path: root/juju
diff options
authorNarinder Gupta <>2016-10-17 12:04:16 -0500
committerNarinder Gupta <>2016-10-17 14:20:10 -0500
commitd1aaa3704c4bb65a5f45ccfc1cb5d8bf18e6fb32 (patch)
tree1da43dca6fa8df646037348beec3e6bf62c9df2f /juju
parent501abc68e6a974d7e5dd480233bf44a2f20fc0b3 (diff)
modified ocl charm location fetching from git tree.
Change-Id: I3913286114e4a4b402b859ab151e7e0442be4262 Signed-off-by: Narinder Gupta <>
Diffstat (limited to 'juju')
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/juju/configure-juju-on-openstack b/juju/configure-juju-on-openstack
index 1429b544..6458e6c2 100755
--- a/juju/configure-juju-on-openstack
+++ b/juju/configure-juju-on-openstack
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ set -ex
echo "This command is run to launch the first instance on a new Orange box Openstack deployment"
-source ~/nova.rc
+source ~/joid_config/admin-openrc
#Create a floating IP for the instance
diff --git a/juju/joid-configure-openstack b/juju/joid-configure-openstack
index 231e46ac..1f3b8876 100755
--- a/juju/joid-configure-openstack
+++ b/juju/joid-configure-openstack
@@ -22,40 +22,7 @@ echo "This command is run to configure an Orange-Box Openstack deployment"
-#Check if VIP is set on keystone
-#keystone_VIP=`juju get-config keystone| python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"settings\"][\"vip\"][\"value\"]"||true`
-keystone_VIP=`juju get keystone| python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"settings\"][\"vip\"][\"value\"]"||true`
-keystoneIp() {
- KEYSTONE=$(juju status keystone |grep public-address|sed -- 's/.*\: //')
- if [ $(echo $KEYSTONE|wc -w) == 1 ];then
- echo $KEYSTONE
- else
- juju get keystone | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)['settings']['vip']['value']"
- fi
-if [ -n "$keystone_VIP" ]
- keystone=$keystone_VIP
- #if os-public-hostname is set and not VIP assume we need to use those at OpenStack endpoints.
- keystone=$(keystoneIp)
- keystone_PUBENDPOINT=`juju get keystone| python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"settings\"][\"os-public-hostname\"][\"value\"]"||true`
-echo "export SERVICE_ENDPOINT=http://$keystone:35357/v2.0/
-export OS_AUTH_URL=http://$keystone:35357/v2.0/
-export OS_USERNAME=$(juju get keystone | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"settings\"][\"admin-user\"][\"value\"]")
-export OS_PASSWORD=$(juju get keystone | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"settings\"][\"admin-password\"][\"value\"]")
-export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
-export OS_REGION_NAME=$(juju get keystone | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"settings\"][\"region\"][\"value\"]")
-" > ~/nova.rc
-source ~/nova.rc
+source ~/joid_config/admin-openrc
# Determine the tenant id for the configured tenant name.
export TENANT_ID="$(openstack project list | grep $OS_TENANT_NAME | awk '{ print $2 }')"