path: root/tests/ci/yardstick-verify
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/ci/yardstick-verify')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374
OPNFV FUNCTEST configuration/installation guide

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2



This document describes how to install and configure Functest in OPNFV.


The installation of the OPNFV solution is out of scope of this document but can be found in XXX.
In the rest of the document the OPNFV solution would be considered as the System Under Test (SUT).

Several prerequisites are needed for functest:
 1) docker must be installed on the Jumphost
 2) a connectivity from the jumphost to the SUT management network is needed
 3) an external network must be configured

Docker installation

.. _Ubuntu: https://docs.docker.com/installation/ubuntulinux/
.. _RHEL: https://docs.docker.com/installation/rhel/

Log on your jumphost then install docker (e.g. for Ubuntu)::

 curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh

Add your user to docker group to be able to run commands without sudo::

 sudo usermod -aG docker <your_user>

  * Ubuntu_
  * RHEL_

Connectivy to OPNFV management network

Some of the Functest tools need to have access to the OpenStack management network of the controllers `[1]`_.

For this reason and besides the public network, you need to configure an interface on the management network as well in your jumphost (or wherever you want to deploy the Functest docker to run the tests).


 The OPNFV Fuel installation uses VLAN tagged 300 and subnet as Openstack Management network.
 Supposing that eth1 is the physical interface with access to that subnet:
 $ ip link add name eth1.300 link eth1 type vlan id 300
 $ ip link set eth1.300 up
 $ ip addr add dev eth1.300

External network on SUT

Some of the tests on VIM need an external network. You may perform functest without an external network but some of the tests will fail.
A default floating ip pool must be configured in nova.conf.

High level architecture

The high level architecture of Functest within OPNFV can be described as follow::

 CIMC/Lights+out management                         Admin     Private   Public   Storage
 +                                                     +     IP_PRIV/24    |        |
 |                                                     |         +         +        |
 |                                                     |         |    IP_PUB/24     |
 |     +--------------------------+                    |         |         +        |
 |     |                          |                    |         |         |        |
 +-----+       Jumphost           |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |                          +--------------------+         |         |        |
 |     |                          |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   +------------------+   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   |                  |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   | Tools            |   +------------------------------+         |        |
 |     |   | - Rally          |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   | - Robot          |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   | - TestON         |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   |                  |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   | Testcases        |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   | - VIM            |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   |  -- vPing        |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   |  -- Tempest      |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   |  -- Rally        |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   | - Controller     |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   |  -- odl          |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   |  -- onos         |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   |  -- opencontrail |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   |                  |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   | Features         |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   | - vIMS           |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   |                  |   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |   +------------------+   |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |                          +----------------------------------------+        |
 |     |    Functest Docker       |                    |         |         |        |
 |     |                          +-------------------------------------------------+
 |     |                          |                    |         |         |        |
 |     +--------------------------+                    |         |         |        |
 |                                                     |         |         |        |
 |    +----------------+                               |         |         |        |
 |    |             1  |                               |         |         |        |
 +----+ +--------------+-+                             |         |         |        |
 |    | |             2  |                             |         |         |        |
 |    | | +--------------+-+                           |         |         |        |
 |    | | |             3  |                           |         |         |        |
 |    | | | +--------------+-+                         |         |         |        |
 |    | | | |             4  |                         |         |         |        |
 |    +-+ | | +--------------+-+                       |         |         |        |
 |      | | | |             5  +-----------------------+         |         |        |
 |      +-+ | |  nodes for     |                       |         |         |        |
 |        | | |  deploying     +---------------------------------+         |        |
 |        +-+ |  opnfv         |                       |         |         |        |
 |          | |     SUT        +-------------------------------------------+        |
 |          +-+                |                       |         |         |        |
 |            |                +----------------------------------------------------+
 |            +----------------+                       |         |         |        |
 |                                                     |         |         |        |
 |                                                     +         +         +        +

All the components needed by Functest are in the docker file.
Thanks to docker, there is no more library issues.

This docker file will:
  * prepare the environment for functional testing
  * retrieve SUT credentials
  * perform the tests
  * push the results into the OPNFV test result database

This docker file can be integrated into CI or deployed independantly of the CI.
A description of the Brahmaputra testcases can be retrieved in the Functest user guide `[2]`_

Please note that the Functest container has been designed for OPNFV, however, it would be possible to adapt it to any VIM+controller environment as most of the testcases are upstream testcases.

Manual Installation

Pull the Functest Docker image from the hub::

 $ docker pull opnfv/functest

Check that the image is available::

 $ docker images

Run the docker container giving the environment variables
 - INSTALLER_TYPE. Possible values are "apex", "compass", "fuel", "joid" or "foreman" (Arno).
 - INSTALLER_IP. each installer has its installation strategy. Functest may need to know the IP of the installer to retrieve the credentials (e.g. usually "" for fuel, not neede for joid, "" foreman...)

The minimum command to create the Functest docker file can be described as follow::

 docker run -it -e "INSTALLER_IP=" -e "INSTALLER_TYPE=fuel" opnfv/functest:latest_stable /bin/bash

Optionnaly, it is possible to precise the container name through the option --name::

 docker run --name "CONTAINER_NAME" -it -e "INSTALLER_IP=" -e "INSTALLER_TYPE=fuel" opnfv/functest:latest_stable /bin/bash

It is also possible to to indicate the path of the OpenStack creds using -v::

 docker run  -it -e "INSTALLER_IP=" -e "INSTALLER_TYPE=fuel" -v <path_to_your_local_creds_file>:/home/opnfv/functest/conf/openstack.creds opnfv/functest:latest_stable /bin/bash

Your local file will be paste within the container under /home/opnfv/functest/conf/openstack.creds and used by the different test suites.

Once run you shall be inside the docker container and ready to run Functest.

Inside the container, you must have the following arborescence::

  `-- home
      `-- opnfv
        |-- functest
        |   |-- conf
        |   |-- data
        |   `-- results
        `-- repos
            |-- bgpvpn
            |-- functest
            |-- odl_integration
            |-- rally
            |-- releng
            `-- vims-test

Basically the container includes:

  * Functest directory to store the configuration (the OpenStack creds are paste in /home/opngb/functest/conf), the data (images neede for test for offline testing), results (some temporary artifacts may be stored here)
  * Repositories: the functest repository will be used to prepare the environement, run the tests. Other repositories are used for the installation of the tooling (e.g. rally) and/or the retrieval of feature projects scenarios (e.g. bgpvpn)

The arborescence under the functest repo can be described as follow::

    |-- INFO
    |-- LICENSE
    |-- commons
    |   |-- ims
    |   |-- mobile
    |   `-- traffic-profile-guidelines.rst
    |-- docker
    |   |-- Dockerfile
    |   |-- common.sh
    |   |-- prepare_env.sh
    |   |-- requirements.pip
    |   `-- run_tests.sh
    |-- docs
    |   |-- configguide
    |   |-- functest.rst
    |   |-- images
    |   `-- userguide
    `-- testcases
        |-- Controllers
        |-- VIM
        |-- __init__.py
        |-- config_functest.py
        |-- config_functest.yaml
        |-- functest_utils.py
        |-- functest_utils.pyc
        |-- vIMS
        `-- vPing

We may distinguish 4 different folders:

  * commons: it is a folder dedicated to store traffic profile or any test inputs that could be reused by any test project
  * docker: this folder includes the scripts that will be used to setup the environment and run the tests
  * docs: this folder includes the user and installation/configuration guide
  * testcases: this folder includes the scripts required by Functest internal test cases

Firstly run the script to install functest environment::

 $ ${repos_dir}/functest/docker/prepare_env.sh

NOTE: ${repos_dir} is a default environment variable inside the docker container, which points to /home/opnfv/repos

Run the script to start the tests::

 $ ${repos_dir}/functest/docker/run_tests.sh

NOTE: This will run ALL the tests by default, see `[2]`_ for details

Focus on the OpenStack credentials

The OpenStack creds are needed to test the VIM. They can be retrieved in several ways:
  * using the -v option when creating
  * sourcing them manually once connected on the docker, once log perform a source <openstack_creds>
  * automatically retrieved via a script (CI)

If not source you will get an error during the test environnement preparation.

Additional Options

In case you need to provide different configuration parameters to Functest (e.g. commit IDs or branches for the repositories, …) copy the config_functest.yaml from the repository to your current directory and run docker with a volume::

 $ wget https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/plain/testcases/config_functest.yaml
 $ cmd1 = "/home/opnfv/repos/functest/docker/prepare_env.sh"
 $ cmd2 = "/home/opnfv/repos/functest/docker/run_tests.sh"
 $ docker run -t -e "INSTALLER_TYPE=fuel" -e "INSTALLER_IP=" opnfv/functest \
   -v $(pwd)/config_functest.yaml:/home/opnfv/functest/conf/config_functest.yaml \
   "${cmd1} && ${cmd2}"

Integration in CI
In CI we use the docker file and execute commande within the container from Jenkins.

Docker creation in set-functest-env builder `[3]`_::

    docker pull opnfv/functest:latest_stable
    cmd="docker run -id -e $envs ${labconfig} ${sshkey} ${res_volume} opnfv/functest:latest_stable /bin/bash"
    echo "Functest: Running docker run command: ${cmd}"
    docker ps -a
    sleep 5
    container_id=$(docker ps | grep 'opnfv/functest:latest_stable' | awk '{print $1}' | head -1)
    echo "Container ID=${container_id}"
    if [ -z ${container_id} ]; then
        echo "Cannot find opnfv/functest container ID ${container_id}. Please check if it is existing."
        docker ps -a
        exit 1
    echo "Starting the container: docker start ${container_id}"
    docker start ${container_id}
    sleep 5
    docker ps
    if [ $(docker ps | grep 'opnfv/functest:latest_stable' | wc -l) == 0 ]; then
        echo "The container opnfv/functest with ID=${container_id} has not been properly started. Exiting..."
        exit 1
    echo "Executing command inside the docker: ${cmd}"
    docker exec ${container_id} ${cmd}

Test execution in functest-all builder `[3]`_::

  echo "Functest: run $FUNCTEST_SUITE_NAME"
  cmd="${FUNCTEST_REPO_DIR}/docker/run_tests.sh --test $FUNCTEST_SUITE_NAME ${flag}"
  container_id=$(docker ps -a | grep opnfv/functest | awk '{print $1}' | head -1)
  docker exec $container_id $cmd

Docker clean in functest-cleanup builder `[3]`_::

    echo "Cleaning up docker containers/images..."
    # Remove previous running containers if exist
    if [[ ! -z $(docker ps -a | grep opnfv/functest) ]]; then
    echo "Removing existing opnfv/functest containers..."
    docker ps | grep opnfv/functest | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker stop
    docker ps -a | grep opnfv/functest | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm

    # Remove existing images if exist
    if [[ ! -z $(docker images | grep opnfv/functest) ]]; then
    echo "Docker images to remove:"
    docker images | head -1 && docker images | grep opnfv/functest
    image_tags=($(docker images | grep opnfv/functest | awk '{print $2}'))
    for tag in "${image_tags[@]}"; do
        echo "Removing docker image opnfv/functest:$tag..."
        docker rmi opnfv/functest:$tag


Everything is preconfigured in the docker file. So except the credentials, there is no specific configuration needed. it is possible to customize the list of tests, see `[2]` for details.


.. _`[1]`: https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/68144/keystone-unable-to-use-the-public-endpoint/
.. _`[2]`: url functest user guide
.. _`[3]`: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/releng/tree/jjb/functest/functest-ci-jobs.yml

OPNFV main site: opnfvmain_.

OPNFV functional test page: opnfvfunctest_.

IRC support chan: #opnfv-testperf

.. _opnfvmain: http://www.opnfv.org
.. _opnfvfunctest: https://wiki.opnfv.org/opnfv_functional_testing
.. _`OpenRC`: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/common/cli_set_environment_variables_using_openstack_rc.html
.. _`Rally installation procedure`: https://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorial/step_0_installation.html
.. _`config_test.py` : https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/tree/testcases/config_functest.py
.. _`config_functest.yaml` : https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/tree/testcases/config_functest.yaml