path: root/fuel-build/f_osnaily/puppet
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fuel-build/f_osnaily/puppet')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 745 deletions
diff --git a/fuel-build/f_osnaily/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/examples/site.pp b/fuel-build/f_osnaily/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/examples/site.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 48c4005..0000000
--- a/fuel-build/f_osnaily/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/examples/site.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-$fuel_settings = parseyaml($astute_settings_yaml)
-$openstack_version = {
- 'keystone' => 'installed',
- 'glance' => 'installed',
- 'horizon' => 'installed',
- 'nova' => 'installed',
- 'novncproxy' => 'installed',
- 'cinder' => 'installed',
-#Stages configuration
-stage {'zero': } ->
-stage {'opncheck': } ->
-stage {'first': } ->
-stage {'openstack-custom-repo': } ->
-stage {'netconfig': } ->
-stage {'corosync_setup': } ->
-stage {'openstack-firewall': } -> Stage['main']
-class begin_deployment ()
- $role = $::fuel_settings['role']
- notify { "***** Beginning deployment of node ${::hostname} with role $role *****": }
-class {'begin_deployment': stage => 'zero' }
-stage {'glance-image':
- require => Stage['main'],
-if $::fuel_settings['nodes'] {
- $nodes_hash = $::fuel_settings['nodes']
-# OPNFV addition to add to hosts file
- if ($::fuel_settings['opnfv'] and
- $::fuel_settings['opnfv']['hosts']) {
- $extras_hash = $::fuel_settings['opnfv']['hosts']
- } else {
- $extras_hash = undef
- }
- $dns_nameservers=$::fuel_settings['dns_nameservers']
- $node = filter_nodes($nodes_hash,'name',$::hostname)
- if empty($node) {
- fail("Node $::hostname is not defined in the hash structure")
- }
- $default_gateway = $node[0]['default_gateway']
- $base_syslog_hash = $::fuel_settings['base_syslog']
- $syslog_hash = $::fuel_settings['syslog']
- $disable_offload = $::fuel_settings['disable_offload']
- if $disable_offload {
- L23network::L3::Ifconfig<||> {
- ethtool => {
- 'K' => ['gso off', 'gro off'],
- }
- }
- }
- $use_neutron = $::fuel_settings['quantum']
- if (!empty(filter_nodes($::fuel_settings['nodes'], 'role', 'ceph-osd')) or
- $::fuel_settings['storage']['volumes_ceph'] or
- $::fuel_settings['storage']['images_ceph'] or
- $::fuel_settings['storage']['objects_ceph']
- ) {
- $use_ceph = true
- } else {
- $use_ceph = false
- }
- if $use_neutron {
- prepare_network_config($::fuel_settings['network_scheme'])
- #
- $internal_int = get_network_role_property('management', 'interface')
- $internal_address = get_network_role_property('management', 'ipaddr')
- $internal_netmask = get_network_role_property('management', 'netmask')
- #
- $public_int = get_network_role_property('ex', 'interface')
- if $public_int {
- $public_address = get_network_role_property('ex', 'ipaddr')
- $public_netmask = get_network_role_property('ex', 'netmask')
- # TODO(Xarses): remove this after completing merge of
- # multiple-cluster-networks
- L23network::L3::Ifconfig<| title == $public_int |> {
- default_gateway => true
- }
- } else {
- # TODO(Xarses): remove this after completing merge of
- # multiple-cluster-networks
- $fw_admin_int = get_network_role_property('fw-admin', 'interface')
- L23network::L3::Ifconfig<| title == $fw_admin_int |> {
- default_gateway => true
- }
- }
- #
- $storage_address = get_network_role_property('storage', 'ipaddr')
- $storage_netmask = get_network_role_property('storage', 'netmask')
- } else {
- $internal_address = $node[0]['internal_address']
- $internal_netmask = $node[0]['internal_netmask']
- $public_address = $node[0]['public_address']
- $public_netmask = $node[0]['public_netmask']
- $storage_address = $node[0]['storage_address']
- $storage_netmask = $node[0]['storage_netmask']
- $public_br = $node[0]['public_br']
- $internal_br = $node[0]['internal_br']
- $public_int = $::fuel_settings['public_interface']
- $internal_int = $::fuel_settings['management_interface']
- # TODO(Xarses): remove this after completing merge of
- # multiple-cluster-networks
- L23network::L3::Ifconfig<| title == $public_int |> {
- default_gateway => true
- }
- }
-if ($::fuel_settings['neutron_mellanox']) {
- $mellanox_mode = $::fuel_settings['neutron_mellanox']['plugin']
-} else {
- $mellanox_mode = 'disabled'
-# This parameter specifies the verbosity level of log messages
-# in openstack components config.
-# Debug would have set DEBUG level and ignore verbose settings, if any.
-# Verbose would have set INFO level messages
-# In case of non debug and non verbose - WARNING, default level would have set.
-$verbose = true
-$debug = $::fuel_settings['debug']
-### Storage Settings ###
-# Determine if any ceph parts have been asked for.
-# This will ensure that monitors are set up on controllers, even if no
-# ceph-osd roles during deployment
-### Syslog ###
-#TODO(bogdando) move logging options to astute.yaml
-# Enable error messages reporting to rsyslog. Rsyslog must be installed in this case.
-$use_syslog = $::fuel_settings['use_syslog'] ? { default=>true }
-# Syslog facilities for main openstack services
-# should vary (reserved usage)
-# local1 is reserved for openstack-dashboard
-$syslog_log_facility_glance = 'LOG_LOCAL2'
-$syslog_log_facility_cinder = 'LOG_LOCAL3'
-$syslog_log_facility_neutron = 'LOG_LOCAL4'
-$syslog_log_facility_nova = 'LOG_LOCAL6'
-$syslog_log_facility_keystone = 'LOG_LOCAL7'
-# could be the same
-# local0 is free for use
-$syslog_log_facility_murano = 'LOG_LOCAL0'
-$syslog_log_facility_heat = 'LOG_LOCAL0'
-$syslog_log_facility_sahara = 'LOG_LOCAL0'
-$syslog_log_facility_ceilometer = 'LOG_LOCAL0'
-$syslog_log_facility_ceph = 'LOG_LOCAL0'
-### Monit ###
-# Monit for compute nodes.
-# If enabled, will install monit and configure its watchdogs to track
-# nova-compute/api/network (and openvswitch service, if neutron enabled)
-# at compute nodes.
-# TODO(bogdando) set to true once monit package shipped with Fuel ISO
-$use_monit = false
-$nova_rate_limits = {
- 'POST' => 100000,
- 'POST_SERVERS' => 100000,
- 'PUT' => 1000, 'GET' => 100000,
- 'DELETE' => 100000
-$cinder_rate_limits = {
- 'POST' => 100000,
- 'POST_SERVERS' => 100000,
- 'PUT' => 100000, 'GET' => 100000,
- 'DELETE' => 100000
-class advanced_node_netconfig {
- $sdn = generate_network_config()
- notify {"SDN: ${sdn}": }
-case $::operatingsystem {
- 'redhat' : {
- $queue_provider = 'qpid'
- $custom_mysql_setup_class = 'pacemaker_mysql'
- }
- default: {
- $queue_provider='rabbitmq'
- $custom_mysql_setup_class='galera'
- }
-class os_common {
- # OPNFV check if has been run, otherwise fail
- class {'opnfv::opncheck': stage => 'opncheck' }
- if ($::fuel_settings['neutron_mellanox']) {
- if ($::mellanox_mode != 'disabled') {
- class { 'mellanox_openstack::ofed_recompile' :
- stage => 'zero',
- }
- }
- if ($::fuel_settings['storage']['iser']) {
- class { 'mellanox_openstack::iser_rename':
- stage => 'zero',
- storage_parent => $::fuel_settings['neutron_mellanox']['storage_parent'],
- iser_interface_name => $::fuel_settings['neutron_mellanox']['iser_interface_name'],
- }
- Class['mellanox_openstack::ofed_recompile'] -> Class['mellanox_openstack::iser_rename']
- }
- }
- class {"l23network::hosts_file": stage => 'netconfig', nodes => $nodes_hash, extras => $extras_hash }
- class {'l23network': use_ovs=>$use_neutron, stage=> 'netconfig'}
- if $use_neutron {
- class {'advanced_node_netconfig': stage => 'netconfig' }
- } else {
- class {'osnailyfacter::network_setup': stage => 'netconfig'}
- }
- if ($::osfamily == 'RedHat') {
- package {'irqbalance': ensure => present} -> service {'irqbalance': ensure => running }
- }
- class { 'openstack::firewall':
- stage => 'openstack-firewall',
- nova_vnc_ip_range => $::fuel_settings['management_network_range'],
- }
- $base_syslog_rserver = {
- 'remote_type' => 'tcp',
- 'server' => $base_syslog_hash['syslog_server'],
- 'port' => $base_syslog_hash['syslog_port']
- }
-### TCP connections keepalives and failover related parameters ###
- # configure TCP keepalive for host OS.
- # Send 3 probes each 8 seconds, if the connection was idle
- # for a 30 seconds. Consider it dead, if there was no responces
- # during the check time frame, i.e. 30+3*8=54 seconds overall.
- # (note: overall check time frame should be lower then
- # nova_report_interval).
- class { 'openstack::keepalive' :
- stage => 'netconfig',
- tcpka_time => '30',
- tcpka_probes => '8',
- tcpka_intvl => '3',
- tcp_retries2 => '5',
- }
- # setting kernel reserved ports
- # defaults are 49000,35357,41055,58882
- class { 'openstack::reserved_ports':
- stage => 'netconfig',
- }
- # setting service down time and report interval
- # to 60 and 180 for Nova respectively to allow kernel
- # to kill dead connections
- # (see zendesk #1158 as well)
- $nova_report_interval = '60'
- $nova_service_down_time = '180'
- $syslog_rserver = {
- 'remote_type' => $syslog_hash['syslog_transport'],
- 'server' => $syslog_hash['syslog_server'],
- 'port' => $syslog_hash['syslog_port'],
- }
- if $syslog_hash['syslog_server'] != "" and $syslog_hash['syslog_port'] != "" and $syslog_hash['syslog_transport'] != "" {
- $rservers = [$base_syslog_rserver, $syslog_rserver]
- } else {
- $rservers = [$base_syslog_rserver]
- }
- if $use_syslog {
- class { "::openstack::logging":
- stage => 'first',
- role => 'client',
- show_timezone => true,
- # log both locally include auth, and remote
- log_remote => true,
- log_local => true,
- log_auth_local => true,
- # keep four weekly log rotations, force rotate if 300M size have exceeded
- rotation => 'weekly',
- keep => '4',
- # should be > 30M
- limitsize => '300M',
- # remote servers to send logs to
- rservers => $rservers,
- # should be true, if client is running at virtual node
- virtual => str2bool($::is_virtual),
- # Rabbit doesn't support syslog directly
- rabbit_log_level => 'NOTICE',
- debug => $debug,
- }
- }
- class { 'osnailyfacter::atop':
- stage => 'first',
- }
- #case $role {
- # /controller/: { $hostgroup = 'controller' }
- # /swift-proxy/: { $hostgroup = 'swift-proxy' }
- # /storage/:{ $hostgroup = 'swift-storage' }
- # /compute/: { $hostgroup = 'compute' }
- # /cinder/: { $hostgroup = 'cinder' }
- # default: { $hostgroup = 'generic' }
- #}
- # if $nagios != 'false' {
- # class {'nagios':
- # proj_name => $proj_name,
- # services => [
- # 'host-alive','nova-novncproxy','keystone', 'nova-scheduler',
- # 'nova-consoleauth', 'nova-cert', 'haproxy', 'nova-api', 'glance-api',
- # 'glance-registry','horizon', 'rabbitmq', 'mysql',
- # ],
- # whitelist => ['', $nagios_master],
- # hostgroup => $hostgroup ,
- # }
- # }
- # Workaround for fuel bug with firewall
- firewall {'003 remote rabbitmq ':
- sport => [ 4369, 5672, 15672, 41055, 55672, 61613 ],
- source => $::fuel_settings['master_ip'],
- proto => 'tcp',
- action => 'accept',
- require => Class['openstack::firewall'],
- }
- firewall {'004 remote puppet ':
- sport => [ 8140 ],
- source => $master_ip,
- proto => 'tcp',
- action => 'accept',
- require => Class['openstack::firewall'],
- }
- class { 'puppet::pull' :
- modules_source => $::fuel_settings['puppet_modules_source'],
- manifests_source => $::fuel_settings['puppet_manifests_source'],
- }
-node default {
- case $::fuel_settings['deployment_mode'] {
- "singlenode": {
- include "osnailyfacter::cluster_simple"
- class {'os_common':}
- class {'opnfv':}
- }
- "multinode": {
- include "osnailyfacter::cluster_simple"
- class {'os_common':}
- class {'opnfv':}
- }
- /^(ha|ha_compact)$/: {
- include "osnailyfacter::cluster_ha"
- class {'os_common':}
- class {'opnfv':}
- }
- "rpmcache": { include osnailyfacter::rpmcache }
- }
diff --git a/fuel-build/f_osnaily/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/examples/site.pp.orig b/fuel-build/f_osnaily/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/examples/site.pp.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 940beda..0000000
--- a/fuel-build/f_osnaily/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/examples/site.pp.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-$fuel_settings = parseyaml($astute_settings_yaml)
-$openstack_version = {
- 'keystone' => 'installed',
- 'glance' => 'installed',
- 'horizon' => 'installed',
- 'nova' => 'installed',
- 'novncproxy' => 'installed',
- 'cinder' => 'installed',
-#Stages configuration
-stage {'zero': } ->
-stage {'first': } ->
-stage {'openstack-custom-repo': } ->
-stage {'netconfig': } ->
-stage {'corosync_setup': } ->
-stage {'openstack-firewall': } -> Stage['main']
-class begin_deployment ()
- $role = $::fuel_settings['role']
- notify { "***** Beginning deployment of node ${::hostname} with role $role *****": }
-class {'begin_deployment': stage => 'zero' }
-stage {'glance-image':
- require => Stage['main'],
-if $::fuel_settings['nodes'] {
- $nodes_hash = $::fuel_settings['nodes']
- $dns_nameservers=$::fuel_settings['dns_nameservers']
- $node = filter_nodes($nodes_hash,'name',$::hostname)
- if empty($node) {
- fail("Node $::hostname is not defined in the hash structure")
- }
- $default_gateway = $node[0]['default_gateway']
- $base_syslog_hash = $::fuel_settings['base_syslog']
- $syslog_hash = $::fuel_settings['syslog']
- $disable_offload = $::fuel_settings['disable_offload']
- if $disable_offload {
- L23network::L3::Ifconfig<||> {
- ethtool => {
- 'K' => ['gso off', 'gro off'],
- }
- }
- }
- $use_neutron = $::fuel_settings['quantum']
- if (!empty(filter_nodes($::fuel_settings['nodes'], 'role', 'ceph-osd')) or
- $::fuel_settings['storage']['volumes_ceph'] or
- $::fuel_settings['storage']['images_ceph'] or
- $::fuel_settings['storage']['objects_ceph']
- ) {
- $use_ceph = true
- } else {
- $use_ceph = false
- }
- if $use_neutron {
- prepare_network_config($::fuel_settings['network_scheme'])
- #
- $internal_int = get_network_role_property('management', 'interface')
- $internal_address = get_network_role_property('management', 'ipaddr')
- $internal_netmask = get_network_role_property('management', 'netmask')
- #
- $public_int = get_network_role_property('ex', 'interface')
- if $public_int {
- $public_address = get_network_role_property('ex', 'ipaddr')
- $public_netmask = get_network_role_property('ex', 'netmask')
- # TODO(Xarses): remove this after completing merge of
- # multiple-cluster-networks
- L23network::L3::Ifconfig<| title == $public_int |> {
- default_gateway => true
- }
- } else {
- # TODO(Xarses): remove this after completing merge of
- # multiple-cluster-networks
- $fw_admin_int = get_network_role_property('fw-admin', 'interface')
- L23network::L3::Ifconfig<| title == $fw_admin_int |> {
- default_gateway => true
- }
- }
- #
- $storage_address = get_network_role_property('storage', 'ipaddr')
- $storage_netmask = get_network_role_property('storage', 'netmask')
- } else {
- $internal_address = $node[0]['internal_address']
- $internal_netmask = $node[0]['internal_netmask']
- $public_address = $node[0]['public_address']
- $public_netmask = $node[0]['public_netmask']
- $storage_address = $node[0]['storage_address']
- $storage_netmask = $node[0]['storage_netmask']
- $public_br = $node[0]['public_br']
- $internal_br = $node[0]['internal_br']
- $public_int = $::fuel_settings['public_interface']
- $internal_int = $::fuel_settings['management_interface']
- # TODO(Xarses): remove this after completing merge of
- # multiple-cluster-networks
- L23network::L3::Ifconfig<| title == $public_int |> {
- default_gateway => true
- }
- }
-if ($::fuel_settings['neutron_mellanox']) {
- $mellanox_mode = $::fuel_settings['neutron_mellanox']['plugin']
-} else {
- $mellanox_mode = 'disabled'
-# This parameter specifies the verbosity level of log messages
-# in openstack components config.
-# Debug would have set DEBUG level and ignore verbose settings, if any.
-# Verbose would have set INFO level messages
-# In case of non debug and non verbose - WARNING, default level would have set.
-$verbose = true
-$debug = $::fuel_settings['debug']
-### Storage Settings ###
-# Determine if any ceph parts have been asked for.
-# This will ensure that monitors are set up on controllers, even if no
-# ceph-osd roles during deployment
-### Syslog ###
-#TODO(bogdando) move logging options to astute.yaml
-# Enable error messages reporting to rsyslog. Rsyslog must be installed in this case.
-$use_syslog = $::fuel_settings['use_syslog'] ? { default=>true }
-# Syslog facilities for main openstack services
-# should vary (reserved usage)
-# local1 is reserved for openstack-dashboard
-$syslog_log_facility_glance = 'LOG_LOCAL2'
-$syslog_log_facility_cinder = 'LOG_LOCAL3'
-$syslog_log_facility_neutron = 'LOG_LOCAL4'
-$syslog_log_facility_nova = 'LOG_LOCAL6'
-$syslog_log_facility_keystone = 'LOG_LOCAL7'
-# could be the same
-# local0 is free for use
-$syslog_log_facility_murano = 'LOG_LOCAL0'
-$syslog_log_facility_heat = 'LOG_LOCAL0'
-$syslog_log_facility_sahara = 'LOG_LOCAL0'
-$syslog_log_facility_ceilometer = 'LOG_LOCAL0'
-$syslog_log_facility_ceph = 'LOG_LOCAL0'
-### Monit ###
-# Monit for compute nodes.
-# If enabled, will install monit and configure its watchdogs to track
-# nova-compute/api/network (and openvswitch service, if neutron enabled)
-# at compute nodes.
-# TODO(bogdando) set to true once monit package shipped with Fuel ISO
-$use_monit = false
-$nova_rate_limits = {
- 'POST' => 100000,
- 'POST_SERVERS' => 100000,
- 'PUT' => 1000, 'GET' => 100000,
- 'DELETE' => 100000
-$cinder_rate_limits = {
- 'POST' => 100000,
- 'POST_SERVERS' => 100000,
- 'PUT' => 100000, 'GET' => 100000,
- 'DELETE' => 100000
-class advanced_node_netconfig {
- $sdn = generate_network_config()
- notify {"SDN: ${sdn}": }
-case $::operatingsystem {
- 'redhat' : {
- $queue_provider = 'qpid'
- $custom_mysql_setup_class = 'pacemaker_mysql'
- }
- default: {
- $queue_provider='rabbitmq'
- $custom_mysql_setup_class='galera'
- }
-class os_common {
- if ($::fuel_settings['neutron_mellanox']) {
- if ($::mellanox_mode != 'disabled') {
- class { 'mellanox_openstack::ofed_recompile' :
- stage => 'zero',
- }
- }
- if ($::fuel_settings['storage']['iser']) {
- class { 'mellanox_openstack::iser_rename':
- stage => 'zero',
- storage_parent => $::fuel_settings['neutron_mellanox']['storage_parent'],
- iser_interface_name => $::fuel_settings['neutron_mellanox']['iser_interface_name'],
- }
- Class['mellanox_openstack::ofed_recompile'] -> Class['mellanox_openstack::iser_rename']
- }
- }
- class {"l23network::hosts_file": stage => 'netconfig', nodes => $nodes_hash }
- class {'l23network': use_ovs=>$use_neutron, stage=> 'netconfig'}
- if $use_neutron {
- class {'advanced_node_netconfig': stage => 'netconfig' }
- } else {
- class {'osnailyfacter::network_setup': stage => 'netconfig'}
- }
- if ($::osfamily == 'RedHat') {
- package {'irqbalance': ensure => present} -> service {'irqbalance': ensure => running }
- }
- class { 'openstack::firewall':
- stage => 'openstack-firewall',
- nova_vnc_ip_range => $::fuel_settings['management_network_range'],
- }
- $base_syslog_rserver = {
- 'remote_type' => 'tcp',
- 'server' => $base_syslog_hash['syslog_server'],
- 'port' => $base_syslog_hash['syslog_port']
- }
-### TCP connections keepalives and failover related parameters ###
- # configure TCP keepalive for host OS.
- # Send 3 probes each 8 seconds, if the connection was idle
- # for a 30 seconds. Consider it dead, if there was no responces
- # during the check time frame, i.e. 30+3*8=54 seconds overall.
- # (note: overall check time frame should be lower then
- # nova_report_interval).
- class { 'openstack::keepalive' :
- stage => 'netconfig',
- tcpka_time => '30',
- tcpka_probes => '8',
- tcpka_intvl => '3',
- tcp_retries2 => '5',
- }
- # setting kernel reserved ports
- # defaults are 49000,35357,41055,58882
- class { 'openstack::reserved_ports':
- stage => 'netconfig',
- }
- # setting service down time and report interval
- # to 60 and 180 for Nova respectively to allow kernel
- # to kill dead connections
- # (see zendesk #1158 as well)
- $nova_report_interval = '60'
- $nova_service_down_time = '180'
- $syslog_rserver = {
- 'remote_type' => $syslog_hash['syslog_transport'],
- 'server' => $syslog_hash['syslog_server'],
- 'port' => $syslog_hash['syslog_port'],
- }
- if $syslog_hash['syslog_server'] != "" and $syslog_hash['syslog_port'] != "" and $syslog_hash['syslog_transport'] != "" {
- $rservers = [$base_syslog_rserver, $syslog_rserver]
- } else {
- $rservers = [$base_syslog_rserver]
- }
- if $use_syslog {
- class { "::openstack::logging":
- stage => 'first',
- role => 'client',
- show_timezone => true,
- # log both locally include auth, and remote
- log_remote => true,
- log_local => true,
- log_auth_local => true,
- # keep four weekly log rotations, force rotate if 300M size have exceeded
- rotation => 'weekly',
- keep => '4',
- # should be > 30M
- limitsize => '300M',
- # remote servers to send logs to
- rservers => $rservers,
- # should be true, if client is running at virtual node
- virtual => str2bool($::is_virtual),
- # Rabbit doesn't support syslog directly
- rabbit_log_level => 'NOTICE',
- debug => $debug,
- }
- }
- class { 'osnailyfacter::atop':
- stage => 'first',
- }
- #case $role {
- # /controller/: { $hostgroup = 'controller' }
- # /swift-proxy/: { $hostgroup = 'swift-proxy' }
- # /storage/:{ $hostgroup = 'swift-storage' }
- # /compute/: { $hostgroup = 'compute' }
- # /cinder/: { $hostgroup = 'cinder' }
- # default: { $hostgroup = 'generic' }
- #}
- # if $nagios != 'false' {
- # class {'nagios':
- # proj_name => $proj_name,
- # services => [
- # 'host-alive','nova-novncproxy','keystone', 'nova-scheduler',
- # 'nova-consoleauth', 'nova-cert', 'haproxy', 'nova-api', 'glance-api',
- # 'glance-registry','horizon', 'rabbitmq', 'mysql',
- # ],
- # whitelist => ['', $nagios_master],
- # hostgroup => $hostgroup ,
- # }
- # }
- # Workaround for fuel bug with firewall
- firewall {'003 remote rabbitmq ':
- sport => [ 4369, 5672, 15672, 41055, 55672, 61613 ],
- source => $::fuel_settings['master_ip'],
- proto => 'tcp',
- action => 'accept',
- require => Class['openstack::firewall'],
- }
- firewall {'004 remote puppet ':
- sport => [ 8140 ],
- source => $master_ip,
- proto => 'tcp',
- action => 'accept',
- require => Class['openstack::firewall'],
- }
- class { 'puppet::pull' :
- modules_source => $::fuel_settings['puppet_modules_source'],
- manifests_source => $::fuel_settings['puppet_manifests_source'],
- }
-node default {
- case $::fuel_settings['deployment_mode'] {
- "singlenode": {
- include "osnailyfacter::cluster_simple"
- class {'os_common':}
- }
- "multinode": {
- include "osnailyfacter::cluster_simple"
- class {'os_common':}
- }
- /^(ha|ha_compact)$/: {
- include "osnailyfacter::cluster_ha"
- class {'os_common':}
- }
- "rpmcache": { include osnailyfacter::rpmcache }
- }