {'*device': 'str', 'stats': 'BlockDeviceStats',
+ '*parent': 'BlockStats',
+ '*backing': 'BlockStats'} }
+The schema sets up a series of types, as well as commands and events
+that will use those types. Forward references are allowed: the parser
+scans in two passes, where the first pass learns all type names, and
+the second validates the schema and generates the code. This allows
+the definition of complex structs that can have mutually recursive
+types, and allows for indefinite nesting of Client JSON Protocol that
+satisfies the schema. A type name should not be defined more than
+once. It is permissible for the schema to contain additional types
+not used by any commands or events in the Client JSON Protocol, for
+the side effect of generated C code used internally.
+There are seven top-level expressions recognized by the parser:
+'include', 'command', 'struct', 'enum', 'union', 'alternate', and
+'event'. There are several groups of types: simple types (a number of
+built-in types, such as 'int' and 'str'; as well as enumerations),
+complex types (structs and two flavors of unions), and alternate types
+(a choice between other types). The 'command' and 'event' expressions
+can refer to existing types by name, or list an anonymous type as a
+dictionary. Listing a type name inside an array refers to a
+single-dimension array of that type; multi-dimension arrays are not
+directly supported (although an array of a complex struct that
+contains an array member is possible).
+Types, commands, and events share a common namespace. Therefore,
+generally speaking, type definitions should always use CamelCase for
+user-defined type names, while built-in types are lowercase. Type
+definitions should not end in 'Kind', as this namespace is used for
+creating implicit C enums for visiting union types. Command names,
+and field names within a type, should be all lower case with words
+separated by a hyphen. However, some existing older commands and
+complex types use underscore; when extending such expressions,
+consistency is preferred over blindly avoiding underscore. Event
+names should be ALL_CAPS with words separated by underscore. The
+special string '**' appears for some commands that manually perform
+their own type checking rather than relying on the type-safe code
+produced by the qapi code generators.
+Any name (command, event, type, field, or enum value) beginning with
+"x-" is marked experimental, and may be withdrawn or changed
+incompatibly in a future release. Downstream vendors may add
+extensions; such extensions should begin with a prefix matching
+"__RFQDN_" (for the reverse-fully-qualified-domain-name of the
+vendor), even if the rest of the name uses dash (example:
+__com.redhat_drive-mirror). Other than downstream extensions (with
+leading underscore and the use of dots), all names should begin with a
+letter, and contain only ASCII letters, digits, dash, and underscore.
+It is okay to reuse names that match C keywords; the generator will
+rename a field named "default" in the QAPI to "q_default" in the
+generated C code.
+In the rest of this document, usage lines are given for each
+expression type, with literal strings written in lower case and
+placeholders written in capitals. If a literal string includes a
+prefix of '*', that key/value pair can be omitted from the expression.
+For example, a usage statement that includes '*base':STRUCT-NAME
+means that an expression has an optional key 'base', which if present
+must have a value that forms a struct name.
+=== Built-in Types ===
+The following types are built-in to the parser:
+ 'str' - arbitrary UTF-8 string
+ 'int' - 64-bit signed integer (although the C code may place further
+ restrictions on acceptable range)
+ 'number' - floating point number
+ 'bool' - JSON value of true or false
+ 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64' - like 'int', but enforce maximum
+ bit size
+ 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64' - unsigned counterparts
+ 'size' - like 'uint64', but allows scaled suffix from command line
+ visitor
+=== Includes ===
+Usage: { 'include': STRING }
+The QAPI schema definitions can be modularized using the 'include' directive:
+ { 'include': 'path/to/file.json' }
+The directive is evaluated recursively, and include paths are relative to the
+file using the directive. Multiple includes of the same file are
+safe. No other keys should appear in the expression, and the include
+value should be a string.
+As a matter of style, it is a good idea to have all files be
+self-contained, but at the moment, nothing prevents an included file
+from making a forward reference to a type that is only introduced by
+an outer file. The parser may be made stricter in the future to
+prevent incomplete include files.
+=== Struct types ===
+Usage: { 'struct': STRING, 'data': DICT, '*base': STRUCT-NAME }
+A struct is a dictionary containing a single 'data' key whose
+value is a dictionary. This corresponds to a struct in C or an Object
+in JSON. Each value of the 'data' dictionary must be the name of a
+type, or a one-element array containing a type name. An example of a
+struct is:
+ { 'struct': 'MyType',
+ 'data': { 'member1': 'str', 'member2': 'int', '*member3': 'str' } }
+The use of '*' as a prefix to the name means the member is optional in
+the corresponding JSON protocol usage.
+The default initialization value of an optional argument should not be changed
+between versions of QEMU unless the new default maintains backward
+compatibility to the user-visible behavior of the old default.
+With proper documentation, this policy still allows some flexibility; for
+example, documenting that a default of 0 picks an optimal buffer size allows
+one release to declare the optimal size at 512 while another release declares
+the optimal size at 4096 - the user-visible behavior is not the bytes used by
+the buffer, but the fact that the buffer was optimal size.
+On input structures (only mentioned in the 'data' side of a command), changing
+from mandatory to optional is safe (older clients will supply the option, and
+newer clients can benefit from the default); changing from optional to
+mandatory is backwards incompatible (older clients may be omitting the option,
+and must continue to work).
+On output structures (only mentioned in the 'returns' side of a command),
+changing from mandatory to optional is in general unsafe (older clients may be
+expecting the field, and could crash if it is missing), although it can be done
+if the only way that the optional argument will be omitted is when it is
+triggered by the presence of a new input flag to the command that older clients
+don't know to send. Changing from optional to mandatory is safe.
+A structure that is used in both input and output of various commands
+must consider the backwards compatibility constraints of both directions
+of use.
+A struct definition can specify another struct as its base.
+In this case, the fields of the base type are included as top-level fields
+of the new struct's dictionary in the Client JSON Protocol wire
+format. An example definition is:
+ { 'struct': 'BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat', 'data': { 'file': 'str' } }
+ { 'struct': 'BlockdevOptionsGenericCOWFormat',
+ 'base': 'BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat',
+ 'data': { '*backing': 'str' } }
+An example BlockdevOptionsGenericCOWFormat object on the wire could use
+both fields like this:
+ { "file": "/some/place/my-image",
+ "backing": "/some/place/my-backing-file" }
+=== Enumeration types ===
+Usage: { 'enum': STRING, 'data': ARRAY-OF-STRING }
+An enumeration type is a dictionary containing a single 'data' key
+whose value is a list of strings. An example enumeration is:
+ { 'enum': 'MyEnum', 'data': [ 'value1', 'value2', 'value3' ] }
+Nothing prevents an empty enumeration, although it is probably not
+useful. The list of strings should be lower case; if an enum name
+represents multiple words, use '-' between words. The string 'max' is
+not allowed as an enum value, and values should not be repeated.
+The enumeration values are passed as strings over the Client JSON
+Protocol, but are encoded as C enum integral values in generated code.
+While the C code starts numbering at 0, it is better to use explicit
+comparisons to enum values than implicit comparisons to 0; the C code
+will also include a generated enum member ending in _MAX for tracking
+the size of the enum, useful when using common functions for
+converting between strings and enum values. Since the wire format
+always passes by name, it is acceptable to reorder or add new
+enumeration members in any location without breaking clients of Client
+JSON Protocol; however, removing enum values would break
+compatibility. For any struct that has a field that will only contain
+a finite set of string values, using an enum type for that field is
+better than open-coding the field to be type 'str'.
+=== Union types ===
+Usage: { 'union': STRING, 'data': DICT }
+or: { 'union': STRING, 'data': DICT, 'base': STRUCT-NAME,
+ 'discriminator': ENUM-MEMBER-OF-BASE }
+Union types are used to let the user choose between several different
+variants for an object. There are two flavors: simple (no
+discriminator or base), flat (both discriminator and base). A union
+type is defined using a data dictionary as explained in the following
+A simple union type defines a mapping from automatic discriminator
+values to data types like in this example:
+ { 'struct': 'FileOptions', 'data': { 'filename': 'str' } }
+ { 'struct': 'Qcow2Options',
+ 'data': { 'backing-file': 'str', 'lazy-refcounts': 'bool' } }
+ { 'union': 'BlockdevOptions',
+ 'data': { 'file': 'FileOptions',
+ 'qcow2': 'Qcow2Options' } }
+In the Client JSON Protocol, a simple union is represented by a
+dictionary that contains the 'type' field as a discriminator, and a
+'data' field that is of the specified data type corresponding to the
+discriminator value, as in these examples:
+ { "type": "file", "data" : { "filename": "/some/place/my-image" } }
+ { "type": "qcow2", "data" : { "backing-file": "/some/place/my-image",
+ "lazy-refcounts": true } }
+The generated C code uses a struct containing a union. Additionally,
+an implicit C enum 'NameKind' is created, corresponding to the union
+'Name', for accessing the various branches of the union. No branch of
+the union can be named 'max', as this would collide with the implicit
+enum. The value for each branch can be of any type.
+A flat union definition specifies a struct as its base, and
+avoids nesting on the wire. All branches of the union must be
+complex types, and the top-level fields of the union dictionary on
+the wire will be combination of fields from both the base type and the
+appropriate branch type (when merging two dictionaries, there must be
+no keys in common). The 'discriminator' field must be the name of an
+enum-typed member of the base struct.
+The following example enhances the above simple union example by
+adding a common field 'readonly', renaming the discriminator to
+something more applicable, and reducing the number of {} required on
+the wire:
+ { 'enum': 'BlockdevDriver', 'data': [ 'raw', 'qcow2' ] }
+ { 'struct': 'BlockdevCommonOptions',
+ 'data': { 'driver': 'BlockdevDriver', 'readonly': 'bool' } }
+ { 'union': 'BlockdevOptions',
+ 'base': 'BlockdevCommonOptions',
+ 'discriminator': 'driver',
+ 'data': { 'file': 'FileOptions',
+ 'qcow2': 'Qcow2Options' } }
+Resulting in these JSON objects:
+ { "driver": "file", "readonly": true,
+ "filename": "/some/place/my-image" }
+ { "driver": "qcow2", "readonly": false,
+ "backing-file": "/some/place/my-image", "lazy-refcounts": true }
+Notice that in a flat union, the discriminator name is controlled by
+the user, but because it must map to a base member with enum type, the
+code generator can ensure that branches exist for all values of the
+enum (although the order of the keys need not match the declaration of
+the enum). In the resulting generated C data types, a flat union is
+represented as a struct with the base member fields included directly,
+and then a union of structures for each branch of the struct.
+A simple union can always be re-written as a flat union where the base
+class has a single member named 'type', and where each branch of the
+union has a struct with a single member named 'data'. That is,
+ { 'union': 'Simple', 'data': { 'one': 'str', 'two': 'int' } }
+is identical on the wire to:
+ { 'enum': 'Enum', 'data': ['one', 'two'] }
+ { 'struct': 'Base', 'data': { 'type': 'Enum' } }
+ { 'struct': 'Branch1', 'data': { 'data': 'str' } }
+ { 'struct': 'Branch2', 'data': { 'data': 'int' } }
+ { 'union': 'Flat': 'base': 'Base', 'discriminator': 'type',
+ 'data': { 'one': 'Branch1', 'two': 'Branch2' } }
+=== Alternate types ===
+Usage: { 'alternate': STRING, 'data': DICT }
+An alternate type is one that allows a choice between two or more JSON
+data types (string, integer, number, or object, but currently not
+array) on the wire. The definition is similar to a simple union type,
+where each branch of the union names a QAPI type. For example:
+ { 'alternate': 'BlockRef',
+ 'data': { 'definition': 'BlockdevOptions',
+ 'reference': 'str' } }
+Just like for a simple union, an implicit C enum 'NameKind' is created
+to enumerate the branches for the alternate 'Name'.
+Unlike a union, the discriminator string is never passed on the wire
+for the Client JSON Protocol. Instead, the value's JSON type serves
+as an implicit discriminator, which in turn means that an alternate
+can only express a choice between types represented differently in
+JSON. If a branch is typed as the 'bool' built-in, the alternate
+accepts true and false; if it is typed as any of the various numeric
+built-ins, it accepts a JSON number; if it is typed as a 'str'
+built-in or named enum type, it accepts a JSON string; and if it is
+typed as a complex type (struct or union), it accepts a JSON object.
+Two different complex types, for instance, aren't permitted, because
+both are represented as a JSON object.
+The example alternate declaration above allows using both of the
+following example objects:
+ { "file": "my_existing_block_device_id" }
+ { "file": { "driver": "file",
+ "readonly": false,
+ "filename": "/tmp/mydisk.qcow2" } }
+=== Commands ===
+Usage: { 'command': STRING, '*data': COMPLEX-TYPE-NAME-OR-DICT,
+ '*returns': TYPE-NAME-OR-DICT,
+ '*gen': false, '*success-response': false }
+Commands are defined by using a dictionary containing several members,
+where three members are most common. The 'command' member is a
+mandatory string, and determines the "execute" value passed in a
+Client JSON Protocol command exchange.
+The 'data' argument maps to the "arguments" dictionary passed in as
+part of a Client JSON Protocol command. The 'data' member is optional
+and defaults to {} (an empty dictionary). If present, it must be the
+string name of a complex type, a one-element array containing the name
+of a complex type, or a dictionary that declares an anonymous type
+with the same semantics as a 'struct' expression, with one exception
+noted below when 'gen' is used.
+The 'returns' member describes what will appear in the "return" field
+of a Client JSON Protocol reply on successful completion of a command.
+The member is optional from the command declaration; if absent, the
+"return" field will be an empty dictionary. If 'returns' is present,
+it must be the string name of a complex or built-in type, a
+one-element array containing the name of a complex or built-in type,
+or a dictionary that declares an anonymous type with the same
+semantics as a 'struct' expression, with one exception noted below
+when 'gen' is used. Although it is permitted to have the 'returns'
+member name a built-in type or an array of built-in types, any command
+that does this cannot be extended to return additional information in
+the future; thus, new commands should strongly consider returning a
+dictionary-based type or an array of dictionaries, even if the
+dictionary only contains one field at the present.
+All commands in Client JSON Protocol use a dictionary to report
+failure, with no way to specify that in QAPI. Where the error return
+is different than the usual GenericError class in order to help the
+client react differently to certain error conditions, it is worth
+documenting this in the comments before the command declaration.
+Some example commands:
+ { 'command': 'my-first-command',
+ 'data': { 'arg1': 'str', '*arg2': 'str' } }
+ { 'struct': 'MyType', 'data': { '*value': 'str' } }
+ { 'command': 'my-second-command',
+ 'returns': [ 'MyType' ] }
+which would validate this Client JSON Protocol transaction:
+ => { "execute": "my-first-command",
+ "arguments": { "arg1": "hello" } }
+ <= { "return": { } }
+ => { "execute": "my-second-command" }
+ <= { "return": [ { "value": "one" }, { } ] }
+In rare cases, QAPI cannot express a type-safe representation of a
+corresponding Client JSON Protocol command. In these cases, if the
+command expression includes the key 'gen' with boolean value false,
+then the 'data' or 'returns' member that intends to bypass generated
+type-safety and do its own manual validation should use an inline
+dictionary definition, with a value of '**' rather than a valid type
+name for the keys that the generated code will not validate. Please
+try to avoid adding new commands that rely on this, and instead use
+type-safe unions. For an example of bypass usage:
+ { 'command': 'netdev_add',
+ 'data': {'type': 'str', 'id': 'str', '*props': '**'},
+ 'gen': false }
+Normally, the QAPI schema is used to describe synchronous exchanges,
+where a response is expected. But in some cases, the action of a
+command is expected to change state in a way that a successful
+response is not possible (although the command will still return a
+normal dictionary error on failure). When a successful reply is not
+possible, the command expression should include the optional key
+'success-response' with boolean value false. So far, only QGA makes
+use of this field.
+=== Events ===
+Usage: { 'event': STRING, '*data': COMPLEX-TYPE-NAME-OR-DICT }
+Events are defined with the keyword 'event'. It is not allowed to
+name an event 'MAX', since the generator also produces a C enumeration
+of all event names with a generated _MAX value at the end. When
+'data' is also specified, additional info will be included in the
+event, with similar semantics to a 'struct' expression. Finally there
+will be C API generated in qapi-event.h; when called by QEMU code, a
+message with timestamp will be emitted on the wire.
+An example event is:
+{ 'event': 'EVENT_C',
+ 'data': { '*a': 'int', 'b': 'str' } }
+Resulting in this JSON object:
+{ "event": "EVENT_C",
+ "data": { "b": "test string" },
+ "timestamp": { "seconds": 1267020223, "microseconds": 435656 } }
+== Code generation ==
+Schemas are fed into 3 scripts to generate all the code/files that, paired
+with the core QAPI libraries, comprise everything required to take JSON
+commands read in by a Client JSON Protocol server, unmarshal the arguments into
+the underlying C types, call into the corresponding C function, and map the
+response back to a Client JSON Protocol response to be returned to the user.
+As an example, we'll use the following schema, which describes a single
+complex user-defined type (which will produce a C struct, along with a list
+node structure that can be used to chain together a list of such types in
+case we want to accept/return a list of this type with a command), and a
+command which takes that type as a parameter and returns the same type:
+ $ cat example-schema.json
+ { 'struct': 'UserDefOne',
+ 'data': { 'integer': 'int', 'string': 'str' } }
+ { 'command': 'my-command',
+ 'data': {'arg1': 'UserDefOne'},
+ 'returns': 'UserDefOne' }
+ { 'event': 'MY_EVENT' }
+=== scripts/ ===
+Used to generate the C types defined by a schema. The following files are
+$(prefix)qapi-types.h - C types corresponding to types defined in
+ the schema you pass in
+$(prefix)qapi-types.c - Cleanup functions for the above C types
+The $(prefix) is an optional parameter used as a namespace to keep the
+generated code from one schema/code-generation separated from others so code
+can be generated/used from multiple schemas without clobbering previously
+created code.
+ $ python scripts/ --output-dir="qapi-generated" \
+ --prefix="example-" example-schema.json
+ $ cat qapi-generated/example-qapi-types.c
+[Uninteresting stuff omitted...]
+ void qapi_free_UserDefOneList(UserDefOneList *obj)
+ {
+ QapiDeallocVisitor *md;
+ Visitor *v;
+ if (!obj) {
+ return;
+ }
+ md = qapi_dealloc_visitor_new();
+ v = qapi_dealloc_get_visitor(md);
+ visit_type_UserDefOneList(v, &obj, NULL, NULL);
+ qapi_dealloc_visitor_cleanup(md);
+ }
+ void qapi_free_UserDefOne(UserDefOne *obj)
+ {
+ QapiDeallocVisitor *md;
+ Visitor *v;
+ if (!obj) {
+ return;
+ }
+ md = qapi_dealloc_visitor_new();
+ v = qapi_dealloc_get_visitor(md);
+ visit_type_UserDefOne(v, &obj, NULL, NULL);
+ qapi_dealloc_visitor_cleanup(md);
+ }
+ $ cat qapi-generated/example-qapi-types.h
+[Uninteresting stuff omitted...]
+[Built-in types omitted...]
+ typedef struct UserDefOne UserDefOne;
+ typedef struct UserDefOneList
+ {
+ union {
+ UserDefOne *value;
+ uint64_t padding;
+ };
+ struct UserDefOneList *next;
+ } UserDefOneList;
+[Functions on built-in types omitted...]
+ struct UserDefOne
+ {
+ int64_t integer;
+ char *string;
+ };
+ void qapi_free_UserDefOneList(UserDefOneList *obj);
+ void qapi_free_UserDefOne(UserDefOne *obj);
+ #endif
+=== scripts/ ===
+Used to generate the visitor functions used to walk through and convert
+a QObject (as provided by QMP) to a native C data structure and
+vice-versa, as well as the visitor function used to dealloc a complex
+schema-defined C type.
+The following files are generated:
+$(prefix)qapi-visit.c: visitor function for a particular C type, used
+ to automagically convert QObjects into the
+ corresponding C type and vice-versa, as well
+ as for deallocating memory for an existing C
+ type
+$(prefix)qapi-visit.h: declarations for previously mentioned visitor
+ functions
+ $ python scripts/ --output-dir="qapi-generated"
+ --prefix="example-" example-schema.json
+ $ cat qapi-generated/example-qapi-visit.c
+[Uninteresting stuff omitted...]
+ static void visit_type_UserDefOne_fields(Visitor *m, UserDefOne **obj, Error **errp)
+ {
+ Error *err = NULL;
+ visit_type_int(m, &(*obj)->integer, "integer", &err);
+ if (err) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ visit_type_str(m, &(*obj)->string, "string", &err);
+ if (err) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ out:
+ error_propagate(errp, err);
+ }
+ void visit_type_UserDefOne(Visitor *m, UserDefOne **obj, const char *name, Error **errp)
+ {
+ Error *err = NULL;
+ visit_start_struct(m, (void **)obj, "UserDefOne", name, sizeof(UserDefOne), &err);
+ if (!err) {
+ if (*obj) {
+ visit_type_UserDefOne_fields(m, obj, errp);
+ }
+ visit_end_struct(m, &err);
+ }
+ error_propagate(errp, err);
+ }
+ void visit_type_UserDefOneList(Visitor *m, UserDefOneList **obj, const char *name, Error **errp)
+ {
+ Error *err = NULL;
+ GenericList *i, **prev;
+ visit_start_list(m, name, &err);
+ if (err) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ for (prev = (GenericList **)obj;
+ !err && (i = visit_next_list(m, prev, &err)) != NULL;
+ prev = &i) {
+ UserDefOneList *native_i = (UserDefOneList *)i;
+ visit_type_UserDefOne(m, &native_i->value, NULL, &err);
+ }
+ error_propagate(errp, err);
+ err = NULL;
+ visit_end_list(m, &err);
+ out:
+ error_propagate(errp, err);
+ }
+ $ cat qapi-generated/example-qapi-visit.h
+[Uninteresting stuff omitted...]
+[Visitors for built-in types omitted...]
+ void visit_type_UserDefOne(Visitor *m, UserDefOne **obj, const char *name, Error **errp);
+ void visit_type_UserDefOneList(Visitor *m, UserDefOneList **obj, const char *name, Error **errp);
+ #endif
+=== scripts/ ===
+Used to generate the marshaling/dispatch functions for the commands defined
+in the schema. The following files are generated:
+$(prefix)qmp-marshal.c: command marshal/dispatch functions for each
+ QMP command defined in the schema. Functions
+ generated by are used to
+ convert QObjects received from the wire into
+ function parameters, and uses the same
+ visitor functions to convert native C return
+ values to QObjects from transmission back
+ over the wire.
+$(prefix)qmp-commands.h: Function prototypes for the QMP commands
+ specified in the schema.
+ $ python scripts/ --output-dir="qapi-generated"
+ --prefix="example-" example-schema.json
+ $ cat qapi-generated/example-qmp-marshal.c
+[Uninteresting stuff omitted...]
+ static void qmp_marshal_output_my_command(UserDefOne *ret_in, QObject **ret_out, Error **errp)
+ {
+ Error *local_err = NULL;
+ QmpOutputVisitor *mo = qmp_output_visitor_new();
+ QapiDeallocVisitor *md;
+ Visitor *v;
+ v = qmp_output_get_visitor(mo);
+ visit_type_UserDefOne(v, &ret_in, "unused", &local_err);
+ if (local_err) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ *ret_out = qmp_output_get_qobject(mo);
+ out:
+ error_propagate(errp, local_err);
+ qmp_output_visitor_cleanup(mo);
+ md = qapi_dealloc_visitor_new();
+ v = qapi_dealloc_get_visitor(md);
+ visit_type_UserDefOne(v, &ret_in, "unused", NULL);
+ qapi_dealloc_visitor_cleanup(md);
+ }
+ static void qmp_marshal_input_my_command(QDict *args, QObject **ret, Error **errp)
+ {
+ Error *local_err = NULL;
+ UserDefOne *retval = NULL;
+ QmpInputVisitor *mi = qmp_input_visitor_new_strict(QOBJECT(args));
+ QapiDeallocVisitor *md;
+ Visitor *v;
+ UserDefOne *arg1 = NULL;
+ v = qmp_input_get_visitor(mi);
+ visit_type_UserDefOne(v, &arg1, "arg1", &local_err);
+ if (local_err) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ retval = qmp_my_command(arg1, &local_err);
+ if (local_err) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ qmp_marshal_output_my_command(retval, ret, &local_err);
+ out:
+ error_propagate(errp, local_err);
+ qmp_input_visitor_cleanup(mi);
+ md = qapi_dealloc_visitor_new();
+ v = qapi_dealloc_get_visitor(md);
+ visit_type_UserDefOne(v, &arg1, "arg1", NULL);
+ qapi_dealloc_visitor_cleanup(md);
+ return;
+ }
+ static void qmp_init_marshal(void)
+ {
+ qmp_register_command("my-command", qmp_marshal_input_my_command, QCO_NO_OPTIONS);
+ }
+ qapi_init(qmp_init_marshal);
+ $ cat qapi-generated/example-qmp-commands.h
+[Uninteresting stuff omitted...]
+ #include "example-qapi-types.h"
+ #include "qapi/qmp/qdict.h"
+ #include "qapi/error.h"
+ UserDefOne *qmp_my_command(UserDefOne *arg1, Error **errp);
+ #endif
+=== scripts/ ===
+Used to generate the event-related C code defined by a schema. The
+following files are created:
+$(prefix)qapi-event.h - Function prototypes for each event type, plus an
+ enumeration of all event names
+$(prefix)qapi-event.c - Implementation of functions to send an event
+ $ python scripts/ --output-dir="qapi-generated"
+ --prefix="example-" example-schema.json
+ $ cat qapi-generated/example-qapi-event.c
+[Uninteresting stuff omitted...]
+ void qapi_event_send_my_event(Error **errp)
+ {
+ QDict *qmp;
+ Error *local_err = NULL;
+ QMPEventFuncEmit emit;
+ emit = qmp_event_get_func_emit();
+ if (!emit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ qmp = qmp_event_build_dict("MY_EVENT");
+ emit(EXAMPLE_QAPI_EVENT_MY_EVENT, qmp, &local_err);
+ error_propagate(errp, local_err);
+ QDECREF(qmp);
+ }
+ const char *EXAMPLE_QAPIEvent_lookup[] = {
+ };
+ $ cat qapi-generated/example-qapi-event.h
+[Uninteresting stuff omitted...]
+ #include "qapi/error.h"
+ #include "qapi/qmp/qdict.h"
+ #include "example-qapi-types.h"
+ void qapi_event_send_my_event(Error **errp);
+ extern const char *EXAMPLE_QAPIEvent_lookup[];
+ typedef enum EXAMPLE_QAPIEvent
+ {
+ #endif