path: root/qemu/roms/openbios/utils
diff options
authorYang Zhang <>2015-08-28 09:58:54 +0800
committerYang Zhang <>2015-09-01 12:44:00 +0800
commite44e3482bdb4d0ebde2d8b41830ac2cdb07948fb (patch)
tree66b09f592c55df2878107a468a91d21506104d3f /qemu/roms/openbios/utils
parent9ca8dbcc65cfc63d6f5ef3312a33184e1d726e00 (diff)
Add qemu 2.4.0
Change-Id: Ic99cbad4b61f8b127b7dc74d04576c0bcbaaf4f5 Signed-off-by: Yang Zhang <>
Diffstat (limited to 'qemu/roms/openbios/utils')
-rw-r--r--qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/boot/grub/stage2_eltoritobin0 -> 100682 bytes
35 files changed, 4836 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/README b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cfea456b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/README
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Here you find utilities useful for development and debugging of Open
+Firmware systems.
+Sample OpenFirmware client. Can be booted directly from OpenFirmware
+and demonstrates how an operating system can use the OpenFirmware
+client interface. This example should work on PPC and x86 without
+Romheaders is a small utility that dumps PCI expansion rom header
+information in human readable form. It knows about Images with
+multiple platform support and prints platform dependant information
+for x86 and open firmware roms.
+Detok is a GPLed FCode detokenizer. It can detokenize (disassemble)
+fcode bytecode files as described by the IEEE 1275-1994 standard. This
+program aims towards IEEE 1275-1994 compliancy, but there is no
+warranty that it is actually compliant. bytecode files normally
+contain Open Firmware drivers or other packages for use with an Open
+Firmware compliant system.
+See for more
+This is a kernel driver for different kind of (Flash)BIOSs that are
+available in today's x86, ia64 (Itantium) or Alpha based hardware.
+initial, incomplete implementation of an C to forth compiler.
+rpm specfile and debian files for packing openbios with various
+distributions. Changes/addons from distributors are explicitly
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/COPYING b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..486e6387f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ NOTE! The GPL below is copyrighted by the Free Software
+ Foundation, but the instance of code that it refers to (/dev/bios
+ driver)is copyrighted by me and others who actually wrote it.
+ Also note that the only valid version of the GPL as far as this driver
+ is concerned is _this_ particular version of the license (ie v2, not
+ v2.2 or v3.x or whatever), unless explicitly otherwise stated.
+ Stefan Reinauer
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/CREDITS b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/CREDITS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd642676c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/CREDITS
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Thanks to Michael Gibson from eSeSiX for donating a cs5530
+based thin client for porting /dev/bios.
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/ChangeLog b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c8e5654d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+/dev/bios is obsolete and no longer under development. Please adapt all
+changes to the "flashrom" utility of LinuxBIOS. This utility can be found
+at LinuxBIOSv2/utils/flashrom in the LinuxBIOS v2 repository. LinuxBIOS
+is available at
+I'm also looking for volunteers to port all features available in /dev/bios
+to flashrom so /dev/bios can be dropped from the OpenBIOS tree. These features
+- block information about flash chips
+- block wise writing of flash chips
+- lots of supported flash chips and vendors.
+If you have questions, contact Stefan Reinauer <>
+ChangeLog for /dev/bios
+** 2004/03/31 ********************************************************
+ * Added fix from Alex Beregszaszi to remove global *bios
+** 2004/03/05 ********************************************************
+ * fix compiling for 2.6 kernels.
+** 03/06/04 **********************************************************
+ * add SST49LF080A
+ * small 2.5 fix.
+** 02/06/10 **********************************************************
+ * some changes to detect pci cards firmware.
+ * pci cards firmware can be read even if flashing is not possible.
+ This is a new feature and might cause problems on some systems.
+** 02/04/16 **********************************************************
+ * reorganize Makefile, include .config from kernel.
+ * platform fixes for clean compilation.
+** 02/04/12 **********************************************************
+ * proprietary x86-64 support.
+ * change ruffian probe address
+** 02/03/28 **********************************************************
+ * proper implementation of system firmware detection on LX164 Alphas
+ * partly include jedec command cleanup patch from Pierrick Hascoet
+ <>
+** 02/03/11 **********************************************************
+ * only probe 512k on CS5530(A)
+ * add EON EN29F002 chips.
+** 02/02/22 **********************************************************
+ * rewrite major parts of bridge probing to make driver more generic.
+ * add Ali chipset support
+ * Saner iounmap() of flash devices.
+** 02/02/18 * 0.3.2 **************************************************
+ * change cs5530 driver to map high rom range instead of low one
+ and don't use positive decode.
+ * remove ruffian flag. Alpha (164LX/UX) almost works with pc code.
+ * don't rely on register defaults in intel 8xx driver.
+ * updated pci device list. more entries, join amd and via entry.
+ * fix error handling in chipset detection.
+ * add support for Reliance/ServerWorks chipsets
+ * enable 1M 512k on intel 4x0 chips where it's possible
+ * cleanup proc file handling
+** 02/02/17 **********************************************************
+ * rewrote chipset initialisation skeleton.
+ * fix pci bios (un)mapping.
+ * experimental support for AlphaPC 164UX (Ruffian)
+ (probes at 0xfffffffffffc0000 instead of 0xfffffc87C0000000
+ * initial code for FWH mode chips
+ * Fix Toggle-Until-Ready code.
+** 02/02/16 **********************************************************
+ * iounmapping fixed. no more address space wasted.
+ * /proc/bios shows physical address now. dmesg shows
+ physical address and virtual memory area and offset.
+** 02/02/13 **********************************************************
+ * added i820/i830 chipset support
+ * added AMD 751/760MP(X) support
+ * added support for Itanium and 84460GX chipset
+ * added experimental support for some flash chips (ST, Intel,
+ Winbond)
+ * use spinlocks instead of hard cli()
+** 02/02/11 **********************************************************
+ * added GPL licence tag
+ * remove low bios area access tweaking for intel drivers
+ * speed up SST 39SF020 write
+ * fix compilation for 2.5 kernels
+** 02/02/05 **********************************************************
+ * added support for cs5530 (nsc/cyrix mediagx) chipset
+ * reorganized shadow/wp handling
+ * probe for 2mb high memory area instead of 256k only
+** 01/08/01 * 0.3.1 **************************************************
+ * compiles and works with Linux kernel 2.4
+ * rewrote flash chip probing
+ * always use ioremap now
+ * flash chips above 128k should work transparent
+ * Support for newer VIA chipsets
+** 00/10/15 * 0.3.0pre1 **********************************************
+ * added patch from Eric Estabrook
+ * support for 256k flash chips on intel 430/440 chipsets and via vp3
+ * split up source into several files
+ * Changes for Ruffian AXP machines. Does not work (yet).
+** 99/07/29 * 0.2.101 ************************************************
+ * Oh well.. 11 months? Impossible. I am a lazy guy. Implemented
+ some support for VIA Apollo VP3. Don't know whether it works, since
+ I don't have one.
+** 98/09/06 **********************************************************
+patches by
+ * The pointer to bios_release in bios.c was on the flush pointer's
+ position. This caused Oopses.
+ * When bios_read was called with a file position after the actual end
+ of bios, it tried to read non-existant memory positions due to size
+ being unsigned (it isn't anymore) , causing spontaneous reboots on
+ my system
+** 98/08/22 **********************************************************
+ * Well,.. The diskless spectacle (0.2.100) was caused by a little bug
+ in in handling Intel PCI chipsets. Works now.
+ * Threw out the chipset_backout stuff. the PCI chipset handling should
+ always leave the machine in the same state it was before. ALWAYS.
+** 98/08/18 * 0.2.100 ************************************************
+ * Threw out the mem_type stuff. There are more important things than
+ this.
+ * Argh! After flashing fine on an Intel 28F001BT, the computer kept
+ hanging in an endless loop and refused writing the emergency boot
+ block to the end :-( There's some work until 0.3 is ready.
+ Implemented a timeout so that the system will not hang forever if
+ the flashchip behaves unexpected.
+ * Removed x86 probing in a loop. I think it never found anything else
+ but the system bios and *maybe* the graphics adapter bios. On the
+ other hand, it reconfigures some networking cards to silence.
+ Bad thing on diskless Linux boxes :)
+** 98/08/15 **********************************************************
+ * added some changes for intel to compile without warnings..
+** 98/08/02 **********************************************************
+ * What a boring job! Checked some dozen of flash chip entries today
+ and added a lot of new ones. I bet it gets hard to find anything
+ this driver does not know.
+** 98/07/28 **********************************************************
+ * Yeah! Atmel Chips finally work.. These Atmel guys are really weird.
+ * Testing last instead of first written byte now, when polling for the
+ end of a write access.
+** 98/07/28 **********************************************************
+ * Well, I am definitely spending too much time in IRC, but detecting
+ PCI cards' bioses works now (at least for me)
+ * Thrown out some obsolete stuff.
+ * Declared PCI and Flash reading/writing __inline__. Don't know,
+ whether this is a good idea. But let's try it for a while.
+ * Aaaargh! Some major mistakes in handling whether a flash has to
+ be erased before programming. FIXED!
+ * Even worse. An endless loop made it into writing in 0.2.99. Sorry!
+ I had no chance to test writing on an intel board with that release.
+ At least my warning, not to write, made sense.
+ * Intel flashchips are supported now!! It's at least tested on my
+ Alpha AXP LX164 Board (1MByte i28f008 chip) But all Intel flash chips
+ seem to work in the same way.
+ * Atmel 64kByte flash chips supported.
+** 98/07/27 **********************************************************
+ * Split up flash_probe in 2 parts to be able to expand probing on
+ PCI bioses and others correctly.
+ * Turned around 1st and 2nd probing codes. This is funny, Atmel
+ Flashroms give some wrong numbers if they are probed with the
+ 0x80/0x60 way. I only hope that no flashchips react on the
+ 0x90 method with wrong values.
+** 98/07/19 * V0.2.99 ************************************************
+ * Reading the flashchip works now on Alpha AXP (at least on my LX164
+ Board)
+ Writing ought to work, too, but Intel Flashchips are not supported
+ yet. This should be done until 0.3.0.
+ NOTE: I have no idea whether this driver still works on intel
+ boards or not. There have been too many changes. Please try, but
+ do not flash with this release of the driver.
+ * Minor Changes and fixes. Naming scheme changed a bit. This version
+ might work on James Mastros' machine again ?!?
+** 98/07/11 **********************************************************
+ * Started porting stuff to Alpha AXP architecture to continue testing
+ the flashing routines. We have a lot of tests next week, so I
+ won't get much stuff done..
+ Porting to AXP seems to be much more work than I thought. It may
+ take some time until the next version is released.
+ * Moved major number again. This time we have an official major
+ number for /dev/bios. Thanks to Hans Peter Anvin.
+ (Well, we have this one since May 1st, sorry for the delay)
+** 98/06/26 * V0.2.95 ************************************************
+ * added all Manufacturer IDs from the JEDEC standards publication.
+ * sorry for not having released a new version since months, but
+ my x86 machine died and I have no chance to do any testing right
+ now. I guess I must get a new Intel box, as Alpha AXP are all
+ delivered with the same Intel flash chips.
+** 98/04/30 * V0.2.9 *************************************************
+ * removed ioctls. They have been really unneccesary and did not fit
+ into the new driver layout.
+ * cleaned up the code. Hey, it should be readable again.
+ * Moved device minors from 10+ to 0+
+ * Rewrote most of the documentation
+ * changed intel shadowing routines. Now original values are saved
+ and shadowing is turned off for 0xc0000 to 0xdffff, too (This
+ was needed to support 2MBit system bios flash chips. Thanks again
+ to Matthew Harrell for intensive testing.
+ * Removed dirty hacks from bios_read_proc()
+ * Added some fields to struct flashdevice to support all ROM types,
+ not only flash roms. Probing for other types still missing.
+ * Implemented probing for some strange Winbond chips (0x80/0x20).
+** 98/04/27 * V0.2.8 *************************************************
+ *** Attention *** This version has a lot of changes since
+ 0.2.7, so be very careful, when testing. Things may
+ be broken that used to work.
+ * Rewrote big parts of the driver to (theoretically) support
+ multiple flash chips and/or ROM areas.
+ * Tried to implement support for 2MBit System BIOS chips, but
+ I have no idea, whether it works. I don't have one.
+ * added some more OPTi, SiS and VIA PCI chipsets to chipset list.
+ They have no function yet, though.
+ * Some weird computers have an ISA bridge, but don't have it declared
+ as one. Now probing for known ISA bridge IDs. (Thanks to Matthew
+ Harrell for reporting this.)
+ * Added some new flashchip IDs and made some old ones work.
+** 98/04/24 * V0.2.7 *************************************************
+ * rewrote shadowing and wp functions to use a pci_functions structure
+ This makes it very easy to include new PCI chipsets.
+ * function chipset_init() detects PCI chipset.
+ * modversions support. Thanks to Matthew Harrell.
+ * moved PCI bridge detection to chipset_init()
+** 98/04/23 * V0.2.6 *************************************************
+ * repaired flashchip_ready_toggle and flashchip_ready_poll.
+ * Set WRITE_DELAY to 300 as it should be (works now)
+ * NOTE: These two changes make the operation of /dev/bios
+ theoretically correct, and by that quite secure.
+There was no ChangeLog for versions prior to 0.2.6
+Stefan Reinauer, <>
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/Makefile b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6f7611bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# comment this if you don't want debugging information
+TARGET = bios.o
+OBJS = bios_core.o flashchips.o pcisets.o \
+ filesystem.o procfs.o programming.o
+obj-m := $(TARGET)
+bios-objs := $(OBJS)
+all: module comp
+ -rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJS) comp *.o bios.ko
+ -rm -rf .*.cmd .tmp_versions
+ make -C /usr/src/linux SUBDIRS=`pwd` modules
+comp: comp.c
+ $(CC) comp.c -O2 -o comp
+ strip comp
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/Makefile.24 b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/Makefile.24
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85717c4d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/Makefile.24
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+CC = gcc
+LD = ld
+KERNEL = /usr/src/linux
+#KERNEL = /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
+ARCH = $(shell uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/i386/ -e s/sun4u/sparc64/)
+ifeq ($(KERNEL)/.config,$(wildcard $(KERNEL)/.config))
+include $(KERNEL)/.config
+CFLAGS = -D__KERNEL__ -I${KERNEL}/include -Wall \
+ -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -O2 \
+ -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-common \
+ -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -DMODULE
+# comment this if you don't want debugging information
+# see if we need module versions
+ifeq ($(ARCH),alpha)
+CFLAGS += -mno-fp-regs -ffixed-8 -mcpu=ev5 -Wa,-mev6
+LDFLAGS = -m elf64alpha
+ifeq ($(ARCH),sparc64)
+CFLAGS += -mno-fpu -mtune=ultrasparc -mmedlow -ffixed-g4 \
+ -fcall-used-g5 -fcall-used-g7
+LDFLAGS = -m elf_sparc64
+ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
+CFLAGS += -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -march=i586
+LDFLAGS = -m elf_i386
+ifeq ($(ARCH), x86_64)
+CFLAGS += -mno-red-zone -mcmodel=kernel -fno-reorder-blocks \
+ -finline-limit=2000 -fno-strength-reduce
+LDFLAGS = -m elf_x86_64
+ifeq ($(ARCH),ia64)
+CFLAGS += -ffixed-r13 -mfixed-range=f10-f15,f32-f127 \
+ -falign-functions=32
+LDFLAGS = -m elf64_ia64
+.SUFFIXES: .o .c .h
+TARGET = bios.o
+OBJS = bios_core.o flashchips.o pcisets.o \
+ filesystem.o procfs.o programming.o
+all: $(TARGET) comp
+ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -r -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS)
+ -rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJS) comp *.o
+ $(CC) $(INCLUDES) -c $(INCDIRS) $(CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS) $(DEBUGFLAGS) $*.c -o $@
+comp: comp.c
+ $(CC) comp.c -O2 -o comp
+ strip comp
+bios_core.o: bios_core.c bios.h pcisets.h flashchips.h programming.h
+filesystem.o: filesystem.c bios.h pcisets.h flashchips.h programming.h
+flashchips.o: flashchips.c bios.h flashchips.h
+pcisets.o: pcisets.c bios.h pcisets.h flashchips.h programming.h
+procfs.o: procfs.c bios.h pcisets.h flashchips.h programming.h
+programming.o: programming.c bios.h pcisets.h flashchips.h programming.h
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/README.bios b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/README.bios
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45bd9a809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/README.bios
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+/dev/bios is obsolete and no longer under development. Please adapt all
+changes to the "flashrom" utility of LinuxBIOS. This utility can be found
+at LinuxBIOSv2/utils/flashrom in the LinuxBIOS v2 repository. LinuxBIOS
+is available at
+I'm also looking for volunteers to port all features available in /dev/bios
+to flashrom so /dev/bios can be dropped from the OpenBIOS tree. These features
+- block information about flash chips
+- block wise writing of flash chips
+- lots of supported flash chips and vendors.
+If you have questions, contact Stefan Reinauer <>
+/dev/bios documentation 2002/02/19
+Table of contents
+ 1. What is /dev/bios?
+ 2. What hardware/software do I need to run /dev/bios?
+ 3. Where to get the latest release of /dev/bios
+ 4. How to get /dev/bios work
+ 5. Writing to the devices
+ 6. About PCI chipsets (ix86 only)
+ 7. About APM Powermanagement (ix86 only)
+ 8. About different flashchips.
+ 9. Hints for BIOS flashing
+If you want better information on this driver, read the ChangeLog,
+mail me or read the source, Luke :-)
+1. What is /dev/bios?
+This is a kernel driver for different kinds of (Flash)BIOSs that are
+available in today's hardware.
+There are well known BIOSs for
+ - System BIOS (resides at 0xe0000 on Intel PCs)
+ - graphics hardware
+ - SCSI host adapters
+ - networking interfaces with 'BOOT ROM'
+ - ...
+While in former times these BIOSs were implemented by using ROM or
+EPROM (both can't be updated without opening your computer) today's
+PC hardware is often delivered with so called FLASH ROMs. These
+can simply be updated by software. This driver has the approach to
+make Linux read and write flash roms.
+One word before you read ahead: This is still alpha software and
+writing to your flash roms may destroy them. So if you notice anything
+strange, don't even think about going on, but write some mail to:
+ Stefan Reinauer <>
+Please note that I am not responsible in any way for what you
+do with this code or for what this code does with your computer.
+2. What hardware/software do I need to run /dev/bios?
+Currently this driver supports ix86 (mainly Pentium,
+PPro, PII/III, Athlon, but some 486s), Itanium and Alpha
+It supports all flash chips from 32k to 2M (theoretically).
+Minimum kernel version is v2.2.x, but it's wise to use a
+2.4.x kernel.
+3. Where to get the latest release of /dev/bios?
+/dev/bios was recently integrated into the OpenBIOS CVS
+tree for easier maintainance. General information can be
+found on the /dev/bios status page:
+Latest releases of /dev/bios can be found at the download page:
+Latest development trees of /dev/bios can be found in the
+OpenBIOS CVS. For information how to access it, go to
+4. How do I get /dev/bios work
+Create the system bios device with
+ mknod /dev/bios c 104 0
+Now you can add devices for the other BIOSs (often known as option
+roms) in your Computer, i.e. like this:
+ mknod /dev/gfxbios c 104 1
+ mknod /dev/hddbios c 104 2
+ mknod /dev/netbios c 104 3
+The order of the devices may vary on your computer, maybe you even don't
+have a flash bios on your network card or on your scsi host adapter. You will
+have to decide this after playing around a bit.
+Now you have to compile and insert the kernel driver module:
+ cd devbios
+ make clean && make
+ insmod bios.o
+Now you have a new device, /dev/bios and, if you have
+your kernel configured to have the /proc/ interface,
+you have a status file /proc/bios.
+Since this driver is in an early state, you should have
+a look at dmesg very often.
+5. Writing to the devices
+If you insert bios.o without any options, you are not able
+to write any of the devices. To enable writing, you should
+ insmod bios.o write=1
+Writing is now possible with i.e.
+ dd if=yourbios.bin of=/dev/bios bs=128k count=1
+ dd if=yourbios.bin of=/dev/bios bs=256k count=1
+depending on the size of your flash chip.
+You can use 'cat' for flashing as well. Note: Many flashchips are
+sectored and the whole sector has to be rewritten, the 4k clusters
+of cat may be very slow (and an 112 kb sector has to be written 28
+times completely instead of 1 time with dd)
+Make sure that your file "yourbios.bin" is a valid bios image for
+your motherboard and that it is not pkzipped or exe-pkzipped.
+(Usually, a 128kb bios images consist of 112kb lha-compressed data,
+2*4kb ESCD and DMI (PnP) Data and an 8 kb emergency boot block.)
+Writing to /dev/bios does not work for many chips right now. Write
+accesses are ignored in this case. If you want an unsupported flash
+rom supported, please mail me.
+WARNING: Setting an unsupported chip to "supported" without changing
+the rest of the code will *very likely* destroy the contents of your
+On machines with an AWARD bios you can test whether writing works
+safely by only deleting the ESCD/DMI memory on the flash chip.
+This data is rewritten by the bios when empty, corrupted or when
+you put in a new expansion device. In that case you should see a
+message stating "Updating ESCD" during the next boot.
+Please have a close look at the size of your flash chip. For 128k
+flash chips, try
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bios bs=4096 seek=28 count=2
+For 256k flash chips, you _MUST_ use the following line instead,
+or your system bios is going byebye:
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bios bs=4096 seek=56 count=2
+Attention: I found other machines with their ESCD memory in the
+first sectors of the flash chip. These are afaics 512k+ chips
+often connected via a firmware hub.
+Behaviour of other BIOSs may be similar, but I can't give you
+any warranty it works.
+NOTE: If you listen to music from your soundcard while flashing,
+you may get errors like this:
+ Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
+Second, sound switches off while flashing. This is because all
+IRQs are blocked while the write procedure to ensure it doesn't
+get disturbed by any other hardware.
+6. About PCI chipsets
+Because this driver uses direct PCI accesses to switch shadowing
+and write protection of the bios off on PC architecture, each PCI
+chipset (or at least chipset group) has to be implemented and
+tested seperately. Successfully tested PCI chipsets are
+ * Intel 430HX/TX, 440BX/ZX, 460, 8x0
+ * UMC 486 (8881F/8886A)
+ * VIA (M)VP3
+ * AMD Irongate and others
+ * ServerWorks chipsets
+ * NSC CS5530 (geode companion)
+Any success/error reports are highly welcome. If you need a certain
+system type supported, contact me.
+7. About APM Power Management (ix86 only)
+This driver is known to cause kernel oopses with some of the chipset
+drivers when APM is enabled. Reason is that the flash chip is mapped
+to the low bios address space which makes the unpacked bios image vanish
+so all pointers to APM functions are invalid.
+Nowadays most of the chipset drivers only map the high bios area, so
+this problem should not occur on any but old UMC/SiS chipsets. If you
+encounter oopses while reading/probing flash devices, disable power
+management before any write attempts. To achieve so, please pass "apm=off"
+as a kernel option, if your kernel is compiled with APM support.
+8. About different flashchips
+Flash chips, /dev/bios has been successfully tested (writing) on:
+ * Winbond 29EE011
+ * Intel 28F008(SA)
+ * Atmel AT29C512
+ * SST 29EE010, 39SF020
+It *should* work, if you see a "Supported: yes" in /proc/bios, but
+I am not responsible in any way for what you do.. Please be careful.
+Please report any working flash chips so that this list can be completed.
+Currently many more flash chips than mentioned here will work.
+If you need a certain flash device supported, contact me.
+9. Hints for BIOS-Flashing
+* Always try to write to the ESCD/DMI Memory before you overwrite the rest
+ of a bios (ix86) If you get ANY errors in dmesg output, DO NOT CONTINUE!
+* Always "diff" the new bios with the written image before rebooting
+* You may use comp, a little utility in the devbios source tree instead
+ of diff. It has a nicer output for binary files.
+* on Intel, only write the first 120k of an image to the System ROM, this keeps
+ the emergency bootblock working.
+************** FINAL NOTE *****************************
+If you want to help this project, send me
+ * /proc/bios-output
+ * dmesg-output (after insmodding the driver)
+ * your system-configuration
+ (e.g. output of lspci or /proc/bus/pci/devices)
+ * any comments
+ * any ideas
+ Stefan Reinauer <>
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/ToDo b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/ToDo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d320a9ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/ToDo
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ToDo-/Buglist 2003/06/04 (0.4pre6)
+Memory Stuff
+ * devbios does not find any flash chip on some systems even though
+ they are supported. One of the reasons this might happen is that
+ the flash memory area is hidden using the CPUs mtrrs. If you have
+ a Pentium II/III/IV or AMD K6/K7 board, you might try
+ echo "base=0xffe00000 size=0x200000 type=uncachable" >| /proc/mtrr
+ before loading the module.
+Misc Stuff
+ * port this driver to fit into the linux kernel's
+ mtd device drivers.
+ * join with ctflasher code
+ * port to *BSD (if anybody wants that)
+ * disable NMI watchdog while flashing, if active
+PCI Stuff
+ * unshadow functions do not work on certain 440BX/GX chipsets?
+ when loading the module, no system flashchip is detected.
+ * change unshadow functions not to touch low bios area to
+ be apm and pci bios safe.
+Module stuff
+ * /proc/sys/kernel/bios-writable
+Flashchip Stuff
+ * Finnish FWH support.
+ * Implement writing for Macronix and AMD.
+ (Catalyst have Intel and AMD compatible chips)
+ * Implement write protection checking some flash chips have.
+ * Test/complete existing support
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/bios.h b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/bios.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b27372d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/bios.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * OpenBIOS - free your system!
+ * ( firmware/flash device driver for Linux )
+ *
+ * bios.h - compile time configuration and globals
+ *
+ * This program is part of a free implementation of the IEEE 1275-1994
+ * Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Stefan Reinauer, <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#define BIOS_MAJOR 104
+#define BIOS_MAXDEV 8
+#define BIOS_VERSION "0.4rc1"
+// #define UTC_BIOS
+extern int write;
+extern unsigned char *bios;
+extern spinlock_t bios_lock;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/bios_core.c b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/bios_core.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d165cdb3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/bios_core.c
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ * OpenBIOS - free your system!
+ * ( firmware/flash device driver for Linux )
+ *
+ * bios_core.c - core skeleton
+ *
+ * This program is part of a free implementation of the IEEE 1275-1994
+ * Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Stefan Reinauer, <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#ifdef MODULE
+#include <linux/modversions.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include "bios.h"
+#include "pcisets.h"
+#include "flashchips.h"
+#include "programming.h"
+extern struct file_operations bios_fops;
+int bios_proc_register(void);
+int bios_proc_unregister(void);
+int write = 0;
+spinlock_t bios_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ * ******************************************
+ *
+ * Cleanup
+ *
+ * ******************************************
+ */
+static void free_iomaps(void)
+ unsigned long lastmapped=0;
+ unsigned int i;
+ /* We remember the last mapped area to be sure that we only iounmap
+ * every mapped area once. If two flash devices are in the same
+ * area but do not occur sequentially during probing you have a
+ * seriously strange hardware
+ */
+ for (i=0; i<flashcount; i++) {
+ if (lastmapped==flashdevices[i].mapped)
+ continue;
+ iounmap((void *)flashdevices[i].mapped);
+ lastmapped=flashdevices[i].mapped;
+ }
+ * ******************************************
+ *
+ * Initialization
+ *
+ * ******************************************
+ */
+void probe_system(void)
+#ifdef __alpha__
+ probe_alphafw();
+ /* This function checks all flash media attached to
+ * PCI devices in the system. This means NON-PCI systems
+ * don't work. This causes machine checks on my LX164 test
+ * machine, so leave it away until it's fixed. This is
+ * needed for Ruffians, so we check the machine type
+ * in probe_alphafw() and call probe_pcibus from there.
+ * This could use some cleanup
+ */
+#ifndef __alpha__
+ probe_pcibus();
+static __init int bios_init(void)
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS driver v" BIOS_VERSION " (writing %s) for "
+ UTS_RELEASE "\n", write?"enabled":"disabled");
+ if (!pci_present()) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "BIOS: No PCI system.");
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+ /* Probe for flash devices */
+ probe_system();
+ if (flashcount==0) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "BIOS: No flash devices found.\n");
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+ if (register_chrdev(BIOS_MAJOR, "bios", &bios_fops) == -EBUSY) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "BIOS: Could not register bios device.\n");
+ free_iomaps();
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+ bios_proc_register();
+ return 0;
+ * ******************************************
+ *
+ * module handling
+ *
+ * ******************************************
+ */
+#ifdef MODULE
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Stefan Reinauer <>");
+static __exit void cleanup_bios_module (void)
+ bios_proc_unregister();
+ free_iomaps();
+ unregister_chrdev(BIOS_MAJOR, "bios");
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS driver removed.\n");
+int init_module(void)
+ return bios_init();
+void cleanup_module(void)
+ cleanup_bios_module();
+void inc_mod(void)
+void dec_mod(void)
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/comp.c b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/comp.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d2acb147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/comp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* Simple utility to compare 2 files.
+ * Diff or cmp are not sufficient, when
+ * comparing bioses :-)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Stefan Reinauer
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ FILE *eins,*zwei;
+ int a,b,i=0,flag=0;
+ if(argv[1]==NULL||argv[2]==NULL) {
+ printf ("Usage: %s file1 file2\n %s compares two files.\n",argv[0],argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ eins=fopen(argv[1],"r");
+ zwei=fopen(argv[2],"r");
+ if (eins==NULL) {
+ printf ("File %s not found or unreadable.\n",argv[1]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (zwei==NULL) {
+ printf ("File %s not found or unreadable.\n",argv[2]);
+ fclose (eins);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (!feof(eins)) {
+ a=fgetc(eins);
+ b=fgetc(zwei);
+ if (flag==0 && (a==-1||b==-1) && (a!=-1||b!=-1)) {
+ printf ("One file ended. Printing the rest of the other.\n");
+ flag=1;
+ }
+ if(a!=b) printf ("0x%06x: 0x%02x -> 0x%02x\n",i,a,b);
+ i++;
+ }
+ fclose(eins);
+ fclose(zwei);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/filesystem.c b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/filesystem.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0dab71128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/filesystem.c
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ * OpenBIOS - free your system!
+ * ( firmware/flash device driver for Linux )
+ *
+ * filesystem.c - vfs character device interface
+ *
+ * This program is part of a free implementation of the IEEE 1275-1994
+ * Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Stefan Reinauer, <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/modversions.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <linux/fcntl.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include "bios.h"
+#include "flashchips.h"
+#include "pcisets.h"
+#include "programming.h"
+#ifdef MODULE
+void inc_mod(void);
+void dec_mod(void);
+ * ******************************************
+ *
+ * /dev/bios filesystem operations
+ *
+ * ******************************************
+ */
+#define FDEV (MINOR(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_rdev))
+#define FDEV (iminor(file->f_dentry->d_inode))
+#define CFLASH flashdevices[FDEV]
+// #define BIOS_SIZE ((flashchips[CFLASH.flashnum].size)*1024)
+#define BIOS_SIZE (CFLASH.size)
+static loff_t bios_llseek(struct file *file, loff_t offset, int origin )
+ currflash=FDEV;
+ switch(origin) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ offset += file->f_pos;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ offset += BIOS_SIZE;
+ break;
+ }
+ return((offset >= 0)?(file->f_pos = offset):-EINVAL);
+static ssize_t bios_read(struct file *file, char *buffer, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ signed int size=((BIOS_SIZE-*ppos>count) ? count : BIOS_SIZE-*ppos);
+ unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char*)CFLASH.mapped + CFLASH.offset;
+ int i;
+ currflash = FDEV;
+ devices[flashdevices[currflash].idx].activate();
+ for (i=0;i<size;i++)
+ buffer[i]=flash_readb(addr,*ppos+i);
+ devices[flashdevices[currflash].idx].deactivate();
+ *ppos+=size;
+ return size;
+static ssize_t bios_write(struct file *file, const char *buffer, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ unsigned int offset=0, startsec=0, endsec=0;
+ unsigned int secnum=0, size=0, writeoffs=0;
+ unsigned int i, fn;
+ unsigned char *clipboard;
+ unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char*)CFLASH.mapped + CFLASH.offset;
+ currflash=FDEV;
+ fn=CFLASH.flashnum;
+ /* Some security checks. */
+ if (!suser())
+ return -EACCES;
+ if (!write) {
+ printk (KERN_WARNING "Writing is disabled for security reasons. RTFM.\n");
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
+ if (!flashchips[fn].supported) {
+ printk (KERN_ERR "BIOS: Flash device not supported.\n");
+ return -EMEDIUMTYPE;
+ }
+ if ( count > BIOS_SIZE-*ppos )
+ return -EFBIG;
+ /* FIXME: Autoselect(AMD) BC-90
+ * -> 00/MID;
+ * 01/PID;
+ * 02/Protected (1=yes/0=no)
+ */
+ /* Determine size of data to be written */
+ if (!(flashchips[fn].flags & f_needs_erase) ) {
+ offset=(unsigned int)*ppos&~(flashchips[fn].pagesize-1);
+ size=(((unsigned int)*ppos+count+(flashchips[fn].pagesize-1))&
+ ~(flashchips[CFLASH.flashnum].pagesize-1))-offset;
+ } else {
+ while (flashchips[fn].sectors[secnum] <= flashchips[fn].size ) {
+ if ((unsigned int)*ppos >= flashchips[fn].sectors[secnum]*1024) {
+ offset=flashchips[fn].sectors[secnum]*1024;
+ startsec=secnum;
+ }
+ if ((unsigned int)*ppos+count-1 <= flashchips[fn].sectors[secnum]*1024) {
+ size=(flashchips[fn].sectors[secnum]*1024)-offset;
+ endsec=secnum-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ secnum++;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Write [0x%06x..0x%06x] [0x%06x..0x%06x]\n",
+ (unsigned int)(*ppos),(unsigned int)(*ppos+count-1),offset,offset+size-1);
+ /* prepare data for writing */
+ clipboard=vmalloc(size);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&bios_lock, flags);
+ devices[flashdevices[currflash].idx].activate();
+ for (i=0; i < size; i++)
+ clipboard[i] = flash_readb(addr,offset+i);
+ copy_from_user(clipboard+(*ppos-offset), buffer, count);
+ /* start write access */
+ if (flashchips[fn].flags & f_intel_compl) {
+ iflash_erase_sectors(addr,fn,startsec,endsec);
+ for (i=0;i<size;i++)
+ iflash_program_byte(addr, offset+i, clipboard[i]);
+ flash_command(addr, 0xff);
+ } else {
+ if (flashchips[fn].flags & f_needs_erase) {
+ if (size == flashchips[fn].size*1024) { /* whole chip erase */
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Erasing via whole chip method\n");
+ flash_erase(addr, fn);
+ } else {
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Erasing via sector method\n");
+ flash_erase_sectors(addr, fn,startsec,endsec);
+ }
+ }
+ while (size>0) {
+ if ((flashchips[fn].flags & f_manuf_compl) != f_atmel_compl) {
+ flash_program(addr);
+ } else {
+ flash_program_atmel(addr);
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<flashchips[fn].pagesize;i++) {
+ flash_writeb(addr,offset+writeoffs+i,clipboard[writeoffs+i]);
+ }
+ if ((flashchips[fn].flags & f_manuf_compl) == f_atmel_compl) {
+ udelay(750);
+ } else {
+ if (flashchips[fn].pagesize==1)
+ udelay(30);
+ else
+ udelay(300);
+ }
+ if (flash_ready_poll(addr,offset+writeoffs+flashchips[fn].pagesize-1,
+ clipboard[writeoffs+flashchips[fn].pagesize-1])) {
+ printk (KERN_ERR "BIOS: Error occured, please repeat write operation.\n");
+ }
+ flash_command(addr, 0xf0);
+ writeoffs += flashchips[fn].pagesize;
+ size -= flashchips[fn].pagesize;
+ }
+ }
+ devices[flashdevices[currflash].idx].deactivate();
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bios_lock, flags);
+ vfree(clipboard);
+ *ppos+=count;
+ return count;
+static int bios_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ currflash=FDEV;
+ if (flashcount<=FDEV) {
+ printk (KERN_ERR "BIOS: There is no device (%d).\n",FDEV);
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Opening device %d\n",FDEV);
+ /* Only one shall open for writing */
+ if ((CFLASH.open_cnt && (file->f_flags & O_EXCL)) ||
+ (CFLASH.open_mode & O_EXCL) ||
+ ((file->f_mode & 2) && (CFLASH.open_mode & O_RDWR)))
+ return -EBUSY;
+ if (file->f_flags & O_EXCL)
+ CFLASH.open_mode |= O_EXCL;
+ if (file->f_mode & 2)
+ CFLASH.open_mode |= O_RDWR;
+ CFLASH.open_cnt++;
+#ifdef MODULE
+ inc_mod();
+ return 0;
+static int bios_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ currflash=FDEV;
+ if (file->f_flags & O_EXCL)
+ CFLASH.open_mode &= ~O_EXCL;
+ if (file->f_mode & 2)
+ CFLASH.open_mode &= ~O_RDWR;
+ CFLASH.open_cnt--;
+#ifdef MODULE
+ dec_mod();
+ return 0;
+struct file_operations bios_fops = {
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ .llseek = bios_llseek,
+ .read = bios_read,
+ .write = bios_write,
+ .open = bios_open,
+ .release = bios_release,
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/flashchips.c b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/flashchips.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..460a85def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/flashchips.c
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ * OpenBIOS - free your system!
+ * ( firmware/flash device driver for Linux )
+ *
+ * flashchips.c - contains all information about supported flash devices.
+ *
+ * This program is part of a free implementation of the IEEE 1275-1994
+ * Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Stefan Reinauer, <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+// <-- C++ style comments are for experimental comments only.
+// They will disappear as soon as I fixed all the stuff.
+#include "bios.h"
+#include "flashchips.h"
+unsigned int currflash=0;
+const manufacturer_t manufacturers[] =
+ { "AMD", 0x01 },
+ { "AMI", 0x02 },
+ { "Fairchild", 0x83 },
+ { "Fujitsu", 0x04 },
+ { "GTE", 0x85 },
+ { "Harris", 0x86 },
+ { "Hitachi", 0x07 },
+ { "Inmos", 0x08 },
+ { "Intel", 0x89 },
+ { "I.T.T.", 0x8A },
+ { "Intersil", 0x0B },
+ { "Monolithic Memories",0x8C },
+ { "Mostek", 0x0D },
+ { "Motorola", 0x0E },
+ { "National", 0x8F },
+ { "NEC", 0x10 },
+ { "RCA", 0x91 },
+ { "Raytheon", 0x92 },
+ { "Rockwell", 0x13 },
+ { "Seeq", 0x94 },
+ { "Philips Semi.", 0x15 },
+ { "Synertek", 0x16 },
+ { "Texas Instruments", 0x97 },
+ { "Toshiba", 0x98 },
+ { "Xicor", 0x19 },
+ { "Zilog", 0x1A },
+ { "Eurotechnique", 0x9B },
+ { "Mitsubishi", 0x1C },
+ { "PMC Flash", 0x9D },
+ { "Exel", 0x9E },
+ { "Atmel", 0x1F },
+ { "SGS/Thomson", 0x20 },
+ { "Lattice Semi.", 0xA1 },
+ { "NCR", 0xA2 },
+ { "Wafer Scale Integr.",0x23 },
+ { "IBM", 0xA4 },
+ { "Tristar", 0x25 },
+ { "Visic", 0x26 },
+ { "Intl. CMOS Tech.", 0xA7 },
+ { "SSSI", 0xA8 },
+ { "MicrochipTech.", 0x29 },
+ { "Ricoh Ltd.", 0x2A },
+ { "VLSI", 0xAB },
+ { "Micron Technology", 0x2C },
+ { "Hyundai Elect.", 0xAD },
+ { "OKI Semiconductor", 0xAE },
+ { "ACTEL", 0x2F },
+ { "Sharp", 0xB0 },
+ { "Catalyst", 0x31 },
+ { "Panasonic", 0x32 },
+ { "IDT", 0xB3 },
+ { "Cypress", 0x34 },
+ { "DEC", 0xB5 },
+ { "LSI Logic", 0xB6 },
+ { "Plessey", 0x37 },
+ { "UTMC", 0x38 },
+ { "Thinking Machine", 0xB9 },
+ { "Thomson CSF", 0xBA },
+ { "Integ. CMOS(Vertex)",0x3B },
+ { "Honeywell", 0xBC },
+ { "Tektronix", 0x3D },
+ { "Sun Microsystems", 0x3E },
+ { "SST", 0xBF },
+ { "MOSEL", 0x40 },
+ { "Siemens", 0xC1 },
+ { "Macronix", 0xC2 },
+ { "Xerox", 0x43 },
+ { "Plus Logic", 0xC4 },
+ { "SunDisk", 0x45 },
+ { "Elan Circuit Tech.", 0x46 },
+ { "Europ. Silicon Str.",0xC7 },
+ { "Apple Computer", 0xC8 },
+ { "Xilinx", 0xC9 },
+ { "Compaq", 0x4A },
+ { "Protocol Engines", 0xCB },
+ { "SCI", 0x4C },
+ { "Seiko Instruments", 0xCD },
+ { "Samsung", 0xCE },
+ { "I3 Design System", 0x4F },
+ { "Klic", 0xD0 },
+ { "Crosspoint Sol.", 0x51 },
+ { "Alliance Semicond.", 0x52 },
+ { "Tandem", 0xD3 },
+ { "Hewlett-Packard", 0x54 },
+ { "Intg. Silicon Sol.", 0xD5 },
+ { "Brooktree", 0xD6 },
+ { "New Media", 0x57 },
+ { "MHS Electronic", 0x58 },
+ { "Performance Semi.", 0xD9 },
+ { "Winbond", 0xDA },
+ { "Kawasaki Steel", 0x5B },
+ { "Bright Micro", 0xDC },
+ { "TECMAR", 0x5D },
+ { "Exar", 0x5E },
+ { "PCMCIA", 0xDF },
+ { "Goldstar", 0xE0 },
+ { "Northern Telecom", 0x61 },
+ { "Sanyo", 0x62 },
+ { "Array Microsystems", 0xE3 },
+ { "Crystal Semicond.", 0x64 },
+ { "Analog Devices", 0xE5 },
+ { "PMC-Sierra", 0xE6 },
+ { "Asparix", 0x67 },
+ { "Convex Computer", 0x68 },
+ { "Quality Semicond.", 0xE9 },
+ { "Nimbus Technology", 0xEA },
+ { "Transwitch", 0x6B },
+ { "ITT Intermetall", 0xEC },
+ { "Cannon", 0x6D },
+ { "Altera", 0x6E },
+ { "NEXCOM", 0xEF },
+ { "QUALCOMM", 0x70 },
+ { "Sony", 0xF1 },
+ { "Cray Research", 0xF2 },
+ { "AMS(Austria Micro)", 0x73 },
+ { "Vitesse", 0xF4 },
+ { "Aster Electronics", 0x75 },
+ { "Bay Networks(Synoptic)", 0x76 },
+ { "Zentrum Mikroelec.", 0xF7 },
+ { "TRW", 0xF8 },
+ { "Thesys", 0x79 },
+ { "Solbourne Computer", 0x7A },
+ { "Allied-Signal", 0xFB },
+ { "Dialog", 0x7C },
+ { "Media Vision", 0xFD },
+ { "Level One Commun.", 0xFE },
+ { "Eon", 0x7F },
+ { "Unknown", 0x00 }
+const flashchip_t flashchips[] =
+ /* AMD */
+ { "29F016B", 0xad01, 5, 2048, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0,2048 } },
+ { "29F080B", 0xd501, 5, 1024, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0,1024 } },
+ { "29F800BT", 0xd601, 5, 1024, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0,1024 } },
+ { "29F800BB", 0x5801, 5, 1024, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0,1024 } },
+ { "29F040B", 0xa401, 5, 512, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "29F400T", 0x2301, 5, 512, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "29LV004T", 0xb501, 3, 512, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "29LV400T", 0xb901, 3, 512, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "29F400B", 0xab01, 5, 512, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "29LV004B", 0xb601, 3, 512, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "29LV400B", 0xba01, 3, 512, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "28F020A", 0x2901, 12, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "28F020", 0x2a01, 12, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29F002T", 0xb001, 5, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29LV002T", 0x4001, 3, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29LV200T", 0x3b01, 3, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29F200T", 0x5101, 5, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29F002B", 0x3401, 5, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29LV002B", 0xc201, 3, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29LV200B", 0xbf01, 3, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29F200B", 0x5701, 5, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29F010", 0x2001, 5, 128, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "28F010A", 0xa201, 12, 128, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "28F010", 0xa701, 12, 128, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "29F100T", 0xd901, 5, 64, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 64 } },
+ { "29F100B", 0xdf01, 5, 64, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 64 } },
+ { "28F512A", 0xae01, 12, 64, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 64 } },
+ { "28F512", 0x2501, 12, 64, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 64 } },
+ { "28F256A", 0x2f01, 12, 32, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 32 } },
+ { "28F256", 0xa101, 12, 32, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0, 32 } },
+ /* Atmel */
+ { "AT49BV010", 0x851f, 3, 128, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+//Word { "AT49F1025", 0x851f, 5, 128, 0, 256, 1, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "AT49x020", 0x0b1f, 5, 256, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "AT49F040", 0x131f, 5, 512, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "AT49F010", 0x171f, 5, 128, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "AT49F080", 0x231f, 5, 1024, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0,1024 } },
+ { "AT29C040A", 0xa41f, 5, 512, 1, 256, 4, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+//Word { "AT29C1024", 0x251f, 3, 128, 0, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+//Word { "AT29LV1024", 0x261f, 3, 128, 0, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "AT49F080T", 0xa71f, 5, 1024, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0,1024 } },
+ { "AT29BV010A", 0x351f, 3, 128, 1, 128, 4, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "AT29BV020", 0xba1f, 3, 256, 1, 256, 4, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "AT29LV256", 0xbc1f, 3, 32, 1, 64, 4, (int []) { 0, 32 } },
+ { "AT29LV512", 0x3d1f, 3, 64, 1, 128, 4, (int []) { 0, 64 } },
+ { "AT29BV040A", 0xc41f, 3, 512, 1, 256, 4, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "AT29C010A", 0xd51f, 5, 128, 1, 128, 4, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "AT29C020", 0xda1f, 5, 256, 1, 256, 4, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "AT29C256", 0xdc1f, 3, 32, 1, 64, 4, (int []) { 0, 32 } },
+ { "AT29C512", 0x5d1f, 5, 64, 1, 128, 4, (int []) { 0, 64 } },
+ /* Catalyst */
+ { "CAT28F150T", 0x0431, 12, 192, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0, 64,160,168,176,192 } },
+ { "CAT28F150B", 0x8531, 12, 192, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0, 16, 24, 32,128, 192 } },
+ { "CAT28F001T", 0x9431, 12, 128, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0,112,116,120,128 } },
+ { "CAT28F001B", 0x1531, 12, 128, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0, 8, 12, 16,128 } },
+ { "CAT29F002T", 0xb031, 5, 256, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0, 64,128,192,224,232,240,256 } },
+ { "CAT29F002B", 0x3431, 5, 256, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0, 16, 24, 32, 64,128,192,256 } },
+ { "CAT28F002T", 0x7c31, 12, 256, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0,128,224,232,240,256 } },
+ { "CAT28F002B", 0xfd31, 12, 256, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0, 16, 24, 32,128,256 } },
+ { "CAT28F020" , 0xbd31, 12, 256, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0,256 } },
+//Word { "CAT28F102" , 0x5131, 12, 128, 0, 0, 0, (int []) { 0,128 } },
+ { "CAT28F010" , 0xb431, 12, 128, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0,128 } },
+ { "CAT28F512" , 0xb831, 12, 64, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 64 } },
+ { "29F040", 0xa404, 5, 512, 1, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 64, 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512 } }, /* Fujitsu */
+ /* Intel */
+ { "28F010", 0x3489, 12, 128, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0,128 } },
+ { "28F020", 0x3d89, 12, 256, 0, 128, 1, (int []) { 0,256 } },
+ { "28F001BX-T", 0x9489, 12, 128, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0,112,116,120,128 } },
+ { "28F001BX-B", 0x9589, 12, 128, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0, 8, 12, 16,128 } },
+//Word { "28F400BX-T", 0x7089, 12, 512, 0, 256, 3, (int []) { 0,128,256,384,480,488,496,512 } },
+//Word { "28F400BX-B", 0xF189, 12, 512, 0, 256, 3, (int []) { 0, 16, 24, 32,128,256,384,512 } },
+//Word { "28F200-T", 0xF489, 12, 256, 0, 256, 3, (int []) { 0,128,224,232,240,256} },
+//Word { "28F200-B", 0x7589, 12, 256, 0, 256, 3, (int []) { 0, 16, 24, 32,128,256 } },
+ { "28F016B3-T", 0xd089, 3, 1024, 0, 1, 3, (int []) { 0, 2048 } },
+ { "28F016B3-B", 0xd189, 3, 1024, 0, 1, 3, (int []) { 0, 2048 } },
+ { "28F008B3-T", 0xd289, 3, 1024, 0, 1, 3, (int []) { 0, 1024 } },
+ { "28F008B3-B", 0xd389, 3, 1024, 0, 1, 3, (int []) { 0, 1024 } },
+ { "28F004B3-T", 0xd489, 3, 512, 0, 128, 3, (int []) { 0,128,256,384,480,488,496,512 } },
+ { "28F004B3-B", 0xd589, 3, 512, 0, 128, 3, (int []) { 0, 16, 24, 32,128,256,384,512 } },
+ { "28F004BX-T", 0xF889, 12, 512, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0,128,256,384,480,488,496,512 } },
+ { "28F004BX-B", 0x7989, 12, 512, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0, 16, 24, 32,128,256,384,512 } },
+ { "28F002-T", 0x7c89, 12, 256, 1, 128, 3, (int []) { 0,128,224,232,240,256 } },
+ { "28F002-B", 0xfd89, 12, 256, 1, 256, 3, (int []) { 0, 16, 24, 32,128,256 } },
+ { "28F008??", 0xa289, 12, 1024, 1, 1, 3, (int []) { 0, 64,128,192,256,320,384,448,512,576,640,704,768,832,896,960,1024 } },
+ { "28F008SA", 0xa189, 12, 1024, 1, 1, 3, (int []) { 0, 64,128,192,256,320,384,448,512,576,640,704,768,832,896,960,1024 } },
+ { "28F004??", 0xad89, 5, 512, 0, 1, 3, (int []) { 0, 512} },
+ { "28F008??", 0xac89, 5, 1024, 0, 1, 3, (int []) { 0,1024} },
+ /* Eon */
+ { "E28F004S5", 0x7f8f, 5, 512, 1, 1, 3, (int []) { 0, 64,128,192,256,320,384,448,512 } },
+ { "EN29F002B", 0x977f, 5, 256, 1, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 16, 24, 32,128,256 } },
+ { "EN29F002T", 0x927f, 5, 256, 1, 1, 1, (int []) { 0,128,224,232,240,256 } },
+ /* SST */
+ { "28EE011", 0x01bf, 5, 128, 0, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "28EE040", 0x04bf, 5, 512, 0, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "29EE010", 0x07bf, 5, 128, 1, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "29x010", 0x08bf, 3, 128, 0, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "29EE020", 0x10bf, 5, 256, 0, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29x020", 0x92bf, 3, 256, 0, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "29x512", 0x3dbf, 3, 64, 0, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 64 } },
+ { "29EE512", 0x5dbf, 5, 64, 0, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 64 } },
+ { "29x020", 0x92bf, 3, 256, 0, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "39SF020", 0xb6bf, 5, 256, 1, 1, 0x81, (int []) { 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,68,72,76,80,84,88,92,96,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,144,148,152,156,160,164,168,172,176,180,184,188,192,196,200,204,208,212,216,220,224,228,232,236,240,244,248,252,256 } },
+ { "49LF002A", 0x57bf, 3, 256, 0, 1, 0x81, (int[]) {0,256} },
+ { "49LF003A", 0x1bbf, 3, 384, 0, 1, 0x81, (int[]) {0,384} },
+ { "49LF004A", 0x60bf, 3, 512, 1, 1, 0x09, (int[]) {0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24,28, 32, 512} },
+ { "49LF008A", 0x5abf, 3, 1024, 0, 1, 0x81, (int[]) {0,1024} },
+ { "49LF020", 0x61bf, 3, 256, 1, 4096, 0, (int[]) {0,256} },
+ { "49LF040", 0x51bf, 3, 512, 1, 4096, 0, (int[]) {0,512} },
+ { "49LF080A", 0x5bbf, 3, 1024, 1, 4096, 0, (int[]) {0,1024} },
+ /* Macronix */
+ { "MX28F1000AP",0x1ac2, 12, 128, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96,112,116,120,124,128 } },
+ { "MX28F1000P", 0x91c2, 12, 128, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96,112,128 } },
+ { "MX28F1000PC",0xf7c2, 12, 128, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96,112,128 } },
+//id? { "MX28F1000PPC",0x7fc2,12, 128, 0, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96,112,116,120,124,128 } },
+ { "MX29F1610A", 0xfac2, 5, 2048, 1, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 2048} },
+ /* Winbond */
+ { "W29EE011", 0xc1da, 5, 128, 1, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "W29C020", 0x45da, 5, 256, 1, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 256 } },
+ { "W29C040/042",0x46da, 5, 512, 1, 256, 0, (int []) { 0, 512 } },
+ { "W29EE512", 0xc8da, 5, 64, 1, 128, 0, (int []) { 0, 64 } },
+ { "W29C101", 0x4fda, 5, 128, 1, 256, 0, (int []) { 0, 128 } },
+ { "W49V002", 0xb0da, 3, 256, 1, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 64, 128, 192, 224, 232, 240, 256 } },
+ //{ "W49F002", 0x0bda, 5, 256, 1, 1, 1, (int []) { 0, 64, 128, 192, 224, 232, 240, 256 } },
+ { "W49F002U", 0x0bda, 5, 256, 1, 1,0x09, (int []) { 0, 128, 224, 232, 240, 256 } }, /* Winbond */
+ /* SGS/Thomson */
+ { "M29F002B(N)T", 0xb020, 5, 256, 0, 1, 0, (int[]) {0, 64, 128, 256 } },
+ { "M29F002B(N)B", 0x3420, 5, 256, 0, 1, 0, (int[]) {0, 256 } },
+ { "M50FW040", 0x2c20, 3, 512, 1, 128, 0x0b, (int []) { 0, 64, 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512 } },
+ { "Pm29F002T", 0x1d9d, 5, 256, 1, 1, 0x1, (int []) { 0,128,224,232,240,256 } },
+ /* default entry */
+ { "Unknown", 0x0000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int []) { 0 } }
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/flashchips.h b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/flashchips.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e6e5a6e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/flashchips.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * OpenBIOS - free your system!
+ * ( firmware/flash device driver for Linux )
+ *
+ * flashchips.h - flash device structures.
+ *
+ * This program is part of a free implementation of the IEEE 1275-1994
+ * Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Stefan Reinauer, <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+ * flags structure
+ * bit 0 = needs erase before write (f_needs_erase)
+ * bit 1-3 flash manu type
+ * bit 4-6 probably needed for more manu
+ * bit 7 = sector erase happens one sector at a time
+ * (f_slow_sector_erase)
+ */
+#define f_needs_erase 0x01
+/* 3 bit for flashtype */
+#define f_manuf_compl 0x0e /* Mask out bits 1-3 */
+#define f_intel_compl 0x02 /* 001 */
+#define f_atmel_compl 0x04 /* 010 */
+#define f_fwh_compl 0x08 /* 100 */
+#define f_slow_sector_erase 0x80
+#define FLASH_UNKNOWN 0
+#define FLASH_CFI 1
+#define FLASH_JEDEC 2
+typedef struct flashdevice {
+ unsigned long mapped;
+ unsigned long physical;
+ unsigned long offset;
+ unsigned int flashnum, manufnum;
+ unsigned short id;
+ unsigned int size, sectors;
+ unsigned int idx;
+ void *data;
+ int open_mode, open_cnt;
+} flashdevice_t;
+typedef struct flashchip {
+ char *name;
+ unsigned short id;
+ unsigned int voltage;
+ unsigned int size; /* KBytes */
+ unsigned int supported;
+ unsigned int pagesize; /* Bytes */
+ unsigned int flags;
+ unsigned int *sectors; /* Kbytes[] including end of last sector */
+} flashchip_t;
+typedef struct manufacturer {
+ char *name;
+ unsigned short id;
+} manufacturer_t;
+extern unsigned int currflash;
+extern flashdevice_t flashdevices[BIOS_MAXDEV];
+extern const flashchip_t flashchips[];
+extern const manufacturer_t manufacturers[];
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/pcisets.c b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/pcisets.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91b9e0ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/pcisets.c
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+ * OpenBIOS - free your system!
+ * ( firmware/flash device driver for Linux )
+ *
+ * pcisets.c - support functions to map flash devices to kernel space
+ *
+ * This program is part of a free implementation of the IEEE 1275-1994
+ * Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Stefan Reinauer, <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/modversions.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#ifdef __alpha__
+#include <asm/hwrpb.h>
+#include "bios.h"
+#include "flashchips.h"
+#include "pcisets.h"
+#include "programming.h"
+#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
+#define pci_find_class pci_get_class
+#define pci_id(dev) ((dev->vendor<<16) | (dev->device))
+struct pci_dev *hostbridge=NULL;
+static unsigned char pci_dummy[4];
+ * ******************************************
+ *
+ * own pci/shadow handling; We can't use
+ * the PCI bios here as it would sweep
+ * itself out!
+ *
+ * ******************************************
+ */
+static int pci_read(struct pci_dev *dev, unsigned char where)
+ if (!dev) return 0;
+ outl((0x80000000 | (dev->bus->number << 16) | (dev->devfn << 8) |
+ (where & ~3)), 0xCF8);
+ mb();
+ return inb(0xCFC + (where&3));
+static void pci_write(struct pci_dev *dev, unsigned char where, unsigned char value)
+ if (!dev) return;
+ outl((0x80000000 | (dev->bus->number << 16) | (dev->devfn << 8) |
+ (where & ~3)), 0xCF8);
+ mb();
+ outb(value, 0xCFC + (where&3));
+ * standard system firmware adress emitter
+ */
+static int system_memarea(unsigned long *address, unsigned long *size,
+ struct pci_dev *dev)
+ const struct pci_driver *drv;
+ drv = pci_dev_driver(dev);
+#ifndef __alpha__
+ *address=0xffe00000;
+ *size=2048*1024;
+ *address=0xfffffffffc000000;
+ *size=512*1024;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: Probing system firmware with "
+ "%ldk rom area @0x%lx (%04x:%04x)\n",
+ (*size>>10), *address, dev->vendor, dev->device );
+ if (drv) printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: System device is %s\n", drv->name);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: System device is %s\n", dev->name);
+ return 0;
+static int memarea_256k(unsigned long *address, unsigned long *size,
+ struct pci_dev *dev)
+ const struct pci_driver *drv;
+ drv = pci_dev_driver(dev);
+ *address=0xfffc0000;
+ *size=256*1024;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: Probing system firmware with "
+ "%ldk rom area @0x%lx (%04x:%04x)\n",
+ (*size>>10), *address, dev->vendor, dev->device );
+ if (drv) printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: System device is %s\n", drv->name);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: System device is %s\n", dev->name);
+ return 0;
+ * standard address emitter for normal pci devices
+ */
+static int default_memarea(unsigned long *address, unsigned long *size,
+ struct pci_dev *dev)
+ *address=dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start;
+ *size=dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].end - *address + 1;
+ *address=0xdeadbeef;
+ *size=0x00000000;
+ if (*address && (signed long)*address!=-1 ) {
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Probing PCI device %02x:%02x.%01x "
+ "with %ldk rom area @ 0x%lx\n",
+ dev->bus->number, PCI_SLOT(dev->devfn),
+ PCI_FUNC(dev->devfn),
+ (*size>>10), *address);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ *address=0xdeadbeef;
+ *size=0x00000000;
+ return 0;
+#ifdef __alpha__
+void probe_alphafw(void)
+ switch(hwrpb->sys_type) {
+ case ST_DEC_EB164:
+ /* Fall through */
+ break;
+ /* case ST_DEC_TSUNAMI: // This crashes for whatever reason */
+ probe_pcibus();
+ return;
+ default:
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: unsupported alpha motherboard.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* LX164 has system variation 0x2000 */
+ if (hwrpb->sys_variation == 0x2000)
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: LX164 detected\n");
+ else
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: EB164 board detected. Sys_var=0x%lx\n",
+ hwrpb->sys_variation);
+ flashdevices[flashcount].data=(void *)0xfff80000;
+ flash_probe_area(0xfff80000, 512*1024, 0);
+#define pci_for_each_dev(dev) \
+ for(dev = pci_devices->next; dev != pci_devices; dev = dev->next)
+#define pci_for_each_dev(dev) \
+ while ((dev = pci_find_device(PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, dev)))
+#define DEVICE(x) devices[g].pcidevs[x]
+void probe_pcibus(void)
+ struct pci_dev *dev=NULL;
+ unsigned int g=0, d, map_always=0;
+ unsigned long addr, size;
+ /* Look whether we find something supported */
+ pci_for_each_dev(dev) {
+ /* Search all device groups */
+ for (g=0; DEVICE(0); g++ ) {
+ /* Search all devices in group */
+ for (d=0; DEVICE(d) && DEVICE(d) != pci_id(dev); d++);
+ if(DEVICE(d) == pci_id(dev))
+ break;
+ }
+ flashdevices[flashcount].idx=g;
+ flashdevices[flashcount].data=dev;
+ map_always=devices[g].memarea(&addr, &size, dev);
+#ifdef DEBUG_PCI
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: device=%x, cs=%d addr=%lx, size=%ld\n",
+ pci_id(dev),g, addr,size);
+ if(!size)
+ continue;
+ flash_probe_area(addr, size, map_always);
+ }
+#undef DEVICE
+/* Intel 430, 440, 450 PCI Chipsets */
+#define CURRENT ((struct pci_dev *)flashdevices[currflash].data)
+static int gporeg_save;
+static void intel4x0_activate(void)
+#ifdef __ABIT_BE6II_v11__
+#define GPONUM 26
+#define GPOREG_OFFSET 0x34
+ register unsigned int gporeg;
+ /* Read Bus 0, Dev 7, Func 3, Reg 40-44 (Power Managment Base Address) */
+ outl (0x80003B40, 0x0CF8);
+ /* calc General Purpose Output Register I/O port address */
+ gporeg = (0xFFFFFFFE & inl (0x0CFC)) + GPOREG_OFFSET;
+ /* Set GPO26 to 0 */
+ gporeg_save=inl(gporeg);
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: GPOREG=0x%08x, mask=0x%x, new=0x%x\n",gporeg_save, (~(1<<GPONUM)), gporeg_save&(~(1<<GPONUM)));
+ outl (gporeg_save&(~(1<<GPONUM)), gporeg);
+ pci_dummy[0]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0x4e);
+ pci_dummy[1]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0x4f);
+ /* Write and 128k enable */
+ pci_dummy[2]=0x44; //0xC4
+ if (CURRENT->device < 0x7000) {
+ /* enable 512k */
+ pci_dummy[2]|=0x80;
+ } else {
+ /* enable 1M */
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x4f, pci_dummy[1] | 0x02);
+ }
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x4e, pci_dummy[0] | pci_dummy[2]);
+ // printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: isa bridge cfg is 0x%02x\n", pci_dummy[0]);
+static void intel4x0_deactivate(void)
+#ifdef __ABIT_BE6II_v11__
+#define GPOREG_OFFSET 0x34
+ register unsigned long gporeg;
+ /* Read Bus 0, Dev 7, Func 3, Reg 40-44 (Power Managment Base Address) */
+ outl (0x80003B40, 0x0CF8);
+ /* calc General Purpose Output Register I/O port address */
+ gporeg = (0xFFFFFFFE & inl (0x0CFC)) + GPOREG_OFFSET;
+ /* Reset GBO26 */
+ outl (gporeg_save, gporeg);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x4e, pci_dummy[0]);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x4f, pci_dummy[1]);
+/* preliminary support for Intel 830 mobile chipset. untested!! */
+static void intel8x0_activate(void)
+ pci_dummy[0]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0x4e);
+ pci_dummy[1]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0xe3);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x4e, pci_dummy[0] | 0x01);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0xe3, pci_dummy[1] | 0xC0);
+ // We don't have to change FWH_DEC_EN1, as it decodes
+ // all memory areas to the FWH per default.
+ // We try it anyways.
+ // FWH_DEC_EN1: isabridge, 0xe3, 8bit, default 0xff.
+ // FWH_SEL1: isabridge, 0xe8, 32bit, default 0x00112233 (??)
+ //printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: BIOS_CNTL is 0x%02x\n", pci_dummy[0]);
+ //printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: FWH_DEC_EN1 is 0x%02x\n", pci_dummy[1]);
+static void intel8x0_deactivate(void)
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x4e, pci_dummy[0]);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0xe3, pci_dummy[1]);
+/* AMD 760/756/751 & VIA (M)VP3 */
+static void amd7xx_activate(void)
+ pci_dummy[0]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0x40); /* IO Control 1 */
+ pci_dummy[1]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0x43); /* SEGEN */
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x40, pci_dummy[0] | 0x01);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x43, pci_dummy[1] | 0x80);
+static void amd7xx_deactivate(void)
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x43, pci_dummy[1]);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x40, pci_dummy[0]);
+static void viamvp3_activate(void)
+ hostbridge = pci_find_class(PCI_CLASS_BRIDGE_HOST<<8,NULL);
+ if (!hostbridge)
+ return;
+ pci_dummy[0]=pci_read(hostbridge,0x52);
+ pci_write(hostbridge, 0x52, pci_dummy[0] & 0xcf);
+ pci_dummy[1]=pci_read(hostbridge, 0x63);
+ pci_write(hostbridge, 0x63, pci_dummy[1] & 0x0f);
+ pci_dummy[2]=pci_read(CURRENT,0x43);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x43, pci_dummy[2] |0xF8);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x40, pci_read(CURRENT,0x40) | 0x01);
+static void viamvp3_deactivate(void)
+ if (!hostbridge)
+ return;
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x40, pci_read(CURRENT,0x40) & 0xfe);
+ pci_write(hostbridge, 0x63, pci_dummy[1]);
+ pci_write(hostbridge, 0x52, pci_dummy[0]);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x43, pci_dummy[2]);
+/* SiS works with 530/5595 chipsets */
+static void sis_activate(void)
+ char b;
+ hostbridge = pci_find_class(PCI_CLASS_BRIDGE_HOST<<8,NULL);
+ if (!hostbridge)
+ return;
+ pci_dummy[0]=pci_read(hostbridge, 0x76);
+ pci_dummy[1]=readb(0x51);
+ pci_dummy[2]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0x40);
+ pci_dummy[3]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0x45);
+ /* disable shadow */
+ pci_write(hostbridge, 0x76, 0x00);
+ /* disable cache */
+ writeb(pci_dummy[1] & 0x7f, 0x51);
+ /* Enable 0xFFF8000~0xFFFF0000 decoding on SiS 540/630 */
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x40, pci_dummy[2]|0x0b);
+ /* Flash write enable on SiS 540/630 */
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x45, pci_dummy[3]|0x40);
+ /* The same thing on SiS 950 SuperIO side */
+ outb(0x87, 0x2e);
+ outb(0x01, 0x2e);
+ outb(0x55, 0x2e);
+ outb(0x55, 0x2e);
+ if (inb(0x2f) != 0x87) {
+ /* printf("Can not access SiS 950\n"); */
+ return;
+ }
+ outb(0x24, 0x2e);
+ b = inb(0x2f) | 0xfc;
+ outb(0x24, 0x2e);
+ outb(b, 0x2f);
+ outb(0x02, 0x2e);
+ outb(0x02, 0x2f);
+static void sis_deactivate(void)
+ if (!hostbridge)
+ return;
+ /* Restore PCI Registers */
+ pci_write(hostbridge, 0x76, pci_dummy[0]);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x45, pci_dummy[2]);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x45, pci_dummy[3]);
+ /* restore cache to original status */
+ writeb(pci_dummy[1], 0x51);
+/* UMC 486 Chipset 8881/886a */
+static void umc_activate(void)
+ hostbridge = pci_find_class(PCI_CLASS_BRIDGE_HOST<<8,NULL);
+ if (!hostbridge)
+ return;
+ pci_dummy[0]=pci_read(hostbridge, 0x54);
+ pci_dummy[1]=pci_read(hostbridge, 0x55);
+ pci_write(hostbridge, 0x54, 0x00);
+ pci_write(hostbridge, 0x55, 0x40);
+ pci_write(CURRENT,0x47, pci_read(CURRENT,0x47) & ~0x40);
+static void umc_deactivate(void)
+ if (!hostbridge)
+ return;
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x47, pci_read(CURRENT,0x47) | 0x40);
+ pci_write(hostbridge, 0x54, pci_dummy[0]);
+ pci_write(hostbridge, 0x55, pci_dummy[1]);
+/* CS5530 functions */
+static void cs5530_activate(void)
+ /* Save modified registers for later reset */
+ pci_dummy[0]=pci_read(CURRENT,0x52);
+ pci_dummy[1]=pci_read(CURRENT,0x5b);
+ /* enable rom write access */
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x52, pci_dummy[0]|0x06);
+ /* enable rom positive decode */
+ // pci_write(CURRENT,0x5b, pci_dummy[1]|0x20);
+ // pci_write(CURRENT,0x52, pci_read(CURRENT,0x52)|0x01);
+static void cs5530_deactivate(void)
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x52, pci_dummy[0]);
+ // pci_write(CURRENT, 0x5b, pci_dummy[1]);
+/* Reliance / ServerWorks */
+static void reliance_activate(void)
+ pci_dummy[0]=pci_read(CURRENT,0x41);
+ pci_dummy[1]=pci_read(CURRENT,0x70);
+ pci_dummy[2]=inb(0xc6f);
+ /* Enable 512k */
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x41, pci_dummy[0] | 0x02);
+ /* Enable 4MB */
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x70, pci_dummy[1] | 0x80);
+ /* Enable flash write */
+ outb(pci_dummy[2] | 0x40, 0xc6f);
+static void reliance_deactivate(void)
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x41, pci_dummy[0]);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x70, pci_dummy[1]);
+ outb(pci_dummy[2], 0xc6f);
+/* ALi Methods - untested */
+static void ali_activate(void)
+ pci_dummy[0]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0x47);
+ pci_dummy[1]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0x79);
+ pci_dummy[2]=pci_read(CURRENT, 0x7f);
+ /* write enable, 256k enable */
+#ifdef OLD_ALi
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x47, pci_dummy[0]|0x47);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x47, pci_dummy[0]|0x43);
+ /* M1543C rev B1 supports 512k. Register reserved before */
+#ifdef OLD_ALi
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x79, pci_dummy[1]|0x10);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x7f, pci_dummy[2]|0x01);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x7b, pci_dummy[1]|0x10);
+static void ali_deactivate(void)
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x47, pci_dummy[0]);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x79, pci_dummy[1]);
+ pci_write(CURRENT, 0x7f, pci_dummy[2]);
+/* Default routines. Use these if nothing else works */
+#if 0
+static unsigned int def_addr;
+static void default_activate(void)
+ struct resource *r;
+ pci_read_config_dword(CURRENT, CURRENT->rom_base_reg, &def_addr);
+ if (def_addr)
+ pci_write_config_dword (CURRENT, CURRENT->rom_base_reg,
+ long ret;
+ if (pci_enable_device(CURRENT))
+ return;
+ pci_write_config_dword (CURRENT, CURRENT->rom_base_reg,
+ pci_resource_start(CURRENT, PCI_ROM_RESOURCE)|
+ ret=(long)request_mem_region( pci_resource_start(CURRENT,
+ PCI_ROM_RESOURCE), pci_resource_len(CURRENT,
+ PCI_ROM_RESOURCE), "Firmware memory");
+ if (!ret)
+ printk (KERN_ERR "BIOS: cannot reserve MMROM region "
+ "0x%lx+0x%lx\n",
+ pci_resource_start(CURRENT, PCI_ROM_RESOURCE),
+ pci_resource_len(CURRENT, PCI_ROM_RESOURCE));
+ else
+ printk (KERN_INFO "BIOS: mapped rom region to 0x%lx\n", ret);
+static void default_deactivate(void)
+ struct resource *r;
+ r->flags &= ~PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE;
+ pci_write_config_dword (CURRENT, CURRENT->rom_base_reg, def_addr);
+ release_mem_region(pci_resource_start(CURRENT, PCI_ROM_RESOURCE),
+ pci_resource_len(CURRENT, PCI_ROM_RESOURCE));
+const struct flashdev devices[] = {
+ /* Intel 4x0 chipsets */
+ { (int[]) { 0x8086122e, 0x80861234, 0x80867000, 0x80867110,
+ 0x80867198, 0 },
+ intel4x0_activate, intel4x0_deactivate, system_memarea },
+ /* Intel 8x0 chipsets */
+ { (int[]) { 0x80862410, 0x80862420, 0x80862440, 0x8086244c,
+ 0x80862480, 0x8086248c, 0x80867600, 0 },
+ intel8x0_activate, intel8x0_deactivate, system_memarea },
+ /* Irongate 75x, AMD-76xMP(X), VT8231/3 */
+ { (int[]) { 0x10227400, 0x10227408, 0x10227410, 0x10227440,
+ 0x11068231, 0x11063074, 0 },
+ amd7xx_activate, amd7xx_deactivate, system_memarea },
+ /* AMD Hammer (thor chipset) */
+ { (int[]) { 0x10227468, 0 },
+ amd7xx_activate, amd7xx_deactivate, system_memarea },
+ /* VIA (M)VP3, VT82C686 [Apollo Super South] */
+ { (int[]) { 0x11060586, 0x11060596, 0x11060686, 0 },
+ viamvp3_activate, viamvp3_deactivate, memarea_256k },
+ /* UMC */
+ { (int[]) { 0x1060886a, 0x10600886, 0x1060e886, 0x10608886, 0 },
+ umc_activate, umc_deactivate, system_memarea },
+ /* SiS */
+ { (int[]) { 0x10390008, 0x10390018, 0 },
+ sis_activate, sis_deactivate, system_memarea },
+ /* OPTi */
+ { (int[]) { 0x1045c558, 0 },
+ default_activate, default_deactivate, system_memarea },
+ /* NSC CS5530(A) */
+ { (int[]) { 0x10780100, 0 },
+ cs5530_activate, cs5530_deactivate, memarea_256k },
+ /* Reliance/ServerWorks NB6xxx */
+ { (int[]) { 0x11660200, 0 },
+ reliance_activate, reliance_deactivate, system_memarea },
+ /* ALi */
+ { (int[]) { 0x10b91523, 0x10b91533, 0x10b91543, 0 },
+ ali_activate, ali_deactivate, system_memarea },
+ { (int[]) { 0x00000000 },
+ default_activate, default_deactivate, default_memarea }
+#endif /* CONFIG_PCI */
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/pcisets.h b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/pcisets.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1045f0a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/pcisets.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * OpenBIOS - free your system!
+ * ( firmware/flash device driver for Linux )
+ *
+ * pcisets.h - structures for device bindings
+ *
+ * This program is part of a free implementation of the IEEE 1275-1994
+ * Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Stefan Reinauer, <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
+struct flashdev {
+ unsigned int *pcidevs;
+ void (*activate)(void);
+ void (*deactivate) (void);
+ int (*memarea)(unsigned long *address, unsigned long *size,
+ struct pci_dev *dev);
+extern const struct flashdev devices[];
+void probe_pcibus(void);
+#ifdef __alpha__
+void probe_alphafw(void);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/procfs.c b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/procfs.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12ad17e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/procfs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * OpenBIOS - free your system!
+ * ( firmware/flash device driver for Linux )
+ *
+ * procfs.c - proc filesystem handling for flash device listing.
+ *
+ * This program is part of a free implementation of the IEEE 1275-1994
+ * Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Stefan Reinauer, <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/modversions.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include "bios.h"
+#include "pcisets.h"
+#include "flashchips.h"
+#include "programming.h"
+struct proc_dir_entry *proc_bios;
+#define PRINT_PROC(fmt,args...) \
+ do { \
+ if (!run) \
+ break; \
+ len += sprintf( buffer+len, fmt, ##args ); \
+ if (begin + len > offset + size) \
+ run=0; \
+ else if (begin + len < offset) { \
+ begin += len; \
+ len = 0; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ * ******************************************
+ *
+ * /proc/bios handling
+ *
+ * ******************************************
+ */
+#define CFLASH flashdevices[i]
+#define FLASH flashchips[CFLASH.flashnum]
+#define MANUF manufacturers[CFLASH.manufnum]
+int bios_read_proc(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int size, int *eof, void *data)
+ int len=0, run=1, i;
+ off_t begin = 0;
+ for (i=0;i<flashcount;i++) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_PROC
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: processing proc info for "
+ "flashchip %d\n",i+1);
+ if (i) /* empty line is seperator between flash chips */
+ PRINT_PROC("\n");
+ PRINT_PROC("Memory Address : 0x%08lx\n",
+ (unsigned long)CFLASH.physical);
+ PRINT_PROC("Memory Size : %d kByte\n", CFLASH.size>>10);
+ PRINT_PROC("Flash Type : ");
+ if ( == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Flash chip completely unknown -> output ID and proceed */
+ if ( == 0) {
+ PRINT_PROC("unknown %s device (id 0x%04x)\n",
+ PRINT_PROC("Supported : no\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ PRINT_PROC("%s %s (%dV)\n",,
+, FLASH.voltage);
+ PRINT_PROC("Supported : %s\n",
+ FLASH.supported ? "yes": "no");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ PRINT_PROC("Pagetable : %d Byte\n", FLASH.pagesize );
+ PRINT_PROC("Erase first : %s\n",
+ FLASH.flags & f_needs_erase ? "yes": "no");
+ PRINT_PROC("Intel compliant : %s\n",
+ FLASH.flags & f_intel_compl ? "yes": "no");
+ PRINT_PROC("FWH compliant : %s\n",
+ FLASH.flags & f_fwh_compl ? "yes": "no");
+ if (CFLASH.sectors > 1)
+ PRINT_PROC("Sectors : %d\n", CFLASH.sectors);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG_PROC
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: read_proc done.\n");
+ /* set to 1 if we're done */
+ *eof=run;
+ if (offset >= begin + len)
+ return 0;
+ *start = buffer + (begin - offset);
+ return (size < begin + len - offset ? size : begin + len - offset);
+#undef FLASH
+#undef MANUF
+#undef CFLASH
+int bios_write_proc(struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data)
+ printk (KERN_INFO "%s\n",buffer);
+ return count;
+int bios_proc_register(void)
+ if ((proc_bios = create_proc_entry("bios", 0, 0))) {
+ proc_bios->read_proc = bios_read_proc;
+ proc_bios->write_proc = bios_write_proc;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+int bios_proc_unregister(void)
+ if (proc_bios)
+ remove_proc_entry("bios", 0);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/programming.c b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/programming.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1b35a34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/programming.c
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+ * OpenBIOS - free your system!
+ * ( firmware/flash device driver for Linux )
+ *
+ * programming.c - flash device programming and probing algorithms.
+ *
+ * This program is part of a free implementation of the IEEE 1275-1994
+ * Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Stefan Reinauer, <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+// <-- C++ style comments are for experimental comments only.
+// They will disappear as soon as I fixed all the stuff.
+/* #define DEBUG_PROBING */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/modversions.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/delay.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include "bios.h"
+#include "pcisets.h"
+#include "flashchips.h"
+#include "programming.h"
+struct flashdevice flashdevices[BIOS_MAXDEV];
+int flashcount;
+ * ******************************************
+ *
+ * flashchip handling
+ *
+ * ******************************************
+ */
+void flash_command (unsigned char *addr, unsigned char command)
+#if 1
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x5555, 0xaa);
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x2AAA, 0x55);
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x5555, command);
+void fwh_flash_command(unsigned char *addr, unsigned char command)
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x75555, 0xaa);
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x72aaa, 0x55);
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x75555, command);
+#define CFLASH flashdevices[flashcount]
+int flash_probe_address(void *address)
+ int flashnum=0, manufnum=0, sectors=0;
+ unsigned short flash_id, testflash;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ printk( KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Probing for flash chip @0x%08lx\n", (unsigned long) address);
+ save_flags(flags);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&bios_lock, flags);
+ testflash= (flash_readb(address, 0))+(flash_readb(address, 1)<<8);
+ /* 1st method: Intel, Atmel listen to this.. */
+ flash_command(address, 0x90);
+ udelay(20);
+ flash_id = (flash_readb(address, 0))+(flash_readb(address, 1)<<8);
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: testflash[%04x] flash_id[%04x]\n",
+ testflash, flash_id);
+ /* 2nd method: Winbond (I think this is Jedec standard) */
+ if (flash_id==testflash) {
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Trying 2nd ID method.\n");
+ flash_command(address, 0xf0); /* Reset */
+ udelay(20);
+ flash_command(address, 0x80);
+ flash_command(address, 0x60);
+ udelay(20);
+ flash_id = (flash_readb(address, 0))+(flash_readb(address, 1)<<8);
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: testflash[%04x] flash_id[%04x]\n",
+ testflash, flash_id);
+ }
+ /* 3rd Method: Some Winbonds seem to want this */
+ if (flash_id==testflash) {
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Trying 3rd ID method.\n");
+ flash_command(address, 0xf0); /* Reset again */
+ udelay(20);
+ flash_command(address, 0x80);
+ flash_command(address, 0x20);
+ udelay(20);
+ flash_id = (flash_readb(address, 0))+(flash_readb(address, 1)<<8);
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: testflash[%04x] flash_id[%04x]\n",
+ testflash, flash_id);
+ }
+ if (flash_id==0x7f7f && flash_readb(address, 0x100)==0x1c) {
+ /* We have an Eon flashchip. They keep their
+ * device id at 0x101 instead of 0x1
+ */
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: Eon flash device detected\n");
+ flash_id=(flash_readb(address, 0x1))+(flash_readb(address, 0x101)<<8);
+ }
+ flash_command(address, 0xf0);
+ udelay(20);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bios_lock, flags);
+ if (flash_id==testflash) return 0; /* Nothing found :-( */
+ while (flashchips[flashnum].id!=0) {
+ if (flash_id==flashchips[flashnum].id)
+ break;
+ flashnum++;
+ }
+ while (manufacturers[manufnum].id!=0) {
+ if ((flash_id&0xff)==manufacturers[manufnum].id)
+ break;
+ manufnum++;
+ }
+ if (flashchips[flashnum].id) {
+ while (flashchips[flashnum].sectors[sectors]<flashchips[flashnum].size)
+ sectors++;
+ }
+ if (flashcount >= BIOS_MAXDEV) {
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Too many flash devices found.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ CFLASH.flashnum = flashnum;
+ CFLASH.manufnum = manufnum;
+ = flash_id;
+ CFLASH.size = (flashchips[flashnum].size<<10);
+ CFLASH.sectors = sectors;
+ CFLASH.open_mode= 0;
+ CFLASH.open_cnt = 0;
+ return 1;
+void flash_probe_area(unsigned long romaddr, unsigned long romsize,
+ int map_always)
+ unsigned long probeaddr;
+ unsigned char *mapped;
+ mapped=ioremap(romaddr, romsize);
+ devices[flashdevices[currflash].idx].activate();
+ probeaddr=(unsigned long)mapped;
+ while ( probeaddr < (unsigned long)mapped + romsize - 0x5555 ) {
+ if ( flash_probe_address ((void *)probeaddr) != 1) {
+ probeaddr += 4*1024;
+ continue;
+ }
+ CFLASH.offset = probeaddr-(unsigned long)mapped;
+ CFLASH.mapped = (unsigned long)mapped;
+ CFLASH.physical = romaddr+CFLASH.offset;
+ printk( KERN_INFO "BIOS: flash device with size "
+ "%dk (ID 0x%04x) found.\n",
+ CFLASH.size >> 10,;
+ printk( KERN_INFO "BIOS: physical address "
+ "0x%08lx (va=0x%08lx+0x%lx).\n",
+ CFLASH.physical, (unsigned long)CFLASH.mapped,
+ CFLASH.offset);
+ if (flashchips[CFLASH.flashnum].flags&f_fwh_compl) {
+ unsigned long t_lk;
+ unsigned int i=7;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "BIOS: FWH compliant "
+ "chip detected.\n");
+ for (t_lk=0xffb80002; t_lk<=0xffbf0002; t_lk+=0x10000)
+ {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Lock register %d "
+ "(0x%08lx): 0x%x\n",
+ i, t_lk, (unsigned int)
+ (readb(phys_to_virt(t_lk))));
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ flashcount++;
+ currflash++;
+ probeaddr += flashdevices[flashcount-1].size;
+ flashdevices[flashcount].mapped=flashdevices[flashcount-1].mapped;
+ flashdevices[flashcount].data=flashdevices[flashcount-1].data;
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* We might want to always map the memory
+ * region in certain cases
+ */
+ if (map_always) {
+ CFLASH.flashnum = 0;
+ CFLASH.manufnum = 0;
+ = 0;
+ CFLASH.size = romsize;
+ CFLASH.sectors = 0;
+ CFLASH.open_mode= 0;
+ CFLASH.open_cnt = 0;
+ CFLASH.offset = 0;
+ CFLASH.mapped = (unsigned long)mapped;
+ CFLASH.physical = romaddr;
+ printk( KERN_INFO "BIOS: rom device with size "
+ "%dk registered.\n", CFLASH.size >> 10);
+ flashcount++; currflash++;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* We found nothing in this area, so let's unmap it again */
+ if (flashcount && flashdevices[flashcount-1].mapped != (unsigned long)mapped)
+ iounmap(mapped);
+ devices[flashdevices[currflash].idx].deactivate();
+#undef CFLASH
+void flash_program (unsigned char *addr)
+ flash_command(addr, 0xa0);
+void flash_program_atmel (unsigned char *addr)
+ flash_command(addr, 0x80);
+ flash_command(addr, 0x20);
+int flash_erase (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int flashnum)
+ flash_command(addr, 0x80);
+ flash_command(addr, 0x10);
+ udelay(80);
+ return flash_ready_toggle(addr, 0);
+int flash_erase_sectors (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int flashnum, unsigned int startsec, unsigned int endsec)
+ unsigned int sector;
+ if (!(flashchips[flashnum].flags & f_slow_sector_erase)) {
+ flash_command(addr, 0x80);
+ if (flashchips[flashnum].flags&f_fwh_compl) {
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x75555,0xaa);
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x72aaa,0x55);
+ } else {
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x5555,0xaa);
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x2aaa,0x55);
+ }
+ for (sector=startsec; sector <= endsec; sector++) {
+ flash_writeb (addr, flashchips[flashnum].sectors[sector]*1024, 0x30);
+ }
+ udelay(150); // 80 max normally, wait 150usec to be sure
+#if 0
+ if (flashchips[flashnum].flags&f_fwh_compl)
+ return flash_ready_toggle(addr, flashchips[flashnum].sectors[sector-1]*1024);
+#if 0
+ else
+ return flash_ready_poll(addr, flashchips[flashnum].sectors[sector-1]*1024, 0xff);
+ }
+ /* sectors must be sent the sector erase command for every sector */
+ for (sector=startsec; sector <= endsec; sector++) {
+ flash_command(addr, 0x80);
+ if (flashchips[flashnum].flags&f_fwh_compl) {
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x75555,0xaa);
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x72aaa,0x55);
+ } else {
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x5555,0xaa);
+ flash_writeb(addr, 0x2aaa,0x55);
+ }
+ flash_writeb(addr, flashchips[flashnum].sectors[sector]*1024, 0x30);
+ udelay(150);
+#if 0
+ if (flashchips[flashnum].flags&f_fwh_compl)
+ flash_ready_toggle(addr, flashchips[flashnum].sectors[sector] *1024);
+#if 0
+ else
+ flash_ready_poll(addr, flashchips[flashnum].sectors[sector]*1024, 0xff);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* waiting for the end of programming/erasure by using the toggle method.
+ * As long as there is a programming procedure going on, bit 6 of the last
+ * written byte is toggling it's state with each consecutive read.
+ * The toggling stops as soon as the procedure is completed.
+ * This function returns 0 if everything is ok, 1 if an error occured
+ * while programming was in progress.
+ */
+int flash_ready_toggle (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int offset)
+ unsigned long int timeout=0;
+ unsigned char oldflag, flag;
+ int loop=1;
+ oldflag=flash_readb(addr, offset) & 0x40;
+ while (loop && (timeout<0x7fffffff)) {
+ flag=flash_readb(addr, offset) & 0x40;
+ if (flag == oldflag)
+ loop=0;
+ oldflag=flag;
+ timeout++;
+ }
+ if (loop) {
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: operation timed out (Toggle)\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* This functions is similar to the above one. While a programming
+ * procedure is going on, bit 7 of the last written data byte is
+ * inverted. When the procedure is completed, bit 7 contains the
+ * correct data value
+ */
+int flash_ready_poll (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int offset, unsigned char data)
+ unsigned long int timeout=0;
+ unsigned char flag;
+ flag=flash_readb(addr, offset);
+ while ( ( flag & 0x80) != ( data & 0x80)) {
+ if ( ( flag & 0x80 ) == ( data & 0x80 ) ) {
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Timeout value (EOT Polling) %ld\n",timeout);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ flag=flash_readb(addr, offset);
+ if (timeout++>12800) { // 10 times more than usual.
+ printk(KERN_ERR "BIOS: EOT Polling timed out at 0x%08x."
+ " Try again or increase max. timeout.\n",offset);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ((flag & 0x80) == ( data & 0x80)) {
+ flag=flash_readb(addr, offset);
+ }
+ }
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Timeout value (EOT Polling) %ld\n",timeout);
+ flag=flash_readb(addr, offset);
+ if ( ( flag & 0x80 ) == ( data & 0x80 ) ) return 0; else return 1;
+void iflash_program_byte (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int offset, unsigned char data)
+ unsigned long int timeout=0;
+ unsigned char flag;
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, 0x40);
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, data);
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, 0x70); /* Read Status */
+ do {
+ flag=flash_readb (addr, offset);
+ if (timeout++>100) { // usually 2 or 3 :-)
+ printk(KERN_ERR "BIOS: Intel programming timed out at"
+ "0x%08x. Try again or increase max. timeout.\n",offset);
+ return;
+ }
+ } while ((flag&0x80) != 0x80);
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG"BIOS: Timeout value (Intel byte program) %ld\n",timeout);
+ if (flag&0x18) {
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, 0x50); /* Reset Status Register */
+ printk (KERN_ERR "BIOS: Error occured, please repeat write operation. (intel)\n");
+ }
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, 0xff);
+int iflash_erase_sectors (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int flashnum, unsigned int startsec, unsigned int endsec)
+ unsigned long int timeout;
+ unsigned int sector, offset=0;
+ unsigned char flag;
+ for (sector=startsec; sector<=endsec; sector++) {
+ offset=(flashchips[flashnum].sectors[sector]*1024);
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, 0x20);
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, 0xd0);
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, 0x70); /* Read Status */
+ timeout=0;
+ do {
+ flag=flash_readb (addr, offset);
+ if (timeout++>1440000) { // usually 144000
+ printk(KERN_ERR "BIOS: Intel sector erase timed out at 0x%08x. Try again or increase max. timeout.\n",offset);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } while ((flag&0x80) != 0x80);
+ printk (KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: Timeout value (Intel sector erase) %ld\n",timeout);
+ if (flag&0x28) {
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, 0x50);
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, 0xff);
+ return 1; /* Error! */
+ }
+ }
+ flash_writeb (addr, offset, 0xff);
+ return 0;
+unsigned char flash_readb(unsigned char *addr, unsigned int offset)
+#if defined(__alpha__)
+ if (flashdevices[currflash].data==(void *)0xfff80000) {
+ if (offset<0x80000)
+ outb(0x00,0x800);
+ else {
+ outb(0x01, 0x800);
+ offset-=0x80000;
+ }
+ }
+ return readb(addr+offset);
+void flash_writeb(unsigned char *addr, unsigned int offset, unsigned char data)
+#if defined(__alpha__)
+ if (flashdevices[currflash].data==(void *)0xfff80000) {
+ if (offset<0x80000)
+ outb(0x00,0x800);
+ else {
+ outb(0x01, 0x800);
+ offset-=0x80000;
+ }
+ }
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "BIOS: writing 0x%02x to 0x%lx+0x%x\n",
+ data,bios,offset);
+ */
+ writeb(data,addr+offset);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/programming.h b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/programming.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ad104e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/devbios/programming.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * OpenBIOS - free your system!
+ * ( firmware/flash device driver for Linux )
+ *
+ * programming.h - prototypes for flash device programming
+ *
+ * This program is part of a free implementation of the IEEE 1275-1994
+ * Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Stefan Reinauer, <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+/* Addresses */
+#define ADDR_MANUFACTURER 0x0000
+#define ADDR_DEVICE_ID 0x0001
+#define ADDR_SECTOR_LOCK 0x0002
+#define ADDR_HANDSHAKE 0x0003
+#define ADDR_UNLOCK_1 0x5555
+#define ADDR_UNLOCK_2 0x2AAA
+#define ADDR_COMMAND 0x5555
+/* Commands */
+#define CMD_UNLOCK_DATA_1 0xAA
+#define CMD_UNLOCK_DATA_2 0x55
+#define CMD_RESET_DATA 0xF0
+#define CMD_ERASE_DATA 0x10
+#define CMD_UNLOCK_SECTOR 0x60
+extern int flashcount;
+void flash_command(unsigned char *addr, unsigned char command);
+void flash_program (unsigned char *addr);
+void flash_program_atmel (unsigned char *addr);
+int flash_ready_toggle (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int offset);
+int flash_ready_poll (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int offset, unsigned char data);
+int flash_erase (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int flashnum);
+int flash_erase_sectors (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int flashnum,
+ unsigned int startsec, unsigned int endsec);
+void iflash_program_byte (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int offset, unsigned char data);
+int iflash_erase_sectors (unsigned char *addr, unsigned int flashnum, unsigned int startsec, unsigned int endsec);
+unsigned char flash_readb(unsigned char *addr, unsigned int offset);
+void flash_writeb(unsigned char *addr, unsigned int offset, unsigned char data);
+int flash_probe_address(void *address);
+void flash_probe_area(unsigned long romaddr, unsigned long romsize,
+ int map_always);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/changelog b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3c96a56f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+openbios (0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial Debian version.
+ -- Patrick Mauritz <> Mon, 22 Jul 2002 23:24:56 +0200
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/control b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bf02d765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Source: openbios
+Maintainer: Patrick Mauritz <>
+Section: devel
+Priority: optional
+Standards-Version: 3.5.2
+Build-Depends: grep-dctrl, yada (>= 0.9.9)
+Package: openbios
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${openbios:Depends}
+Description: OpenBIOS - OpenFirmware development tools
+ It contains:
+ - toke: tokenizer for fcode programs
+ - detok: decompiler for fcode programs
+ - paflof: (yet) incomplete forth environment which will be
+ _the_ core of OpenBIOS
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/packages b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/packages
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dc56c01f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/packages
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Source: openbios
+Section: devel
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Patrick Mauritz <>
+Packager: Patrick Mauritz <>
+Standards-Version: 3.5.2
+Upstream-Source: <URL:>
+Home-Page: <URL:>
+Description: OpenBIOS - OpenFirmware development tools
+Copyright: GPL
+ Copyright 2001-2002 Stefan Reinauer, Segher Boessenkool
+ First release
+Build: sh
+ CC=gcc
+ CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall"
+ cd toke; make; strip toke; cd ..
+ cd detok; make; strip detok; cd ..
+ cd paflof; make; strip paflof; cd ..
+ find toke/examples -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -f
+Clean: sh
+ cd toke; make clean; cd ..
+ cd detok; make clean; cd ..
+ cd paflof; make clean; cd ..
+Package: openbios
+Architecture: any
+Depends: [/usr/bin/*]
+Description: OpenBIOS - OpenFirmware development tools
+ It contains:
+ - toke: tokenizer for fcode programs
+ - detok: decompiler for fcode programs
+ - paflof: (yet) incomplete forth environment which will be
+ _the_ core of OpenBIOS
+Install: sh
+ mkdir -p $ROOT/usr/bin
+ mkdir -p $ROOT/usr/share/openbios
+ mkdir -p $ROOT/usr/share/doc/packages/openbios
+ cp toke/toke $ROOT/usr/bin
+ cp detok/detok $ROOT/usr/bin
+ cp paflof/paflof $ROOT/usr/bin
+ cp -a toke/examples $ROOT/usr/share/doc/openbios
+ cp -a forth $ROOT/usr/share/openbios
+ cp toke/README $ROOT/usr/share/doc/openbios/README.toke
+ cp detok/README $ROOT/usr/share/doc/openbios/README.detok
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/rules b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6bf532691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#! /usr/bin/make -f
+# Generated automatically from debian/packages
+# by yada v0.9.9, of Tue, 07 Dec 1999
+# Modified by Piotr Roszatycki <>, Mon, 1 Oct 2001 13:14:11 +0200
+DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_CPU)
+DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)
+DEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM)
+DEB_BUILD_GNU_CPU := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_CPU)
+DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)
+DEB_BUILD_GNU_SYSTEM := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_SYSTEM)
+VERSION:=$(shell LC_ALL=C dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -ne 's/^Version: *\([^2]*\)/\1/p')
+.PHONY: default
+ @echo "Specify a target:"; \
+ echo " build compile the package"; \
+ echo " binary make all binary packages"; \
+ echo " binary-arch make all architecture-dependent binary packages"; \
+ echo " binary-indep make all architecture-independent binary packages"; \
+ echo " clean clean up the source package"; \
+ echo; \
+ echo " depends check build-time dependencies"; \
+ echo " install-tree compile the package and create the install trees"; \
+ echo " clean-install-tree clean up only under debian/"; \
+ echo
+# Check build dependencies and conflicts
+.PHONY: depends
+depends: chmod-yada debian/depends-stamp
+ @echo 'Checking build conflicts and dependencies; just a minute...'
+ @echo -n 'grep-dctrl...'; v=$$(grep-status -X -F Package 'grep-dctrl' | grep Version | head -1 | sed -e 's/^Version: //'); \
+ if test ! "$$v"; then echo -n 'grep-dctrl (virtual package)...'; v=$$(grep-status -e -F Provides '(^grep-dctrl, |, grep-dctrl$$|^grep-dctrl$$)' | grep Version | head -1 | sed -e 's/^Version: //'); fi; \
+ if test "$$v"; then \
+ exit 0; \
+ fi; \
+ echo 'Build depends on `grep-dctrl'\'' (any version), which is not satisfied' | fmt; exit 1
+ @echo -n 'yada...'; v=$$(grep-status -X -F Package 'yada' | grep Version | head -1 | sed -e 's/^Version: //'); \
+ if test ! "$$v"; then echo -n 'yada (virtual package)...'; v=$$(grep-status -e -F Provides '(^yada, |, yada$$|^yada$$)' | grep Version | head -1 | sed -e 's/^Version: //'); fi; \
+ if test "$$v"; then \
+ if dpkg --compare-versions "$$v" '>=' '0.9.9'; then \
+ exit 0; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ echo 'Build depends on `yada'\'' (version >= 0.9.9), which is not satisfied' | fmt; exit 1
+ @echo
+ @echo 'Conflicts and dependencies all satisfied!'
+ touch debian/depends-stamp
+# Build the package and prepare the install tree
+.PHONY: build-only build
+build-only: debian/build-stamp
+build: chmod-yada build-only
+# Make sure these rules and the control file are up-to-date
+.PHONY: rules control
+rules: debian/rules
+debian/rules: $(shell which yada) debian/packages
+ $(shell which yada) rebuild rules
+control: debian/control
+debian/control: $(shell which yada) debian/packages
+ $(shell which yada) rebuild control
+debian/build-stamp: debian/depends-stamp
+ @[ -f $(shell which yada) -a -f debian/rules ]
+ @umask 022 \
+ && export PACKAGE="openbios" \
+ && export VERSION="$(VERSION)" \
+ && export DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU="$(DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU)" \
+ && (\
+ echo -E 'eval "yada () { perl $$(which yada) \"\$$@\"; }"; set -e; set -v';\
+ echo -E 'CC=gcc';\
+ echo -E 'CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall"';\
+ echo -E 'cd toke; make; strip toke; cd ..';\
+ echo -E 'cd detok; make; strip detok; cd ..';\
+ echo -E 'cd paflof; make; strip paflof; cd ..';\
+ echo -E 'find toke/examples -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -f') | /bin/sh
+ touch debian/build-stamp
+.PHONY: install-tree
+install-tree: chmod-yada install-tree-any
+install-tree-any: \
+ debian/tmp-openbios/DEBIAN/control
+debian/tmp-openbios/DEBIAN/control: debian/build-stamp debian/control
+ rm -rf debian/tmp-openbios
+ umask 022 && install -d debian/tmp-openbios/DEBIAN
+ install -d debian/tmp-openbios/usr/share/doc/openbios
+ umask 022; $(shell which yada) generate copyright \
+ >debian/tmp-openbios/usr/share/doc/openbios/copyright
+ install -m 644 -p debian/changelog \
+ debian/tmp-openbios/usr/share/doc/openbios/changelog.Debian
+ @umask 022 \
+ && export PACKAGE="openbios" \
+ && export ROOT="$$(pwd)/debian/tmp-openbios" \
+ && export CONTROL="$$(pwd)/debian/tmp-openbios/DEBIAN" \
+ && export VERSION="$(VERSION)" \
+ && export DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU="$(DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU)" \
+ && (\
+ echo -E 'eval "yada () { perl $$(which yada) \"\$$@\"; }"; set -e; set -v';\
+ echo -E 'mkdir -p $$ROOT/usr/bin';\
+ echo -E 'mkdir -p $$ROOT/usr/share/openbios';\
+ echo -E 'mkdir -p $$ROOT/usr/share/doc/packages/openbios';\
+ echo -E 'cp toke/toke $$ROOT/usr/bin';\
+ echo -E 'cp detok/detok $$ROOT/usr/bin';\
+ echo -E 'cp paflof/paflof $$ROOT/usr/bin';\
+ echo -E 'cp -a toke/examples $$ROOT/usr/share/doc/openbios';\
+ echo -E 'cp -a forth $$ROOT/usr/share/openbios';\
+ echo -E 'cp toke/README $$ROOT/usr/share/doc/openbios/README.toke';\
+ echo -E 'cp detok/README $$ROOT/usr/share/doc/openbios/README.detok') | /bin/sh
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="debian/tmp-openbios/lib:debian/tmp-openbios/usr/lib:$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" dpkg-shlibdeps -pshlibs:openbios -dDepends debian/tmp-openbios/usr/bin/*
+ $(shell which yada) compress openbios
+ $(shell which yada) generate maintscripts openbios
+ find debian/tmp-openbios -type f -print \
+ | sed -n 's/^debian\/tmp-openbios\(\/etc\/.*\)$$/\1/p' \
+ > debian/tmp-openbios/DEBIAN/conffiles
+ if test ! -s debian/tmp-openbios/DEBIAN/conffiles; then rm -f debian/tmp-openbios/DEBIAN/conffiles; fi
+ $(shell which yada) rebuild control
+ $(shell which yada) generate substvars openbios
+ umask 022 && dpkg-gencontrol -isp -popenbios -Pdebian/tmp-openbios
+# Build package files
+.PHONY: binary binary-arch binary-indep
+binary: binary-arch binary-indep
+binary-arch: chmod-yada binary-arch-any
+.PHONY: binary-arch-any
+binary-arch-any: \
+ binary-package-openbios
+binary-indep: chmod-yada
+.PHONY: binary-package-openbios
+binary-package-openbios: check-root debian/tmp-openbios/DEBIAN/control
+ @[ -f $(shell which yada) -a -f debian/rules ]
+ chown -R 0.0 debian/tmp-openbios
+ chmod -R u=rwX,go=rX debian/tmp-openbios
+ @if [ -d debian/tmp-openbios/usr/doc/openbios ]; then \
+ echo "*** Yada warning: /usr/doc/openbios should be /usr/share/doc/openbios";\
+ fi
+ dpkg-deb --build debian/tmp-openbios ..
+.PHONY: check-root
+ @[ `id -u` = 0 ] || (echo "You must be root to do this!"; false)
+.PHONY: chmod-yada
+ @if [ -f debian/yada -a ! -x debian/yada ]; then \
+ chmod +x debian/yada; \
+ fi
+# Clean up afterwards
+.PHONY: clean clean-install-tree clean-build
+clean: chmod-yada clean-install-tree clean-build debian/control debian/rules
+ @[ -f $(shell which yada) -a -f debian/rules ]
+ rm -f debian/build-stamp debian/depends-stamp
+ @umask 022 && (\
+ echo -E 'eval "yada () { perl $$(which yada) \"\$$@\"; }"; set -e; set -v';\
+ echo -E 'cd toke; make clean; cd ..';\
+ echo -E 'cd detok; make clean; cd ..';\
+ echo -E 'cd paflof; make clean; cd ..') | /bin/sh
+clean-install-tree: chmod-yada debian/rules
+ @[ -f $(shell which yada) -a -f debian/rules ]
+ rm -f debian/install-tree-stamp
+ rm -rf debian/tmp* debian/files* debian/substvars
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/openbios.spec b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/openbios.spec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fcce7ab46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/dist/openbios.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# spec file for package openbios
+Name: openbios
+Version: 0.1
+Release: 0
+Summary: OpenBIOS development utilities
+License: GNU General Public License (GPL) - all versions, Other License(s), see package
+Group: Development/Tools/Other
+Autoreqprov: on
+# Scripts and programs
+Source0: OpenBIOS.tar.bz2
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
+This package contains the OpenBIOS development utilities.
+There are
+* toke - an IEEE 1275-1994 compliant FCode tokenizer
+* detok - an IEEE 1275-1994 compliant FCode detokenizer
+* paflof - a forth kernel running in user space
+* an fcode bytecode evaluator running in paflof
+See /usr/share/doc/packages/openbios for details and examples.
+ Stefan Reinauer <>
+ Segher Boessenkool <>
+%setup -n openbios
+( cd toke; make; strip toke )
+( cd detok; make; strip detok )
+( cd paflof; make; strip paflof )
+( find toke/examples -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -f )
+rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/bin/
+mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/share/openbios
+mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/share/doc/packages/openbios
+cp toke/toke ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/bin/
+cp detok/detok ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/bin/
+cp paflof/paflof ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/bin/
+cp -a toke/examples ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/share/doc/packages/openbios
+cp -a forth ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/share/openbios
+cp toke/README ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/share/doc/packages/openbios/README.toke
+cp detok/README ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/share/doc/packages/openbios/README.detok
+%doc /usr/share/doc/packages/openbios
+%changelog -n openbios
+* Mon Jul 22 2002 -
+- initial version
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/README b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9211bc058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+The files in this directory are packed into the ISO image created with
+ $ make runiso
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/boot/grub/README b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/boot/grub/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07ba5bb56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/boot/grub/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+stage2_eltorito is part of grub and therefore (C) by the FSF.
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/boot/grub/menu.lst b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/boot/grub/menu.lst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33e96d3a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/boot/grub/menu.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+timeout 0
+default 0
+title openbios
+kernel (cd)/openbios.multiboot
+module (cd)/openbios-x86.dict
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/boot/grub/stage2_eltorito b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/boot/grub/stage2_eltorito
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32b87dd48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/iso/boot/grub/stage2_eltorito
Binary files differ
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/Makefile b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3c515964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+PROGRAM := ofclient
+OBJECTS := of1275.o of1275_io.o ofclient.o
+CC := gcc
+CFLAGS := -m32 -fpic -fno-builtin-strlen -Os
+LDFLAGS := -melf_i386 -s -N -Ttext 0x200000 -e _start
+ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -Map $(PROGRAM).map -o $(PROGRAM) $(OBJECTS)
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS)
+distclean: clean
+ rm -f $(PROGRAM) $(PROGRAM).map
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/README b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..785f6ec2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/README
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This is an example program using the openfirmware client
+interface on x86. The same program can be compiled on ppc.
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/endian.h b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/endian.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d20e7171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/endian.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#define __bswap32(x) \
+ ((((x) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | (((x) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | \
+ (((x) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | (((x) & 0x000000ff) << 24))
+static int little_endian(void)
+ static short one=1;
+ return *(char *)&one==1;
+static unsigned int ntohl(unsigned int netlong)
+ if(little_endian())
+ return __bswap32(netlong);
+ return netlong;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/of1275.c b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/of1275.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff0778279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/of1275.c
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+#include "of1275.h"
+#include "endian.h"
+static int (*of1275_server) (void *) = (int (*)(void *)) -1;
+_start(void *residual_data_structure,
+ void *program_entry_point,
+ int (*client_interface_handler) (void *), void *args, int argslen)
+ int status;
+ of1275_server = client_interface_handler;
+ status = main();
+ of1275_exit(status);
+/* Client interface */
+int of1275_test(const char *name, int *missing)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_test_service s;
+ s.service = "test";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ = name;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *missing = s.missing;
+ return result;
+/* Device tree */
+int of1275_peer(int phandle, int *sibling_phandle)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_peer_service s;
+ s.service = "peer";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.phandle = phandle;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *sibling_phandle = s.sibling_phandle;
+ return result;
+int of1275_child(int phandle, int *child_phandle)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_child_service s;
+ s.service = "child";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.phandle = phandle;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *child_phandle = s.child_phandle;
+ return result;
+int of1275_parent(int phandle, int *parent_phandle)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_parent_service s;
+ s.service = "parent";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.phandle = phandle;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *parent_phandle = s.parent_phandle;
+ return result;
+int of1275_instance_to_package(int ihandle, int *phandle)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_instance_to_package_service s;
+ s.service = "instance-to-package";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.ihandle = ihandle;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *phandle = s.phandle;
+ return result;
+int of1275_getproplen(int phandle, const char *name, int *proplen)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_getproplen_service s;
+ s.service = "getproplen";
+ s.n_args = 2;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.phandle = phandle;
+ = name;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *proplen = s.proplen;
+ return result;
+of1275_getprop(int phandle, const char *name, void *buf, int buflen,
+ int *size)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_getprop_service s;
+ s.service = "getprop";
+ s.n_args = 4;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.phandle = phandle;
+ = name;
+ s.buf = buf;
+ s.buflen = buflen;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *size = s.size;
+ return result;
+of1275_nextprop(int phandle, const char *previous, void *buf, int *flag)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_nextprop_service s;
+ s.service = "nextprop";
+ s.n_args = 3;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.phandle = phandle;
+ s.previous = previous;
+ s.buf = buf;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *flag = s.flag;
+ return result;
+of1275_setprop(int phandle, const char *name, void *buf, int len,
+ int *size)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_setprop_service s;
+ s.service = "setprop";
+ s.n_args = 4;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.phandle = phandle;
+ = name;
+ s.buf = buf;
+ s.len = len;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *size = s.size;
+ return result;
+of1275_canon(const char *device_specifier, void *buf, int buflen,
+ int *length)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_canon_service s;
+ s.service = "canon";
+ s.n_args = 3;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.device_specifier = device_specifier;
+ s.buf = buf;
+ s.buflen = buflen;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *length = s.length;
+ return result;
+int of1275_finddevice(const char *device_specifier, int *phandle)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_finddevice_service s;
+ s.service = "finddevice";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.device_specifier = device_specifier;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *phandle = s.phandle;
+ return result;
+of1275_instance_to_path(int ihandle, void *buf, int buflen, int *length)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_instance_to_path_service s;
+ s.service = "instance-to-path";
+ s.n_args = 3;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.ihandle = ihandle;
+ s.buf = buf;
+ s.buflen = buflen;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *length = s.length;
+ return result;
+int of1275_package_to_path(int phandle, void *buf, int buflen, int *length)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_package_to_path_service s;
+ s.service = "package-to-path";
+ s.n_args = 3;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.phandle = phandle;
+ s.buf = buf;
+ s.buflen = buflen;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *length = s.length;
+ return result;
+/* int of1275_call_method(const char *method, int ihandle, ...); */
+/* Device I/O */
+int of1275_open(const char *device_specifier, int *ihandle)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_open_service s;
+ s.service = "open";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.device_specifier = device_specifier;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *ihandle = s.ihandle;
+ return result;
+int of1275_close(int ihandle)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_close_service s;
+ s.service = "close";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 0;
+ s.ihandle = ihandle;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ return result;
+int of1275_read(int ihandle, void *addr, int len, int *actual)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_read_service s;
+ s.service = "read";
+ s.n_args = 3;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.ihandle = ihandle;
+ s.addr = addr;
+ s.len = len;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *actual = s.actual;
+ return result;
+int of1275_write(int ihandle, void *addr, int len, int *actual)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_write_service s;
+ s.service = "write";
+ s.n_args = 3;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.ihandle = ihandle;
+ s.addr = addr;
+ s.len = len;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *actual = s.actual;
+ return result;
+int of1275_seek(int ihandle, int pos_hi, int pos_lo, int *status)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_seek_service s;
+ s.service = "seek";
+ s.n_args = 3;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.ihandle = ihandle;
+ s.pos_hi = pos_hi;
+ s.pos_lo = pos_lo;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *status = s.status;
+ return result;
+/* Memory */
+int of1275_claim(void *virt, int size, int align, void **baseaddr)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_claim_service s;
+ s.service = "claim";
+ s.n_args = 3;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.virt = virt;
+ s.size = size;
+ s.align = align;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *baseaddr = s.baseaddr;
+ return result;
+int of1275_release(void *virt, int size)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_release_service s;
+ s.service = "release";
+ s.n_args = 2;
+ s.n_returns = 0;
+ s.virt = virt;
+ s.size = size;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ return result;
+/* Control transfer */
+int of1275_boot(const char *bootspec)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_boot_service s;
+ s.service = "boot";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 0;
+ s.bootspec = bootspec;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ return result;
+int of1275_enter(void)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_enter_service s;
+ s.service = "enter";
+ s.n_args = 0;
+ s.n_returns = 0;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ return result;
+int of1275_exit(int status)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_exit_service s;
+ s.service = "exit";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 0;
+ s.status = status;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ return result;
+/* int of1275_chain(void *virt, int size, void *entry, void *args, int len); */
+/* User interface */
+/* int of1275_interpret(const char *arg, ...); */
+int of1275_set_callback(void *newfunc, void **oldfunc)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_set_callback_service s;
+ s.service = "set-callback";
+ s.n_args = 1;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ s.newfunc = newfunc;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *oldfunc = s.oldfunc;
+ return result;
+int of1275_set_symbol_lookup(void *sym_to_value, void *value_to_sym)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_set_symbol_lookup_service s;
+ s.service = "set-symbol-lookup";
+ s.n_args = 2;
+ s.n_returns = 0;
+ s.sym_to_value = sym_to_value;
+ s.value_to_sym = s.value_to_sym;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ return result;
+/* Time */
+int of1275_milliseconds(int *ms)
+ int result;
+ static of1275_milliseconds_service s;
+ s.service = "milliseconds";
+ s.n_args = 0;
+ s.n_returns = 1;
+ result = of1275_server(&s);
+ *ms =;
+ return result;
+int of_find_integer_property(const char *device, const char *property)
+ int phandle;
+ int integer;
+ int size;
+ /* find the device's phandle */
+ if (of1275_finddevice(device, &phandle) < 0) {
+ //printk("of1275: no such device '%s'\n", device);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* find the device's property */
+ of1275_getprop(phandle, property, &integer,
+ sizeof(integer), &size);
+ if (size < sizeof(integer)) {
+ //printk("of1275: unknown integer property '%s'\n", property);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return ntohl(integer);
+of_find_string_property(const char *device,
+ const char *property,
+ char *string, int sizeof_string)
+ int phandle;
+ int size;
+ /* find the device's phandle */
+ if (of1275_finddevice(device, &phandle) < 0) {
+ //printk("of1275: no such device '%s'\n", device);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* find the device's property */
+ of1275_getprop(phandle, property, string, sizeof_string, &size);
+ if (size == 0 || size >= sizeof_string) {
+ //printk("of1275: unknown string property '%s'\n", property);
+ exit(1);
+ }
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/of1275.h b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/of1275.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a73bb19a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/of1275.h
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+/* OpenFirmware interface */
+/* Client interface */
+typedef struct _of1275_test_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ const char *name;
+ /*out */
+ int missing;
+} of1275_test_service;
+int of1275_test(const char *name, int *missing);
+/* Device tree */
+typedef struct _of1275_peer_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int phandle;
+ /*out */
+ int sibling_phandle;
+} of1275_peer_service;
+int of1275_peer(int phandle, int *sibling_phandle);
+typedef struct _of1275_child_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int phandle;
+ /*out */
+ int child_phandle;
+} of1275_child_service;
+int of1275_child(int phandle, int *child_phandle);
+typedef struct _of1275_parent_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int phandle;
+ /*out */
+ int parent_phandle;
+} of1275_parent_service;
+int of1275_child(int phandle, int *parent_phandle);
+typedef struct _of1275_instance_to_package_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int ihandle;
+ /*out */
+ int phandle;
+} of1275_instance_to_package_service;
+int of1275_instance_to_package(int ihandle, int *phandle);
+typedef struct _of1275_getproplen_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int phandle;
+ const char *name;
+ /*out */
+ int proplen;
+} of1275_getproplen_service;
+int of1275_getproplen(int phandle, const char *name, int *proplen);
+typedef struct _of1275_getprop_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int phandle;
+ const char *name;
+ void *buf;
+ int buflen;
+ /*out */
+ int size;
+} of1275_getprop_service;
+int of1275_getprop(int phandle, const char *name, void *buf, int buflen,
+ int *size);
+typedef struct _of1275_nextprop_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int phandle;
+ const char *previous;
+ void *buf;
+ /*out */
+ int flag;
+} of1275_nextprop_service;
+int of1275_nextprop(int phandle, const char *previous, void *buf,
+ int *flag);
+typedef struct _of1275_setprop_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int phandle;
+ const char *name;
+ void *buf;
+ int len;
+ /*out */
+ int size;
+} of1275_setprop_service;
+int of1275_setprop(int phandle, const char *name, void *buf, int len,
+ int *size);
+typedef struct _of1275_canon_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ const char *device_specifier;
+ void *buf;
+ int buflen;
+ /*out */
+ int length;
+} of1275_canon_service;
+int of1275_canon(const char *device_specifier, void *buf, int buflen,
+ int *length);
+typedef struct _of1275_finddevice_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ const char *device_specifier;
+ /*out */
+ int phandle;
+} of1275_finddevice_service;
+int of1275_finddevice(const char *device_specifier, int *phandle);
+typedef struct _of1275_instance_to_path_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int ihandle;
+ void *buf;
+ int buflen;
+ /*out */
+ int length;
+} of1275_instance_to_path_service;
+int of1275_instance_to_path(int ihandle, void *buf, int buflen,
+ int *length);
+typedef struct _of1275_package_to_path_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int phandle;
+ void *buf;
+ int buflen;
+ /*out */
+ int length;
+} of1275_package_to_path_service;
+int of1275_package_to_path(int phandle, void *buf, int buflen,
+ int *length);
+typedef struct _of1275_call_method_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ const char *method;
+ int ihandle;
+ /*... */
+ int args[0];
+} of1275_call_method_service;
+int of1275_call_method(const char *method, int ihandle, ...);
+/* Device I/O */
+typedef struct _of1275_open_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ const char *device_specifier;
+ /*out */
+ int ihandle;
+} of1275_open_service;
+int of1275_open(const char *device_specifier, int *ihandle);
+typedef struct _of1275_close_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int ihandle;
+ /*out */
+} of1275_close_service;
+int of1275_close(int ihandle);
+typedef struct _of1275_read_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int ihandle;
+ void *addr;
+ int len;
+ /*out */
+ int actual;
+} of1275_read_service;
+int of1275_read(int ihandle, void *addr, int len, int *actual);
+typedef struct _of1275_write_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int ihandle;
+ void *addr;
+ int len;
+ /*out */
+ int actual;
+} of1275_write_service;
+int of1275_write(int ihandle, void *addr, int len, int *actual);
+typedef struct _of1275_seek_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int ihandle;
+ int pos_hi;
+ int pos_lo;
+ /*out */
+ int status;
+} of1275_seek_service;
+int of1275_seek(int ihandle, int pos_hi, int pos_lo, int *status);
+/* Memory */
+typedef struct _of1275_claim_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ void *virt;
+ int size;
+ int align;
+ /*out */
+ void *baseaddr;
+} of1275_claim_service;
+int of1275_claim(void *virt, int size, int align, void **baseaddr);
+typedef struct _of1275_release_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ void *virt;
+ int size;
+ int align;
+ /*out */
+} of1275_release_service;
+int of1275_release(void *virt, int size);
+/* Control transfer */
+typedef struct _of1275_boot_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ const char *bootspec;
+ /*out */
+} of1275_boot_service;
+int of1275_boot(const char *bootspec);
+typedef struct _of1275_enter_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ /*out */
+} of1275_enter_service;
+int of1275_enter(void);
+typedef struct _of1275_exit_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ int status;
+ /*out */
+} of1275_exit_service;
+int of1275_exit(int status);
+typedef struct _of1275_chain_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ void *virt;
+ int size;
+ void *entry;
+ void *args;
+ int len;
+ /*out */
+} of1275_chain_service;
+int of1275_chain(void *virt, int size, void *entry, void *args, int len);
+/* User interface */
+typedef struct _of1275_interpret_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ const char *cmd;
+ int args[0];
+ /*... */
+ /*out */
+ /*... */
+} of1275_interpret_service;
+int of1275_interpret(const char *arg, ...);
+typedef struct _of1275_set_callback_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ void *newfunc;
+ /*out */
+ void *oldfunc;
+} of1275_set_callback_service;
+int of1275_set_callback(void *newfunc, void **oldfunc);
+typedef struct _of1275_set_symbol_lookup_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ void *sym_to_value;
+ void *value_to_sym;
+ /*out */
+} of1275_set_symbol_lookup_service;
+int of1275_set_symbol_lookup(void *sym_to_value, void *value_to_sym);
+/* Time */
+typedef struct _of1275_milliseconds_service {
+ const char *service;
+ int n_args;
+ int n_returns;
+ /*in */
+ /*out */
+ int ms;
+} of1275_milliseconds_service;
+int of1275_milliseconds(int *ms);
+/* Common and useful utilities */
+int of_find_integer_property(const char *path, const char *property);
+void of_find_string_property(const char *path, const char *property,
+ char *string, int sizeof_string);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/of1275_io.c b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/of1275_io.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25d1132c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/of1275_io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include "of1275.h"
+static int of_write_initialized = 0;
+static int stdout_ihandle = 0;
+static int of_read_initialized = 0;
+static int stdin_ihandle = 0;
+int write(int fd, char *buf, int len)
+ int actual;
+ if (fd != 1 && fd != 2) {
+ // printk("write: bad id %x\n", fd);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (!of_write_initialized) {
+ stdout_ihandle =
+ of_find_integer_property("/chosen", "stdout");
+ // printk("stdout_ihandle: %x\n",stdout_ihandle);
+ of_write_initialized = 1;
+ }
+ of1275_write(stdout_ihandle, buf, len, &actual);
+ return actual;
+int read(int fd, char *buf, int len)
+ int actual;
+ if (fd != 0) {
+ // printk("write: bad id %x\n", fd);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (!of_read_initialized) {
+ stdin_ihandle =
+ of_find_integer_property("/chosen", "stdin");
+ of_read_initialized = 1;
+ }
+ of1275_read(stdin_ihandle, buf, len, &actual);
+ return actual;
+exit(int status)
+ of1275_exit(status);
+ while (1);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/ofclient.c b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/ofclient.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94214c6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu/roms/openbios/utils/ofclient/ofclient.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#include "of1275.h"
+int write(int fd, char *buf, int len);
+int main(void)
+ write(1, "Hello world!\n", 13 );
+ return 0;