path: root/fuel/prototypes/auto-deploy/deploy/dha-adapters/
diff options
authorStefan K. Berg <>2015-05-12 14:15:01 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <gerrit@>2015-05-12 14:15:01 +0000
commitb9bbe514232c99f203df46873b2d290cbd4196c6 (patch)
treeddf4c52e264b0f5f0ed31f70ec192aab58ce5634 /fuel/prototypes/auto-deploy/deploy/dha-adapters/
parent2c8b1277c862a4794bbe783541ab0716444dd456 (diff)
parent129ffe434c010508f26416983835e80dec0cc1d8 (diff)
Merge "Corrected directory name"
Diffstat (limited to 'fuel/prototypes/auto-deploy/deploy/dha-adapters/')
1 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fuel/prototypes/auto-deploy/deploy/dha-adapters/ b/fuel/prototypes/auto-deploy/deploy/dha-adapters/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00a621d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/prototypes/auto-deploy/deploy/dha-adapters/
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# Internal functions BEGIN
+ local rc
+ local cmd
+ rc=$1
+ shift
+ echo "$@" >&2
+ echo "Exit with code $rc" >&2
+ exit $rc
+ $@
+ rc=$?
+ if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
+ dha_f_err $rc "running $@" >&2
+ exit $rc
+ fi
+ local nodeId
+ local ipmiIp
+ local ipmiUser
+ local ipmiPass
+ nodeId=$1
+ shift
+ ipmiIp=$($DHAPARSE $DHAFILE getNodeProperty $nodeId ipmiIp)
+ ipmiUser=$($DHAPARSE $DHAFILE getNodeProperty $nodeId ipmiUser)
+ ipmiPass=$($DHAPARSE $DHAFILE getNodeProperty $nodeId ipmiPass)
+ test -n "$ipmiIp" || error_exit "Could not get IPMI IP"
+ test -n "$ipmiUser" || error_exit "Could not get IPMI username"
+ test -n "$ipmiPass" || error_exit "Could not get IPMI password"
+ ipmitool -I lanplus -A password -H $ipmiIp -U $ipmiUser -P $ipmiPass \
+ $@
+# Internal functions END
+# API: Get the DHA API version supported by this adapter
+dha_getApiVersion ()
+ echo "1.0"
+# API: Get the name of this adapter
+dha_getAdapterName ()
+ echo "ipmi"
+# API: ### Node identity functions ###
+# API: Node numbering is sequential.
+# API: Get a list of all defined node ids, sorted in ascending order
+ dha_f_run $DHAPARSE $DHAFILE getNodes | sort -n
+# API: Get ID for Fuel node ID
+ for node in `dha_getAllNodeIds`
+ do
+ if [ -n "`dha_f_run $DHAPARSE $DHAFILE getNodeProperty $node isFuel`" ]
+ then
+ echo $node
+ fi
+ done
+# API: Get node property
+# API: Argument 1: node id
+# API: Argument 2: Property
+ dha_f_run $DHAPARSE $DHAFILE getNodeProperty $1 $2
+# API: Get MAC address for the PXE interface of this node. If not
+# API: defined, an empty string will be returned.
+# API: Argument 1: Node id
+ dha_getNodeProperty $1 pxeMac
+### Node operation functions ###
+# API: Use custom installation method for Fuel master?
+# API: Returns 0 if true, 1 if false
+ $DHAPARSE $DHAFILE get fuelCustomInstall | grep -qi true
+ rc=$?
+ return $rc
+# API: Fuel custom installation method
+# API: Leaving the Fuel master powered on and booting from ISO at exit
+# API: Argument 1: Full path to ISO file to install
+ if [ ! -e $1 ]; then
+ error_exit "Could not access ISO file $1"
+ fi
+ dha_useFuelCustomInstall || dha_f_err 1 "dha_fuelCustomInstall not supported"
+ fuelIp=`dea getFuelIp` || error_exit "Could not get fuel IP"
+ fuelNodeId=`dha getFuelNodeId` || error_exit "Could not get fuel node id"
+ virtName=`$DHAPARSE $DHAFILE getNodeProperty $fuelNodeId libvirtName`
+ # Power off the node
+ virsh destroy $virtName
+ sleep 5
+ # Zero the MBR
+ fueldisk=`virsh dumpxml $virtName | \
+ grep "<source file" | grep raw | sed "s/.*'\(.*\)'.*/\1/"`
+ disksize=`ls -l $fueldisk | awk '{ print $5 }'`
+ rm -f $fueldisk
+ fallocate -l $disksize $fueldisk
+ # Set the boot order
+ for order in disk iso
+ do
+ if [ "$order" == "pxe" ]; then
+ bootline+="<boot dev='network'\/>\n"
+ elif [ "$order" == "disk" ]; then
+ bootline+="<boot dev='hd'/\>\n"
+ elif [ "$order" == "iso" ]; then
+ bootline+="<boot dev='cdrom'/\>\n"
+ else
+ error_exit "Unknown boot type: $order"
+ fi
+ done
+ virsh dumpxml $virtName | grep -v "<boot dev.*>" | \
+ sed "/<\/os>/i\
+ ${bootline}" > $tmpdir/vm.xml || error_exit "Could not set bootorder"
+ virsh define $tmpdir/vm.xml || error_exit "Could not set bootorder"
+ # Get name of CD device
+ cdDev=`virsh domblklist $virtName | tail -n +3 | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep ^hd`
+ # Eject and insert ISO
+ virsh change-media $virtName --config --eject $cdDev
+ sleep 5
+ virsh change-media $virtName --config --insert $cdDev $1 || error_exit "Could not insert CD $1"
+ sleep 5
+ virsh start $virtName || error_exit "Could not start $virtName"
+ sleep 5
+ # wait for node up
+ echo "Waiting for Fuel master to accept SSH"
+ while true
+ do
+ ssh root@${fuelIp} date 2>/dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep 10
+ done
+ # Wait until fuelmenu is up
+ echo "Waiting for fuelmenu to come up"
+ menuPid=""
+ while [ -z "$menuPid" ]
+ do
+ menuPid=`ssh root@${fuelIp} "ps -ef" 2>&1 | grep fuelmenu | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ sleep 10
+ done
+ # This is where we inject our own astute.yaml settings
+ scp -q $deafile root@${fuelIp}:. || error_exit "Could not copy DEA file to Fuel"
+ echo "Uploading build tools to Fuel server"
+ ssh root@${fuelIp} rm -rf tools || error_exit "Error cleaning old tools structure"
+ scp -qrp $topdir/tools root@${fuelIp}:. || error_exit "Error copying tools"
+ echo "Running transplant #0"
+ ssh root@${fuelIp} "cd tools; ./ ../`basename $deafile`" \
+ || error_exit "Error running transplant sequence #0"
+ # Let the Fuel deployment continue
+ echo "Found menu as PID $menuPid, now killing it"
+ ssh root@${fuelIp} "kill $menuPid" 2>/dev/null
+ # Wait until installation complete
+ echo "Waiting for bootstrap of Fuel node to complete"
+ while true
+ do
+ ssh root@${fuelIp} "ps -ef" 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep -q /usr/local/sbin/bootstrap_admin_node
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep 10
+ done
+ echo "Waiting for one minute for Fuel to stabilize"
+ sleep 1m
+# API: Get power on strategy from DHA
+# API: Returns one of two values:
+# API: all: Power on all nodes simultaneously
+# API: sequence: Power on node by node, wait for Fuel detection
+ local strategy
+ strategy=`$DHAPARSE $DHAFILE get powerOnStrategy`
+ if [ "$strategy" == "all" ]; then
+ echo $strategy
+ elif
+ [ "$strategy" == "sequence" ]; then
+ echo $strategy
+ else
+ dha_f_err 1 "Could not parse strategy from DHA, got $strategy"
+ fi
+# API: Power on node
+# API: Argument 1: node id
+ local nodeId
+ nodeId=$1
+ state=$(dha_f_ipmi $1 chassis power status) || error_exit "Could not get IPMI power status"
+ echo "state $state"
+ if [ "$(echo $state | sed 's/.* //')" == "off" ]; then
+ dha_f_ipmi $1 chassis power on
+ fi
+# API: Power off node
+# API: Argument 1: node id
+ local nodeId
+ nodeId=$1
+ state=$(dha_f_ipmi $1 chassis power status) || error_exit "Could not get IPMI power status"
+ echo "state $state"
+ if [ "$(echo $state | sed 's/.* //')" != "off" ]; then
+ dha_f_ipmi $1 chassis power off
+ fi
+# API: Reset node
+# API: Argument 1: node id
+ local nodeId
+ nodeId=$1
+ state=$(dha_f_ipmi $1 chassis power reset) || error_exit "Could not get IPMI power status"
+ echo "state $state"
+ if [ "$(echo $state | sed 's/.* //')" != "off" ]; then
+ dha_f_ipmi $1 chassis power reset
+ fi
+# Boot order and ISO boot file
+# API: Is the node able to commit boot order without power toggle?
+# API: Argument 1: node id
+# API: Returns 0 if true, 1 if false
+ return $true
+# API: Set node boot order
+# API: Argument 1: node id
+# API: Argument 2: Space separated line of boot order - boot ids are "pxe", "disk" and "iso"
+# Strategy for IPMI: Always set boot order to persistent except in the case of CDROM.
+ local id
+ local order
+ id=$1
+ shift
+ order=$1
+ if [ "$order" == "pxe" ]; then
+ dha_f_ipmi $id chassis bootdev pxe options=persistent || error_exit "Could not get IPMI power status"
+ elif [ "$order" == "iso" ]; then
+ dha_f_ipmi $id chassis bootdev cdrom || error_exit "Could not get IPMI power status"
+ elif [ "$order" == "disk" ]; then
+ dha_f_ipmi $id chassis bootdev disk options=persistent || error_exit "Could not get IPMI power status"
+ else
+ error_exit "Unknown boot type: $order"
+ fi
+# API: Is the node able to operate on ISO media?
+# API: Argument 1: node id
+# API: Returns 0 if true, 1 if false
+ return $false
+# API: Is the node able to insert add eject ISO files without power toggle?
+# API: Argument 1: node id
+# API: Returns 0 if true, 1 if false
+ return $false
+# API: Insert ISO into virtualDVD
+# API: Argument 1: node id
+# API: Argument 2: iso file
+ error_exit "Node can not handle InsertIso"
+# API: Eject ISO from virtual DVD
+# API: Argument 1: node id
+ error_exit "Node can not handle InsertIso"
+# API: Wait until a suitable time to change the boot order to
+# API: "disk iso" when ISO has been booted. Can't be too long, nor
+# API: too short...
+# API: We should make a smart trigger for this somehow...
+ echo "waitForIsoBoot: Not used by ipmi"
+# API: Is the node able to reset its MBR?
+# API: Returns 0 if true, 1 if false
+ return $false
+# API: Reset the node's MBR
+ error_exit "Node $1 does not support ZeroMBR"
+# API: Entry point for dha functions
+# API: Typically do not call "dha_node_zeroMBR" but "dha node_ZeroMBR"
+# API:
+# API: Before calling dha, the adapter file must gave been sourced with
+# API: the DHA file name as argument
+ if [ -z "$DHAFILE" ]; then
+ error_exit "dha_setup has not been run"
+ fi
+ if type dha_$1 &>/dev/null; then
+ cmd=$1
+ shift
+ dha_$cmd $@
+ return $?
+ else
+ error_exit "No such function dha_$1 defined"
+ fi
+if [ "$1" == "api" ]; then
+ egrep "^# API: |dha.*\(\)" $0 | sed 's/^# API: /# /' | grep -v dha_f_ | sed 's/)$/)\n/'
+ dhatopdir=$(dirname $(readlink -f $BASH_SOURCE))
+ DHAPARSE="$dhatopdir/"
+ if [ ! -f $DHAFILE ]; then
+ error_exit "No such DHA file: $DHAFILE"
+ else
+ echo "Adapter init"
+ echo "$@"
+ fi