path: root/ci/maas
diff options
authorNarinder Gupta <>2015-11-30 20:56:38 -0600
committerNarinder Gupta <>2015-11-30 20:56:38 -0600
commitcb5a719425069adfbf539260fa422c1aa1404004 (patch)
treed3bcbe9c6fdfba97bdd5d2de99255ac3ac4a497e /ci/maas
parent557767d49de1dde707fb35a2ae803eba9a01b7ce (diff)
added support for att virtual pod1 on Intel NUC. Also added support
of IPv6 based on invocation of IPV6. Change-Id: I6876cff12e25fd9f05b15815d4ac72ce84a78997
Diffstat (limited to 'ci/maas')
3 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ci/maas/att/virpod1/deployment.yaml b/ci/maas/att/virpod1/deployment.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd57d150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/maas/att/virpod1/deployment.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# This file defines the deployment for the MAAS environment which is to be
+# deployed and automated.
+ maas:
+ # Defines the general setup for the MAAS environment, including the
+ # username and password for the host as well as the MAAS server.
+ user: ubuntu
+ password: ubuntu
+ # Contains the virtual machine parameters for creating the MAAS virtual
+ # server. Here you can configure the name of the virsh domain, the
+ # parameters for how the network is attached.
+ name: opnfv-maas-att
+ interfaces: ['bridge=brAdm,model=virtio']
+ memory: 4096
+ vcpus: 2
+ arch: amd64
+ pool: default
+ disk_size: 160G
+ # Apt http proxy setting(s)
+ apt_http_proxy:
+ apt_sources:
+ - ppa:maas/stable
+ - ppa:juju/stable
+ # Virsh power settings
+ # Specifies the uri and keys to use for virsh power control of the
+ # juju virtual machine. If the uri is omitted, the value for the
+ # --remote is used. If no power settings are desired, then do not
+ # supply the virsh block.
+ virsh:
+ rsa_priv_key: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
+ rsa_pub_key: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/
+ uri: qemu+ssh://ubuntu@
+ # Defines the IP Address that the configuration script will use to
+ # to access the MAAS controller via SSH.
+ ip_address:
+ # This section allows the user to set a series of options on the
+ # MAAS server itself. The list of config options can be found in
+ # the upstream MAAS documentation:
+ # -
+ settings:
+ main_archive:
+ upstream_dns:
+ maas_name: intelpod6
+ # kernel_opts: "console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200n8"
+ # ntp_server:
+ # This section is used to define the networking parameters for when
+ # the node first comes up. It is fed into the meta-data cloud-init
+ # configuration and is used to configure the networking piece of the
+ # service. The contents of this section are written directly to the
+ # /etc/network/interfaces file.
+ #
+ # Please note, this is slightly different than the
+ # node-group-interfaces section below. This will configure the
+ # machine's networking params, and the node-group-interfaces will
+ # configure the maas node-group interfaces which is used for
+ # controlling the dhcp, dns, etc.
+ network_config: |
+ auto lo
+ iface lo inet loopback
+ auto eth0
+ iface eth0 inet static
+ address
+ netmask
+ network
+ broadcast
+ gateway
+ dns-nameservers
+ # The node-group-interfaces section is used to configure the MAAS
+ # network interfaces. Basic configuration is supported, such as which
+ # device should be bound, the range of IP addresses, etc.
+ # Note: this may contain the special identifiers:
+ # ${maas_net} - the first 3 octets of the ipv4 address
+ # ${maas_ip} - the ip address of the MAAS controller
+ node_group_ifaces:
+ - device: eth0
+ ip:
+ subnet_mask:
+ broadcast_ip:
+ router_ip:
+ static_range:
+ low:
+ high:
+ dynamic_range:
+ low:
+ high:
+ # Defines the physical nodes which are added to the MAAS cluster
+ # controller upon startup of the node.
+ nodes:
+ - name: node2-control
+ tags: control
+ architecture: amd64/generic
+ mac_addresses:
+ - "00:1e:67:e0:0b:71"
+ power:
+ type: ether_wake
+ address: 38:63:bb:43:b8:9c
+ - name: node5-compute
+ tags: compute
+ architecture: amd64/generic
+ mac_addresses:
+ - "00:1e:67:cf:bc:f7"
+ power:
+ type: ether_wake
+ address: 38:63:bb:43:b8:9d
+ # Contains the virtual machine parameters for creating the Juju bootstrap
+ # node virtual machine
+ juju-bootstrap:
+ name: bootstrap
+ interfaces: ['bridge=brAdm,model=virtio']
+ memory: 4096
+ vcpus: 2
+ arch: amd64
+ pool: default
+ disk_size: 120G
diff --git a/ci/maas/att/virpod1/ b/ci/maas/att/virpod1/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e837b2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/maas/att/virpod1/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#### original juju generated part ####
+auto lo
+# Primary interface (defining the default route)
+iface eth0 inet manual
+# Bridge to use for LXC/KVM containers
+auto juju-br0
+iface juju-br0 inet dhcp
+ bridge_ports eth0
diff --git a/ci/maas/att/virpod1/lxc-add-more-interfaces b/ci/maas/att/virpod1/lxc-add-more-interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9512c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/maas/att/virpod1/lxc-add-more-interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+set -e
+set -u
+cat <<EOF >> "$LXC_CONFIG_FILE"
+- |
+ cat <<EOF >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/additional-interfaces
+ ## added by juju charm
+ ## those interfaces will be brought up by the upstart job as /etc/init/additional-interfaces.conf
+ ## LP: #1483932
+- machine_agent=\$(hostname | sed -e 's/^juju-/jujud-/')
+- |
+ cat <<EOF > /etc/init/additional-interfaces.conf
+ ## added by juju charm
+ ## LP: #1483932
+ start on started \${machine_agent}
+ script
+ sleep 10
+ ifup -a -i /etc/network/interfaces.d/additional-interfaces
+ end script
+additional_interfaces=$(echo "$additional_interfaces" | sed -e 's/$/\\n/' | tr -d '\n')
+sed -i.orig -e "s@^runcmd:@\0$additional_interfaces@" \