path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 4d75ee1..1229d32 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,26 +1,13 @@
# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c)
+# Copyright (c) Ericsson AB and others
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Clean up
-clean_up() {
- if sudo virsh list --all | grep " ${VM_NAME} .*running" ; then
- sudo virsh destroy "$VM_NAME"
- fi
- if sudo virsh list --all | grep " ${VM_NAME} " ; then
- sudo virsh undefine "$VM_NAME"
- fi
- sudo rm -rf "/var/lib/libvirt/images/$VM_NAME"
- sleep 5
check_prerequisites() {
echo "Info : Check prerequisites"
@@ -69,84 +56,60 @@ check_prerequisites() {
echo "ERROR : Libvirt not found. Please install."
exit 1
-# Create jumphost VM
-create_jump() {
-# Create VM image
- sudo mkdir -p "/var/lib/libvirt/images/$VM_NAME"
- sudo qemu-img create -f qcow2 \
- -o backing_file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu-18.04.qcow2 \
- "/var/lib/libvirt/images/$VM_NAME/$VM_NAME.qcow2" 10G
-# Create VM cloud-init configuration files
- cat <<EOL > user-data
- #cloud-config
- users:
- - name: $USERNAME
- ssh-authorized-keys:
- - $(cat "$HOME/.ssh/")
- sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
- groups: sudo
- shell: /bin/bash
- cat <<EOL > meta-data
- local-hostname: $VM_NAME
-# Create VM
- sudo genisoimage -output "/var/lib/libvirt/images/$VM_NAME/$VM_NAME-cidata.iso" \
- -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data
- sudo virt-customize -a "/var/lib/libvirt/images/$VM_NAME/$VM_NAME.qcow2" \
- --root-password password:"$ROOT_PASSWORD"
- sudo virt-install --connect qemu:///system --name "$VM_NAME" \
- --ram 4096 --vcpus=4 --os-type linux --os-variant ubuntu16.04 \
- --disk path="/var/lib/libvirt/images/$VM_NAME/$VM_NAME.qcow2",format=qcow2 \
- --disk "/var/lib/libvirt/images/$VM_NAME/$VM_NAME-cidata.iso",device=cdrom \
- --import --network network=default --network bridge="$BRIDGE",model=rtl8139 --noautoconsole
- jumpbox_ip=$(get_vm_ip)
- i=0
- while [ -z "$jumpbox_ip" ]; do
- sleep $((++i))
- jumpbox_ip=$(get_vm_ip)
- done
- i=0
- until nc -w5 -z "$jumpbox_ip" 22; do
- sleep $((++i))
- done
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Check if user belongs to libvirt's group
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ libvirt_group="libvirt"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1091
+ source /etc/os-release || source /usr/lib/os-release
+ if [ "${ID,,}" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$VERSION_ID" == "16.04" ]; then
+ libvirt_group+="d"
+ fi
+ if ! groups | grep " $libvirt_group "; then
+ echo "ERROR : $(id -nu) user doesn't belong to $libvirt_group group."
+ exit 1
+ fi
# Get jumphost VM IP
-get_vm_ip() {
- sudo virsh domifaddr "$VM_NAME" | awk 'FNR == 3 {gsub(/\/.*/, ""); print $4}'
+get_host_pxe_ip() {
+ local PXE_IF_INDEX
+ local PXE_IF_IP
+ host=$1
+ if [[ "$host" == "" ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR : get_ip - host parameter not provided"
+ exit 1
+ fi
-# Setup PXE network
-setup_PXE_network() {
-# Extract configuration from PDF/IDF
- PXE_IF=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"$VENDOR"/idf.yaml engine.pxe_interface)
- PXE_IF_INDEX=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"${VENDOR}"/idf.yaml idf.net_config.oob.interface)
- if [[ -z $PXE_IF || -z $PXE_IF_INDEX ]]; then
- echo 'one or more variables in IDF are undefined'
+ PXE_NETWORK=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"$VENDOR"/idf.yaml engine.pxe_network)
+ if [[ "$PXE_NETWORK" == "" ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR : PXE network for jump VM not defined in IDF."
exit 1
- PXE_IF_IP=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"$VENDOR"/pdf.yaml jumphost.interfaces.["$PXE_IF_INDEX"].address)
- PXE_IF_MAC=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"$VENDOR"/pdf.yaml jumphost.interfaces.["$PXE_IF_INDEX"].mac_address)
- if [[ -z $PXE_IF_IP || -z $PXE_IF_MAC ]]; then
- echo 'one or more variables in PDF are incorrect'
+ PXE_IF_INDEX=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"${VENDOR}"/idf.yaml idf.net_config."$PXE_NETWORK".interface)
+ if [[ "$PXE_IF_INDEX" == "" ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR : Index of PXE interface not found in IDF."
exit 1
- export NETMASK=
-# SSH to jumphost
- # shellcheck disable=SC2087
- ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tT "$USERNAME"@"$(get_vm_ip)" << EOF
-sudo ifconfig $PXE_IF up
-sudo ifconfig $PXE_IF $PXE_IF_IP netmask $NETMASK
-sudo ifconfig $PXE_IF hw ether $PXE_IF_MAC
+ PXE_IF_IP=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"${VENDOR}"/pdf.yaml "$host".interfaces["$PXE_IF_INDEX"].address)
+ if [[ "$PXE_IF_IP" == "" ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR : IP of PXE interface not found in PDF."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "$PXE_IF_IP"
+get_vm_ip() {
+ ip=$(get_host_pxe_ip "jumphost")
+ echo "$ip"
# Copy files needed by Infra engine & BMRA in the jumphost VM
copy_files_jump() {
scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
@@ -174,10 +137,8 @@ EOF
# Setup networking on provisioned hosts (Adapt according to your network setup)
setup_network() {
-# Extract IPs of provisioned nodes from PDF/IDF. When running this function standalone, ensure
-# to set $PXE_IF_INDEX
- MASTER_IP=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"$VENDOR"/pdf.yaml nodes.[0].interfaces.["$PXE_IF_INDEX"].address)
- WORKER_IP=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"$VENDOR"/pdf.yaml nodes.[1].interfaces.["$PXE_IF_INDEX"].address)
+ MASTER_IP=$(get_host_pxe_ip "nodes[0]")
+ WORKER_IP=$(get_host_pxe_ip "nodes[1]")
# SSH to jumphost
# shellcheck disable=SC2087
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tT "$USERNAME"@"$(get_vm_ip)" << EOF