path: root/kernel/include/asm-generic
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authorJiang, Yunhong <>2017-04-17 16:28:45 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2017-04-17 16:28:45 +0000
commit5e109e88c59fe548ba73b3c01bdabb2250ada5f7 (patch)
tree89fdae155e232e26b24f1a6e9e3559548eb132f8 /kernel/include/asm-generic
parentc9f6c8ee5a42e7cf4af990a65e4b30d6363e1436 (diff)
parentb0d5d7e53464ea9b5baecae55a0c189fa16e5808 (diff)
Merge "To update the yardstick stable branch."
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/include/asm-generic')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
9 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274
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				<section data-background="../../../img/title-bg-berlin.png" data-background-transition="none">
					<h1>Test API</h1>
					<h3>Clean, Easy, Complete</h3>
						<h4>OPNFV testing community</h4>
						<h5>OPNFV Design Summit, 20/6/2016, Berlin</h5>

				<section data-markdown>
					# Agenda
					* testAPI: what for?
					* API overview
					* API evolution
					* Roadmap

					<section data-markdown>
						# test API: what for?
					<section data-markdown>
						## Consistant view for
						* Resources (Pods)
						* Projects
						* Test cases
						* Results
					<section data-markdown>
						## Status Currently
						* From many projects
						* Many formats (log, html, json, ..)
						* Many locations (in VM, Jumphost, external DB,...)
					<section data-markdown>
						<script type='text/template'>
						## Achieve using testAPI
						* Uniform API: testAPI
						* Uniform format: JSON
						* Universal Location:
						<aside class='notes'>
							By using testAPI, we hope to provide a uniform way of collection and saving test results to a universal location
					<section data-markdown>
						## Help building
						* Dashboards
						* Automatic reporting

					<section data-markdown>
						# API overview
					<section data-markdown>
						## Storage structure
						![testapi]( "OPNFV API page")
					<section data-markdown>
						## API in Brahmaputra

					<section data-markdown>
						## API status in Brahmaputra
						* Simple data models aggreed with the testing group
						* No unit tests
						* Wiki and rst documentation

					<section data-markdown>
						## Lessons learned in B.
						* Painful wiki documentation
						* Simple result model
						 * Misuse version as scenario
						 * No version actually
						 * No overall criteria (PASS/FAIL)
						* Difficult refactoring
						<h2>Colorado refactoring</h2>
						<li>Unit tests</li>
						<li>Update of the data model</li>
						<li>Tornado_swagger for the documentation</li>
						<li>URL and MongoDB collection renaming</li>
						<li>Scripts to support databse backup/restore/update</li>
						<li>Support installation</li>
                        <aside class='notes'>
							So you can discover and understand the capabilities of the service without 
                            access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection, 
                            and also you can interact with the testAPI directly through swagger website.
                        <p class="fragment fade-up"><b>All done in Colorado!</b></p>

					<section data-markdown>
						# API Evoluation
						<h2> URI changes...</h2>
						<div style="text-align:left""> 
							<p><span style="color:lightblue">testapi</span> => <br><span style="color:yellow">test/api/v1</span> </p>
							<p> /test/api/v1/<b>pods</b></p>
							<p> /test/api/v1/<b>projects</b></p>
							<p> /test/api/v1/projects/qtip/<b>cases</b></p>
							<p> /test/api/v1/<b>results</b></p>
					<section data-markdown>
						## One new field for pods
						| Field | Colorado |
						| :--- | :--- |
						| role | community_pod, ci_pod, .. |
					<section data-markdown>
						## Changed fields for results
						| Item | Brahmaputra | Colorado |
						| :--- | :--- | :--- |
						| date | creation_date | start_date and stop_date |
						| version | used as scenario | opnfv release version |
					<section data-markdown>
						<script type='text/template'>
						## New fields for results
						| Item | Colorado |
						| :--- | :--- |
						| scenario | used for scenario |
						| criteria | PASS/FAILED |
						| trust_indicator | between 0 and 1|
						<aside class='notes'>
							to detect if the test case is stable over time and further more to avoid
							running it systematically and saving time for other long duration test cases
					<section data-markdown>
						## One new filter for results
						| Item | Colorado |
						| :--- | :--- |
						| last | get last N results|
					<section data-markdown>
						![alt text](../../../img/testapi1.png "Test API swagger interface")
						<h2>unit tests</h2>
						<pre><code class="hljs" data-trim contenteditable>
umry8364@umry8364-Latitude-E6400:~/Dev/OPNFV/releng/utils/test/result_collection_api$ ./ 
Tests running...
WARNING:tornado.general:404 GET /dashboard/v1/results?case=vPing&pod=zte-pod1&version=C&installer=fuel&period=5 ( Project name missing
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /dashboard/v1/results?case=vPing&pod=zte-pod1&version=C&installer=fuel&period=5 ( 2.30ms
WARNING:tornado.general:400 POST /api/v1/projects ( name missing
WARNING:tornado.access:400 POST /api/v1/projects ( 1.13ms
WARNING:tornado.access:403 PUT /api/v1/projects/functest/cases/vping_1 ( 2.95ms
WARNING:tornado.general:404 PUT /api/v1/projects/functest/cases/notFound ( {'project_name': u'functest', 'name': u'notFound'} could not be found in table [testcases]
WARNING:tornado.access:404 PUT /api/v1/projects/functest/cases/notFound ( 2.85ms

Ran 74 tests in 1.848s

					<section data-markdown>
						# Roadmap
					<section data-markdown>
						## Roadmap
						* Dockerize testAPI
						* Automatic update of testAPI
						* Command Line Interface
						* Automatic update for pods/projects/testcases
					<section data-markdown>
						# suggestions ...
						<h3>Thank you</h3>
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