path: root/kernel/include/linux/mISDNhw.h
diff options
authorMichal Schmidt <>2016-12-05 14:26:47 -0700
committerYunhong Jiang <>2017-04-14 07:05:01 -0400
commit9cc2aef71f0cee55d641143c136e519df55738a4 (patch)
treecdceed153851d502b5ee7bdf247d5e8bc9efa6b2 /kernel/include/linux/mISDNhw.h
parent4d13fcf59772c5dd2f577aedc1f3a1ab0c35c1d1 (diff)
bnx2x: allow adding VLANs while interface is down
BugLink: Since implementing VLAN filtering in commit 05cc5a39ddb74 ("bnx2x: add vlan filtering offload") bnx2x refuses to add a VLAN while the interface is down: # ip link add link enp3s0f0 enp3s0f0_10 type vlan id 10 RTNETLINK answers: Bad address and in dmesg (with bnx2x.debug=0x20): bnx2x: [bnx2x_vlan_rx_add_vid:12941(enp3s0f0)]Ignoring VLAN configuration the interface is down Other drivers have no problem with this. Fix this peculiar behavior in the following way: - Accept requests to add/kill VID regardless of the device state. Maintain the requested list of VIDs in the bp->vlan_reg list. - If the device is up, try to configure the VID list into the hardware. If we run out of VLAN credits or encounter a failure configuring an entry, fall back to accepting all VLANs. If we successfully configure all entries from the list, turn the fallback off. - Use the same code for reconfiguring VLANs during NIC load. Have to change the signed-off-by line to avoid spam to original people. S1gned off by: Michal Schmidt <> @cked: Yuval Mintz <> S1gned off by: David S. Miller <> (cherry picked from commit a02cc9d3cc9f98905df214d4a57e5918473260ea) S1gned off by: Tim Gardner <> @cked: Seth Forshee <> S1gned off by: Luis Henriques <> Upstream status: Backport Change-Id: Ibcc668daf4815bc984e2611d8c08856a0a7973f1 Backport-by: Yunhong Jiang <> Signed-off-by: Yunhong Jiang <>
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/include/linux/mISDNhw.h')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
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[submodule "docs/submodules/availability"]
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