path: root/ci
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ci')
11 files changed, 485 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/ci/Dockerfile b/ci/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d39f15dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+FROM centos
+RUN yum -y update && yum -y install \
+ git \
+ gcc \
+ gcc-c++ \
+ zlib-devel \
+ gtk2-devel \
+ glib2-devel \
+ make \
+ gettext \
+ bc \
+ bison\
+ flex\
+ rpm \
+ rpm-build \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci/apex.conf b/ci/apex.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5232e3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/apex.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8e57ac847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+function checkout_commit() {
+mkdir -p /tmp/kvmfornfv
+source ${build_dir}/ci/apex.conf
+cd $SRC
+#Cloning into /tmp/kvmfornfv from local repository
+git clone $build_dir $SRC
+if [ "$branch" == "master" ] || [ "$branch" == "danube" ];then
+ echo "Checking out on $branch branch"
+ echo "Commit-id is ${commit_id}"
+ git checkout -f ${commit_id}
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "Please check the commit-id provided in apex.conf"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+mkdir ${output_dir}
+mkdir -p $artifact_dir
+usage () {
+ echo "usage: ${0} output_dir"
+ exit 1
+if [[ -z "$@" ]]; then
+ usage
+if [ ! -d ${output_dir} -o ! -w ${output_dir} ] ; then
+ echo "${0}: Output directory '${output_dir}' does not exist or cannot \
+ be written"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -d ${kernel_src_dir} ] ; then
+ echo "${0}: Directory '${kernel_src_dir}' does not exist, run this script \
+ from the root of kvmfornfv source tree"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -f ${config_file} ] ; then
+ echo "${0}: ${config_file} does not exist"
+ exit 1
+echo "Build"
+cp -f ${config_file} "${kernel_src_dir}/.config"
+# Make timestamp part of version string for automated kernel boot verification
+date "+-%y%m%d%H%M" > "${kernel_src_dir}/localversion-zzz"
+(cd ${kernel_src_dir}; make RPMOPTS="--define '_topdir ${rpmbuild_dir}'" rpm-pkg)
+if [ ${?} -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "${0}: Kernel build failed"
+ rm -rf ${rpmbuild_dir}
+ exit 1
+cp -f ${artifact_dir}/* ${output_dir}
+mv ${output_dir}/* ${build_dir}/build_output/
+rm -rf ${rpmbuild_dir}
+#cleaning the /tmp
+rm -rf ${SRC}
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 918e3cab7..ef06a716c 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -3,6 +3,25 @@
# Common parameter parsing for kvmfornfv scripts
+function checking_apex_build() {
+ echo ""
+ commit=`git rev-parse HEAD`
+ echo "commit id: $commit"
+ echo "Checking for presence of apex.conf in the current patch"
+ git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r ${commit} | grep apex.conf
+# result=`git show --name-only ${commit} | grep apex.conf`
+ result=`git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r ${commit} | grep apex.conf`
+ if [ -z "${result}" ]; then
+ echo "Does not include the file apex.conf"
+ apex_build_flag=0
+ else
+ source $WORKSPACE/ci/apex.conf
+ echo "Includes apex.conf"
+ apex_build_flag=1
+ fi
function usage() {
echo ""
echo "Usage --> $0 [-p package_type] [-o output_dir] [-h]"
@@ -18,10 +37,18 @@ type=""
function run() {
case $1 in
- cd $WORKSPACE/ci/build_rpm
- sudo docker build -t kvm_rpm .
- sudo docker run --privileged=true -v $WORKSPACE:/opt/kvmfornfv -t kvm_rpm \
- /opt/kvmfornfv/ci/ $1
+ if [ ${apex_build_flag} -eq 0 ];then
+ cd $WORKSPACE/ci/build_rpm
+ sudo docker build -t kvm_rpm .
+ sudo docker run --privileged=true -v $WORKSPACE:/opt/kvmfornfv -t kvm_rpm \
+ /opt/kvmfornfv/ci/ $1
+ else
+ cd $WORKSPACE/ci/
+ echo $output_dir
+ sudo docker build -t kvm_apex .
+ sudo docker run --privileged=true -v $WORKSPACE:/opt/kvmfornfv -t kvm_apex \
+ /opt/kvmfornfv/ci/ build_output
+ fi
cd $WORKSPACE/ci/build_deb
@@ -96,5 +123,19 @@ echo ""
echo "Building for $type package in $output_dir"
echo ""
mkdir -p $output_dir
build_package $type
+# Renaming the rpms in the format kvmfornfv-xxxxxxxx-apex-kernel-4.4.6_rt14.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm
+if [ ${apex_build_flag} -eq 1 ];then
+ cd ${output_dir}
+ echo "Renaming the rpms"
+ source $WORKSPACE/ci/apex.conf
+ echo "${commit_id}"
+ short_hash=`git rev-parse --short=8 ${commit_id}`
+ echo "$short_hash"
+ rename 's/^/kvmfornfv-'${short_hash}'-apex-/' kernel-*
+ variable=`ls kvmfornfv-* | grep "devel" | awk -F "_" '{print $3}' | awk -F "." '{print $1}'`
+ rename "s/${variable}/centos/" kvmfornfv-*
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 14aafbe98..640a0738a 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ testName=$4
source $WORKSPACE/ci/envs/
source $WORKSPACE/ci/envs/host-config
KERNELRPM_VERSION=$( getKernelVersion )
QEMURPM_VERSION=$( getQemuVersion )
@@ -36,6 +39,15 @@ function verifyGuestImage {
+#disabling ftrace and collecting the logs to upload to artifact repository.
+function ftrace_disable {
+ sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "sh /root/workspace/scripts/"
+ sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "cd /tmp ; mv trace.txt cyclictest_${env}.txt"
+ mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/build_output/log/kernel_trace
+ scp root@${HOST_IP}:/tmp/cyclictest_${env}.txt $WORKSPACE/build_output/log/kernel_trace/
+ sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "cd /tmp ; rm -rf cyclictest_${env}.txt"
#Verifying the availability of the host after reboot
function connect_host {
@@ -65,8 +77,8 @@ function updateYaml {
sed -ri "s/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/${HOST_IP}/" pod.yaml
sed -ri "s/loops: [0-9]*/loops: ${testTime}/" kvmfornfv_cyclictest_hostenv_guestenv.yaml
sed -ri "0,/interval: [0-9]*/s//interval: 1000/" kvmfornfv_cyclictest_hostenv_guestenv.yaml
- sed -ri "s/tc: \"kvmfornfv_cyclictest-node-context\"/tc: \"kvmfornfv_cyclictest_${testName}\"/" kvmfornfv_cyclictest_hostenv_guestenv.yaml
cp kvmfornfv_cyclictest_hostenv_guestenv.yaml kvmfornfv_cyclictest_${testName}.yaml
+ sed -ri "s/tc: \"kvmfornfv_cyclictest-node-context\"/tc: \"kvmfornfv_cyclictest_${testName}\"/" kvmfornfv_cyclictest_${testName}.yaml
case $testName in
@@ -87,7 +99,7 @@ function updateYaml {
sed -i '/\ \- \" memory\"' kvmfornfv_cyclictest_${testName}.yaml
- sed -i '/\ \- \" memory\"' kvmfornfv_cyclictest_${testName}.yaml
+ sed -i '/\ \- \" io\"' kvmfornfv_cyclictest_${testName}.yaml
echo "Incorrect test environment: $testName"
@@ -98,7 +110,7 @@ function updateYaml {
#cleaning the environment after executing the test through yardstick.
function env_clean {
- container_id=`sudo docker ps -a | grep kvmfornfv_${testType}_${testName} |awk '{print \$1}'|sed -e 's/\r//g'`
+ container_id=`sudo docker ps -a | grep kvmfornfv_${testType} |awk '{print \$1}'|sed -e 's/\r//g'`
sudo docker stop ${container_id}
sudo docker rm ${container_id}
sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "rm -rf /root/workspace/*"
@@ -109,6 +121,7 @@ function env_clean {
#Cleaning the latest kernel changes on host after executing the test.
function host_clean {
sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "rpm=\$(rpm -qa | grep 'kernel-${KERNELRPM_VERSION}' | awk '{print \$1}'); rpm -ev \$rpm"
+ sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "rpm=\$(rpm -qa | grep 'kernel-devel-${KERNELRPM_VERSION}' | awk '{print \$1}'); rpm -ev \$rpm"
sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "rm -rf /boot/initramfs-${KERNELRPM_VERSION}*.img"
sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg"
sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "rpm=\$(rpm -qa | grep 'qemu-${QEMURPM_VERSION}'| awk '{print \$1}'); rpm -ev \$rpm"
@@ -127,19 +140,44 @@ function cleanup {
+#environment setup for executing packet forwarding test cases
+function setUpPacketForwarding {
+ #copying required files to run packet forwarding test cases
+ ssh root@$HOST_IP "mkdir -p /root/workspace/image"
+ ssh root@$HOST_IP "mkdir -p /root/workspace/rpm"
+ ssh root@$HOST_IP "mkdir -p /root/workspace/scripts"
+ #Copying the host configuration scripts on to host
+ scp -r $WORKSPACE/ci/envs/* root@$HOST_IP:/root/workspace/scripts
+ scp -r $WORKSPACE/tests/vsperf.conf* root@$HOST_IP:/root/workspace/scripts
+ scp -r $WORKSPACE/build_output/kernel-${KERNELRPM_VERSION}*.rpm root@$HOST_IP:/root/workspace/rpm
+ scp -r $WORKSPACE/build_output/kernel-devel-${KERNELRPM_VERSION}*.rpm root@$HOST_IP:/root/workspace/rpm
+ scp -r $WORKSPACE/build_output/qemu-${QEMURPM_VERSION}*.rpm root@$HOST_IP:/root/workspace/rpm
+ #execute host configuration script for installing kvm built kernel.
+ ssh root@$HOST_IP "cd /root/workspace/scripts ; ./"
+ ssh root@$HOST_IP "cd /root/workspace/rpm ; rpm -ivh kernel-devel-${KERNELRPM_VERSION}*.rpm"
+ ssh root@$HOST_IP "reboot"
+ sleep 10
+#executing packet forwarding test cases
+function runPacketForwarding {
+ testType=$1
+ ssh -t -t root@$HOST_IP "cd /root/workspace/scripts ; sudo scl enable python33 'sh $testType $QEMURPM_VERSION'"
#Creating a docker image with yardstick installed and Verify the results of cyclictest
function runCyclicTest {
+ ftrace_enable=$1
( cd ${docker_image_dir}; sudo docker build -t kvmfornfv:latest --no-cache=true . )
if [ ${?} -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Docker image build failed"
id=$(sudo docker ps -a | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'); sudo docker rm -f $id
- err_exit 1
+ exit 1
time_stamp=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
mkdir -p $volume/{image,rpm,scripts}
#copying required files to run yardstick cyclic testcase
cp $WORKSPACE/build_output/kernel-${KERNELRPM_VERSION}*.rpm ${volume}/rpm
cp $WORKSPACE/build_output/qemu-${QEMURPM_VERSION}*.rpm ${volume}/rpm
@@ -149,18 +187,24 @@ function runCyclicTest {
#Launching ubuntu docker container to run yardstick
sudo docker run -i -v ${volume}:/opt --net=host --name kvmfornfv_${testType}_${testName} \
- kvmfornfv:latest /bin/bash -c "cd /opt/scripts && ls; ./ $testType $testName"
+ kvmfornfv:latest /bin/bash -c "cd /opt/scripts && ls; ./ $testType $testName"
if [ "$testName" == "iostress_idle" ];then
+ #Disabling ftrace after completion of executing test cases.
+ if [ ${ftrace_enable} -eq '1' ]; then
+ ftrace_disable
+ fi
#Verifying the results of cyclictest
if [ "$testType" == "verify" ];then
result=`grep -o '"errors":[^,]*' ${volume}/yardstick.out | awk -F '"' '{print $4}'`
if [ -z "${result}" ]; then
echo "####################################################"
- echo ""
+ echo " "
echo `grep -o '"data":[^}]*' ${volume}/yardstick.out | awk -F '{' '{print $2}'`
echo ""
echo "####################################################"
diff --git a/ci/envs/ b/ci/envs/
index 1b04e62bb..6e1ef15c6 100755
--- a/ci/envs/
+++ b/ci/envs/
@@ -2,16 +2,17 @@
set -o xtrace
-sudo bash -c "echo 0 >$TRACEDIR/tracing_on"
+bash -c "echo 0 > $TRACEDIR/tracing_on"
sleep 1
-sudo bash -c "cat $TRACEDIR/trace > $TRACE_FILE"
-sudo bash -c "echo > $TRACEDIR/set_event"
-sudo bash -c "echo > $TRACEDIR/trace"
-sudo sysctl kernel.ftrace_enabled=0
-sudo bash -c "echo nop > $TRACEDIR/current_tracer"
+bash -c "cat $TRACEDIR/trace > /tmp/$TRACE_FILE"
+bash -c "echo > $TRACEDIR/set_event"
+bash -c "echo > $TRACEDIR/trace"
+sysctl kernel.ftrace_enabled=0
+bash -c "echo nop > $TRACEDIR/current_tracer"
set +o xtrace
cd $curpwd
diff --git a/ci/envs/ b/ci/envs/
index 857f53e0d..e360de137 100755
--- a/ci/envs/
+++ b/ci/envs/
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
set -o xtrace
-mv /tmp/123.txt /tmp/123.back
function getcpumask {
masks=`lscpu | grep "NUMA node1 CPU(s)"| awk -F ':' '{print \$2}' | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'`
@@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ function getcpumask {
last=$(echo ${masks} | cut -f2 -d-)
while [ ${first} -lt ${last} ]; do
- cputmp=`echo "ibase=10; obase=16; 2^(${c})" | bc`
+ cputmp=`echo "ibase=10; obase=16; 2^(${first})" | bc`
cpumask=`echo "ibase=16; obase=10; ${cputmp}+${cpumask}" |bc`
first=`expr $first + 1`
@@ -22,42 +21,41 @@ function getcpumask {
-sudo bash -c "echo $CPUMASK > $TRACEDIR/tracing_cpumask"
+bash -c "echo $CPUMASK > $TRACEDIR/tracing_cpumask"
#sudo bash -c "echo function > $TRACEDIR/current_tracer"
#echo :* > set_event
#echo $EVENT:* > set_event
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/irq/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/irq_vectors/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/task/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/syscalls/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/kmem/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/fence/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/context_tracking/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/exceptions/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/irq_vectors/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/nmi/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/kmem/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/migrate/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/sock/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/timer/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/sched/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/rcu/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/kvm/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/workqueue/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/power/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/signal/enable"
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 > events/tlb/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/irq/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/irq_vectors/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/task/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/syscalls/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/kmem/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/fence/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/context_tracking/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/exceptions/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/irq_vectors/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/nmi/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/kmem/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/migrate/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/sock/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/timer/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/sched/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/rcu/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/kvm/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/workqueue/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/power/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > $TRACEDIR/events/signal/enable"
+bash -c "echo 1 > events/tlb/enable"
# Clean original log info
-sudo bash -c "echo > $TRACEDIR/trace"
-#sudo bash -c "echo function > $TRACEDIR/current_tracer"
-sudo sysctl kernel.ftrace_enabled=1
+bash -c "echo > $TRACEDIR/trace"
+bash -c "echo function > $TRACEDIR/current_tracer"
+sysctl kernel.ftrace_enabled=1
#echo 0 >tracing_on; sleep 1; echo 1 >tracing_on; sleep 20; echo 0 >tracing_on;sleep 1; cat trace >/tmp/123.txt
-sudo bash -c "echo 1 >$TRACEDIR/tracing_on"
+bash -c "echo 1 >$TRACEDIR/tracing_on"
cd $curpwd
-#source /home/yjiang5/repo/hostbin/
set +o xtrace
diff --git a/ci/envs/host-config b/ci/envs/host-config
index 99cbb3773..4a5d1b5a2 100755
--- a/ci/envs/host-config
+++ b/ci/envs/host-config
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pcm_memory=/root/pcm/pcm-memory.x
# Isolated cpus for nfv, must be given as a range '-' and Numa node1 CPU's should be considered
host_isolcpus=`lscpu | grep "NUMA node1 CPU(s)"| awk -F ':' '{print \$2}' | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'`
first=$(echo ${host_isolcpus} | cut -f1 -d-)
-last=$(echo ${host_isolcpus} | cut -f2 -d-)
+last=$(echo ${host_isolcpus} | cut -f2 -d- | cut -d',' -f1 )
# Bind cpus from host_isolcpus range for QEMU processor threads
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ done
echo "Stress tool runs on $stress_isolcpus"
-#Tar the log files generated during testcase execution.
-function err_exit {
+#Tar the log files generated during testcase execution and exit.
+function test_exit {
cd $WORKSPACE/build_output/
if [ -d log ];then
@@ -55,3 +55,24 @@ function copyLogs {
sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "cd /root;rm -rf MBWInfo MBWInfo.tar.gz"
+function packet_fwd_logs {
+ #Tar and copy logs for uploading to artifacts repository
+ echo "Copying Log files from Node to Jump Server"
+ mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/build_output/log/packet_fwd
+ scp -r root@${HOST_IP}:/tmp/packet_fwd_logs $WORKSPACE/build_output/log/packet_fwd
+ #removing collected logs on the node after copying.
+ sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "cd /tmp;rm -rf packet_fwd_logs"
+function packet_fwd_exit {
+ exitCode=$1
+ TIMESTAMP=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
+ cd $WORKSPACE/build_output/
+ if [ -d log ];then
+ tar -czvf log-${TIMESTAMP}.tar.gz log
+ echo "Uploading packet forwarding logs and results"
+ gsutil cp -r log-*.tar.gz gs://${TIMESTAMP} > $WORKSPACE/build_output/gsutil.log 2>&1
+ echo "${TIMESTAMP}"
+ fi
+ exit $exitCode
diff --git a/ci/envs/ b/ci/envs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec399c6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/envs/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+DATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
+# DAILY - run selected TCs for defined packet sizes
+TESTCASES_DAILY='phy2phy_tput phy2phy_tput_mod_vlan pvp_tput'
+TESTPARAM_DAILY='--test-params TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(64,128,512,1024,1518)'
+TESTPARAM_SRIOV='--test-params TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES=(64,128,512,1024,1518)'
+#mounting shared directory for collecting ixia test results.
+shared_dir=$(sudo mount | grep ixia_results)
+if [ -z "$shared_dir" ]; then
+ echo "mounting shared directory for results"
+ sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/ixia_results/kvm4nfv_ci -o password=kvm4nfv! -o username=kvm4nfv,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,nounix
+ echo "shared directory is already mounted for results"
+# check if user config file exists if not then we will use default settings
+if [ -f $HOME/vsperf.conf ] ; then
+ CONF_FILE="--conf-file ${HOME}/vsperf.conf"
+ else
+ echo "configuration file not found on the test node"
+ echo "Using configuration file available in kvmfornfv repo"
+ CONF_FILE="--conf-file /root/workspace/scripts/vsperf.conf"
+# check if sriov config file exists if not then we will use default settings
+if [ -f $HOME/vsperf.conf.sriov ] ; then
+ CONF_FILE_SRIOV="--conf-file ${HOME}/vsperf.conf.sriov"
+ else
+ echo "SRIOV configuration file not found on the node"
+ echo "Using SRIOV configuration file available in kvmfornfv repo"
+ CONF_FILE="--conf-file /root/workspace/scripts/vsperf.conf.sriov"
+function install_vsperf() {
+ echo "Installing vsperf....."
+ ( cd $VSPERF/systems ; ./ )
+#Install kvmfornfv built qemu for launching guest vm.
+function install_qemu() {
+ echo "removing existing qemu packages and installing kvmfornfv built qemu"
+ ( cd /root/workspace/scripts ; ./ )
+function print_results() {
+ for i in $TESTCASES ; do
+ RES_FILE=`ls -1 $1 | egrep "result_${i}_[0-9a-zA-Z\-]+.csv"`
+ if [ "x$RES_FILE" != "x" -a -e "${1}/${RES_FILE}" ]; then
+ if grep ^FAILED "${1}/${RES_FILE}" &> /dev/null ; then
+ printf " %-70s %-6s\n" "result_${i}" "FAILED"
+ else
+ echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+ printf " %-50s %-6s\n" "result_${i}" "OK"
+ echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ printf " %-50s %-6s\n" "result_${i}" "FAILED"
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ fi
+ done
+function execute_vsperf() {
+ # figure out list of TCs and execution parameters
+ case $2 in
+ "daily")
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "No vsperf test cases implemented for this job type"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # execute testcases
+ echo -e "\nExecution of VSPERF for $1"
+ DATE_SUFFIX=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
+ source "$VSPERFENV_DIR"/bin/activate
+ case $1 in
+ "SRIOV")
+ # use SRIOV specific TCs and configuration
+ # figure out log file name
+ echo " $VSPERF_BIN --vswitch none --vnf QemuPciPassthrough $CONF_FILE_SRIOV $TESTPARAM $TESTCASES &> $LOG_FILE"
+ $VSPERF_BIN --vswitch none --vnf QemuPciPassthrough $CONF_FILE_SRIOV $TESTPARAM $TESTCASES &> $LOG_FILE
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # figure out log file name
+ LOG_SUBDIR="OvsDpdkVhost"
+ echo " $VSPERF_BIN $OPNFVPOD --vswitch OvsDpdkVhost --vnf QemuDpdkVhostUser $CONF_FILE $TESTPARAM $TESTCASES > $LOG_FILE"
+ echo "daily test cases started"
+ cd $HOME/vswitchperf
+ $VSPERF_BIN --list
+ $VSPERF_BIN --vswitch OvsDpdkVhost --vnf QemuDpdkVhostUser $CONF_FILE $TESTPARAM $TESTCASES &>> $LOG_FILE
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # evaluation of results
+ echo -e "\nResults for $1"
+ RES_DIR="/$(grep "Creating result directory" $LOG_FILE | cut -d'/' -f2-)"
+ if [[ "/" == "${RES_DIR}" ]] ; then
+ echo "FAILURE: Results are not available."
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ cat $LOG_FILE
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ else
+ print_results "${RES_DIR}"
+ if [ $(($EXIT & $EXIT_TC_FAILED)) -gt 0 ] ; then
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ cat $LOG_FILE
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # show detailed result figures
+ for md_file in $(grep '\.md"$' $LOG_FILE | cut -d'"' -f2); do
+ # TC resut file header
+ echo -e "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo -e " $md_file"
+ echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ # TC details
+ sed -n '/^- Test ID/,/Bidirectional/{/Packet size/b;p;/Bidirectional/q};/Results\/Metrics Collected/,/Statistics collected/{/^$/p;/^|/p}' $md_file
+ # TC results
+ sed -n '/Results\/Metrics Collected/,/Statistics collected/{/^$/p;/^|/p}' $md_file | grep -v "Unknown" | cat -s
+ done
+ # copy logs into dedicated directory
+ [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ] && cp -a "${LOG_FILE}" "${TEST_REPORT_LOG_DIR}/${LOG_SUBDIR}" &> /dev/null
+ [ -d "$RES_DIR" ] && cp -ar "$RES_DIR" "${TEST_REPORT_LOG_DIR}/${LOG_SUBDIR}" &> /dev/null
+#Install vsperf and set up the environment
+#Install kvmfornfv built qemu rpm
+# execute job based on passed parameter
+case $1 in
+ "daily")
+ echo "================"
+ echo "VSPERF daily job"
+ echo "================"
+ execute_vsperf OVS_with_DPDK_and_vHost_User $1
+ execute_vsperf SRIOV $1
+ exit $EXIT
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "test cases not implemented for this job type"
+exit $EXIT
diff --git a/ci/envs/ b/ci/envs/
index 89df273ac..c2c0f85a6 100755
--- a/ci/envs/
+++ b/ci/envs/
@@ -39,4 +39,16 @@ function getQemuVersion {
+#Check RPM names to continue the execution of testcases
+function checkRPMNames {
+ rpm_dir="/root/workspace/rpm"
+ if [ -d "$WORKSPACE" ];then
+ cd $WORKSPACE/build_output 2>/dev/null;RPMCOUNT=`ls kvmfornfv-* 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
+ if [ $RPMCOUNT -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "Testcases are not executed for apex_build"
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo "Continue test execution"
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 20bdaeefb..8199bf0e9 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -21,15 +21,28 @@ packetforward_result=0 #exit code of packet forward
source $WORKSPACE/ci/envs/host-config
function packetForward {
-# source $WORKSPACE/ci/ $HOST_IP
- echo "Packetforwarding need to be implemented"
- packetforward_result=$?
- if [ ${packetforward_result} -ne 0 ];then
- echo "Packet Forwarding test case execution FAILED"
+ #executing packet forwarding test cases based on the job type.
+ if [ ${test_type} == "verify" ];then
+ echo "packet forwarding test cases are not yet implemented for verify job"
+ packetforward_result=0
+ elif [ ${test_type} == "daily" ];then
+ source $WORKSPACE/ci/ $HOST_IP
+ connect_host
+ #Waiting for ssh to be available for the host machine.
+ sleep 20
+ # copy files and rpms and setup environment required for executing test cases
+ setUpPacketForwarding
+ sleep 1
+ #Verifying whether the test node is up and running
+ connect_host
+ sleep 20
+ #Install and Execute packet forwarding test cases
+ runPacketForwarding $test_type
+ packetforward_result=$?
- echo "Packet Forwarding test case executed SUCCESSFULLY"
+ echo "Incorrect test type ${test_type}"
+ exit 1
- host_clean
function cyclictest {
@@ -38,19 +51,19 @@ function cyclictest {
#Verifying whether the test node is up and running
#Waiting for ssh to be available for the host machine.
- sleep 10
+ sleep 20
#calculating and verifying sha512sum of the guestimage.
if ! verifyGuestImage;then
exit 1
#Update kvmfornfv_cyclictest_${testName}.yaml with test_time and pod.yaml with IP
- #Cleaning up the test environment before running cyclictest through yardstick.
- env_clean
#Running PCM utility
collect_MBWInfo $test_type
+ #Cleaning the environment before running cyclictest through yardstick
+ env_clean
#Creating a docker image with yardstick installed and launching ubuntu docker to run yardstick cyclic testcase
- if runCyclicTest;then
+ if runCyclicTest ${ftrace_enable};then
cyclictest_result=`expr ${cyclictest_result} + 0`
echo "Test case execution FAILED for ${test_case} environment"
@@ -92,13 +105,6 @@ function install_pcm {
-function ftrace_disable {
- sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "sh /root/workspace/scripts/"
- sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "cd /tmp ; a=\$(ls -rt | tail -1) ; echo \$a ; mv \$a cyclictest_${env}.txt"
- sudo mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/build_output/log/kernel_trace
- sudo scp root@${HOST_IP}:/tmp/cyclictest_${env}.txt $WORKSPACE/build_output/log/kernel_trace/
#Execution of testcases based on test type and test name from releng.
if [ ${test_type} == "verify" ];then
@@ -108,11 +114,9 @@ if [ ${test_type} == "verify" ];then
for env in ${cyclictest_env_verify[@]}
#Enabling ftrace for kernel debugging.
- sed -i '/\ \- \"\"' kvmfornfv_cyclictest_hostenv_guestenv.yaml
+ sed -i '/\ \- \"\"' $WORKSPACE/tests/kvmfornfv_cyclictest_hostenv_guestenv.yaml
#Executing cyclictest through yardstick.
cyclictest ${env}
- #disabling ftrace and collecting the logs to upload to artifact repository.
- ftrace_disable
sleep 10
#Execution of packet forwarding test cases.
@@ -127,22 +131,28 @@ if [ ${test_type} == "verify" ];then
#Execution of packet forwarding test cases.
- if [ ${cyclictest_result} -ne 0 ] || [ ${packetforward_result} -ne 0 ];then
- echo "Test case FAILED"
- err_exit 1
- else
- err_exit 0
- fi
+ if [ ${cyclictest_result} -ne 0 ] || [ ${packetforward_result} -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "Test case FAILED"
+ test_exit 1
+ else
+ test_exit 0
+ fi
elif [ ${test_type} == "daily" ];then
test_time=3600000 #1h
if [ ${test_name} == "packet_forward" ];then
+ packet_fwd_logs
+ #clean the test environment after the test case execution.
+ sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "rm -rf /root/workspace/*"
+ host_clean
if [ ${packetforward_result} -ne 0 ] ; then
- err_exit 1
+ echo "Execution of packet forwarding test cases FAILED"
+ packet_fwd_exit 1
- err_exit 0
+ echo "Executed packet forwarding test cases SUCCESSFULLY"
+ packet_fwd_exit 0
elif [ ${test_name} == "cyclictest" ];then
if [ ${ftrace_enable} -eq '1' ]; then
@@ -166,10 +176,10 @@ elif [ ${test_type} == "daily" ];then
if [ ${cyclictest_result} -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Cyclictest case execution FAILED"
- err_exit 1
+ test_exit 1
echo "Cyclictest case executed SUCCESSFULLY"
- err_exit 0
+ test_exit 0
elif [ ${test_type} == "merge" ];then