# Copyright (c) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.
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schema: "yardstick:task:0.1"
description: >
Yardstick TC084 config file;
Measure CPU performance using SPEC CPU2006 in Virtual machines;
{% set provider = provider or none %}
{% set physical_network = physical_network or 'physnet1' %}
{% set segmentation_id = segmentation_id or none %}
{% set benchmark = benchmark or 'int' %}
{% set runspec_iterations = runspec_iterations or 1 %}
{% set runspec_tune = run<!doctype html>
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<h1>Conversation with the Testing Community</h1>
<h4>OPNFV testing community</h4>
<h5>OPNFV Design Summit, 20/6/2016, Berlin</h5>
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>“You make experiments and I make theories. Do you know the difference? A theory is something nobody believes, except the person who made it. An experiment is something everybody believes, except the person who made it." A.Einstein
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# Agenda
* Who are we?
* Upstream, Upstream, Upstream
* Towards Telco Cloud KPI
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# Who are we?

This is a representation...not a governance!
<h3>The test projects</h3>
<th>Test case</th>
<td>Umbrella project for Functional testing</td>
<td>Umbrella project for performance/qualification testing</td>
<td>SDN controller performance testing</td>
<td>Storage performance testing</td>
<td>VSwitch qualification</td>
<td>Detect possible bottlenecks</td>
<td>Benchmark to boost performance</td>
<section data-markdown>
# Functest
* Functional testing to validate scenarios
* Contributors (raise your hands)
* Functest presentation (here...1h ago :))
* breakout sessions
* Today 3.10PM-3.40PM (vIMS evolution) 4PM (feature project integration), 5PM (Colorado status)
* tomorrow 11AM (API, test collection), 1PM (work Upstream), 3.15PM (D Release)(to be confirmed...)
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# Yardstick
* Performance testing framework and NFVI Validation
* [Contributors](https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/yardstick/People)
* Yardstick presentation
* How to Do a Pre-deployment NFVI Validation Quickly and Efficiently? Wednesday, June 22, 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
* Yardstick: A Pre-deployment NFVI Validation Tool. Thursday, June 23, 3:10 PM - 3:30 PM
* breakout sessions
* Tomorrow 2PM (Yardstick in C)
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# CPerf
* SDN Controller Performance Testing
* Upstream test experts + standards/metrics experts
* Goal: Cross-controller perf tests in CI against realistic deployments
<section data-markdown>
# StorPerf
* Cinder Volume Performance Testing
* Based on SNIA's SSD Test Specification
* Presentation
* StorPerf: Cinder Storage Performance Measurement.
Wednesday, June 22, 3:40 PM - 3:55 PM
* Breakout Session
* Tomorrow 10:15 (StorPerf Test Results Working Session)
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# VSPerf
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# Bottlenecks
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## OPNFV Platform Benchmark
- Bottom up
- testing baremetal components first
- More than result
- comparing against reference
- Setup-Test-Diagnose-Improve
- a closed loop to boost platform performance
## Breakout session
- 14:30~15:45, June 21st/Tuesday
- Room Tegel
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# Upstream, upstream, upstream..
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## We are on the shoulders of the giants
* Rally (OpenStack)
* ODL, ONOS, ...
* RobotFramework, Teston
* .....
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## Time to give back
### How to improve work with testing upstream community
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# Towards Telco Cloud KPI?
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# Testing group goals
* Define common needs (naming, rules, tools...)
* Unify result collection, reporting, dashboarding, documentation
* Share best practice: docker, CLI, ..
* Identify testing domains
* Encourage testing in poorly covered areas
<section data-markdown>
# The ultimate goal: define Telco Cloud KPIs
* Provide methodology and test suites to qualify a Telco Cloud
* Provide reference benchs for plugfest/third party integration: compare apple with apple
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# Thank you
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