path: root/vrouter/setup_ipv6_vrouter.rst
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authorBin Hu <>2015-08-19 20:27:39 -0700
committerBin Hu <>2015-08-19 20:27:39 -0700
commitdfaaaf13fdece932db2fa77bf3b08a2e8742da00 (patch)
tree76f88911cf2357f6ebf0d63c08db7fb8089979f6 /vrouter/setup_ipv6_vrouter.rst
parentd9ccf7d771afc6ad886182cdd7fbc956632e4935 (diff)
Change-Id: I37e266b95b5862b1557ed940ca68df93ff94e990 Signed-off-by: Bin Hu <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vrouter/setup_ipv6_vrouter.rst')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vrouter/setup_ipv6_vrouter.rst b/vrouter/setup_ipv6_vrouter.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d2de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vrouter/setup_ipv6_vrouter.rst
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+Set up an IPv6 vRouter on a Service VM
+| Here you will find the steps involved in creating a ServiceVM that acts as an IPv6 vRouter. In this example, we will be using a CentOS7 image as vRouter (we should be able to use other OS as well) and devstack for OpenStack installation. We need to enable Port Security Extension as the extension_drivers in ML2 configuration file.
+| Following is a sample configuration of devstack local.conf file.
+| **# [[local|localrc]]**
+| `DATA_DIR=$DEST/data`
+| `ADMIN_PASSWORD=password`
+| `MYSQL_PASSWORD=password`
+| `RABBIT_PASSWORD=password`
+| `SERVICE_PASSWORD=password`
+| `SERVICE_TOKEN=token`
+| `disable_service n-net tempest h-eng h-api h-api-cfn h-api-cw`
+| `enable_service q-svc q-dhcp q-meta q-agt q-l3 n-novnc`
+| **# [[post-config|/$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE]]**
+| **# [ml2]**
+| `extension_drivers=port_security`
+| After successful installation of OpenStack with the above configuration, we shall create the necessary neutron networks/subnets/ports etc.
+| `cd devstack`
+| `./`
+| # Source the tenant credentials.
+| `source openrc admin demo`
+| # Create a Neutron router which provides external connectivity.
+| `neutron router-create router1`
+| # Create an external network using the appropriate values based on the data-center physical network setup.
+| `neutron net-create --provider:network_type <flat/vlan> --provider:physical_network <physical-network> --provider:segmentation_id <segmentation-id-if-vlan> --router:external ext-net`
+| # Configure ipv6_gateway=<LLA-of-upstream-router> in the Neutron L3 agent configuration file.
+| # Associate the ext-net to the neutron router.
+| `neutron router-gateway-set router1 ext-net`
+| # Create an IPv6 internal network.
+| `neutron net-create ipv6-internal-network`
+| # Create an IPv6 subnet in the internal network.
+| `neutron subnet-create --name ipv6-int-subnet --ip-version 6 --ipv6-ra-mode slaac --ipv6-address-mode slaac ipv6-internal-network 2001:db8:0:1::/64`
+| # Associate the internal subnet to a neutron router.
+| `neutron router-interface-add router1 ipv6-int-subnet`
+| Now we shall create an isolated network which is the internal network of vRouter.
+| # Create an isolated router for the tenant internal network.
+| `neutron router-create router2`
+| # Create a Neutron Internal Network.
+| `neutron net-create tenant-internal-network`
+| # Create an IPv4 subnet in the internal network.
+| `neutron subnet-create --name ipv4-int-subnet tenant-internal-network`
+| # Associate the router2 to IPv4 subnet created above.
+| `neutron router-interface-add <router2-id> <ipv4-int-subnet-id>`
+| Mapping this configuration to `PoC-1`_.
+.. _`PoC-1`: /ipv6/images/ipv6-poc-1.png
+- `ipv6-internal-network and ext-net is the Red colored network.`
+- `tenant-internal-network is the Green colored network.`
+| Lets create two neutron ports one from ext-net and the other from tenant-internal-network for the vRouter VM
+| `neutron port-create ipv6-internal-network --port-security-enabled=False --name enp0s3-port`
+| `neutron port-create tenant-internal-network --port-security-enabled=False --name enp0s8-port`
+| Download the Centos7 image which is used as vRouter.
+| `glance image-create --name 'Centos7' --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --is-public true --copy-from`
+| Create a keypair.
+| `nova keypair-add vRouterKey > ~/vRouterKey`
+| Spawn the Centos7 image with two nics (i.e., enp0s3-port and enp0s8-port)
+| `nova boot --image <Centos7-image-id> –flavor m1.small --nic port-id=$(neutron port-show -f value -F id enp0s3-port) –nic --nic port-id=$(neutron port-show -f value -F id enp0s8-port) --key-name vRouterKey CentOSvRouter`
+| Verify that CentOSvRouter boots up successfully and keypair is injected.
+| `nova list`
+| `nova console-log CentOSvRouter`
+| After the image boots up successfully, from the router1 namespace, ssh to vRouter using the keypair.
+| `sudo ip netns`
+| `sudo ip netns exec <router1-namespace> bash`
+| `ssh -i ~/vRouterKey centos@<ip-address-of-the-image>`
+| As a one time job, before we can create the snapshot, execute the steps (i.e., SLAAC setup) mentioned at the following link.
+| ``
+| In order to verify that the setup is working, lets create some cirros VMs on the "tenant-internal-network" (i.e., vRouter internal network).
+| `nova boot --image <Cirros-image-id> --flavor m1.tiny --nic net-id=<tenant-internal-network-id> VM1`
+| `nova boot --image <Cirros-image-id> --flavor m1.tiny --nic net-id=<tenant-internal-network-id> VM2`
+| Confirm that both the VMs have successfully booted up.
+| `nova list`
+| `nova console-log VM1`
+| `nova console-log VM2`
+| Add the necessary security group ingress rules.
+| `source openrc demo demo`
+| # SSH access to the VMs
+| `neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 --remote-ip-prefix default`
+| # Permit IPv6 Router Advts from the vRouter internal interface to the VMs.
+| `neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --ethertype IPv6 --protocol icmpv6 --port-range-min 134 --remote-ip-prefix fe80::/64 default`
+| SSH to the cirros VMs to check the IPv6 forwarding use-case.
+| `sudo ip netns`
+| `sudo ip netns exec <router2-namespace> bash`
+| `ssh cirros@<ip-address-of-the-image>`
+| Note: default password of cirros image would be "cubswin:)"
+| Verify that Cirros image has an IPv6 address assigned via SLAAC with a prefix of "2001:db8:0:2::/64"
+| `ip address`
+| # verify that default route points to the LLA of enp0s8 interface of vRouter.
+| `ip -6 route`
+| Try pinging to the internal router interface of router1 (i.e., 2001:db8:0:1::1/64)
+| `ping6 2001:db8:0:1::1/64`
+| If all goes well, ping6 should succeed which shows that vRouter is forwarding the IPv6 traffic of instances on the tenant-internal-network.
+| At this state, we can create a snapshot of the CentOSvRouter and use it in any other similar OpenStack setup.
+| `nova image-create <CentOSvRouter-id> <Snapshot-name>`
+| `nova image-list #You will find the snapshot you just created above.`